Lpe2501 SCL Worksheet 4 (Week 7-8)

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Matric no.: 202138 Group: 72

Due Date: 20 December 2020

Paraphrasing Strategy

Changing Voice

1. Change the following sentences from passive voice to active voice.

a. Excess weight gain can be prevented by exercise. Huge amounts of time for
exercise do not need to be set aside by people. Simple ways should be used by
people to get more active throughout the day. For example, the stairs instead of
the elevator can be used by people.

Exercise can prevent excess weight gain. People do not need to set aside a
huge amounts of time for exercise. People should use simple ways to get more
active throughout the day. For example, people can use the stairs instead of the

b. Population displacement is caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

During earthquakes, shelter is sought by people. Health care and food supplies
are also needed by people. A range of challenges will also be faced by the
survivors of an earthquake.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes causes population displacement. People

sought shelter during earthquakes. People need health care and food supplies.
The survivors of an earthquake will face a range of challenges.

2. Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice.

a. People use computers to perform different tasks quickly and easily. Computers
can save time, energy and cost needed to complete a particular task. Without
computers, people are likely to face a lot of challenges in finishing their work.

Computers are used by people to perform different tasks quickly and easily.
Time, energy and cost can be saved to complete a particular task by using
computers. A lot of challenges will be faced by people in finishing work without
using computers.


b. Shopping online can save people’s time and energy. With just a couple of
mouse clicks, people can place their shopping orders instantly. Besides,
people are able to exchange their goods if they are not satisfied with their

Peoples’ time and energy can be saved by shopping online. Shopping orders

can be instantly placed with just a couple of mouse clicks. Besides, if people

are not satisfied with their purchase they are able to exchange their goods.


Paraphrasing Academic Sources

3.Paraphrase the following excerpt on parental roles in preventing

cyberbullying. Include an in-text citation according to APA style.


Parents play an important role in the prevention of cyber bullying by banning

websites and setting age-appropriate limits for surfing the internet. Poor
parental monitoring is usually associated with a higher risk for young people
to be involved in both traditional and cyberbullying, whether as the bully or
target. It is also essential for the parents to be able to identify signs that
indicate their children are involved in cyberbullying.

Source Online article

Author National Bullying Prevention Centre
Publication date May 2013
Title Cyberbullying and Its Impact on Young People’s
Emotional Health and Well-being

National Bullying Prevention Centre (2013) indicates that parents have the roles of

responsibilities to prevent cyber bullying by monitoring their children when surfing

internet. Young people usually have a higher risk to be involved in either traditional

or cyberbullying whether as a bully or a target when their parents poor in monitoring

them. Besides, parents need to recognize some particular signs to know that

whether their children are involved in cyberbullying or not.


4. Paraphrase the following excerpt on ways to prevent cybercrime. Include an in-

text citation according to APA style and the citation format given.


One practice of secure surfing on the internet involves keeping e-mail

addresses confidential and not chatting on open systems that do not have
adequate defence techniques. In addition, users should only accept data
from other known users and be cautious when downloading from unknown
sites to reduce the risk of cybercrime. Safe surfing means that users need to
avoid from visiting suspicious websites that could result in viral attacks.

Source Online article

Author Cybercrime Prevention Organization
Publication date November 2014
Title A Survey on Cybercrime Perpetration and Prevention: A
Review and Model for Cybercrime Prevention
Citation format Citation within the sentence

Cybercrime Prevention Organization (2014) states that to avoid cybercrime when

using internet, internet users should never share e-mail addresses to anonymous

and avoid going to unsecured sites including chatting with someone by using an

open systems that do not have adequate defence techniques. Besides, internet

users should be more careful or even not encourage to download any data or files

from unknown sites. Surfing safely on the internet means users have to refrain form

visiting malicious websites that could lead to virus attacks.


5. Paraphrase the following excerpt on how green tea can help in weight loss.
Include an in-text citation according to APA style and the citation format given.


Studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help people
lose weight. It is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are
beneficial for health. The active compounds in green tea can aid in this
process by enhancing the effects of some fat burning hormones. In addition,
the substances in the tea leaves can support weight loss efforts by reducing
appetite and boosting metabolism.

Source Journal article

Author Donna Levinson
Publication date June 2017
Title Effects of Green Tea on Human Health
Citation format Citation at the end of the sentence

Research shows that green tea full with antioxidants and numerous elements that

are good for health and helps in weight loss. The active ingredients in green tea can

boost up the the effects of hormones that helps in burning fats. Besides, the

elements in green tea’s leave decrease hunger and increase metabolism that helps

in lossing weight (Levinson, 2017)


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