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Zt HORSE ITAL a OT WA : 61568 128571 is Seer NI G H JOHN vackSON I aa OF THE OLD MICHAEL ATIYEH MICHAEL HEISLER covenant “TURNABOUT” BRIAN CHING MICHAEL ATIYEH When members of the Covenant, a renegade group of Jedi, foresaw that one of their students could bring ruin to the galaxy, they acted to forestall that fate— by murdering them. Only Padawan Zayne Carrick escaped, and his survival has sorely tested them. a@Ge Now, only three of Zayne’s tormentors remain, in- cluding his former master Lucien and the seer Xamar. Wrongly believing Zayne to be under the influence of (28,000-1,000 YEARS a Sith artifact, Lucien uses his position on the Jedi THE OLD REPUBLIC Council to set up a dragnet for Zayne and all the Cov- The Old Republic was the legendar y vege enant’s enemies. government that united a galaxy under the rule of the Senate. In this era, the Jedi are numerous, But Zayne has plans of his own—and allies, won and serve as guardians of peace seijade Thetaecatine ea uring his flight as a fugitive. Armed with evidence comics series takes place in this fan unauthorized Covenant cache of Sith artifacts, era, chronicling the immense wars Zayne and his friends close in on Coruscant, where {fought by the Jedi of old, and the they hope justice awaits . . . ‘ancient Sith, ‘The events in this tory take place ‘approximately 3,963 years before the Battle of Yavin. besionen KRYSTAL HENNES Assistanr colton FREDDYE LINS eorror DAVE MARSHALL PualisHer MIKE RICHARDSON SPECIAL THANKS TO ELAINE MEDERER, JANN MOORHEAD, DAVID ANDERMAN, LELAND GHEE, SUE ROSTONI, AND CAROL ROEDER Ar TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE ONLINE AT: WWW-DARKHORSE.COM/COMMUNITY/BOARDS ADVERTISING SALES! (S03) 905-2370 » comic SHOP LocaTOR SERVICE: (BBE) 266-4226 ‘STAR WARS: KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC #31, July 2008. Published by Dark Horse Comics, Inc 10956 SE Main Street. Milwaulkle, ‘OW 97222. Star Wars ©2008 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ". All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Text and Illustrations for Siar Wars are {©2008 Licasfilm Ltd. Dark Horse Comiesi and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse Comics, In. registered In various categories and countries. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any ‘means, without the express written permission of Dark Horse Comics, Ine. Names, characters, places, and incidents featured ln this pub- lication either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitioushy. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), institutions, or locales, without satiric Intent, is coincidental. PRINTED IN CANADA yl AE ea : el a , = i iN bi | or ae 3 Iz JEDI cond Seagate J ESPECIALLY WHEN ede MANDiEs Ate REcLNe. MATEVER HAPPENED AT PEBBLE, THEY'RE ACTUALLY \ STARTING 7 FLEE ENGAGEMENTS! BUT 1 RESPECT FIREPOWER, AND ANNONE Who CAN ORE THE INSPECTION OF ALL \ TRAFFIC TS « popischt, NEW SENSOR THE ONLY WAY ‘TO START MY. wis ME LIFE Oven is WITH omy SoMerring 1 be Pe INS ‘COMPANY, SLYSEKP THIS LINE! Y! THEY. CLEAR ONE FIRING oT == AND THEY'RE IN ANOTHER! 4 lea ho ae br Xie wage SaaS a & S SS peat Os Nes “ae i ee. oe ao) YOU vOURE, | ADASCAS SHE) voore ) Mle Ri tor & oe YOUNG LADY! em Cog ~ 2 cd A SLEEPING DROID, =-BUT THE SHIP'S A MAZE. THERE'S A LOT OF PLACES. TO HIDE. re: VINDICATION ! Bea? 3S — Se> aaa OTE REPUBLI A small aside before we get to your letters. Everyone say “Hi” ‘and “Congrats” to Dave Marshall; he's been around for a while—itstrue!—but this is his debut issue of KotOR as ed: tor! Check out that inside cover eredits page . Tye been a fan of Star Wars comics since the Clone Wars graphic novels, but this is my first time wri ing. read Dark Times, KotOR, and Legacy now, and couldn’t be happier with the amazing stories and artwork done for each series. You guys rock! My question: is Zayne Carrick somehow related to Skywalkers? After all, the other characters on the first “Vector” cover are all Skywalkers. Maybe Zayne’s Jedi lineage lay dormant for all that 1 gaining strength until Anakin was born, This would also explain why the Covenant wants to kill him! Ym still hoping that Zayne will get a happy ending, despite everyone thinking he'll turn into Nihilus or Sion or some other Sith Lord. My second question will Kreia or any of the other characters from KotOR 1 make any appearances? Brendan Shusterman Nope. Zayne is mot related to the Skywalkers. Sorry to burst your wish bubble for that Kind of continuity! We don't cur- rently have plans for Kreia to pop up in the series—that doesn’t ‘mean never, just not now. Let me start out by saying am new to comic books and found that KofOR has been a great way to start read- ing them. The only thing I can ask for is more Revan please! He is the best Jedi/Sith of all time. PS, Loved the Mandee-Rakghouls in “Vector.” Donny Fox Long Beach, California ‘Short and sweet is sometimes the best way to go; thanks, Don- ny! We're delighted to hear that KotOR eased you into com- ics, I can’t say whether your desire for more of Revan will be satisfied —but do stick around to find out! I have enjoyed the Knights of the Old Republic series since I played KotOR 11: The Sith Lords. The storyline is awesome. I like how you guys have introduced some of the game characters in the comic like Mission Vao and Alek Squinquargesimus (who will become Darth Malak). I hope we get to see other characters from the game soon. Also, “Vector” is great. I like the crossing over of a story arc. Keep up the great work. Charles Phares Well—that’s three letters in a row asking about more char- acters from the Knights of the Old Republic games! 1 guess we know what many of you fans are looking to see 1 hate to be the annoying grown-up, but everyone will just ave to wait! DARK HORSE comics 10956 SE Man St. MILWAUKIE, OR 97Z2Z STARWARS@DARKHORSE.COM DARKHORSE.COM/BOARDS/INDEX.PHP When I first finished the Knights of the Old Republic por- tion of “Vector” I felt that it didn’t change much of what was going on in our main character's storyline, but after thinking about it, this has set Zayne on a straight course for the remaining Covenant members, given him the name and familial connections of the leader of the Covenant, and even sent him on his way with a key of sorts. What direction was he going to go in before that? ‘The thing that has me wondering the most about “Vec- tor” right now is, how will Celeste get from Dark Times to Rebellion? Let’s say she fights Vader. If Vader wins, he'll Kill her, but we've seen the cover of a future Re- bellion issue with her blade crossed with Luke's. What does she do? Fight Vader, and’then hop back into the box? Does Vader just pack her back in for safekeeping? Does she live out the next twenty years in real time? I can't wait to find out. ‘Matthew Rooney {.you continue to follow “Vector’—and 1 know you will, Mat thew—in a couple of weeks you'll know how Celeste reaches the Rebellion era—if she really makes it. Maybe we should stop reviewing all those hint-giving covers . Upcoming this August, the showdown for which you've all been waiting: Zayne vs. Lucien and the Covenant? Freddye Lins ‘assistant editor MADE & BROUGHT TO YOU BY SKOTINKA

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