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Amidst this pandemic that still haunts us, we launch the Year of Missio
Ad Gentes in the Archdiocese for the 500 YOC of the country. Mission
indeed is a permanent condition in our lives. In fact, at this trying time,
our faith as missionary disciples are tested, purified and proven. We are
constantly called to become Jesus’ missionary disciples at all times-
covid or non-covid times.

Christmas as Paradigm of Mission

Our God is a missionary God; a communion in mission being the Trinity

which is the very nature of God. The Father out of his love for all of us
sent His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to save us (John 3:16).
God’s self-emptying love, by becoming one of us or with us is a cause
for joy and thanksgiving. Hence in this year of mission we are called to a
missionary renewal as his disciples. All renewal in the church must have
mission as its goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of ecclesial
introversion (CBCP Pastoral Statement for the Year of Missio Ad
Gentes). For this renewal to happen, we need to deepen our personal
relationship with Christ (EG 27). May this lead all of us to be truly
“agents of evangelization” the mandate we receive in baptism. (EG120)

The Archdiocese Plan of Action

We are always grateful that the Lord has continually blessed the
Archdiocese since its inception in 1933. Grateful as well with
Archbishop Emeritus Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J., D.D. for handing over to
us the book “14 Years of Grace of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro.”
This certainly help us forge our way to the future. By 2023, we will
celebrate our 90th year as a diocese.

This pandemic has taught us to be a church likened to a field hospital.

We are called to renew our vigor for the mission by infecting our
brothers and sisters with the love of God, compassion and care. We
need to go out of our comfort zones and reach out to those in the
™margins whether geographically or existentially. There will be a
mission animation, seminar-workshops and catechetical formation with
the aim of leading a missionary renewal in the Archdiocese. It is also
hoped that the writing of the coffee table book on the history of each
parish will be completed. This will be useful too in the forthcoming
MSPC XVII to be held here.

 Walking together. Mission is collaborative since God himself

allows us to collaborate in the mission. We hope that in the
coming year, there will be more collaboration among ministries
because as we know the ad-intra and ad-extra ministries bear
one mission, one goal. The Archdiocesan Social Communications
will take charge of the Mass Media Apostolate collaborating
with Marian Radio so they can provide formation to the
personnel on Catholic Media Ethics and others. We are grateful
that our Archdiocesan Schools under the headship of Fr. Macky
Ceballos has started to organize CONAS (Cagayan de Oro
Network of Archdiocesan Schools).

We hope that the three-fold life of the parish in Worship (Leitorgia),

Evangelization/Formation (Kerygma) and Charity/Service (Diakonia) will
be enfleshed in all parishes-a synodality which we bear in 2013 with
the Synod of the Archdiocese. The Birhen sa Kota Foundation with
Archbishop Tony as President of the Board will continually look after
some of the development and peace building programs of the

 We hope to rekindle and sustain always the general

ecclesiological thrust of a participative, discerning and co-
responsible Church in the Archdiocese. A Church that promotes
dialogue, participation and communion from the BECs to the
chapels , parishes and the whole Archdiocese together with
the various ecclesial movements. In this year of mission, we
might asses some of the organizational structure of the

 As we celebrate 500 YOC we hope to reach out to more families

to become evangelized evangelizers- more pastoral leaders to be
formed and more active youth leaders reaching out to more
young people. As a Missionary Church we hope to inculcate the
Gospel values in solidarity and shape the world according to
God’s design.
 Temporalities: The final version of the Financial system of the
Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro will be released this New Year
albeit subject to minor revisions. It specifically incorporates the
Internal Audit team in the diocese and the parishes. Seminars on
PIMS, bookkeeping and cashiering will continue with priests and
parish finance councils enjoined to participate.
 The Capital Build-Up Fund will be utilized for the construction of
Archdiocesan structures such as school building , Audio-Visual
Room for Social Communications, Catechetical Ministry Office,
seminary road and clergy cemetery and parish projects. Some of
these will be funded on loan in order to replenish and not
deplete the fund for other projects. A construction team is also
tasked to make a site development plan for the Archdiocesan
Pastoral Center at the old cemetery.
 Finally, let us also propagate the devotion to the Birhen sa Kota
sa Cagayan de Oro. May our Blessed Mother, the Star of the New
Evangelization intercede for us in our mission of integral


+Archbishop Jose A. Cabantan, D.D.

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