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Introduction to operations/supply chain management

Operations Management

Operations management is an area of business concerned with the production of goods and services, and
involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little
resource as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with
managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labour and energy) into outputs (in
the form of goods and services).

Operations traditionally refers to the production of goods and services separately, although the distinction
between these two main types of operations is increasingly difficult to make as manufacturers tend to
merge product and service offerings. More generally, operations management aims to increase the content
of value-added activities in any given process. Fundamentally, these value-adding creative activities
should be aligned with market opportunity for optimal enterprise performance.

Supply chain management (SCM) is the discipline that manages supplies and processes through all

of the stages of a project, product or business deliverable. Business material has a journey as it moves

from one state to the next until it’s ready to be delivered to the customer or stakeholder. Then there’s the

logistics of taking the finished product from one place to another. Getting through these various stages

efficiently requires control—that’s where supply chain management comes in.

Every aspect of business is managed to make the most of the resources involved and be as productive as

possible. People are managed and supplies require management as well. Whether those supplies are goods

or services, they must be accounted for and carried through from start to finish with deliberate control.

What is Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management is used to describe a number of different approaches that are used to integrate

the flow of materials, finances and information efficiently. These items are usually outsourced from any

number of places. These sources include suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers.

Items can pass through several hands until they reach the customer.
SCM then is tasked with coordinating and integrating this back and forth, within and outside the

organization. Its objective is improving service for the customer but not at the expense of the

organization, which is seeking at the same time to reduce its supply chain costs.

There are many stops along this route, but first comes the design and plan, which when executed must be

monitored as would any other project to measure its progress and control any issues that arise before they

become problems that impact the cost of the operation.

Diverse Discipline

Like anything else, SCM didn’t show up fully formed but was influenced by other disciplines. It is made

up of bits and pieces of industrial engineering, systems engineering, logistics management, operations

management, procurement, information technology and marketing.

The field is anything but static, with developments continuing to this day, including taking into

consideration issues of sustainability, as well as other ethical concerns, and incorporating risk

management. As markets globalize, supply chain management grows in complexity and reach.

The Challenge of Control

As expected, having to control and integrate all these very different parts is what makes supply chain

management a challenge. However difficult that goal might be to achieve, the rewards in customer

satisfaction and bottom-line savings are more than enough motivation to seek a cohesive whole, making

the journey from raw materials to final goods efficient for the organization and satisfying for the


The mission of any SCM methodology is to coordinate all the varied parts into a cohesive whole, from

supplying raw materials to delivering final goods or services. The goal is to reduce costs in achieving this

objective. The issue is that there are often many conflicts among supply chain partners. For example, a

sales department might want more inventory on hand, but warehouse space is limited and can’t fulfill this

Origins of Supply Chain Management

While the idea of supply chain management is certainly as old as commerce itself, the term only dates to

1982, when British logistician and consultant Keith Oliver used in in when interviewed by the Financial

Times. Supply chain management was simpler at first, only dealing with the flow and transformation of

goods and raw materials to end-users, including associated flows of information. In time it came to

include integration of supply chain activities through improved relationships to give one a competitive


Growth in the 90s

By the late 1990s, SCM was starting to show up in the titles of operational managers. It has broken from

the shadows to stand as its own discipline. With this, the definition of supply chain management

expanded to include management of upstream and downstream value-added flows of materials, final

goods and related information among everyone from suppliers to the final customer.

It also spoke to systemic, strategic coordination of traditional business functions and tactics within the

company and over its supply chain. It was at this time that SCM began to focus more directly on customer

development and their idea of what was of value. It was important to be responsive to these concerns,

which lead to the integration of key business processes in the supply chain.

The Process of Supply Chain Management

To get the most out of SCM requires looking at the big picture in terms of an organization’s management.

No longer is managing an individual company function enough. The integration of all activities involved

in the supply chain is necessary: that means integration between different departments, such as purchasing

and marketing.

Supply chain management also needs integration and collaboration between buyers and suppliers, joint

product development, common systems and shared information. While ideally there should be a
continuous back and forth of information, it is more realistic to think of this flow as a process. That

process includes the following:

 Customer-Relations Management: There must be a managed approach to interacting with the

company’s current and potential customers in order to understand what they want and expect.

 Customer-Service Management: This differs from customer-relations management in that it

focuses on the interactions between the customer and the company instead of a more strategic

management process. It helps facilitate a mutually satisfying goal for both customer and the

company, as well as eliciting customer feedback and maintaining communications between the two

parties, so there are positive feelings from both parties.

 Demand-Management Style: A methodology to forecast, plan for and manage the demand for

products and services. This can address both macro-levels, as in global economics, but also micro-

levels within the company.

 Order Fulfillment: The process that encompasses everything from point-of-sale interest to

delivery of that product or service to the customer. It is the way a company responds to customer


 Manufacturing-Flow Management: Manufacturing is a process, and supplies feed that process

based on historic data surrounding how it has been done and what was needed historically. But that

process needs flexibility as quantities change. Therefore, one must manage all activities related to

planning, scheduling and managing the manufacturing process.

 Supplier-Relationship Management: Supplies likely are coming from a third party, and those

interactions must be strategically planned for. This increases the value and reduces risk.

 Product Development and Commercialization: To reduce time to market, customers and

suppliers are integrated into product vision and the product development process. Shortening the

product life cycle keeps the company competitive. This process includes coordinating with customer

relationship management to know customer needs, selecting materials and suppliers with

procurement and developing a production technology in the flow of manufacturing to integrate the
best supply chain flow for the product and market. When successful, this has a positive impact on

cost, quality, delivery and market share.

 Returns Management: There will always be returns and the better they’re managed, the more

productive and competitive the SCM process. Management of this aspect of the SCM means fast

and easy returns management, automation and deciding how to process returned materials. Make

sure information is visible to capture early in the process. Then control the flow of product,

including receipts and reconciliation, noting if there are any quality issues.
Why is Supply Chain Management Important?

Supply chain management is a hefty task with hefty rewards. We outline a few ways that well-executed

SCM can benefit your business or project.

Keeps Businesses Competitive

The simple answer to why SCM is important to any business is that it helps them remain competitive.

Markets change, and as the marketplace becomes increasingly global, the need for better efficiency is

crucial. As management goals change, too, there is a move away from the past traditional relationships to

incorporate and organize all business processes throughout a value chain of multiple companies.

Paces with Technology

Advances in information technology and the increasing use of outsourcing has also added to the

expansion of the supply chain. This has created a need for a more collaborative network, so different

enterprises can work harmoniously together.

Creates Productive Environments

These changes in how businesses are managed have led to the development of supply chain

environments. Multinational companies, joint ventures, strategic alliances and other partnerships, as well

as technological advancements, have contributed to more cooperation among those in the supply chain

network. As supply chains become more holistic and cooperative, companies must adapt.

Proactive Strategy
But supply chain management is not merely reactive, it also helps to stimulate innovation and

productivity by assisting companies with organizational learning. The more extended a company is in

terms of its supply chain, the more adaptive it has to be. That leads to creative thinking, which results in

innovation and increased productivity.

Satisfies Customers

Customer service also benefits. Customers demand quality and they expect products to be available where

and when they want them or delivered when on time. Supply chain management will also help with sale

support after they’ve made the purchase.

Reduces Operating Costs

But it’s not just the customer who benefits. As noted, SCM is instrumental in cutting operation costs.

When smartly applied it can decrease purchasing, production and total supply change costs. This

improves a company’s financial position by adding to profit leverage, reducing fixed assets and

increasing cash flow.

Supply chain management is just one more screw that can be tightened on the ship of business to help it

sail better through the turbulent waters of industry. But it’s a complicated process, one that benefits from

having robust project management tools to plan, monitor and report on the many aspects of the supply

chain that need control. is a cloud-based software that has the tools to make you

manage more efficiently and effectively.

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