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The progress in water gas shift and steam

reforming hydrogen production technologies e A

Trevor L. LeValley a, Anthony R. Richard a, Maohong Fan a,b,c,*

Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Hydrogen has been widely considered a clean fuel of the future, with the highest mass
Received 11 March 2014 based energy density of known fuels. Water gas shift (WGS) and steam reforming (SR) are
Received in revised form the major reactions used for hydrogen production, and improved catalysts are essential to
30 July 2014 the future of the WGS and SR processes. Much progress in the different aspects of these
Accepted 4 August 2014 fields has been made recently, which includes approaches to preparation and character-
Available online 11 September 2014 ization, doping and promotion, as well as evaluation of catalysts, especially nanocatalysts.
Significant improvements have been realized in increasing the stability of the catalysts, the
Keywords: overall conversion of raw materials, and the hydrogen production selectivity. This review
Catalysis aims to introduce these hydrogen production processes, to present developments in these
Water gas shift areas, and discusses recent improvements that have made noteworthy impacts.
Steam reforming Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Carbon emission reduction reserved.
Hydrogen production

existing plants becomes a more viable option [2e5]. The

Introduction release of CO2 can also be reduced by using alternative fuels
for energy production methods, with one example being the
Environmental concerns due to the release of greenhouse use of hydrogen (H2), the production of which will be exam-
gases have become an important issue which has spurred the ined in this work.
development and implementation of techniques to lessen the Hydrogen is one of many fuel options for the future, and is
impact of the combustion of fossil fuels [1]. Carbon dioxide particularly attractive since it can be stored and transported
(CO2) sorption is one technology that can be applied to existing efficiently, and burns cleanly producing only water as a
plants producing large quantities of CO2, and as new cost- byproduct. Although the production of hydrogen from fossil
effective technologies are developed, implementation into fuels is unsustainable, a steady supply of renewable fuels

* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA. Tel.: þ1
307 766 5633.
E-mail address: (M. Fan).
0360-3199/Copyright © 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16984 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

monoxide (CO). The CO can be further converted using the

WGS reaction (R2) to produce additional hydrogen by trans-
forming CO and steam into CO2 and H2. These reactions
together create an overall reaction (R3) that converts methane
into carbon dioxide and hydrogen [18,19].

CH4 þ H2 O/CO þ 3H2 (R1)

CO þ H2 O/CO2 þ H2 (R2)
Fig. 1 e Illustration showing the overall process of
methane being converted to CO2 and H2 on a supported
CH4 þ 2H2 O/CO2 þ 4H2 (R3)
metal catalyst. Many catalysts follow this same general
mechanism. Shown in Fig. 1 is a diagram of the overall reaction over a
supported metal catalyst.
To achieve H2 production in large amounts, a catalyst must
be chosen that facilitates activity. Traditional catalysts are
cannot be guaranteed at this time. Some promising emerging intolerant of poisons and require special activation pro-
renewable technologies for hydrogen production include cedures [20]. Recently, much research has focused on cata-
water splitting and biogas reforming. Water splitting sepa- lysts which can overcome these issues as well as achieve near
rates oxygen and hydrogen from water, breaking these bonds 100% theoretical production of hydrogen in the WGS and SR
through various techniques such as photoelectrochemical reactions, meanwhile increasing stability and lowering the
splitting, photocatalysis, and electrolysis. Photo- energy input [21,22].
electrochemical (PEC) water splitting uses a PEC cell which While single metal systems on activated supports have
contains an anode coated with a photocatalyst, a cathode been widely studied and characterized, a more innovative
coated with an electrocatalyst, and an electrolyte which method of producing hydrogen through catalysis comes in the
together generate electron hole pairs which carry out the form of bimetallics. Bimetallics can have capabilities which
oxidation and reduction reactions [6e9]. The use of particulate are very different from those of the individual metals that
photocatalysts for direct conversion is also an important area comprise them. These properties, as well as extremely
of research since it a one-step conversion process using a promising results from previous studies, have sparked an in-
single catalyst instead of two as with PEC [10]. As sunlight does crease in the amount of research focusing on bimetallic
not have a high enough energy density to allow for high en- compounds. Greater conversions and selectivity variants are
ergy activities like transportation, these processes allow for being achieved through the use of bimetallics with dispersed
the storage and later use of the energy derived from the sun. nano-sized interacting particles. Conversely, the preparation
Another renewable source of hydrogen is biogas reforming, and characterization of these compounds are more difficult
with bioethanol derived from biomass serving as the typical due to the presence of additional metals [17]. A large number
biogas [11e13]. The biomass is usually sourced from agricul- of metal support combinations have been investigated, some
tural byproducts, although some crops are grown solely for of which outperformed traditional catalysts by a large margin.
the production of energy. Neither water splitting nor biogas These new catalysts have increased not only the conversion of
reforming is a mature technology that can be implemented in desired gasses but also the selectivity, stability, and energy
a large scale format. Therefore to facilitate an immediate expenditure required for conversion.
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the production of
hydrogen from fossil fuels could supplement energy needs in
an environmentally conscious manner.
In order for hydrogen to become a viable fuel option, many Reforming
things must occur. Greater quantities must be produced
cleanly and efficiently, infrastructure must be implemented to Steam reforming can be used with many different feed stocks
distribute hydrogen to customers, and production costs must including methane, ethane, methanol, ethanol, acetone and
be lowered. Implementation of infrastructure by industry is higher hydrocarbons, and much research has been dedicated
dependent on a steady and cost-effective supply, so the first to characterization of catalysts using these feed stocks. A
step forward in hydrogen energy production is development great deal of attention has been focused on methane due to
of methods to ensure these demands can be met. To lower favorable byproduct formation as compared to other feeds
production costs, catalysts must be found that can increase [17]. An increasing amount of research is being done on
the activity of the water gas shift (WGS) and steam reforma- methanol and ethanol, and a number of reaction mechanisms
tion (SR) reactions, the main producers of hydrogen, while have been proposed [23]. It has also been found that many
also reducing problems found with conventional catalysts catalysts have activity in SR reactions for various feed stock
including low conversion during startup and shutdown, high combinations [24]. The production of hydrogen through steam
energy demands, and deactivation [14e16]. reforming is normally done in multiple stages as can be seen
Reforming of gaseous fuels is currently the main source of in the process train shown in Fig. 2.
hydrogen. In 2012, SR of methane (CH4) accounted for 95% of Conventional SR catalysts are nickel on oxide supports,
hydrogen production in the United States [17]. The SR reaction which are typically aluminum or magnesium, but these
(R1) uses methane and steam to produce H2 and carbon catalyst often have problems with carbon deposition [19].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0 16985

Fig. 2 e Diagram showing the multiple stages for production of CO2 and H2, beginning with steam reforming.

Conventional SR catalysts normally involve steps after the Steam reforming catalysts
steam reforming reaction to remove CO. Typical steam
reforming reactions over nickel catalysts are performed at Nickel SR catalyst
high temperatures between 750 and 1450  C and 5 and 25 atm Nickel is the most widely studied metal for the SR reaction
due to the endothermic nature of the reaction [25,26]. because it is cheap and fairly active [48]. The use of nickel
Hydrogen production is most often done through reform- based catalysts for steam reforming reactions has four major
ing, although much research has investigated syngas syn- issues as defined by Sehested: activity, sulfur poisoning, car-
thesis producing higher ratios of CO/H2. There are a number of bon formation, and sintering. First, Ni SR catalysts must be
ways to increase the ratio of CO/H2, but one of the most active enough to reform the reaction mixture in the catalyst
common is dry reforming (DR) using CO2 to convert methane volume. Second, sulfur containing feeds poison the catalysts
[27e38]. The dry reforming reaction is shown in (R4). creating H2S compounds blocking active sites on the nickel
surface, so catalysts exposed to sulfur must be tolerant. Third,
CO2 þ CH4 /2H2 þ 2CO (R4)
carbon formation causes a host of problems including block-
Another common method is partial oxidation (PO), which ing of active sites, increased pressure drop, and decreased
uses oxygen to convert methane [39e41]. Shown in (R5) is the heat transfer. Fourth, sintering of nickel particles at high
partial oxidation of methane reaction. temperatures causes growth and aggregation during opera-
tion, which lowers activity [49]. Steam reforming is extremely
1 endothermic and therefore the reaction proceeds very poorly
O2 þ CH4 /2H2 þ CO (R5)
at low temperatures. One particular catalyst that was found to
Various combinations of these reactions have been have good performance at relatively low temperatures be-
studied for different conditions, feed stocks, and catalysts tween 500 and 600  C is Ni/Zn/Al. Not only does Ni/Zn/Al
resulting in widely varying activities and stabilities, but also provide higher conversion than conventional catalysts in this
providing tunable H2/CO ratios. The combination of SR and temperature range, it also has better stability from carbon
PO is known as auto thermal reforming (ATR). ATR is deposition and sintering due to the metal support [50].
employed in an effort to reduce the energy input of the SR Nickel catalysts alloyed with surface gold approximately 1
reaction by the addition of PO, an exothermic reaction [39]. or 2 atoms deep has shown much better stability due to
DR and PO have been tested in combination, where oxygen is decreased carbon formation [51]. Boron has been shown to
added to reduce the energy input to the reaction [42]. The increase initial conversion and decrease deactivation of Ni/Al
combination of DR and SR can provide an extremely tunable catalysts by greatly decreasing coke formation resulting in a
CO/H2 ratio depending on the amount of water added. The stability increase which reduced deactivation after 10 h from
addition of H2O to DR reaction can reduce some carbon 70% to 30%. Boron promoted Ni/Al catalysts have also shown
deposition problems [27,43]. The combination of the SR, DR, increased conversion of methane from 56% to 61% and
and PO reactions called tri-reforming, put forth by Song et al., therefore increased overall activity [52]. Preparation of a Ni/
had very promising characteristics using CO2 and O2 to MgOeAl2O3 catalyst, which has known activity for SR, DR, and
compliment SR reactions, although in practice it was found PO of methane, was prepared using hydrotalcite (Mg6A-
to give the best hydrogen output without the addition of O2 or l2(OH)16CO3) by Takeguchi et al. The catalyst showed high
CO2 [44e47]. activity while maintaining a higher resistance to coke for-
A side reaction that can occur during DR is the reverse mation than commercial catalysts. The selectivity of coke
water gas shift reaction (RWGS) where CO2 in the feed reacts formation on this catalyst was as low as 0.2% at a steam to
with H2, and at high pressures this reaction can become carbon (S/C) ratio of 0.45 [53].
extremely prevalent. The RWGS reaction is shown in (R6). Nanoscale applications to SR catalysis with Ni have shown
promising results. Nanocrystal NiOeSiO2 supported by
CO2 þ H2 /H2 O þ CO (R6)
alumina was examined for use as an SR catalyst and achieved
Because the RWGS reaction consumes H2, its occurrence in conversion of 95.7% when employing a high S/C ratio of 3.5
DR can lead to lower H2 production, especially when and a temperature of 700  C with Ni loading of 10%. This
compared to SR of methane and WGS which can produce catalyst also showed fair activity for the WGS reaction indi-
higher concentrations of H2 under lower pressure conditions. cated by the high hydrogen ratio of 3.8 mol/mol methane
This problem with DR and RWGS has led to speculation that reformed [54]. Core-shell structured nanoparticles with a shell
future hydrogen production will not utilize DR [33]. of Ni (11 wt%) and an Si core were found to have moderately
16986 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

temperatures [23,61]. Ni/Zn/Al catalysts have also been stud-

ied and are found to be selective against CO and have good
activity in steam methanol reforming. It was found that the
nickel and zinc content heavily influences the reforming re-
action, with higher Ni/Zn wt% showing better performance
[62]. These results are shown in Fig. 3.
Titanium zinc catalysts are another promising material for
methanol reforming and have been found to be active in these
reactions although the activity is dependent on catalyst
composition and zinc oxide dispersion. Ti/Zn showed 96%
selectivity to CO2 at temperatures of 400e450  C [63]. The ac-
tivity of Pd on ZnO was shown to be very high, but also very
dependent on dispersion of the Pd. A 16.7 wt% Pd/ZnO catalyst
with high dispersion showed full conversion of methanol at
300  C with low CO selectivity near 2% [64].

Carbon SR catalyst
The use of carbon in catalysis takes many forms. Activated
Fig. 3 e Methanol conversion for Ni/Zn/Al catalysts tested
carbon (AC) has been studied as an alternative to conventional
for SR. Ni/Zn ratio remains constant while wt% is
catalysts mainly due to its porous structure, tunable surface
increased. Adapted from [62].
chemistry, and low cost [65]. The main disadvantage of acti-
vated carbon is that it cannot be used in hydrogenation re-
actions above 427  C or with oxygen above 227  C. This is due
high activity with 85% conversion of methane at 750  C and an to the fact that it can be gasified at these temperatures pro-
S/C ratio of 3, although at a low S/C ratio of 1, 50% conversion ducing CH4 or CO2. Activated carbon is often used as a support
was obtained. The strong interaction between the metal shell for other catalysts due to its naturally high surface area and
and the support provides for coking resistance, showing sta- porosity.
bility for at least four hours [55]. Nickel on a nanocrystalline The use of carbon supports for SR of methanol is possible
magnesium support has shown high stability and activity for because of the lower reaction temperature, typically between
SR of methane. At an S/C ratio of 1, Ni loading of 7%, and a 200 and 400  C. SR of methanol can produce unfavorable
temperature of 700  C this catalyst showed an initial activity of byproducts such as dimethyl ether, methyl formate, and
greater than 90%, dropping to around 80% after 50 h which methane which must be selected against to achieve high
shows that it is very stable. Higher nickel loading amounts production of hydrogen [66]. Ma et al. tested Pt, Fe, Co, and Ni
were found to increase carbon deposition and decrease sta- on Mo/C, all of which exhibited increased activity compared to
bility [56]. Mo/C, with Pt demonstrating the best performance, fair sta-
Many Ni/Al catalysts have been examined for SR applica- bility, and 100% conversion of methanol at 200  C and an S/C
tions in combination with other metals. Ni/La/Al catalysts ratio of 1. Although deactivation at 200  C reduced conversion
using perovskite structured Ni/La demonstrated near full to 60%, at 400  C manageable reduction to 85% occurred [67].
conversion of methane at 850  C using an S/C ratio of 1.24, but Mo/C catalysts have also been shown to have higher sulfur
also showed very little carbon deposition which indicates that tolerance during methanol reforming and are capable of
the catalyst should have very good long-term stability [57]. Ni/ complete regeneration, although Pt/Mo/C was only able to be
La catalysts have also shown high activity for ethanol refor- partially regenerated [68]. Another study on Mo/C showed 40%
mation and can have improved stability at increased tem- conversion of CH4 at 700  C, however, Mo/C with aluminum
peratures and high S/C ratios [58]. Ni/Al promoted by Mo was achieved up to 95% conversion with no deactivation for 6 h at
found to have better stability than pure Ni/Al catalysts in a the same temperature [69]. It has also been suggested by Saito
study by Maluf and Assaf. When using a Ni/Al molar ratio of 3 et al. that Mo/C catalysts are unstable below 8 bar which is not
with 0.05% Mo and an S/C ratio of 4, a stable conversion of always a problem because conventional SR catalysts are
approximately 85% was obtained. With increased Mo loading typically run at high pressure [70]. A study by Setthapun et al.
a decrease in catalyst area was found leading to a drop in examining many metals on Mo/C supports found that Pd/Mo/
conversion. When using an S/C ratio of 2, rapid deactivation of C had the highest activity with greater than 99% conversion of
the catalyst occurred during the first three hours, but then methanol, although selectivity of CO2 never exceeded 70%. It
stabilized near 60% conversion demonstrating the S/C ratio was also found that noble metal doping achieved high activity
dependence of this catalyst [59]. due to catalysis of the methanation reaction, while base metal
doping showed higher selectivity for CO2, which is attributed
Zinc SR catalyst to the noble metal catalyzing the methanation reaction [71].
Zinc catalysts have known activity for SR and have shown
particularly high selectivity for CO2 in SR. Pd doping on ZnO Aluminum SR catalyst
catalyst was shown to increase selectivity to between 95 and Aluminum has been shown to increase activity for SR, espe-
99.6% for CO2 in SR of methanol with a conversion of 53% [60]. cially when combined with magnesium. The addition of Mg to
Methanol is often used for SR because of the lower reforming conventional Ni/Al catalysts offers improved activity and
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stability, and is capable of achieving this at low S/C ratios production of hydrogen. To achieve high activity in hydrogen
which is preferable for higher energy efficiency. Ni/Mg/Al production, ceria catalysts must have small diameter particles
prepared in multibubble sonoluminescence conditions and with high surface area, and well dispersed dopant [76]. Ceria
tested at 750  C with an S/C ratio of 2 has been shown capable catalysts have increased oxygen storage capacity (OSC), a
of conversion as high as 97% with no loss of stability in 50 h. measure of how much oxygen a support can lend to the re-
This preparation method yielded coreeshell structures with a action, higher sulfur tolerance, and are more stable than
surface layer of 3 nm [72]. Roh et al. examined Mg/Ni/Al cat- many catalysts without the addition of ceria [77]. The high
alysts for combined steam and carbon dioxide reforming of oxidation potential of ceria catalysts is also beneficial due to
methane and observed conversion of methane in excess of the redox reaction mechanisms involved in (R2) [78].
90%. The Mg addition also improved stability when compared Nickel and zirconium are two important metals that have
to Ni/Al catalyst which showed large amounts of coke for- been used in combination with ceria for SR and have shown to
mation, causing deactivation with a drop in conversion from increase catalytic activity greatly. Nickel is used due to its low
75% to 30% in just over 5 h [73]. Shown in Fig. 4 is the con- cost and activity in SR, and the addition of ceria helps tradi-
version of methane in the SR reaction for Ni/Al catalysts with tional nickel aluminum and noble metal catalysts by
and without Mg, as well as Ni with Mg, Ce, and Zr for increasing the rate of carbon gasification, thereby decreasing
comparison. deactivation by carbonaceous deposits [18,79]. The use of
A study comparing Ni/Mg/AlO catalyst doped with either Pt zirconia in conjunction with ceria increases OSC, which is
or Rh found that Pt has a greater effect on the activity on an extremely important to the stability of the catalyst [18]. Rh/
equivalent loading basis. It is thought that the Mg reacts with Ce.6/Zr.4O2 in the temperature range of 475e700  C, even at
the steam, forming a hydroxide which can then help aid in the low S/C ratios, provides excellent stability against carbon
dissociation of CH4 at Pt active sites. Unlike the Pt which is formation [18]. Dong et al. examined Ni/Ce/Zr with various
self-activating, the Rh doped catalysts must be activated by percentages of Ni and found that 15% Ni can achieve methane
reduction at high temperatures. Both Rh and Pt doped Ni/Mg/ conversions of 97% with CO selectivity at 67% and an H2/CO
AlO catalysts showed regenerative traits after reforming [74]. ratio of 4.7 [80]. At higher Ni percentages, the CeZrO support is
Rh supported Sr-hexaaluminate (SrAl11O19) has very good not as prevalent to lend its oxygen to the reaction. The in-
stability, but also good activity for SR of methane with 45% crease in nickel concentration vs. CH4 conversion is shown in
conversion at an S/C ratio of 1.4, 740  C, pressure of 0.4 atm Fig. 5. The stability of Ni/Ce/Zr has been observed to be con-
using 1% Rh [75]. stant for 12 h leading to an extremely active catalyst [39,80].
Carbon deposition can have a detrimental effect on activity
Cerium SR catalyst and is often suspected when high H2 to CO ratios are found in
Ceria, or cerium oxide, has been researched extensively and the effluent stream. It was found by Laosiripojana and Assa-
shows great potential for many types of hydrogen production bumrungrat that Ni/Ce/Zr catalysts with a 3 to 1 ratio of Ce to
[76]. Ceria catalysts have been found to be extremely reduc- Zr have higher stability against carbon formation compared to
ible, and the addition of transition or rare earth metals has Ni/Al catalysts [81]. Xu et al. found Ce/Ni/SiO2/Al2O3 with a Ce/
been shown to decrease the activation energy, providing a Ni ratio of 2 to have high H2 yield for over 110 h at a low S/C
ceria catalyst which can become extremely active for the ratio of 0.25 without measurable carbon deposition, where
traditional nickel catalysts completely lose activity in less
than 5 h under the same conditions. Ceria protects the nickel

Fig. 4 e Graph showing the high conversion of methane at

800  C for Mg/Al catalyst doped with nickel as compared to
others tested. Stability can be seen as loss of conversion Fig. 5 e Comparison of 3%e30% nickel doped CeeZrO2
over time. Adapted from [73]. catalysts at 750  C. Adapted from [80].
16988 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

from deposition by catalyzing the removal of deposited car- The use of membranes for separation has been extensively
bon with H2O [82]. Deactivation of this catalyst was still researched, and SR reaction conditions mean that membranes
observed through sintering and sulfur poisoning [83]. If the need to be able to withstand high temperatures and pressures.
concentration of hydrogen is too high, the material may be However, as more catalysts are tested and found to have
reduced and lose activity which could become problematic in better behavior at lower temperatures and pressures, thin
industrial scale processes [81]. Roh et al. tested 15 wt % Ni on membranes become a more viable option [92]. The addition of
Ce0.8/Zr0.2 which performed extremely well at 600  C, high a membrane to methanol reforming has shown to increase
space velocity, and an S/C ratio of 1, conditions which would yield to near the theoretical limit for hydrogen production,
cause conventional nickel catalysts to fail [84]. and at low temperatures of around 300  C with 91% recovery of
The addition of Cu to Ni/Ce/Zr was tested as 1% Cu and 10% hydrogen [93].
Ni on ceria/zirconia and was found to have high activity for The addition of a membrane at high pressure can produce
ethanol reformation [85]. Other rare earth metals have also hydrogen at well above the equilibrium value, especially with
been combined with Ceria. Gd doped ceria SR catalysts do not combined SR and WGS reactions and the continued removal
have as high activity as many Ni or other ceria based catalysts, of hydrogen [33]. Shown in Fig. 6 is a comparison of conversion
however Gd/CeO has extremely high stability even with very between a packed bed reactor and a membrane reactor.
low S/C ratios as low as 0.6. Due to the stability at low S/C Catalytic nickel membranes have been used to convert
ratios, this catalyst could be a potential candidate for use in hydrogen while gasses are transported through the mem-
dry methane reforming [86]. La and Sm incorporated with Ce brane. Hydrogen flows faster than any other gas in the
have also been shown to increase thermal stability as well as membrane allowing for high conversion, and due to the
activity [79,87]. removal of the H2 product from the reactor, production of
In a study by Udani et al. copper oxide ceria catalysts were hydrogen above equilibrium values is possible. This mem-
found to have high activity for the steam reformation reaction brane showed good heat and mass transfer, as well as good
of methanol. A mixture of 70% copper to ceria showed higher stability at high temperatures [94].
activity than a commercial catalyst (Synetix 33e5) but less
initial stability with a decrease from 98% conversion of CO to
Microchannel reactors
90% in the first ten hours. After this initial period however, the
catalyst became extremely stable and did not lose conversion
Stationary hydrogen production is conventionally done in
during forty hours of operation [88].
fixed bed reactors with reforming catalysts [95]. One problem
Pd doping of Ce/Al can also increase activity, with the
with fixed bed reactors is the occurrence of low and high
support allowing for high dispersion of the Pd as shown by
temperature zones caused by poor heat transfer which can
Feio et al. While increasing the amount of ceria used can
lead to sintering in the hot areas and low conversion in the
reduce sintering, this can also lead to increased agglomera-
cold areas [96]. Fixed bed reactors also require longer times to
tion, thereby reducing dispersion. Catalysts with at least 12%
reach working conditions after startup [97]. Microchannel re-
ceria by weight have been shown to have higher catalytic
actors with extremely small inner diameters offer improved
activity [89]. In addition, reforming catalysts combining ceria
thermal regulation, which can improve activity, selectivity,
and alumina are more stable because the ceria stabilizes the
and stability, over traditional fixed bed reactors with the same
active phase of the alumina by combining to form CeAlO3 [87].
space velocity. Fabrication costs of typical metal micro-
For steam reforming of acetone, the use of a Co/Ce catalyst
channel reactors are high which necessitates new, less
has been investigated and has shown to have good activity,
but problems with stability. It is important for catalysts to be
selective towards H2 and CO2 to avoid methane formation
through the methanation reaction, which is undesirable;
however, in larger scale operations, methane that is produced
can be fed to a methane reformer or burned to produce energy
for production [90].
As many studies have found, Ce performs well as a base
catalyst for the SR reaction having high activity and stability,
but many conventional Ni/Al catalysts still have better per-
formance. Ce also catalyzes the WGS reaction that proceeds
during SR which gives high H2 to CO ratios and therefore has
its place among SR catalysts.

Product removal

SR being endothermic is greatly dependent on the equilibrium

of the reaction. Because of this, many reactor systems remove
one of the products, maintaining the driving force for the re-
action. For SR, this typically involves removing either hydrogen Fig. 6 e This image shows the fractional methane
via membrane, or CO2 via sorbent. Both methods are effective, conversion in a packed bed reactor and a membrane
but greatly increase the cost of the reaction system [91]. reactor against the equilibrium values. Adapted from [33].
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Table 1 e Catalytic metals for the SR reaction used in conjunction with varied supports and some of the specific properties
associated with them.
Catalyst Description T ( C) S/C ratio X (%) Source
Ni/Zn/Al Low coke formation of <3.2%. CO selectivity of 99%. 600 2 e [50]
Ni/B/Al Boron improved stability and conversion. 800 1 61 [52]
Ni/Mg/Al Hydrotalcite used for preparation. Used fixed conversion. Very high coke 800 0.75 30 [53]
Ni/Si/Al 10% Ni. H2/CH4 ratio of 3.8. 700 3.5 95.7 [54]
Ni/Si Core-shell structure nanoparticles with Si core and 11% Ni. 750 1.3 85 [55]
Ni/Mg Nanocrystalline structure with 7% Ni. Coke resistant and stable to 50 h. 700 1 77 [56]
Ni/La High activity and selectivity toward H2 for ethanol reforming. 800 2 100 [58]
Ni/La/Al Perovskite structured Ni/La. High stability. 850 1.24 100 [57]
NI/La/Ca Perovskite-derived catalyst for glycerol reforming. Deactivation by coking. 550 3 100 [100]
Ni/Al/Mo Ni/Al ratio of 3 and 0.05 wt% Mo. 700 4 85 [59]
Pd/Zn Very high selectivity to CO2 in methanol reforming. 886 1 53 [60]
Ni/Al/Zn 8 wt% Ni and 20 wt% Zn had best activity. 500 1.4 100 [62]
Ti/Zn 96% selectivity to CO2. 450 1.1 100 [63]
Pd/Zn Methanol SR. Low CO selectivity of 2%. 300 1.8 100 [64]
Fe/C Coal char from gasification cheap, recoverable, heavy deactivation by 500 5 e [15]
Pt/Ce/C Increased activity, decreased deactivation. H2O/ethanol preparation. 350 0.5 90 [101]
Pt/C Nanotubes, promoted by Na, high conversion at high S/C. 400 5 >95 [102]
Pt/Mo/C Carbide, higher activity than traditional catalysts at reaction conditions. 295 5.5 30 [103,104]
Mg/Ni/Al Core-shell structure, 10% Ni. Very good stability over first 50 h. 750 2 97 [72]
Mg/Ni/Al Combined steam and CO2 reforming. Low coke formation. 800 2 90 [73]
Pt/Ni/Mg/Al Very good startup/shutdown activity. 0.5% Pt. 700 2 95 [74]
Rh/Sr/Al 1% Rh on Sr-hexaaluminate. High stability due to structure. Pressure of 740 1.4 45 [75]
0.4 atm.
Ni/Zr/Ce CO selectivity of 67%. 15% Ni. Extremely stable due to increased OSC. 750 3 97 [80,84]
Rh/Zr/Ce High conversion at lower temperature with low S/C ratio. 700 4 95.2 [18]
Ni/Si/Al/Ce Low carbon formation, even at lower S/C ratios. 800 1.3 70 [82]
Ni/Cu/Zr/Ce 1% Cu, 10% Ni. Ethanol SR. 400 10 43 [85]
Gd/Ce Good for high temperatures, resistant to carbon deposition. 900 5.5 80 [86]
Pt/Ce/La/Al High activity and stability. 500 3 e [79]
Pt/Ni/Ce Ethanol reforming. High carbon deposition. High byproduct formation. 350 3 100 [105]
2.8% Pt, 9.8% Ni
Cu/Ce 70% Cu, initial minor deactivation stabilized after ~20 h. 300 1.5 100 [88]
Cu/Zn/Zr Methanol reforming. High RWGS activity 260 1.2 100 [106]
Cu/Zn/Ce/Zr Methanol reforming. Lower RWGS activity. Low CO selectivity of 1.4%. No 260 1.2 100 [106]
deactivation for 360 h.
Ni/Ca/Zr Ethanol reforming. Ca deters coking. 500 3 100 [107]

expensive materials to reduce production costs. Ceramic being produced. Advancements in catalyst preparation,
microchannel reactors were found to have heat transfer co- composition, and reactor conditions, including microchannel
efficients fairly similar to metal, but at lower production costs reactors and membranes, allow larger than equilibrium
[98]. Microchannel reactors are also susceptible to hot spots, values of hydrogen from a single reactor. Future catalysts may
but one proposed solution is the use of a stripe configuration be designed and tailored to be selective for CO2 and not CO
on the combustion catalyst layer, which proved to minimize reducing the need for two WGS reactors thereby decreasing
these hot spots [99]. costs for the production of hydrogen. In addition, materials
with activity in both reforming and WGS may be combined at
Overview and vision of SR catalysts temperatures intermediate to both reactions.

Table 1 is a summary of the aforementioned reforming cata-

lysts along with additional notable catalysts. Water gas shift catalysts
SR of methane has a large role to play in the future of
hydrogen production, due to the availability of natural gas and The WGS reaction is normally used after reforming or gasifi-
the extremely selective and active catalysts that are currently cation processes. Coal gasification, instead of combustion, is
16990 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

conversions than a one reactor system [116]. The result of this

study is shown in Fig. 7.
The most prevalent catalyst used in industry for the high
temperature shift (HTS) reaction is iron/chromium. HTS cata-
lysts normally function between 310  C and 450  C and
25e35 bar [117]. Chromium helps to reduce sintering although
deactivation still occurs necessitating replacement of the
catalyst within 2e5 years [115]. The most prevalent catalyst
used in industry for the low temperature shift (LTS) reaction is
copper/zinc on aluminum oxide. LTS catalysts normally func-
tion between 210  C and 240  C and are capable of converting
nearly all fed CO. Pre-removal of sulfur to below 100 ppb is
required as it can quickly poison the catalyst. Deactivation
causes catalyst life to be limited to 2e4 years [115].

Iron WGS catalyst

For HTS where temperatures exceed 300  C, an iron/chro-

mium catalyst is typically used. The addition of low percent-
ages, about 8%, of chromium to the iron helps to stabilize the
catalyst and to extend catalyst life by decreasing sintering
[118]. Sintering, or aggregation of particles at high tempera-
ture, causes a decrease in surface area and a corresponding
increase in pore size decreasing overall catalyst activity.
Conventional iron chromium catalysts deactivate quickly
during initial use but stabilize after approximately 1000 h
[119]. The concentration leaving a conventional Fe/Cr WGS
reactor can be as low as 3% CO. The concentration of hydrogen
fed to this catalytic system must be minimized due to the
extremely exothermic nature of the reduction reaction which
can cause temperature spiking and subsequent sintering
[115]. While adding chromium increases conversion effi-
Fig. 7 e Surface plots showing CO conversion versus
ciency, it also increases the toxicity which translates to higher
temperature for LTSR, HTSR, and the combination of both
disposal cost of spent catalyst.
Iron based catalysts have been known to have activity in the
WGS reactions for many years. Iron catalysts often start as Fe2O3
and are reduced to Fe3O4 during the reaction, which is found to
considered to be a preferred method for electricity generation, be the active phase [15]. One of the first improvements to iron
with new gasification methods recently emerging [108e112]. catalysts was the use of a less toxic metal while still achieving
The common products of gasification and reforming include the high conversion and stability that chromium provided. The
CO, which the WGS reaction converts while producing addi- promotion of varied amounts of Cu, Pb, Ba, Ag, or Hg all show
tional hydrogen, making WGS very important for increased increased catalytic activity with the order of activity being
hydrogen production. WGS is an overall exothermic system Hg > Ag, Ba > Cu > Pb [118]. Thorium, like chromium, decreases
and catalysts normally involve a few common characteristics sintering and increases activity but with reduced toxicity
including available oxygen vacancies, activity in the dissoci- compared to chromium. Because thorium poisons the active
ation of water, and low CO adsorption strength [113]. WGS sites of the iron, the optimum amount must be used [120]. Lead
catalysts have extremely different characteristics under has been shown to increase catalytic activity by many parties
different preparation and reaction conditions, and with the and is often added to iron chromium catalysts in small amounts.
implementation of different promoters. WGS catalysts being The lead and iron in high oxidation states react together and
characterized now have the potential to become new indus- produce greater activity in the WGS reaction [121].
trial catalysts [114]. A novel type of iron catalyst involving single atom doping
The WGS reaction is reversible and thermal equilibrium is using Ir was investigated by Lin et al. Single atom doping in-
reached faster at higher temperatures. Low temperature cat- creases the strength of the activity an order of magnitude
alysts provide high conversions, but are kinetically limited so higher than with nanoparticle doping. This has implications
the reaction proceeds slowly [115]. Due to the equilibrium for the future because single atom doping not only increases
constraints, WGS is normally done in two reactors: a high activity and conversion, but it also uses less metal for doping
temperature shift reactor (HTSR) and a low temperature shift which greatly decreases material costs. Single atoms in small
reactor (LTSR). Chen et al. studied WGS as a two part system loading situations can provide approximately 70% of the total
using a computer simulation, and it was found that a two activity compared to 30% for clusters of nanoparticles. Single
reactor system at a wide variety of temperatures gave higher atom doping may even lead to an increase in OSC for iron
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0 16991

supports, improving yet another vital component to the WGS carbon support showed higher activity than pure Pt/Ce at high
catalyst [122]. Investigations on using skeletal iron, particle temperatures. The Pt/Ce/C catalyst achieved 90% CO conver-
leeching kinetics, and preparation methods have also sion at 350  C, with little decrease in activity observed over
improved the performance of Fe/Cr catalysts [123]. 120 h [101]. Conversion as a function of temperature for these
catalysts is shown in Fig. 9.
Serrano-Ruiz et al. found that using an impregnation
Zinc WGS catalyst
method for deposition of CeO2 on AC support results in
extremely high particle dispersion with particles sizes
Copper/zinc catalysts are often used for low temperature ap-
remaining very small, between 2 and 4 nm [127]. These highly
plications, usually below 250  C, and have high selectivity for
dispersed ceria nanoparticles on an AC support may have
the WGS reaction allowing for a high conversion especially at
extremely high activity, especially if paired with an additional
low intake concentrations [76,124]. However, they are easily
dopant metal. Carbon nanotubes, doped with Pt and promoted
poisoned by sulfur found in most fossil fuels, are very sensi-
with Na, have also been studied for the LTS reaction. The
tive to temperature, and are pyrophoric in air. Preeactivation
addition of a sodium promoter activates the platinum for the
of Cu/Zn catalysts is a difficult process, which, along with the
WGS reaction, which provides for an extremely high conver-
aforementioned difficulties, has fueled research for alterna-
sion approaching 100% at 300  C with a high S/C ratio of 5 [102].
tive LTS catalysts. Cu/Zn catalysts are normally prepared
Yu et al. studied a catalyst produced by using char, a
using co-precipitation and have been shown to change cata-
product of coal gasification, and doping it with iron. During
lyst activity depending not only on the co-precipitation
the WGS reaction, creation of magnetite (Fe3O4) occurs in the
method but also the co-precipitation time [125].
iron sample which catalyzes the WGS reaction allowing it to
Raney Copper catalysts use Al/Zn supports and are pre-
occur at just above 300  C. This catalyst has the distinct
pared with different techniques than conventional catalysts.
advantage of being cheap to produce and easy to disposed of
While the co-precipitation method is used with conventional
by regasification, during which much of the iron can be
catalysts, impregnation and leeching are used in this instance.
recovered. The main disadvantage is deactivation due to sul-
The catalysts composition, pore size, and surface area are
fur. If H2S is present in large amounts, FeS is formed releasing
dependent on leeching conditions. Although these catalysts
hydrogen gas and causing subsequent deactivation. When the
showed high activity, they have stability issues. It is important
catalyst is being regenerated the sulfur is liberated again,
for all catalysts that conversion remain steady for many
either releasing potentially harmful sulfur compounds into
hours, otherwise the catalysts must be changed frequently to
the air or allowing the continued deactivation of the catalyst.
allow for continuous efficient operation [126]. Fig. 8 shows the
One solution is removal of a portion of the catalyst to prevent
stability of Raney copper catalysts over 800 h with various
sulfur buildup [15].
preparation times, and it can be seen that much of the con-
Carbides have also been examined for WGS catalyst ap-
version is lost within that time with little indication of
plications, with Mo/C garnering much attention. Mo/C cata-
reaching a steady conversion.
lysts were found to have higher activity and better sulfur
resistance than conventional catalysts, with no deactivation
Carbon WGS catalyst

Buitrago et al. examined platinum on carbon supports be-

tween 200 and 350  C and found no activity, but Pt/Ce with

Fig. 9 e Plot showing the conversion against temperature

of Pt catalysts on ceria, carbon, and combined ceria and
Fig. 8 e Stability of Raney copper catalysts prepared carbon supports. The addition of carbon to the PteCe
through a leaching process of various leaching times. catalyst shows higher activity at high temperatures.
Adapted from [126]. Adapted from [101].
16992 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

for 48 h [33,104]. The addition of Co to Mo/C was studied by yielded an average gold particle size of 4.6 nm, while calci-
Nagai and Matsuda who found that at 180  C Co/Mo/C was nation at 650  C increased the average particle size to 9.2 nm,
found to have better activity than conventional LTS catalysts, above the active particle size threshold [137].
but after around 5 h the activity dropped below that of con- Variations in ceria particle size can also have a large effect
ventional catalysts [128]. When compared to Pt/CeO2 and Pt/ on the WGS reaction activity. The size of the ceria particles
TiO2, Pt/Mo/C catalysts were found to have higher activity, affects the amount of oxygen storage available to the reaction;
which is due to an increased number of active sites around the however, small ceria particles with large gold particles are
Pt particles [103]. Deactivation of Mo/C catalyst was examined capable of achieving high conversion where similar sized ceria
using XPS and it is proposed that deactivation is due to particles alone offer almost no conversion. There is a corre-
changing states of the Mo molecule on the surface of the lation between particle sizes of both the metal and the ceria
catalyst [129]. support, and the activity. Therefore it is crucial to control both
the size of the metal and the ceria support in all preparation
Aluminum WGS catalyst methods [138]. Deactivation of gold-ceria catalysts was
investigated by Kim and Thompson and it was found that the
Cu/Zn/Al catalysts used in LTS between 200  C and 240  C can catalyst could be fully regenerated through calcination,
convert nearly 100% of CO to CO2 though there are large removing carbonaceous deposits blocking active sites. Mini-
problems with sintering and poisoning [115]. The rapid mization of oxygen deficiency through additional treatment of
poisoning by sulfur means that a non-sulfur feed must be the ceria may be able to deter carbonaceous deposit forma-
used or sulfur must be removed in a costly removal step [115]. tion, extending catalyst lifetime [22].
Au/Al catalysts have also been previously investigated, but The addition of rare earth metals to ceria catalyst has been
were shown to have poor activity for the WGS reaction [130]. widely studied with much attention focused on lanthanum.
Nickel based catalysts promoted with potassium on Rare earth metals are well known for their catalytic effects,
aluminum supports have demonstrated higher selectivity to- and when added to ceria catalyst, provide improved thermal
wards CO2 and are more active than traditional nickel cata- stability and increased activity [139]. Wang et al. investigated a
lysts [131]. Potassium impregnated nickel has also been ceria/zirconium catalyst doped with rare earth metals La, Nd,
shown to reduce the amount of carbon deposition compared Pr, Sm, and Y and found that all of the metals increased ac-
to traditional nickel catalysts. Nickel WGS catalysts often tivity and selectivity with La, Nd, and Pr performing best [140].
catalyze the methanation reaction which consumes hydrogen Rare earth metal doping has also been applied to gold/ceria
and therefore severely decreases total hydrogen production catalyst, where doping with lanthanum and gadolinium have
[132]. A potassium promoted nickel catalyst alternatively both shown increased activity [76].
produced almost no methane while maintaining high con- Another important addition to cerium is zirconium, which
version of CO [131]. Many nickel catalysts are greatly affected has been investigated for a number of reasons, one being the
by the pretreatment method. Nickel catalysts pretreated with formation of carbonate on the surface of the ceria. Hilaire et al.
an oxidation-reduction process have shown increased suggested that the tendency of ceria to stabilize carbonate on
methanation. This is thought to be due to the reorganization its surface could be inhibited through the addition of another
of the catalyst surface structure and the surface oxidative metal which does not stabilize carbonate formation [141].
substances, especially the NiO which subsequently weakens These desired properties make zirconium a favorable option.
the CeO bonds allowing active carbon species to form When Zr is added to Ce, it allows for much higher mobility of
methane [132]. the surface, and more oxygen transfer sites to pass the
Rare earth oxides have been known to provide positive reducing effect to molecules deeper in the material [139].
attributes to catalysis for many years [133]. Rare earth metal Zirconium facilitates lower-energy bonding between oxygen
oxide catalysts alter the crystal structure allowing for the ac- molecules when compared to pure ceria. These weakly
tivity and selectivity to be tuned. For example, with the bonded oxygen molecules allow for higher reducibility and
addition of lanthanum a more energetically favorable crystal thereby higher OSC, which has been found to be integral to
structure can be formed. This change can lower activation formation of products in the WGS reaction [142].
energy and change how the catalyst reacts at different tem- Ce/Zr catalysts have been doped with many different rare
peratures [133]. earth metals, typically showing improved conversion of all
reactants [139]. Studies on Ce/Zr preparation methods include
Cerium WGS catalyst drying time, preparation temperatures, precipitation steps,
and different starting nitrates of ceria which are typically
The catalytic properties of gold have led to investigations on ammonia ceria nitrate and ceria nitrate. Changing the starting
its addition to ceria support, although gold was originally material has a considerable impact, varying greatly the
thought to be inactive for the WGS reaction. Early gold cata- structural properties of the final solid. This could possibly
lysts were found to be inactive due to large particle sizes, but explain the large variations in results for many of the catalysts
for particles under 5 nm, activity for CO conversion at very low in literature [143].
temperatures on various supports was observed [134]. The Hori et al. examined the effect of preparation on OSC and
average size of the gold particles is tunable through calcina- found that a catalyst with a 25% Zr to 75% Ce ratio, and
tion at different temperatures which controls sintering precipitated from hydroxides, gave very good results [143,144].
thereby increasing the gold particles to the desired size The OSC of these Ce/Zr catalysts with varying ratios of Ce to Zr
[135,136]. Tsubota et al. found that calcination at 400  C is shown in Fig. 10. Jiang et al. found that yttrium and
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0 16993

lanthanum doping on Cu/Ce/Zr showed an increase in OSC

over pure ceria, and had further improvements with the
addition of an Fe promoter [145]. With an increase in OSC
there is normally a corresponding increase in CO conversion.
An example of this using Pd as Ce/Zr/Pd with other rare earth
metals is shown in Fig. 11.
The sulfur tolerance of Mo and Co on ceria supports was
examined by Roberge et al. for use in dirty coal reforming. Ce/
Co/Mo was found to be more efficient before and after high
concentrations of sulfur than many other catalysts. Conver-
sion was found to be near the equilibrium values for CO
conversion even in sulfur concentrations as high as 500 ppm,
however this catalyst can perform in both sulfur rich and
depleted streams [146]. Results of this study are shown in
Fig. 12. This outcome is an improvement upon a previous Mo
sulfur reliant catalyst test which showed deactivation at low
concentrations of sulfur below 300 ppm [147].
In addition to doping, nanostructuring has been shown to
Fig. 11 e CO conversion vs. temperature for Ce/Zr catalysts
increase activity [148e151]. Synthesis of Au/La/Ce catalysts in
doped with palladium and a rare earth metal. Adapted
nanorod form allows for a decrease in reduction temperature
from [139].
which means higher activity for the WGS reaction, and lower-
energy conversion of CO when compared with nanoparticles,
and with commercial Cu WGS catalysts [152]. Shown in Fig. 13
are TEM images of ceria nanorods with differing percentages techniques of electro catalysis will enable high precision
of lanthanum. Increasing the percentage of La in nano- tunable surface chemistry, allowing for greater control over
structured Au/Ce catalysts showed no appreciable difference composition and material interactions [164]. Future synthesis
up to 25% La, and above this showed a decrease in activity due of materials, including single atom doped catalysts with
to the decrease in exposed ceria surface and therefore extremely weak oxygen vacancies, as well as decreased en-
reducible sites [152]. ergy of dissociating water molecules will allow for extremely
efficient hydrogen production through WGS.
Overview and vision WGS catalyst

Table 2 summarizes the catalysts talked about in this section, General problems with reforming and WGS
as well as additional noteworthy catalysts. catalysts
Ceria, due to its high OSC, has great potential for use in
future industrial catalysts. The combination of ceria and other SR and WGS reactions are affected by many variables
metals has made catalysts that have unique properties, with including reaction conditions such as temperature and pres-
some having activity in both steam reforming and WGS. New sure, S/C ratio, feed stock used, reactor characteristics, and

Fig. 10 e Comparison of oxygen storage for Ce/Zr catalysts Fig. 12 e Three different catalysts tested over a range of
using two different preparation methods with varying temperatures and sulfur feed amounts. Adapted from
percentages of Ce. Adapted from [144]. [146].
16994 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

Fig. 13 e TEM images of CeO2 nanorods with varying amounts of La [152].

residence time; and physical parameters such as catalyst as swing bed, moving bed, and fluidized bed regeneration
composition, dopant dispersion, sintering, and poisoning. processes [168]. A novel method for SR catalyst regeneration is
These factors all affect how a catalyst performs and can give a two zone fluidized bed where a small amount of oxygen is
widely varying results [165]. The same catalyst can yield very fed to the lower zone of the bed regenerating active sites, and
different results due to these variations, and in an effort to methane is fed to the top zone for conversion. Since the bed is
account for these factors, a parameter known as characteristic fluidized, catalyst between zones is interchanged. The selec-
time was proposed by Liao and Erickson to quantify the per- tivity is extremely high in the regenerative zone allowing
formance of a reactor. The characteristic time is related to carbonaceous deposits to be removed, resulting in no net coke
physical and reaction parameters so variations in these at- formation and better methane conversion compared to a
tributes are captured. The characteristic time could serve as a regular fluidized bed reactor with the same reaction condi-
consistent evaluation parameter for reactor systems, avoiding tions [169].
the problems of variations in reported values between studies Most SR and WGS catalysts are intolerant of sulfur
[166]. which poisons the catalyst and decreases activity. To in-
Coking is a major problem for SR and WGS processes and is crease sulfur resistance, doping has been successful with a
considered in all highly optimized catalyst systems. Coking number of metals which have shown decreases in sulfur
can come in many forms and occurs through varied mecha- poisoning. Some of these sulfur resistant metals are shown
nisms depending on reaction conditions. The addition of in Fig. 14.
sulfur or tin in small amounts has been shown to decrease Conversely, small amounts of sulfur cannot only increase
carbon deposition through reduction of active spots for carbon activity, but can also decrease coking by adsorbing to the
formation. Another method involves increasing the rate of surface, though a balance must be found between sulfur-
coke gasification so that the formation rate is less than or occupied activating sites and reduction of carbon deposition
equal to the rate of gasification. Rare earth metal oxides have [167].
demonstrated the ability to increase the rate of coke gasifi- As the activity of the WGS reaction decreases at lower
cation as well as increasing the activity of the catalysts mak- temperatures, the amount of CO in the effluent increases. This
ing them an important area of study for catalysts in the is especially problematic for fuel cell applications that require
production of hydrogen [167]. Coking can also be minimized very low CO levels. The use of a catalyst that operates at very
by increasing the S/C ratio, a method that has been employed low temperatures, but remains active at higher temperatures,
by many researchers. While many coking reduction methods could mitigate this problem [63].
are effective, they typically increase production costs, a major Sintering caused by hot spots is a common cause for
factor in industrial applications. Some catalysts are able to be deactivation. A study looking at the deactivation of a Pd/Ce
regenerated by blowing hot air through the bed. Imple- catalyst found that a change in particle size (sintering) was
mentation of this type of regeneration in continuous opera- responsible and not over reduction of the ceria support. This
tion of plants requires the use of a regeneration scheme such was tested by saturating the catalyst with oxygen after
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0 16995

Table 2 e Summary containing a selection of catalytic metals and supports used for the WGS reaction.
Catalyst Description T ( C) S/C ratio X (%) Source
Cr/Fe 25e35 bar, deactivates quickly, at 1500 h it stabilizes, must be replaced 300e450 e 97 [115,119]
within 2e5 years. ~ 8% Cr.
Cr/Fe Promotion by Hg > Ag, Ba > Cu > Pb all increase activity compared to 400 6 37.4 [118,121]
traditional catalysts. 50 vol% H2 added. Pressure of 400 psi.
Th/Cu/Fe Reduced toxicity compared to Cr, selectivity for CO2 of 85.3%. 370 0.6 e [120]
Cu/Co/Cr/Fe Chloride precursors. H2 selectivity 85%, 8% Cr, 2% Cu, 2% Co, balance Fe. 380 2 78 [114]
Ir/Fe Single atom, decreased dopant, high stability. 2.4% doped Ir. 300 5 93 [122]
Raney Cu Leeching preparation, extremely tunable pore size and surface area. Slow 200 22.5 100 [126]
deactivation for 400 h then rapid deactivation.
Fe/C Coal char from gasification is cheap. Good recoverability, heavy 275e425 5 e [15]
deactivation by sulfur. 2.66% Fe deposition.
Pt/Ce/C Decreased deactivation. 40% Ce deposition. 350 20 90 [101]
Pt/C Nanotubes, promoted by Na. 1% Pt deposition. 300 5 >95 [102]
Pt/Mo/C Carbide, higher activity than traditional catalysts. 295 5.5 30 [103,104]
Cu/Zn/Al Intolerant of sulfur, must be replaced within 2e4 years. <250 e >99 [115]
Ni/Al Unpromoted: 25.1% methanation, promoted by K: 0.19% methanation. 350 3 >98 [131,132]
Au/Ce Urea precipitation. Deactivation was seen. Low deposition. 250 2.3 90 [22,76]
Pt/Ce Activity > Au/Ce. Increased activity with increased dopant, 5% Pt. 300 33.3 90 [153,154]
Pd/Ce High activity, promotion by iron increased oxygen transfer. 200 1 e [20]
Rh/Ce Kinetic rates equivalent to Pd and Pt doped ceria. 300 0.75 <1 [155]
Au/La/Ce Increased OSC, and stability, nanorods lowered energy input. 25% La, 4% Au >300 5 >95 [76,152]
balance Ce.
Pt/La/Ce Increased OSC and activity compared to PtCeO2. Constant ratio of 0.2 La to 325 3 93 [156]
0.8 Ce. 5% Pt deposition.
Cu/Zr/Ce Increased reduction. Promotion by 3% Fe, 60% Ce, 40% Zr. 400 1 75.9 [145]
Pd/La/Zr/Ce Extremely high conversion due to the addition of O2. 270 e 100 [139]
Pt/Mg/Ce Increased OSC, activity, stability, and decreased methanation. 300 10 50 [157]
Pd/Ni/Ce 100% selective towards H2. 88% Ce, 2% Pd, 10% Ni. 380 e 99 [158]
Ru/Si/Ce No increase in OSC, decreased methanation. 85% Ce, 10% Si, 5% Ru. 100% 280 27.5 99 [159]
selective toward H2.
Cu/Ce 100% CO2 selectivity, high space velocity, stable for 20 h. 400 2 73 [160]
Ni/La/Ce High conversion. 5% Ni, 10% La, balance Ce. 400 5 >95 [161]
Cu/La/Ce High conversion, no activation, high stability. 5% Cu, 10% La. 300 5 100 [161]
Cu/Ni/Ce 100% hydrogen selectivity. 75% Ce, 10% Cu, 15% Ni. 320 27.5 100 [78]
Mo/Co/Ce High activity in high and low concentration sulfur feeds. 375 1 80 [146]
Cu/Zr Deposition precipitation preparation followed by Cu leeching. 6.1% Cu. 270 0.4 >85 [162]
Pt/Ti/Zr Increased dispersion due to Ti loading. 20% Ti, 0.97% Pt. 300 1.42 78 [163]

accelerated aging (deactivation) and repeating the conver-

sion test, which found no subsequent increase in conver-
sion. This result suggests that sintering is the cause of the
catalyst deactivation, since O2 saturation caused no reac-
tivation [170].
In most hydrogen production, large amounts of CO2 are
produced. Saxena et al. combined the production of H2 and the
sequestration of carbon by using a modified SR reaction which
is shown as (R7) [171].

2NaOH þ CH4 þ H2 O/Na2 CO3 þ 4H2 (R7)

This reaction is performed through gasification of methane

and sodium hydroxide from approximately 1150 to 1350  C Fig. 14 e Graph plotting seven different metals and their
using no catalyst to create a no carbon emission process with resistance to sulfur poisoning. Graph shows the ratio of
NaCO3 produced as a byproduct. The high reaction tempera- hydrogen to hydrogen sulfide. Once hydrogen sulfide is
ture and need for a large supply of NaOH are the main de- removed, sulfur problems occur less frequently. Adapted
terrents to large scale use [171]. from [83].
16996 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 1 6 9 8 3 e1 7 0 0 0

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