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Break-out Plan #1

Date: Wednesday, Sept 23

Break-out Title/Topic: Group Introductions/Welcome to Breakouts Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)
Introductions, ask students their name, program, and a hobby they picked up in
quarantine (or wish they did) .

5 min
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)
Students will learn my role as a mentor, how I can assist them, how I can be
reached, and be welcomed to the breakout sessions.

Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before activity?)

I'll introduce myself, a bit about myself, share a bit about my first year experience,
explain what I can do for students, where I can be reached, answer any questions
they may have. General advice for the start of the year. Maybe bring up the degree
checklist given to polisci students, bring up resources like writing support desk and
office hours.
5 min
Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)
Using, I will have students submit questions anonymously and
screenshare them as they appear, then answer them and hopefully generate
discussion. The first question would be “what excites you about political science”
and the second will be “what scares you about UWindsor polisci?” 10 min
Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)
The first question would be beneficial since we can discuss various motivations,
passions, and dreams which are bringing people together in the program. The
second would help students feel less alone, and since it’s anonymous they can freely
share concerns without fear of looking silly. I would address their concerns as best
as possible and hopefully they would start a conversation on shared experiences
and become more comfortable with one another.
Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done to get there)
Overall, the learning objective is to introduce students to one another, get everyone
on the same page and motivated for their course and program as a whole. As well, I
will explain my role as a mentor and answer any questions students may have. This
will be achieved by use of initial icebreaker questions and anonymous question
submission on
Break-out Plan #1
Date: Wednesday, Sept 23
Break-out Title/Topic: Group Introductions/Welcome to Breakouts Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)
Introductions, ask students their name, program, and a hobby they
picked up in quarantine (or wish they did) .

5 min
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)
Students will learn my role as a mentor, how I can assist them, how I
can be reached, and be welcomed to the breakout sessions.

Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before

I'll introduce myself, a bit about myself, share a bit about my first
year experience, explain what I can do for students, where I can be
reached, answer any questions they may have. General advice for the
start of the year. Maybe bring up the degree checklist given to polisci
students, bring up resources like writing support desk and office
hours. 5 min
Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)
Using, I will have students submit questions
anonymously and screenshare them as they appear, then answer
them and hopefully generate discussion. The first question would be
“what excites you about political science” and the second will be
“what scares you about UWindsor polisci?” 10 min
Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)
The first question would be beneficial since we can discuss various
motivations, passions, and dreams which are bringing people together
in the program. The second would help students feel less alone, and
since it’s anonymous they can freely share concerns without fear of
looking silly. I would address their concerns as best as possible and
hopefully they would start a conversation on shared experiences and
become more comfortable with one another.
Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done
to get there)
Overall, the learning objective is to introduce students to one another,
get everyone on the same page and motivated for their course and
program as a whole. As well, I will explain my role as a mentor and
answer any questions students may have. This will be achieved by use
of initial icebreaker questions and anonymous question submission on

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