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Sunday Times Combined Metros 43 - 04/12/2019 05:48:41 PM - Plate:

Book Bites

Picture: Alvis Upitis/Getty Images

A Boy and His Dog at the End of the
World ★★★★★
CA Fletcher, Little, Brown, R305

If you love dogs, adventure and post-

apocalyptic fiction, this one is for you. A
Handmaid’s Tale-ian infertility has wiped
out most of humanity, and Griz and his family
are among the last humans on earth. They
live on a remote island with their dogs and
occasionally visit a nearby island to
scavenge for things they can’t make or get
from the land, like books. One day, a stranger
appears and steals Griz’s dog. Without
thinking, Griz jumps in a boat and chases the
stranger across the ocean to the big
unknown to get his dog back. This
imaginative novel is a love letter to the
things that make us human: stories and
loving our pets. Anna Stroud @annawriter_ Timothy Leary at Dieterich Pond on Hitchcock Cattle Corporation estate, where he and his followers were living in Millbrook, New York, June 1967.


Fictionalised account of lifestlye of ‘60s guru Timothy Leary is bold and inventive, like an acid trip , writes Kate Sidley

t’s a truth universally acknowledged The group tests the belief that
that the only thing more tiresome than hallucinogens can transcend the ego and
an account of someone else’s dream is sexual jealousy. Fitz is no longer even
Full Throttle ★★★★ an account of someone else’s acid trip. Outside attempting to work on his thesis. The whole
Joe Hill, Orion, R325 But if anyone can beat the odds, it’s TC Looking In undertaking becomes less scientific and
Boyle. Outside Looking In is a ★★★★ more recreational and hedonistic. Socialites
Joe Hill is Stephen King’s son and with this, fictionalised account of the TC Boyle, and musicians drop by.
his latest short-story collection, he shows hallucinogenic and lifestyle Ecco Press, Boyle likes an ambitious grand man with
that he is developing into being a force in the experiments of Timothy Leary and his R550 something of a cult following — he’s
horror genre and could one day be as good as graduate students in the early ’60s. previously written about architect Frank
his dad, maybe even better. Like his father, The story is viewed through the lens of Lloyd Wright, cornflakes king John Harvey
he mixes the mundane and the supernatural graduate student Fitzhugh Loney and his Kellogg and sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. In
and melds them into sinister, wife, Joanie. Fitz is flattered to join the inner are controversial, and he becomes Leary he has an ideal subject — messianic,
phantasmagorical stories. Included in the circle of grad students/research subjects at increasingly adrift from academia and finally countercultural, ambitious. Boyle is a great
collection are two shorts that they’ve weekly psilocybin sessions and then acid- leaves Harvard. Leary and his acolytes writer, bold and inventive and energetic. If
written together — Full Throttle and In the taking soirees at Leary’s house. Tripping hots decamp to a country mansion in Millbrook in this book doesn’t reach quite the satisfying
Long Grass. Where King is gung-ho, Hill is a up their marriage and is a welcome break upstate New York, where they experiment heights of best Boyle, it is perhaps because of
bit more restrained and his stories are also from the grind of work and child-rearing and with psychedelic, communal living and free the inevitability of the outcome. When the
more diverse. In Faun, there is a door to a making ends meet. They are pioneers at the love. Untethered from reality and trip is over, there’s the downer, or at least the
magical world in which Trump-like men hunt cutting edge of research into consciousness. responsibilities, cut off from society, they are reality — the poverty, the kid, the crumbling
mythical creatures. In Mums, a boy plants The drug is legal but Leary’s experiments living in a crazy bubble. marriage — to contend with. @KateSidley
seeds to grow several versions of his
deceased mom, and in the poignant Late
Returns, a bookmobile librarian hands novels
to sad ghosts. Jennifer Platt @Jenniferdplatt
For its victims the holocaust never ends

his holocaust tale is fraught with the the mysterious and missing protagonist.
trail of emotions built on lies. Among The revelations and narrative follow the
the most pervasive and pernicious questions put to the then Yosip Ziad, the
consequences of the holocaust has answers to which form his testament.
been the inability of survivors to share Sherwood’s writing is simple, precise,
their horror with their families. The and vivid yet she weaves a complex tale. She
chief protagonist in this book, Joseph never confuses her characters or lets one
Wayward Lives: Silk, ghosts his way through the book as his historical period bleed into another. There is
Beautiful Experiments ★★★ lies are peeled away bit by heart-rending bit. something clinical about her style — like
Saidiya Hartman, Serpent’s Tail, R450 Eva Butler, a 24-year-old student of Silk, in his distant Englishness — she
documentary filmmaking, is the displays some air between herself and her
Wayward Lives is a beautifully crafted granddaughter, and seemingly sole heir, to Testament ★★★★ subject matter.
speculative account of “ordinary black famous colour-blind British painter, Joseph Kim Sherwood, Riverrun Press, R195 There is no heartfelt warmth or love
women” in the early 20th century. Using Silk. Eva describes a loving, almost too among the characters that endures after
court records, photographs and case notes, adoring, relationship with him, as well as the museum wants his permission to add it witnessing the cataclysm that clove the 20th
Saidiya Hartman builds a narrative around that between Silk and his thoroughly British to their exhibition. Eva is surprised to find century asunder. Yet who can expect it from
unknown women who contributed to a wife, Rosemary, who predeceased him. Eva anything referring to her grandfather’s life them? Some of the survivors remain victims,
movement of change. Using pictures as a and Silk had begun making a documentary before he came to England. Her curiosity is some remember and commemorate their
cornerstone of the storyline, individual tales together of his life, wherein he cites the day piqued and she pursues this lead to meet Dr loss, and yet others become perpetrators
have been woven into deeply powerful he landed in England as his birthday, Walter in Berlin. themselves. It is difficult to share the hell
stories. Part fact, part imagination, refusing to countenance any further A dual narrative follows; Eva documents they have experienced. Eva’s journey
Wayward Lives weaves together images questions on his earlier life. her search for her history as we trace the through the book is to learn the truth and to
of courage, resistance and love within the While sorting through Silk’s documents, Ziad brothers, Yosip and Laszlo, from mourn deeply for the family she discovers
confines of socially constrictive Eva discovers a letter from a curatorial Budapest through intimations of Hungarian she has lost.
circumstances. Ultimately the book assistant preparing an exhibit of post- anti-semitism into the full onslaught of the We may never exhaust the revelations of
demonstrates how these women could holocaust multidiscipline artists at the specifically Hungarian, Serbian and Czech tragic events that continue to reverberate
have or perhaps did play an integral role in Jewish Museum in Berlin. A testament Silk experiences of the horrors of the holocaust. through our families, our cultures, our
defying boundaries, offering an alternative to made after the war has been uncovered and All these plotlines coalesce in Joseph Silk, nations. Tevia Rosmarin
history. Jessica Levitt @jesslevitt
43 LifeStyle 8•12•2019 Sunday Times

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