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DED for Road Rehabilitation of "Municipio Roads" MPW-CS 2000026



Based on Coulomb Soil Pressure Theory and External Stability and Internal Force Check of AASHTO LRFD
Design Specification 2007

STA 11+320

1.1. Geometry

b1 0.2 m h1 0.5 m h6 2.5 m

b2 2.3 m h2 1 m h7 3 m
b3 0.5 m h3 1.5 m H 3.5 m
h4 1.5 m B 2.5 m
h5 0.5 m

1.2 Materials
Unit Weight of the Soil, gsoil 19.52 kN/m
Unit Weight of Stone Masonry, gstone 22.00 kN/m
1.3. Soil Parameter behind the wall
Cohesion, c 7.89 kN/m2
Angle of Friction, φ 40.26 °
Angle of the heal, ι 15.00 °
Angle of Retaining wall stem, β 19.00 °
Wall friction angle, δ 20.00 °
1.4 Soil Parameter of Foundation
Cohesion, c 7.89 kN/m2
Angle of Friction, φ 40.26 °
Unit Weight of the Soil, gstone 19.52 kN/m2
Angle of Retaining wall stem, β 19.00 °

2.1. Verification of compatibility of Coumlomb and Renkine Theory

Verification of Compatibility, ƞ 41.95 °

Compatilbe for Coulomb Theory (ƞ<β)
Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure, Ka 0.44
Coefficient of Passive Earth Pressure, Kp 1.35
Active Earth Pressure, Pa : 1/2.Ka.H .gsoil 52.23 kN/m
Horizontal Active Earth Pressure, Pah: Pa.cos(δ+β) 40.59 kN/m
Vertical Active Earth Pressure, Pav: Pa.sin(δ+β) 32.87 kN/m
Passive Earth Pressure, Pp: 1/2.Kp.h42.gsoil 29.57 kN/m
Horizontal Passive Earth Pressure, Pph: Pp.cos(δ+β) 22.98 kN/m
Vertical Passive Earth Pressure, Ppv: Pp.sin(δ+β) 18.61 kN/m

2.2. The forces act on retaining wall

2.2.1. Forces
Self weight of the stone masonry section 1, W1: b2.h1.gsoil 25.30 kN/m
Self weight of the stone masonry section 2, W2: (b2+b3)/2.h6.gstone 77.00 kN/m
Vertical Active Earth Pressure, Pav: Pa.sin(δ+β) 32.87 kN/m
Horizontal Active Earth Pressure, Pah: Pa.cos(δ+β) 40.59 kN/m

2.2.2. Lever arm (m)

Section W1 = 1.25
Section W2 = 1.15
Section Pav = 2.00
Section Pah = 1.17

2.2.3. Moment Force

Moment Force of Section 1, MRW1 31.63 kN.m
Moment Force of Section 2, MRW2 88.55 kN.m
Moment Force of Active Earth Pressure, MRPav 65.74 kN.m
Moment Force of Passive Earth Pressure, MOPah 47.36 kN.m

2.3. External Stability

Wall against current sliding condition (AASHTO

Factor of Safety should not be greater 1.5, FoS: (C.a.b+ΣV.tanφ)/ΣH 3.26 O.K.
Wall against current overtuning condition (AASHTO
Factor of Safety should not be greater than 2, FoS: ΣMR/ΣMO 3.93 O.K.
Wall against the tension bellow foundation, x: (ΣMR-ΣMO)/V 1.03
Eccentricity, e: (b/2)-x 0.22 O.K.
Soil Bearing Capacity Factor (Nc, Nq, Ng)
Nc Nq Ng
46.12 kN 33.3 kN 48.03 kN
Shape Factor (Fcs, Fqs, Fgs)
Fcs Fqs Fgs
1 1 1
Depth Factor (Fcd, Fcs, Fgs)
Depth of the foundation should not be greater than width of the foundation (h4<=B)
B': B-26 2.05
Fcd Fqd Fgd
1.08 1.08 1
Inclination Factor (Fci,Fqi,Fgi)
ψ°: tan-1(Pa.cos ι / ΣV) 180.9042
Fci Fqi Fgi
1.02 1.02 0.01
Effective Stress at the level of bottom of foundation, q: gsoil.h4 29.2725 kN/m

Soil Bearing Capacity, qu 1484.036 kN/m
Factor of Safety for soil bearing capacity, qu 3
Allowable soil bearing capacity, qallow 494.6786 kN/m O.K.
Maximum soil bearing capacity, qmax 83.25788 kN/m
Minimum soil bearing capacity, qmin 24.87984 kN/m
2.4. Internal Forces

Active Earth Pressure, Pa: 1/2.Ka.h62*gsoil 26.65 kN/m

Passive Earth Pressure, Pp: 1/2.Kp.h22*gsoil 13.14 kN/m
Moment force, ΣM 57.37 kN/m
Weight of Wall, ΣV 102.30 kN/m

Moment around point A

Active Moment, Ma 39.09581 kN.m
Passive Moment, Mp 96.4689 kN.m
Centre of Weight, x 0.560832
Eccentricity, e 0.589168

Tensile Stress
Tensile Stress, σ 388.2944 kN.m O.K.
Allowable tensile Stress, σall 434 kN.m

Shear Stress
Shear Stress, τ 4.561133 kN.m O.K.
Allowable Shear Stress, τall 29.65217 kN.m

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