Introduction To R Programming PDF

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Department of Computing

CS-213: Advanced Programming

Class: BSCS-8ABC
Lab 11: Introduction to R Programming

Instructors: Dr. Sidra Sultana and Dr. Sana Qadir

Note: The steps to be completed are labelled as S# and the questions to be answered are
numbered as Q#.

The code required for this lab is in the ​R_Files-1​ folder.

S1: Install ​R​ by clicking on ​download R ​at ​​ and following the
● Get a copy of the folder ​R_Files-1​ from your instructor. The ​.r​ extension is used for
R source/script files.
● Start ​RGui​ and open ​R01_2_1_InstallingR.R​ as shown below:

● Your window should look something like this:

● Starting from the top of the file, navigate to the beginning of each line (that does not start
with ​#​) and press CTRL+R to run it. Try to figure out what each line of code does.
● Once you are done, use CTRL+L to clear the console.

S2: Install RStudio IDE.

● Download and install the free ​RStudio Desktop​ from ​Download the RStudio IDE
● Open up ​R01_2_2_RStudio.R
● Take SCREENSHOT 1 - it should show the entire RStudio window (esp. the ​Plots
pane) when ​plot(iris)​ is run.

S3: Install, load, and use the package manager.

● Open up ​R01_2_3_Packages.R
● Run the line ​install.packages(“pacman”)
● If you get the following message:
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not
currently installed. Please download and install the
appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:
You may need to download and install ​Rtools​ from​ before continuing.
● Once ​pacman ​has been installed, run the following two lines:
require(pacman) # Gives a confirmation message.
library(pacman) # No message.
● Confirm ​pacman​ has been loaded successfully:

● Run line 21 to install the following commonly used contributed packages using ​pacman​.
dplyr, GGally, ggplot2, ggthemes, ggvis, httr, lubridate,
plotly, rio, rmarkdown, shiny, stringr, tidyr
Note: this line can be run even without loading ​pacman​.
● You should be able to confirm installation and loading of all these contributed packages:

● Take SCREENSHOT 2 - it should show the entire RStudio window and the four
packages beginning with the letter G should be checked in “Packages”.
● Unload the contributed packages, base packages, and clear the console.

S4: Basic graphics.

● The ​plot ()​ function does basic X-Y plotting in R.
● Open up ​R01_3_1_Plot().R
● The code in this file examines the ​iris ​data frame in the ​datasets​ package that
comes with R.
● The ​iris ​data frame contains measurement data of the sepal (length and width) and
petal (length and width) for three species of iris.This is a very famous dataset and it is
about a hundred years old. It is a great way of exploring what we can do in R.

source: ​
● You may run ​?plot()​ to display information about ​plot()​ in the ​Help​ window.
● Run each line of uncommented code and try to figure out what it does.
● Write a line to create the following plot. Remember to replace ​<CMS ID>​ in title with
your own CMS ID. You can use whatever colour you like best. Also remember to include
the axes titles.

● Take SCREENSHOT 3 - it should show the R code used to generate the plot. Your
screenshot should also include your ​Plots ​window.
● Write three lines to create the following plot. Remember to replace ​<CMS ID>​ in title
with your own CMS ID. You can use whatever colour you like best. Please ensure the
range of values for the x-axis and y-axis are as shown and that the axes intersect at the
origin. The axes labels should also be included.
● Take SCREENSHOT 4 - it should show the R code used to generate the plot. Your
screenshot should also include your ​Plots ​window.
● Write three lines to create the following plot. Remember to replace ​<CMS ID>​ in title
with your own CMS ID.

Hint​: the first plot in the ​Examples​ section of the ​Help​ window can be modified to
create this plot. Remember to take note of what is happening in the ​Environment
● Take SCREENSHOT 5 - it should show the R code used to generate the plot. Your
screenshot should also include the ​Plots​ and window ​Environment ​window.
● You are recommended to copy, run, understand all lines in the ​Examples​ section of the
Help​ window.

SUBMISSION: Instructions
● Convert the following into ​one ​PDF file and upload on the LMS submission link by the
due date:
○ Screenshot 1 to 5.

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