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Dr. Md Rakib Hassan

Associate Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science & Mathematics.

 Four components of a computer system:

 CPU - Central Processing Unit
 Makes decisions, performs computations, and delegates
input/output requests

 Memory: Disk Drives, CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drives, Tape

drives, USB flash drives.
 Stores information

 Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner

 Gets information from the user to the computer

 Output devices: monitor, speakers

 Sends information from computer to the user

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan


 Application software
 Easy-to-use programs designed to perform
specific tasks

 System software
 Programs that support the execution and
development of other programs
 Two major types
 Operating systems
 Translation systems (compilers & linkers)

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Software (Cont.)

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Computer Software Relationships

User Interface Application Programs

User Interface Operating System

User Basic Input and Output Services (BIOS)

Interface • needed for a computer to boot up

Computer Hardware
Application Software

 Application software makes computer popular

and easy to use

 Common application software:

 MicrosoftWord, Excel, PowerPoint
 Chrome, Mozila, Internet Explorer
 VLC media player, iTunes
 PhotoShop, Illustrator
 Skype, Yahoo Messenger
 WinZip, WinRAR, etc.

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Operating System

 Controls and manages the computing resources

 Examples
 Windows (8.1, 7, XP, Vista)
 Mac OS X (Yosemite, Mountain Lion)
 Unix/Linux/Ubuntu

 Important services that an operating system provides:

 Security: prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system
 Commands to manipulate the file system
 Input and output on a variety of devices
 Window management

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

What is a Program?

A sequence of instructions

An algorithm A program
(in human language) (in computer language)

 A program needs to be written in a language

 There are many programming languages
 Low-level, understandable by a computer
 High-level, needs a translator!

 C++ is a high level programming language

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan
Levels of Programming Language

 Machine binary language:

 Unintelligible

 Low-level assembly language

 Mnemonic names for machine operations
 Explicit manipulation of memory addresses
 Machine-dependent

 High-level language
 Readable
 Machine-independent

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan


Machine binary language Low-level assembly High-level

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

How to Translate?

A program written in high-level programming language

(for example, C++ program)

COMPILER (for example, gcc)

A low-level (machine language) program that is

understandable by a computer (for example, a PC)

Examples of compilers:
 gcc (Gnu compiler collection)

 Microsoft Visual C++, CodeWarrior

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Translation System

 Set of programs used to develop software

 Types of translators:
 Compiler

 Linker

 Examples
 Microsoft Visual C++, gcc

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Software Development Process

 Major activities
 Editing (writing the program)
 Compiling (creates .obj file)
 Linking with compiled files (creates .exe file)
 Object files
 Library modules
 Loading and executing
 Testing the program

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Software Development Process

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan


 Integrated Development Environments

 Combine all of the capabilities that a programmer would want while

developing software
 Editor
 Compiler
 Linker
 Loader
 Debugger
 Viewer

 Example IDEs:
 CodeBlocks
 Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

What is C++?

 C is a programming language developed in the 1970's

alongside the UNIX operating system.

 C provides a comprehensive set of features for

handling a wide variety of applications, such as
systems development and scientific computation.

 C++ is an “extension” of the C language, in that most

C programs are also C++ programs.

 C++, as opposed to C, supports “object-oriented


Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

What is C++? (Cont.)

 C++ is an object-oriented programming

language based on C language

 High-level language

 IDEs for C++

 CodeBlocks

 Microsoft Visual C++, Eclipse, NetBeans

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Programming Languages

 C/C++
 Java
 Basic
 Beginner All-purpose Symbolic Instructional Code
 Visual Basic
 Basic-like visual language developed by Microsoft
 Swift
 Apple’s iPhone/iPad/Mac Programming Language
 Cobol
 Common Business Oriented Language
 Fortran
 FORmula TRANslation
 Pascal
 named for Blaise Pascal

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Most Important Features of C++

 It has strong and efficient support for both

Structured Programming and Object-Oriented

 C++ runs on:

 PC

 Macintosh (Apple Macs)

 Unix workstations

 Super computers

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Why C++?

 C++ and Java are the most widely used

programming languages
 You’ll get a job as a software developer if you know
C++/Java very well
 Java uses C++ syntax, it is easy to learn Java if
you know C++
 You can also learn other languages easily if you know
 Computer manufacturers such as Sun, SGI, IBM,
and HP use C++
 Many Software companies use C++ to develop
different kinds of software

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Why C++?

 Mobile Apps Development

 Windows Phone
 C# (C-Sharp)
 Android Phones
 Java
 iPhones/iPads
 Objective-C
 Swift

 C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, Swift

 All are almost similar
 So, if you learn C++ well
 You can become a very good mobile apps developer, if you want seriously
 You can also become a software developer in any other language, with
 It will open the door of outsourcing

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

So, Learn C++

 and become a
 Mobile apps developer
 Software developer

 Freelancer

 And of course
 Itwill expand your Job market
 Increase efficiency in your own fields

Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan


 The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)

 Bjarne Stroustrup

 Schaum’s outlines Programming with C++ (2nd

 John R. Hubbard

 C++ Primer (5th Edition)

 Stanley B. Lippman
Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

24 Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

Course Materials


Dr. Md. Rakib Hassan

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