I. Fill in The Correct Verb Forms

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Fill in the correct verb forms

Herbie loves trains! He first SAW (SEE) a train when he was five years old and he WAS (BE)
absolutely fascinated. He GOES (GO) to a different train station every week and WRITES
(WRITE) down the engine number of every train he sees. He HAS BEEN DOING (DO) this
since he was seven. By the time he left school he HAD COLLECTED (COLLECT) over 5000
different engine numbers from all over the world. At one time, while he WAS STANDING
(STAND) at a station he SAW (SEE) something very strange. He HAD BEEN WAITING
(WAIT) for a train for an hour when he suddenly SAW (SEE) an old steam locomotive coming
down the tracks. It DID NOT STOP (NOT STOP) at the station and when it PASSED (PASS)
Herbie saw that all the passengers WERE WEARING (WEAR) old-fashioned clothes. He told
the station manager about this, but the manager said that no steam locomotive HAD PASSED
(PASS) through the station for years, and that the last one HAD CRASHED (CRASH), killing
everyone on board.

II. Change the sentences to reported speech

1. He said, "I found the money in the garden yesterday."
He said that he had found the money in the garden the day before
2. The teacher explained to us, "The moon takes 28 days to go around the earth."
The teacher explained to us that the moon takes 28 days to go around the earth
3. Dad warned us, "Don't touch the fresh paint!"
Dad warned us not to touch the fresh paint
4. He wanted to know, "Will you go to the concert next week?"
He wanted to know if I wanted to go to the concert the following week
5. My mum complained, "I have been trying to phone you all day!"
My mum complained that she had been trying to phone me all day
6. Dad asked me, "Where have you been so long?"
Dad asked me where I had been so long
7. Jane said, "I want to tell you about my trip to New York."
Jane said that she wanted to tell me about her trip to New York

III. Translate the text into Russian

Advanced economies had been suffering from major structural flaws well before COVID-19 hit.
For one thing, finance is financing itself, thus eroding the foundation of long-term growth. Most
of the financial sector’s profits are reinvested back into finance—banks, insurance companies,
and real estate—rather than put toward productive uses such as infrastructure or innovation. The
current structure of finance thus fuels a debt-driven system and speculative bubbles, which, when
they burst, bring banks and others begging for government bailouts.
Another problem is that many large businesses neglect long-term investments in favor of short-
term gains. Obsessed with quarterly returns and stock prices, CEOs and corporate boards have
rewarded shareholders by buying back stocks, increasing the value of the remaining shares and
hence of the stock options that form part of most executive pay packages. In the last decade,
Fortune 500 companies have repurchased more than $3 trillion worth of their own shares. These
buybacks come at the expense of investment in wages, worker training, and research and

Страны с развитой экономикой страдали от серьёзных структурных

недостатков задолго до того, как произошёл COVID-19. Во-первых, финансы
финансируют сами себя, тем самым разрушая основу для долгосрочного
роста. Большая часть прибыли финансового сектора реинвестируется
обратно в финансы - банки, страховые компании и недвижимость, вместо
того, чтобы использовать их в производительных целях, таких как
инфраструктура или инновации. Нынешняя структура финансов, таким
образом, питает систему, управляемую долгами, и спекулятивные пузыри,
которые, когда лопаются, заставляют банки и других лиц просить помощи у
Другая проблема заключается в том, что многие крупные компании
пренебрегают долгосрочными инвестициями в пользу краткосрочной
выгоды. Одержимые квартальными доходами и курсами акций, генеральные
директора и правление компаний вознаградили акционеров, выкупив акции,
увеличив стоимость оставшихся акций и, следовательно, опционов на акции,
которые составляют часть большинства пакетов вознаграждения
руководителей. За последнее десятилетие компании из списка Fortune 500
выкупили собственных акций на сумму более 3 триллионов долларов. Эти
выкупы производятся за счет инвестиций в заработную плату, обучение
рабочих, а также исследования и разработки.

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