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Basically, it's a bit fucked up but since we're dealing with PayPal who likes to

fuck with us, I believe it is absolutely fair.

This won't unlimit your account. This is just for withdrawing your funds.

My main PayPal account got limited recently with more than 10k on it. Everywhere I
searched, people were saying "It's impossible, you have to wait, there's on other
way". I didn't accept the fact that I have to wait 180 days to withdraw those funds
and everything people were saying so I started my own voyage of discovery in order
to find a way to accomplish the task of withdrawing my funds. Being the genius that
I am, I eventually found a way. I thought, what if I play on the suicide card? I've
set-up this process:
Suicide threat -> if Successful then -> profit
-> if Indifferent then -> Send a suicide letter -> If Successful then
-> profit
-> if Indifferent then -> Contact PayPal as a family member and say that
I commited suicide and left a note to contact PayPal for them to explain what lead
to it and ask for help with the withdrawal of funds -> if Successful then -> profit
-> if Indifferent -> Threat PayPal (as the family member) on reporting
them to different agencies and media outlets (modified an e-mail template from
that's linked on this thread:
guide-account-restored-permanent-limitation-180-day-hold.html) -> if successful ->
-> if Indifferent -> I haven't thought of it further than this

For me, it worked on the "Contact PayPal as a family member and say that I commited
suicide and left a note to contact PayPal for them to explain what lead to it and
ask for help with the withdrawal of funds" step. They sent me an e-mail expressing
deepest sympathies and provided instructions on what to do to withdraw the funds.
They will ask you that the executor of the estate faxes them a death certificate
and a cover sheet which states Account Holder is deceased and includes bla bla bla.
You will have to fake that documentation and if you do it right, boom, your funds
will be eligible for withdrawal. That's how I did it.

Please do not contact me about this. You'll have to figure the documentation part
out for yourself or pay me to work that for you .


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