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g i ) G O V E RN M E N T M ED I C A L ST O R E S D E P O T BA L O C H I ST A N

No. MSOTha V 70 9 6 16' Ph: 081-9202485 Fx: DM-9202485 Dated Quetta, the Nov, 2020

The Medical Superintendents i ED f MD

1.Bolan Medical Complex Hospital, Quetta

2.Sandeman Provincial Hospital, Quetta
3.Sheikh Lid Hospital, Quetta
4.Fatima Jinnah Hospital, Quetta
5.Helper Eye Hospital, Quetta
6.Benazir Bhutto Hospital, Quetta 1. Trauma Centre & Emergency Department


In superstaton of this office already shared Price List through letter No. MSD3a1/4752-69, on 20 7.
October 2020, now after feedbacks and further rectifications I additions / deletions etc, the "Revised Price List" consisting
of 7d pages is hereby circulated for your information, record and compliance while placing Supply Orders.

The Price List is drafted with full vigilance, however if any unwanted addition, omission, mistake.
mistyping or error found 1 identified at any stage, shall be rectified' accordingly by the MSD after identification through
any end. Thus please ignore the already shared Price List through letter No. MSD/BaU4752-69, on 200 October 2020
and only consider enclosed one.

Furthermore, all DDOs are strictly advised to review the Price List very carefully before placing
supply orders and if mistakenly two er more items found of the same specifications, then 000 must go for the
lowest quoted price ONLY.

Should you need any advice, please do not feel any hesitation to ask from MSD learn.

MSD Balm istan----

Additiona ector

A copy is forwarded to the: -

1.Director General, NAB Balochistan, Quetta

2.Chairman, CMIT Balochistan, Quetta.
3,Secretary, Government of Balochistan, Health Department. Quetta.
4,Director General Health Services Balochistan, Quetta.
5.Managing Director, I3PPRA, Quetta.
6.Additional Secretary to Chief Secretary Balochistan, Quetta.
7.Director, Ant Corruption Establis'iment Balochistan, Quetta. 6. CEO! ED (BINUQ, BIPS, NGBRH, PPL, PPHI),
Balochistan, Quetta.
9.All OHOs and MSs (Districts, DHQs, 50 Bedded Hospitals, Other Hospitals of Districts) in Balochistan.
10.All Members (CPC, TWO, GRC) MSD, Quetta.
11.All concerned Pharmacists, MSD Quetta.
12. Master file.

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