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Consider the scenario from Part

1-Question 1 and explain about

how each of the four
ethical theories (i.e.,
utilitarianism, deontology, virtue
and contract) can be applied to
argue that your supervisor’s
action is unethical (2.5 marks for
each explanation x 4 = 10
Answers guidelines
What is important now is that
everything studied to date is
brought into their answer for
this question to demonstrate an
understanding of the issues.
Therefore, considering part
5 to 8 students must bring in

Consider the scenario from Part

1-Question 1 and explain about
how each of the four
ethical theories (i.e.,
utilitarianism, deontology, virtue
and contract) can be applied to
argue that your supervisor’s
action is unethical (2.5 marks for
each explanation x 4 = 10
Answers guidelines
What is important now is that
everything studied to date is
brought into their answer for
this question to demonstrate an
understanding of the issues.
Therefore, considering part
5 to 8 students must bring in

UANP 6013
Semester 2020/2021-1

Case Study (Individual)

Due Date: January 22, 2021


Semester 2020/2021-1


You are a computer programmer working for a small business that provides specialized
financial services to local, mostly small businesses. You have been working for Company X
for about 6 months. Recently, X has been occupied with reengineering the inventory system
of a local hardware chain, ABC Hardware. The objective is to enable ABC to keep better
track of their inventory, to be more responsive to changes in customer demand, and to adopt
a “just in time” strategy to reduce inventory.

Your supervisor calls you into his office. “Do you know of any existing software products to
help ABC keep better track of its inventory?” You mention a particular product that you have
worked with in another job and point out that ABC could use it without any modification. The
only drawback, you point out, is that this software is somewhat expensive. Your supervisor
leans back in his chair, puffs on his cigar and says, “That’s no problem. We have the
software. Why don’t you just install it on ABC’s computers?”

You diplomatically indicate that this would violate the licensing agreement X has with the
developers of the software. “Do it anyway,” your supervisor says. “Nobody’s going to find
out, and ABC is a very important client. We need to do all we can to keep them happy.”
Answer the following questions in a report format.
1. What is going on? [3 Marks]
2. What are the facts? [3 Marks]
3. What are the issues (non-ethical)? [3 Marks]
4. Who is affected? [3 Marks]
5. What are the ethical issues and implications? [3 Marks]
6. What can be done about it? [3 Marks]
7. What are the options? [3 Marks]
8. Which option is best – and why? [4 Marks]

1. Your assignment should be typed using 12-point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing.

2. You are to submit assignment only in Microsoft Word format unless specified otherwise. Please
refrain from converting text/phrases into picture format such as .gif / .jpeg / print screen / etc.

3. Submission Method:
You MUST submit a softcopy of your assignment via e-learning.

4. Your assignment must be submitted on January 22, 2021.

5. Your assignment should be prepared individually. You should not copy another person’s
assignment. You should also not plagiarise another person’s work as your own.


a. Provide a general introduction of the case study.

b. Discussion of each questions. Provide explanations and/or examples of your
c. Summarize your report.
d. The report should have at least 3000 words.

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