Mirae Trend Focus 11 Oct 2018 - Garuda Travel Fair 2018

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Trend Focus

Garuda Travel Fair 2018: Making the most out of low

Government committed to boosting tourism industry
The local tourism sector is benefiting from the government’s commitment to
boosting the industry. The government’s earnest efforts in this regard, coupled
with the massive nationwide push to develop infrastructure, have resulted in
tourism sector growth. According to Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data on the
Trend Focus economic impact of travel and tourism, the sector contributed 5.8% of GDP in 2017.
October 11, 2018 In addition, from January to August 2018, the number of foreign tourist arrivals
reached 10.5mn, up 12.3% YoY (vs. 9.4mn in the same period in 2017).

PT. Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia To support Indonesia’s tourism development program, Garuda Indonesia (GIAA), in
collaboration with the Tourism Ministry, is holding an event in various cities called
Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair (GATF) 2018. The event, held by the flag carrier in
Nur Marini partnership with Bank Mandiri, came to the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in
+62-21-515-1140 (ext: 237) Senayan, South Jakarta, from October 5th to 7th. GATF Has been held in 30 cities,
marini@miraeasset.co.id starting from September and continuing through October 21st. It is targeting total
transactions of IDR448bn and has generated around IDR370bn in sales.
Various travel packages are being offered, including for Umrah as well as cruise
and winter vacations. Other programs available through the biannual event are:
1. Happy Hour, which offers up to 80% discounts from 10am to 2pm and
from 4pm to 8pm;
2. Best Deal, with up to 50% discounts, enjoyed throughout the day during
the event;
3. Regular Discount, which gives visitors regular discounts throughout the
day on various flight routes (up to 13% discount on domestic routes and
up to 20% discount on international routes).
Reaping benefits from the event
Indonesia should continue to be a popular tourist destination, offering exotic and
natural views of islands, mountains, etc. Tourists from around the world are
attracted to Indonesia. With the local tourism sector benefiting from the
government’s commitment to boosting the industry, we view GATF as one of
Garuda Indonesia's (GIAA IJ/Trading Buy/TP: IDR273) strategies for making the
most out of the low-demand season following the Hajj season.

Figure 1. Various travel packages are offered by the agencies

Source: Kontan, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

October 11, 2018 Trend Focus

Table 1. Garuda Indonesia travel fair (September and October 2018)

Date of event City Venue Bank partner
Palembang Pelembang Indah Mall Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Sep 28th – 30th Denpasar Lippo Mall Kuta Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Kupang Lippo Mall Kupang Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Medan Sun Plaza Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Bandar Lampung Mall Boemi Kedaton Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Padang Transmart Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI)
Jambi Jambi Town Square Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Pekanbaru SKA Mall Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Banda Aceh Suzuka Mall Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Bengkulu Bencoolen Mall TBC
Jakarta Jakarta Convention Center Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Bandung Trans Studio Mall Bank Mega (MEGA)
Surabaya Tunjungan Plaza 6 Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Malang Malang City Point Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Yogyakarta Jogja City Mall Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Oct 5th - 7th Solo The Park Mall Solo Baru Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Makasar Trans Studio Mall Bank Mega (MEGA)
Bank Negara Indonesia
Manado Mantos 3
Bank Negara Indonesia
Ambon Ambon City Center
Timika Diana Shopping Center Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Jayapura Mall Jayapura Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Sorong Saga Supermarket Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Kendari Lippo Mall Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI)
Palangkaraya Palangkaraya Mall Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Bank Negara Indonesia
Banjarmasin Duta Mall
Semarang Paragon Mall Bank Central Asia (BBCA)
Oct 12th – 14th Balikpapan Balikpapan Plaza Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Merauke Gedung Bella Vista Bank Mega (MEGA)
Oct 19th – 21st Batam Mega Mall Bank Mandiri (BMRI)
Bank Negara Indonesia
Ternate Muara Mall Ternate
Source: Garuda Indonesia, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

Figure 2. Foreign tourist arrivals: 10.5 in Jan-Aug 18 (+12.3%

Figure 3. Top arrivals based on country of origin (1H18)
+12.3% yoy 1.2
10.5 1.0
10 9.4

2 0.2

0 0.0


Timor Leste










Jan-Aug 17

Jan-Aug 18

Source: BPS, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Source: BPS, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

Research 2

October 11, 2018 Trend Focus


Important Disclosures & Disclaimers

As of the publication date, PT. Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, and/or its affiliates do not have any special interest with the subject company and
do not own 1% or more of the subject company's shares outstanding.

Stock Ratings Industry Ratings

Buy Relative performance of 20% or greater Overweight Fundamentals are favorable or improving
Relative performance of 10% or greater, but with
Trading Buy Neutral Fundamentals are steady without any material changes
Hold Relative performance of -10% and 10% Underweight Fundamentals are unfavorable or worsening
Sell Relative performance of -10%
* Our investment rating is a guide to the relative return of the stock versus the market over the next 12 months.
* Although it is not part of the official ratings at Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, we may call a trading opportunity in case there is a technical or
short-term material development.
* The target price was determined by the research analyst through valuation methods discussed in this report, in part based on the analyst’s
estimate of future earnings.
The achievement of the target price may be impeded by risks related to the subject securities and companies, as well as general market and
economic conditions.

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Research 3

October 11, 2018 Trend Focus

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Research 4


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