The Mind Body Interaction in Disease

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The brain and the immune system

continuously signal each other, often along

the same pathways, which may explain
how state of mind influences health

The Mind-Body
in Disease
By Esther M. Sternberg and Philip W. Gold

The belief that the mind plays an important role in physical illness goes back to the
earliest days of medicine. From the time of the ancient Greeks toxic substances or surgery, exacerbates the diseases that these
to the beginning of the 20th century, it was generally accepted by systems guard against: infectious, inflammatory, autoimmune,
both physician and patient that the mind can affect the course and associated mood disorders.
of illness, and it seemed natural to apply this concept in medical The clinical significance of these findings is likely to prove
treatments of disease. After the discovery of antibiotics, a new as- profound. They hold the promise of extending the range of ther-
sumption arose that treatment of infectious or inflammatory dis- apeutic treatments available for various disorders, as drugs pre-
ease requires only the elimination of the foreign organism or viously known to work primarily for nervous system problems
agent that triggers the illness. In the rush to discover antibiotics are shown to be effective against immune maladies, and vice ver-
and drugs that cure specific infections and diseases, the fact that sa. They also help to substantiate the popularly held impression
the body’s own responses can influence susceptibility to disease (still discounted in some medical circles) that our state of mind
and its course was largely ignored by medical researchers. can influence how well we resist or recover from infectious or
It is ironic that research into infectious and inflammatory dis- inflammatory diseases.
ease first led 20th-century medicine to reject the idea that the The brain’s stress response system is activated in threatening
mind influences physical illness, and now research in the same situations. The immune system responds automatically to path-
field—including the work of our laboratories and of our ogens and foreign molecules. These two response sys-
collaborators at the National Institutes of Health— tems are the body’s principal means for maintaining
is proving the contrary. New molecular and an internal steady state called homeostasis. A sub-
pharmacological tools have made it possible for stantial proportion of human cellular machinery
us to identify the intricate network that exists is dedicated to maintaining it.
between the immune system and the brain, a When homeostasis is disturbed or threat-
network that allows the two systems to signal ened, a repertoire of molecular, cellular and be-
each other continuously and rapidly. Chemi- havioral responses comes into play. These re-
cals produced by immune cells signal the brain, sponses attempt to counteract the disturbing
and the brain in turn sends chemical signals to forces in order to reestablish a steady state. They
restrain the immune system. These same chemical can be specific to the foreign invader or a particular
signals also affect behavior and the response to IMMUNE RESPONSE can be stress, or they can be generalized and nonspecific
stress. Disruption of this communication network altered at the cellular level when the threat to homeostasis exceeds a certain
in any way, whether inherited or through drugs, by stress hormones. threshold. The adaptive responses may themselves

82 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Updated from The Mysteries of the Mind (Special Issue, 1997)

Nerves connect the brain to every
organ and tissue. Challenging or
threatening situations activate the Hypothalamus
brain’s stress response, which
involves the release of a hormone Pituitary gland
that stimulates physiological Locus ceruleus
arousal and regulates the immune
system. Key components in this Nucleus of
stress response are the tractus solitarius
hypothalamus and locus ceruleus in Brain stem
the brain, the pituitary gland, the
sympathetic nervous system and
the adrenal glands.

The immune system operates as a
decentralized network, responding Lymph node
automatically to anything that
invades or disrupts the body.
Immune cells generated in the bone
marrow, lymph nodes, spleen and
thymus communicate with one
another using small proteins. These
chemical messengers can also
send signals to the brain, through
either the bloodstream or through
nerve pathways such as the
vagus nerve to the nucleus
of the tractus solitarius.


Adrenal gland

Vagus nerve Spleen


Bone marrow



turn into stressors capable of producing The central nervous and immune sys- to the pituitary gland, which lies just be-
disease. We are just beginning to under- tems, however, are more similar than dif- neath the brain. CRH causes the pituitary
stand the interdependence of the brain and ferent in their modes of receiving, recog- to release adrenocorticotropin hormone
the immune system, how they help to reg- nizing and integrating various signals and (ACTH) into the bloodstream, which
ulate and counterregulate each other and in their structural design for accomplish- stimulates the adrenal glands to produce
how they themselves can malfunction and ing these tasks. Both the central nervous cortisol, the best-known stress hormone.
produce disease. system and the immune system possess Cortisol is a steroid hormone that in-
The stress response promotes physio- “sensory” elements, which receive infor- creases the rate and strength of heart con-
logical and behavioral changes in threat- mation from the environment and other tractions, sensitizes blood vessels to the
ening or taxing situations. For instance, parts of the body, and “motor” elements, actions of norepinephrine (an adrenaline-
when we are facing a potentially life- which carry out an appropriate response. like hormone) and affects many metabol-
threatening situation, the brain’s stress re- ic functions— actions that help the body
sponse goes into action to enhance our fo- Cross Communication meet a stressful situation. In addition, cor-
cused attention, our fear and our fight-or- BOTH SYSTEMS also rely on chemical tisol is a potent immunoregulator and
flight response, while inhibiting behaviors, mediators for communication. Electrical anti-inflammatory agent. It plays a crucial
such as feeding, sex and sleep, that might signals along nerve pathways, for in- role in preventing the immune system
lessen the chance of immediate survival. stance, are converted to chemical signals from overreacting to injuries and damag-
The stress response, however, must be at the synapses between neurons. The ing tissues. Furthermore, cortisol inhibits

The ADAPTIVE RESPONSES may themselves

turn into stressors capable of PRODUCING DISEASE.
regulated to be neither excessive nor sub- chemical messengers produced by im- the release of CRH by the hypothal-
optimal; otherwise, disorders of arousal, mune cells communicate not only with amus— which keeps this component of
thought and feeling emerge. other parts of the immune system but also the stress response under control. Thus,
The immune system’s job is to bar for- with the brain and nerves. Chemicals re- CRH and cortisol directly link the body’s
eign pathogens from the body and to rec- leased by nerve cells can act as signals to brain-regulated stress response and its im-
ognize and destroy those that penetrate its immune cells. Hormones from the body mune response.
shield. The immune system must also travel to the brain in the bloodstream, and CRH-secreting neurons of the hypo-
neutralize potentially dangerous toxins, the brain itself makes hormones. Indeed, thalamus send fibers to regions in the
facilitate repair of damaged or worn tis- the brain is perhaps the most prolific en- brain stem that help to regulate the sym-
sues, and dispose of abnormal cells. Its re- docrine organ in the body and produces pathetic nervous system, as well as to an-
sponses are so powerful that they require many hormones that act both on the other brain stem area called the locus
constant regulation to ensure that they brain and on tissues throughout the body. ceruleus. The sympathetic nervous sys-
are neither excessive nor indiscriminate A key hormone shared by the central tem, which mobilizes the body during
and yet remain effective. When the im- nervous and immune systems is cortico- stress, also innervates immune organs,
mune system escapes regulation, autoim- tropin-releasing hormone (CRH); pro- such as the thymus, lymph nodes and
mune and inflammatory diseases or im- duced in the hypothalamus and several spleen, and helps to control inflammatory
mune deficiency syndromes result. other brain regions, it unites the stress and responses throughout the body. Stimula-
The immune and central nervous sys- immune responses. The hypothalamus re- tion of the locus ceruleus leads to behav-
tems appear, at first glance, to be orga- leases CRH into a specialized blood- ioral arousal, fear and enhanced vigilance.
nized in very different ways. The brain is stream circuit that conveys the hormone Perhaps even more important for the
usually regarded as a centralized com-
mand center, sending and receiving elec- ESTHER M. STERNBERG and PHILIP W. GOLD carry out their research on stress and immune

trical signals along fixed pathways, much systems at the National Institute of Mental Health. Sternberg is chief of the section on neu-
like a telephone network. In contrast, the roendocrine immunology and behavior and director of the Integrative Neural Immune Program,
immune system is decentralized, and its and Gold is chief of the clinical neuroendocrinology branch. Sternberg received her M.D. from
organs (spleen, lymph nodes, thymus and McGill University. Her work on the mechanisms and molecular basis of neural immune com-
bone marrow) are located throughout the munication has led to a growing recognition of the importance of mind-body interaction. She
body. The classical view is that the im- is also the author of The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions (2000).
mune system communicates by releasing Before joining the NIMH in 1974, Gold received his medical training at Duke University and Har-
immune cells into the bloodstream that vard University. He and his group were among the first to introduce data implicating cortico-
travel to new locations to deliver their tropin-releasing hormone and its related hormones in the pathophysiology of melancholic
messages or to perform other functions. and atypical depression and in the mechanisms of action of antidepressant drugs.


induction of fear-related behaviors is the many other types of cells and organs, in- becomes more permeable, and cytokines
amygdala, where inputs from the senso- cluding parts of the brain. Cytokines is may be carried across into the brain with
ry regions of the brain are charged as the more general term for biological mol- nutrients from the blood. Certain cy-
stressful or not. CRH-secreting neurons ecules that many different kinds of cells tokines, on the other hand, readily pass
in the central nucleus of the amygdala use to communicate. Each cytokine is a through leaky areas in the blood-brain
send fibers to the hypothalamus, the lo- distinct protein molecule, encoded by a barrier at any time. But cytokines do not
cus ceruleus, and to other parts of the separate gene, that targets a particular cell have to cross the blood-brain barrier to
brain stem. These CRH-secreting neu- type. A cytokine can either stimulate or exert their effects. Cytokines can attach to
rons are targets of messengers released by inhibit a response depending on the pres- their receptors in the lining of blood ves-
immune cells during an immune response. ence of other cytokines or other stimuli sels in the brain and stimulate the release
By recruiting the CRH-secreting neurons, and the current state of metabolic activi- of secondary chemical signals in the brain
the immune signals not only activate cor- ty. This flexibility allows the immune sys- tissue around the blood vessels.
tisol-mediated restraint of the immune tem to take the most appropriate actions Cytokines can also signal the brain via
response but also induce behaviors that to stabilize the local cellular environment direct nerve routes, such as the vagus
assist in recovery from illness or injury. and to maintain homeostasis. nerve, which innervates the heart, stom-
CRH-secreting neurons also have con- Cytokines from the body’s immune ach, small intestine and other organs of
nections with hypothalamic regions that system can send signals to the brain in the abdominal cavity. Injection of IL-1
regulate food intake and reproductive be- several ways. Ordinarily, a “blood-brain into the abdominal cavity activates the
havior. In addition, other hormonal and barrier” shields the central nervous sys- nucleus of the tractus solitarius, the prin-
nerve systems— such as the thyroid, tem from potentially dangerous mole- cipal region of the brain stem for receipt
growth and female sex hormones, and cules in the bloodstream. During inflam- of visceral sensory signals. Cutting the va-
the sympathomedullary pathways (con- mation or illness, however, this barrier gus nerve blocks activation of this brain
nections of the sympathetic nervous sys-
tem and medulla)—influence interactions STRESS RESPONSE SYSTEM
between the brain and the immune system.

Immune System Signals

T H E I M M U N E R E S P O N S E is an elegant
and finely tuned cascade of cellular events
aimed at ridding the body of foreign sub-
stances, bacteria and viruses. One of the
major discoveries of contemporary im- Hypothalamus
munology is that white blood cells pro- CRH
duce small proteins that indirectly coor-
dinate the responses of other parts of the
immune system to pathogens.
For example, the protein interleukin-1
(IL-1) is made by a type of white blood cell
called a monocyte or macrophage. IL-1 Pituitary
stimulates another type of white blood gland
cell, the lymphocyte, to produce inter-
leukin-2 (IL-2), which in turn induces lym- L Medulla
TISO Brain stem
phocytes to develop into mature immune
cells. Some mature lymphocytes, called Adrenal gland
plasma cells, make antibodies that fight in-
fection, whereas others, the cytotoxic lym- To immune
phocytes, kill viruses directly. Other inter-
leukins mediate the activation of immune HPA AXIS— the interplay among the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the adrenal glands— is a central
cells that are involved in allergic reactions. component of the brain’s neuroendocrine response to stress. The hypothalamus, when stimulated,
The interleukins were originally secretes corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) into the hypophyseal portal system, which supplies
named for what was considered to be blood to the anterior pituitary. CRH stimulates the pituitary (red arrows show stimulatory pathways) to
their primary function: communication secrete adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) into the bloodstream. ACTH causes the adrenal glands to

release cortisol, the classic stress hormone that arouses the body to meet a challenging situation. But
among (“inter-”) the white blood cells cortisol then modulates the stress response (blue arrows indicate inhibitory effects) by acting on the
(“leukins”). But interleukins also act as hypothalamus to inhibit the continued release of CRH. Also a potent immunoregulator, cortisol acts on
chemical signals among immune cells and many parts of the immune system to prevent it from overreacting and harming healthy cells and tissue. THE HIDDEN MIND 85

nucleus by IL-1. Sending signals along brain tissue of patients living with AIDS, ders them highly susceptible. Further
nerve routes is the most rapid mecha- concentrated in areas around the giant proof comes from studies in which the
nism— on the order of milliseconds— by macrophages that invade the patients’ transplantation of hypothalamic tissue
which cytokines signal the brain. brain tissue. Immune factors, however, from disease-resistant rats into the brain
Activation of the brain by cytokines are not always toxic to neurons. Specific of susceptible rats improves their resis-
from the peripheral parts of the body in- activated T lymphocytes play an impor- tance to peripheral inflammation.
duces behaviors of the stress response, tant role in preventing neuronal cell death These animal studies demonstrate
such as anxiety and cautious avoidance, after injury. This discovery is leading to that disruption of the brain’s stress re-
that keep an individual out of harm’s way new approaches to treating and prevent- sponse enhances the body’s response to
until full healing occurs. Anyone who has ing paralysis following spinal cord injury. inflammatory disease, and reconstitution
experienced lethargy and excess sleepi- Any disruption of communication of the stress response reduces susceptibil-
ness during an illness will recognize this between the brain and the immune sys- ity to inflammation. One implication of
set of responses as “sickness behavior.” tem leads to greater susceptibility to in- these findings is that disruption of the

The IMMUNE RESPONSE is an elegant and

finely tuned cascade of cellular events aimed
at ridding the body of FOREIGN SUBSTANCES.
Indeed, patients receiving cytokine treat- flammatory disease and, frequently, to brain-immune communication system by
ment for immunosuppression in cancer increased immune complications. For in- inflammatory, toxic or infectious agents
and AIDS may experience symptoms of stance, animals whose brain-immune could contribute to some of the variations
depression and even suicidality. These communications have been disrupted in the course of the immune system’s in-
symptoms can be prevented by pretreat- (through surgery or drugs) are highly li- flammatory response.
ment with antidepressants. able to lethal complications of inflam-
Neurons and nonneuronal brain cells matory diseases and infectious diseases. CRH and Depression
also produce cytokines. Cytokines in the Susceptibility to inflammatory dis- A L T H O U G H T H E R O L E of the stress re-
brain regulate nerve cell growth and ease that is associated with genetically sponse in inflammatory disease in hu-
death and can be recruited by the immune impaired stress response can be found mans is more difficult to prove, there is
system to stimulate the release of CRH. across species— in rats, mice, chickens growing evidence that a wide variety of
Some have proposed that brain cytokines and, though the evidence is less direct, hu- such diseases are associated with impair-
may play a role in symptoms of depres- mans. For instance, the Lewis strain of rat ment of the HPA axis and lower levels of
sion in the absence of known sickness or is naturally prone to many inflammatory CRH secretion, which ultimately results
infection.The IL-1 cytokine system in the diseases because of a severe impairment of in a hyperactive immune system. Fur-
brain is currently the best understood—all its HPA (for hypothalamus, pituitary and thermore, patients with a mood disorder
its components have been identified, in- adrenal) axis, which greatly diminishes called atypical depression also have a
cluding receptors and a naturally occur- CRH secretion in response to stress. In blunted stress response and impaired
ring antagonist that binds to IL-1 recep- contrast, the hyperresponsive HPA axis in CRH function, which leads to lethargy,
tors without activating them. The ana- the Fischer strain of rat provides it with a fatigue, increased sleep and increased eat-
tomical and cellular locations of such strong resistance to inflammatory disease. ing that often results in weight gain.
cytokine circuitry are being mapped out Evidence of a causal link between an Patients with other illnesses charac-
in detail, and this knowledge will aid re- impaired stress response and susceptibili- terized by lethargy and fatigue, such as
searchers in designing drugs that block or ty to inflammatory disease comes from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia
enhance the actions of such circuits and pharmacological and surgical studies. and seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
the functions they regulate. Pharmacological intervention such as exhibit features of both depression and
Excessive amounts of cytokines in the treatment with a drug that blocks cortisol a hyperactive immune system. A person
brain can be toxic to nerves. In genetical- receptors enhances autoimmune inflam- with chronic fatigue syndrome classical-
ly engineered mice, inserted genes that matory disease. Injecting low doses of cor- ly manifests debilitating lethargy or fa-
overexpress cytokines produce neurotox- tisol into disease-susceptible rats enhances tigue lasting six months or longer with no
ic effects. Some of the neurological symp- their resistance to inflammation. Strong demonstrable medical cause, as well as
toms of AIDS in humans may also be evidence comes from surgical interven- feverishness, aches in joints and muscles,
caused by overexpression of certain cyto- tion. Removal of the pituitary gland or the allergic symptoms and higher levels of
kines in the brain. High levels of IL-1 and adrenal glands from rats that are normal- antibodies to a variety of viral antigens
other cytokines have been found in the ly resistant to inflammatory disease ren- (including Epstein-Barr virus).


Patients with fibromyalgia suffer from
muscle aches, joint pains and sleep ab- Hypothalamus
normalities, symptoms similar to early, CRH
mild rheumatoid arthritis. Both these ill-
nesses are associated with a fatigue like
Locus ceruleus
that in atypical depression. SAD, which
Nucleus of the
usually occurs in winter, is typified by

tractus solitarius

lethargy, fatigue, increased food intake
and increased sleep, symptoms similar to ACTH
those of atypical depression.
A deficiency of CRH could contribute Vagus
to lethargy in patients with chronic fatigue Pituitary nerve
syndrome. Injection of CRH into these pa-
tients causes a delayed and blunted ACTH Adrenal
secretion by the HPA axis. That same re-

sponse is also seen in patients whose hy-
pothalamus has been injured or who have Sympathetic
a tumor. Also, fatigue and hyperactivity of nervous system
the immune response are associated with ol Immune organs
cortisol deficiency, which occurs when

CRH secretion decreases. The hormone

levels and responses in patients with fa-
tigue syndromes suggest— but do not
prove— that their HPA axis functions are
impaired, resulting in a decrease in CRH Immune cells
and cortisol secretion and an increase in
immune system activity. Together these
findings indicate that human illness char- BRAIN AND IMMUNE SYSTEM can either stimulate (red arrows) or inhibit (blue arrows) each other.
acterized by fatigue and hyperimmunity Immune cells produce cytokines (chemical signals) that stimulate the hypothalamus through the
bloodstream or via nerves elsewhere in the body. The hormone CRH, produced in the hypothalamus,
could possibly be treated by drugs that
activates the HPA axis. The release of cortisol tunes down the immune system. CRH, acting on the
mimic CRH actions in the brain. brain stem, stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which innervates immune organs and
In contrast, the classic form of de- regulates inflammatory responses throughout the body. Disruption of these communications in any
pression, melancholia, is actually not a way leads to greater susceptibility to disease and immune complications.
state of inactivation and suppression of
thought and feeling; rather it presents as patients with major depression to deter- sponse support the concept that melan-
an organized state of anxiety. The anxi- mine whether the excessive level of corti- cholia is associated with a chronic stress
ety of melancholia is chiefly about the sol associated with depression correlates response. In rats, regular, but not acute,
self. Melancholic patients feel impover- with suppressed immune responses. Some administration of the tricyclic antidepres-
ished and defective and often express have found a correlation between hyper- sant imipramine significantly lowers the
hopelessness about the prospects for their cortisolism and immunosuppression; oth- levels of CRH precursors in the hypothal-
unworthy selves in either love or work. ers have not. Because depression can have amus. Imipramine given for two months to
The anxious hyperarousal of melan- a variety of mental and biochemical caus- healthy people with normal cortisol lev-
cholic patients also manifests as a perva- es, only some depressed patients may be els causes a gradual and sustained decrease
sive sense of vulnerability. immunosuppressed. in CRH secretion and other HPA axis
Melancholic patients also show be- The excessive secretion of cortisol in functions, indicating that down-regulation
havioral alterations suggestive of physio- melancholic patients is predominantly of important components of the stress re-
logical hyperarousal. They characteristi- the result of hypersecretion of CRH, sponse is an intrinsic effect of imipramine.
cally suffer from insomnia (usually early- caused by a defect in or above the hypo- Depression is also associated with in-
morning awakening) and experience thalamus. Thus, the clinical and bio- flammatory disease. About 20 percent of
inhibition of eating, sexual activity and chemical manifestations of melancholia patients with rheumatoid arthritis devel-
menstruation. One of the most widely reflect a generalized stress response that op clinical depression. A questionnaire
found biological abnormalities in patients has escaped the usual counterregulation, commonly used by clinicians to diagnose

with melancholia is that of sustained hy- remaining stuck in the “on” position. depression contains about a dozen ques-
persecretion of cortisol. The effects of tricyclic antidepressant tions that are almost always answered af-
Many studies have been conducted on drugs on components of the stress re- firmatively by patients with arthritis. THE HIDDEN MIND 87

In the past, the association between an dividual’s susceptibility to infectious dis- es, such as herpes and influenza virus.
inflammatory disease and stress was con- eases. The regulation of the immune sys- Animal studies provide further evi-
sidered by doctors to be secondary to the tem by the neurohormonal stress system dence that stress affects the course and
chronic pain and debilitation of the dis- provides a biological basis for under- severity of viral illness, bacterial disease
ease. The recent discovery of the common standing how stress might affect these dis- and septic shock. Stress in mice worsens
underpinning of the immune and stress eases. Thus, stress hormones released the severity of influenza infection through
responses may provide an explanation of from the brain, cortisol from the adrenal both the HPA axis and the sympathetic
why a patient can be susceptible to both glands, and nerve chemicals released from nervous system. Animal studies suggest
inflammatory disease and depression. The nerve endings (adrenalinlike molecules that neuroendocrine mechanisms could
hormonal dysregulation that underlies norepinephrine and epinephrine) all mod- play a similar role in infections with oth-
both inflammatory disease and depres- ify the ability of immune cells to fight in- er viruses, including HIV, and provide a
sion can lead to either illness, depending fectious agents and foreign molecules. mechanism for understanding clinical ob-
on whether the perturbing stimulus is There is evidence that stress does af- servations that stress may exacerbate the
pro-inflammatory or psychologically fect human immune responses to viruses course of AIDS. Stress, through cortisol,
stressful. That may explain why the wax- and bacteria. In studies with volunteers increases the susceptibility of mice to in-

Psychological STRESS CAN AFFECT an

individual’s SUSCEPTIBILITY to infectious diseases.
ing and waning of depression in arthritic given a standard dose of the common fection with mycobacteria, the bacteria
patients does not always coincide with in- cold virus (rhinovirus), individuals who that causes tuberculosis. It has been
flammatory flare-ups. are simultaneously exposed to stress shown that an intact HPA axis protects
The popular belief that stress exacer- show more viral particles and produce rats against the lethal septic effects of sal-
bates inflammatory illness and that relax- more mucus than do nonstressed indi- monella bacteria. Finally, new under-
ation or removal of stress ameliorates it viduals. Medical students receiving hep- standing of interactions of the immune
may indeed have a basis in fact. The in- atitis vaccination during their final exams and stress responses can help explain the
teractions of the stress and immune sys- do not develop full protection against hep- puzzling observation that classic psycho-
tems and the hormonal responses they atitis. These findings have important im- logical conditioning of animals can influ-
have in common could explain how con- plications for public health. People who ence their immune responses. For exam-
scious attempts to tone down responsivi- are vaccinated during periods of stress ple, working with mice and rats, Robert
ty to stress could affect immune responses. might be less likely to develop full anti- Ader and Nicholas Cohen of the Univer-
body protection. Chronic stress also pro- sity of Rochester paired saccharin-fla-
Genetic Factors longs wound healing. vored water with an immunosuppressive
HOW MUCH of the responsivity to stress New research shows that at physio- drug. Eventually the saccharin alone pro-
is genetically determined and how much logical concentrations and under certain duced a decrease in immune function sim-
can be consciously controlled is not conditions the stress hormone cortisol ilar to that of the drug.
known. The set point of the stress re- not only is immunosuppressive but also
sponse is to some extent genetically de- may enhance certain aspects of immune Social Stresses
termined. In addition, factors in early de- function. Furthermore, each part of the S T R E S S N O T O N L Y I S personal but is
velopment, learning, and later experi- stress response— the brain-hormonal, the perceived through the prism of social in-
ences contribute to differences in stress adrenalinlike nerve and the adrenal gland teractions. These interactions can either
responsiveness. An event that is physio- adrenalin— is regulated independently, add to or lessen psychological stress and
logically highly stressful to one individual depending on the nature of the stressful affect our hormonal responses to it,
may be much less so to another, depend- stimulus. This specific nature of the stress which in turn can alter immune respons-
ing on the sum of each person’s genetic response explains how different kinds es. Thus, the social-psychological stresses
tendency to hormonal reactivity and their and patterns of stress affect illness differ- that we experience can affect our suscep-
previous experience. The degree to which ently. Therefore, whereas chronic stress tibility to inflammatory and infectious
stress could precipitate or exacerbate dis- is generally immunosuppressive, acute diseases as well as the course of these and
ease would then depend not only on the stress can enhance cell-mediated immu- other diseases. For instance, in humans,
intensity and duration of the stressful nity and exacerbate contact dermatitis loneliness is associated with a “threat,”
stimulus but also on the person’s learned types of allergic skin reactions. Further- or adrenalinlike pattern of activation of
perception of the event as stressful and more, animal studies show that social the stress response and high blood pres-
on the set point of the stress system. stress and physical stress have different sure, whereas exercising is associated
Psychological stress can affect an in- effects on infection with different virus- with a “challenge” pattern of high blood


bloodstream can occur directly or indirectly.
Immune cells such as monocytes, a type of white
blood cell, produce a chemical messenger called Nitric
interleukin-1 (IL-1), which ordinarily will not pass Neuron
through the blood-brain barrier. But certain
cerebral blood vessels contain leaky junctions,
which allow IL-1 molecules to pass into the brain.
There they can activate the HPA axis and other Nitric oxide
neural systems. IL-1 also binds to receptors on the synthase
endothelial cells that line cerebral blood vessels.
This binding can cause enzymes in the cells to
produce nitric oxide or prostaglandins, which
diffuse into the brain and act directly on neurons.

flow and cardiac output. Studies have

shown that people exposed to chronic so- Monocyte
cial stresses for more than two months Lymphocyte
have increased susceptibility to the com-
mon cold.
Other studies have shown that the im- IL-1
mune responses of long-term caregivers,
such as spouses of Alzheimer’s patients,
become blunted. Immune responses dur-
ing marital discord are also blunted in the
spouse (usually the wife) who experiences IL-1
the greatest amount of stress and feelings
of helplessness. In such a scenario, studies Leaky junction
have found that the levels of stress hor- in blood-
Cyclooxygenase brain barrier
mones are elevated in the affected spouse. Prostaglandins
On the other hand, a positive sup-
portive environment of extensive social
networks or group psychotherapy can en- brain and immune system provides a fect the immune system may be useful in
hance immune response and resistance to physiological explanation of why such treating some psychiatric disorders. There
disease— even cancer. Some studies have cures sometimes worked. Disruption of is growing evidence that our view of our-
shown that women with breast cancer, this communication network leads to an selves and others, our style of handling
for instance, who receive strong, positive increase in susceptibility to disease and stresses, and our genetic makeup can af-
social support during their illness have can worsen the course of the illness. fect the immune system. Similarly, there is
significantly longer life spans than women Restoration of this communication sys- good evidence that diseases associated with
without such support. tem, whether through pharmacological chronic inflammation significantly affect
For centuries, taking the cure at a agents or the relaxing effects of a spa, can one’s mood or level of anxiety. Finally,
mountain sanatorium or a hot-springs be the first step on the road to recovery. these findings suggest that classification of
spa was the only available treatment for A corollary of these findings is that psy- illnesses into medical and psychiatric spe-
many chronic diseases. New understand- choactive drugs may be used to treat some cialties, and the boundaries that have de-
ing of the communication between the inflammatory diseases, and drugs that af- marcated mind and body, are artificial. SA

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