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Home Workout Cycle #1 #DisciplineEqualsFreedom

Day 1

Complex 1

Exercise Sets Reps Video

1a) Jump Squats 4 6 Jump Squat Video

1b) Overhead Quick 4 5/5 Quick Step Video
Step Iso 3 *

1c) Hollow Body 3 8 Hollow Body Video


* Use a backpack with weight if you do not have dumbbells/kettlebells at home.

Complex 2

Exercise Sets Reps Video

2a) Single Leg 3 8/8 Eccentric Hamstring

Eccentric Hamstring Video

2b) Floor Reverse Lat 3 8 Reverse Lat Row

Row Video

Complex 3

Exercise Sets Reps Video

3a) Bent Knee 3 8/8 Adductor Video

Adductor Bridge ISO 3

3b) Anterior Bunkie 3 2 Anterior Bunkie

ISO 30 Video

Complex 4

Exercise Sets Reps Video

4a) Reverse Crunch 3 8 Reverse Crunch Video

4b) Eccentric Shoulder 3 6/6 ECC Shoulder Video
Home Workout Cycle #1 #DisciplineEqualsFreedom

Day 2

Complex 1

Exercise Sets Reps Video

1a) High Recovery 4 6/6 Lunge Video

Lunge Exchange

1b) RDL to High Knee 4 6/6 RDL Video

w/ Reach

1c) Reverse Crunch 3 8 Reverse Crunch


Complex 2

Exercise Sets Reps Video

2a) Lateral Lunge 3 8/8 Lat Lunge Video

2b) Reflexive Ecc 3 8/8 Ref Ecc Hamstring

2c) Body Saw 3 10 Body Saw Video

Complex 3

Exercise Sets Reps Video

3a) RFESS 3 8/8 RFESS Video

3b) Single Leg Glute 3 8/8 Glute Bridge Video
Bridge ISO 3

Complex 4

Exercise Sets Reps Video

4a) Leg Whips 3 6/6 Leg Whip Video

4b) SLDL to Airplane 3 6/6 SLDL Video

Home Workout Cycle #1 #DisciplineEqualsFreedom

Day 3

Complex 1

Exercise Sets Reps Video

1a) Dynamic Couch 4 6/6 Step-Up Video


1b) 3 Stage Push Up 4 6 Push Up Video


1c) Wall Handstand 3 3 Handstand Video


Complex 2

Exercise Sets Reps Video

2a) SL RDL to Cross 3 8/8 SL RDL Video

Body Punch

2b) SL Towel 3 8/8 Towel Curl Video

Hamstring Curls

Complex 3

Exercise Sets Reps Video

3a) Adductor Bridge 3 8/8 Adductor Video


3b) RFESS 3 8/8 RFESS Video

Complex 4

Exercise Sets Reps Video

4a) Single Leg Squat 3 8/8 SL Squat Video

4b) Rotational Side 3 8/8 Plank Video
Home Workout Cycle #1 #DisciplineEqualsFreedom

Regeneration Day

Ground Based Mobility Complex

Exercise Time Video

90/90 Internal/External 2 min 90/90 Video


90/90 Transition from Bear 2 min Bear Video

Tactical Frog 2 min Frog Video
Reach Roll lift 2 min Reach Roll Lift Video
Ecc Shoulder Groove 2 min Ecc Shoulder Video

Ground Based Stability Complex

Exercise Sets Reps Video

DNS Reverse Squat 2 8 DNS Video

Turkish Getup 2 3/3 Turkish Video
3 Position Push Up 2 3/3/3 Push Up Video
Cossack Squat 2 6/6 Squat Video
Handstand Press 2 6 Handstand Video
Towel Reverse Lunge 2 8/8 Lunge Video
Towel Hamstring Curl 2 8/8 Hamstring Video
Single Leg Glute 2 8/8/ Glute Bridge Video
Home Workout Cycle #1 #DisciplineEqualsFreedom

Torso & Stretch Complex

Exercise Set Rep Video

Leg Lowers 2 8/8 Leg Lower Video

Reverse Crunch 2 8 Crunch Video
Bird Dog 2 10/10 Bird Dog Video
Side Plank ISO 20 2 2 Plank Video
Wall Piriformis Strecth 1 3 min Piriformis Video
Box Hip Flexor Stretch 1 4 min Hip Flexor Video

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