Screw Conveyor Device For Laboratory Tests On Conditioned Soil For EPB Tunneling Operations

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Screw Conveyor Device for Laboratory Tests on Conditioned

Soil for EPB Tunneling Operations

Daniele Peila1; Claudio Oggeri2; and Raffaele Vinai3

Abstract: Earth pressure balanced 共EPB兲 full face tunneling machines have experienced a remarkable increase in the number of
applications throughout the world due to both mechanical developments and a more effective use of additives to condition the ground.
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Conditioning modifies the mechanical and hydraulic properties of a soil by making it suitable for the pressure control in the bulk chamber
and extraction with the screw conveyor. The extraction system plays a fundamental role during the EPB operations particularly for a
correct application of the face pressure. Despite the extensive use of the EPB technique, little knowledge exists concerning the under-
standing of the behavior of conditioned soil, particularly for noncohesive ground 共sand and gravel兲. This paper presents and describes a
prototype laboratory device, which simulates the extraction of the ground from a pressurized tank with a screw conveyor. The results of
a preliminary test program carried out on a medium sized sand show that the prototype device is efficient in verifying the effects of foam
for an optimal use in EPB conditioning.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2007兲133:12共1622兲
CE Database subject headings: Tunnelling; Foam; Laboratory tests; Soil properties.

Introduction error. This is no implicit criticism but represents the reality in the
industry where there has been little formal research into the key
Earth pressure balanced 共EPB兲 shields have become increasingly parameters”.
more popular since their first applications in Japan in the 1970s Among the studies concerning ground conditioning the follow-
due to both the mechanical development of EPB machines and ing should be mentioned: Kuribashi et al. 共1993兲, Maidl 共1995兲,
the more effective use of additives 共mainly foams and polymers兲, Herrenknecht and Maidl 共1995兲, and Quebaud et al. 共1998兲, who
which are injected into the bulk chamber and ahead of the ma- offered the first qualitative quantification of the effect of foam,
chine cutting wheel in order to condition the ground. Condition- and Milligan 共2001兲, who developed a state-of-the-art procedure
ing agents change the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of a soil with specific reference to microtuneling applications, whereas the
into a plastic paste and thus permit soil pressure application at the EFNARC 共2001, 2005兲 guidelines provided indications on the use
tunnel face. Consequently, the face stability can be controlled of conditioned products. The simple slump cone test was used to
共Anagnostou and Kovari 1996兲, the machine head torque can be provide a measure of soil plasticity by Peron and Marcheselli
reduced and, finally, clogging can be minimized when tunneling 共1994兲, Quebaud et al. 共1998兲, Bordachar and Nicolas 共1998兲,
inside sticky clay. Jancsecz et al. 共1999兲, Williamson et al. 共1999兲, Peña 共2003兲,
Despite its great importance, very little experience on soil con- Boone et al. 共2005兲, and Vinai et al. 共2006兲. Only a few large
ditioning has been achieved, particularly for cohesionless soils. scale tests, using screw conveyor devices have been carried out
The conditioning criterion is usually defined on the basis of a by:
trial-and-error procedure directly developed on job sites. As the • Bezuijen and Schaminée 共2001兲 who studied the behavior of
EFNARC 共2001兲 guidelines clearly states: “At present soil con- conditioned sand soils with both a full-scale and a laboratory
ditioning in soft ground tunnel boring machines remains very model screw conveyor;
much a “black art” determined largely by experience or trial and • Yoshikawa 共1996兲 who performed a number of tests using a
full-scale EPB screw conveyor with plastic soil and with dif-
Dept. of Land, Environment and Geo-engineering, Tunnelling and ferent screw speeds; and
Underground Space Center, Politecnico di Torino, Italy and, ICAG-CNR- • Merritt and Mair 共2006兲 who used a laboratory screw con-
Italian National Research Council 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: veyor device to test the extraction of soil from a tank with a subhorizontal screw and carried out 16 tests on clay samples.
Dept. of Land, Environment and Geo-engineering, Tunnelling and This laboratory device was made up of a pressurized tank
Underground Space Center, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. which was connected to a 1 m long and 0.1 m diameter hori-
Dept. of Land, Environment and Geo-engineering, Tunnelling and zontal screw conveyor which was instrumented to measure the
Underground Space Center, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. torque and the total stress, the soil-casing shear stress and
Note. Discussion open until May 1, 2008. Separate discussions must thepore water pressure, in four sections.
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
From the above-described studies, it appears that only a test
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this technical note was submitted for review and that is able to simulate the extraction of ground from the bulk
possible publication on February 7, 2006; approved on June 15, 2007. chamber with the screw conveyor inclined upwards, as in real
This technical note is part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvi- machines, can offer a quantitative indication of the conditioned
ronmental Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 12, December 1, 2007. ©ASCE, soil behavior for EPB use. Thus, it appears relevant to develop a
ISSN 1090-0241/2007/12-1622–1625/$25.00. standard laboratory device that can allow the positive effect of


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2007.133:1622-1625.

Table 1. Main Characteristics of the Installed Sensor
Limit Number
Sensor Range Device Sensitivity Linearity Repeat. load 共Fig. 1兲
Displacement wire transducer 1,000 mm Potentiometer 0.952 mV/ V / mm ±0.25% ±0.03% N.A. 5
F.S. F.S.
Torque meter 500 Nm Slip ring 2.004 mV/ V ±0.02% ±0.05% 130% 4
F.S. F.S. F.S.
Tank pressure cells 500 kPa Silicon strain 7 mV/ V ±0.02% ±0.05% 200% 6–7
gauge F.S. F.S. F.S.
Screw conveyor pressure cell 500 kPa Load cell with 2 mV/ V ±0.02% ±0.02% 200% 1–3
full bridge SG F.S. F.S. F.S
Scale 50 kg Load cell with 2 mV/ V ±0.02% ±0.02% 200% —
full bridge SG F.S. F.S. F.S
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soil conditioning to be quantified and to permit an easy compari- Sample Preparation and Test Procedure
son of various conditioning products.
The soil sample is prepared by mixing 25 kg of soil with known
moisture into a concrete mixer with the required amount of foam.
Description of the Experimental Apparatus The mixer bowl is then turned for 120 s and the conditioned soil
is poured into the tank. This operation is repeated until the tank is
Normal EBP machines, with a diameter ranging from 5 to 10 m, full 共approximately 350 kg of conditioned soil sand is necessary
have a screw conveyor with a 0.6– 1.2 m diameter and a length/ for each test兲. The upper plate is then positioned and pushed down
diameter ratio between 13 and 5 even though the length of the by the jack until the test pressure is reached in the tank. The screw
screw can be longer when it is necessary to face high water pres- conveyor is then started and the material is collected and weighed
sure 共Lovat 2004兲. at the discharging outlet. During the extraction of the material the
The proposed laboratory device prototype represents an ap- upper plate is moved downward to maintain the pressure in the
proximate 1:10 screw conveyor scale model with a screw con- tank constant. The test is stopped when the piston reaches its
veyor length/diameter of nine. It was designed to allow an index maximum stroke.
laboratory test which could handle a limited ground volume but
also permits soils with relatively large particles 共up to 20 mm兲 to
be tested. Tests Carried out on Sand
The device is made of an 800 mm high tank with a 600 mm
nominal inner diameter which is filled with soil. An aluminium In order to assess the feasibility of the proposed test procedure
plate connected to a hydraulic jack, with a stroke of 500 mm, and laboratory device, a testing program 共Table 2兲 was carried out
applies a nominal pressure to the tank of up to 2 MPa, which is on a medium graded sand with a grain size distribution shown in
the value that can be encountered in a number of urban tunnels at Fig. 2. The data obtained from a fully saturated sand 共Tests S1
a depth of 10– 20 m. A 1,500 mm long screw conveyor is coupled and S2兲 and a foam conditioned sand sample 共Tests C1 and C2兲
to the tank with an upward inclination of 30° which is the average were compared. The foam conditioned sand sample had a water
value usually used in EPB machines and the screw extends inside content of 10% and foam injection ratio⫽共volume of foam兲/
the tank to collect and extract the soil. The diameter of the screw 共volume of soil兲 of 40%, which is the average value normally
case is 168 mm, the flights have a pitch of 100 mm and the screw
shaft has a 60 mm diameter.
The laboratory device was instrumented with following sen-
sors as shown Table 1 and Fig. 1:
• Three total pressure cells 共Numbers 1–3兲 to measure the total
normal stress applied along the screw conveyor case. They
consist of load cells with a 50 mm diameter rounded pad that
fits the inner screw case bending. The cells are 250 mm
spacedand the first cell has a distance from the tank of
430 mm;
• A torque meter, in line with the screw shaft, to measure the
torque transferred from the motor 共Number 4兲;
• A displacement wire transducer to control the upper plate
movement 共Number 5兲; and
• Two total pressure cells with a diameter of 114 mm to measure
the load under the upper plate and on the bottom of the tank
共Numbers 6 and 7兲. Fig. 1. Screw conveyor device cross-sectional drawing 共measure-
The foam used for the soil conditioning is obtained from an ments are in millimeters兲 and photograph of the laboratory screw
industrial foam generator adapted for laboratory purposes, which conveyor device. Installed sensors include: 共1–3兲 pressure cells along
allows the conditioning liquid flow and air flow to be controlled the screw conveyor; 共4兲 torque-meter; 共5兲 displacement of the upper
and the foaming agent concentration to be electronically con- plate wire transducer; 共6兲 tank upper pressure cell; and 共7兲 tank bot-
trolled. tom pressure cell.


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2007.133:1622-1625.

Table 2. Results of the Tests on Saturated and Conditioned Sand; Cell
Numbering Starts from the Closest to the Tank
Tank pressure Screw conveyor pressure
共kPa兲 共kPa兲
Test Screw torque
number Top Bottom 共Nm兲 Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
S1 150–230 110–120 30–40 4–8 4–6 2–4
S2 90–150 75–85 35–40 4–6 7–9 2–4
C1 80–95 90–100 6–10 20–23 12–14 4–6
C2 60–80 60–80 8–10 23–28 12–17 4–7

used in the practice for cohesionless soils 共EFNARC 2005兲. The

foam used was produced with a foam expansion ratio 共FER兲,
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defined as FER⫽共volume of foam兲/共volume of foam solution兲, of Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the material flow in the tank
17 and a foaming additive concentration of 2%. The rotation during the extraction procedure. The conditioned material has a more
speed of the screw was 6 revs./ min, which is close to the one that regular flow and a better transmission of the pressure.
is usually adopted in practice, and the nominal pressure applied to
the tank was 90 kPa at the top and 105 kPa at the bottom.
The analysis of the pressure transmission in the tank indicates efficiency and more material is extracted over the same time in-
that, in the case of conditioned soil, the pressure is properly trans- terval. An analysis of the pressure along the screw conveyor
mitted from the top plate to the bottom of the tank as the material 共Table 2兲 shows that the conditioned material is able to reduce the
has a plastic behavior. In comparison saturated sand is not able to pressure which undergoes a regular decrease from the tank to the
properly transmit the pressure and there is an irregular pressure discharge outlet as observed by Bezuijen and Schaminée 共2001兲,
distribution inside the tank. In this latter case, the flow of the Yoshikawa 共1996兲, and Merritt and Mair 共2006兲. The same effect
granular material from the tank towards the screw conveyor in- is not observed when saturated sand is used, and, the pressures are
duces the creation of a draw cone, as observed with other types of practically constant along the screw length with periodic peaks
granular material flow 共Brady and Brown 1985兲, which reduces due to the rotation of the screw flights. Further, the pressure val-
the contact area between the upper plate and sand thus increasing ues along the screw conveyor are higher and more regular during
the pressure which is measured by the upper load cell 共Fig. 3兲. the extraction when the conditioned materials are used. The geo-
The screw torque measured with the conditioned soil is 25% metrical inclination of the screw conveyor explains the pressure
of the value recorded when saturated sand is used and the torque loss before the fist load cell, which was not observed by Merritt
vsersus time diagram is more regular. Periodic peaks due to the and Mair 共2006兲 as they used a subhorizontal screw conveyor.
screw rotation speed are clearly evident for the saturated sand The described regular decrease in the pressure is an indication
共Fig. 4兲. that the screw was properly filled and that the conditioned mate-
The upper plate displacement speed for conditioned sand is rial acts like a moving impervious plug as is required when work-
higher than for saturated sand as the screw conveyor increases in ing with an EPB below the water table. These measurements are,
therefore, an indication of the quality of the filling of the screw
conveyor and of the ability of the conditioned material to control
and dissipate the pressure acting in the EPB bulk chamber.


Ground conditioning is a crucial component of EPB tunneling

applications. It is, therefore, of primary importance to design and
construct reliable laboratory test procedures that are able to per-
mit quantitative measurements of the conditioned ground behav-

Fig. 2. Grain size distribution of the tested sand Fig. 4. Torque values measured during Tests S1 and C1


J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. 2007.133:1622-1625.

ior, particularly when working with cohesionless soil. A reliable products for soft ground tunnelling.” Recommendation of European
test procedure can only be carried out using a laboratory device Federation of Producers and Contractors of Specialist Products for
which can simulate the EPB extraction procedure from the bulk Structures.
chamber using a screw conveyor. This type of device can be a EFNARC. 共2005兲. “Specification and guidelines for the use of specialist
products for mechanized tunnelling 共TBM兲 in soft ground and hard
reliable tool for study of conditioned soils as it permits the mea-
rock.” Recommendation of European Federation of Producers and
surement pf parameters which are directly linked with the full-
Contractors of Specialist Products for Structures.
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Acknowledgments Lovat, R. P. 共2004兲. “Design and manufacture of tunnel boring machines
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The writers would like to thank the MAPEI Company for the Congress: Mechanized Tunnelling: Challenging Case Histories,
GEAM, Torino, Italy, 119–124.
technical and financial support for this research. Special thanks
Maidl, U. 共1995兲. “Erweiterung der Einsatzbereiche der Erddruckschilde
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and to Dr. D. Gallina and Dr. L. Borio who cooperated in the Universität Bochum, Germany 共in German兲.
execution of the tests during their MSc thesis work. The writers Merritt, A., and Mair, R. J. 共2006兲. “Mechanics of tunnelling machine
have contributed equally to the development of this research. screw conveyor: Model tests.” Geotechnique, 56共9兲, 605–615.
Milligan, G. 共2001兲. “Soil conditioning and lubricating agents in tunnel-
ling and pipe jacking.” Proc., Underground Construction 2001, Lon-
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