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ti ME-@ KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering 1" Year 1 Term E Py | ME 1105 amination, 2019 (Thermal Engineering) Time: 3 Hours SECTION What is a pure substance? Draw the p-»-T surface diagram of a substance that contraets on freezing hoy Explain how the wet steam, dry saturated steam and superheated steam is duced (©) What is meant by ‘quality of wet steam"? Derive an expression for extemal \werkdone during evaporation when steam is superheated la Find out the enthalpy and specific volume of 3.9 kg steam at a pressure of 9 bar under the following conditions: i) whens=0.73 when temperature steam is 270°C. iii) when temperature is 100°C. Jet What are the selection ereria of steam both 2(b) Differentiate between water tube boiler and fire tbe boiler with at least seven points Explain the working principle of Cochran boiler with neat sketch. Draw a block diagram of boiler plant, What are the advantages of using air preheater ina boiler?" SO § hat is boiler trial?)What are the types of heat losses occurred in boiler? Write lown the equatioiT® calculate these losses ar Le AW1SOLOHG Naind ZAP Why economizer is it called as feed water heater instead of economizer? a Why equivalent evaporation is important in steam generators? 3G" The following particulars refer to a steam plant consisting of a boiler, economizer and superheater: Steam pressure = 14 bar; mass of steam generated = 5000 kg/h; mass of coal used - = 675 kw/h; calorific value of coal = 29800 kJ/kg of coal; temperature of feed water entering the economizer = 30°C; temperature of feed water leaving the economizer 130°C; dryness fraction of steam leaving the boiler = 0.97; temperature.of steam leaving the supetheater = 320°C . Determine i) Overall efficiency of the plant and ii) The percentage of the available heat utilized in the boiler, economizer and superheater respectively. (a) Differentiate between vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration system 4(b) State the properties of a good reftigerant. Ac) Differentiate between ret erator and heat pump. os 07 10 10 04 4 7 07 uv 06 iyiSoLoHd yain 48) A vapour compression refgerator uses ReI2 as a eigen andthe iui apes a 15° The temperature ofthe refgean at he delivery from the compressors 15% when the voout is coensed a 10°, Find the enetfclento arr ftp mes a andrcootng and (i) the ig cote by 5° tere expansion ty toting 5fa) What is meant by energy? Describe the available sources of energy and its utilization in Bangladesh, S(e) Brief describe the prospect af using wind energy in Bangladesh os _501Brt re ees een someon al pr 2 4(d) A food storage locker req fr bette wes figetion capac rand works BeOS the orig temper oor eee Bl ofS eae taro lnc soaked By SAC btoe eny to eon ae 18.95 ( gt ‘efficient of performance mal Seg Me eNOS fis, eter ‘nd Gi theoretieal power per tonne ofr! frigeravo™ Enthalpy, kltkg | Eniropy;, KM iquid [Vapour | Liquid 28.72 | ~tano7 | 0.1149 6459 | 19962 | 02400 TION-B «10 ive briefly abou What are the prospects of renewable energy in the work? Desi the conversion of solar energy into electicel enerey os Jiquid fuels 50) What is meant by the term fuel? List out the merits and demerits of Hi ‘over solid fuel, os st expand S©) One kg of steam at pressure 1S bar and temperature 25026 sf eomine igtemally upto 1 bar and then expand isentopicaly apt 0.04 Br the drop of enthalpy and final condition of steam using Moller digra erature = 09 SC4) IP $50 Ky heat is added to 1 kg of water at pressure = $ bar and tem} 120°C at constant pressuré process, what will be the final condition of steamy z i lete 8 (a) What is meant by stoichiometric ‘ir? Why excess air is required for complete 08 & combustion of fuel? ustion equavions of important gaseous fuels 10 GU} Write and nelysis (©) The percentage composition [BY massho a certain fuol is C 88%, 23.6%, O2 17 ZL 4.8% and ash 3.6%, The peteemage ccmpositon (by volume) of Nu gases are CO} 10.9%, CO 1%, Op 7.1% and Nr 81%. Determine (1) the mass of ait actually supplied per k of coal; and (i) the percentage excess ae supped tally supplied per kg of cos LWLSOLOHd HIIND (a) How gas turbine is classified? Describe the working principles ofa closed eycle 13 eas turbine cycle with neat sketch 76) Draw and explain the actual indicator diagram of a tour stroke esstefie] 10 engine (©) Write short notes on the followings: 2r® @ Detonation (ii) Scavenging (ii) Carbureiur _{iv) Octane number 5(@) What are the classifications of aiccorditioning systems? Describe the working 13 J principle of summer air conditioning system with neat sketch 3 %(b) Define sensible cooling and dehum'difiction process. Show the following 07 processes in Psychrometric chart (0) Humidiication and sensible cooling; (ji) Dehumidiication and sensible cooling Sl) Atmospheric ar at 1 stm pressure has 30°C dry bull temperature and 20°C wet 07 bulb temperature. Ry using Psychromettic char, decmnive () Relative humidity: i) Humidity rato: and (ii) Dew point temsperate i) Heat reaction: and (iii) {acon lete combustion? &(d) What is meant by (i) HCV; ws KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineetin B. Se. Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2016 ME 1105 (Thermal Eng ring) Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210 N.B.: i) Answer any THRPE questions from each section in separate serinks i) Figures inthe right margin indicate fall marks. iesing. iii) Assume reasonable data if any is) Steam table tic chart may he supplied on request ON, (a) Define energy. What are the differences tween conventional anil pon O8 conventional sources of energy? 1(b) Briefly deseribe on the following tam 1s G Solarencrgy. (i) Geothermal energy and iii) Bio-energy. (@)_ Draw the p-v-T surface diagram fora substance which contracts upon freezing, 06 (4) Define Pure substance, Critical point and Triple point. 06 2(a) What is phase diagram? Draw p-T and T-s phase diagram. 06 42-200) _ Derive an expression for extemal work done during evaporation when steam is ~08 e superheated. ao 2(c) A sample of stéam at T = 200°C and p ~ 7 bar is first expand at a constant 07 ES enthalpy to 3 bar and then at constant entropy to O.S bar, Determine change of enthalpy and change of entropy using Mollier diagram. ~~ py py using = 2(d) Determine the quantity of heat required to produce 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 14 oe 6 bar at a temperature of 25°C, under the following conditions: a (@) when the steam is wet having dryness fraction 0.9, ao Gi) when the steam is dry saturated; and on ii) when it is superheated at a constant pressure at 250°C. Assuming the mean =] specific heat of superheated steam to be 2.3 kIrkg K. (en! 10 (a) What is a steam generator? Explain how they are classified. 3(b) Describe the working principle of a La-Mont boiler with neat sketch. u 3(c) Why safety valves are needed in a boiler? Deseribe the advantages of using an 07 economizer in boiler. 3(d) What is the function of fusible plug? State the advantages of air preheater in 07 boiler. 4(a) What is the difference between boiler mountings and accessories? Draw a simple 08 schematic diagram of a boiler plant 4(b) Enlist the various heat losses ina boiler. Which is the biggest loss? 07 “de)_ ina boiter wal the losing observations Wee OT ey Lei D keh, Ter et eos BaF eee ale seam = 83 Se unseat coal fraction 6Y steam Pressure © Ash ant ke: Mass 200k: Calorie valve of we 330°C: Boils of foe ga \aikeK. Caleta the thermal eieney of the oie i sea) are meant by. (1) “Minlrmun st? and “Excess eit” in comlent Of OOM TE) Wis) compl n Orsat (0) An unknown hydrocarbon fuel, Clty, was allowed to react with ai. 0 OT alysis was made of a representative sample ofthe product gases with follow ee results: COs ~ 12.1 %, Oy = 3.8%, CO = 0.9% Determine: (i) the chemical equation forthe actual reaction; Gi) the composition of fuel and (i) the air-fuel = : o - 4 (« has the following composition by mass: 8 FS i 506; H= 12% and $= 1%: P) Estimate the minimum volume of air requited at N.T-P. for comp Determine also’ the percentage composition by mass of the products. of = combustion. The constituent of air by mass is 77% Nz and 23% Oa. Air measures o 0.773 miskg at NTP. = 0 eo 6(6) Explain the working principle of vapor absorption refrigeration system. 10 a ; 7 = 6(c) What are the desirable properties of a good refrigerant 0 = 7a) What is detonation in IC engines? What are the factors which causes detonation? 06 7(b) How does a gas turbine compare with IC engines? 0 7(c) Describe the working principle of a closed arrangement and p-V and T-s diagram, 7(d) Define coefficient of performance of a refrigerator. Wha 10 benweenrefigerto and heat pup? 8(a) Describe the working principle of winter and summer air conditioning system 18 with schematic diagram. 10 Define: (i) Sensible heating; (ii) Dehumidification; (iii) Dew point temperature; (iv) Relative humidity; and (v) Psychrometric chart. 4 07 8(c) Dry bulb temperature of air is 25°C and wet bulb temperature is 15°C Determine: (i) Relative humidity; (ii) Specific humidity; (ii) Enthalpy; and (iv) Dew point temperature of this air using Psychromettic chart AViSOLOHd HoinD KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY a Department of Mechanical Engineering 1. Se. Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Fxaminaon, 2015 ME 1105 (thermal Engincering) Time: 3 Wows “Total Marks: 210 Nh i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in sarate seis ii) Figures in the right margin indieate full marks. ble data i any ) Assume te (a) What is energy? What are the avilable sources of energy in Bangadesh? o 1(b) What is bio-energy? What are the advantages of using bin-enetzy? Why is bio. 12 cencray considered as renewable? cenerey. (i) Solar energy 16 (6) _ Write shor notes on: (i) Ta energy’ (i) Geotlerm and (iy) Wind energy 2(a) What is pure substances? Draw and explain the phase diggram of a pure 15 substance, What information we ean get from it 2b) Define: (i) Mollier diagram, (ii) Triple point, (i) critical point, and (iv) dryness 10 fraction, Find the internal energy of 1 kg of stcam at 20 bar in the following cases: 9) when the steam is wet having dryness fraction 0.9, (ii) when the steam is superheated and its temperature is 400°C. Take specific heat of superheated siean is 23 KIMEK. s 20) 3(a) What is meant by steam generator? What factors should be considered while 08. selecting a steam generator? 3(a) Describe the working principle of Benson boiler with the help of a schematic diagram. 3(c) What is meant by equivalént evaporation and boiler efficiency? Enlist the various heat losses ina boiler. 4(a) Why safety valves are needed in a boiler? What are the advantages of using an air 08 preheater. 4(0) Draw the simple schematic diagram of a boiler plant 4(c) The following particulars were recorded during a steam boiler trial: 18 Pressure of steam = 11 bar Mass of feed water = 4600 ky/hr Temperature of feed water = 75°C Dryness fraction of steam = 0.96 we Coal used = 490 kg/hr Calorific value of coal = 35700 ki/kg. Moisture in coal = 4% by mass Mass of dry flue gases = 18.57 kg/ kg of coal Temperature of flue gases = 300°C Boiler house temperature = 16°C Specific heat of flue gases = 0.97 ki/kgk. Prepare the heat balance sheet of the boiler per kg of coal Page | of 2 pyisoLoHd yaind ‘SECTION. (a) What is meant by fuel? List out the merits and demerits of liquid Fuels over sora fuels. % of a good fuel. 5(6) Classify the fuels, Also enumerate the requirements of a good a ) The mass analysis of 2 fe! is carbon 75%, hydrogen 89%, oxygen GY and 18 5(@) The mass analysis of " tae P09 «and + incombustible. If 16 kg of air supplied pe nd () th aes rear ian (i) the percentage of COs inthe dry products of Combustion, Take percentage of O> (by mass) in ar as 23.1 6(a) List the advantages and disadvantages of a two stroke cycle engine over a four 10 stroke eycle engine, 60) Explain with the help of suitable sketches, the working of a four stroke cycle 12 diesel engine. 6(c) What is meant by octane and cetane number rating of a fuel? 08 6(d) Discuss the cooling requirements of an IC engine. 05 Ha) Write short notes on: (i) Scavenging, (ii) Detonation, 10 7(b) What are the essential com iponents of a simple open cycle gas turbine plant? 10 Briefly explain. . 7c) What i gas turbine? List the methods of improving the efficiency of a simple gas 07 turbine. 7d) How does a gas turbine compare with the IC engine power plant? 08 8(a) "State the properties of a good refrigerant. What aze the normal refrigerants used? 08 8(b) Define comfort. What are the factors which affect comfort air conditioning? 0 8(c) Draw the layout of a va por absorption refrigerating system, State the function of 10 each component. 8(d) Describe the working principle of a summer air conditioning system with neat 10 sketch, Wa restbeyl aay a? oT “lt > -TWLSOLOHd YIINO iV1SOlond Haina ME- © i CUNIVERSITY OF INGINFERING & TECHNOLOGY thermal sng | time: 3 tours | wn.) "Answerany THREE questions fo J isp Assum SbeqION. 1(@) What are meant by Gi Non-nnewable energy Gv) Bio-enerty (Gj) Renewable Bnergy jon in Bangladesh? What the prospect of hydro-power for power Reneral sturated steam and Superheated steam Wet steam, Dr + 2a) Define Dryness fraction ess fraction of 08.12 the enthalpy of 1 kg steam at a pressure of 8 bar and m from water at 20°C? 2(b) Cale How much heat would be bar and 1 ta pressure of heat required to convert I ke of ste 2(e) Find the amount o! (0.9 to dry saturated steam. Hove can you ealelate work done during 2vaporaion to form different steam? 0s nimum air’ and ‘Excess ait’ in context of combusti (Guy Heat of reaction; (iv) Complete and incomn what are-meant by (i) °M Gi) Caloric value of ful: combustion. syisolond yaind Give few typical examples of the 05, 3(b) In what situation excess air is required fo" co 3(¢) A fuel has the following composition by 1ass: 18 C= 869%; I= 12%; O = 1%, and S = 1% Faimate the minimum volume of ait required at N.TP for complels £00 nbustion. Peruri also the percentage composition by mass of the products of onPiSIC The constituent of air by mass is 77% Nz and 23% On. Air measures 0 73 mwPlkg at NTP. 4(@) Define pure substance. Draw the P-V'-t strface for a which expands on freezing, 05 10 4(b) What are HICV and LCV? Write down requiremen s of a good fuel. Fe mSteam is completely dr (Steam is superbsated wil (Os soam is expanded from super: internal energy. Take Cp = 2.2 ki/kg K SECTION-B Whit are the essential requiren is of a boiler? 10 What is meant by steam generator yi Why safety devices are used in boiler? Mention their names. Draw 2 simple schematic 10 of a boiler pl { La-Mont boiler achrciple of a La-M sain the working prf vel wae __ bay Feed pump. ill) Superhenter in ® 7 Gay What are the factions of @) Feone . 6b) Why prow of cock is used in boiler? untae f sean: plant consisting of # bamTer ce Ge) The following particulars refer 10 4 SI superheater Steam pressure of Se Psteam generated ~ 5000 Ke'NF Macs of coal used = 675 ke ‘ Calorific value of coal to Temperature of feed water entering into Fs &°6 mize = 30 d water 4 the economizer = 130°C er = 32 and (ii) The percentag eaving the super ay jeney of the plant of availabl rater respectively Tempe Determine: (i) Overall eff economizer and su erhe utilized in the boiler, (a) Define the following terms: » (i) Ton of refrigeration; (ii) COP of rfrigeration (iii) Refrigerating effect 0 e rib) What is reigeration system? With a neat sketch, briefly deseribe the working principle 15S of a vapour absorption refrigeration sy:!em ss 4c) What is refrigerant? Why CFC and HC#C are not used as a refrigerant now-a-days? 07 3 7{d) Write down the difference berwern vapour compression and vapour absorption 97 = 07 refrigeration system. eo =| . So 8(3) Discuss about factors afferis comfort air conditioning any) : = 8{by Discuss about winter air conditioning system with nea sketch 0 md 7 8(c)_, What is psychometric chart? Air at atmospheric pressure has 25°C dry bulb temperature and 15°C wet bulb temperature, By using psychometric chart, determine: (i) Relative humidity (i) Specific humidity; (iii) Density; (iv) Enthalpy and (v) Dew point temperature. a End == KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINE RING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Se, Engineering 1 Year 1* Term Examination, 2019 Math 1105, , (Mathematics 1) Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210, N-Be:) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts ii) Figures in the right margin indicate fall marks, iil) Assume reasonable data if am dase ying = | function f(x) is detined as follows a (oes forocxet =2-x fort sxs z-i forx>? Discuss the continuity and differeatibility of (2) at 2 1b) Define explicit fusction and implicit function with example. 2 =e sinx Find &, when tany = <5, sina 1(e) State Leibnite's theorem, Ify = (sin“*x)# then find yaez by using Leibnita’s a theorem, State Mean Value theorem. Verify it for the function f(x) 2 axt4in Ul 2 the interval [~2,1] c o 2b) Iu = log(x? + y? + 22), then find the value of x24 4 y 2H 4 2 Mu 2 = 2b) Iu = log(x? + y? +22), then find the value of x2 + y M2 Ze, a ~~ 2c) Ih w= fF? + 2yz,y? + 2ex), then find the value of R 2 — ax) 2 4 (42 — yz) 2 4 (2? — ay) 2H = OF = ax) + GP ye) D+ @ a). = eo 3(a)__ Write the intermediate forms. Evaluate: - 12 2 A = low(a +9) eS ine 3(b) Find the condition that the curves ax? + by? = Land a,x? + by? =1 shalleut 11 orthogonally 3(€) Define subtangent and subnormal. Show that at any point of the curve y* = 4ax, 15 the subnormal is constant and subtangent varies as the abscissa of the point of contact. 4 36 7 Find the masima and minima of 5 -+ when x+y = 4 u (bd) Find all the asymptotes of the curve 2 x3 = 4xy? — 3x? + 12xy - 12y? + 8x + 2y +4 =0. 4(c) Find the equation of the circle of curvature at the point (3,1) on the curve 2 y =x? - 6x +10. ryisoiond 9100 = S| oo x “o = = = —] 4 = = SECTION-B Integrate any three ofthe followings: sin ax eX(x-1) age 40 Gaye dx dx 7a of & Answer any three of the followings: aD Leseos dx wf ae $i) [ J a b Vina a fi ne 5 (=) Obtain the reduction formula for f sin" x cos nx ds. ‘valuate: sal-2)( ZA) Define Gamma function and Beta function, Evaluate: 3 f cos*3x sin?6x dx (using y function and function). i 8(a) Find the perimeter of the cardiod r = a%1 — cos 4), 8(b) Find the area of all loops of r = a cos36 8(c) Find the volume of the solid ger (x—4a)y? = ax(x — 3a) about z-axi rated by revolving the loop of 35 n u LVISOLOHd YOIND: (1-2), ay, — ay = 0 . n+ Dayne ~ (+n?) 0 ine the valu x(1 + acosx) YAa) State L*Hospital’s theo x0 ¥ = =f, 3(b) Find the equation of tangent and normal to the eurve yf = I)fy-2)—x+4=0 at the point where it cuts the x-axis (c) Define subtangent and sunormal, Show that for the eve by’ = (x + ay'vthe 12 4(a) Given xy = 4. Find the maximum wad minimum values of e+ 9 2 4(b) Find all the asy s ofthe curve x*~ 2x'y xy? ve 2=0, u enter of curvature at the origin of the curve n ¢ origin, A Find the radius of curvature ai +p" + x7. Also find t equaition of circle of curvature at x x TC ADIND 3 Y 8(a) Find the length 8(c) Find the volume and SECTION-B © San wf v a) fex( 2 y ay oe vata ay ¢ io) Evaluate any two ofthe followings: i) ff" togcosx dx ® "x de, then Find a redsction for reduction formula for f cos” Se” costxsinzx dx, and evaluate fy 76) Obtain a s™x sin nxdx and dedu the value of Gamma function and Beta function, Using the Gamma & 8: evaluate: °”*cos*axsin®6x tx ee h of two loops ofthe curve &y? = x? (1-2) 80S, Find the areg above the x-axis, included between the parabola y? = 2 w circle x? + y? = 4y a d surface area generated by th = 2a(] + cos) about the initial line, syisoLond x91N0 ME oe 5 TIHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering 1, Se, Emmneering Ist Year Ist Term Exasinaion. 2017 Math 105 (matherais 1) ime: 3 Hours Full Marks: 210 nut Anne any THRFF questions fom each scton i sears scripts, ii) Figures in the ight margin indicate full marks insure reasonable data if any si _ / 0 dA fet f(x) 1s detine a Follows: payeaea for perso asm fr 0 = 0 10 12 13 ME-© KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering 1B. Se. Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Fxamination, 2014 Math 1105 (Mathematies 1) | Total Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours NB) Answer any THREE: questions fo 4H) Figures inthe right margin indicat hy setion in separate exits il marks, 19) Befine init and connity ofa neon atone as fiayor~ 12 = fa)=342 for =2Sx<0 tae for OSx0), myn then prove that up + n(n = 1)tig-» =n les on 0) Evaluate Limy- sen fe Z 1 nea” neat 99 8(a) Evaluate the improper integral Sy evar Sab u 8(b) Find the area of the Segment cut off from the parabola? line y = 2x, 4x by the straight 12 8(c) Find the perimeter of the cardivid » = a(1+cos6). KHUL LYLSOLOHd N9IND ~ KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEFI Department of Mechanical Engin 1B, Se. Engineering Ist Year 1 Term Exa ME 1107 (Manufacturing Process) rots Mari: 210 ime: 3 Hous RING & TECHNUML™'" ing ration, 2019 Nahe i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate serPts iip Figures inthe right margin indicate full ark | aii) Assume reasonable data if any: missing vay What ave the wbjectives of a pate? Compare and contrat between removable anal disposable pattera iby What are the principal constitents of moukling sand? Explain five essential properties of moulding sand, ie) What is permeability? Why sand testing is needled? (34 What types of defeet are generally be found in asting? Explain, 21) Explain the reciprocating type continious casting process with necessary figures and give five real life examples of products that are manufactured using this process Qh) Write down the diffe es between permanent mould casting and die casting dye) Describe: sulsmerged Are welding with nezessary sketches 4) Compare TIG and MIG welding processes Draw and explain te temperature distribution curve of a neuteal flame. Why this curve is important in gas welding? eT How braving is done? Compare an! const between Brazing, Braze welding and weldin 34d) Write the names of five hot working processes and five cold working processes beat What is metal foo gb Descibe varios rolling arrangements and their sigificane eet Write short note on (i) Bunging (ii) Embossing (iii) Roll forging (iv) Upsetting. AWLSOLOHd H9IHD process? What are the purposes of it? Calculate the blank size and force required to draw a cup of diameter and height 35 mia and 40 num respectively. [Sheet thickness=0.8 mm, comer radiv: mm, UTS=300 MPa, 1=0,85]. SECTION-B 34) Draw a single point cutting too! snl show its different angles and elements (SHOT Define chip. Describe different types of chips formed in metal cutting, Why chip breaker is used? What is the basic difference between orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting? What is meant by tool signature (10. 20,7, 6, 8. 15, 1/32)? 10 a 10 2 \3 G 6 Ta) 7(b) t 7c) 1a) Describe five operations that can be performed in lathe machine with necessary figures. ‘hy lathe machine is said to be universal machine? Draw the layout of lathe machine with mentioning functions of various parts What is feed and depth of cut in shaper machine? Describe the “quick return mechanism” of shaper machine. Differentiate drilling, boring and reaming from each other. What is indexing? Classify indexing. Describe any one of them. Write down the advantages and limitations of centerless grinding, Differentiate between conventional milling and climb milling. Write short note on: i) Honing ii) Lapping and iii) Super finishing Describe USM and LBM with figures. What is dielectric fluid? What are the functions of electrolyte in ECM? ~ 10 AWLSOLOHd NOIHD KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B, Se, Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2018 M& 1107 (Manufacruring Process) Time: 3 Hours ‘Total Marks: 210 N.B.: i) Answer any THREE questions from cach section in separate scripts ii) Figures in the right margin indicate [all marks, ta) What is casting? Describe the essential properties of a good core. 10 1(b) Define pattern, Explain shrinkage allowance and draft allowance. 10 1(e) What types of defect are generally be foland in casting? Explain. 10 Aid) Explain the term permeability 05 ” 2(a) What is the principle of centrifugal casting? Describe three centrifugal casting process with figure. Write down two applications for each centrifugal casting process. ‘2(b) What are the importance of sand testing? Mention the factors affecting the 08 permeability of a sand mould. ~ Ac) With the help of diagram, briefly explain lost wax casting method. 10 3(@) | What are the general conditions of welding? Deseribe various zones in a weld 10 Joint along with weld zone metallurgy. 3%) What (ce DCSP and DCRP? Wat are the significance of them in welding? ® 3(e) Explain how Wfaze weldi3y differs from are welding? 05 3(2) What reaction takes place inthe thermit mixture? Deseribe MIG welding process 15 swith neat sketch and write down its advantages, limitations and applications 442) Distinguish between hot working and cold working processes. How spur Bear can 09 be manufactured” List them, 1(b) | Write short note on: 2 (i) Expanding (ii) Piercing and. Gif). Spinning. ie) What is bend allowance? Derive the formula to detenmine blank size to draw a cup of predefined dimensions. cup of diameter and height ud) Calculate the blank size and force required w draw a 0.5 mm, UTS = 300 MPa, 30 mm and 20 mm respectively. [Sheet thicknéss = n=039) syisoLoHd 19100 ‘AVLSOLOHd HOIND SECTION-B (a) Draw a single point cutting tool and show its different angles and elements. 10 '5{6) Explain the mechanics of metal cutting. Differentiate between orthogonal and 10 oblique cutting. 5(¢) What are the different types of chip formed during cutting operation? Show with 09 sketches. 5(d) What is meant by tool signature (10, 20, 7, 6, 8, 15, 1/32)? 06 6(a) What are the functions and properties of cutting fluid? 10 6(b) Differentiate between turret lathe and capstan lathe. How lathe size is specified? 6(c) Why “Quick Return Mechanism” is used in shaper? What are the differences 08 between Shaper and Planner machine? 6(d) Describe five operations that can be carried on a drill machine. 05 * F(a) What is milling? Write the comparison between tp-milling and down-milling. 10 7(6) Define: (i) Counter sinking i) Knurling Gi) Flute 10 (iv) Feed (for drilling) _ (v) Indexing, 7e) Explain: (i) Honing (ii) Lapping (iil) Superfinishing. sation of a grinding wheel and explain it 1a) Give the sp ‘8(a) What are the common methods of indexing? Explain any one of them, 8(b) Write down the functions und properties of dielectric fluid in EDM. 8(c) Write are the non-conventional methods of machining? Explain the working principle of EDM. 8(d) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of ECM. Also write it's applications in Engineering. 07 10 10 08 ee enn} UnAIinn. © SECTION=A cess? 06 (a) What is production process? What are the importanees of producticn proce i is tested? 10 1(b) What are the properties of good moulding sand? How moulding sand is tested - Classify various types of moulding sand. : a oe 1(@)__ What is patter allowances? What are the allowances commonly considered while designing a pattern? Write the advantages of disposable patterns over remo’ ; pattems. 1@) ‘What are the properties of a good core? Explain. 10 2a) __ What is centrifugal casting? What are the advantages and limitations of centrifugal 10 casting? . 2(b) ‘What is welding? Describe different types of welding positions with necessary 13 sketches. ‘swreentinut W9In 2(c) Describe different types of welding flames produced during Oxy-acetylene gas 12 welding. 3a) ‘Why and what types of shielded gas are used during TIG welding? With the neat 10 sketch, write the working principle of TIG welding process, A'so mention the advantages of thermit welding 3(b) What is welding defect? Explain various types of welding defects and their 07 remedies with neat sketches. 3() How does braze welding differ from soldering? What are the advantages, 08 - disadvantages and applications of Electron Beam Welding? 3(d) What types of defect are generally be found in casting? Explain, 10 ‘What is metal forming process? Write the merits and demerits of Hot working 07 process. Write the names of five hot working processes and five cold working processes, Is it possible to carry out hot working process at room temperature? Explain the __Yarious forging process of metal forming with neat sketch, tis bending Allowance? Classify thé various bending processes. How does ding allowance measured when a circular bar will to be bent al a certain ang iti 2, sii cai ahi KH AVISOLOHd X9IND ‘Write short notes 0% forating; (iv) Slitting and (v) Extrusion, 4) Wr a ings) Punching (i) Perforating () Siting SECTION =B 5 tangles and elements oe (a) awa single poin cutting too! to show its different ang Describe different angles 10 5(b) What is meant by tool signature (10, 12, 15, 10, 15. & 3)? Dese of right hand single point cutting tol with neat sketch : k 10 © C084 where symbols have 5) efne hip thickness ratio. Show that tan f= SE, where sy their usual meanings. ‘ chip 07 S(d) What is metal cutting? Identify the mechanism of chip formation. Why chi breaker is used? { 6(a) List eight operations that can be performed in a lathe machine 08 6(6) How does 3-Jaw universal chuck differ from 4-Jaw independent chuck? How isthe 07 size ofa lathe machine determined? 6(c) How does shaper differ from planer? Desttibe the “Quick-Return Mechanism” of 10 shaper machine. 6(d) What is indexing? Classify the various indexing methods and explain any one of 10 them with proper example. . Ta) Describe centre less grinding method with its advantages and disadvantages. 10 Hb) Define the following terms: 10 (® Honing; (ii) Lapping; (iii) Super finishing; (iv) Coining and (v) Embossing. ‘1(c) . What should be the properties of cutting fluid? Write down the factors upon which 15 too! life depends. 10 8(a) Describe the electro-discharge machining process with neat sketch. Write the functions of dielectric fluid when used in EDM process. 8(b) What is laser and how is it used to machine the material? Explain USM process 10 with neat sketch, 8c) Why modem machining processes have been developed’? Derive an expression for 10 MRR in ECM process. 05. 8(d) What are the differences between ECG and conventional grinding? Department of Mechanieal Engineering B.Sc, Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2016 ME. 1107/ ME 1207(0!d) Time: 3 Hours: na Total Marks: 210 NsB.:i) Angwer any THREE questions from each section in separate seupis ii) Figures in the right margin inlicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing, 1G) What is manufteturing process? Write down the benefits and drawbacks of using removable and disposable pattern 1(b) Explain the basic principle of centrifugal casting and shell mold casting 1(e) How die casting is different ftom sand casting? Enumerate the advantages and dlisadvantages of die casting, 2a) What is meant by mold? Write down the properties of ‘melding sand, SS (Geb) Why core is used in casting? Deserbe different types of ore ED AO) Write short note on: = Investment casting, (i) Casting defects =O 24) Explain different types of gas welding flames and their applications. Po . eo 4 3a) Explain the following terms: A (i) Brazing and Soldering (iy Pressure welding and Thermit welding ot a 3) Identify different welding defects and write the causes and remedies of those defects. sod 3(c) What is meant by electrode coating? Explain it 4{a) What ae te differences between the hot working and cold working operations? 4(b) Describe submerged are welding with suitable features 4(@) Compare between forging and extrusion. Explain Indirect extrusion process 4(d) What are meant by Backfire and Flashback? eS KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 10 B 06 10 10 09 n 3 10 05 W 2 4 yond wichHkLOHd ‘AWISO10Hd HIINd 5(a) 5(b) Ste) 6(a) 6(b) 6(c) Tra) 7(b) 1) 8(a) 8(b) SECTION-B What is chip breaker? Compare between orthogonal cutting end oblique cutting 08 Show that the shear angle depends on rake angle and chip thickness ratio. 2 During orthogonal turning operation the following data was observed: 15 Cutting force = 10kg; Feed force=30 kg: Rake angle = 8°; Peed = £25 mm/tev; Width of cut = 2.2mm; Chip thickness = 0.4 mm, Cutting speed = 120 m/min, Determine the following: (i) Chip thickness ratio; (ii) Shear angle. Write short note on: 09 (i) Honing; Gii) Lapping; ii) Super finishing. Define indexing? What are the common methods of indexing? Discuss any one of 13 them. Explain the principle of centrcless grinding, Write full specification of a grinding 13 wheel. Whit are the various methods of making threads? DestMbe any one of them lo What are the most commonly used methods of manufacturing geats? Describe powder metallurgy method ty make a spur gear. What are the essential differences between a planer:and a shaper? Describe quick 13 return mechanism as used in shaper. ; Explain the need for the use of modes manulacturing processes comparéd to, 13 conventional ones. Also explain the principle of ECM process Explain with neat sketch the working of ulirasonie machining Deocribe fuser heam machining process. State its advantages and disadvantages. KIULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B.Sc. Engineering tst Year Ist Term Examination, 2015 ME 1107 (Manufacturing Process) tal Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours “Total Marks: 21 1N.Bui) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks “Assume reasonable data if any missing. _ CTION-A vat is 08 _/M@) Writs down the diferences between production and manufacturing. Wh 8 casting? a mould? 10 Iie). Define permeability. What are the factors affecting permestility of @ mould \ How ean it be tested using permeability meter? Ie) What are the characterises of a good mould? What are the differences Between 09 removable pattern and disposable pattern? 14a)__Deserbe Draft pattem allowance and Distortion pattem allowance with necessary 08 sketches. Ala) With he help of diagram, briefly explain fost wax casting method. Wee down R the advantages and limitations of shall mould casting method. 2(6) What are the benefits of using centrifugal casting inethod over other special 13 casting methods? Deseribe the hot chamber die casting process, ~ 26) Explain the common defects that are likely to be found ih casting and their 10 2 candles Aiso mention diferent methods to detect casting defects € G0) Dating ()weling, Geld sinowsmen, i) Heat fisted zane, 08 ox (i) theoretial throat vagy 20) Whatare he main euments of Oxy-tesene Gas welding? 0 i 3(e) How eutting operation is performed by Oxy-acetylene gas cutter? 05 Tf 3) twetiemsn ero sods tin renee 05 Ga _ 3) Describe submerged Are welding with necessary figures. 10 — FE 4a). Briefly exph bar} jeMly explain gas tangstant arc welding, State its edvantages over metal are gys 13 welding, 4(b) Describe the basic principle of thermit welding mentioning its advantages and 12 limitations. 4(c) Why brazing and soldering are separately defined from welding process? How 10 different welding defects can be identified and what are their remedies? 1 B reosa » Where symbols have 5(@) Define chip thickness ratio. Show that tan f= >= =— their usual meaning, Derive Merchant equation with necessary assumptions based on orthogonal cutting operation, i y a give 1 (material and geometry) at a in ing of a steel rod by a given cutting tool x ©) Toca machining condition unit eekeremee (Ouid application), the tool ite decrease from 80 min, to 20 min dus te nen cutting velocity, ve from 60 m/min. to 120 m/min, then at what cutting velocity the life of the tool under the same condition and environment will be 40 min? 64) What are the diferences between a turet lathe and a capstan lathe? 6(d) What are various lathe accessories? fo nat ate the types of gear train that are used in cutting threads? Describe ‘compound gear train, : 7%>) Define: (i) counter boring and counter sinking, (ii) knurling, (iii) step turning, Gv) reaming, (v) flute, (©) Describe compound indexing method with necessary diagrams, %d) Describe Quick-return mechanism with figure, “Yo Describe the working principle of Universal Milling Machine. 8) Explain why modern machining Process is needed over conventional machining 80) Explain the working principle of Ultrasonic Machining (USM) 8(d)_ Where EDM Process used in practical use? B 07 10 0s 10 0g 07 12 08 10 0s "Define with necessary figures and functio (i) Core print; (ii) Rapping allowance; (iv) Skelton pattem. (ii) Distortion allowances “1(b) Write down the difference between hot chamber and cold chamber die casting 10 with necessary figures. 1(c) Describe cause, effect and remedies of the following casting defects: 08 @ Mismatch Gi) Misrun. 1(4) Write down the differences between removable and disposal pattem. 05 P(e) What are the properties of guod core? 05 2(b) Describe continuous casting method with necessary figures. 10 2(c) What is welding? Describe different types of welding positions with necessary 10 figures. 2(d) Describe different types of welding flames produced during oxy-acetelene gas 10 welding with necessary figure. 3(@) “What is welding defects? Write down only the name of different :ypes of welding 15 defects? How welding defects can be tested and inspected? Describe submerged arc welding with necessary figures. 10 Describe Brazing and Soldering with necessary figures. fine the following operations: Coining (ii) Blanking; (ii) Lancing; (ii) Bulging. the difference between hot working and cold working process, types of forging process with their necessary figures. SECTION-B = s(a) What is the basic difference between orthogonal cutting anc oblique cutting? gg a) , Write short note on chip breaker. ‘S(b) Describe the Merchant's theory for orthogonal cutting. 15 35(c) What is meant by tool signature (10, 20, 7, 6, 8, 15, 1/32)? Draw single point 12 cutting tool according to this tool signarure? * (a) What are the differences between 3-Jaw universal chuck and 4-Jaw independent 09 A“ chuck? 6(b) How size of lathe and drill machine is specified? { 09 6(c) Describe about the accessories used in lathe machine with necessary figures. 7 (2) What is indexing? Describe simple and angular indexing method. R Je 8 p gi UW) Describe the centreless grinding method with its advantages and disadvantages. 10 7c) Why universal milling machine is named as universal? Describe the lever rocker 13 ~~ arm quick return mechanism for shaper machine. a) Define glass both physically and chemically. Why itis called super-cooled 09 aT liquid? 4(b) Discuss the functions of stabilizer an« let in the facturing of glass. 08 4(c) Briefly ilustrate the classification of ceramic wares based on degree of 10 vitrifications. 4d) Discuss about the raw materials and manufacturing process of t proof glass, 08 SECTION-B oo Discuss the elk 5(b) What is galingout effect? Discuss the effect of presence ofa salt in water on the 09 rate of corrosion. nical theory of corrosion of metal 08 Syg7 “Buried pipel tan — sie prevented fiom corsion by anodic protection”. Explain. 09 4d) Brief eseribe the Uifferent forms of open air corrosion 0 yyisoloud yaind SO How can you determine whether sol particles carry a positive or negative charge? 6(4)-What is meant by electrical double layer? How do the colloidal particles acquire electric charge? 6(c) In between Al and Na*, which one is better coagulant? — Hardy-Schulze rule. Explain according to 6(a) What is CMC? How will you detect a colloidal solution forms micelle? 7(a) Discuss with the chemical equations the chemical changes of raw materials that occur in different sections of rotary kiln. 7(b) “Cooling is considered a very important step in the manufacturing process of cement clinker” — Explain with proper reasons. He) Discuss the manufacturing process of sulphate pulp. 29 What are the essential requirements ofa fertilizer? 8(a) Explain in details the recovery of sugar from molasses. 8(b) What is inversion? How does it affect sugar production? 8(c) Write down the raw materials and manufacturing process of urea fertilizer with schematic flow diagram. ~ 8(d) Discuss the setting and hardening of cement. 09 09 09 08 10 08 10 07 09 08 10 08 & se es a oO = 2S ond eo a” ol = caf Me- © KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Se. Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2018 Ch 1105 (Engineering! Chemistry) Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 210 N.B.:i) Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts, ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing, SECTION-A fa) Classify polymers from different points of view: 0 1(6) “Polymers are macromolecules but all macromolecules are not polymer"~ explain 07 this statement with example. 1(e) Discuss the reaction mechanism of Cationic polymerization of ethene 08 1(d) What is meant by conducting polymer? What are the advantages of conducting 10 5 polymer over traditional polymer? 2(a) What is latex? Describe briefly the method of obtaining erude rubber from latex. 17 "2 Why is it so important for making natural rubber 07 2(¢)_ What is meant by SBR? Briefly illustrate SBR with properties and uses. 09 2(d) What is compounding of crude-rubber? Shortly explain the fumetion of 08 accelerators and antioxidants agents in rubber. 1WisOLOHd yaind (a) Describe the manufacturing process of Polyvinylchloride (PVC). uw 3(b) “All fibers are polymer but all polymers are not fibers” explain. 07 7 3(c) What are the differences between plastic and rubber? 08 3(d) Discuss the preparation, properties and uses of Teflon. 09 / \ (a) Write down the manufacturing process of conventional ceramic product with 11 flow diagram. (b) Briefly illustrate the raw materials of glass manufacturing process. 08: 06 w @ 4(c) What are the properties of optical and satety glass? 4(d) What is Glazing? Write down the purposes of Glazing and how it is done? - ““29UL0Hd H9IND SECTION-B (a) What is electrophoresis? How does this phenomenon provide information that colloid particles are electrically charged? 5(b) Explain Dialysis and Electrodialysis methods for the preparation of sols, 5(©) Write down the difference between lyophilic and lyophobie colloid 5(4) What is emulsifier? Write down the role of emulsifier. Mh Explain that the fully exposed metal surface is more beneficial than the partially exposed metal surface from the corrosion point of view. 12 10 06 0 ® 08 6(b) Discuss the electrochemical mechanism of corrosion with[suitable diagram. 0 © 6(c) Nut and bolts are made of same metal in practice - why? 6(4) Write a short note on: (i) Pitting corrosion (ii) Stress sorrosion cracking. (a) Write down the composition of Portland cement. Discuss its manufacturing process by wet process. ™ 7(6) Write down the reactions at different tetaperature that take place during burning of raw materials of cement in the ratary kilt, 7c) Explain details the recovery of sugar fror:; molasses. a 8(a) What is fertilizer? Write down the raw inaterials and manufacturing process of urea fertilizer with schematic flow diag, nn 8(b) What are the function of sizing agent av:l bleaching agent for the manufacturing of pulp and paper? @ic). Describe the following processes of making paper: (i) Batting and (ii) Calendaring. Bd) Describe the method of testing or estimation of sugar. 07 10 13 2 10 2 oe ® 08 07 wWIeninund WOINnh i0Hd 910 LWLSO we WS cs 20 2) ae 3a) 3(b) 30) 3d) fa) 4(b) Time: 3 Hours. Full Marks: 210 NB. i). Answer any THREE questions from each section in separate scripts ii) Figures inthe right margin indicate full marks iii) Assume reasonable data if any missing KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGID Department of Mechanical Engineering Bi. Se. Emgmneering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2017 Ch 1105, (Engineering Chemistry) ON A nic a What is degree of polymerization? Discuss the mechanism of io u polymerization. , What is conducting polymer? What are the advantages of conducting polymer 08 over traditional polymer? “addition polymerization is also called chain polymerization” ~ illustrate this 07 statement with suitable example. Deseribe the manufacturing process of Nylon 6-6. 09 ¢ Describe briefly the method of obtaining crude rubber from latex. 2 Explain the different types of vuleanization techniques. 0 What are the difference between plastics and rubber? 09 Shortly discuss the function of accelerators in rubber. 05 Describe the manufacturing process of cement in Chatak cement mill withthe 12 flow chart diagram. . What are Calcareous materials and Argillaceous materials? Give examples.” 06 Discuss the setting and hardening process of cement 10 What is meant by Portland cement? Write the general composition of Portand 07 Cement Discuss the function of fluxes, stabilizer and cullet in manufacturing process of 12 glass. “Glass isa super cooled liquid” ~ Explain tis statement. 08 Ha noid eurenlo provide information that 1 js electrophoresis? How does this phenomenon particles ae'electrically charged? Define coagulation and precipitation. In between CaCh and KCI which one is 11 better coagulant and why? : . : ; : ‘Write down the difference between lyophilic and lyophobic colloid. 08 04 ‘S(@) What is meant by Tyndall effect? 646 Explain tha he fly exposed metal surface is more beneficial than the partially 08, exposed metal surface from the corrosion point of view. ae Discuss the electrochemical mechanism of wet corrosion. : Ms Coe Explain the cathodic protection method of corrosion control. 12. 6(@) Distinguish between corrosion and erosion with suitable examples. 04 a 7a) What is pulp? Explain the alkaline process for making sulphate of kraft plum from 12 wood. 7(b) Describe the calendaring process of making paper. 10 Ke) Explain in details the recovery of sugar from molasses, og 7(a) Write down the uses of bagasses; * 05 8(@) Write down the charactristis of good fertilize. Explain in brie about“ p value 10 of the soit”. Write down the raw materials and describe fertilizer with schematic flow diagram. the manufacturing process of TSP 13 Describe the manufacturing process of sugar with flow diagram from sugar cane, 12 ME-© KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY bse, Debartment of Mechanical Engineering Se. Enginecring 1st Year Ist Term Examination, 2016 Ch 1105 (Engineering Chemistry) ‘Time: 3 Hours N.Bei) Answer any THREE questions ) Figures in the right mari iis) Assume reasonable data if Total Marks: 210 cach section in separate seripts. marks. y missing ECTION-A 1a) What is colloid? Is dust a colloid? If's0, what type is i? 1(6) What is electrical double layer? How does electrokinetic potential differ from thermodynamic potential? 1()_ Explain Dialysis and Electrodialysis method for the preparation of sols. 1(d) What are the differences between sol and gel? _Y) 2(@) What is meant by atmospheric corrosion? Discuss the effect of humidity and dust particles on the rate of corrosion, y x 2(b) Discuss about the electrochemical theory of corrosion. 2(c) What is meant by corrosion inhibition? Describe about different factors affecting corrosion of metal 2(d)_ Write short note on pitting corrosion 3a) What is fertilizer? Write down the raw materials and manufacturing process of urea fertilizer with schematic flow diagram. LW1SO1GHd NOIND. - 3(b) How can recover sugar from molasses? 3(c) Describe the manufacturing process of sugar from sugar eane with flow diagram, 4(a) Describe the following steps for making pulp from wood: i) beating ii) sizing and iii) coloring, 4(b) What is meant by passivity of a metal? 4(c) Describe calendaring process of making paper. 4(d) Write down the uses of molasses and bagasses. 05 a 2 08, u 08, 10 06 1s 08 2 10 10 ryisoiond x91N0 —e llr” 4 SECTION-B \ymer? “Addition polymerization is also called chain reaction lustrate this statement with relevant examples (a) What is living pol polymerization” ~ i 5(b) What is Copolymer? Shortly discuss different types of Copolymer. S(e) What is meant by repeating unit? Find the repeating units from the polymerization of 2-methyle propane (CHyC(CHs)=CH) 5(d) What is latex? Draw the structure of natural rubber and its monomer. 6(a) Discuss the physico-chemical treatments of crude rubber. 6(b) Briefly illustrate the different types of vulcanization techniques. 6{c) “All fibers are polymer but all polymers are not fibers” ~ shortly mention the requirements of polymer to be a fiber. 6(d) Show the flow chart diagram of the manufacturing process of LDPE. 7a) What is cement? Write down the composition of Portland cement. 7(b)_ What is retarder? Why it is an essential ingredienbof Portland cement? 7c) Describe the manufacturing process of cement in Chatek cement mill with flow diagram. ; 7(d) What are the difference between cement and concrete? 8(a) Write down the chemical and physical properties of glass. 8(b) Shortly discuss the raw materials of glass manufacturing process. 8(¢) What are the compositions and specific properties of optical and safety glass? 10 08 0 08 10 08 10 07 07 07 1s 06 08 09 08 8(d) Briefly illustrate the classification of ceramic wares based on degree of 10 Vitrifications. "7 LWLSOLOHd yoInd ME © IE NAUNI HINEERING & THON ULNAUNIVERSIT OF ENGINEERING & TECAROTO Department of M B. Se. Engincering 1" year}*Term Examination, 2015 Chitos ~ (Engineering Chemisty) tia ie? ae SECHION a) What is meant by living polyme 7 styrene. Brio 1(b) Discus the reaction mechanism of free ridical polymer He) How would you differentiate thermosetting polymer from thermoplasic polymer? 1(d)_ What are mactomolecules? "Condensation polymerization is also called sep reaction 19) polymerization” provide ae example lo support this statement ) What is latex’ Draw the chemical structure of natural rubber and its monamer 0 2(8) What is meant by scminynthotic ruber? 0 2c) “AI fibers are polymer but all polymers are not fibers" ~ bricfy Musirate the 10 requirements of polymer to be a fiber 24d) eseribe the manufacturing process of Teflon. Discuss ile propenies and mention ifs 13 What is compounding of erude rubber? Shortly explain the function of Antioxidants and 097 Reinforcing agents in rubber. 3(b) What are the main composition and specific propenies of safety glss and optical glass? 08 3(¢) Briefly illustrate the raw materials of glass manufacturing process. 10 34d) Write notes on the following: 08 (Butadiene rubber Gi Silicon rubber Gb 4a) With the help of a diagram discuss the operational process of rotary Kiln used in manufacturing cement clinker 1? Give a brief description of each class of 15 4(b) What is ceramics? How are they class ceramic products. 4c) What are the compositions of Portland cement? 0 SECTION =B What is colloids? Classify the various state of matter which consitute colloids 10 08 5(b) What is micelle? How will you detect a colloidal solution forms micelle? Ye) Discuss the origin and structre of electrical double layer. How does te 21a potential differ from thermodynamic electrode potential? iyisol0id yaind corrosion over other forms of corrosion. (©) Explain that the fully exposed metal surface is «ore bene!'-ial than the partially — 08 exposed metal surface from the corrosion point of Vv. w. » Describe in brief the contro! of corrosion by the mo" ‘ication of 3c environment. 10 ty What is fertilizer? Describe the manufacturing prov ss of triple super phosphate (TSP) 12 - from apatite rocks. Why TSP is better is better than SSP? 05 Discuss the effect of different factors on the rate of ¢ sder-water < arrosion. 12 Why sky is blue in day light? 06 Describe the manufacturing process of sugar from s. ;arcane, With the ow diagram, describe the manufacturing , cess of p‘p, ‘What is the difference between mechanical pulp anc chemical pe'p? s010Hd 910 Lvi Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Sc. Engineering Ist Year Ist Term Examination, 2014 Ch 1105 (Engineering Chemistry) Time: 3 Hours. 'N.B- i) Answer any THREE questions from each stetion in separate scripts. ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks, ii) Assume reasonable data if missing. SECTION-A. Uta) ‘What is meant by atmospheric comosion? Discuss the effect of humidity and dust particle on the rate of corosion 10) What is meant by passivity of metal? Explain the active-passive behavior of tmetal wth diagram, 1(6) Discuss the electrochemical mechanism of corrosion with suitable diagram, 1@ Discuss the principles of prevention of corrosion by electrachemical method, 2) ‘What is meant by dispersion medium, imbibition and thixotropy? 20) ‘What is elesophoress? How does colloidal parle squirts charge? 26) Describe the models of electrical double layer of colloidal particles at the imerface, ‘Wat is conulation of colo? Name the factors that detemine the rate of coagulation ‘3(a)_ What is meant by unit process and unit operation? Discuss the factors that affect the localization of Industry. 3b) Describe the manufacturing process of sugar from sugarcane with low diagram, 3) ‘What is clarification? Describe the defecation method for the clarification of extracted sugarcane juice. 3(€)_ What is meant by Minglar syrup? Ma) ‘What is the difference between mechanical pulp and chemical pulp? 4(b)_ Describe the manufacturing procéss of sulphate pulp with flow diagram, (©) Whats black liquor? How ean it be recovered? 4€) Whatis calendaring? KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Total Marks: 210, 09 0 cc) cy 10 08 n 0s Deen) af? 1yisoL0Hd H91NO SECTION-B at re polymers and copolymers? “Condensation polymerization is also 70) Md sep otonplfmeriznion™ pve ances are eran is 5() Show the polymerization of 2, 2-dimethyl-1-butene (CHy-C(CHs)-CH=CRi) and © find the repeating units in the propagation step, 5(€) What is latex? Draw the structure of natural rubber and its monomer, 5) What are meant by thermosetting polymer and thermoplastic polymer? (2) What is meant by SBR? Briefly illustrate SBR with properties 6(b) Discuss the physico-chemical treatments of crude rubber. &© Show the fow chart diagram of manufacturing LDPE. (4) “All fibers are polymer but all polymers are not fibers” briefly mention the requirements of polymer to be a fiber. 72) Shortly explain the techniques of vules 7(b) Show the flow enization, diagram for menufacturing of ogginary Portland cement. He} Whet a of Postien teonent? 7a) Whet arc the chemical chan Ss occur during firing of ceramic wares? CB) Discuss the classticaion of ceramic wares based on degree of vittifications, S(O) Briefly iMusteate the raw materials of glass ‘manufacturing 8(€) Write the chemical properties and physical Properties of glass, S(@) What are the main composition and specific Properties of optical glass? 07 06 08, 08 10 10 08 07 10 10 09 08 08. 1VLSOLOHd NoInd KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY | Term Examination, 2019 \ Hum 1105 \ AVISOLOHd HOIND se) Complete the following SON" gamazing. (Now clause) iis tor. (Ad, clause) , ie oes wel in exam, (Ad. cls io) (Noun elause i) We nll him ; sum fives in a village Adj. clas Oe we can't attend at class. (Adv. clause) 4{a) Frame WH questions from the following answers There are five books on the table. i fi) Me lost his son and this made him sad iil) His illness prevented him from going to college iv) He moved as slowly as a turtle, 4) He is looking for job vi) He got the message from his sister vii) He is driving his friends ear Write one synonym and one antonym of each of the following words and sein sentence: begin, refuse, dangerous. war, Ale) Define Transitive verb, Intranstive verb and Infinitive with two examples for 09 h of the definitions. Sta) Read te folowing setnee cai and anesthe questions th for development, of which the large scale comes with the help of th the co-operation af peoples ofa caurtn” (© government 0 Qo a eo x 7 = oS initiates the bith of a concept of developmentand the N. G. Os nustre it until = o a — aS ~ 1VISOLOHd H9IND becomes a full grown shape, but N. G. Os are to run according (© the rule of the fy the importance of the role of the N. G. Os anizations, Poverty A financial institut able to eradicate it, In th country. An instance will country’ in contrast to government's ¢ heart sizicken concern in a country. Different types 6! — Banks, Insurances, projects, etc. are not adsolutel case N. G. Os reach the root level of society, cxeate sw the causes of poverty"and the ways th organizations are not fully capable of removing it human development, educational development, etc. recognize the complementary role of the N. G. Os. Diflerent organs of a government endeavor to develop Peoples representatives, law enforcing agencies, local acininistéation. ete ve spokesman of a government in this regard. Inspite of such effort a society can’t involve in the complete stream of development until N. G. Os particip ee. Only a society then enlightens itself bein, Thus, social development about the elimination of social igno away from darkness. Here lies the role of N. G. Os. Questions: i) ii) Why should we recognize the role of N. G. Os ina count What does a government organization do at the beginning of a program? What is the result? How do you reflect the role of N. G. Os with an instance? How do N. G. Os contribute to the c development of society? And why? iii) iv) 5(b) Make a précis of the above written passage (Q. 5(a)) with a suitable tit adi Write a cause and effect paragraph on water pollution in Bangladesh. ove) Amplity the idea contained in the following statement: Man is the architect of his own fortune. Prepare a report on your departmental library. Prepare a CV along with a job application. 8 Write a free composition on any one of the following: id Digital Bangladesh. iij iionesty and the importance of patriotism. Ms ME~@ ITY OF EN Department of Mech, Department of M DS.thghecrng aoe KHULNA UNIVERSI TNEERING & TECHNOLOGY anical Engineering st Tem Examination, 2018 Hum 1105 ° Time: 3 Hours E Sth) Aner any RE i) Pguresin he gh iii) Assume res me Tou as ‘Margin indicate full marks. “ween -asonable data if any. missing, - SECTION-A "C) Make sentence wih he following structures singe wor sven nbs “ i) Subj. + Transitive Verb + Object. (Love as verb) CF) Subj + Trasve Ver +O, (Noun! Ponam + Ad Caples. ee (ii) That + Subj, + Verb + Adv. of manner + Verb + Adj, Complement. (Work and is as verb) iv) Subj. + Verb + Obj, + Which + Subj. + Verb, (Name and Want as ver) (¥)_ Subj. + Verb + Obj, + How-+ Subj, + Verb. (Complete and Direct as verb) (vi) Subj. +Who + Verb + Adv, of manner, + Verb + Noun Complement. (Work and is as verb) (vii) Not only + Subj. + but also + Subj. + Verb + Adv. of place. ( Study as verb) 1) Change the following words as asked in brackets and make sentence with the 12 changed forms. "Alleviate (into noun), Beneficence (into adj), AbhSrrence (into ad.) Breath (into verb), Feeble (into verb), Blood (into verb). 1(@) Make new words with the following prefixes and suffixes and use the new words in 09 sentences: Auto_ Bi 5 ness, Aa) Make Wh- question with each of the underlined wordwords of the following 4 sentences; i) One and a half hours are allowed for the exam. ji) Nasi has been studying in this university for 4 v iii) The water is only a few inches deep. iv) The bus runs ata speed of 50.mph. vy) The accident is due to excessive speed. vi) With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time vii) He bought me anew coat. LWLSOLOdd NING 2(b) Express the following notions/ functions in sentence: 2 i) Hatred, ii) Curse, ili) Honesty, iv) Determination, __ v) Distaste, vi) Tension. 2c) Write two synonyms for each of the following words and make sentence with the synonyms 0 Hard, Trend, Responsibility. -eninnd yond nce ont inks Lae Brrtended at the meeting. (Simple) (Sama an ae in Chia works wel. (Complex) on ‘et on fie by some misercants. (Active) se was 8 i w Manton not avoid death, Inerogative) ime flies very fast. (Exelamatory) to Tres the bst of al boys inthe cass, (Comparative Degree) (ii) Inspite of his poverty, he is honest. (Compound) © fs 1m the following senter 3(b) Make sentences using the following modals as directed: “4 (Must (to express intemal necessity) Gi) Can (to express ability) (iii) Should (10 express duty at present) (iv) Need (to express unnecessary action in the past) (¥) Be going to (to express future intention) (vi) Would (to express polite request) (il). Be to (to express command) (ili). Used to to express a regular h it in the past) 3(€) Complete the following gaps with suitable words inthe following sentence: 0 (Tam sony for keeping you 36 00), Fardin and not you won the prize. ii) Tdo not mind ‘a cup of tea, (iv). Tike my tea () Leould not laughing. (vi). She excels English. (vii) He is one of best La Correct the following sentences: 4 (Chairman is supposed to attend at the meeting. gc i) The water is essential for a human being. ya He likes his son, (iv) He made two goals. (¥)_ Rabbi, whom is working hard, can succeed in life (vi) He expects to succeed. fil) Works that he in the factory is praise worthy. 4(b) Make one sentence with each of the following phrases: Patol, Ina fix, ‘Man of word, Go through, Run short, In full swing, 40) Define direct objec, indirect object and transitive verb with two examples following 09 each of the definitions. Lwlsolong Maino SECTION-B vA Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: 20 ‘When we talk about inteltigence, we do not mean the ability to get good matks on a test or even the ability to do well in sefiSOTs and colleges. By intelligence we mean a ‘way of behaving in various situations, particularly new and problematic ones, The Sta) w= {iv) Ne one wil deny that hei innocent (Affirmative), J GpMy horse runs faster than yours (Positive). (9, No other mosque is as large as this. Superlative), (Wi) He isnot illiterate. (Affirmative) Frame sentences expressing following notions / emotions, (}) Wish, (i) Refuse i) Liking (iv) Greeting, (v) Surprise and (vi) Invitation Make sentences using each of the following phases and idioms, 6 Turndown; Ins and outs; Ups and downs; Come of; Fish cut; Settle down, Make sentences with each of the following Modals as asked in bracket (Could (To express pay ability) _ [ (ii) May (To express request) (ii) Must (To express internal obligation) (iv) Af + 0 (To express command) (+) Would (To express polite request) (61) Used to (To express pa habit) (ii )Be going to (To express future) Correct the following sentences. n (@) gave him four and half Taka, (i) He prefers o sing than to dance (ii) Nook forward to receive your eter. (iv) This my book i interesting (©) Hes not so strong ike you (i) Ido not like to insulted s ‘Supply a suitable word to fil inthe blanks in each ofthe following: 0 (i) He has no passion ~~---- pois, (ii) Take an umbrella with you when you go ou, It rain ltr. A stich in time saves (iv) Choose only suc friends ou can trust (8). Each boy and each giel ——-—-— given a prise (vi) Searcely had he reached the station -r-—- the rain lef ECTION Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow 20 There is almost a good deal of truth in a will-power of a human being for success. Because it makes maximally not completely the success ofa human being possible, Napoleon once said," The wordcImpossible exists only in the dictionary of the fools.” He says the idea to remove the concept of lot in face of will power of 4 human being. Mountains can be removed by patience, determination and song Il. These- patience, determination and strong will lead to success. A suecesslul ‘man rises from the lowest position to the highest. It is because he possesses a strong will and determination. The unsuccessful man, on the other hand, lacks strong will and determination. He waves and hesitates in doing @ work, He can never do anything great in life. Thus, if a man wants to be successful in life, he ‘must possess a strong will and determination, The examples of many great men are before us. First of all we take the example of Robert Bruce. He was firm bold and fearless. He had a very strong will. Many difficulties came in his way, but he ‘overcame all of them. He didn’t care for failures and frustrations. At last his efforts ‘were crowned with success. He got the taste of victory. Among other great men of LVLSOLOHd X9INO AVLOULUNG ALU 6(b) a contrast Amplify the following idéa. (Around 12 i) Role of media in nation building ii) Equal opportunities oman in Banglades! Grid HIIAG ed Ss «a iwi | Mb) Wo v Me -@ ai NA UNIVERSITY OF ENC UINEERING @ TRO snical Fasne& TECHNOLOGY Year 1a erm pene Huns 110 vinaton, 2016 Wustish of Mech Engin © ering | int) Assume reasonable date tase fill re it spare serps | Make sen ce Wi he aing W) Subject +1 ng structures usin mids piven inh . 1 Ms lear eoreere Po iy hy» Sy Yh ada ae + Yoh Compo Cam (iv) Subj. + Verb + Adj. Complement #1 6 \ A A. ee ee (9) Timo Su ert ae of met, Sok# Ven + Af 2 (Wok nl orgs et toiy Suny s Web So-t Ady Complement + hl + Subj = Ve + = iat (ial elas eb oS coi) Babe Wen A Compa, So 4 Verb + Al. of plage sand = ‘develop vol ~~ * = Change the following words as ask in brackets 98 wakes ' changed forms. o Supply a suitable word to te blank in each ofthe flowing 0” _ athe boy : > The teeter = isto mus oh cag = amma ne (OP She tikes ties {Hes kown honest a Make WH question om the folloving sentences u xa) iy He wanted pet ii) He bour iii) Min is running fast iv) Give him the book ¥) She is sixty year Uy Ripon is five fect and seven inches ta Vii). ‘The pond is ten feet deep. rangers ree with the following wotion erations 2 i) Suprise iiy ‘Suggestion, iit) Treat ivy Regreat, ¥) Good luck, and vi) Prohibition Ake sentences with cach of the Following words 5 directed / Price (as nouns yep maw. axjective),—_Fand (as alverb), 99 Last (as verb). Sil cts li Water (as adverb). \ 1VLSO10Hd NOIND Ha) Coneet the following: 5 (2) Fave him four and half tka : (ii) He prefers to sing than to dance (iii) He denied to help me {9} Hleis not so strane ike you () To not like to insulted (si) Of the three she i the more beautifi (i) I, you ane! he must work together 3ib) orm the following sentences as asked in brackets (1) The wind i favorable. (Negative) : (ii) We study o learn. (Compley) (Hi) Though he is eel, we tove him, (Simple) (1) Ifyou stady hard, you ean pass. (Sine) (©) Myou succeed, 1 will he happy. Simple) (vi) Hardly had we reached there when rains ed. (Compound) He) Diferentate direct and indirect object with example. Define wansitive verb with 09 example ‘fa) Make new words with the following prefixes and suffixes and use them in 12 sentences: Bo _—_— ious, — ad sable, ment Ub) Make sentences with the following modals as asked in brackets: (3) Can. (To express approval) (ii) Could. (To express pas ability) Gili) May. (To express request) (iv) Would. (Lo express past inegular habit) (8) Should. (Fo expeess he past duty which was nt discharged (i) Dae. (Fo expeess indulgence) (vil) Must, (To express intemal obligation) Alc) Define infinitive, present participle aud gerund, Give 1wo examples of each of them 09 AVLSOLOHd NOIND SECTION-B that fallow: Sta) Real the passage below and answer tbe questio Democracy as a way of fife and not a poiieal argument merely. requires of its adherent jeolous vegrad not only for their oven rights but equally forthe similar rights for others. I is based 0% the principle af equal Ireedom and sight forall its nbets. regardless of race, religion, sex, uceupation ot economic status. Education is the greatest instrument’ of social emancipation by watching a democracy establshers, maintains and protects the spirit of equality among its members. I we develop the social temper of democracy, we will have eonidenve in one another We will allow freedom of constience to others as i is our fai that others like ‘ourselves, are competent to work out their own salvation, Equal epportunity does not mean identical opportunity t all. LV means the equal suilabilty of education for every qualified person, Our system must provide for every young person education to the extent that he can profit trom it and of a character best designed to ensure the maximum development of his nature. It must ence of gitls and interests. Edveation confined to those who come fiom nobility, landed gentry or professional classes is suited to society built on economic and social hierarchy of classes na democratic society, the opportunity of be open not only 10 an elite but 10 those who have 10 carry the responsibility of citizenship. Education is a universal right, nota class recognize dif 2063 — ia) 6(b) Hay 1b) i What doe s democracy wa \ acy want to have for vie oe Shee ieuehewee a What does equality mean? - Make a précis of the above pa précis of the above passage of Question S(a) with a suita Write a listing paragraph on industrialization, (Around 1200 words) Write a report on agricultural development of Bangladesh. (Around 800 words) Amplify the idea “Charity Begins at Home” Prepare €.V. along with an application for ® job. Write a free composition on any ove of the followings (Around 2000 words) (a) The scope and role of Mechanical Engineers in Bangla (by Democracy and development —x— . AWLSOLOWd Hoi 1) M 2b) NB.i) Answer any THREE i) F ‘ (sii) 1(6) Change the following words as form: Povei Sympathy (into verb) nS eh margin indie (1) Mast (To exy io tou ad tone ean ctaete Costar ME-® RHULNAUNIVERSITY OF ENGINERNG ——_ Bese. h of Mechanical Fg TECHNOLOGY peincting 1 og Eines | Aaath Term Examination 2015 3 Hours, English uestions from Total Marks nin separate scripts. eures in the right ach sectio ehtn ate full marks SECTION 4 as directed in brackets. “ HES logical dation an hep ther (To expres pretecnaey {loess sist ss offer), " . are (To express indulgence) Ds ed in brackets and make sentenees with the chan FY Ginto adj.) Avwtulness (into ad.) Strong (into noun) Assume (info noun) ‘Abolis (into noun) 1(©)__ Make sentences using the following phrases and idioms. 9 A snake in the grass Shoot anchor Come to Tight igh time Inabody Run shor ~ 2{a) Make sentences with the following structures using the words given in brackets. uw @ Gi) Gi) (iv) w) (wi) (ii) 2) Make “That + subj. + verb + Adv. of manner, + verb +Adj. complement, (speak and is as verb) Subj, + Intransitive verb + Adv. of manner. (sleep as verb) Subj, + Appositive, + Transitive verb + object, (write as verb) Subj. + verb + neither + object + nor + object. (eat as verb) Since + subj. + verb + Adj. complement, 4subj. + verb + Adv, of manner. (is and walk as verb in turn) Not only + subj. + but also + subj. + verb + object + Adv. of time. (play as verb) Subj, + subj. + verb + Adv. of place, + verb + Adj. complement. (spread and is, as verb in turn) Transform the following sentences as directed. n 1 was introduced to Shakespeare's plays. (Active) ‘The idle cannot hope to succeed. (Complex) He not only made a proposal but also kept it. (Simple) She is not so intelligent as I thought her to be. (Comparative) is aterrible sight. (Exclamatory) To avoidpunishument he ran away. (Compound) words with the following prefixes and suffixes and use the male words in 09 sentence. Auto @ Gi) Gi) Complete the following sentences with subordinate clan analy . s praise worthy. (Noun clause). - We entitle the story . (Noun clause). hhe has failed to be first in exam, (Adv. cla of concession) eaainud WIND 1 in office, (Adv, clause of reason) ° W in exam. (Adv. clause of con © Le a -ssing day by day, (Adj. clause ih ane a man of great knowledge. (Adj. clause with relative pronouns R (He works ha and ~~ plese his pees, X (ii) Peoples love such boy's are honest, (i) Every broke and every ster follow = dy. (8) Heil met the president (63) Thess see work hd five ih apines M4 (a) Make WH question fom each ofthe flowing sentence 2 aa He can meet you . S (3). _Thave ben reading he book for3 hous, Gi) “Thathe speaks frankly is open to all o (9) Noor, man of line sensi enjoys lien the work a ()Theroad swell ennstcted (vi) We met the president at 3 pm, . = 2 (sid) Meissix fet and veins a So e 4) Conect the flowing enn. » & oS a c you tell me the way to green road? Qo hc (ii) He doesn’t know how to tell a lie. ol Gil) Little students are present today na a) (Thankyou for joining with ws > = (si) eis waiting for us for an hoe = “1 M6) _ Define finite and nonfat verbs, Give two examples ofeach of them 6 > a 4 SECTION — B : Sta) Rend the passage given below and answer the questions that follows 2» Sclfcliane isthe plsims best taf the worker's best too. Its the master key tha lpioeks all the difficulties of lie. “Help yourself and heaven will help out ica maxim ‘sich receives daily contirmation, Help ffom within always strengthens, bat help from Wwiout invariably weakens the recipient, The habit of depending on other ea to weaken the intellectual facultics and paralyses the judgement. The struggle against adverse circumstances has, on the contrary, a stren effect, like that of the pure feebled frame. ntain air on ane mo This isa lesion which is not taught in the schools nows Ws. The vive of the modem n of educa i lays down too many royal roads to knowledge, The dishculies which formerly compelled the student to thick ant labour for himself are Our at carefully removed, The rave of thorough and complete scholars is dying out Our young men are equipped to such an extent With manuals that explain everything S(b) 6(a) 6(b) Ta) 7b) sides that 20 everywhe and ey NO occasi tall to receive you of 19 Wen So Many are walling ” for thought Why take any trouble Questions (i) Why should we be self-etiant? Gi) Whatare the evil effects of Gil) Whatis the viee of the mod Gv) Whyis depende lern syst the race of thorough scholar on others’ 1 of education? dying out? Make a précis of the above written pa inQ. No. 5(a Amplify the idea contained in of the following statement. 20 Chicken is the country’s but the city eats it Write @ cause and effect paragraph on Road Accident in Bangladest Write a report on you Hall dinning (around 800 words). 15 a the proper use 20 Write a letter to your younger brother asking hin to give impo of time in life. (around 1200 words) Write a free composition on ANYONE of the following. (a) Bribery: al problem in Bangladesh (b) People’s participation in governance + End --- os AWiSOiGad NID — ME~@ KHULNA UNIVERSITY OF ENG bee | 1. Se Enna of Mecha NEERING & TECHNOLOGY | {st Term Exami fis ation, 2014 \ Lo Num 1105 tit (raisny | ee oe TH ten : iit) Assume {Pte margin ing fall manta” sete 7 e nea dicate full mark | ng | la) ¢ ‘omplete the senten You tun (i) $0 Gi) () ™ ii) Nes using litle a little! few a " this i knob to adjust the viol ats escorted the sailing ship into the arbo Can I give your Trees to get ‘do you want?” Oh just ___ please He is among the people Tan tr The benefits of the scheme are 1(b)_Make sentences using the following modals as direct i) Be going to (To express ston ii) Beto (To express arranger iil) Could (To express inference) iw) (Fo express duty inthe past that » (To express polite request) vi) (To express unnecessary actgn in the pas) 1(©) Make sentences with the following phrases and idioms: cy Hard and fast, Come out, A bolt from the bluc, To Intime, Deprived of 2(a) Make sentences with the following structures: 4 (i) Subject + Transitive verb + 10 + Do (Present as ver). ii) Subject + VT + 10 + Complement (Make as verb). Gi) Subject + VT +10 + Adj. complement (Think as verb) iv) Subject + Linking verb + Adj. (Is as LV). (w) Subject + IV + Adverbial (Go as verb). (vi) Subject + VT + DO + Infinitive (Leave as verb). (vii) Subject + VT + DO + Participle (See as verb). enees as asked in brackets n verb), 2(b) Use the following words in Open (as adjective), Age (as verb), Colour (as verb), Cause Beauty (es noun), Able (as adverb). 2c) Change the following words as directed and use them in sentences: 0 Treat (into noun), Magic (into adverb), Decision (into w Mother (adjective), Ignorance (into verb), Conte 3(a) Make sentences with the following (i) Subj. + Intransitive verb + Adverbial, (Read as verb) (i) Subj. + Linking verb + Adj. complement + Extension, (Become as verb) (iii) Subj. + Linking verb + Noun complement+ Extension, (Become as verb) (iv) Subj. + Transitive verb + Infinitive as object, (Want as verb) (v) Subj. + Transitive verb + Obj. + Adj. complement. (Open as verb) (vi) Subj. + Transitive verb + Obj. + Noun complement. (Prove as verb) (vii) Subj. + Transitive verb + Obj. + Obj. . (Send as verb) Page tot 3 lures: 4 ryisoLond xo1nd LVISOi0Hd HOIND 4(b)_Use the correct form of the verb in the following sentences: i) One should read only what one (like). ji) When his mother (go) to market, she met with an accident, iit) Zia was playing cricket when the ball (hit) him. iv) They were talking to cach other when their fiend (join) them, ¥) Had I (know) you earlier? vi) Assim (leave) his schoo, he saw a big erowd in the street. Xe) Define participle, gerund, and infinitive. Give two examples of each of them in sentences, 4a) Correct the following sentences: (i) Theman was charged for murder. (Gi). Don't pride in your wealth (ii) Everyone was paid one’s salary Gv) Rustom fought. (¥) Twenty years are along time (Wi) Tis high time we shall stop corruption, (ii) He was died of fever. 2 40) Frame new words with the following prefixes and suffixes and use them in sentences: age, idee bese, Unessss, eesement. 4(c)_ Complete the sentences below as asked in brackets: 0 (@ Misuniy, +++ (Adjective clause) Everybody hates him ++ (Adv. Clause of reason) sesseseses isuntrue. (Noun clause) now the place .............(Adj. clause) ‘When he woke up « (Independent clause) + Thought shir. (Agverbial clause of time) CTIO) 5(@) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: 15 LVISOLOHd HOIND Dhaka which i the rich historical metropolitan capital of ous, has over the years attracted many people from far flung areas ofthe country and also foreigners who have made it their home. Its a city of contrasts, a city where the old lives with the new, a city of hopes and despair. For the local Bangladeshis who live in the rural areas it i a city of golden opportunities, the magic door to a bright future. With this in view, many migrate every year to the capil inthe hope of eaming money. But not many succeed in materializing theie dreams. Hence many make shift shops have sprung up on the foot paths from nowhere, With time, they have ‘come to stay and the people in general have come to accept their existence. Today such pavement shops are an integral part of Dhaka life. There is no statistics as to their number seems to be on the increase, Hawkers are evicted. Suddenly the ‘metalled pavements appear from nowhere (which had so tong been occupied by illegal, makeshift shops) and the pedestrians heaved a sigh of relict. It becomes easier for them to move about, But alas! The eviction move was short lived one. Questions: i) Why do local people come to Dhaka city? fi) What do the buyers do with the shopkeepers? iii) Why is Dhaka a city of contrast? 5(b) Make a precis of the above passage (Question 5(a)) with suitable tile. 20 6(a) 6b) Ta) 1b) Write a cause and effect paragraph on campus violence. Amplify the idea contained in of the following statement: First deserve, then desire. Write a dialogue between two friends about fluency in spoken English. Write a short note on the University Day in your campus. Write a free composition on any une of the following: (a) Uses and abuses of mass media (b) Curse of Dowty. 20 20

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