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2020 was certainly a year none
of us will soon forget – despite
how hard we might try. A
global pandemic, collapsing
economy, racial tension,
demonstrations, a bitter and
contested presidential election
and, as I write this, it’s not even
over yet. As the year comes to
an end, it appears that maybe,
just maybe, we can look
forward to a less momentous
2021. Here’s a little of what the
2020 Wilken Highlights
Wilkens have been up to. Despite everything that was going on around the world and
across the country in 2020, we all managed to get through the
year with much for which we could be grateful. Greg’s
consulting business grew significantly, Jennifer transitioned to
working from home, Hannah continued dental school and
wedding plans, Sarah had to cut her semester abroad short but
took it all in stride, and Lena got a new wagon that has made
all the other dogs in the neighborhood jealous. We were
blessed with good health, time together and a faith that was
strengthened. We hope that you found time during the year to
pause and give thanks for the peace that can only come from
Greg, Jennifer, Hannah, Sarah and Lena

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in
believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may
abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

One of the incidental benefits of the pandemic is that it created
demand for HR and legal advice. As a result, my business grew
significantly during the year. Jennifer and I both worked from
home for a good part of the year and, because of that, were able
to spend a lot of time together. In addition to work, I was also
able to help my parents celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary
in June. I continued to run and ride my bike. I also enjoyed
finding creative ways to cook with the limited supplies we had
on hand in our pantry.

Jennifer was fortunate in that she has been able to continue working
full-time despite the economic collapse. She transitioned to
working from home in March, went back to the office briefly over
the summer, and will finish the year back in her “home office.”
Jennifer went to Lincoln a couple times during the year to be with
her parents. She also completed a “Reading Challenge” which
required her to read a book from a different genre every month.
Needless to say, some months were better than others.

It was kind of a tough year for Hannah, but in true fashion
she took it all in stride and maintained a positive,
optimistic outlook. She’s in her fourth and final year of
dental school and the school struggled to give the students
enough time in the clinic to meet all their requirements.
Hannah’s fiancée Ryan (and their dog Woody) moved to
Vegas in July and we found out just recently that Hannah
will do her dental residency at Nellis Air Force Base which
is located in…Las Vegas. What great news to end the year

It was a year of ups and downs for Sarah. She left for Spain
in January and was just settling into life in Alicante when
the coronavirus shut down the program and forced her to
come home. She spent the next three months living at home
with Mom and Dad, including “celebrating” her 21st
birthday while on lockdown. She returned to Reno in June
and enjoyed a mostly normal summer on Lake Tahoe and
working at Dutch Bros. Her school is almost entirely virtual
which has been tough, but she continues to do well and is
looking forward to the upcoming snowboarding season.

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