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Confusing Nouns & Verbs Practice

I) Use the correct nouns to complete the sentences.

desert dessert site sight

residence resident

1. This ____________ for the new school is not far away.

2. If you eat ____________ first, you will not be able to eat your dinner.
3. All of the furniture in Mr. Rodriguez’s ____________ was chosen by his wife.
4. Unlike most animals, camels can live in the ____________.
5. The thief ran quickly out of ____________.
6. This old courthouse is now considered a historic ____________.
7. I plan to get the strawberry ice cream for ____________.
8. The ____________ in apartment 782 is having loud parties every night.
9. 33% of the Earth’s land area is ____________.
10. The ____________ of her students eagerly waiting to begin class makes the teacher very

II) Use the correct verbs to complete the sentences. Use the correct form according to the tense.

lend borrow lie

lay complement compliment

1. Do you have a pen I can ____________?

2. Just ____________ the box down in the living room.
3. Steven ____________ the blanket down on the ground for the picnic.
4. Can you please ____________ me your car for a couple of hours?
5. Jamie and Hideo ____________ one another so well. They made a great team.
6. I can ____________ you some money if you need it.
7. It makes me feel good to ____________ people and see them smile.
8. I can just ____________ in bed all day.
9. The free breakfast ____________ the excellent hotel service.
10. My boss ____________ me on a job well done.
III) Use the correct nouns or verbs to complete the sentences. Use the correct form according to
the tense.
advice advise choice choose
success succeed breath breathe

1. Humans use their lungs to ____________.

2. My sister made the ____________ to switch jobs and pursue her passion.
3. Coaches often ____________ their athletes on the best fitness plan for them.
4. We all want to feel like a ____________. No one likes to fail.
5. Does my ____________ smell like garlic?
6. My husband always ____________ beef over chicken.
7. My grandfather always gives me the best ____________.
8. Surprisingly, whales cannot ____________ underwater.
9. I will never ____________ on my own. Please help me.
10. The average person takes about 30,000 ____________ each day.

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