Paltridge, B. (2008) - Discourse Analysis - An Introduction. Pp. 23-51

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anatyls of discourse, sped act thaory and progmatic, conversion SSSI. te soil censrelonin cow of ecouree analyst and [ial lncouse soniyte Stengthe and Uitatone of incousee linea saa discussed Riggenbac, H. (1991, Discourse Analysis in the Language Clasroom, “Volume i: The Spoken Language. Ann Arbor: University of Mich (pan Press, Chapt 3 Overefow: Dicoute als he angu9gs Fico. Riggmhach's nk provides many practical examples of how discourse Senile ra ol tnguage famine castors. The into: ‘Boston chpire to her hank tis the theoretical becherouad a he triton diecouee, Rigen Toone for language eeching tre nf mehndlogy materials Bielopmont onl yabus dest 21 Giscourse communes and speech comaunies ey ] esa | 23 tone ogg oe = | | ta omer on ar a || | teen nt say oP | een ony = | 29-condasn 6 | eeeeee G 22 cin hag ‘The previous cheptor discussed the scialstatednes of dscouts that 5 that spoken an writen discourse cra ia pane sot ‘nd caltural stings end is usod and understond indice ys fn Aierent social and euttral settings This chapte will discuss. n tore detail mpotant spec of the socal aad calor! songs of Spoken and welt lscoure: I wl tat wa x dirnecon of fh Batlon ef nsouee community and the nln an ep musty Rett of nen hava tn fone on what we saya how ‘nyt Thay ale nar te langue aro we choos to ae to Sm ent in the ting we ae fn Oth factor whieh alec ‘Sur tre of language are the socal claw svn ara mumbo af forthe Social cat ofthe poop wo ao commoialing wil os wal ce tho ‘etal notwork wa pr of Within thse sol groupe and soll ‘through stscourse. One of the identtiae we exprens ls our gendered “nd This ve op tht has boon dscuaed St oa length ond Ya 23 Decne oan changing wage) inthe ar of discourse analysis ru slang ith ‘hers Honig ie Scud inthe captor “Tho eo Ello tnd dscns, father important tops tu aes jun faa diaouned ia the chapter i communities and 2.1 Dinegurse speech ‘A hey notion in the aon of diesen ana eth cone af ie Sounte commit ve be blow for dain) Sane [198 rises tnt of chorctenton for Idantping » group of pola ne Unowics of particle dacoure sommani- Dee gloup tat have Ste sc of shoe common gels comm mehannoe for communes “lem and sme nyo providing the sxshange of information amongst Umembet Fhe commonity must have fawn polar gonroe te tof aprile temlology and vonsblae end high Iva of miei pselat atone pons maybe formally aged hu ite Gano lan sud aneetatons) "a they may be more tit Swe 990-2} The way ut which people comamuneste with Sar oer and ecg nai wll vay end th ou ‘Ths might clude ming twain, cl nreaataae ns {ange of oer types of rine andor spoken satiation. {he dacoute commarty wl have paula ways of womaunleting ‘with ach other and eas of geting thigs dane that nave develops {hrough ie. Tuere wil alee be a troshold level of exports ithe tr of the gres thn discourse commensy are ort communi tons fr sotgone Tobe considered a mom of thal commun. 7 decourn mmmonty cn gro af pope who share some Kind ‘s aetiiy euch mate af = rh ne ection wh have Segal instage os grovp af stent hg eaten he ‘Shoe univorty. Mombaee of = discousto community han par {ila rae ef commnicating with aach other ‘They genesly Live shard goss and may have shred vale and Bellis A fenton nates tombor afore tan ove dinero somnnunity ‘Emcone any be muniveritysordent 0 sumer Sf community ‘volunteer agentaton ands member fs ebureh group ft hauples The ways ia which they communiate in ech of ‘a vale ei tate a pro ‘tot Le arf ner groupe ny vary. Tre say ale be dl ‘Coury communis wb ulcarve suiaes Acute dopaments, for axample, may ie Us ways a Uy So ‘hinge ant tha allafe an wane that they hol, onde may ‘ar ars fhe ntsercy A tslophons call centr ean amps ofsdzcoure community Cameron’ 2000) study of telophono cl sons fa the UE ages ‘it soma ofthe chorsootion a this Kina dacs comnany ‘hig bo. Sho found, fr sxampley tht the telophone operators a the ‘ll contt sho examined wore Gawd to carnmunicne with cuter ‘mer om the phone in very peciclar ways, Thay wae teed 0 thamer the phone eth a ale a dete wok Ty war sabe oy ‘ition tthe pitch uf ea veiue eta iny ome ee dew uct mda Une sl hey we ore ak ‘oie te loaly or oyu, Toy wee tne to ag ‘at they a noe to speed rough wna hey were saying. They wate aso roqtrod to provide sufclon ocdback to hese 0 hat he falls know ty had been understood “allconre worker also bave common gals, hao providing the seenoe or making the salts the cenue i se up iar eammon Saye of ning inarmation songs telephone worker, tei nr parinlet Service ell gros, and Un own temiclegy and vocabulary Tor the Product or sevice they re doaling with The naa a spa Towel [ST expertse requled for suacssal call canto worker, both in the Inowladge ofthe product or service, and in the way call conte ‘workrs doa with thei eallos. New workers may be hited for ri ‘Buona poled, for example, unl selon that Soy have mt the thrall of prnman gud abe sneer te mt ‘ala call cone discourse community. 1 they donot meet this ‘hvesold fever potion wile cmpans tay be trated People do. however have dire dearest of membership of scours communitin Tat dlscoree comatose of Sloat sarwerks of members sucha wes fey tale Soler: Tons ait gene amare Sr he acc ond ‘ame. renuimaes and eotator 4 online dscurion honed i [timo then jet the ane ingle dieoureo community. A pores, ‘ney bo all one operators cmos ae pocty groupe morbor af choa! part tacher group and contrbstr o an enliae disewsion lund Aperon may aloo beve tooperate in suber of diferent roles {nthe come dlacourse community Por example, person may be working towards «doctoral dap it ns ut of very ad other pat uf ie aadewaly bw «um fr Lado hosting couse ones member of academic staff. Te ways but’ any be quite ai ont in on fuse pts oe zc conn any be te foes at people use and th soca Felton win Un rent farts of he siscourse comuna scours communi als interac wih wider spec vouuna- nites. Ror ample, the academne eiscourse communty of steal» nd dondomics sss atratewith the wer spose community of de iowa or eity whic the aeademie tsttien ts Tocaed (Sales {9s0) ls for thers reasons that somo poole ptr the te co Ihuries of proctice (Wenger 1994, Haron a Tusting 200) to the {Gon isenure commun “The nation of score community isnot however, a tight forward’n conorbt as might seam. Thore are often discourse c= Inunities within dscaure communes. Sales’ (198) book Other Floors her Vice shows ths wll. Swale cried outa stdy ofthe Tuslding in which be wa working atte time atthe Universi hin He worked tthe top foo a smal overs buldiog ‘Tha tber fons mene oped bythe enouting resource alle and Ibori Hovis st he Kinde ofactivilies poop worknon each Foor wore engin anal the ands of tects thay wat He als Rersiowed mombr af taf to pet an understanding of why thy Stoo the Hinds af ote they fund that poop on ac Boor ‘Wrote ito ifornt trie ead ene am aarple of 2 disoute cnn Thinttot hortown. Suelee proposes tha reion of place discourse “ommarity ta acca for his of ition vis (2008 42-2) olde te this dicussion hy prnping hee types af groups of language wee, conmtuniten, collec and na. Monks chtnaanitin are groupe af people who share svhtriat “Sets ot time teeter in comma endanvor’ wach ae ep of {pte min all woth th see oc. Calin ao spy Of ‘Ruaney orion oct ut sotnmanity uc Inembere of bao kowping roy. ur wulstary member of comm Inty telephone adie srien, Neuwords we groups of people that aro tok as tightly sta spose comumuritie wil ntection» bei Ino by ue Peron to kagws another per hs howe aot pote sucht conecions thn ae nade Huge aouges Ear and recived by people who may never hav for nover wi txt ‘ach other, bu are participating a a common Mscouse, 2 communities an 2.2, Spmech id spoken and “The orm spp community roader than te tam discourse com ‘munity. fie also important forthe dieusstons of spauen and weiton Alsou. ‘speech community, in gonaral guts, rlors to any (group of poole that spouk the sine language, such ar Pench, English [Gana te Soviolagust, however: pofr to we the term spec ‘omit In anarzover senso rofr to pople who ol on se he ‘ame inate, opti or varltes of Language, bt who also havo ‘heappnrtunty to strat with each other (Spolsky 2908) As Spolcky ‘25h put “hig mo thrto oan ox the eton and ie of ‘pech omni haa ey gat ‘Fine a prt ato eg Itismotessentil, however, mat all members of sposehcommUty new end san al ofthe lngngeso ngage tances. The Wl however recognise the conditions under whieh oer members of hs Community below its appropriate to use eich of then Spo1ky ‘Sem 25) tn ey auc on Shanna, oe samp, most orl chinese wri ow an ute standard Maaco. Poople who ww bora Fei San il a ot tht no a pat She nose aswell loal dialog af Shangha, and kaow whet and ren to ino this doe. sone etings Manin ay be mote {rootate end inthe Shanghainese” Mbers of te speach ‘Sima wil know is von ey syn the command to Alteren languages o antueze varie The notion of speach com fnunit. then. is broader tha thal of lacouse communiton. Ftluds coun ommiin andthe eerie sd watt of mpage tat memes of the spoch community wot ater wi ae me ‘Theaton of unc commaniton cepa fr the five css of paton and whiten dann, Some enmity “niyo when spears cag rele ar they arpa ie came spec cotamoniye Pho glbalzaton of ell Comer bre SRTIAE pnt into fos fpan for eampi, ecm tnt ne ott al eontros feo into pat of China soy thae are Stumbary of leet second langage spentre of Jopanan Calle Fem Japan dd not reliant they wor png to someone fe {BEEisen toy seater ths trong orenrmpa 8 mistake the Sv boats, incedomandigs nd oven srgument ote Pa Dac ois ‘Some call antes in China have triad to overcome thc pale by ttn out tn owe allo te ne ‘ountey and, intra, the sara epoch community (8a DO) Call ‘ents in Indi lan hava wna prablem when trarons ell frm Th IS for maple, not living they sre eponkng to an Ameria {allot operater, Some call contre in tnd for snap, ae ‘ho wonter'an US sports mesulte delayed on 1 tents for the ‘al cates workare (for ta ety ke tha sale to pes the Impression that allow ae speaking ta aomcane om hoe oe poe 1. Defining a speech community “Theva mums uf ait ws bly Ws daa «spot as ty ote thaw fst Taigaage, ‘Tes mit Inde sole altar, plies aed hate fcr, rac, age an pnt ‘Males of sprock community may share pordcular st of mars Tor omasteaion wie reflect ceria vews on lngustie behaviour sch ak what Is the mast prestigious variety of the language inthe arcular esting, even if not all members of the commu atualy [voableto us ths warty. parson turer, maybe mamber 0 me ‘a the one speech community (a hey ay be members ore tha {ho one dicoutse community). They may switch rm ientlfying with ‘one speech community to another, even Inthe couse of single ee (ara eg en oe of ‘Spekors may nol always, however, be fall marbers af «pat cular pooch community, us as thy may not be full members af & Aliscouree community. In 9 stond lnguage sling, for earle, = "speaker may particiat, only tow cotain doe. in tho target speech ‘Smumurity: The dow to which this ours meV be de to factors Sich a ae of entry into the spooch community. the speach commu flys aitudes and expectations toward the place of sacond language Spenkers in he spec community ar ee fers sucha lietiont lr cccupaiol appetiniting iat. the pctiear