Day2 Notes, A River's Tale

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A River’s Tale Dated: 2/12/20 Wednesday

Question and Answers

Q1. Which part of a river water would you like to drink?

Ans. We would like to drink the river water from the place where it
begins near the mountains.
Q2. Why is sea water not drinkable?
Ans. Sea water is salty or saline, So it is not drinkable.
Q3. How does river water become dirty?
Ans. I) When people use the water for washing cloth, bathing
animals, cleaning utensils etc near the river. II) When the waste
water from the factories and cities are drained in to the river.
Q4. What happens when there is flood?
Ans. i) When there is flood there is water all around. ii) Streets,
house, fields, trees all get washed away or under water.
Q5. List some water borne diseases.
Ans. 1. Cholera 2. Dysentery 3. Typhoid.
Q6. Write five sources of water.
Ans. 1. Rain 2. River 3. Well 4. Lake 5. Tap
Q7. Name some animals live in river water.
Ans. Crab, fish, frog, tortoise, crocodile and water snake.

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