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Slimantics on A Better Columbus: Looking for a campaign of hope, not despair, See page 6A

Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | December 23, 2020

Happy Irby project distributes fruit baskets to elderly

Volunteers from the
Happy Irby Christ- Pandemic altered fund’s practice this year, did
mas Fund used the
Townsend Commu- not keep it from pursuing its mission
nity Center as a
staging area Tues- BY SLIM SMITH In recent years, The Happy Irby
day morning for Christmas Fund provided clothing to
the distribution of 300 to 400 children with CAFB per-
100 fruit baskets Since the day in sonnel devoting an evening to wrap-
to elderly residents 1958 that bartender ping the presents.
in the community. George “Happy” Irby This year, the program has adapt-
COVID-19 prevent- set out a tip jar at the
ed the group from ed again, due to the challenges of
officer’s club bar on COVID-19.
distributing clothing
for children, which Columbus Air Force There were no presents of cloth-
has been the Base to provide chil- ing to wrap.
mainstay of the dren with warm cloth- “With COVID, we just weren’t able
program, now in its ing at Christmas time, to do that,” said George Irby Jr., son
62nd year, but the the Happy Irby Christmas Fund has of the fund’s namesake who has kept
group maintained evolved and adapted. the project going. “Instead, we donat-
the fruit basket For six decades, the Christmas ed the money we raised to Building
program that has Bridges for Hope and the United
been a part of the charity project has grown from one
man collecting tips to an enterprise Way for their Christmas programs. It
program since its
inception. involving dozens of volunteers, includ- seemed to be the best way to help.”
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff ing the enthusiastic support of CAFB. See HAPPY IRBY, 8A


residents stay
home, avoid large
gatherings this
holiday season
Agencies will still
increase patrols,
sobriety checkpoints
around New Year’s;
warn residents of
burglaries, other crimes

Area law enforce-

ment officers are
doling out their usu-
al holiday safety tips
for shoppers and
travelers, but this
year it includes one
unique recommen-
dation thanks to the Shelton
COVID-19 pandemic: Avoid large
gatherings, and stay home if pos-
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff
sible. Emmy Beck, 8, gives two sack lunches to a visitor at Loaves and Fishes in Columbus Tuesday with her brother Vincent Beck,
“Avoid large social gatherings, 6, her mother Stephanie Beck and her sister Ruby Beck, 9. The family and a handful of other volunteers from Columbus Air
mask up, keep your social dis- Force Base Friends gave out more than 50 sack lunches between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m., while also inviting people to return
See SAFETY TIPS, 8A to Loaves and Fishes for a hot meal on Christmas Day.

Gov. Reeves expands mask mandate to most counties

Record 79 coronavirus-related deaths alone. Close to 4,500 peo-
ple with the coronavirus
data compiled in the state
as of Monday evening. Fif-
ing his mask mandate to
almost all of Mississip-
were reported Tuesday in Mississippi have died in Mississip-
pi since the start of the
ty-six of the people died
at different times within
pi’s 82 counties. Reeves
last expanded his mask
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM passed its previous record pandemic, according to the last 10 days and were mandate on Dec. 10 to 61
The Associated Press/Report for the highest ever num- the state Department of identified as coronavi- counties. The only coun-
for America ber of coronavirus deaths Health. rus-related fatalities later ties currently not under
reported in a single day. “We’re all going to suf- using death certificates, a mask mandate are Clai-
JACKSON — Missis- Reeves Dobbs
State Health Officer fer,” Dobbs said during a according to the Depart- borne, Issaquena, Shar-
sippi Gov. Tate Reeves ex- Dr. Thomas Dobbs said virtual briefing Tuesday. personal experience.” ment of Health. key and Tunica.
panded his mask mandate the state is on track to “I think more and more A record 79 deaths After the numbers The Republican gov-
to 78 out of 82 counties on surpass 1,000 deaths in people are seeing the im- were reported Tuesday in were released, Reeves an- ernor said he has been
Tuesday as the state sur- the month of December pact on our families from Mississippi, representing nounced he was expand- See MANDATE, 3A


1 What is both a name for a group of ■ The offices of The Dispatch will be closed Look MEETINGS
jellyfish and a slang term for a kiss? and no paper will be printed on Friday, Dec. for The Jan. 4:
2 Which one of these candy bars does 25 and Friday, Jan. 1 for Christmas and New Dispatch’s Oktibbeha
not contain caramel — 5th Avenue, Year’s Day. The Dispatch offices will also close Christmas County Board
Take 5 or Whatchamacallit? at noon on Thursday, Dec. 24 and Thursday, Greetings of Supervisors
3 What state is home to Painted Dec. 31. special meeting, 9
Desert Community Complex, which section a.m., Chancery
Collins Davis became a national landmark in 2016? with
4 In “Gremlins,” what three things are Courthouse
Second grade, Annunciation
mogwai supposed to avoid? letters to Jan. 5:
Santa and
63 Low 39
5 In 2016, what shopping day was Starkville Board
High bigger in the U.S. than Black Friday? CALENDAR artwork
from local
of Aldermen
P.m. rain likely meeting, 5:30
Answers, 8B children in
Full forecast on Today through Sunday Thursday’s
p.m., City Hall
Jan. 12:
page 3A. ■ “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play”: paper. Starkville-Oktib-
Starkville Community Theatre presents this
online radio performance via stream, avail- beha Consoli-
INSIDE able for $5 at dated School
Classifieds 8B Food 5B event-details/44118 to support SCT. Video District Board of
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A is available from 12:15 a.m. Tuesday through Trustees meet-
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A 11:45 p.m. Sunday. Rental of stream allows ing, 6 p.m., 401
Dear Abby 4B access on-demand for up to 48 hours of time. Greensboro St.


2A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump threatens to torpedo

COVID relief with new demands
President called on lawmakers to increase direct cine for their people.
Lawmakers spent months in
payments for most Americans from $600 to a stalemate over pandemic relief
funds, even as COVID-19 cases
$2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for couples soared across the country. Dem-
ocrats had pushed for higher pay-
BY KEVIN FREKING, ANDREW Trump did not specifically vow ments to Americans, but compro-
TAYLOR AND LISA MASCARO to veto the bill, and there may be mised with Republicans to allow a
The Associated Press
enough support for the legislation deal to proceed.
in Congress to override him if he Following Trump’s interjection,
WASHINGTON — President
does. But if Trump were to upend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi all but
Donald Trump has threatened
the sprawling legislation, the con- dared Trump’s Republican allies in
to torpedo Congress’ massive
COVID-19 relief package in the sequences would be severe, includ- Congress to meet the president’s
midst of a raging pandemic and ing no federal aid to struggling demand for far higher payments.
deep economic uncertainty, sud- Americans and small businesses, “At last, the President has
denly demanding changes fellow and no additional resources to help agreed to $2,000. Democrats are
Republicans have opposed. with vaccine distribution. In addi- ready to bring this to the Floor this
Trump assailed the bipartisan tion, because lawmakers linked the week by unanimous consent. Let’s
$900 billion package in a video pandemic relief bill to an overarch- do it!,” Pelosi said in a tweet. An
he tweeted out Tuesday night and ing funding measure, the govern- aide said she would put the propos-
suggested he may not sign the leg- ment would shut down on Dec. 29. al forward Thursday for a vote.
islation. He called on lawmakers to The relief package was part Republicans have been reluctant
increase direct payments for most of a hard-fought compromise bill to spend more on pandemic relief
Americans from $600 to $2,000 for that includes $1.4 trillion to fund and only agreed to the big year-end
individuals and $4,000 for couples. government agencies through Sep- package as time dwindled for a fi-
Railing against a range of provi- tember and contains other end-of- nal deal. And Sen. Chuck Schumer,
sions in the bill, including for for- session priorities such as money the Senate Democratic leader, said
eign aid, he told lawmakers to “get for cash-starved transit systems, that “Trump needs to sign the bill
rid of the wasteful and unneces- an increase in food stamp benefits to help people and keep the govern-
sary items from this legislation and and about $4 billion to help other ment open,” and Congress would
to send me a suitable bill.” nations provide a COVID-19 vac- step up for more aid after.

Dominion worker sues Trump campaign and conservative media

Employee said he wants his life back “While I intend to do
everything I can to recap-
There was no immedi-
ate comment from those
after being named in false charges as ture my prior lifestyle, I
have few illusions in this
named in the lawsuit.
His lawyers said Coom-
a key actor in ‘rigging’ the election regard,” he said. “And so,
today, I put my trust in the
er has become “the face of
the false claims.” Coom-
for President-elect Joe Biden legal process, which has er’s name first got public
already exposed the truth exposure in a podcast by
BY DAVID BAUDER dence that the election of the 2020 presidential Oltmann, who claimed to
AP Media Writer was rigged. election.” have heard a strategy call
His lawsuit, filed Tues- Dominion, which of Antifa activists. When
NEW YORK — An day in district court in provided vote-counting the prospect of a Trump
election systems work- Denver County, Colo- equipment to several victory was brought up,
er driven into hiding by rado, names the Trump states, has denied accu- Oltmann said a man iden-
death threats has filed campaign, lawyers Rudy sations that it switched tified as “Eric from Do-
a defamation lawsuit Giuliani and Sidney Pow- Trump votes in Biden’s minion” supposedly said
against President Donald ell, conservative colum- favor, and no evidence has “don’t worry about the
Trump’s campaign, two of nist Michelle Malkin, the emerged to back those election, Trump is not go-
its lawyers and some con- website Gateway Pundit, charges up. ing to win. I made ... sure
servative media figures Colorado conservative Dominion and another of that,” adding an exple-
and outlets. activist Joseph Oltmann, voting technology compa- tive.
Eric Coomer, secu- and conservative media ny, Smartmatic, have be-
rity director at the Col- Newsmax and One Amer- gun to fight back against
orado-based Dominion ica News Network. being named in baseless
Voting Systems, said he “I have been thrust conspiracy theories. Af-
wants his life back af- into the public spotlight ter legal threats were
ter being named in false by people with political made, Fox News Channel
charges as a key actor in and financial agendas but, and Newsmax in recent
“rigging” the election for at heart, I am a private days have aired retrac-
President-elect Joe Biden. person,” Coomer said in a tions of some claims made
There has been no evi- statement. on their networks.

Trump pardons 15, commutes 5 sentences, including GOP allies

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to reward loyalists and other possibilities, includ-
others who he believes ing members of Trump’s
WASHINGTON — have been wronged by a family and his personal
President Donald Trump legal system he sees as bi- attorney Rudy Giuliani.
has pardoned 15 people, ased against him and his Those pardoned on
including a pair of con- allies. On Tuesday, Trump Tuesday included former
gressional Republicans issued the pardons — not Republican Reps. Dun-
who were strong and ear- an unusual act for an out- can Hunter of California
ly supporters, a 2016 cam- going president — even
paign official ensnared in and Chris Collins of New
as he refused to publicly
the Russia probe and for- acknowledge his elec- York, two of the earliest
mer government contrac- tion loss to Democrat Joe GOP lawmakers to back
tors convicted in a 2007 Biden, who will be sworn Trump’s 2016 presidential
massacre in Baghdad. in on Jan. 20. campaign. Trump also
Trump’s actions in his Trump is likely to is- commuted the sentences
final weeks in office show sue more pardons before of five other people, in-
a president who is wield- then. He and his allies cluding former Rep. Steve
ing his executive power have discussed a range of Stockman of Texas.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 3A

Christmas in the ICU: Decorations, lights and many tears

‘Families come in, and all they’re getting for the most part is bad news its streetlights and overpasses
with green garlands and red
tions linked to Thanksgiving
is now filling up beds at the
... A little bit of Christmas cheer is not going to hurt. It can only help.’ ribbons for the season. A huge
Christmas tree stands near
hospital. With vaccines not yet
available to the general public,
East Alabama Medical Center pulmonary physician Dr. Meshia Wallace
downtown boutiques, salons hospital officials dread what
BY JAY REEVES of the rooms at East Alabama Christmas parties. A cheerful and restaurants where hun- might happen in January after
The Associated Press Medical Center. Santa doll stands atop the desk dreds of residents crowded to- families board airplanes for the
While parades, shopping at a nursing station, but big gether for a holiday program holidays and spend hours gath-
OPELIKA, Ala. — A Christ- and Christmas tree lightings gatherings with relatives are last weekend. ered around dinner tables or
mas tree stands outside the in- go on around them, nurses and out. East Alabama Medical Cen- Christmas trees.
tensive care room where a man doctors who’ve spent agonizing A nurse for five years, Fal- ter draws patients from a most- Amid so much suffering and
stricken by COVID-19 lies un- months caring for the ill are do- lin said Christmas just doesn’t ly rural region. Many people after so many tears, any ray of
conscious, a machine breathing ing what they can to get through feel right this year. She and her in the city wear masks in com- brightness helps, even if it’s
for him. A few feet away, a plas- the holiday season, which many husband did not take their two pliance with a state order, but just a candy cane sticker on a
tic snowman adorns the door of fear will only spread the disease young sons to local Christmas fewer health precautions are ICU window, said Dr. Meshia
another patient whose face is and add to the U.S. death toll events that drew hundreds of visible in surrounding areas. Wallace, a pulmonary physician
barely visible behind ventilator that has surpassed 300,000. people, many without masks. The area was an early hot who works in critical care.
tubes. The medical center about 60 The decorations in the ICU help spot for the virus in the spring. “Families come in, and all
The decorations are “a way miles northeast of Montgomery lighten the mental load a little, Then cases eased before a they’re getting for the most
to let family members know that faces a new influx of COVID-19 she said, if only until another summertime spike that health part is bad news: ‘Your family
we’re trying, and we love these patients as the pandemic inten- patient nears death. officials blamed on backyard member is sick, they’ve moved
patients and we want them to sifies. That means staff mem- The red-brick hospital is cookouts and lake gatherings down from the seventh floor to
feel like it’s Christmas as much bers can hang decorations near Auburn University in the around July 4. the ICU,’” she said. “A little bit
as we can,” nurse Carla Fallin on patients’ doors in the ICU old railroad town of Opelika, Just as in other places across of Christmas cheer is not going
said, standing just outside one but cannot attend after-work a city of 30,000 that decorated the country, a surge in infec- to hurt. It can only help.”

Continued from Page 1A
putting counties with the Dobbs pleaded with deadly than it really is,
most new cases of the ‘These are real deaths. This isn’t some artifact of residents to avoid social something Dobbs said is
highly contagious virus
under the mandate.
someone calling a death something else. Hear my lips gatherings with friends
and extended family for
categorically untrue.
Mississippi is report-
In a statement an-
nouncing the new restric-
speak this: People are dying from COVID.’ Christmas. He warned
specifically about gather-
ing about 6,000 more
deaths in the state this
State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs
tions, Reeves encouraged ings with people from a year than last year, Dobbs
families to wear masks he could not release the Black man among them. churches, at sporting mix of different ages. said.
and remain socially dis- names of the 79 dead be- “These are people, but events, social gatherings The physician said he’s “These are real deaths.
tant while celebrating the cause of privacy laws. But for COVID, would be with and intergenerational been discouraged to see This isn’t some artifact of
holiday this week. he took a moment at the us for next Christmas,” neighborhood events. the amount of misinfor- someone calling a death
“We all need to be ex- start Tuesday’s briefing to Dobbs said. “These are Health officials are mation circulating on so- something else,” he said.
tra aware. You know what honor some of those who people who didn’t have to seeing the fastest growth cial media about the virus “Hear my lips speak this:
to do! Protect yourself died. He listed individuals die.” of new cases in individu- and virus-related deaths. People are dying from
and your family,” Reeves by age, sex and race: A State Epidemiologist als ages 25 to 39, but more Some people have ac- COVID. COVID is killing
said. Black woman in her late Dr. Paul Byers said the than 70 percent of deaths cused the health depart- Mississippians. COVID is
Dobbs, the state’s 30s, an 84-year-old white majority of transmis- are in individuals over the ment of falsifying data to one of the leading causes
top health official, said man and a 52-year-old sion is still occurring in age of 65, Byers said. make the virus look more of death in Mississippi.”

The following arrests
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Julian Brooks, 48,
was charged with grand
larceny-more than $500.
n Christopher East-
erwood, 30, was charged
with possession of co- Brooks Easterwood Gurley Herron Jackson Krothe
caine. was charged with driving
n Christopher Gurley, under the influence-fourth
35, was charged with pos- offense or subsequent.
session of methamphet- n Carey Krothe, 45,
amine, possession of a was charged with posses-
controlled substance, im-
sion of methamphetamine.
proper turn, no license tag
and no insurance.
n Christopher Pitt-
n Julian Herron, 17, man, 35, was charged with Pittman Ray Bailey Seabrooks
was charged with two possession of metham-
counts aggravated assault phetamine. failure to appear. n Elijah Seabrooks, 21,
with a weapon or other n Tracy Ray, 36, was n Beverly Bailey, 51, was charged with posses-
means to produce death. charged with possession was charged with posses- sion of a controlled sub-
n Tyrone Jackson, 47, of methamphetamine and sion of methamphetamine. stance.


Mississippi deputy: 4 pursuit,” Calhoun said, ing he intended to do so. for information from the
adding the individual had Ken Harper submitted Mississippi Attorney Gen-
found dead, suspect died after an apparent his resignation in Warren eral’s Office.
dies after chase self-inflicted gunshot. County on Sept. 14. But, he
MERIDIAN — Au- tried to rescind the letter
thorities in Mississippi three days later.
found four bodies Tues- Warren County The Vicksburg Post
day after a sheriff’s de- temporarily without a reported that the Warren
partment received calls
about people not showing
prosecuting attorney County Board of Super-
VICKSBURG — A coun- visors accepted Harper’s
up for work.
ty prosecuting attorney has resignation Monday. That
Investigators said a
stepped down from his job, happened after months of
person believed to be
the only suspect in the months after initially say- discussions and requests
case later died of what ap-
peared to be a self-inflict-
ed gunshot after leading
police on a chase.
WTOK-TV report-
ed that the bodies were
found in Lauderdale
County in east Mississip-
pi. Three were in a one
home and one was in an-
Lauderdale County
Chief Deputy Ward Cal-
houn said deputies went
early Tuesday afternoon
to check on several peo-
ple who had not shown up
for work and came upon
the bodies. He added that SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
the only person identified peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
as a suspect was involved Major
in a pursuit Tuesday in Major 8:09a 8:49a
Minor 3:28a
Lamar County, about 125 2:34a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
miles to the southwest.

The Dispatch
“A suspect was quickly
developed. The informa-
tion was put out and it’s
my understanding that The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Lamar County Sheriff’s Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Department and (Mis- Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
sissippi) Highway Patrol The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
located the suspect vehi- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
cle and there was a short
4A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH She is survived by West Point and Kim L. In addition to her Mrs. Rosler was ceded in death by her
OBITUARY POLICY her husband, Robert White of Cedar Bluff. parents, she was pre- born Sept. 30, 1941, in husband, Erwin Neil
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
Turner; children, Memorials may be ceded in death by her Hamilton, to the late Rosler; and stepson,
service times, are provided Varlisa Jackson and made to American husbands, Drewery Leamon Weston “Bill” Bruce Welch.
free of charge. Extended obit- Rahmeel Turner; Cancer Society, P.O. Gregg McMinn and Sutton and Roburtia She is survived by
uaries with a photograph, de- siblings, Steve Hack- Box 8217, Jackson, MS Scottie Wofford. “Bertie” Sutton Redin. her daughter, Celeste
tailed biographical information man, Shirley Jones, 39215 or to St. Jude She is survived by She was a graduate of Rosler Pierce; stepchil-
and other details families may Evon Guyton and Linda Children’s Research her children, Mary Elston High School and dren, Martin “Mar-
wish to include, are available
Pennington; three Hospital, 501 St. Jude Catherine Hull, Heath- was formerly employed ty” Welch, Michelle
for a fee. Obituaries must be
submitted through funeral grandchildren; and one Place, Memphis, TN er McMinn Peeler and as a rural mail carrier Ainsworth and Anetta
homes unless the deceased’s great-grandchild. 38105. Alan Russell McMinn; with the U.S. Postal Beachy; brother, Jesse
body has been donated to Pallbearers will be and seven grandchil- Service. Weston “Bud” Sutton;
science. If the deceased’s Demetri Clark, Joe Lee Mae Gates dren. In addition to her and six step-grandchil-
body was donated to science, Turner, Troy Lee Hollis, WEST POINT — parents, she was pre- dren.
the family must provide official
proof of death. Please submit
Bobby Metcalfe, O’Neal Mae Ella “Mot” Gates, Cody Summerville
all obituaries on the form
Hollis and Tremaine 94, died Dec. 17, 2020, COLUMBUS —
provided by The Commercial Evans. at Floy Dyer Manor in Cody Davis Summer-
Dispatch. Free notices must Houston. ville, 30, died Dec. 22,
be submitted to the newspa- Michael Butler Graveside services 2020, at Baptist Memo-
per no later than 3 p.m. the
COLUMBUS — Mi- will be at 11 a.m. rial Hospital-Golden
day prior for publication Tues-
chael Butler, 55, died Thursday, in Houston Triangle.
day through Friday; no later
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Dec. 22, 2020, at his City Cemetery, with Arrangements are
Sunday edition; and no later residence. the Rev. Eugene Gates incomplete and will be
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Arrangements are officiating. Visitation announced b Carter’s
edition. Incomplete notices incomplete and will be will be from 10:30-11 Funeral Services of
must be received no later announced by Lee- a.m. prior to services in Columbus.
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday the cemetery. Carter’s
through Friday editions. Paid
Sykes Funeral Home of
notices must be finalized by 3 Columbus. Mortuary Services of Edmond McDavid Sr.
West Point is in charge
p.m. for inclusion the next day FERGUSON, Mo. —
Monday through Thursday; and Thomas Terrell of arrangements.
Edmond McDavid Sr.
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday
ETHELSVILLE, Mrs. Gates was born
died Dec. 22, 2020.
and Monday publication. For
Ala. — Thomas Feb. 3, 1926, in Hous-
Arrangements are
more information, call 662-
“Frank” Terrell, 67, ton, to the late Thomas
328-2471. incomplete and will be
died Dec. 22, 2020, at Catledge and Chaney
announced by Carter’s
his residence. Catledge. She was
Funeral Services of
Lola Culpepper Arrangements are formerly employed as a
COLUMBUS — Lola incomplete and will be housemaid.
Culpepper, 70, died announced by Lown- She is survived by
Dec. 21, 2020, at Bap- des Funeral Home of her children, Sammy Shirley Rosler
tist Memorial Hospi- Gates, David Gates, GADSDEN, Ala.
Columbus. Shirley Rosler, 79, died
tal-Golden Triangle. Daisy Long, Georgia
Arrangements are Pulliam, Willie McK- Dec. 19, 2020, at River-
incomplete and will be Vallie Gallop inney, Rosie Gates, view Regional Medical
announced by Carter’s STEENS — Vallie Lorene Douglas and Center.
Funeral Services of Logan Gallop, 85, died Christine Gates; and 36 A memorial service
Columbus. Dec. 22, 2020, at Bap- grandchildren. will be held at a later
tist Memorial Hospital. date. Burial was held
Arrangements are

Kaye Ruth Duncan

Annie Conner Emma Randle Monday, in Sullivan
incomplete and will be Cemetery of Monroe
Reform, Ala. — An- STARKVILLE —
announced by Memori- County. Otts Funeral
nie Laura Conner, 98, Emma A. Randle, 90,
al Gunter Peel Funeral Home of Sulligent, Kaye Ruth Myers Duncan, age 76, of Caledonia,
died Dec. 19, 2020. died Dec. 18, 2020.
Home and Crematory, Alabama is in charge of MS, passed away December 21, 2020, at Windsor
Graveside services Graveside services
College Street location. arrangements. Place.
will be at 11 a.m. will be at 2 p.m. Thurs-
Sunday, in Hopewell day, in New Prairie Graveside services will be Thursday,
Cemetery, with the Betty Land Grove Cemetery. West December 24, 2020, at 11:00 AM at Egger
Rev. Hugh Shambry COLUMBUS — Bet- Memorial Funeral Cemetery with Tim Childs officiating. Memorial
officiating. Visitation ty West Oliver Land, Home of Starkville is Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Crematory 903
will be from 3-4:30 p.m. 92, died Dec. 21, 2020, in charge of arrange- College St. location is in charge of arrangements.
Saturday, at Lavender’s at Baptist Memorial ments. Mrs. Duncan was born August 22, 1944, in
Funeral Service. Laven- Hospital-Golden Trian- Mrs. Randle is Columbus, MS, to the late Wrilen Kaye and
der’s Funeral Service gle. survived by her chil- Vivian Ruth Moore Myers. She was a graduate
of Aliceville, Alabama Graveside services dren; brothers; sisters; of Caledonia High School and a member of
is in charge of arrange- will be at 2 p.m. Sat- grandchildren; and the Caledonia Church of Christ. Mrs. Duncan
ments. urday in Friendship great-grandchildren. worked for many years as a hair stylist.
Cemetery. Memorial Survivors include her sons, Kelly Duncan and
Gunter Peel Funeral Larry Maxey his wife Lauren of Oxford, MS and Casey Duncan
Fayrene Turner Home and Crematory, of Southaven, MS; daughter, Natalie Duncan
— Fayrene Hackman
Second Avenue North ry Bedford Maxey, 74, Kaye Duncan of Caledonia, MS; sisters, Shelve Bell and her
location is in charge of Graveside Services: husband Roger of Montverde, FL and Wilda
Turner, 74, died Dec. died Dec. 22, 2020, at Thursday, Dec. 24 • 11 AM
20, 2020, at North arrangements. his residence. Egger Cemetery
Hanson of Chattanooga, TN; grandchildren,
Mississippi Medical Arrangements are College St. Location Addie Kate Duncan, Charlotte Elizabeth Duncan
Center-Gilmore. William Ledbetter incomplete and will be Rick Manning
and Avery Ann Duncan; and best friend, Joyce
Funeral services WEST POINT — announced by Lown- Talbert.
Graveside Services:
are at 1 p.m. today, at William F. “Bubbie” des Funeral Home of A private graveside Memorials may be made to the Columbus
Otts Funeral Home Ledbetter, 64, died Columbus.
service will be held. Lowndes Humane Society, P.O. Box 85,
College St. Location
Chapel, with the Rev. Dec. 19, 2020, at West Columbus, MS, 39703.
Michael Brock officiat- Point Community Liv- Carolyn Wofford Iva O’Callaghan
ing. Burial will follow ing Center. STARKVILLE Incomplete
in the Gilmer addition A private graveside — Carolyn Luttrell College St. Location
of Sulligent City Cem- service will be held at McMinn Wofford, 80,
etery. Visitation is one Memorial Gardens. A died Dec. 20, 2020,
Betty Land
Graveside Services: Sign the online guest book at
hour prior to services. memorial service will at Baptist Memorial Saturday, Dec. 26 • 2 PM
Otts Funeral Home of be at 11 a.m. Saturday, Friendship Cemetery
Hospital of Collierville, 2nd Ave. N. Location
Sulligent is in charge of Jan. 9, 2021, at River- 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
arrangements. side Baptist Church. A private graveside Vallie Gallop
Mrs. Turner was Visitation will be from

Julious Smith
service will be at 1 p.m. Incomplete
born June 19, 1946, in 10:30-11 a.m. prior to Saturday. Welch Funer- College St. Location
Sulligent, Alabama, to services at the church. al Home of Starkville
the late Willie Hack- Calvert Funeral Home is in charge of arrange-
man and Lois Nails. of West Point is in Julious Patrick “Deater” Smith, age 75, of
ments. Coalfire, AL died December 20, 2020, at Baptist
She was a graduate of charge of arrange- Mrs. Wofford was
Todd High School and ments. Memorial Hospital.
born to the late George Services will be 2 PM Wednesday, December
was formerly employed Mr. Ledbetter was McClure Luttrell and
as a school bus driver born June 3, 1956, in 23, 2020, at Skelton Funeral Home Chapel with
Berenice Downs Lut- Rev. George Shaw and Rev. Melvin Mordecai
with Lamar County West Point, to the late
trell. She was formerly officiating. Burial will follow in Greenhill
School System. She was Neily Ferrell “Pete” employed with Bancorp
a member of St. James Ledbetter and Doris Memorial Gardens with Skelton Funeral Home
South. of Reform directing. Visitation will be one hour
Baptist and New Grove Virginia Moore. He was
Missionary Baptist formerly employed as a prior and immediately following the service at
Church. welder with Thompson the funeral home.
In addition to her Welding. Survivors include his wife of 53 years, Anne
parents, she was pre- He is survived by his Bishop Smith; two daughters, Tiffany Smith
ceded in death by her son, Thomas Christo- Estes (Rodney) and Deanna Smith Wilkins
siblings, L.J. Hackman, pher McCarter of West (Matthew); son, Samuel Smith (Christina);
Shirley Terrell and Point; and siblings, brother, Daniel Smith; seven grandchildren,
Michelle Hackman. Deborah L. Turman of Garrett Estes (Kendall), Raye-Anne Estes Britt
(Chance), Katelyn Wilkins, Cade Barton, Cara
Barton, Cali Barton and Mason Smith.
Patrick was born October 14, 1945, in Millport,
AL, to the late Julious Cager and Grace Stokes
Smith. He was a member of Hickory Grove
Feds sue Walmart over Baptist Church and retired from Omnova in
Columbus, MS.

role in opioid crisis Pallbearers will be Rodney Estes, Matthew

Wilkins, Garrett Estes, Chance Britt, Cade
Barton and Jay Boothe.
BY MICHAEL The civil complaint
BALSAMO AND ANNE Honorary pallbearers will be Bruce “Butch”
filed points to the role
D’INNOCENZIO Pate, George Bishop and Johnny McCool.
Walmart’s pharmacies
The Associated Press may have played in the
Special thanks are extended to Dr. Williams
crisis by filling opioid pre- and all nurses and staff at Baptist Memorial
WASHINGTON — scriptions and Walmart’s Hospital (4th floor).
The Justice Department own responsibility for the In remembrance of Julious Patrick Smith’s
sued Walmart on Tues- allegedly illegal distri- life, the family asks that any charitable donations
day, accusing it of fueling bution of controlled sub- be made to American Heart Association.
the nation’s opioid crisis stances to the pharmacies Donate by phone, 1-800-AHA-USA or online at
by pressuring its pharma- at the height of the opioid
cies to fill even potentially crisis. Walmart operates General?px=20554037&pg=personal&frrid=3030
suspicious prescriptions more than 5,000 pharma-
for the powerful painkill- cies in its stores around Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home
ers. the country.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 5A

‘Charlie Brown’ Christmas

trees lift school, spirits
‘Maybe all of us are feeling a little bit like a Charlie tree in the Charlie Brown Christ-
mas special. His trees are taller
Brown Christmas tree, given 2020. I don’t think than Charlie Brown’s but just as
we’re all feeling like robust, well-proportioned “When people want a Charlie
Brown tree, they want the unique-
trees. We’re all kind of bruised.’ ness and the weirdness. The ones
Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School’s Mike Maruca with the fewest branches sold the
quickest because they’re even
BY DENISE LAVOIE low-income families change the more like Charlie Brown’s,” Pichel
The Associated Press trajectory of their lives. The faith- said.
based school is funded entirely by Pichel cut down 70 trees, load-
RICHMOND, Va. — Frank donors and local foundations. All of ed them into the back of his pick-
Pichel’s Christmas trees will proba- its 118 students receive full schol- up truck and started selling them
bly never be chosen to light up New arships. right after Thanksgiving from a
York’s Rockefeller Center. They small grassy lot he rented for $1
Pichel, a commercial animator
look more like the droopy, pitiful from two generous owners who
and part-time professor at Virginia
tree made famous in the 1965 chil- wanted to help. He was stunned by
Commonwealth University, doesn’t
dren’s animated classic, “A Charlie the response. He sold 180 trees in
have children or any other connec-
Brown Christmas.” three weekends, raising a total of
tion to the school. But after donat-
But Pichel and his customers $5,554 for the school. He let people
don’t seem to mind in a year when ing some athletic equipment to the
set their own prices; most paid $20
little seems normal. His trees have school a few years ago, he decided
to $50 for a tree.
been flying off a tiny neighborhood he wanted to do something more
“Some people just stopped by
lot since he started selling them this year. and said, ‘I don’t want a tree. I just
last month to raise money for a pri- He thought of the t Virginia want to make a donation,’” he said.
vate middle school that provides pine trees that grow wild on a 66- Head of School Mike Maruca
scholarships for students from an acre plot of land he owns about two said the community enthusiasm
impoverished area of Richmond. hours west of Richmond. Would for Pichel’s trees is attributable
Customer Camm Tyler, a people want them for their Christ- to “people wanting to help their
36-year-old digital consultant, mas trees, he wondered? neighbor,” in this case, the school.
looked over his uneven tree as he His trees are not like the full- He said it’s a sentiment that may be
propped it up against a fence and branched, perfectly shaped trees stronger this year because of the
prepared to carry it home. many people buy for Christmas. devastation caused by the corona-
“This is the perfect 2020 tree,” Instead, most are scrawny and un- virus pandemic.
he said. even-looking. “Maybe all of us are feeling a lit-
Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal But Pichel decided to give it a try. tle bit like a Charlie Brown Christ-
School in Richmond’s East End was At first, he picked out the best-look- mas tree, given 2020,” he said. “I
started in 2009 by a group of local ing trees on his land, thinking they don’t think we’re all feeling like
Episcopal parishioners and priests would appeal to more buyers. But robust, well-proportioned trees.
who wanted to help children from then he thought of the sad-looking We’re all kind of bruised.”

Hallmark holiday movies offer viewers balm in tough year

‘There are a lot of places you can find licist who teams with a
cynical executive to help
Hallmark says it has
also been pleased with
information about COVID. What we a charity. It stars Candace the reception for “The
Cameron Bure, probably Christmas House,” the
provided was a respite from that.’ the most reliable draw first time the conserva-
Michelle Vicary, Hallmark Channel among a collection of ac- tive programmer has
programming chief tors who often return to prominently featured gay
Hallmark each holiday characters in a holiday
BY DAVID BAUDER just how much our mov- season. film.
AP Media Writer ies mean to our viewers,”
said Michelle Vicary, pro-
NEW YORK — For the gramming chief.
past decade, the Hallmark When coronavirus-re-
Channel has been a reli- lated closures began in
able destination for holi- March, Hallmark tried to
day programming. And in calm anxieties by airing a
a year when many Amer- series of its holiday mov-
icans are homebound be- ies then.
cause of the COVID-19 But this season,
pandemic, network exec- COVID-19 did not affect
utives say there’s been a the type of movies Hall-
craving for the feel-good mark made or how they
movies. were scheduled, Vicary
Hallmark’s ratings are said. Of the 40 new mov-
up 2 percent over 2019’s ies planned for this sea-
holiday season, the Niel- son, only one had to be
sen company said. That canceled because filming
may not seem like much, couldn’t be done because
but year-to-year increases of the pandemic.
are the exception rather “We made a choice not
than the rule in modern to let COVID affect us
television. thematically,” she said.
The network turned “There are a lot of places
its programming over to you can find information
holiday fare on Oct. 23 about COVID. What we
and has been the top-rat- provided was a respite
ed entertainment cable from that.”
channel, excluding news This season’s most
and sports, for the fourth popular movie has been
quarter, Nielsen said. “If I Only Had Christ-
“What we have seen is mas,” about a perky pub-

Can employers make COVID-19

vaccination mandatory?
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS companies to mandate the
flu and other vaccines, and
Can employers make has also indicated they
COVID-19 vaccination can require COVID-19
mandatory? vaccines.
Yes, with some excep- There are exceptions;
tions. for example, people can
Experts say employers request exemptions for
can require employees to medical or religious rea-
take safety measures, in- sons.
cluding vaccination. That And even though em-
doesn’t necessarily mean ployers can require vacci-
you would get fired if you nations, there are reasons
refuse, but you might they might not want to.
need to sign a waiver or Tracking compliance
agree to work under spe- with mandatory vacci-
cific conditions to limit nation would be an ad-
any risk you might pose to ministrative burden, said
yourself or others. Michelle S. Strowhiro,
“Employers generally an employment adviser
have wide scope” to make and lawyer at McDermott
rules for the workplace, Will & Emery. Employers
said Dorit Reiss, a law would also have to man-
professor who specializes age exemption requests
in vaccine policies at the — not to mention legal
University of California claims that might arise.
Hastings College of the As a result, many em-
Law. “It’s their business.” ployers will likely strong-
The U.S. Equal Em- ly encourage vaccination
ployment Opportunity without requiring it, If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
Commission has allowed Strowhiro said.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Looking for a campaign of hope, not despair
n Sunday, I If the group’s But ABC has gone beyond and, ultimately, damaging. this point.
wrote a story efforts were con- that, I believe. Next year, we will hold All of us are, to some de-
about the fined to that, I’d To date, the portrait of municipal elections. The mayor gree, who we tell ourselves we
new political organi- be more inclined Columbus ABC has painted and up to five of the six city are.
zation in Columbus, to look upon ABC is of a city that is corrupt and council members (Ward 3 If our narrative is that of
a group founded by favorably. There crime-infested. councilman Charlie Box said a city teetering on the abyss,
Leslie Sorrell and can be little ques- That’s what gives me pause. he will not seek re-election) confidence erodes and we
her husband, Will tion that the city’s When you publicly accuse will answer to the voters. become disillusioned, disen-
Sanders, called “A debt, which has someone of corruption, you As challengers for those gaged, skeptical — a percep-
Better Columbus.” increased more have an obligation to provide positions emerge, citizens can tion that will continue beyond
The story pro- than four-fold in some proof of it. To date, and should evaluate the merits the election.
vided information the last decade, Anyone with a sense of fair of both the challengers and in- We should be clear-eyed in
on the group, how it Slim Smith is something that play should agree with that. cumbents and reach their own considering the problems we
operates and what it should concern all ABC has failed to provide any conclusions. face in our city. But we should
hopes to achieve. citizens. The em- evidence of that. But it is the tone of the also be hopeful. Without hope,
Since then, I’ve had about bezzlement case against former Likewise, the idea that crime debate over the coming months we are divided, often bitterly
a dozen phone calls, texts and CFO Milton Rawle also calls is out of control in the city per- that concerns me. divided.
emails, all asking the same into question how carefully the petuates a false perception of I will be looking for candi- Scorched-earth politics can
question: What do you make of mayor and council fulfilled its reality. The Dispatch has rou- dates who don’t just point out be effective, but it is rarely
this group? oversight role. tinely examined those claims the problems that are obvious healthy.
My response to each is an These are legitimate over the past several years. On to us all, but who can articulate People are inspired when
unsatisfactory, “I’m not sure.” concerns and it is entirely each occasion, the data shows a positive attitude, real ideas they have something positive to
On one hand, ABC has fair that ABC should raise that crime is not increasing at and a vision for the future. vote for.
leveled criticism of city gov- these matters as grounds for a any appreciable rate. Is there Columbus, for all its chal- So I will reserve judgment
ernment that I also share, house-cleaning at every level crime in the city? Without a lenges, is my home. I am on “A Better Columbus” until I
particularly when it comes to of city government. The mayor doubt. The same holds true offended by its portrayal as see some evidence of that.
its finances. Many of those con- and city council should be held for every town and city. But some dystopian hellscape filled Slim Smith is a columnist
cerns have been the subject of accountable. That’s probably to suggest that residents of with corruption and crime, and feature writer for The
The Dispatch’s editorials long the biggest part of the job Columbus live in a dangerous which seems to be the attitude Dispatch. His email address is
before this group emerged. description. environment is inflammatory ABC has projected, at least to


He always hurt the
ones who loved him
f all goes according to
plan, someone will have
the honor of blowing up
the crumbling remains of the
Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino
in Atlantic City. It could be
you. Atlantic City, which loves
Trump not, is taking bids on
who may push the button.
“This will be done remotely
and can be done anywhere in
the world as well as close to the
Plaza as we can safely get you Froma Harrop
there!” the auctioneer Bodnar’s
The scheduled date is Jan. 29, nine days after Trump
will have left office. Proceeds go to the Boys & Girls

Can democracy hold us together?

Club of Atlantic City.
Before there was a President Trump, there was a
casino mogul Trump. Most voters apparently didn’t find

Trump a good enough president to award him another
term. But Wall Street saw him as a flat-out disaster in f America were stolen from Trump, Thus do we Americans dis-
the casino business. Trump drove his casino empire into a company and with 78% of those agree on the most fundamental of
six bankruptcies. His investors lost $1.5 billion. not a country, we who voted for Trump issues.
Many of the losers were the little people who had would have long ago expressing that view. Was America, is America, with
dissolved the corpora- In the long term, all its sins and virtues and all its
swallowed Trump’s patter about his having magical pow-
tion, split the blanket, not only is the election achievements, a country to be
ers to create wealth that they could share. Trump duped
and gone our separate of 2020 going to be cherished, loved and defended?
them into buying $140 million in Trump casino stock at
ways. suspect. Also, belief in Or is America a country of whose
a time when two of the properties had already gone bust.
What still holds this one of the sacraments history we should all be ashamed?
That was 1995. By 2005, the investors had lost 90 cents
disputatious and divid- of secular democracy, Part of America also believes
out of every dollar they poured into his failing casinos.
ed people together? universal suffrage, is that discovery in the Constitution
As 2020 draws to a close, Trump is running another
Consider. In going to suffer. of a woman’s right to an abortion
scam, again directed at his most ardent admirers. He
announcing the Patrick Buchanan Moreover, the and a right of homosexuals to
and his family are urging them to send him checks to
$900 billion stimulus issues that divide us marry were major milestones of
fund lawsuits challenging the election results. The small
bill to deal with the now go increasingly progress toward a more moral
print says that the money can be spent elsewhere, and it
pandemic, Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the faith of what defines us as a America.
would not shock Trump observers to learn that else- did not mention that the gifts for nation and a people. Others see these as long
where includes his pockets. her distressed countrymen and A slice of our intellectual elite strides away from the Christian
The president’s team has raised $250 million since women at Christmas would have emphatically agrees with the New country we used to be, a social
the election, presumably from those who believe the been twice as large had she taken York Times’ Project 1619, which and moral decline toward the
election was stolen. The appeals are pretty basic, such President Trump’s offer of $1.8 decrees that the real birth date of same quiet death that has come
as one asserting that if you fork over cash, the Great trillion in October. this nation was neither 1776 nor to other civilizations and nations
One may, just may, see your humble name. Why did the speaker slap that 1789, but the year that the first that went before us.
At whom should critics wave fingers: Trump or the offer away? slave ship arrived in Virginia. In short, we Americans
people he habitually scams? The answer is neither. “The President only wants his To this influential cohort, en- disagree on whether our country
Scams are not necessarily illegal. Some of Trump’s name on a check to go out before slavement of Black people brought is a good and great nation worth
marks may derive pleasure from sending him money. Election Day and for the market from Africa and dispossession defending, or a place that needs a
That’s worth something. And cults do create a strong to go up,” she told House Demo- and destruction of the indigenous deep cultural cleansing of its sins.
sense of community, another source of psychic rewards. crats. tribes that European settlers And we have no common code
Are the rest of us supposed to get angry that much Rather than let Donald Trump found here are the defining events of morality. One side is rooted in
of the so-called Trump base won’t wear masks, won’t take credit, Pelosi stiffed millions of our history. modernism and secularism and
socially distance and are, therefore, spreading disease of Americans. And all who participated in the other in the teachings of the
to their families, friends and themselves? It’s tragic that Sunday, however, the speaker these crimes against humanity Old and New Testament, Chris-
they are killing innocents. Others, however, can protect took time for a statement to hail or refused to condemn them are tian tradition and a natural law
themselves by giving the maskless mobs a wide berth. the removal of Robert E. Lee’s undeserving of exaltation. written on the human heart that is
A related issue is the coronavirus vaccine. Trump statue from Statuary Hall. “Wel- Not only Lee, but Columbus superior to man-made law.
has been smearing science and downplaying the virus come news,” said the speaker. and Presidents Washington, People who disagree upon such
threat. And he’s contributed to anti-vaxxer nonsense in “Congress will continue our work Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, TR basic beliefs naturally drift apart,
the past. That helps explain a Kaiser Family Foundation to rid the Capitol of homages to and Wilson are all racist white as we Americans are doing today.
poll that finds 71 percent of Americans ready to be vacci- hate.” men whose disgraceful and even Political questions arise out of
nated but only 42 percent of Republicans. Lee had stood in a place of criminal conduct disqualifies these fundamental differences,
The odd thing is that Trump could be winning honor in the Capitol for decades. them from a place of honor in the and they are not insignificant.
applause for helping get this vaccine out in record time. When exactly did the statue of American pantheon of 2020. All Can a republic as fractured and
But sometimes even Trump can’t escape his hall of the general become a homage to statues of such men need to come splintered as ours is — racially,
funny mirrors. And, as usual, the harm will fall dispro- hate? down to cleanse us of the stain of ethnically, politically, culturally,
portionately on followers who buy his stories. Both episodes point up an having honored them. morally — with a population who
During the 2016 campaign, Trump promised a “ter- unpleasant truth. Pelosi says that such statues do not share the same belief about
rific” replacement for the Affordable Care Act. He never Our dysfunctional American are “homages to hate.” whether their nation is good and
produced one. Meanwhile, he’s been backing a lawsuit family agrees upon less and less. She may not have thought great or failed and evil, endure?
before the Supreme Court that would kill the whole By mid-November, according so five or 10 years ago, but she And for how long?
thing. to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, 52% of Re- believes that now. What successful models from
Before that, there was Trump University. Sued for publicans thought Donald Trump What has taken place is a mass history do we see of nations that
fraud, a court ordered it to pay $25 million to the vic- had “rightfully won.” Sixty-eight conversion. took the kind of risks we are tak-
tims. percent of Republicans thought Yet, there is another America ing with our republic?
It takes talent to con one’s fervent fans and keep ‘em the election was “rigged.” A third that still cherishes the nation Patrick J. Buchanan, a nation-
coming back for more. You can’t deny Trump this: He’s of independents, and even 10% of these men created. And, as did ally syndicated columnist, was a se-
got it. Democrats, agreed. their fathers, grandfathers and nior advisor to presidents Richard
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the This month, a Fox poll found ancestors, these Americans have Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald
Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is that a third of all registered voters shown a willingness to fight and Reagan. His website is http://bu- believe the 2020 election was die in her defense.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 7A

US close on deal with Pfizer

for millions more vaccine doses
The Defense Production Act is expected to be produce critical goods in times of
national emergency. Called the De-
invoked to help the pharmaceutical giant secure fense Production Act, it’s expected
to be invoked to help Pfizer secure
some raw materials needed for its vaccine some raw materials needed for its
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE shipments went to states last week. Pfizer already has a contract to
AND RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR It has now been joined by a vaccine supply the government with 100
The Associated Press million doses of its vaccine under
from Moderna, which was devel-
oped in closer cooperation with sci- Operation Warp Speed, but govern-
WASHINGTON — The U.S. gov- ment officials have said it’s more of
ernment is close to a deal to acquire entists from the National Institutes
of Health. an arms-length relationship with
tens of millions of additional doses the company and they don’t have as
of Pfizer’s vaccine in exchange for Moderna’s vaccine comes under
the umbrella of the government’s much visibility into its operations.
helping the pharmaceutical giant Health and Human Services
gain better access to manufactur- own effort, which is called Opera-
Secretary Alex Azar said last week
ing supplies. tion Warp Speed. That public-pri-
that the government was negotiat-
A person with knowledge of the vate endeavor was designed to have ing with Pfizer for more doses, but
negotiations told The Associated millions of vaccine doses ready and details provided Tuesday about the
Press on Tuesday that the deal is available to ship once a shot re- company’s desire for better access
under discussion and could be final- ceived FDA approval. to supplies are new.
ized shortly. The person spoke on But another deal with Pfizer Earlier, U.S. officials had said
condition of anonymity to describe would move the nation closer to the they were discussing the purchase
ongoing deliberations. goal of vaccinating all Americans. of another 100 million doses of Pfiz-
Pfizer’s vaccine was the first to A law dating back to the Korean er vaccine for delivery as early as
gain approval from the Food and War gives the government author- the middle of next year. Those de-
Drug Administration and initial ity to direct private companies to tails and timing may have changed.

Biden picks Conn. schools chief as education secretary

Biden: Cardona would offer America everything that will be
possible for our country
schools moved to remote
learning, he hurried to
‘an experienced and dedicated public tomorrow will be thanks
to the investments we
deliver more than 100,000
laptops to students across
school teacher leading the way at the make and the care that
our educators and our
the state. Since then, how-
ever, he has increasingly
Department of Education’ schools deliver today.” pressed schools to re-
According to a source open, saying it’s harmful
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS of his nomination, shared familiar with Biden’s deci- to keep students at home.
first with The Associated sion, Cardona was select- If confirmed, his first
President-elect Joe Press, Biden said Car- ed in part because of his task will be to expand
Biden has chosen Miguel dona would offer Amer- experiences as a former that effort across the na-
Cardona, Connecticut’s ica “an experienced and public school teacher, an tion. Biden has pledged
education chief and a life- dedicated public school administrator, a public to have a majority of U.S.
long champion of public teacher leading the way school parent and some-
schools, to serve as edu- schools reopened by the
at the Department of Ed- one with the experience
cation secretary. end of his first 100 days
ucation.” to do the job on his first
The selection deliv- in office. He is promising
“He will help us ad- day in office.
ers on Biden’s promise new federal guidelines on
dress systemic inequities, The source said one of
to nominate someone tackle the mental health school opening decisions,
Cardona’s top priorities
with experience working crisis in our education and a “large-scale” Edu-
will be to work with state
in public education and system, give educators and local officials to get cation Department effort
would fulfill his goal of a well-deserved raise, kids back to school safe- to identify and share the
installing an education ease the burden of edu- ly during the pandemic. best ways to teach during
chief who stands in sharp cation debt, and secure And as a child who grew a pandemic.
contrast to Secretary Bet- high-quality, universal up in a housing project, Biden’s decision drew
sy DeVos. pre-K for every three- and he will focus in particular praise from public school
Unlike DeVos, a school four-year-old in the coun- on closing the racial and advocates and the nation’s
choice advocate whom try,” Biden said in a state- socioeconomic gaps in major teachers unions.
Biden says is an opponent ment. education. Randi Weingarten, pres-
of public schools, Cardo- “As a lifelong champi- Cardona was appoint- ident of the American
na is a product of them, on of public education, he ed to the top education Federation of Teachers,
starting when he entered understands that our chil- post in Connecticut called Cardona a “trusted
kindergarten unable to dren are the kite strings just months before the partner” who will reverse
speak English. that keep our national am- COVID-19 pandemic four years of “disaster”
In the announcement bitions aloft — and that broke out in March. When under DeVos.

California’s first Latino US senator brings cheers, anger

Secretary of State will fill seat being ment, Newsom’s office
said he would nominate
“It’s a terribly insensitive
decision” with the nation
vacated by VP-elect Kamala Harris Assemblywoman Shir-
ley Weber, who is Black,
in the midst of a reckon-
ing over racial injustice.
BY MICHAEL R. BLOOD In picking a personal to fill Padilla’s seat once “If Governor Newsom
AP Political Writer friend and fellow Dem- he goes to the Senate. If thinks our disappoint-
ocrat, Newsom had his confirmed, she would be- ment with the Kamala
LOS ANGELES — Cal- eye on history and prag- come the first Black wom- Harris replacement will
ifornia is getting its first matism — he turned to an to hold the office, giv- be tempered by appoint-
Latino U.S. senator. For someone he could trust ing Newsom two history ing an African American
Gov. Gavin Newsom, it’s a with a year of uncertainty making picks in one day. woman to be California
political gamble. looming, including a pos- Given the timing, secretary of state, he
The Democratic gover- sible recall election while however, it appeared clearly does not know this
nor Tuesday named Secre- the pandemic rages un- the choice was intended constituency,” Maddox
tary of State Alex Padilla, abated. at least partly to quell added. “When I heard the
the son of Mexican im- Newsom also rejected criticism after Newsom news about the secretary
migrants, to fill the U.S. pleas from a host of prom- passed over other Black of state appointment, my
Senate seat being vacated inent Black leaders to re- women for Harris’ post. anger meter went from
by Vice President-elect place Harris, the Senate’s In passing over Black disappointment to being
Kamala Harris. When Pa- only Black woman, with women for the Senate seat downright angry.”
dilla goes to Washington, another African Ameri- “many people believe the San Francisco May-
the former state legislator can woman, such as U.S. governor will pay a polit- or London Breed, who is
will become California’s Reps. Karen Bass or Bar- ical price,” Kerman Mad- Black, called the Senate
first Latino senator since bara Lee. dox, a Democratic consul- decision “a real blow to
the state’s founding 170 About six hours after tant and fundraiser who the African American
years ago. the Padilla announce- is Black, said in an email. community.”

Mayor: Body camera not activated in police killing of Black man

BY ANDREW matic “look back” feature from immediately after “The Division invest-
WELSH-HUGGINS on the body camera, the the shooting indicated “a ed millions of dollars in
The Associated Press shooting was captured on delay in rendering of first- these cameras for the ex-
video but without audio, aid to the man,” the public press purpose of creating
COLUMBUS, Ohio — said Columbus Mayor safety department said in a video and audio record
A police officer who shot Andrew Ginther and the a news release. of these kinds of encoun-
and killed a Black man city’s department of public “It is unacceptable to ters,” Quinlan said. “They
holding a cell phone in safety. As a result, there’s me and the community provide transparency and
Ohio’s capital city early no way to hear what the that officers did not turn accountability, and pro-
Tuesday did not activate 47-year-old man or the of- on their cameras,” Gin- tect the public, as well as
his body camera before- ficer said during the inter- ther said during a news officers, when the facts
hand, and dash cameras action, Ginther said. conference. Columbus Po- are in question.”
on the officers’ cruiser Neither the man nor lice Chief Thomas Quin- Officers activated their
were also not activated, the officer has been pub- lan echoed the sentiment body cameras immedi-
city officials said. licly identified. in a statement a few min- ately after the shooting,
Because of an auto- Body camera footage utes later. Quinlan said.
8A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Scientists urge concern, not

alarm over new virus strains
‘There’s zero evidence U.S. government’s top infectious
disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci,
ability to cause disease,” said Dr.
Philip Landrigan, a former Centers
that there’s any told CNN.
Worry has been growing since
for Disease Control and Prevention
scientist who directs a global health
increase in severity’ Saturday, when Britain’s prime min-
ister said a new strain, or variant, of
program at Boston College.
World Health Organization’s A more concerning situation is
the coronavirus seemed to spread when a virus mutates by changing
emergencies chief,
more easily than earlier ones and the proteins on its surface to help it
Dr. Michael Ryan
was moving rapidly through En- escape from drugs or the immune
BY MARILYNN MARCHIONE gland. Dozens of countries barred system, or if it acquires a lot of
AP Chief Medical Writer flights from the U.K., and southern changes that make it very different
England was placed under strict from previous versions.
Does it spread more easily? lockdown measures.
Make people sicker? Mean that
treatments and vaccines won’t Q: Where did this new strain Q: How does one strain
work? Questions are multiplying as come from? become dominant?
fast as new strains of the coronavi- A: That can happen if one strain
A: New variants have been seen
rus, especially the one now moving almost since the virus was first de- is a “founder” strain — the first one
through England. Scientists say tected in China nearly a year ago. to take hold and start spreading in
there is reason for concern but that Viruses often mutate, or develop an area, or because “super spread-
the new strains should not cause small changes, as they reproduce er” events helped it become estab-
alarm. and move through a population — lished.
“There’s zero evidence that something “that’s natural and ex- It also can happen if a mutation
there’s any increase in severity” of pected,” WHO said in a statement gives a new variant an advantage,
COVID-19 from the latest strain, Monday. such as helping it spread more eas-
the World Health Organization’s “Most of the mutations are triv- ily than other strains that are circu-
emergencies chief, Dr. Michael ial. It’s the change of one or two lating, as may be the case in Britain.
Ryan said Monday. letters in the genetic alphabet that “It’s more contagious than the
“We don’t want to overreact,” the doesn’t make much difference in the original strain,” Landrigan said.

Safety tips
Continued from Page 1A
tancing,” Columbus Po- demic began in Lowndes majority of the burglaries will have between six and
lice Chief Fred Shelton County, 3,100 in Oktibbe- that we’ve worked, espe- 10 extra officers out, Bal-
said. “… We know family ha County and 1,200 in cially automobiles, the lard said.
members are going to be Clay County as of Mon- doors are open,” Meaders Several law enforce-
interacting, so I suggest day, according to the Mis- said. “... You’ve got peo- ment authorities said
they sanitize, wash their sissippi State Department ple who are out (at) 3 o’ despite the added precau-
hands, practice social dis- of Health. clock in the morning, and tion, they don’t expect as
tancing as much as you Because of the pan- they’re just going to peo- many people on the street
can, especially if you have demic, many of the usual ple’s residences, to their this year due to the pan-
people coming in and out holiday-related crimes are homes, and checking the demic.
of your home.” down this year — Shelton doors on cars. If the door’s “The pandemic has
Gov. Tate Reeves is- said fewer car burglaries open, that’s just an invita- changed
sued an executive order have been reported this tion to go in and do what a lot and I
earlier this month re- year than previous years, they want to do.” think it’s
stricting indoor social as more people stay home That also goes for pack- somet hing
gatherings to 10 people to do their Christmas ages and boxes outside
that we
and outdoor social gather- shopping online. Howev- homes, with Starkville
need to be
ings to 50 people in order er, he said that shouldn’t Police Chief Mark Ballard
very mind-
to help curb the spread of make people complacent. and Meaders recommend-
ful of as we
COVID-19. While local “Still follow safety ing residents retrieve
law enforcement officers rules as if we weren’t in packages delivered to go through Ballard
say they will not be ac- a pandemic,” he said. their homes as quickly as the holiday seasons,” Bal-
tively searching for gath- “(Use) situational aware- possible so no one steals lard said.
erings to break up, they ness, like not leaving gifts them from the front door
do recommend residents in the car, not putting step.
follow guidelines from the trash out that shows you For people who are
Centers for Disease Con- got a new 80-inch televi- leaving town, Columbus,
trol and Prevention, and sion at this home.” Starkville and West Point
Oktibbeha County Sheriff In West Point, Assis- police departments, as
Steve Gladney pointed out tant Police Chief Kennedy well as Oktibbeha County
there is still a curfew from Meaders said officers are Sheriff’s Office, all have
midnight to 4 a.m. for his still getting reports of car home watch programs
county. Clay County also burglaries, but that this where residents can fill
has a curfew from 10 p.m. year they’re coming from out forms at the police
to 5 a.m., though the cur- residential areas, rather departments asking for
few begins at midnight for than retail parking lots. officers to look after their
those inside West Point “We are seeing more homes while they’re gone.
city limits, according to car bur- As it gets closer to New
Clay County Emergency glaries, not Year’s Eve, officers also
Management Agency Di- so much at said they would increase
rector Torrey Williams. places like patrols and set up sobriety
“People ... need to un- Walmart or checkpoints throughout
derstand s omet h i n g the community to deter
that too, like that, drinking and driving.
along with but we’re Beginning this week-
the social seeing more Meaders end, Shelton said CPD
distancing,” residen- will add up to 10 officers
Gladney tial-wise,” he said. “I think to its usual eight-officer
said. “With as the holiday gets closer, patrol shifts. Meaders
the num- they may pick up.” said WPPD will add about
bers going Gladney Area law enforcement seven or eight officers to
up with officers have long warned its four-officer shifts be-
COVID, these large par- shoppers to keep their car ginning around the same
ties ... we’re discouraging doors locked and leave any time.
that.” valuables, including shop- SPD, which is partic-
Mississippi is seeing a ping bags, in the trunk or ipating in Mississippi
surge in COVID-19 cas- even take them home be- Highway Patrol’s Drive
es, including more than fore continuing shopping. Sober or Get Pulled Over
3,800 cases since the pan- “I say that because the campaign through Jan. 1,

Happy Irby
Continued from Page 1A
Even so, the idea of not ues they passed down to
reaching out directly to him.
the community was some- “That was just how my
thing Irby and the volun- parents were,” Irby said.
teers couldn’t quite ac- “As a kid, if there were
cept. There was one part poor kids in the neighbor-
of the program the group hood that were hungry,
felt like it could continue. my parents would feed
So, on Tuesday morn- Irby Jr. Berry them. I remember some-
ing, Irby, along with fruit basket,” said volun- times, they would even
CAFB personnel, trav- teer Annie Berry, whose let people take a bath. I
eled throughout the city, Thanksgiving meal pro- learned from them about
distributing 100 fruit bas- gram had to be canceled humility and loving peo-
kets to elderly community this year. “It’s about let- ple. It’s a joy for us to be
members. ting people know they ar- able to help, especially
“It’s just a way of keep- this time of year.”
en’t forgotten, that people
ing what started over 60 Irby said in one re-
care for them. When you
years ago going,” Irby spect, this year’s efforts
said. see the looks on their fac- harken back to the early
Using the Townsend es, you know how much it years of the program.
Center as its staging area, means to them.” “When it started, back
the group fanned out For Irby, keeping the in the 50s, they gave out
across the community, program going — even in fruit baskets. So in a way
providing a bit of Christ- a much-altered form — is we’re going back to the
mas cheer. a tribute to his parents original idea this year,”
“It’s more than just a and a reflection of the val- Irby said.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?

hires new
head coach Holiday plans, three-headed
Boise State’s
Harsin to lead
football program
monster, free throws
Auburn hired Boise
State’s Bryan Harsin as its
head coach on Tuesday, lur-
ing him away from his alma
mater and into the powerful
Southeastern Conference.
The 44-year-old Harsin
is 69-19 with
three Mountain
West titles in
seven seasons
at Boise State,
but winning in
the SEC affords
greater chanc-
es for playoff Harsin
berths and na-
tional titles.
The Auburn job is also
sure to bring a major pay
raise, though contract details
for Harsin weren’t immedi-
ately available.
“I’m incredibly excited
and humbled for the oppor-
tunity to be at a place like
Auburn University,” Harsin
said in a statement. “I knew
it would take a special oppor-
tunity to get me out of Boise
and Auburn is exactly that,
the chance to compete at the
highest level for one of the
greatest programs in college
Photo courtesy of Mississippi State athletics
“I have a tremendous Mississippi State guard D.J. Stewart shoots a jump shot during the Bulldogs’ game against Mississippi Valley State Monday at Hum-
amount of respect for the phrey Coliseum. Stewart has taken a huge step forward offensively this year, leading the Bulldogs with 18.3 points per game.
coaches and players in the
Southeastern Conference, BY GARRICK HODGE Howland stuck to his gut. MSU play- MSU finished the nonconference
but am ready to help build a ers practiced Tuesday morning then schedule 5-3 overall, with losses to Lib-
foundation at Auburn where departed for a few days for a Christmas erty, Dayton and Clemson. The Bull-
we can consistently compete STARK VILLE —In the preseason, break with a scheduled Dec. 26 return dogs’ NCA A tournament resume to this
for championships.” Mississippi State men’s basketball date. Howland said four to five players point lacks any quality wins but doesn’t
That has been easier said coach Ben Howland pondered a dilem- opted to remain in Starkville through have any backbreaking losses either.
than done in the brutal SEC ma. the holiday. MSU will begin its conference slate
West, presided over by in- He had consulted with Each athlete was tested before leav- with a road matchup against Georgia at
state rival Alabama. his coaching peers in the ing and will be tested upon arrival
Auburn fired Gus Malz- 6 p.m. on Dec. 30.
Southeastern Conference, before the Bulldogs open their SEC “The SEC is a whole new season,”
ahn earlier this month after some of whom told the schedule four days later. Howland said. “Once it starts, it never
he went 6 -4 in his eighth sea- sixth-year MSU coach “I just think with everything our stops for 18 games. It’s a grind, it’s go-
son — a move that cost the they would keep players players have been through mentally, ing to be a real challenge because our
school more than $21 million on campus through the
to buy out the former coach’s starting in June and contending with league is so good.”
holidays to prevent the Howland COVID, it’s important to be able to be
spread of COVID-19. At with your family for a few days,” How-
Auburn has been an up-
the time, Howland, who has a roster land said. “We’ve talked about it with
Trio of Stewart, Molinar, Smith paving
and-down program, winning
the national championship that consists mostly of players from most of our guys, they really need to way for Bulldogs
Mississippi, wanted to give his players be smart about staying COVID free, With MSU’s four top scorers depart-
under Gene Chizik before
going on a rapid decline. a few days off to spend Christmas with because the entire key to our season ing and relying on a roster that had
The Tigers turned to Mal- their families. is staying COVID free. I’m putting my played little meaningful minutes to-
zahn, the offensive coordina- After MSU’s final nonconference trust in them and our testing proce- gether, it was fair to wonder where the
tor for that Cam Newton-led game of the 2020 -21 season Monday, dures in the SEC.” See MSU, 3B
team. Malzahn led Auburn to
the Southeastern Conference
championship and into the
national championship game
in his first season, 2013. But NFL
the Tigers have lost at least
four games in each of the sev-
en seasons since.
Meanwhile, Auburn’s
Jim Kelly feels like a kid watching Bills QB Allen perform
chief rivals have thrived. Al- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS son franchise records, and “I’ll put it this way, if Josh topped every one of Kelly’s
abama has been a perennial leading Buffalo (11-3) to its Allen is with us for 10 -plus single-season totals to rank
contender and Georgia has ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. first AFC East title since years, he will be breaking second on the team list. Al-
also emerged as a national — Jim Kelly has made a 1995. his own records,” Kelly said. len is just 359 yards short of
power, making it even harder point of keeping his distance “I’m excited, because if “I pull for him every time. ... Drew Bledsoe’s mark set in
for Auburn to make headway by limiting his chats with he’s breaking my records I’m like a little kid.” 2002 as Buffalo prepares to
on the field and on the re- Josh Allen via text for much that means we’re winning,” For someone who wasn’t a play at New England (6 -8) on
cruiting trail. of this year. Monday night.
Kelly said, with one minor year old when Kelly attempt-
The Tigers sought out The Pro Football Hall of Allen downplays his ac-
caveat that takes nothing ed his final NFL pass, the
their next coach from more Fame quarterback’s decision away from Allen’s accom- strong-armed and fleet-foot- complishments by saying
than 2,100 miles away.
has less to do with the coro- plishments. ed Allen, with the boyhood he’s humbled being men-
“He’s a proven winner
navirus pandemic as it does Kelly notes how the game looks and “awe shucks” tioned in the same conver-
whose record speaks for
Kelly not wanting to distract has changed in leaning far charm is making everyone sation. As for contributing
itself,” Auburn athletic di-
the Buffalo Bills’ third-year more toward the passing at- feel young again. to Buffalo’s success, Allen
rector Allen Greene said.
“Coach Harsin impressed starter. tack than when he played be- His 39 combined touch- notes he is but one piece of
me with his detailed plan to “He doesn’t need me in fore retiring after the 1996 downs, including eight rush- the puzzle.
lead Auburn to consistently his ear, so I pretty much season. ing and one receiving, have That is not to suggest Al-
compete for championships leave him alone,” Kelly told And today’s Bills are built eclipsed Kelly’s single-sea- len lacks inner drive.
in the Southeastern Confer- The Associated Press. differently than the hur- son team record of 34 in His competitive nature
ence.” That leaves him happily ry-up, “K-Gun” balanced of- 1991. Allen’s 30 touchdowns was on display after Buffa-
Harsin also replaced Mal- watching from the comfort of fense Kelly oversaw in his passing are three short of lo’s 48-19 win at Denver on
zahn at Arkansas State in his living room recliner and 11 years in Buffalo, during Kelly’s mark in the same Saturday. With players wear-
2013, winning a share of the witnessing Allen’s break- which the team made, and season. ing division championship
through year in challenging lost, four consecutive Super And with 4,000 yards T-shirts, Allen broke a post-
See AUBURN, 3B many of Kelly’s single-sea- Bowl appearances. passing, Allen has already See KELLY, 4B
2B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

George scores 33, Clippers beat Lakers 116-109 on ring night

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ond straight year while winning but it’s just a lot to process,” 22 points under the ring hang- Matthews also went scoreless
coach Tyronn Lue’s debut. James said. “It felt weird having over in the first quarter, but in his Lakers debut.
LOS ANGELES — After The Clippers stayed in their a basketball game today.” they erased all but two points
the Los Angeles Lakers got
their championship rings, the
locker room while the Lakers
received their rings, but they
The Lakers returned from
the shortest offseason in league
of the deficit in the second. The Debuts
Clippers pulled away late in the Batum had three points and
Los Angeles Clippers gave a emerged with purpose and de- history and celebrated the third with George scorching a six assists in 28 minutes in his
performance that showed this termined play — from their two franchise’s 17th title, but they series of one-on-one defenders. Clippers debut, while new $64
retooled team is determined to superstars in particular. couldn’t keep up with George He scored 11 more points in the million swingman Luke Ken-
contend for its own jewelry sev- “Our focus was on us,” Lue and Leonard down the stretch. fourth to seal it. nard had four points in 21 min-
eral months from now. said. “The Lakers, they de- Lakers coach Frank Vogel also utes off the bench.
Paul George scored 26 of his served that ring. They had a limited James’ playing time and
33 points in the second half, great year, and you can’t take kept Davis to 31 minutes, antic-
Tip-ins Montrezl Harrell had 17
Kawhi Leonard added 26 points Clippers: Nicolas Batum points and 10 rebounds in a
nothing away from them. Our ipating the long grind ahead on
and the Los Angeles Clippers and Ibaka started for their new strong debut after moving down
focus wasn’t really on the Lak- his veterans after a 10-week off-
rallied past the Los Angeles club. ... Former Lakers Lou Wil- the hallway from the Clippers to
ers. They were the best team season.
Lakers on the NBA champions’ liams and Ivica Zubac scored 11 the Lakers last month. Schröder
last year, so congratulations to Serge Ibaka scored 15 points
ring ceremony night for a 116- points apiece. also was impressive in his Lak-
them again, but now we’re mov- in his debut for the Clippers,
109 victory Tuesday. Lakers: James believes he ers debut, with 14 points, 12 re-
ing on.” who hadn’t played since blow-
George went 13 of 18 with LeBron James scored 22 ing a 3-1 playoff series lead to will be fine to play on Christ- bounds and eight assists.
five 3-pointers in an outstand- points and Anthony Davis had Denver and ruining a much-an- mas, saying he’ll get extensive “Those guys are going to be
ing first game since agreeing to 18 for the Lakers just 72 days af- ticipated conference final show- treatment. He also joked about big-time players for us,” Vogel
add four years and $190 million ter they finished off the Miami down with the waiting Lakers another solution: “I’ll drink said.
to his contract with the Clip- Heat in the NBA bubble. James in the bubble. The collapse led some wine that will flow right to
pers, who never trailed in the said he turned his ankle “pretty to coach Doc Rivers’ departure, the ankle.” ... Dennis Schröder Up next
latest meeting of Southern Cali- good” in the second half, lead- and Lue moved down the bench and fellow newcomer Marc Gas- Clippers: Visit Denver on Fri-
fornia’s two NBA powerhouses. ing him to play just 28 minutes. to take over a star-studded team ol were in Vogel’s starting line- day.
The Clippers beat the Lakers in “I’m happy today is over with with several new additions. up. Gasol had no points and five Lakers: Host Dallas on Fri-
the season opener for the sec- and we can focus on the season, The Lakers fell behind by fouls in 12 minutes. ... Wesley day.

Durant returns with 22 and a 125-99 Nets rout of Warriors

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as 38, pouring on the points the rus pandemic. Teammates who in Brooklyn’s 36-point third two-way contract.
way the Phoenix Suns did when have worked out with him said quarter, ending his night for Nets: The Nets snapped a
NEW YORK — Kevin Du- Nash was their point guard, or the four-time scoring cham- good late in the period. seven-game losing streak in
rant shook off 18 months of rust more recently Golden State did pion was back in top form and No. 2 pick James Wiseman season openers. They are 1-0
in a matter of minutes. when Durant was their All-Star Durant quickly backed up their started at center despite his for the first time since Nov. 3,
Durant looked good as new forward. boasts in a mostly empty Bar- limited preparation and had 19 2012, their first game at Bar-
against his old team, Kyrie Ir- The Nets made the playoffs clays Center. points and six rebounds. But clays Center after moving from
ving was even better and the last season but now are expect- He made his first three the Warriors, playing without New Jersey. ... Brooklyn re-
Brooklyn Nets emphatically ed to contend for the Eastern shots, one a 3-pointer and an- Draymond Green because of signed G Chris Chiozza to a
kicked off the Steve Nash era Conference title after finally other while being fouled, and a sore right foot, need to find two-way contract Tuesday. He
with a 125-99 victory over the getting Durant and Irving on was in double figures in fewer more shooting around Curry played in 18 games for the Nets
Golden State Warriors on Tues- the court together. They used than five minutes. He did every- with Klay Thompson set to last season. ... The Nets hon-
day night in the NBA’s season the first game of the shortened, thing but keep up with Irving, miss a second straight season. ored the essential workers who
opener. 72-game season to prove they who made three 3-pointers and Andrew Wiggins was 4 for 16 have helped New York fight the
Durant finished with 22 might be worth the hype. had 17 points in 9 1/2 minutes for his 13 points and Kelly Ou- coronavirus, raising a banner
points in 25 minutes of his first “I think our goals are a lot of the opening quarter, when bre Jr. was 3 for 14. on one end of Barclays Center.
official game since rupturing higher this year and we just the Nets led by as many as 21.
his Achilles tendon while play- want to be able to come in and Irving, himself coming back Tip-ins Traveling for the holidays
ing for Golden State in Game dominate and do that consis- from injury after playing just 20 Warriors: Kerr said Green Golden State is starting the
5 of the 2019 NBA Finals. It’s tently,” Irving said. games last season because of planned an individual workout season on a four-game Eastern
a new start for Durant, but he Stephen Curry had 20 points shoulder problems, had Brook- Tuesday and would hopefully road trip, including a Christmas
did the same things he’s been and 10 assists for the Warriors, lyn’s last two baskets of the first do some group work Wednes- game at Milwaukee. It’s the first
doing for years. a depleted team that looks noth- half, including a deep 3-pointer day when they remained in New time the Warriors began in the
“I tried not to make too big a ing like the powerhouse that with 4.1 seconds left that made York to practice. ... Wiseman, at Eastern time zone since 1975.
deal out of this whole thing and won two titles in Durant’s three it 63-45. 19 years, 266 days, became the
realize I’ve been playing this seasons there. Warriors coach Steve Kerr third-youngest Golden State Up next
game since I was 8 years old, so Durant left shortly after said he was happy for Durant player to start a game behind Warriors: Visit Milwaukee
just got to revert back to what I having surgery following his but upset with what he saw Andris Biedrins (18, 352) and on Friday.
know,” Durant said. injury and was expected to sit from his team, trying to bounce Anthony Randolph (19, 179). ... Nets: Visit Boston on Friday
Irving led Brooklyn with 26 out the entire 2019-20 season back after winning a league-low The Warriors signed Juan Tos- in what will be Irving’s first reg-
points and Caris LeVert scored even before it was suspended in 15 games last season. cano-Anderson, who started six ular-season game there since
20 as the Nets led by as many March because of the coronavi- Durant then scored 10 more games for them last season, to a leaving the Celtics.

Have you checked the

REal EStatE
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 3B

MSU Florida’s Johnson leaves

Continued from Page 1B
scoring would
come from for
in double figures with a 13.9
points per game average.
hospital 10 days after collapse
the Bulldogs. “At the beginning of the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as teammates, coaches, staff, fans and others
The Bulldogs year, I feel like we were kind watched in disbelief.
probably antici- of quiet on the court,” Smith GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Florida forward ESPN declined to show video of the incident.
pated leaps from said. “But now, we’re con- Keyontae Johnson is being released from the Witnesses said Johnson was standing near mid-
D.J. Stewart, stantly talking, and our com- hospital Tuesday, 10 days after collapsing on court and suddenly fell forward and landed on
Iverson Molinar munication has gotten much the court at Florida State and needing emer- his face.
and Tolu Smith, Stewart better.” gency medical attention. He spent two nights at Tallahassee Memo-
but nothing to The school released a statement from his rial before being transferred to Gainesville via
the extent of
the production
Free throw lows family saying, “We continue to be amazed at helicopter with his mother by his side.
In an alternate universe, the pace of his recovery and look forward to
turned in. MSU could be sitting at 7-1 spending Christmas together as a family.” Like many of his Florida teammates, John-
Stewart, a overall entering SEC play The family added that it will share “any in- son tested positive for COVID-19 during the
redshirt soph- with the potential of being formation we think could help others” regard- summer. Although the cause of Johnson’s col-
omore guard, ranked in the AP Top 25. Alas, ing the cause and extent of Johnson’s illness. lapse has not been revealed, the coronavirus
leads the team poor free throw shooting has Kentucky’s John Calipari is one of many can lead to myocarditis, a viral infection of the
in scoring with Molinar been the dagger in two of the coaches in college basketball who have said heart muscle. At its most severe, myocarditis
18.3 points Bulldogs’ three losses. they would like to know if Johnson’s collapse can lead to sudden cardiac arrest and has been
per game that In eight games, MSU is 102- was related to his positive COVID-19 test a documented cause of death for young, other-
included a of-176 from the charity stripe months earlier. wise healthy athletes.
career-high for a shooting percentage of “As much as everyone involved wants firm The SEC mandates strict protocols, includ-
32-point perfor- 58. In a 53-42 season-opening answers, the process to draw definitive conclu- ing rigorous heart testing, before players can
mance against
loss to Clemson, MSU went an sions continues, and we ask for patience as the be cleared to return to play following positive
Dayton. Stew-
abysmal 8-of-27 from the free medical professionals continue their work,” the COVID-19 tests.
art’s biggest
throw line. In a tightly-con- family said. Florida has postponed four basketball
growth has Smith
tested 85-82 double overtime Johnson crumpled to the floor coming out games since Johnson’s collapse. The team is
come from be-
loss to Dayton, the Bulldogs of a timeout on Dec. 12. He was moved to a next scheduled to next play on Dec. 30 at Van-
yond the arc, as the Grace
converted 9 of 22 free throws. stretcher and carried to a waiting ambulance derbilt in the SEC opener for both schools.
native has converted 17 of
Three of MSU’s key cogs in
33 3-pointers for a shooting
the starting lineup boast free
percentage of 51.5 percent.

throw percentages less than
Meanwhile, Molinar has giv-
70 percent. Even in wins, foul
en the Bulldogs a big lift af-
line shooting could be better.
ter missing the first three Continued from Page 1B
“Our foul shooting is still
games because of a positive
really disappointing,” How-
COVID-19 test. The sopho- Sun Belt Conference title in sippi. Then there’s Harsin, continue under his succes-
land said Monday after his
more guard, who Howland his lone season before re- who sustained the success sor, for whom she said the
team converted 12 of 22 free
said had the biggest improve- turning to his alma mater. of one of college football’s school would conduct a na-
throws against Mississippi
ment of a player from his His name was scarce- top Group of Five programs. tional search.
Valley State.
freshman to sophomore year ly mentioned as reports A victory in the 2014 “Boise State has been
he’s seen since Russell West- cycled between potential Mountain West Champion- on a stunning trajectory
brook, is second on the team Early look at Georgia candidates, from Alabama ship game marked Boise for decades and has effec-
with 17.6 points per contest. The other team in the SEC offensive coordinator Steve State’s first outright league tively built on our previous
“Iverson and D.J. are fast that shares the same nick- Sarkisian to Oregon’s Mario title since joining the con- successes,” Tromp said in
forming one of the best back- name as MSU has thus far Cristobal, Louisiana’s Billy ference in 2011, and its first
played above its preseason a statement posted on the
courts in the SEC in my opin- Napier and UAB’s Bill Clark. overall since 2009. The only
projection of finishing 13th in football program’s Twitter
ion,” Howland said. “Our search was diligent alumnus to coach the Bron-
the conference, starting 6-0 account.
While replacing former and thoughtful, and it is cos in their history, Harsin
on the season. Nevertheless, “Each of our head coach-
MSU standout Reggie Perry unfortunate that so much has won conference champi-
in the frontcourt was going the red Bulldogs remain 87th es has used his unique tal-
misinformation was spread onships as a player, assistant
to be a tall task for anyone, in rankings and ents to enhance the excel-
in recent days about the pro- coach and head coach.
Smith has done an admirable have not played a team with a lence of this program — an
cess,” Auburn President Jay Boise State won at least
job at the four position. rating higher than 71st (out of Gogue said, though it wasn’t nine games in each of his excellence we have all come
Smith leads the team with 357 Division I teams) yet this clear precisely what he was first six seasons. The Bron- to expect — and we are con-
8.9 rebounds per night and year. referring to. cos finished 5-2 this year, los- fident that our next coach
has four double-doubles this “I have not seen Georgia Harsin has a proven track ing to No. 19 San Jose State will do the same.”
season. play a wink (yet), but I fol- record as a head coach, more in the league title game. Boi- Auburn is set to play No.
“With my size and my lowed a little of their recent so than any Auburn coach se State opted not to partici- 15 Northwestern in the Cit-
frame, I expect to pull in a win over Cincinnati,” How- in recent memory. Malzahn pate in a bowl game. rus Bowl on New Year’s Day.
double-double every night,” land said. “They’re playing only had one season as a col- Boise State President Defensive coordinator Kevin
Smith said. “I feel like it’s a great and they’re undefeated. lege head coach. Chizik had Marlene Tromp praised Steele is serving as the Ti-
necessity for our team.” My challenge the next four a losing record at Iowa State. Harsin’s contributions to the gers’ interim coach and was
He’s also the only other days will be watching film on Tommy Tuberville was program but expressed con- initially regarded as a candi-
Bulldog to consistently score them in preparation.” 12-20 in the SEC at Missis- fidence the winning would date for the permanent job.
4B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B

game locker room victory it shows Josh’s maturity just coverage and not avoiding 68.7%. wing to counsel and support
huddle with a blunt, emphatic to be able to think about the hits to gain an extra yard, Al- And he’s not forgotten them. He did the same with
message. next step in a moment like len acknowledged he’s driven Denver was one of the quar- Allen, memorably showing
“We did something that that. I certainly appreci- in part because of a fear of terback-needy teams who up at the Bills’ facility for the
nobody’s done for a very long ate that about him, and his failure by letting down his passed him up in 2018 by in- quarterback’s first practice.
time. But understand what’s growth as well.” teammates. stead selecting defensive end The two shared a lengthy
at stake,” Allen said before Allen’s development as a “That’s what motivates Bradley Chubb with the No. 5 chat after which Kelly, weak-
using a profanity to make his leader parallels the strides me,” Allen said. “And I fear pick. ened by his battle with jaw
point in a video the Bills post- he’s made improving the defi- letting the guys who drafted “He might not say it, but cancer, had difficulty speak-
ed on social media. “This hat ciencies he had in being the me, this front office and this he definitely remembers,” of- ing but managed a thumbs-up
and shirt’s fine and dandy, third of five quarterbacks se- organization, down by trad- fensive lineman Jon Feliciano while posing for the cameras
but I want one that says ... Su- lected in the first round of the ing up to come and get me.” said following the game. with Allen.
per Bowl champs on it.” 2018 draft. The jump in his production Allen sidestepped a ques- Nothing has swayed Kelly
Coach Sean McDermott By trading up five spots to is stunning. tion about being snubbed by since.
smiled during a video call two pick Allen at No. 7, the Bills He’s gone from throwing the Broncos by saying: “I’m “I enjoy watching him play.
days later because the scene faced immediate questions 10 touchdowns and 12 inter- where I’m supposed to be.” I enjoy what he brings to the
exposed fans to both Allen’s for choosing a player with ceptions in 11 games as a From Todd Collins in 1997 game. I enjoy his leadership,”
fiery nature and leadership, accuracy issues and coming rookie, to 30 TDs and nine to Tyrod Taylor in 2017, the he said. “And I just hope they
by reminding everyone the from a non-power program interceptions this year. As for Bills had 16 quarterbacks can continue to build on this
job’s not done. such as Wyoming. accuracy, Allen’s gone from start at least one game in the for many, many more years,
“That’s the rawness of the Allen hasn’t forgotten the ranking 32nd among NFL span between Kelly’s retire- not only for the Buffalo Bills
locker room in terms of the criticisms. starters by completing 52.8% ment and Allen’s arrival. but all these fans, who have
emotion after a game like Fearless as he might be of his attempts as a rookie Kelly has taken most all of been waiting a long time.”
that,” McDermott said. “And in throwing passes into tight to ranking sixth this year at those quarterbacks under his Count Kelly among them.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: al Suicide Prevention Lifeline
A friend of In 1972, when (800-273-8255) offers support
mine has re- I was 12, my to surviving family members.
cently discovered father died by sui- I do think you should talk
that her husband cide. I was told it to your friend’s son. Introduce
of 40-plus years was an accident. the topic by telling him what
has been hiding I was given an ex- happened in your family, how
a decades-long planation, but the much his father meant to you
porn addiction. facts didn’t add and your concern for him and
The discovery has up. I suspected his own family, which is why
caused a problem it was suicide. In you are bringing it up now.
in their marriage. 1998, my brother DEAR ABBY: It’s not the
ZITS They have had also died by sui- first time, but certainly will be
counseling. cide. Afterward, the last time I’m invited to a
He says he I asked Mom if close friend’s house without
wants to save Dad had done it, my baby girl, my 12-year-old
their marriage Dear Abby too. She denied retired therapy dog, “Lady.” Ev-
and has vowed to it, but I knew eryone loves Lady. So does my
give up the porn. better. friend. (I even have her portrait
I was told he told his wife that Around the time of my tattooed on my leg.) Is it rude
if she decides to divorce him, brother’s death, I lost my best to not want to visit my friend
he will tell the entire family and friend/co-worker/father figure because Lady is not welcome?
their children that SHE was of 17 years to suicide. His — LOVES MY LADY
the one addicted to porn, and son was told his dad had had DEAR LOVES: It’s not rude.
it is the reason he’s divorcing a heart attack. He is now a It is a choice. What I DO think
her. My question is, what kind father in his 40s, and I think is rude is attempting to black-
GARFIELD of person would treat his wife he deserves to know. Should mail someone into allowing a
this way and think this is an I remain silent as I have for loved, but unwanted, pet into
appropriate way to save the more than 20 years? — IN A their home knowing it isn’t
marriage? — TWISTED IN MORAL DILEMMA welcome. If Lady were still a
KENTUCKY DEAR DILEMMA: Years ago, therapy dog, I might feel differ-
DEAR TWISTED: Unfor- when a family member died ently, but Lady is now retired,
tunately, the husband has a by suicide, it was considered and her presence is no longer
problem greater than his porn shameful and kept a family se- a medical necessity.
addiction. It’s his lack of char- cret. Because depression can Dear Abby is written by
acter and honesty. His threat run in families, these kinds of Abigail Van Buren, also known
is not only inappropriate, but secrets can be harmful. Today as Jeanne Phillips, and was
also a valid reason to end the we know more, and there are founded by her mother, Pauline
marriage. programs available to help Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at
P.S. I can’t imagine why her families who have suffered this or P.O. Box
family would buy that lie. kind of tragic loss. The Nation- 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). mistakenly given but because
23). The months ahead feature You know what it’s like to go it was just time. Remembering
wondrous crossovers between through the motions of life all this will help you with today’s
different parts of your life. Aes- the while gazing distractedly judicious choice.
thetic choices bring about mys- inward. That is why, when you LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
tical outcomes; spiritual habits recognize this in others, your like to go away long enough to
physically heal and invigorate; heart extends; your empathy miss what you have at home.
material goals introduce new re- augments; and you offer love. Such things haven’t been as
lationships, etc. When you lead GEMINI (May 21-June possible, but that has only
with that special frequency all 21). You recognize that you’ve made your plans for the future
BABY BLUES on your own, you win on multiple
levels. Taurus and Leo adore
been gifted an extraordinary
bestowal. You’d like to enjoy it
more daring. Oh, the buzzy fan-
tasy of wanderlust dreams!
you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, awhile before you get down to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
39, 33, 27 and 1. the business of giving thanks Conversation can flow freely at
ARIES (March 21-April 19). for it. And in fact, your delight is times, but the important com-
Your body is designed to heal the best sort of gratitude. munication shouldn’t be left to
itself, and it will follow through CANCER (June 22-July 22). chance. Give forethought to the
with the potential of that design Once upon a time, you gave important parts and how you’d
just as soon as you lift the a heart and then had to take like to structure it.
stress off and let nature work. it back, not because it was LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
The dog doesn’t wish it was
a cat. The cat does not wish
it was a bird. The animals
embrace their unique creature-
hood, and so will you today, by
doing something that only you
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
When asked, you’ll give your an-
gle on things, though you’re also
aware that many times, people
ask questions not because they
want answers but because they
want to give their own opinion
on the matter.
Dec. 21). It feels good to be
praised, but what feels better
is to be engaged, challenged
and chosen. You’re top tier as
a playmate, and someone just
MALLARD FILLMORE keeps picking you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). An experience may be
dreamy once, and the next time,
it’s not the same at all, owing to
any one of a dozen variables...
which is why it always helps to
temper expectations.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Your next opportunity is
coming from an unexpected
place. They have to hear about
you first, though, so don’t be
afraid to talk about what you’re
up to.
20). Once, you were angry
about how you’d been wronged.
But, wishing to grow, you didn’t
rest in the bitterness. You kept
going until the scene got so
comically small in your rearview
that you could not help but
laugh at it.

Free and easy

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Still time to make

sweet memories
This garlic herb tri-tip is seasoned
with garlic, thyme, rosemary, salt
and pepper.

A memorable
holiday menu

oliday gatherings, even in a
time when smaller groups
are encouraged, take on
special meaning for many families.
Part of the joy comes from the food
that’s shared among loved ones
from appetizers and sides to the
main course.
Making cookies as a family is one way to create memories around the holiday.
This year, you can enjoy those
meaningful moments with your
closest family members and friends
by putting together a menu that

keeps smiles on faces from the
lenty of memories are made
first bite to the last. Start with your
in the kitchen this time of
year, often around the fun of favorite among the nearly endless
appetizer options that symbolize
making holiday cookies as a family.
the season then enjoy a tender
Kids may forget what they got for
tri-tip alongside bacon-wrapped
Christmas, but chances are they’ll
asparagus and a twist on classic,
long remember the laughter, the
roasted potatoes.
flour, the decorating they did with
Visit to find more
their siblings and parents. If you’re
holiday menu ideas.
making some last-minute cookies
for Santa or the neighbors, here are
a few tips from County Extension Tasty appetizer
Agent Carla Haley-Hadley with Many recipes commonly associ-
the Division of Agriculture at the ated with the holidays are accom-
University of Arkansas Cooperative panied by lengthy ingredient lists
Extension Service. or hours spent in the kitchen. How-
Gluten-free peanut butter cookies can be ready in a jiffy. ever, all that time and effort doesn’t
n So the dough keeps sticking
to your rolling pin? Lightly dust the 1 teaspoon baking soda have to be used on this year’s side
n Make sure there is about 2 dish when you opt for a simple yet
surface and rolling pin with flour. inches of space around the cookie 1 teaspoon cream of tarter
Repeat dusting occasionally. Or use mouthwatering option.
sheet to allow for good air circula- n In mixing bowl combine powdered
a pastry cloth and stockinet-cov- You can feel good about what
tion. sugar, margarine, vanilla, almond extract
ered rolling pin to make rolling you’re feeding your family this hol-
n You may want to freeze some and egg. Stir in remaining ingredients, put
iday season while saving prep time
dough easier and help prevent it cookies for later. Both frosted and in zip top bag and refrigerate at least 3
from sticking. If your dough is too hours. by serving this Bacon-Wrapped
unfrosted cookies may be frozen n Heat oven to 350 degrees. Divide Asparagus made with Coleman
soft, refrigerate is for about an for up to 2 months. Unfrosted cook- dough into halves. Roll each half on lightly Natural bacon, which contains no
hour. ies freeze better because cookies floured surface. Cut into desired shapes.
artificial ingredients or preserva-
n Cookies spreading and flat- may become moist under frosting. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet and
bake until edges are light brown, approxi- tives and is sourced from American
tening after baking? Try refriger- Arrange cookies in a container mately 7 to 8 minutes. family farms that humanely raise
ating the dough until well chilled, lined with plastic food wrap or alu- Note: If using self-rising flour, omit baking their animals with no antibiotics
about 1-2 hours. If, after chilling, minum foil. For best results, wrap soda and cream of tarter. or added hormones. Whether it’s
the dough is still too soft, stir in 1 cookies individually in plastic wrap. served as a side dish or an appe-
to 2 tablespoons of flour. Separate with layers of aluminum GLUTEN-FREE PEANUT tizer, it calls for just a handful of
Another reason cookies may foil or plastic food wrap. Store in an everyday ingredients for a dish you
spread is a greased cookie sheet. airtight container, label and date. BUTTER COOKIES can be proud of.
Greasing the sheet when the recipe Happy baking. Happy Christ- Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes Visit
doesn’t call for it not only causes mas. Makes 1-2 dozen Recipes for more seasonal recipe
cookies to spread, it can also cause inspiration.
them to brown around the edges. 1 cup peanut butter
n For evenly browned cookies, HALEY FAMILY FAVORITE 1 cup sugar
use a baking stone, or a shiny, SUGAR COOKIES 1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
Tender holiday tri-tip
aluminum cookie sheet at least 2 Centering your holiday meal
inches narrower and shorter than 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar n Preheat oven at 375 F. around a flavorful cut of meat can
the oven. If you use a dark colored 1 cup margarine n Mix ingredients together, roll into 1-2 make the celebration truly memo-
cookie sheet, watch it carefully.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract inch balls, and flatten with a sugared fork. rable, especially when it’s cooked
3/4 teaspoon almond extract n Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden to perfection over the hot flame of
It may cause cookies to brown 1 egg brown.
quicker. 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (Source:
a grill.
This year, take your family’s
main course to the next level with a
See MENU, 6B

A special sweet- An apple cake for any occasion

tart treat for FAMILY FEATURES

t’s almost impossible to beat the com-
the holidays bination of sweet fruit and decadent
desserts. This delicious recipe for Apple
Cake highlights the crisp fruit but also
FAMILY FEATURES the cinnamon sugar-flavored pastry. It’s

luscious but doesn’t overdo it on the sweet
ll kinds of holiday celebra- meter with just the right mix of flavors.
tions, whether with imme-
The cake is baked with the apples inside
diate family or joining loved
as the middle layer, which creates a moist,
ones virtually, can be made better
with sweet treats that add special finished product. The apples are gooey,
meaning to the occasion. Including baked in a cinnamon sugar coating, making
fresh fruit in your treat can make them a sweet and light complement to the
it an even tastier take on seasonal perfectly baked cake.
tradition. Start by mixing the apples with cinna-
For example, fresh California mon and, of course, sugar. Set the mixture
grapes are available into January aside. Now it’s time for cake. First, mix all
and are perfect for the holiday the dry ingredients together then mix in
season. Enjoy them as a fresh, the wet ingredients.
healthy snack or side dish, or as an The secret to this cake is creating layers
ingredient to add taste and visual that will hold up. Pour half of the batter
See TART, 6B A moist apple cake complements any meal. See CAKE, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
Garlic Herb Tri-Tip lightly seasoned For an easy cooking hack, slice the n Rub tri-tip with olive oil. Add minced
with garlic, thyme, rosemary, salt potatoes on a wooden spoon to pre- garlic and use hands to evenly distribute.
and pepper to let the naturally vent cutting all the way through. n Combine chopped thyme, rosemary,
salt and pepper; cover oiled tri-tip on both
flavorful New Zealand grass-fed Visit for more sides with spice blend.
beef speak for itself. Because the holiday recipe inspiration. n Place tri-tip on hottest part of grill and
animals roam and graze freely over sear 2-3 minutes.
lush green hills and pastures year- n Flip tri-tip and transfer to indirect heat.
round, New Zealand grass-fed beef
BACON-WRAPPED ASPARAGUS Continue grilling until internal temperature
Servings: 10 reaches 135 F for medium-rare.
is leaner, more finely textured and n Transfer meat to platter, cover with foil
tastes just as nature intended. 20 asparagus stalks and let rest 10 minutes.
Find more recipes and holiday 10 slices Coleman Natural Hickory n Slice across the grain and serve.
meal ideas at Smoked Bacon
2 tablespoons olive oil
Easy, impressive side 1/2 teaspoon pepper Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Every holiday meal comes with
n Preheat oven to 400 F. Line rimmed Servings: 8-12 YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
plenty of traditional and family-fa- baking sheet with parchment paper.
vorite dishes, and one of the most n Wrap 2 asparagus stalks with 1 slice 1 bag (3 pounds) The Little Potato Compa-
common on tables is potatoes.
Whether they’re roasted, mashed
bacon. Repeat with remaining asparagus
and bacon. Place bundles on baking
ny Holiday Blend
10 sprigs thyme, removed from stem Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
or anything in-between, they’re
sheet. Drizzle asparagus ends with olive 6 sprigs parsley, chopped Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 8 3 1 5 6 4 9 2 7
oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. 4 cloves garlic, minced
among the most versatile options ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 2 4 7 8 3 1 6 5

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

n Bake until asparagus is cooked through 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
for the holidays. and bacon is crisp, about 20 minutes. 1 teaspoon kosher salt based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 5 7 6 1 9 2 3 4 8
This year, you can save time on 1/2 teaspoon pepper grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 7 5 2 3 1 9 4 8 6
seasonal favorites with Creamer po- Sour cream (optional) given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 6 1 3 8 4 7 2 5 9
tatoes from The Little Potato Com-
GARLIC HERB TRI-TIP Cooked bacon pieces (optional) object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
Prep time: 10 minutes Green onion slices (optional) numbers 4 8 9 2 5 6 7 1 3
pany. They are ready to use, with Cook time: 30 minutes contains the1same to 9 number
3 4 7 6 2 5 8 9 1
no washing or peeling required, Servings: 6 n Preheat oven to 400 F. the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty 1 9 5 4 3 8 6 7 2
and they’re small and consistent in n Lay wooden spoon flat on solid surface that each row, each
level increases from
size so they cook quickly. 1 New Zealand grass-fed beef tri-tip (2 and place one potato in spoon. Using par- column and each 2 6 8 9 7 1 5 3 4
1/2-3 pounds) ing knife, slice 1/8-inch thick slices along Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/22
Try them roasted, boiled, 1/4 cup olive oil length of each potato one at a time.
smashed or mashed whether you’re 2 tablespoons minced garlic n In bowl, toss potatoes, thyme, parsley, the same number only once. The difficulty level
making a quick weeknight dinner 3 tablespoons fresh chopped thyme garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper. Place po- increases from Monday to Sunday.
or getting a festive meal on the ta- 3 tablespoons fresh chopped rosemary tatoes on parchment-lined baking sheet,
1 teaspoon salt cut sides down. Bake 10 minutes, flip and
ble. This holiday season, try these 1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper bake 10 minutes, or until soft.
Little Hasselback Potatoes for a n Serve with sour cream, bacon and
twist on the classic roasted variety. n Preheat grill to high heat. green onion, if desired.

Continued from Page 5B
into a round springform for any get-together, sweet desserts at Culi- n Heat oven to 350 F.
pan first then add apple families looking for an n In medium bowl, mix
mixture and top it all after-dinner indulgence apples, cinnamon and 5 table-
spoons sugar until combined.
with the rest of the cake or anyone who just loves
batter. fruity desserts. It’s
APPLE CAKE Set aside.
n In large bowl, mix flour, 2
Servings: 8-16
Finally, for a little ex- delectable enough for cups sugar, baking powder
tra sweetness, sprinkle 1 fancy occasions, but also and salt until combined. Form
3 cups Honeycrisp apples, well in middle of mixture. Add
tablespoon of sugar over simple enough to make at peeled, cored and diced oil, eggs, orange juice and
the top of the cake before home for just a couple. 3 teaspoons cinnamon vanilla; mix until blended.
6 tablespoons, plus 2 cups, n In springform pan, pour half
baking. With fluffy cake layers sugar, divided
and a soft apple center, of batter. Add apple mixture.
Once baked, this cake 3 cups flour Pour remaining batter over
can be drizzled with icing this cake does it all. Not 3 teaspoons baking powder apple mixture. Sprinkle re-
(if you’d like) to make it to mention the drip of ic- 1 teaspoon salt maining sugar over batter.
an even more delightful ing at the end that all but 1 cup oil n Bake 40-50 minutes, or
4 eggs, beaten until top is golden brown
treat to satisfy any sweet guarantees everyone will 1/4 cup orange juice and tester comes out clean
tooth. be asking for seconds. 1 teaspoon vanilla and dry. Drizzle with icing, if
This cake is perfect Find more recipes and Icing (optional) desired.

Continued from Page 5B
appeal to recipes to make Find more holiday 2 ounces almond paste to create frangipane. Carefully
the season feel special. dessert recipes at grapes- 1 large egg spread over arranged grapes
1/4 cup sugar and bake 35 minutes until tart
This Grape Frangi- 1/4 cup butter is golden brown and cooked
pane Tart offers a simple 2 tablespoons flour through.
solution when your sweet 1pinch salt
tooth calls for a dish to
GRAPE Confectioners’ sugar
n When tart is cool, remove
from pan and dust with con-
share with family. Every- FRANGIPANE TART n Preheat oven to 375 F. fectioners’ sugar.
Nutritional information per
day ingredients likely al- Servings: 10 n Line 10-inch tart pan with
pastry. Arrange grapes snugly serving: 151 calories; 2 g pro-
ready in your pantry com- tein; 8 g fat; 46% calories from
1 tart pastry, single crust (10 in decorative rings in pastry.
bine with fresh grapes for inches) With electric mixer, combine fat; 19 g carbohydrates; 34 mg
a sweet-tart twist worthy 3 1/2 cups red or black seed- almond paste, egg, sugar, but- cholesterol; .8 g fiber; 86 mg
of the holidays. less California grapes ter, flour and salt until smooth sodium.
1 Musical
7 Purposes
11 Stir up
12 Christmas
13 Manger
14 Safari sight
15 Dorothy, for
17 Painter
20 Finishes a
golf hole
23 — Jima
24 Stand with
shelves tree stuff 18 Be patient for
26 Paving stuff 45 Winter glider 19 Home of
27 That woman 46 Unwavering 8-Down
28 Wedding DOWN 21 Right now
words 1 Tic-toe link 22 Sculpting
29 Hand warm- 2 Screw up medium
ers 3 “The Simp- 24 Question of
31 Paint buy sons” bartender place
32 Old anes- 4 Hockey needs 25 Egg layer
thetic 5 Workplace 30 Was abun-
33 Scottish isle watchdog: Abbr. dant
34 Baseball’s 6 Glimpsed 33 Paris river
Reese 7 German vowel 35 Moistens
37 Inn offering topper 36 Way to go
39 Is real 8 Annual visitor 37 Apt. ad abbr.
43 Odometer 9 Swelled head 38 Motor need
unit 10 Sermon topic 40 Compass dir.
44 Christmas 16 Ship poles 41 — Aviv
17 Blackjack call 42 Shrewd
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020 7B
described property situated in PROPERTY HEREIN DE-

Lowndes County, Mississippi, SCRIBED AND CONTAINING
to wit: 7.31 ACRES, MORE OR LESS,


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street address of the property
To place ads starting at only $12,
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SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE 39702. In the event of any dis-
NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE crepancy between this street
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LEGALS Community
(NE 1/4) A DISTANCE OF but I will convey only such title
330.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH A as is vested in me as Substi- COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES.
DISTANCE OF 25 FEET TO A tute Trustee. 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
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Call us: 662-328-2424 ARY LINE OF A PAVED ROAD,
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WHEREAS, default has oc-
curred in the performance of BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID
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ditions of a Deed of Trust NORTH 86 DEGREES 44 12/16/2020, 12/23/2020, CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
dated February 2, 2001, ex- MINUTES WEST ALONG THE 12/30/2020 Utilities & cable included,
ecuted by A J STEVENSON, JR., NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF from $145/wk − $535/mo

conveying certain real property locations. 662−242−7653
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recorded February 13, 2001, in
Deed Book 1359, Page 152 , HOUSING FINANCE CORPORA- ing Receptionist/Secretary.
and re-recorded March 27, TION BY TRUSTEE`S DEED FOR Previous experience Houses For Sale: East
2001 in Deed Book 1365, ROBERT B. PRATHER, SUBSTI- helpful but not necessary.
Page 529; and TUTE TRUSTEE, RECORDED IN Computer skills a must. FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof,
BOOK 740, PAGE 303-307 IN Email resume to: new paint, fenced
WHEREAS, the beneficial in- THE OFFICE OF THE CHAN-
CERY CLERK OF LOWNDES backyard, driveway leads
terest of said Deed of Trust behind house. $128,000.
was transferred and assigned COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI.
to Towd Point Mortgage Trust
2018-3, U.S. Bank National As- PROPERTY ADDRESS: The
General Help Wanted 662−889−1443.
Five Questions:
sociation, as Indenture Trust- street address of the property CARPENTER NEEDED w/ at Lots & Acreage
is believed to be 1174 MOUNT least 4 yrs. of experience.
1 Smack
ee; and
VERNON RD, COLUMBUS, MS Ideal candidate will have an 1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC 39702. In the event of any dis- Bad Credit Options. Good
crepancy between this street eye for detail, be depend-
has been appointed as Substi- credit as low as 20% down,
address and the legal descrip- able, have good communic-
2 5th Avenue
tute Trustee; and $499/mo. Eaton Land,
tion of the property, the legal ation skills, reliable trans-
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder description shall control. portation & basic tools. We 662−361−7711.
of said Deed of Trust, having specialize in home remod-
Title to the above described Mobile Homes for Sale
3 Arizona
requested the undersigned so els & new construction.
to do, as Substitute Trustee or property is believed to be good, Call 662-312-3130 for info.
his duly appointed agent, by vir- but I will convey only such title 2019 Clayton Mobile Home
tue of the power, duty and au- as is vested in me as Substi- Brand new, never lived in.
tute Trustee.
4 Water, bright
thority vested and imposed Fully furnished, perfect for

upon said Substitute Trustee an older couple or person. One call will bring you results.
light, eating after
shall, on January 6, 2021 with-
ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Attached front porch with 662-328-2424
in the lawful hours of sale roof. May have to be or place your ad online at
at the southeast front door of BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Ads starting at $25 moved unless lease is
approved by land owner.
Courthouse proceed to sell at
public outcry to the highest and Rubin Lublin, LLC $40,000. 828−674−8659
Apts For Rent: North
5 Cyber Monday
best bidder for cash or certi- 428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite
fied funds ONLY, the following 107
Oxford, MS 38655

described property situated in 2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX,
Lowndes County, Mississippi, newly renovated with bonus Medical / Dental
to wit: Tel: (877) 813-0992
Fax: (470) 508-9401 room. HUD accepted.
LOT 10, OF AND IN PINE PUBLISH: 12/09/2020, Ads starting at $12
SHOWN AND RECORDED IN 12/30/2020 1 & 2 BR near hospital. Firewood / Fuel
PLAT BOOK 2 AT PAGE 62 IN $595−$645 monthly.
THE CHANCERY CLERK`S OF- Military discount, pet area, FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
MISSISSIPPI. TRUSTEE’S SALE pet friendly, and furnished Various lengths.
corporate apts. 662−295−2274.
street address of the property COUNTY OF LOWNDES GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. Furniture
is believed to be 86 ELMORE ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
39702. In the event of any dis- curred in the performance of 24−HOUR CAMERA GE Washer, almost new,
crepancy between this street the covenants, terms and con-
ditions of a Deed of Trust SURVEILLANCE. Benji & $450.
address and the legal descrip-
tion of the property, the legal dated May 16, 2013, ex- Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Dryer, good cond, $125.
description shall control. ecuted by PAUL N. STEWART, Call anytime,
conveying certain real property Apts For Rent: West 662−275−7679.
Title to the above described therein described to REAL ES-
General Merchandise

property is believed to be good, TATE CLOSING SERVICES INC,
but I will convey only such title as Trustee, for REVERSE
as is vested in me as Substi- MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, INC.,

Roper Dryer, standard size,
tute Trustee. Original Beneficiary, to secure good condition, $200.
the indebtedness therein de-
scribed, as same appears of 662−312−6617.
ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY record in the office of the Chan-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
Apartments & Houses
BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mississippi filed and recorded
1 Bedrooms
May 22, 2013, in Deed Book Craftsman table saw. 10"
Rubin Lublin, LLC
428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite
2013, Page 14797 ; and
2 Bedroooms $100. Craftsman
compound miter saw. 12"
Oxford, MS 38655
WHEREAS, the beneficial in-
terest of said Deed of Trust 3 Bedrooms $100. "Tell City" 70" table
was transferred and assigned w/ extensions rumford
Tel: (877) 813-0992 to Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Furnished & Unfurnished finish. Six chairs. $600.
Inc.; and "Ethan Allen" china cabinet
Fax: (470) 508-9401
1, 2, & 3 Baths w/ hutch. 66" cherry finish.
PUBLISH: 12/09/2020,
12/16/2020, 12/23/2020,
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC
has been appointed as Substi-
Lease, Deposit $600. "Ethan Allen"
& Credit Check
highboy dresser. mahogany
12/30/2020 tute Trustee; and 76" height. $400.
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder Call 662−368−6779

NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE of said Deed of Trust, having
TRUSTEE’S SALE requested the undersigned so Sporting Goods
to do, as Substitute Trustee or
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI his duly appointed agent, by vir- ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
COUNTY OF LOWNDES tue of the power, duty and au- Apts For Rent: Other Open for season!
thority vested and imposed Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
WHEREAS, default has oc- upon said Substitute Trustee Over 50 years experience!
curred in the performance of shall, on January 6, 2021 with- Repairs, cleaning, refin−
the covenants, terms and con- in the lawful hours of sale
ditions of a Deed of Trust between 11:00AM and 4:00PM ishing, scopes mounted &
dated November 14, 2003, ex- at the southeast front door of zeroed, handmade knives.
ecuted by MINNIE S. ARMOUR, Courthouse proceed to sell at Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
conveying certain real property public outcry to the highest and of West Point, turn right on
therein described to T. FRANK best bidder for cash or certi- Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
COLLINS, as Trustee, for fied funds ONLY, the following left on Darracott Rd, will
WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL MIS- described property situated in see sign, 2.5mi ahead
SISSIPPI 2, INC., Original Bene- Lowndes County, Mississippi, shop on left.
ficiary, to secure the indebted- to wit: 662−494−6218.
ness therein described, as
same appears of record in the BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHW-
office of the Chancery Clerk of EST CORNER OF SECTION 31,
Did you
Lowndes County, Mississippi TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE

filed and recorded November 17 WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY,
20, 2003, in Deed Book 2003, MISSISSIPPI; THENCE NORTH
Page 46894 ; and 1 DEGREE 20 MINUTES WEST
WHEREAS, the beneficial in- DEGREE 00 MINUTES WEST A
terest of said Deed of Trust DISTANCE OF 466 FEET TO
was transferred and assigned THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGIN-
to Wilmington Trust, National NING OF THE PROPERTY
Association, not in its individu- HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE The Dispatch is the last
al capacity, but solely as trust- CONTINUE NORTH 1 DEGREE
ee of MFRA Trust 2015-1; and 00 MINUTES WEST A DIS- family-owned newspaper
The Military Square
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC
NORTH 3 DEGREES 26 Apartments are now in Mississippi.
has been appointed as Substi- MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF accepting applicants!

Service Directory
tute Trustee; and 240 FEET; THENCE NORTH 23 We have 1, 2, and 3
DEGREES 32 MINUTES EAST A bedroom units available.
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder DISTANCE OF 132.8 FEET; All apartments are newly
of said Deed of Trust, having THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES remodeled, and include:
requested the undersigned so 4 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE New Washer/Dryer, New
to do, as Substitute Trustee or OF 435.3 FEET; THENCE
his duly appointed agent, by vir- SOUTH 3 DEGREES 26 Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!
tue of the power, duty and au- MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE
thority vested and imposed
upon said Substitute Trustee
We also offer rent
discounts for: Promote your small business starting at only $25
shall, on January 6, 2021 with- WEST A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET; −Active Military
in the lawful hours of sale THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES −Veterans Air Cond & Heating General Services General Services Painting & Papering
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM 14 MINUTES EAST A DIS- −Seniors
at the southeast front door of TANCE OF 476 FEET; THENCE Call us at: 662−205−0005 RAPID TEMP Heating & WORK WANTED: Licensed QUALITY PAINTING.
Courthouse proceed to sell at NORTH 87 DEGREES 44 cooling. Home & RV. & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Ext/Int Painting.
public outcry to the highest and MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE Service & install. electrical, minor plumbing, Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
best bidder for cash or certi- OF 478 FEET TO THE INITIAL Free estimates. insulation, painting, demo− Repair. Pressure Washing.
fied funds ONLY, the following POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE
described property situated in PROPERTY HEREIN DE- Call 602−736−4880. lition, gutters cleaned, Free Estimates. Ask for
Lowndes County, Mississippi, SCRIBED AND CONTAINING RENTALS pressure washing, land− specials! Larry Webber,
to wit: 7.31 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS scaping, cleanup work. 662−242−4932.
LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN General Services 662−242−3608.
Bucket truck & stump
1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWN- SIPPI. Serving Columbus LAWN SERVICE
SHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 17 Interior & Exterior Painting.
© The Dispatch

WEST, LOWNDES COUNTY, PROPERTY ADDRESS: The since 1987. Senior Mowing, cleanup, tree 662−435−6528
MISSISSIPPI AND BEING MORE street address of the property DEPOSIT citizen disc. Call Alvin @
cutting, landscaping,
sodding & bush hogging.
FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE DRIVE, COLUMBUS, MS AND "We’ll go out on a limb for 662−356−6525
39702. In the event of any dis-
crepancy between this street
1/4) OF SECTION 21, TOWN- address and the legal descrip- Don’t have time
tion of the property, the legal
description shall control.
662-329-2323 LANDSCAPING L.L.C.
Phone: 662−549−1878
Landscaping, Property
to cut your lawn?
ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF Title to the above described 2411 HWY 45 N LIST YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Clean Up, Plant Care, Find help here!
SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER property is believed to be good, Ads starting at $25 Bush Hogging,
(NE 1/4) A DISTANCE OF but I will convey only such title COLUMBUS, MS Herbicide Spraying
330.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH A as is vested in me as Substi-

Support your community this Christmas season by shopping local!

DISTANCE OF 25 FEET TO A tute Trustee.

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