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University of Anbar/College of Arts- English Department

Lectures: Translation/Based on Translation As Problems And Solutions



Asst. Lecturer: Mazin Alani

What is Translation

As a subject Dr. Ghazala (1995:1) states that translation is generally used to

refer to all the processes and methods used to transfer the meaning of the source
language text into the target language, by means of using: (1) words which already
have an equivalent in Arabic language; (2) new words for which no ready-made
equivalents are available in Arabic beforehand; (3) foreign words written in Arabic
letters; and(4) foreign words changed to suit Arabic pronunciation, spelling, and
grammar. Here are examples of these words respectively

1.spaek, 2.satellite, 3.aspirin, 4.democracy

What do we translate?

We translate neither grammar, words, style nor sounds. We always translate one
thing only: MEANING. Meaning is a complicated network of language components
which are of course: Syntax (or grammar), Vocabulary (or words), Style, and
Phonology (or sounds).

What is meaning?

Meaning is the product of the different components of language, taken together,

occurring in a certain type of text and context, and directed to a certain kind of

How do we translate?

In order to translate well, we must deal with two things: the process of
translation, (or translating) and the methods of translation. As regards the process of
translation, it describes how we proceed at translating something in practice, i.e. to
translate practically. It is not acceptable to translate word by word, but we must
translate a unit by unit.

Unit of Translation

A unit of translation is any word, or a group of words which can give either a
small, or a large part of meaning when translated together. This means it can be one
word (like: thus, therefore, yet, actually, clearly, however , and other adverbs at the

beginning of sentences), a phrase (e.g. collocations ‫ح‬ٞٙ‫ ايُصاحثاخ ايًػ‬like: pass a law

(‫ْا‬ْٙ‫غّ قا‬ٞ), brain drain (‫(ٖجشج األدَػح‬, and idioms such as tall order (‫)َُٗح ؽاقح‬, sitting
duck (‫غح عًٗح‬ٞ‫ ؾش‬/‫)يكُح عائػح‬, a clause (e.g. (1) "She did not come to work yesterday (2)
because she was sick" (‫عح‬ٞ‫ ايؼُى أَظ ألْٗا ناْد (َش‬ٛ‫ اي‬ٝ‫ يٍ ذأذ‬, or a sentence by sentence
(e.g. "the man who paid me a visit last week when I was away, was an old friend of
mine" ‫ُا‬ٞ‫كا قذ‬ٞ‫ صذ‬, ‫ّ نٓد َغاؾشا‬ٟ‫ ح‬ٝ‫اسذ‬ٞ‫ قاٌ تض‬ٜ‫)ناِ ايشجى ايز‬.

As for methods of translation, writers on translation have suggested sharply

different methods. Among these are:

1.Literal vs. free translation

2.Semantic vs. communicative translation (Newmark, 1981&1988)

3.Formal vs. dynamic translation (Nida, 1964)

4.Non-pragmatic vs. pragmatic translation (Bell, 1991, Hatim& Mason, 1990&1997,

and Baker(ed), (1998)

5.Non-creative vs. creative translation (Beylard-Ozeroff and others, 1998)

Literal and Free translation

As a matter of fact, the argument of today about the methods of translation is not
very much different from the old debate about literal translation and free translation.

Literal Translation

1.Word-for-word translation: it means that each English word is translated into an

equivalent word in Arabic. Moreover, the word order in Arabic is the same as in
English: e.g.

That child is intelligent (‫ا‬ٟ‫ِ رن‬ٙ‫ه‬ٞ ‫ ()رال ايطؿى‬inacceptable)……… (ٝ‫)رال ايطؿى رن‬

Mary wanted to take tea (ٜ‫ أسادخ اِ ذأخز ؽا‬ٜ‫……………)َاس‬. (‫ا‬ٞ‫ اِ ذرٓا٘و ؽا‬ٜ‫)أسادخ َاس‬

He is living from hand to mouth (ٍ‫ ايؿ‬ٛ‫ذ اي‬ٟ‫ِ ػائؾا َّ اي‬ٙ‫ه‬ٞ ٖٙ(…………… ( ًٛ‫ؼ ػ‬ٟ‫ؼ‬ٞ

Please stay with me on the campus (ٝ‫ ايحشٌ ايجاَؼ‬ًٛ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫َّ ؾعًم اتف (…)َّ ؾعًم اتف َؼ‬
ٝ‫ ايحشٌ ايجاَؼ‬ٝ‫ ؾ‬ٝ‫)َؼ‬.

Stop beating about the bush (‫و ايؾجشج‬ٙ‫…)أ٘قؽ ايعشب ح‬.. ( ّ‫ نؽ ػ‬/ِ‫نؽ ػّ ايًؽ ٘ايذ٘سا‬

This man is a big shot( ‫شج‬ٟ‫ح نث‬َٟ‫ ٍَٗ( ………)ٖزا ايشجى س‬/ِ‫ٍ ايؾأ‬ٟ‫)ٖزا ايشجى ػظ‬.

2.One-to-one literal translation: it means that each SL word or phrase is translated into
an identical word and phrase in the TL. That is a noun is translated into a noun, an
adjective into an adjective, an idiom should be translated into an idiom, a proverb into
a proverb and so on.

My neighbors are good (ّٟ‫ث‬ٟ‫ِ غ‬ْٙٙ‫ه‬ٞ ْٝ‫شا‬ٟ‫ِ(…………)ج‬ٙ‫ث‬ٟ‫ غ‬ْٝ‫شا‬ٟ‫( (ج‬free


Sanyo is a well-known trademark (‫ح َؼش٘ؾح جذا‬ٞ‫ِ ػالَح ذجاس‬ٙ‫ ذه‬ْٟٙ‫…)عا‬..( ‫ ػالَح‬ْٟٙ‫عا‬
‫ح َؼش٘ؾح‬ٞ‫) ذجاس‬

He is a young man. He is kind- hearted (‫ة ايكًة‬ٟ‫ِ غ‬ٙ‫ه‬ٞ ٖٙ .‫ِ ؽاتا‬ٙ‫ه‬ٞ ٖٙ)……( ‫ ؽاب‬ٖٙ(
‫ة ايكًة‬ٟ‫غ‬

A stitch in time saves nine (‫ش َّ قٓطاس ػالج‬ٟ‫ح خ‬ٞ‫)دسٍٖ ٘قا‬

This mission is a can of worms (‫ِ ػًثح َصائة‬ٙ‫…)ٖزٔ ايُُٗح ذه‬..( /‫صح‬ٞٙ‫ٖزٔ ايُُٗح َؾهًح ػ‬
‫تح‬ٙ‫)تايػح ايصؼ‬.

3-Literal translation of meaning: Direct translation

This type of translation is keen on translating meaning as closely, precisely and

completely as possible. It can also be called close or Direct translation. It is the
translation of meaning in context, and takes into consideration the grammar and word
order of the TL.

e.g. To run the race (‫ ايغثاـ‬ٝ‫شنط ؾ‬ٞ /ٜ‫جش‬ٞ)

To run a company (‫ش ؽشنح‬ٞ‫ذ‬ٞ)

In the long run (‫ذ‬ٟ‫ ايثؼ‬ٚ‫ ايُذ‬ًٛ‫(ػ‬

To run through (ٌ‫ُش َش٘س ايهشا‬ٞ /‫رصؿح‬ٞ)

To run its course (ٝ‫ؼ‬ٟ‫أخز َجشأ ايطث‬ٞ)

Free Translation

This method of translation means to translate freely without any constraints. The
translator is not constrained by the text or context, or the direct and available meaning
of words and phrases. He goes outside and out of texts and contexts and behind and
beyond words and phrases.

Bound free translation

This type of free translation is derived from the context in a direct way, though it

may go out of it in some way or another, in the form of exaggeration, expressively,

and effective, rhetorical and very formal languages. Here are examples:

He got nothing at the end (‫ؾاض‬ٙ‫ اي‬ٝ‫خاي‬/ّٟٓ‫ ح‬ٝ‫ سجغ تخؿ‬/‫)ػاد‬

She was sad deep down (‫ أصثح ؾؤادٖا ؾاسغا‬/ِ‫)ذؿطش قًثٗا َّ ايحض‬

You look quiet (‫)ذثذ٘ ساتػ ايجأػ‬

East or west, home is best ( ‫ٕٓ أتذا أل٘و َٓضو‬ٟٓ‫٘ح‬ ٛ‫أيؿٕ ايؿر‬ٞ ‫ األسض‬ٝ‫)نٍ َٓضو ؾ‬

Come down to earth (‫ اقًغ ػّ أٖ٘اَم‬/ ‫ٗا‬ٟ‫)نؿال ذ‬

She had a new baby (‫ذا‬ٞ‫دا جذ‬ٙ‫ي‬َٙ ‫) سصقٗا هللا‬

Loose free translation

Some free translation do not relate directly to the original. They are concluded
from it by the translator for different personal reasons. Here are some examples:

Thank you, Mr. Wilson. Next please ( ‫ِ ػٓذْا‬ٙ‫ًغ‬ٞ٘ ‫ذ‬ٟ‫ا ع‬ٞ ‫ذؿعى تاالْصشاؼ‬

Thank you, thank you ladies and gentlemen (‫ذاخ‬ٟ‫(ٖذ٘ء أتٗا ايغادج ٘ايغ‬

I am frightened (‫)اتف َؼٓا‬

Why are you making mouths? (‫)أْد ٘قح‬

No bacon with my breakfast, please (ًٍ‫( أْا َغ‬

What is the main task of a translator

The main task of a translator is to render the meaning of a text from SL into TL
without any personal bias of his/her cultural or ideological trends or opinions, i.e. , to
be objective as possible as could (Williams, 2013:91).

Translation Activity

Names of some international organizations ‫بعض أسماء المنظمات الذولية‬

International Labour Organization ‫ح‬ٟ‫َٓظُح ايؼُى ايذ٘ي‬

World Health Organization ‫ح‬ُٟ‫َٓظُح ايصحح ايؼاي‬

International Monetary Fund ٝ‫صٓذ٘ـ ايٓكذ ايذ٘ي‬

World Bank ٝ‫ايثٓم ايذ٘ي‬

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ‫ يألٍَ ايُرحذج‬ٝ‫ايصٓذ٘ـ اإلُْائ‬

Security Council َّ‫َجًظ األ‬

European Union (EU) ٝ‫االذحاد األ٘ست‬

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) ‫َٓظُح ايثًذاِ ايُصذسج يًٓؿػ‬

)‫(َٓظُح أ٘تم‬

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAW) )٘‫ح ٘ايضساػح (ؾا‬ٞ‫َٓظُح األغز‬

Expressions used in Mass Media ‫تعابير مستخذمة في وسائل اإلعالم‬

A war of words ‫رح‬َٟ‫ حرشب نال‬, tense silence ‫ب تايحرزس‬ٙ‫ ٖرذ٘ء َؾر‬, a storm in a teacup
ِ‫ ؾٓجرا‬ٝ‫ ص٘تؼرح ؾر‬, to ease tension ‫ذش‬ٙ‫خؿرؽ َرّ حرذج ايرر‬ٞ , last resting place ‫رش‬ٟ‫ األخ‬ٚٙ‫ ايُثر‬, a
face-saving decision ٕ‫جر‬ٙ‫ قرشاس يحؿرم َراء اي‬, to sink/ fall into oblivion ِ‫ا‬ٟ‫رٕ ايٓغر‬ٞٙ‫ط‬ٞ ,
shrouded in mystery ‫ض‬ٙ‫هرٓؿرٕ ايػُر‬ٞ , a strangely-worded letter ‫ذ ايًٗجرح‬ٞ‫ خطراب ؽرذ‬, to
sound the alarm bell ‫ط ايخطرش‬ٙ‫رذـ ْراق‬ٞ , diametrically opposed ‫ط‬ٟ‫ ْكر‬ٝ‫ غشؾر‬ٛ‫ ػًر‬, the
calm before the storm ‫غرثف ايؼاصرؿح‬ٞ ٜ‫ ايٗرذ٘ء ايرز‬, to establish peace in the region ‫أحرالو‬
‫ ايُٓطكرح‬ٝ‫ ايغالٌ ؾر‬, to express gratitude ٕ‫ؼثرش ػرّ ؽرهشٔ ٘اَرٓاْر‬ٞ , to pay a visit ‫راسج‬ٞ‫ٌ تض‬ٙ‫كر‬ٞ , to
hold/make negotiations/ talks ‫ َثاحثراخ‬/ ‫ٌ تُؾرا٘ساخ‬ٙ‫ك‬ٞ , to hold agreements ‫راخ‬ٟ‫ؼكرذ اذؿاق‬ٞ ,
to issue a decision ‫صرذس قرشاسا‬ٞ , designate prime minister ّٟ‫صساء ايُؼر‬ٙ‫ظ اير‬ٟ‫ سئر‬, The
Parliament ِ‫ ايثشيُا‬, People's Assembly ‫ َجًظ ايؾؼة‬, draft resolution ‫ َؾش٘ع قشاس‬, lame
duck ‫ ايثطح ايؼشجاء‬, territorial waters ‫ح‬ًُٟٟ‫أ اإلق‬ُٟ‫ اي‬, guerrilla warfare ‫ حشب ايؼصراتاخ‬, cold
war ‫ ايحشب ايثاسدج‬, Arab Spring ٝ‫غ ايؼشت‬ٟ‫ ايشت‬, Brexit ٝ‫ا َّ االذحاد األ٘ست‬ْٟ‫طا‬ٞ‫خش٘ج تش‬

Source texts and their translated target texts

Theresa May lays out hard facts in Brexit Speech

"It is time for the UK and European Union to acknowledge the hard facts about
Brexit". Teresa May said as she paves the way for compromise on a free trade deal.

‫ماي تحذد حقائق صعبة حول عملية خروج بريطانيا من االتحاد األوربي‬

ِ‫ ا‬,‫ح تؾراِ اذؿراـ ذجراسج حرشج‬ٞٙ‫ ذغر‬ٛ‫صرى اير‬ٙ‫ف يًر‬ٞ‫ ذُٗذ ايطش‬ٖٝ٘ ٜ‫ضا َا‬ٞ‫ش‬ٟ‫ح ذ‬ْٟ‫طا‬ٞ‫صساء ايثش‬ٙ‫غح اي‬ٟ‫قايد سئ‬
ّ‫را َر‬ْٟ‫طا‬ٞ‫و خرش٘ج تش‬ٙ‫د حكرائف صرؼثح حر‬ٙ‫جر‬ٙ‫ ت‬ٝ‫ ذؼررشؼ ايًُُهرح ايُرحرذج ٘االذحراد األ٘ستر‬ٝ‫قد قرذ حراِ نر‬ٙ‫اي‬
ٝ‫االذحاد األ٘ست‬

How the Arab Spring Began?

A year ago this weekend, a 26-year old Tunisian named Mohamed Bouazizi set
himself on fire. It was an extreme act by a young man who had reached the end of his
tether after being banned from selling fruit to earn his living but it triggered a
remarkable series of events that became known as the Arab Spring.

‫كيف بذا الربيع العربي ؟‬

‫اْكع‪ ٛ‬ػاٌ ؾ‪ْٗ ٝ‬ا‪ٞ‬رح ٖرزا األعرث‪ٙ‬ع ػًر‪ ٛ‬ق‪ٟ‬راٌ ذ‪ْٙ‬غر‪ٞ ٝ‬ثًرع َرّ ايؼُرش عرد ٘ػؾرشِ٘ ػاَرا ‪ٞ‬رذػ‪ ٛ‬تر‪ٙ‬ػض‪ٞ‬ض‪ٜ‬‬
‫تإظشا ٌ ايٓ‪ٟ‬شاِ ؾ‪ْ ٝ‬ؿغٕ‪ .‬يكذ ناِ ؾؼال ؽٓ‪ٟ‬ؼا اسذهثٕ ؽاب ٘صى اير‪ ٛ‬قُرح اظرطشاتٕ ٘اٖر‪ٟ‬اجرٕ تؼرذ َٓؼرٕ َرّ ت‪ٟ‬رغ‬
‫ايؿانٗح ػً‪ ٛ‬قاسػح ايطش‪ٞ‬ف َّ اجى نغة ق‪ٙ‬خ ‪ َٕٙٞ‬ح‪ٟ‬س أد‪ٖ ٚ‬رزا ايؿؼرى اير‪ ٛ‬عًغرًح َرّ األحرذاز ايٗائًرح ايرر‪ٝ‬‬
‫َٗرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررذخ الْطالقرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررح َرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررا ‪ٞ‬ؼرررررررررررررررررررررررررررررشؼ ترررررررررررررررررررررررررررررايشت‪ٟ‬غ ايؼشتررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر‪.ٝ‬‬


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