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Bhaskaracharya Pratisthana, Pune - 411004. Bhaskaracharya Mathematical Talent Search Competition, 2016. Sunday, 10/1/2016 ea, 22.1 8/2088 ‘Time: 11.00 t0 200 terme Total Marks : 100 BELT: too QI) Choose one correct alternative. sia ato wala Fra, Write the question number and one correct alternative in the answer paper, sacar met aes fg sever aa wa fhe Multiple choice question. Each question carries 2 marks. 1. Four bes ring at intervals of 3 ,7,12 & 14 mins respectively. All four bells rang together at 12 noon. When will they ring together next time ? ‘ae ser ap 3, 7, 12 3H 14 MCHA a, a ser gu 12 aT rer er, terre eae oA er eae a? A) 1:24pm B)12:24min €)2:24pm D) 1pm 2 18 %ofshudents ofa school were absent ona specific day. there ‘were 1020 students prsent inthe school that day, find the total numberof shadents in the school? ‘wa Reaeh meth 15% feral aque GH. a 1020 Pref ca Feel cba ar rare - e feFetB 7 495760 -B)1200 C)1250 D180 3. Aman purchased 150 oranges at the rate of 3 oranges for 20 Ru- pees and another 160 oranges at the rate of 4 oranges for 30 Rupees, and sold al of them, an orange for 6 Rupees rate, whether he will have profit or loss, by what amount ? ‘gar sh 20 emer 9 A TUF 150 at wee sa 30 eee Ae 160 4 eh eh A SG Bee ew AB TEA PA on REE FH ate ra ea zt ? Ph? A)Profit #8, Rupees 772 120 B) Loss zt, Rupees 37% 620 ©) Profit, Rupees *% 320 D)Loss tl, Rupees 377 340 30 @ In figure A, five squares with sides tem, 2em, Sem 4em and Bem ae arranged in the ascending order. In figure B they are arranged ‘as shown. By how much doos the perimeter ofthe figure Bexceed that of figure A? argh A WHR, 2h, 9H, 43 oT 5 AM ay oe oe eT am ae a, AB aR hes ra a so, ‘ap BA eg A A eho? a (A)Oem — (B)4em (©) 106m () Hem ‘A fan switch is in the off mode, A boy turns it continuously to ‘slow, medium, high, off, slow, medium, ... in the same direction, for each operation counting 1.2,3,4,58,.... After 210 operations, jn which position will the switch be? ewer emg aes are NT Ae wg, WHA, aH, HF, yo, Sr ae, A PA, APA A 1,2, 8,4. A A, 210 Sa re re sie en ae fers a? (off — Byslow —— ()medium_—@D) high we Om own D) er Ina picoof paper ther ia simple equation of numbers writen ‘Audropofink felon it and made a stain , covering an arithmetic Symbol ora digit, The equation looked like 121-2 @ 3-41 + 123=0. “The symbol or number under the stain is earch PARES HB. HT Ha AONE ET, TP cee aks fa earn ire wre en GET we. 121-2 @ Bedd +123 = 0, 7 srTen Baneh i ee mF WE ee ? Ax BI OF DO ® 7. Line AD Ilo line BC. A(AABC ) = 12, What is the A (ABDC) ‘AD I1%8 BC. A(AABC) = 12 ABDC 8 aes fl? AB B) 24 ow D2. A & c 8. Ifthe product 42.0 is divisible by 9, which smallest number is in place of 0? 42x CVT 93 Rede Te ae ee TS at? a9 Be o1 D3 9. Toopena safe, some three digit code needs to be usod, Its known that ‘only three digits 0,1, 2existn thiscode. The sum ofthe digits usedin the code should be 2. Find the number of ways this code ean be set. (you ean repeat the digits) ‘ew feta sameeren or fs aes ste ee THA TA, ale O,1, 2 esi are, heed eet ae AN 2 oe He, ie et eat re a 7 (oa sent emer af re) ws Be os M12 10. DABCDisa square. ZABE =2 DAE = 30° ‘The side of the square is 10 em. Find the length of EC. (A)greator than 10cm (B) equal to 10cm. (C)less than 10 em (D) not possible to caleulate with the given information ABCD a ah ait, ZABE =2 DAB =300, dearersrg wi 10 BH a8, mC oh a A det ? (ayer are) (B) 1034 (C) 10 BA er wh (Dy Ree mttaer at aT, B 4 12, 1% M4 15, a» 108 =446-5, 22-1613 12and $3 =22 + 24-23, hon whatis thevalucot 441+ A+B fe .+ B82 we Ba446-5, S211 15-12 ah B= 22+24-25 wR ABB Aes Br date? a) 505 (mass (465 © 465 Find the remainder when the number 2016201620162018 is di- vided by 2016. 2016201620162018 = Heter 2016 3 wt me ret FA et? (a) 20081 (©) 2007 M2 ‘The average often different positive integers is 10, The smallest is, Which can be the biggest of these numbers ? er err wr os are ae 10 ane, Ses er EA he a, sw czar ih on Piet 7 (a) 55 B) 49 © % ) 19 ‘The number 111... 1111 is 29 digit number. Itis multiplied by £2009. "The third digit from the left of the product is 111... 1111 829 5:8 em ont fen 20093 IEE He TTT TES Su akg Sev set? wr 2 os ms Find the next alphabet in the sequence A, H A, H, La Sift 98 ae sxe, ws @K om MN Write the answer with short justification. -areniae chen ant fre. ‘A bus can accommodate 78 passengers. The bus starts out empty and picks up 1 passenger at the Bret stop, 2 passengers at 2nd Stop, 3 passengers at Sed stop, and so forth. Aver how miany stops the bus will be Full? ee 78 ee rE ean Re es i et TE ed we ee ie 2 ee, Pere 3 Ta, swan area fe aii et? 20 © ‘A certain natural number is divisible by 8 and aleo by 5. When the numbers divided by 7, the remainder is 4. Which isthe small- ‘est number that satisfies these conditions ? ‘ear Sattler 33 an 53 vor wera ater 73 A aA 4 a 2d pl cE ee eT eT? Intriangle AABG, sido BC is extended. Point Dison the extended segment BC, as shown in the figure. ZACD is 120? and ZA=2 23. Find ZA and nN B c D ‘arte gas ABC or aaRteT TGBORD weg ane, ZACD SA 120° te am ZA= 228, ZAR ZB oa wet ‘Bach of the nine paths in @ park as given in the figure are 100m. long Abida wants to go from A to B without going along the same path more than onee . What is the length ofthe longest path ? c E D, gts Ret ar aes A be, es Tet 100, 8, ABS cra ers ER Weta ae, re HY TT TT AS B ve era ae oe eee ise Pt 7 ‘A fruit seller bought 11 dozen mangos for a certain cost. Atersoll- ‘ng 10 dozen of the mangoes ata certain rate he recovered the cost price. IPhe sold all the mangoes at the same rate, what was his pereent profit? ‘eat FP 11 HR Pete fees a, rake 10 ew 8 Fem ah ae a RA eC Pre ‘to fee? 10, as D © ‘The neighbours of a two digit number are a prime number and a perfect square . How many such two digit numbers are there ? ‘esr aston Sa es er at a on gat Trae de eee, aero rete ih ee ae a, 1704826 is divisible by 99. Find A & B, 17044826 = eter 9 3 pt sr aes srt em A aT BR ake et rat am? Simplify. #2 em, 1 1 1 Gorxsaa * “Gorxi59) (59332) In AABC, ZAislarger than ZC by some degrees and ZAissmaller ‘than 2B by same amount. If ZB = 67°, then find the measure of 2? ‘en AABO, 2A m2 er mt ei ar or anh ZA ZB Yer tas a ce aa. ae ZB Ba GT" sre ae ZC-8 HN Fe? Among7men, 11 women and boys Rs, 140 are divided such that, ‘8) Aman gets thrice as much as a boy gets 'b) One woman gets the amount equal to the sum ofthe emounts that aman and a boy gots Find how much @ man , woman and a boy gets? 79,11 fe a5 HE 140 8. ae TRAY TE oR a ee oe ses TO fe Fr a gee a ere Fs Se eon eee es, ates pr, et ah ere foros Pk Write the answer with justification. ‘areming art fre. Four cards, each havinga number written on one side anda phrase ‘on the other side . The numbers written are 7, 2, 12 and 5 . The phrases are, Divisible by 7; 11) prime; IN) odd; 1V) greater than 100 (On each card the number DOES NOT correspond to the phrase on it, Find the number on the eard with the phrase greater than 100. Ifpossible. o “arg ee ar gra a fe FRA 4 aT se nba, TTA BET, 2, 15, 6 a ota oir eat aR (sora we) a ae 173 sm werd on ID) ye ten ED) Pres eer TV) 100 Fen sett ‘Se were eo ca rere ae Pa a, we 100 er sh ‘errata rater camara eee aot 7 ‘A block of cheese is cut into many pieees. Number of mice came and stole differont number of pieces each, Lazy Mary watched this ‘nd noticed that each mouse stole les than 10 pieces and no mouse stole exactly twice the number ofpieces stolen by any other mouse. ‘What is the largest number of mice, Mary could have noticed? rca Seg et a gee Sec ea HO aa ar TC ad Me Fa Ste, ‘Send da dec carton thee emis ton are a, sats dead ote ah gd aA, Stora see? ee aire dea wonder gen guevion gue Hola gE ‘sae ai. RO eta ren Pt See ates ry esa 7 Find the largest number so that when each of 430, 910 , 1880 is divided by that number, leaves same remainder arf ioe sist to the Fa 480, 910 srt 1830 ashore Te se sh ris oat? ‘Assume for simplicity thatthe Area of crea given by 2 x, where ris the radius of the cirle, In the figure the radius ofall the circles is L4em.. Find the area of the shaded region ® fen eee at es 22 cy ho a, Me a ft ean 14 3 tap ora so x ft 7 Ina bag there are 481 coins of Rs. 5, Rs. 2, Rs. Land 60 paise coins denomination, ‘The total value of each type of coins is the same. How many coins of 5 Re ,2 Rs 1 Rs and 60 paise each are there? rear ers 481 ao at, cata 5, ove, Ie 2 TTA, a1 eve af are 60 ech, ees ee =e ei wr es, AT reer 5 5. o8, 2A, Lash eat 50 et Pe ao? ABD, BAC, DCE are 3 digit squares. A = 5, Find the possible dig- its forB, C,D and B. Fill up the adjacent square, ABD, BAG, DCE ar fi sist pl hoa ss, A= 6.78.0, D, BRA i at? Serer aes pt a] 8 [> B[ale p[el|le In rectangle ABDE shown below, AB =5, BC=7 and CD =3.Find the (A) area of triangle BOF —(B) length of AD (C) Ifarea of AAFB is 12 find FE, ‘a0 ABDE We AB = 524, BC= 7a afer CD =3 te order TCE ‘ih vr ABCF 88452, (B) AD Waid, (C)s AAFB & Sms 12 ohh sere FE a aid ara DA 8 10, an ® In the figure, ifAB = AC = OD andmBAC =82!, then find ZBAD, ID aafer ZBAC @ aN 82° anB, a BAD % 1H If the measure of each the acute angles in the figure above is the ‘same, find the measure, ‘we aero age we yea ae ears er, a Pt? ‘There is a fruit having weight of 120 gm., which contains 98% water, When the fruit was kept under the Sun for some time, a part of water evaporate The water then was 95% of the fruit weight. Find the weight of the fruit at present? 98% ar Sree GT Sana a 120 HH ae, aC a es Sa BATA ae ear rato TEMS eat ae ATE 95% TARA aor wat para Pe ae 7 Write the answer with justification. (any 4) sarenting sat fer. (atte %) ABB is four digit perfect square. Find A and B. How did you find it? ABB le af pt eof ser a, AaB P76 are @ fr In the given figure six circles are shown. Place digits from 1 to 6, on the circles, such that no two eireles have same number, The sum 'S ‘of the numbers on each side is the same, Give combina- tions having three different sums 8! 30 at a) aro argo federe sree wer {3 see on. arches Pre EE 1,234,563 ae ar efained Bm, 4. Praise fs Pre ae, 2 Reron ees egress ch eres a, ALS A st aig, arjocen aor torent stro Sw ae TT TE = 60 students are standing on a circle, having numbers 1 t0 50. Stu- dent no, 1 has a ball in his hand . He pats student to his right side which is no, 2, at the start, So that student no. 2 sits down and is ‘out ofthe game. Then 1 passes the bal to the next standing stu- dent to his right. ,no.8 . Now 8 pats no. 4, he sits down . No. 3 ‘passes the ball to No. 5 and soon. ‘Same procedure is repeated over and over In each round about halfthe students go out of the game eventually only one student i loft. Standing with the ball. Who is this Inst student ? cease rhe 50 Pema Pe 1 re 8 ere ea an ar ae eT Pe, 2 oT TT ch aden Pret Sea a Fen. een ee ae ATT pe Pra ee Pen 3-8 a, 8 8 Re a. 2 Feld zee er ee nates ar, 5 Bae os Ry we “ven wha i ene ee ere Pe Pr are et ae ee ai ae ors we Pee fers a, er ee Meee a de 7 a 4. Every triangle is equilateral. If area of shaded triangle is 1 sq unit. Find the sum of areas of ll the equilateral triangles. erro ape ais Re gs ane, ale sore ere ss ft ae a ag Poo a ta a 5. ‘Thereare 240 pupilsin a school There are three news papers. Pl, P2 and P3 in the town, a. 60S¢read PL. . 508 read P2. ©. 50% read PS, 20% read PI & P2, 30 % read P2 & P3, 25% read P3 & PI. 10% read all the three PI, P2,P3 How many read only P1? 240 fea srt war are PL, P,P ae a Pele ita ee ae as PA goer arama ere er a, 60% FRaP Pa ATT i. 80% Fran Pa ee ara, ©. 509% Fran Pa ae aT 209% Rear sr P2 qr ae 80% Rend Po anf Pa ga aaa. 25% Pear PL sat Ps re ae 4 10% fear PL, P2 snr P3 @ are rsa, Fe Pe re PL aT?

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