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Vodacce The Spide?s Web “Virtue and power rarely walk hand-in-hand.” = Cristoforo Scarovese Additional Writing eee De Kev Won ob aur ay Yd Editing Dj Tie ab Vn Art Direction jim pinto Cover Design Theoden ont ‘Cover Art Tere Nien ‘Kevin — AE's modern-day M Jeveph Moon ~ For the white Interior Art TwoPPage Spread Dena Grom Full Page Titles Desi W. Gri CChapler Two Who's Who Art & Ma = ‘Cris Dormaus. = Other Interior Crs Doran eres St Banc W Gos Ati ages Graphic Design and Layout Troden Gener See Line Developer Rob Vane 7th Sea Created by Joe Wik Jer Wie ed Ker Win Special Thanks achlaveli, but nobody know That’ how good hei ar, and for San Francea 313431, and counting. Dedication pal be de of me dedicate this bok to ayone thought ener (ving a book on maipliton and dec, fer al). So, insted, ie to thik Shake are's Richard, witout whom our modern thoughts of plc and ‘monsoates woud be etopale shadow of tue night Introduction: Her Death and Madness ... . Wo Places . Culture Religion .. Chapter Tito: Hero ...........62 The Princes . Powerful Men. Women .... Chapter Three: Drama ........82 The Destiny Spread New Sorte Rules New Backgrounds New Skills... . New Knack ............25 0,94 New Swordsman Schools .... . 94 New Advantages New Equipment New Poisons . Chapter Four: Cunning Her Death and Madness, Bart Tro: Webs Player .. Tee Gent Gane ona Ytuse Gamemaster . Mes : ree pe sa Nor Mon Map: Dionna . Map: Villanova Island Hero Templates Mood sd pai. A sharp scram howled in ber cary, and Gseppe's face distorted inher vison, Laren shied felng her wey sou tora as Sofie’ treads pled ey heart and sale her mind “Di, whore” Sofine murmured, bt the sound was ke thunder in Laces ears. Somehow, Luce’ von Sed and she could se long sean of eed setting Sem Sfan's bad, reaching tough he own body ask ‘no infin. “With all your leaning” Sofane mae, her 2ellmed teh bing, al our magnon nd enon, you ar al nthing me than a pant ba. What are yor 42h? They are nohing, compared to this” Her withered fice saued toto a darkly weoked rom, veined bands [ruping at alr which meal bersme c. The ld ng began to pall her hands spar, snd Lacresa could sce S 8 hing beeen Sof’ nthry Dg The wot pu, nd pain anced dough Laces’ Ss and deg vig he to bal of anguh She fought rea Ir feet eiing Giosepes name, but her vison tebe ak withthe anguish fhe fit sony bing daaoyed The somewhere beyond vin, beyond knowledge ad torent, & tad broke Loess fe seeding Somat bergen hand od she pled wh al her igh er moment Lacredia thought th she had raed smote vet bl cord. Then a he tied top best tore began to spin and rrve i et heed The dep, aky Hanes ofthe stand meat nothing ‘a and her angi oly drove er shtered mind fates ‘evar ed and made Luria gripped it wth al her Power and polled. Ignoring the pal, ignoring te rece ‘uound het, be struggled to make the strand bear ee weight She woud stand ~ she wold face he death on her fe and show Goseppe tat be love was tue. Ply, te sued snapped In bet hand asin back across he ace tad neck. Though the psn before had been inten, te felng ofthe snapped stand testing thrgh her sh rove her back fom the brink of unconscious She wan fon her knees in the gadene of the Lacan. puoce, ‘ervounded by guards and gues, thes faces whic wit shock and eto, Raking ber tory hands to ber fac Lucia fle blood Ulcing down fom her toot "Ths." she whispered, ane lake dow tthe ground befor er. Solas corp fom by a thowand lashes, bed dicly lato the white lowes. The blond stained Locren’s white ksi “Blephne” Corto, aig Soe.” She be are a the sae Wits wl hae uci" ‘The faces hatha een so admiig stared down at erin fury and rep. Powerfl hands chitched at her ara, Ming he nthe murdered Fate Wels body. Luca sean in angush, reaching out to Gioneppe with Hoody hands er ees il of fea. The Vestn’ sldes ripped hee shoulders, droge esto he fat eruely. "Giseppe” she screamed tend and desperate “Whit esi, ping tovard he, nd the guards pause “Glorepp..peaI don't understand what happened." A simp bow acs her cheek stopped he, and Lacrecia ‘lapsed, hanging fom the catches ofthe Vodacce guard, “Shut up, woman” Gioseppe's voice was hard, uncompromising. No trace of tendernes remained, Despuring abe sned into is cold green eye “You ae 2 bate, «reneged, and a murder” He graped the locket at her throat and tore t fom her nec, te dmnonds and pea seater acos the flora hk feet “No, Glomppe. I love you. Frighened acd confied, acre stared wp sto ber lovers fee, hop or ny sgn of tenderness forgiveness. Breaking amsy fons the ards the courte gripped him and presed a drprnte is tobi unresponsive lp. “wll bays love you ‘Stepping bck, he hove her roughly into the arms ofthe ‘Bards, Throwing the locket to the dogs, Gioppe stared Into Lacreaigs dik brown eyes "You wl be burned” all the Wes. The Fate 1 wx A Introduction Voor, oe 4 Ke ron Ve ty Tl td he ae nf op imped pol ee bene ed ene ‘tn ove we ed Voce Be pope ov wesmed won em fr case tmp of ec at af Mod eur al of ep Te Vee Nec hac ene del) wih eh be tee pogo po sat ford Sine Ee atin a cory th mot aed Nodes wh er bo bn nd ch oat Vedas poole Ime lng go tt popesty tome cot Ty yt ak oe ge Symi plot hay Rest gan th or he Teg See ey cle ba ake ‘ert iti! thn othe gh Hera any ed hom her and goal stp fh sy ‘ich sur Mere tna ny te county, Vac teste world fr wt kay nd tn hare be rekon ‘This book fe dvded ito four chapters. I bela with Vodacee, 1 look a the hitery weer, and eure of this ancient land. Hero covers Vodace's mo important peopl, indudng the seven Merchant Princes and. those Closet wo them. Drama inzoduces rome new rls for Vodacee Heroes, inhided expanded Sorte mechanics and 1 to of now Srrinan Schock, Pray, Cunning mrs «nc neon ppg Voce Ceci, (rel es tome GMs wre se bev onstrate to Chaty, Hs tran appending ee vmlperey cher tage a «pa of ape ning thon dy of Gira snore ce Wn vith teary, bt so wth pion ad Fre Norlre te des Dey hd et ety St ge ie nf cnr od opty Te Sak hoop tpn! pl lone n ‘i The Grn! Cane at ot Lend te pe feemting te tee el aig sa pal owing cys, deliberately devigned to contrast with the ‘hc lack vel ofthe Fate Wickes a the party I cored te face — barely — and chew atentontother deck beg tod bacictrwm eyes. “Ifa man's we doesnot pase hy then its rob odo so, And thal includes edvating hey tothe tuth about her husband’ desis. Like all Wiehe ‘er heart ia cold a her bed™ * eeitahera sepia Spacing eee rea unt ereomonierecy histone ieeeenceereenses sateantauenieaa fancier toa =a Sets Fiorini emia Sr eo Feet teae tt ies fete coats Mietcmorine ‘tern irk age Seasons te eee mame mneam ae anaes Cte ey torent pe wt in eect ee tg laude dee beech sng gh es rly te pce Sng be ps ed sh np, segeag focal oa {Ya pn” bacon behind fee mre, wd Lea wa eats ch Se hy thes of is ed to tk her head and ene loving he dig yung min peep a er cag“ ont wi to tay, tat Tae oss lat dealy The sel yon te brane eed predators gue. “OF curve nok na bel foe. And hat why have mined you bat by Ths, do not knowhow I cold have He ‘ised ber hand o peer» kit upon her hnalen ra ‘never ms you gun” "St, you ae fara” she baghed, rng tothe caleng, {No ay lowe. Infact am fa 120 ae. Too much tine ‘has aleady puoed without you is my arms; tne tar f Wasted without your presence. But al of tha tal ‘he ud weeping her onto te dance Noe “Tonge” Te yee ater “oreo Gimp” chad to {lg yo ge Laat neg png ea “Aa ove you, hele fre” He ined away er ting te ick dk cod ot haf hr ae “par ave no oneyo pace your enna” “Your i as ery, Conae hx” Siwy Vet edge hn “My mony eit meetin et Leroieg are | om ayo we as Te ks sal bx fom hd ad peed es ‘es Ka ea end oe wea ne “Lvl avays be yours” She el to he ees, psig her Id to i waco. “And I will avays be with you, Ile one, Somebow. Someday, Il come for you He held ber for a moment longer, presing as to her dack ck, then moved away “Laver,” he murmured hourly hi fe «mak of pn Alter on ist long look, he stepped into the dines a the cy weet is wile woul be waiting Lacreca opened her hand, neatly blinded by the teas Wiha a smal ed vet bo hing » magnificent neclace, Tewari and ahone in he fit gh Ue ay with 2 bella fame. The dete locket lung down frm the ser chs, oenate surface beating the fn alas acd tn damon and pears “Lil ever emove i she swore, Standing, he dew her thik clk about he, sighteing the courts’ mask hat decorated ber pale feature. Upstairs in the hoste,she ‘oul har cher courtesans rushing about odes, callag (o their maids and bickering over desing. gowns and paisa. Lacreia chiched the necklace ily, then Paced around ber neck Ah bode of pico west hg te by he 8 weg go, nd Lar dk a hing do pst het olen gs td vey et ng st Honig psu vested each at Peat ‘prea nin spe of Se dough bet a Age, shiner fo te flght of tac tat ca Ll pede Te te been sy ty rng brady whe ny igh caught rr Herve vel ha been hoe, ‘gg Jt belo he hn nt mockery of ee Wiehe caging soc Dioods an te btn se sandy ig pt er mere og Se gut athe mat al “Stunning” she head the other courtesans whisper behind theif tring at her envoy. ‘Men bowed to hes, hoping to catcher atenon, bt he id nt see them. “Dag, they beckoned and watched ‘he pased them by. ‘They were not the eon Lens washer He stood on the far side of the ater hi tention then ‘up by other merchants that rove to Eagan wth such = powerful son ofthe Vesial house. Bebod bin Sone ood in her dll Hack dees, hands flded quid in he lap is wf. The Fate Witch’ eyes dite rapidly fom one ‘ce tothe nex, her bulgiag cin not coveted by the ety vel that shrouded her feats, “Glonppe” Lucreia sd qulely, andthe cotter ‘ied around them. He turned to lok mt he, pe widening at her beauty. His mouth opened, but before be could) anything Sofane rose fom her vat and sepped between therm, The Fate Wich war salle than Lace and mach ‘oer, but her presence was like a orm upon te ocean Sofe fed a hand to her vel, stag sight ahead at crc, and palpable aura of hated thickened around ‘hem. "Lave hin, whore se commanded. Her ple eyes shone biterly bead the dk cloud tht obiered he fe “Neves” Lucesa spat her hand eng Me cv. "He i not for you. He mine, and I wil ight for bn" SofaneInighed, a holow sound ta the suddenly set trden, Th ether gues hid tei fices, pretending na o oie this sudden change fs the Game. Many of them ‘whispered quickly to one another, daring the Fates to fnterene or plicing bets onthe outcome. The Fate Wich mle, folding her hands her were, sunken bras. “ght for hr, my dear? Perhape. Bu ly de fo bin” *Sofane—"Giosppe sal, bt nt my enh. The sands hued ght about hi wes hand, and wth a tere "ping motion, Sofsne tre Lazer et sued. ‘The agony was tremendous, Luce fll once more to her ching for anythig to old onto in the sea of ‘Tiwi Hew rggelyacom the ocean, hung brats of ssitspay aos the snd The tr bad ben free aod eer the wort ofthe gl, he ea wat ete neath ck grey ky Lighting leapt hough the lou, earng ‘pen thin ales frais tha fl tothe caching waves Scavenger, past of Guare de Prt, waled slong 1 sre esa to Bd ayhig dt hd ben ae ‘Polo! womans oie cried above the sound funds ‘Palo? Desperation and surprise ware in her ey, and Isnt eenng sounded near therck ofthe northern shore, “Vin Cte” heb pe, cmtg dot sro bey baa. "reo and wag? Hewes newing hi ith otl at oe soon sow kv oe td a “Pa nk” Tea pent vor pled ap dom betwen td Poss ted Tne, ope add Hsp tl bad he Serie hegre ning boyd teak of he ad, wh cd be are lige ld ir espe Neng ef cores hy ad Coa et ope? ‘Then he heard again — the hea. He lowered himself bowen to ofthe larger rocks and propped his leg to citer side ofthe shatered tines. “Paco, be caret” Cela shouted above the wind, reaching to take he hand. “Lil be Js let me move thi rude, There f something down het. e, something. Cll, tr your eyes evay® Calla obedient tuned her face tothe ide, sl groping tis hand to give him leverage. Fira Paolo sew the corpse, attend beoncen thee twisted rib of what bal obvouy been a manve fighter, The sal’ blu face grinned savagely up atthe erafnan, at ‘mining, legs crubed by the waves pounding agai the ‘wreckage of the ip, ‘The heening ose gels, coe. sounded lke a ail in rin ~ some creature, perhaps, that had been tanported ‘hourd the ship. Dropping tothe uneven deck and psig ‘side debris, Pal uncovered the source ofthe scat = alggage chest, brund in ru and ed to one of the mass Swollen with wats, refused to open. Reaching to the ‘ps, Paolo dev forth these cater and begaa to hme onthe sty bs hinges. ‘One bow, two, a sharp sie gant the bil ofthe sabe, andthe chest eg to gv. A few more tok, ad Pac [Nodag, her daughter li her headin Cell’ ap, tein tothe crackle ofthe fie and the whisper of waves ooie ther cabin doo. I wonder wha wil be Mk,” Lueia where, "to ean ova.” Tie er later “Lcrei, realy!" The courtesans laughed gay at ber i, dog ther face bend fans and rms noble gists faded past Ob, she was a sly duck, thats all” Luce pened, raking wire that er bar war all tiled and eiled elaborately. Her mad was formed from ver stands hang wih glterig smondeTespun a pide’ web about bet History ‘The maton of Vodace spreads cross many snl ands ‘i he coat of mainland sochor lft and ancient, Vodaccr's past contain the ego the Old Emp, and the foundations ofall ele to Théah Ancient Histor ‘The east human setdement in Vodacce represent the ‘iat kao culnres in Thésh. Mot modern achelars ‘eve hat Voce wasn fact de font of human fe, the ‘pot where Thus placed His thimb and caused Man tobe bora Most eat elements were ated in oat caver, ‘n shel atthe Base of rock wall or ner lake shee The ‘ely Nodacke bused ther soc around the au, Coastal setlement supported large populations, and tsintined ‘etensvetde withthe soulbvestern coaslands of Acrage (com moder Castle). Crescent Colonization A Sane Went on, the wana hung and gathering ‘economy early Vodacce wa replaced bythe ntoduction agit, sock renin, wesving wrk pater, Tce influence came primary fom the lads now knowns the Crescent Expire, whose tbe ltched incon onto the ‘odacts pease The prinitve Vodcce onthe naan ‘quickly learned to defend themselves, even a they reaped the eral advances that the invaders brought. They became fre and ware, fighting among themacives st ela against the eaty Crescent bes, Seen centres before the found of Nua, the Crescent ineopers launched a huge ivsion lato Vedace, driven Som the far ext by Some unknown clay, Unable to ‘peak the language of the rigina icabtans, these tevaders formed their own, highly din stleent onthe southern and western cout, taken by conquest fn the tv tes. AX the ivaders began to merge and blend ith the mainland population, many prosperour colonies began to develop. Often they allied together agunt common enemies, but they were also divided by dsagreement and vay. Primitive ciytates began to form; ruled by powefal leaders they oght each oer fo ‘conto of agricultural resources and terior. Despite their integration with the mailnd the Crescent tribes could not ectively reach the land of he southern shore of Vodace. For the it of many such fate, he ‘sanders were untouched by the internal sea the ‘mainland. The ilands" pastoral way of Me evenly developed into a cullure known a the “Aen wich inched language and wring a well as ote ecole laverions The Old Empire aan ee Sac attr ett a em te se ert gt mn tents eget orese aire ecalrraza ethane Aten crete eae spre: Nema ot SAS ro ceatic mente ae precnberbeteer att fie wos actin eed pte Tech nats te mee Ss gt re sao errs Seeman apt ere h see hot arene ba a sna a o aha oan ea ‘AUC 102-228: Republic Rising ver the net fiy years the apparts ofthe Old Empire developed, based on the necesities of ring 50 mich feriory. A count of noble faniies frmed a governing ‘onl which evealy became the Numan Sense They dee an Ingerstor su o sve tar ator, tl though Bn etal ne Ive al eure taracement The mos promos fe ach led sn Bnd off he cousand Though rep remind Nama he fae contac whe Are cdaced the sew ways fig proving huge rns a plea tod phlooplcal dough The noon oft septic was i frme a his ead the ent Srl elie =e fx mang the people's wl oon From M8 unl about 189 AUC, Numa contaed to expend er borden thong congue, alec, and eee ‘oe thought sed al of poopy, wich ged tbe te Kg dw he pl neath 1c became a glen eo pace ad skate ender, 2 ugh peta or Noman wt The Inpentors bogue Bulg Ysds and aqui a aco Vda, ng vanes in engin tomas er evan “he army wat srovog to, 8 wat Na’ lary pati Wl ne nd poco ejeped 2 olden of pce, Nam come wer araig 0 fat he. seve of ant grea ed comet thet jot arom te pela ppd by he seca Stat spr: Cran ath ate Plo ‘tmp te ATC 28 Though uttered eno oe Nama ser wed advanced tac, wepny tnd ubrelsle more to desiy tr mle By 22, Nama ad expanded is border tote wees corer of the Gest pel tthe npr eX Lagi wee aking ins gt he Bi bcs north AUC 228-581: Expansion and Decay With Numan evizaton Housing, the Imperator tuned thee atesion elsewhere int to Acraga, arn the great sea of La Boca, aed evetaly othe et of Tia In 28 AUC, Priscas Tecpats forged weaty withthe Acragin lysates (e pages 13-15 ofthe Cail book), securing trade and recognising mutall-exclsve spheres of Influence fr bath peoples. Some ces in Acags were temporarily granted cyst te and gen voting ris in the Senate, though they were late evoked Unfortunately, the peace waant desioed to last. Though bound by the wea, the Numa pusbed farther and farther to Acragan terry, rang eons and souring the previously friendly reltions. Even as trade floashed, ‘he Numans quietly established a foothold act the see preparing fo the day when the treaty woud colle. The eat of Prisca in 268 ad the dacovery of preins meals In the Acragan mountaias bought the confit toa head, resulting ina log and brutal eis of war, The Acagans fought Heres, ba the dispined Numan toope vere too tong fr them, and though took alot seventy fre years the Nomans eventually conquered her western neigh ‘Acraga sufeed ss ial defen in 34 and became «Numan colony forthe net seven hundeed ye Numan conquests didnot stop thee, however, Thagh the sen barbarians remained. a constant problem fad vetully drove Nima ot ofthe terior in 255 AUC), Lega VI, XI, and XV launched numero ncirsons nr and ens fom the Numan boing. They sept aco the sea which would become Montagne, pushed the Crescent tober tack again and agus, and even saged a few lvasons of Ussura Tl invasions reached a pine in 424 AUC when General uo Cau retred tlunphanty fin pacing” Avalon. Namanoatoled teeny now covered almost hal of the own wold, with mallone of people under it ue ‘Wh such power, however, came great corypton. While the armies fought dant war, the ruling elite ack in [Nama bogan to ndulge tel. Art and posophy conus to develop, but the notions they espoused gradu fl aoeay. The Senate grew laceaingly corrop andthe apparatus ofthe Repub alo fl foto deny, This was decadent tne, when the elte Indulge ther vce atthe expense ofthe people they ruled. AUC 425-774: The Whims of Fortune ‘Wit the worl at thet fe, the Namans entered a era of mcs domince, The coma Sent ed clullenge to their power when Julius Caius — the teumphant conqueror of Avalon ~ procimed himell bslte Inperatr. The Senate stunted hm a thst to ther rule, but his son Tgranus demanded vengeance td lintel forced the conspirators Into exe, With is ‘sceson, the podion of lmpertor became able, snd ‘ong ie of uncontested rer bogus The Senate ted regia some af he power thy bad og butt was another stmt two hundred years before they cold fly alse power again Tortus forthe Empie a whole rove ad fell during this tine. Numan colonies ia sen fell inthe sh century AUC, aed another invasion of Usa turned back du tecemeat wether In 573 AUC, conte with Avalon was suddenly lot] and he fsnd nation seemlagy vanished am a bal of sorms and fog banks. When i eappeaced, the Empire had loot and never edt reclenie, Depileibfe secs, the remainder of the Eapire lied t prosper, and ts hl on southern td western ‘Th neyér wavered. Ths contldted, Nims contol reached fom the eater shores of Castle othe cena terorles ofthe Cresent Emp. The goverinent set up a 2 complicated syem of lances betwen th tery of Nama andthe aided prover of Voce st te reoulader of the Emp. Towns and ealoiy were tepid wd gen rank sad prsiy scoring to Ut Jenly he enying fill oe prtal Numan eeip (enter). Thee prvieges coded newt ronda lary practon a eg peeps ote Senate fr he moe peg ec. Over bl ron soles ~ lth Numan and alles cul be mustered a doy mone At the same tine, the monetary ten of Nana beame the common curenry of” Theh, Poplar wh the ming of bone, ve, and old Inthe capita ite the pba ates remne ce, The Inperators clung’ to power wile the Sete tied to undermine them, andthe Emp’ fortunes rose aad fll Alependng upon’ who had the wpper hand, The Senate ‘nally regained power in SBI AUC, fllowing. the ebauched mle of Imperator Clemens he Mad. His horrendous Indulgences and abject erudyy prompted a popular ucang, behiod which the Serle once more fetrd contol They proclaimed 2 New Republe and promised to adhere to the Heals of Nua’ golden age. Seon, however, t became dear tht le had changed Wil an improvement ever Clemens, the Seal ed rainy to perpetuate a om power, ing the tenet ofthe repli as window desing, Ocesonaly, 2 new Imperator ‘ould se, but the Senate would alvays cael con 1s power, holing thera und he ded or was replace The Seono's exeses were tolerated at fw (bey were rathing compared to howe of Clemente, but a ie went tthe people agun grew weary ofthe decadent ie So it remained nil 688, when General Gaus Phippus Macer vend power following an exenave campaign in ea. A hero ofthe people, Gaius kxew that the Senate «ould et oppose hin wihot poplar support. Ding his reurn to Numa, he dedared himself Impertor and relegated the Senate othe stats of csr. The iene Ine im a her avi, nd forthe net twenty yes he ruled with abslte athe Power sited agin fn 724 AU, when a smal group of scontry ving rscarched the ecient cfc ofthe eng ‘ead Syst race made contact witha superna ently ‘They bargained fr srceros powers ~the ability to predic. the fue, dhe aby to conte fie, the ably to ep becween the shadows ~ forming the foundation of Thais modem sorcerous Hoodins. Wilh her new sbi, the Senator forced Gut iv up his authori Tey le tm in place inorder to keep Ue ect pact ide, but Is poner war broken, and the Senate conled the Empire once more, They taught oer thes overs, slowly nfising corcery lo the obit. Evenly, their dark powers became common knowiedge. No-one poke of them, however, fo fear of ering the Seaton’ wrath (ee the Rulewire book, pages 1-15, Let argely on ter own daring ths pomer struggle, many talons developed veteuememots goverment, while thers aterpted open revolt agaist Numa. The Lagi had thir bands ful pating down rebellons onthe fae, and ew barbarian laurie from Eisen and Usura taxed ‘Naan tar ght to the Hn. AV 1-203: The Prophet and his Followers ‘Theft real challenge othe Serato rule appeared nthe year TH AUC —heneeorth referred to a the year | AV, fa seat oye of tt ~ hog fe people knew i fine, The Bint Prophet of These speared on Numan ‘set cores, pus for an end to sorery and advocating ‘ mooothelae form of worhip. The reste condemned fd executed him, but hie word began to spread and ‘Thtah felt the fist strings of the Vatcie faith (The sppeatnce ofthe Prophet covered ln the Paes Guide, ages 29 and 85; the Rua soureebook, page 15; and the Catile book, pages 61-64) “The Vateine elt spread guy throughout the Empire, despite the Senate's best efforts to crs i At the sane time, new exteroal preter threatened the Esme’ stables, The Enpce of the Crescent Moon sete Nama from i erstory in 32 AV and Lego topped a barbarian Invasion from Ussra in $8 AV jut short of Numan terry. With the Prophets el contntng to grow and soverament becoming tncenngly unstable, the Senate ‘Keided fo conde Imperil control iste we ane ‘nes — the Eastern Bnpe (governed in Numa) aad the ‘Western Enpie (gvered by what would become San CCitabl). They atsgned vin Tmperatrs to head each Engi, although they retained nomial power over Sot ‘Thee plan baklved, however instead of sabllaag the Epi gave oes a chance to rp Senator power 1105 AV, deve by the lnceaiag poplar support fo the Prophets cult the Fate Imperator vecognzed the ‘Church of the Prophet as legitimate. The) Western Imperstor soon followed sat, and popular cpnion prevented the Sensors fom sopping the mave. They Ianaged to place moratorium on conversion (tw egal to bes Valine, but nt to Become a Vat), bat the damage had been done The Imperator sed the Church to regula pow, whe granting fa legitimacy that had ever belreenoyed ‘The nest ow came amos one hacked year later, By ‘he mot noble amis openly pracced sey ad te powecfal abies were being pased trough obie ‘oodines, The people turned tothe Church as erotetion ‘aime the ‘Senate, and ld siege to macy orcoren falter Then a 313 AV he Easter Inpertcr Doses made «bold grb for abolte power. He dedaed hse Valine sad made the Church ofthe Prophet the offal ‘eligon ofthe Eastern Expire The mont devated the Smal, vse st weldng sen eect te ery the Vaid dl tod te popace mar sen at The who ue nt ied tt eee ey jing cli, i om te Cac ay ne ‘he egml pore baron Vole so e h Se dete, Von wn ented tage a de he pee He dded he pear Indefinite veenn ine Sendo fm in ede ot bese i Oe jody Vi power n sn ett he Epis jet gain, ‘AV 212-207 The Last Days ofthe Empire rast, howe The fled ly Ee agua feel Nas fem Greate Emp ae tag ferent nly th nd Receen as ain hed the Epi sheng sad he sry bagi te te lpn ta hs Tee tone wt ol He sae oe eae hig icine ut his scene ea ae Ten afer trary fl oy fo Nenu a some cubed by bby, ne Fed by ge The mon ede beat aah aay egos om he tie serie ede snowing baud Lega we dang ee sumten al came te end a BP a et rain he of Een barn eked No na} Inmet te god. Te lagers as kl a hig an he at weg of taal pects septa. The tee af the Wet Bore aed tome sto re, hldag eee ee ost may bene Cul, et rte Baten ope” ence gi ye Be flo Nana eed des of pps Voda ct ot whan stage we ied ys fn ae hen New Ot were conte by welds ea lent wi raed hgh fe cl an wie dps rel Cae thw he in en ae et Caer eee ed Se mage = ely te eae an Cae ie Wye popes neem Seren read Sheng od pend ey ‘Vodaece fanily, ae The Middle Ages ‘As the Empte fdedand dict cousies rose fom the tubes of Numa, economic conditons thoughout That ‘reflected the plical inatalty of the contnel, The tte py, compa bya chs de opal. Maguetraged Voce on he hee ef sara act fiw, mol my th ned ana Spud. By te Sth emay, Ve ba ely salle nits ne olin wm ed one beg ‘veld caso he oath AV 207-876: Corantine and the Church ‘The rie of Cran inh cen di not tly aft odace. He eltimed the lands ofthe western Emp, in Castle and Montaigne, and showed lit itera nthe qubblingciystates othe eat. However, his deco to oaoidale te Popes faith into « ingle church ad Profound impact on the area. At the dng, Théah contained ‘umsrous cl of Pephetwonhippers with widely eying tenets. Corte wanted o unify the ath opreven tre fagmentg ther. The res wat the Reformed Vatine (Church eae in Nams, wee the fit Probe walked Canin’ et proficed & watenied change in the sue ofthe Vode pest With the me chr Sea Noms thud of fat faced to te ea rang moms snd aby to ret Vatne ory yt Gas Coemets at ot eg Seome oot ely pe frelon at cess fr the fromtaton sod prado care. The Hop, Senator and ther ecleatal iat nox sed huge eter ht coted ft pled Shorty and power Putin fet monk and ‘Bice lomedn seek of contol tougou the tory. Thos with ths por andthe ape of he Vote Church, the sod! the fea te to Volace fom Cartile with al i ude penton rie de a 3 bat hi lence on dace tnd AV 376-1000: The High Middle Ages Carteman, ‘The Valine Church provided stably to the regional cates, ant Nouished despite the fragmented terres ‘beneath #. Clystaesconduced trade, warred wth each se, and attempted as bet they could to follow the tenes of the Prophets, ‘So remained for sme thee hundred years unt the rie of Cazleman the Great Caeman conquered.» huge potion of Tha, including the entite Vodacce peninsula, He grouped the myriad tetris together, lene tele squabbles and ghing them a common mame, For the fis time nce Numa, Vodace war tnifled andi inhabitants begun to thik of temaclves sone people again, Catlernan encouraged thi by evoking Images ofthe Old Empce and esabong 2 rystem of goverament which he hoped would Inst long after hie death, Unfortunately, it was destined not to happen. Catteman’s vil divided his Empl among bis dnee sons: Charles of Montngne, Stefin of Hen, and Tago of Vodacee, The sinter Tago preferred scheming agaist his brothers to ring his oom Kingdom. When hs brother Charles ded he Uieatened war against Montaigne, hoping to. gain that tetory fr himsell. Care widow utmaneavered hn, however, marrying a Jeal noble and consldatg bee ‘dui to Montagne With the western nation seeming ot of reach, lagotirned to Ben. His wile (a power Sorte practtone) belived that he could wla war agatat is brother Stefan, and encouraged him t make a move towards thir common border.” So ltt were the bv of ahem on peng fight wth Sif ht they fled tomoce the growing that t home jae ae ees ae eee eer ote re eet fect eee ae Spore Sra en mrchostes ‘realized that the kingdom was crumbling and moted to Senate acorns By the ine lag resized te trae extent of thir tre they Zaeveen eae Sree sheeneserieies oes Eee Sear Sal, Calman’ empite left ts mark. The pope ad 2 themseves under a slagle banner, rebinding a tee of rational pride. Even as he tre funds fough among ‘hemsehes (and eventually splined foto the merchant Princes who rule today), the people thought of theneles 1 "Vodacce ater tan members of pt brie. A Tn rt tha i a ares Saea eee Suan oeeneoe peu eete sees Se eer) suihbor alte. So infrmous was the reptaton tht many feeigoers believed they were the uncnted talon Vodacce, stead of usta gle part. Only the eee of te CCoarch and he pt ers fhe Dlg fly bee them in check thei, they might have Juste those fae npresions ‘here ofthe Tid Prophet in th 1 centr earned Voda ote wld ypalghtAngy and vinden Prophet dca «Crade aint te eben Croce apie in AV 1002, ung Vance ms» raljing pone Wie Caileexpded tno ci war atta ‘purge’ ts dominant recent nfarace, Vokes ‘red th femal over Tah fran ach se the Empire tilt As devout Vain, the rng ean Wiley porte the Cruden and se nao the youngest abject don he Crocet cnc ‘The fae not go wll dhe Vane. While scl cove he Crcens ot of were Tay hy coal na male ay gu lao the Empe let Me, Greets tuned back erry ollie bomgay Ie punters, The Cradetsptered to» hl 11, ith the Vtcines to spent to connate atch ‘Gof ao oped ie en of he Leen fay Th Fler atthe ie, Vinchenga, wat a bloody bea, ‘ed his Fate Wich wife “Mad. Quoes” Marita bel the ‘ote coaneyide ne. Coun jets of hk ened ‘he Crass, prefring the Cresceat blades to erent wath. The drain on weakened the fem, towing the Delaga to make fvoads into thle erry, Wachetuo repo by proming 4 “deci Water? gaint the Crescent, one which would put the lea of ‘hein al fh eneries nd alow it ee poner eral of Vodacce, At is bebe, the Mad Queen undertook a masive effort (ora the heathens from the fbric of realy, Mans tad apparently grasped a way otrn her power backeosls = change te sean that had lady been If Vinhenoe ould erate the Crescent from eli, he could los cone ‘yone who dared oppose him — the Delaga, the Gali, ven the Church itele As the dejected Cradles roar from thet Goal defeat, Marries etced to the Lorcocy ‘land home to rere soy. The remit was distros Nearby fabemen sok to find the Lorena island gone, Yanihed afta never been Maria elt dxtoyed ‘he Loreno nan, her husband, their retainers, and Zhe ‘more thi ten thousand eitzens that Led on fhe and Only ses filed with biter sce Hood remsined inte ‘land's former locaton testament tothe pain and anguish ‘ane by Marri inher pride and srogane. Thy, the sea seth of the southern! island ia the: cha, ‘ccsonal runs red, and! no sar can tll you why. Some Sorte practones whisper that the land did nok vais fom rai but ther hited in tine, The ind could fin some Sonen tne, or could have simply been hyscalyéestoyed. Many peatants and thoe who were fot on the lands at the me of Mares gro ‘experiment sil remembered details ofthe place, set certain htt was not tery exacted, ‘The survives of the Lorenzo family were desttte and homels their power broken forever. They spt into two nor lies — the Ranco andthe Serrano ca et thee ferry forthe oer fares to vie. The Daag lt squabbling amongst themselve, leaving the qulet Call to ‘sean the es share ofthe po The Gall ie evenly split among aumerous suritng sons, forming the ban of the seve rung fies today ad 1012-1019: The Hieros War ‘The lo of Lorenzo power and the wounds of the Crusade ‘elt Vodacce weak and vulnerable fr what happened next Throughout the Crusade, the Third Prophet moved ts

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