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A very good morning to They are our coaches,

The honorable judges, teachers and our fellow Our fathers,

Our mothers
We, students from 1 ASK 1, for the first time,
Our friends,
will entertain you
Our everything!
with our choral speaking

entitled OUR TEACHERS!

Oh my God! PT3 result just came out.

My son gets 8 As! Thank God! (4)

Ring ring ring! (1)
Really? (ALL)
Recess time is up!
Yes! (4)
Faster everyone! Sir Dawat is coming! (2)

Whoever gets into the class later will taste his

cane (ALL)
Run! Run! (3) Because of who?
Aaaaaaaa…. (ALL) Our teachers!

Boys and girls, A school without teachers is not a school.

Can you remember all of your teachers? And we, without teachers, are going to be
Well, good teachers, funny teachers or special
teachers? No teachers, (BOYS) no knowledge (GIRLS)

No knowledge (BOYS), no privilege (GIRLS),

Today, No privilege (BOYS), there’ll be outrage!
We stand here to talk about our teachers.

Ring ringggg, (ALL)
Guys, listen!
Hello, Principal, wah….

My son scored straight As,

Thank you, thank you! (5)
Ring ringggg, (ALL)
Are the burning candles that light our life,
Hello Cigu,
The sunshine after the rain,
My daughter, Farah is so fragile.
The wind beneath our wings.
Please always take care of her ya… (6)
Ring ringggg, (ALL) I want to be an engineer, (13)

Hello? I want to be a doctor, (14)

Wahhh you cigu ah, dare to “ambat” my son! I want to be a lawyer, (15)
I want to be a minister, (16)
Ring ringggg, (ALL)
I want to be a billionaire, (17)
Cigu, Cigu, Cigu
And, I want to marry…. (18)
Ring ringggg,
Cigu, Cigu, Cigu, Cigu, Cigu
Okay okay I want to be a good teacher just

like our teachers! (18)

I will not give up!

I, will make this school the top! (8)


No matter how much or how little teachers

Guys, who is that tall and slim teacher? (9) have done,

Where? Where? (BOYS) They always deserve our respect.

Ahhh that’s our English teacher, Miss Amy! Well, that’s all for now. We’ll end by wishing
(GIRLS) all the teachers a very happy teacher’s day!
Thank you.
The funny teacher? (10)

Cikgu Azwan!

The pretty teacher? (11)

Cikgu Suzana!

The handsome teacher? (12)

Cikgu Adzhar!

Aippppp (Boys)

Eeeee jealous!!!! (Girls)

Teacher says,

Teacher goes,

Teacher smiles,

Teacher knows.

No teachers, no careers,

No careers, no futures.

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