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“History followed different courses for

different peoples because of differences among
peoples' environments, not because of biological   BIG IDEA #1 HISTORY & SELF-
differences among peoples themselves.”
KNOW THIS — You are ultimately in control of your destiny.
Sure. But also, it’s important to understand the context of your
30-SECOND SUMMARY past. This will make you a more nuanced, empathetic, and
therefore interesting human being.
WHAT TO DO — Read history, biography, and memoir.
For some reason those of European descent were able to colonize Watch great movies and read ancient texts. Don’t live your life
indigenous peoples of Australia, the New World, and Africa. solely on the island of NOW. Instead, always seek to understand
Though why did things happen this way? Why not the other yourself in context to greater wholes.
way around? Or any other course of macro human interaction?
In Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond masterfully tells this
story of human history. This is a masterclass of anthropology,
geography, and geographic history at large, having sold more   BIG IDEA #2 BIG QUESTIONS &
than 3 million copies, and won the Pulitzer Prize. Professor
Diamond argues that it is due to geographical chance that certain KNOW THIS — Jared Diamond’s first trip to New Guinea was
civilizations were able to spread their empires while others were an adventurous one. Upon arrival, he quickly realized that the
unable to, or were overwhelmed by these conquerors. Namely, “primitive” New Guineans were in many ways MUCH smarter
that those cultures which spread out of The Fertile Crescent, had than he was. Though one local politician asked him, “Why do
agricultural, live-stock, and therefore leisure advantages due to you white people have so much cargo?” Meaning – material
the climate of that region. These advantages, when compounded goods. Good question. Why did European cultures spread as
over thousands of years, led to drastic differences in immunities they did?
& weaponry, ultimately leading to the supremacy of certain WHAT TO DO — Question everything. Forever attempt to
civilizations and cultures. unpack the “why” behind every “what.” It will lead you to a
more fascinating and important life.


1. When improving ourselves, it’s necessary to understand the
complexity of the context we live in: the destiny we were KNOW THIS — Ultimately, the reason certain cultures spread
given and the future we’re capable of making for ourselves. and others did not comes down to geography. In particular,
2. In Guns, Germs, & Steel we attempt to unpack larger modern civilization requires an abundance of resources. Namely,
questions of political philosophy, war, imperialism, the the right climate and local vegetation to produce an abundance
concept of “empire,” and even culture itself. of crops. Rather than spending all their time searching for food,
3. Many believe that some races, cultures, or nationalities are the people of the Fertile Crescent were able to grow and store
“superior” to others, and use an unnuanced approach to protein dense food like wheat, barley, and peas which grew
history to justify these claims. This book confronts those abundantly in the area. In the end, this allotted them more time
beliefs head on. to develop weapons of war.
KNOW THIS — In addition to agricultural advantages, the KNOW THIS — Did you know that one slave from a Spanish
fertile crescent also had an abundance of domesticable animals. ship wiped out 50% of the Aztec Empire (including its leader),
These animals had to be large enough to be calorically viable simply by introducing small pox? In fact, 95% of indigenous
for their meat and milk (read: not rats or rabbits), they had to populations were killed not from European swords or muskets,
reproduce quickly (not Elephants), and they most importantly but instead by the hands of their germs. Though that begs the
could NOT be temperamentally dangerous (tigers, bears, etc.), and question: why not the other way around? Remember what we
preferably are social pack animals (like horses, cows, pigs, goats, learned about domesticable animals? Well these domesticable
and sheep). Of the 14 species in the world that fit this description, animals are rife with deadly diseases, which their masters
13 are native to the fertile crescent. This abundance of riches eventually adopted an immunity to. So, while the Spanish, for
was further reason why the cultures that spread out of the fertile example, were immune to Incan diseases, the Incans, were not
crescent have been historically successful at empire building. immune to the Spaniard’s version.


KNOW THIS — As far as we can tell, the fertile crescent KNOW THIS — It’s much easier for ideas to spread east and
was the birthplace of language, modern cities, steel, and west versus north and south. Why? Because climates generally
modern trade. Though, why? With their abundance of food move latitudinally. This means that food or spices that stored
resources—storable food and domesticable animals—early well in southern China, were much more easily transported
peoples were given more leisure time. Rather than searching west to Europe than south to Australia, for example. Therefore,
for food—they instead began to “play in the dirt” as professor ancient trade routes mostly ran east-west. So, when the people of
Diamond explains. This led to the mastery of copper, iron, and modern China invented gunpowder, it was almost inevitable that
then steel—which led to armor, swords, war machines, modern the metal workers of the Middle East and Europe would codify
construction, and technological advancements the likes of which its power into the most powerful weapon the world had ever
the rest of the world was not accustomed to. These technological seen: the gun. Further evidence to our original point, the fact
advantages, again, were not due to a superior IQ, but rather were that Europeans had guns and the Zulus of Africa did not, was
caused by the geographic luck which allowed the fertile crescents’ not a consequence of cultural or intellectual differences, it was
descendants to have more time inventing. due to geographical happenstance.


KNOW THIS — We asked professor Diamond what his advice
KNOW THIS — Professor Diamond took on not only a
would be to modern countries who are looking to compete on a
controversial question, but a definitively BIG one as well. “Why
global scale, though haven’t been blessed with the gift of natural
did Europeans spread to New Guinea and not the other way
resources. In response he said a version of: “Spend your resources
around?” As a trained biologist, some said that he was not qualified
on health, and plan for the future.”
to even attempt to answer such a question. Yet he did anyway.
WHAT TO DO — This advice applies to us too. In your life,
WHAT TO DO — You undoubtedly have a specialization. A
no matter your original plight, no matter your birth “stars,” if
“thing you’re good at.” And that’s fine. But don’t let it define you
you focus on your physical and mental health, and work hard
too much. You’re allowed to change course, pivot your interests,
towards your goals, you’ll inevitably live a successful life.
and most importantly—you’re allowed to tackle as big of a
challenge as you want, no matter the doubters. It is not only your
  BIG IDEA #10 SELF right, but some may even say it is your duty.

KNOW THIS — We were all given different beginnings. IF NOTHING ELSE—REMEMBER THIS:
The race, in many ways, is rigged. This is true. It certainly was
for the Incas who were wiped out by the Spaniards’ unearned 1. The ancient fertile crescent had a climate which was
advantages. Such is life. But those are only the facts. More particularly advantageous (livestock and vegetation) for early
important is how you interpret them… settlers of that area, ultimately giving them more leisure
WHAT TO DO — You now have two stories to tell. One: time.
much of modern civilization is due to geographic chance. 2. This leisure time led to the advent of language, steel
Though, also two: BECAUSE of this, you now know that no weapons, guns, and the domestication of large wild animals.
one is inherently superior to you. So, it’s your choice. Either
you tell yourself the first story—that you’re a victim of fate—or 3. These technological advantages, along with immunities to
you recognize the latent power in the realization that deep down specifically dangerous diseases, ultimately led to European
inside, we’re all the same. It’s not who we are—it’s what we do. empires spreading across the modern world.

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