GMDSS Radio Log Book

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1. A summary of communications relating to distress, urgency and safety traffic.

2. A record of important incidents connected with the radio service
3. The position of the ship at least once a day.
4. Weather and Navigation Warnings.
5. The details of the tests and checks carried out on the equipment.

Equipment Tests and Reserve Power Checks

1. Daily
the proper functioning of the DSC facilities at least once each day, without radiation of signals.
Batteries providing a source. Printers.
2. Weekly
DSC - test call when within communication range of a coast station. Reserve source of energy a
3. Monthly
EPIRB Search and rescue radar transponder. Security and condition of all Batteries. Aerials and
Insulators conditions. Test Each survival craft two-way VHF on a frequency other than 156, 8 MHz
(Channel 16).

Entries to be made into the GMDSS Log-Book

00.00 All daily tests have been done. OK. Batteries are fully charged. Internal
tests were completed. OK. (Or describe the fail)
12.00 Ship’s position.
The time of all Arrivals and Departures.
All interconnections relating Distress and Safety.
WEEKLY: (Saturday usually at 17.00)
All weekly tests have been done. VHF & MF/HF DSC test calls were performed.
OK. (or describe the fail)
Three handheld GMDSS VHF tested. OK.
MONTHLY: (first Saturday of the month usually at 17.00)
All monthly tests & checks have been completed. EPIRB and two SARTs were
examined. All mountings are OK. No sights of damages. All tests are OK. (or
describe the fail).
All batteries conditions, their compartments, securing, mountings and
connections were checked. OK.
The Master must inspect the Log and sing each day's entries.

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