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A car accident is part of an endless list of problems on the road.

Car accidents can happen to drivers

anytime, anywhere. In general, about twenty million people die or become injured due to car accidents
each year nationwide. Among the car accidents, the teenage group is the only age group who is number
of deaths is increasing instead of decreasing. Also, all the people are exposed at risk and actually every
one of them has got car accident at least once that could have been easily prevented. Then why are the
car accidents happening? Car accidents are caused mainly by drunken drivers, using cellular phones
while driving, and teenage drivers.

First, drinking and driving is the leading cause of car accidents. Driving while intoxicated is dangerous,
because drinking increases your inhibitions and self-confidence but lowers your driving performance. In
other words, alcohol impairs the decision-making ability of the brain.

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For example, when people get drunk, they do not even think they are drunk. They may feel like they can
do anything. But they cannot. Many accidents occur because of drinking. These accidents involve mostly
one car, but other people are killed by drunk drivers. People have to be educated about drinking and
driving, so they do not kill themselves or innocent people on the road.

Second, using cell phones while driving causes car accidents. When a cell phone is used while driving, it
distracts the attention of the driver, leading to car accidents. While using a cell phone many people tend
to miss the traffic signals, not really concentrating on driving. The process of dialing or answering the
phone can make them lose control of the vehicle as well. Even though the driver is looking at the road, he
or she can easily get distracted by the conversation. This can result in fatal accidents.
Another cause of accidents on the road is teenage drivers. Some teenagers cause fatal accidents,
because of immaturity and lack of experience. Teenagers are very impulsive. Although not intending to
hurt anyone, they sometimes drive very aggressively. It is not difficult to find teenagers driving with one
hand on the steering wheel, seat pushed back, and with loud music playing. In traffic they go wild, trying
to seek attention. They underestimate the risk of what they are doing. All these acts result in serious
consequences on the road. Many accidents of young drivers result from their own mistakes.

Many people do not realize that being intoxicated while driving, using cellular phones and teenage drivers
may bring serious injuries to everybody. Some people may enjoy drinking without care until they get into
car accident, which can even result in the deaths of many innocent people. The car accidents caused by
these problems are really serious but preventable. If everybody tries to eliminate these problems by
following the rules of the road, driving can be less dangerous, and we will not waste time on car

As the world continue its journey of technology in the 21st century many changes and inventions are made

almost each day. Many forget about the problems with us for years and years. No matter how hard we all try to

eliminate those problems it gets harder and harder with many people refusing to cooperate with others, giving a

total stop to these problems. As a teenage driver, I recently got a speeding ticket, which became the purpose of

attending a four-hour class in the Alabama Safety Institute. There were approximately forty students in the

class. I realized how little do we all have knowledge of the problems on the road. There is an endless list of

problems on the road, which include road rage, not following the signs and regulation etc. The most dangerous

and serious problem Americans deal with is accidents on the road. In the essay I will discuss the causes of car


There are many causes of accidents on the road. Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of them. It is an

extremely deadly act. Alcohol impairs the decision-making ability of brain. Drinking and driving is an offence

which when turned into

serious problem can kill someone. At many points of our lives we hear quotes such as "Don't Drink and Drive,

 "Drinking and Driving Don't Mix,  but how many of us give a serious thought to them? How many of us

follow them? Thousands of Americans die each year as a result of drunk driving. High DUI level is becoming

one of the top causes of fatal car crash. Organizations such as MADD, although play an important role in

elimination of drunk driving but its up to every single person to make the right decision. To think that their wrong
decision can cost lives of many innocent victims. Prevention of car accidents caused by drunk driving is

hundred percent possible by strict laws and education. If a person decides to drink, they should make sure t

Road accident is a global tragedy with the ever-rising trend. Almost every
day, we hear the news of the accident on the television, radio and
internet. Most people continue to negligent and ignore the danger
involved in their driving and so, these accidents happen. This essay will
discuss all the possible causes and solution of the road accidents.

To begin with, carelessness is one of the major cause of the road

accident in our planet. Under carelessness, we have various examples,
which include, using the mobile phone while the vehicle in moving, break
the traffic rules and entering from the side road into the path of the
vehicle. Furthermore, when inexperience and untrained drivers and those
with blur eyesight that drive at night is one of the major cause of
escalating accident rate in our world. In addition, most of the people
drive after drinking alcohol, which may lead to dangerous road accident.

Issue that need to be considered in order to curb accidents are policies

made by government to make sure that road are well constructed and
maintained. In addition, enforcement of appropriate legislation to make
sure that all commercial and private drivers should be well trained before
they attain driving licence to drive on the street. Furthermore, passenger
should also be vigilant enough to check drivers when they are over
speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. Police can play the
pivotal role to decrease the ratio of the accidents.
To sum up, there are many causes of the road accidents in our world,
with good strategies and with the participation of the both government
and individual; we can easily overcome with this potential problem.


      Unfortunately,many traffic accidents occur in living days.These accidents cause not
only death of most people but also they cause loss of material goods.The reasons of traffic
accidents are carelessness,bad weather conditions,excessive use of alcohol,neglect of traffic
rules etc.
      Before setting out,many people drink alcohol although they know to effect badly them
on road.After drinking much alcohol ,they can’t pay attention to road.They drive without
obeying traffic rules.What is more,they drive fastly.As inevitable,they have an
accident.They may lose their car even they lose their life.Most people drive without their
driving license.Driving without driving license is very dangerous as it causes many
accidents.Also,the people who haven’t a driving license can’t know exactly traffic
rules.So,they drive casually and they may cause many damages.
       One of the reasons of traffic accidents is weather conditions.If the weather is bad ,that
is,snowy,rainy and slippery,accidents may occur in these weather conditions.For example;a
person who drives on snowy or slippery road has to be so careful.If he/she is not careful
,she/he may have an accident.People can take measures to prevent traffic accidents.One of
these measures is to put on chain their car ,to drive slowly and rigorously.
       In order to prevent traffic accidents,the people must be so careful.They must have a
driving license.If they have not a driving license,they mustn’t drive.Further,they must obey
traffic rules.When they drink alcohol,they must not drive or their friend can drive their
car.Also,they must be alert to weather conditions.They must carry a bag including
chain,water,food,bandage,lantern in their car.
                        Don’t forget, traffic accidents are enemy of humanity!

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