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10 Music Square
Nashville Tennessee 37203

The entrance into the broadcast license agreement with the national basketball association 9/17 for broadcast
endorsement of only marketed broadcasting and also trademarked broadcast

the beginning of the on going battle of the acceptance of the United States of America Board of Businesss and also
National Medical Board of Licensing and the internal executive board of associates and presidents including Michael
O'Neill and also Bruce Esworthly the beginning of endorsements and Licensing with national manufacturing and
distribution with the United States Government and myself introduction as Atterony General and CAO or Operations
nomination of 2011 present 2020

Broadcast Act ; 115

protects the written and also audio recording rights of listed songwriters any individual holds no connection and also
affiliation with broadcast music Inc nor myself nor materials listings

Nothing is for sale on the list

Act 2011 Attributes Counselor date December 2011 6th Robhy Dupree Armstrong any order of purchasing rights
prohibited under the following also recompile 115 FCC over ruling following and banned and deemed for the reasons
of before the following and also 2016 with red dwarf records with the unregistering of corporation materials listed
under the following also fraud claims of management under the corporation the disbute of the following for non
affiliation with the gain of a corporate investment of no return under the following of my order of only return of revenue
of investment of individuals and corporations of service

Act : 2020
Prohibition of the use of sponsorship
of our Congress and Senate also of organizations due to the finance stability of the corporation laws of agreeance of
documentation of corporate hire in the form of documentation of internal revenue service since the yr of 2013 the
responsibility of the congressman no longer upon the congressman for responsibility of finances

live orchestra live conductions available Nashville Tennessee also Audio Production and Vocalist Productions
Programed Conductions newly available 2019 - Present Current Constructions of the new mega executive artist
recording staff the newest modern recording software also every branch even Congress Austin , Texas

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