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Drilling and Debt

Journal of Finance, forthcoming


The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and NBER


University of Virginia, Darden School



University of Virginia, Darden School

August 27, 2019

This paper documents a previously unrecognized debt-related investment distortion. Using
detailed project-level data for 69 firms in the oil and gas industry, we find that highly levered firms
pull forward investment, completing projects early at the expense of long-run project returns and
project value. This behavior is particularly pronounced prior to debt renegotiations. We test several
channels that could explain this behavior and find evidence consistent with equity holders
sacrificing long-run project returns to enhance collateral values and, by extension, mitigate lending
frictions at debt renegotiations.

The authors would like to thank Steve Baker, David De Angelis, Michael Faulkender, Vincent Glode, Rustom Irani,
Don Keim, Doron Levit, Song Ma, Greg Nini, Krishna Ramaswamy, Julio Riutort, Michael Roberts, Phil Strahan,
Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel, Luke Taylor, Hongda Zhong, and seminar participants at Wharton; Dartmouth
(Tuck); University of Virginia (Darden); IU Bloomington; GWU; the 2016 MIT Junior Faculty Conference; 9th annual
FSU SunTrust Beach Conference; 2017 PNC University of Kentucky Finance Conference; 14th Annual Conference
in Financial Economic Research IDC; 2017 Frontiers of Finance Conference; 2017 Financial Intermediation Research
Society Conference; and Finance – UC 12th International Conference for helpful comments. The authors would also
like to thank Julia Tulloh for her valuable research assistance, and the Rodney L. White center for financial support.

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Understanding how debt affects a firm’s investment decisions is one of the central questions in

finance. Incentive conflicts between debt and equity claimants have the potential to result in

inefficient and value destroying decisions (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Existing theoretical and

empirical work has largely focused on the size, prevalence, and mitigation of investment

distortions linked with the traditional agency costs of debt such as underinvestment and risk-

shifting. 1

In this paper, we use new detailed project-level data to document a previously

unrecognized debt-related investment distortion. We show that high-leverage firms facing debt

renegotiations pull forward investment and complete projects early at the expense of project net

present value (NPV). These negative project-level investment distortions likely aim to enhance

collateral values, thereby mitigating lending frictions and increasing firms’ access to finance.

Overall, our results suggest that by increasing collateral values, high-leverage firms (dependent

on asset-based loans) mitigate financing frictions arising at debt renegotiations. Our findings,

thus, also highlight a previously unexplored hidden cost of collateral-based financing.

Identifying how debt affects the actions of firms is empirically challenging. First, it is

difficult to observe actions at the project level and identify how these actions affect firms’ cash

flows. Second, even if one can observe detailed actions by managers, assessing whether a

decision is value maximizing requires a clear, unambiguous counterfactual decision and its value

to be observable. Third, leverage and the composition of credit agreements are not randomly

assigned, and omitted endogenous variables could be related to both firm-level investment

decisions and leverage, making it problematic to infer a causal relationship. Finally, the

Theoretical work focused on these issues includes, e.g., Aghion and Bolton, (1992), Bolton and Scharfstein (1990),

Hart and Moore (1995, 1998), Jensen and Meckling (1976), and Myers (1977). Empirical work includes Andrade

and Kaplan (1998), Parrino and Weisbach (1999), Eisdorfer (2008), Almeida et al (2011), and Gilje (2016).

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distortive effects of debt tend to manifest only in the presence of market frictions that intensify as

leverage increases (see, e.g., Stein, 2003). 2

We exploit an empirical setting that allows us to make significant progress on each of

these challenges. Specifically, we use detailed project-level completion decisions from North

American shale oil drilling projects to explore how oil and gas companies with different levels of

leverage react to the severe contango episode that began in December 2014. This setting has

several advantages.

First, we observe high-frequency project-level company decisions and can quantify the

effects of completing an individual oil well versus delaying completion of said oil well. Our

dataset contains detailed project-level data on 3,557 North American shale oil wells operated by

69 publicly traded oil and gas firms. We know the date of well spudding (project start), well

completion (first production and project cash flow), as well as the precise location of the well.

Second, the 2014-2015 contango episode offers a clear instance in which completion

should be delayed. During this period, oil spot prices were significantly lower than oil futures

prices. In February 2015, for example, six-month oil futures prices were 11% higher than spot

prices (Figure 1). The futures curve provides us with a clear counterfactual as it allows us to

estimate the value of delaying completion. We show that a decision to accelerate well

completion and to start oil production early is not value maximizing at the project level. 3

Third, the detailed project-level data allows us to make progress in controlling for the

endogeneity of potential differences in investment opportunities across high-leverage and low-

leverage firms (Lang, Ofek, and Stulz, 1996; Ahn, Denis, and Denis, 2006). Using precise well

In a frictionless world, investment is independent of firm leverage and depends only on investment opportunities

(Modigliani and Miller, 1958).

Production from shale oil projects is highest during the first month and declines in each subsequent month.

Consequently, pricing at the time of initial production is a key determinant of project-level returns.

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location data, we control for differences in investment opportunities (well/project quality) via a

set of granular township (6-by-6-mile) geography fixed effects.

Finally, we exploit the fact that a subsample of oil and gas firms secure debt via asset-

based credit agreements (commonly referred to as asset-based lending, or ABL) that are

characterized by seasonal credit renegotiations that expose our sample firms to credit market

frictions. These pre-scheduled renegotiations are not a consequence of covenant violations,

distress, or defaults, but rather are a standard part of the debt contract lifecycle, defined in

advance. The timing of credit renegotiations and related exposure to lending frictions is thus
plausibly exogenous with respect to the oil price contango period. We exploit the staggered

timing of ABL renegotiations to assess the role that asset based lending and leverage may have

on project completion. 45 out of 69 firms in our sample are subject to such credit agreement

renegotiations, including all but one high-leverage firms (those in the top quintile of the leverage


The renegotiations and the contango period serve as the foundation of two separate

difference-in-differences (DiD) analyses. While we do not offer an instrument for leverage, the

combination of two different DiD empirical designs and granular geographic fixed effects

imposes significant hurdles on non-debt-related interpretations of our results.

In comparing well completion decisions pre- and during contango, we find that high-

leverage firms start producing, on average, 1.0 months earlier during contango, resulting in about

a 4.8% loss in the project net present value (NPV), or $124,000 per project. 4 This effect is non-

linear and is concentrated among the high-leverage firms (consistent with Gilje, 2016; Chava and

Roberts, 2008; Bharath and Shumway, 2008 who document other debt related investment

effects). It cannot be explained by firms’ heterogeneity in profitability, size, and market-to-book.

More importantly, the results cannot be fully explained by the mere presence of ABL: the effect

The legend for Figure 2 offers a detailed discussion of assumption behind the well-level NPV calculations pre-

contango and during contango.

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manifests within the sample of ABL firms, indicating that leverage plays an important role in the

documented investment distortion. For an average firm, the aggregate effect of accelerating

investments across the projects we focus on in this study is equivalent to a deadweight loss of

about 1.2% of equity value.

The results of the second DiD analysis, that focuses on ABL renegotiations, yields

similar conclusions: in the month prior to a pre-scheduled renegotiation or amendment, high-

leverage firms complete 145% more wells than they complete during the month following

renegotiation (relative to other firms in the sample). This number compares to 63% for low-
leverage firms. Furthermore, high-leverage firms exposed to debt renegotiations complete 36%

more wells prior to the renegotiation month than they complete during the month following

renegotiation when benchmarked to other high-leverage firms that are not exposed to

renegotiations and related market frictions. The latter result indicates that lending frictions (at

renegotiations) play an important role in linking high leverage and investment distortions.

While the notion that debt affects firms’ investment decisions has been prominently

featured in the finance literature, the evidence we document is inconsistent with traditional

distortions such as asset substitution (see, e.g., Gilje (2016) for an overview) and debt-overhang-

related underinvestment (see, e.g., Melzer (2017) for an overview). Our results point to a

previously unrecognized debt-related distortion as the documented deadweight loss stems from

acceleration (not delay) of investments.

The short-term transparent nature of the decision to accelerate production in relation to

debt renegotiations limits the number of potential economic forces capable of explaining the

results. At every renegotiation, firms in our sample are effectively refinancing existing asset-

based credit agreements, which exposes them to traditional lending frictions stemming from

asymmetric information and moral hazard (Aghion and Bolton, 1992; Stulz and Johnson, 1985;

Hart and Moore, 1998). Covenants and collateral are prominently featured in the prior literature

as a mechanism that mitigates lending frictions ex ante (at the point of debt origination), expands

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access to, and lowers the cost of debt. 5 Yet both can intensify frictions ex post. Covenant

violations lead to significant reductions in firms’ investments (Chava and Roberts, 2008; Nini et

al., 2009) and curtail bank line-of-credit availability (Sufi, 2009). Declines in collateral values

can lead to smaller investments (Chaney, Sraer, and Thesmar, 2012). In the second half of the

paper, we evaluate whether our results can be driven by market frictions linked with (i) binding

covenants and related immediate cash flow needs; and (ii) collateral constraints.

First, we hypothesize that facing binding cash flow or covenant constraints, firms distort

their real decisions in an attempt to accelerate cash flows. After all, firms facing binding

covenant restrictions benefit from access to immediate cash (Faulkender and Wang, 2006) and

earnings management (Dichev and Skinner, 2002). We find that the project-level cash flow

patterns and the backward-looking nature of the covenant metrics, almost mechanically, rule out

binding-covenant-based explanations. 6 The acceleration of well completions should have a

negative effect on a firm’s immediate cash availability as it takes 20 months for new production-

related EBITDA to cover the $3.5 million capex associated with a well completion. Furthermore,

the detailed data on liquidity ratios and borrowing availability suggests that despite firms having

high leverage, neither current ratios, interest coverage ratios, nor credit facility availability

indicate impending liquidity challenges at the time of credit renegotiations.

For covenants-related arguments, see, e.g., Jensen and Meckling (1976); Smith and Warner (1979), Aghion and

Bolton (1992) and Dewatripont and Tirole (1994). For collateral-related arguments, see, e.g., Benmelech and

Bergman (2009) Berger and Udell (1990), John, Lynch, and Puri (2003), Jimenez, Salas, and Saurina (2006).

While acceleration of well completion by one month indeed accelerates the cash in-flows associated with

producing a well (average EBITDA = $0.35 million in the first month of production), early completion also

accelerates $3.5 million capex necessary to complete the well. Capex (funded by debt on the margin) necessary to

complete a well adversely affects a firm’s near-term financial covenant ratios, as debt immediately goes up. The

cash flow from a well, however, is not immediately recognized as the covenant metrics typically rely on trailing 12

months EBITDA numbers.

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Second, we hypothesize that high-leverage firms forego higher-NPV projects to mitigate

lending frictions and expand their access to finance via expanding their collateral base. While

collateral mitigates lending frictions at the point of debt origination, collateral constraints

(similar to covenants) have the potential to expose borrowers to additional frictions at the point

of debt renegotiations. This effect should be more pronounced for high-leverage firms and firms

more dependent on asset-based borrowing (Berger and Udell, 1990). In our setting, well

completions directly affect the collateral values ascribed by lenders, and therefore affect a firm’s

ability to secure/expand access to finance.

To test this channel, we exploit two types of cross-sectional heterogeneity across

individual oil wells in terms of their ability to add to a firm’s collateral. First, we show that prior

to debt renegotiations, high-leverage firms complete wells that have 43% higher daily production

relative to those completed by the same firms after debt renegotiations. Second, we exploit the

fact that newly completed wells offer a verifiable signal about the value of neighboring

undeveloped oil reserves. The geographic proximity of undeveloped reserves to producing

well(s) reduces asymmetric information and allows lenders to assign higher collateral values to

even undrilled non-producing wells. We find that prior to ABL renegotiations, high-leverage

firms are more likely to complete wells on leases with neighboring undeveloped oil reserves

rather than wells on previously developed oil leases. 7 These results are consistent with firms

distorting their investments to enhance their collateral values, thereby mitigating lending

frictions at renegotiation and expanding access to finance.

We conduct a set of tests to assess the stability of our results. First, we recognize that our

analysis is based on a small sample of firms (69) and conduct an array of tests that evaluate

whether the results are driven by a few high-leverage firms in our sample. Second, we test

whether the results are robust to alternative definitions of leverage. Finally, we implement

Appendix A1 provides a detailed discussion and a numerical example that quantifies the effect of well completion

on a firm’s collateral value and borrowing base.

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placebo tests for alternative periods to assess the importance of the effect of contango on wells’


Overall, our findings highlight a novel debt-related investment distortion that arises at the

intersection of high leverage, renegotiations (and related exposure to lending frictions), and the

presence of collateral constraints for firms that rely heavily on ABL. This distortion is

inconsistent with the traditional risk-shifting and debt-overhang channels. It speaks to

overinvestment and manifests in the absence of imminent technical or financial default. Prior

literature argues that covenants and renegotiations lead to Pareto-improving reallocation of

control rights and better investment outcomes (e.g., Chava and Roberts, 2008; Roberts and Sufi,

2009; Benmelech and Bergman, 2009) and advocates that debt restrictions are value enhancing

(Nini, Smith, and Sufi, 2009; Denis and Wang, 2014) ex ante. We add to this literature by

documenting that collateral constraints and debt renegotiations can lead to negative investment

distortions ex post: high-leverage firms in our sample distort investment even before the

renegotiations and in the absence of covenant violations.

We also add to the expansive literature exploring the role collateral plays in alleviating

the financial frictions and thus enhancing firms’ access to capital. Benmelech and Bergman

(2009) show that collateral allows firms to reduce the costs of external debt financing and

expand debt capacity. Our study highlights previously unexplored hidden costs of collateral-

based financing, linked to the real investment activity of firms.

Finally, our findings relate to the studies exploring the mechanisms contributing to oil

production being inelastic in the short-run (Anderson, Kellogg, and Salant, 2016), which has

important implications for understanding the macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks (e.g.,

Kilian and Murphy, 2012). Existing studies attribute the inelastic supply to the traditional oil

production technology characterized by high-cost production adjustments (Anderson, Kellogg,

and Salant, 2016). However, even with the onset of new production technology (fracking) and

associated lower costs of production adjustment, firms’ oil production remained inelastic (Lehn

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and Zhu, 2016). Our results suggest that the contractual nature of debt financing creates frictions

preventing downward adjustment in oil production when oil prices fall. We thus offer further

support to the argument that mounting debt of the oil and gas industry firms is becoming an

important factor in the global oil price dynamic (Domanski et al, 2015).

I. Institutional Background and Data

The shale oil industry offers an attractive setting in which to examine the relationship

between leverage and investment decisions. The oil price futures curve provides firms (and

econometricians) with the expected benefit associated with completing a well at any given date.
The detailed high-frequency data on the precise timing of well completion allow us to evaluate

both the investment outlays and expected project benefits at the firm-project-level. Granular

information on well locations and the ability to observe timing of all oil extraction stages allows

us to control for a variety of alternative factors linked to investment opportunities. The ability to

match the project-level data with firm characteristics allows us to link firms’ leverage and

investment responses to changes in expected project value.

In this section, we provide more details on each individual component of our empirical

setting. We first discuss the contango episode we exploit. We then offer a detailed discussion of

fracking projects in the oil and gas industry and describe the project-level data we utilize.

Finally, we discuss how the contango episode affected the NPVs of individual projects in our


A. Institutional Setting and Oil Price Contango

In this study we exploit the unique evolution of spot and futures prices in the oil market

between November 2014 and June 2015. In late 2014, abrupt changes in the oil price futures

curve, due to the decision by OPEC not to support oil prices, dramatically affected the expected

profits from completing new oil wells early versus waiting to complete the wells. The decline

started in late 2014 and was rapid with spot prices falling below $50 per barrel in January of

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2015. At that point the oil market changed from traditional backwardation to severe contango. In

January the 2-year futures price exceeded the spot price by nearly 30% (Panel A of Figure 1) and

the 6-month futures prices exceeded the spot price by over 10%. It was a drastic change from the

backwardation in oil markets just two months prior. The 2015 futures curve exhibited dramatic

deviations from spot prices across all maturities. Panel B of Figure 1 compares the futures curve

as of February 2015 to one as of September 2014.

[Insert Figure 1]

The 2014-2015 contango episode was unprecedented as futures prices exceeded the spot
price by more than three standard deviations relative to historical data. It was not only severe in

terms of futures price deviation from the spot prices, but it was also abnormally long, extending

through the rest of 2015. In April 2015, spot prices experienced a slight increase reaching $60,

consistent with the upward price trajectory projected by futures prices as of the beginning of

2015. By mid-year, however, spot prices declined again and the market remained in strong

contango through 2015 and into early 2016.

The severe contango episode of 2014-2015 played an important role in companies’

assessment of future expected cash flows from oil production operations. Futures prices are

traditionally used by both academics and practitioners alike as a good estimate of expected future

oil prices. Kellogg (2014) prominently features this assumption under risk neutral traders and

efficient aggregation of market information conditions. Consistent with the information content

of oil futures in the post-recession era, most oil producers use futures prices in forming their

expectations (Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, 1995).

Consider the well completion incentives under backwardation and contango. Under

normal market backwardation, oil producers have incentives to accelerate oil production in the

current period because spot prices exceed that of expected future prices. In contrast, during the

severe contango episode, oil producers have a disincentive to initiate new production and bring

new (fracking) wells online as the value of oil produced six months in the future was expected to


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be at least 11% higher than the value of oil produced in early 2015. More importantly, the

pricing uncertainty associated with the decision to delay production could be fully eliminated.

The oil producers can enter into a futures contract (at significantly higher prices due to contango)

and store the oil underground while waiting to complete a well (at no or minimal marginal

cost). 8,9

Consistent with these arguments, we exploit the sharp shift to contango in

December 2014/January 2015 as an exogenous shock to U.S. producers’ incentives to complete

oil wells. Specifically, we expect the onset of contango to create a disincentive for firms to start

production in favor of opening the available reserves later.

B. Shale Oil Drilling Overview

In 2003, a surprise technological breakthrough combined horizontal drilling with

hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), enabling development of natural gas shale. In 2009 the

innovation extended into oil development and dramatically reshaped the U.S. oil industry. While

prior to 2009 shale oil production contributed minimally to global oil supply, the technological

change resulted in an increase of U.S. oil production from 5.4 million barrels per day in 2009 to

9.4 million barrels per day by the end of 2014. This increase represented 52% of the overall

increase in oil production globally. Shale oil development has been one of the largest economic

One can argue that oil and gas firms often hedge their production 12 to 24 months out and, thus, need to produce

early to deliver on the ex-ante hedges. However, these hedges do not affect current production decisions in our

setting. If a firm sold forward oil in 2014 for delivery in early 2015, a lower cost alternative to initiating production

early on a well would be to close out the position by buying physical barrels for delivery at current low spot prices.

In this sense, the obligation to deliver based on a prior hedge that is in the money is independent of the decision to

complete new wells.

During the 2014-2015 contango period physical storage above ground was constrained. Oil in storage hit record

levels and many tank farms were full, making above ground storage options prohibitively costly.


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transformations that the U.S. economy has experienced, resulting in an aggregate increase of

$2.5 trillion in U.S. equity market capitalization (Gilje, Ready, Roussanov, 2016).

By early 2014, 69 public oil and gas firms and more than 120 private firms were using

fracking technology. In fact, by mid-2014 these companies were producing oil from over

200,000 oil wells across five states with shale oil fracking operations: Texas, Oklahoma, North

Dakota, Colorado, and New Mexico. 10 In our analysis, we absorb the heterogeneity in

investment opportunities via township geographic fixed effects.

Shale oil resides in geologic formations up to two miles below the earth’s surface. To

extract these reserves, firms first have to secure mineral rights from respective property owners.

These oil leases allow energy companies to drill and then hydraulically frack shale formations to

free oil from shale rock. Shale oil well drilling is somewhat unique relative to other types of oil

extraction in that it requires two distinct project steps. First, the well must be spud/drilled.

Second, the well must be completed, which involves hydraulic fracturing. To spud a well, the

majority of the firms in the industry rent a drilling rig from specialized service providers. It takes

these service providers from 3 days to 3 weeks to drill onshore wells at an average cost of $2.97

million dollars. The spudded well can sit idle until the company decides to complete or “frack”

it. 11 The hydraulic fracturing process is separate from the drilling process and can occur any time
after initial drilling has been completed. It also involves using a contractor that specializes in

fracking (completing) wells. Firms that specialize in fracking include Halliburton, Baker Hughes,

and Schlumberger. It typically takes two or three days to complete the fracturing process and

costs about $3.5 million for an average well.

Figure A1 provides a snapshot of horizontal drilling activity within a township (6 miles by 6 miles square).

Typically, oil lease contracts with mineral owners allow an oil producer to maintain their lease so long as drilling

has started (i.e., wells are spud). Spudding involves drilling the well into the shale and inserting steel well casing and

cement down the hole. Once a well is spud, a shut-in royalty of as little as $10 per month is paid to the mineral



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Production typically starts immediately after the well is completed for a number of

reasons. First, the completion specialist must test the well and report the initial production

volume and oil quality measurements to a respective regulatory body (e.g., Texas Railroad

Commission for the state of Texas). Once the well is fracked, disrupting the pressure in the well

is prohibitively costly: the proppant used to frack the well begins to disintegrate immediately

after a well is completed which reduces the amount of oil that can be recovered from a well.

Once a well is completed, production typically declines quickly. High initial pressure leads to

high initial production. As pressure is released from a well, the production quickly declines
month over month. Every day spent not pumping oil from a completed well is, in essence, a day

of lost production and cash flows. Consequently, oil prices at the beginning of a well’s

productive life are critical in determining the economic return of a well. Panel A of Figure 2

illustrates the declining after-tax cash flows based on the average production profile of 2,484

wells completed in North Dakota and the average January 2015 NYMEX futures curve.

[Insert Figure 2 here]

The declining production schedule plays an important role during the period of super-

contango. Panel B of Figure 2 illustrates the NPV of a decision to delay production by one to six

months using the above production volume for a representative North Dakota well. This NPV

calculation assumes a 10% discount rate, which is the rate that banks use to evaluate a firm’s

reserves, as well as the discount rate firms use to report reserves to the SEC. It also relies on the

average January 2015 NYMEX futures curve. 12 Figure 2 illustrates that delaying production

enhances individual project NPV. For example, a one month delay in production in January 2015

Given that all firms in our sample are publicly traded,operate in the same industry, and pursue similar project

types it is reasonable to assume that they face similar project level risk and hence discount rates. We have

implemented a comparison of NPV over a wide range of plausible discount rates (5% to 20%) and find that delaying

production by 1 month improves well-level NPV by between 3.3% and 11.1%.


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increases a representative well NPV from $2,435,718 to $2,559,735. The $124,017 increase

constitutes a 4.8% increase in project NPV relative to immediate well completion.

The two-stage oil extraction process − spudding/drilling and completing/fracking −

provides a number of empirical design benefits. First, we can isolate the decision to start

production (complete a well) from that of exploratory drilling. Second, the ability to cap the well

for an indefinite period of time after spudding, but before the completion, clearly isolates two

operational decisions. The costs of drilling become a sunk cost at the time the

completion/production decision is made (Kellogg, 2014). Finally, the inability of firms to delay

the production after the well was completed and the need to report the completion date to the

regulatory body provides us with a fairly precise date of the completion decision. We exploit all

these features in building the sample of oil well projects for our analysis.

C. Well-level Data.

Our sample consists of 3,557 wells developed by 69 publicly traded oil and gas firms.

The well selection process is based on the two stages of the oil development process. We start

with the most comprehensive well drilling data set available, which is provided by RigData, Inc.

RigData relies on public filings and relationships with a wide set of drilling contractors to

precisely track the start of every shale well drilling operation in the United States. Our study

focuses on shale oil drilling in Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado,

states in which 98% of U.S. shale oil drilling has taken place.

While RigData, Inc. provides the date of the first stage of well development

(drilling/spudding), it does not provide the well completion (fracking) and start of production

date. We augment the RigData by hand-collecting the completion date from regulatory filings on

well completion collected by the oil industry regulatory bodies in major shale oil producing

states. These include the Texas Railroad Commission (form W-2), the Oklahoma Corporation

Commission (form 1002A), the North Dakota Industrial Commission (form 6), New Mexico

Department of Energy and Minerals (html web form), and the Colorado oil and gas Conservation

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Commission (html web form). We also cross check dates with completion information from

Our empirical strategy is to evaluate how contango affects the completion decisions made

by individual firms. Consequently, we isolate the completion decision from the drilling decision

by focusing on oil wells that were spudded before the onset of contango – September 2014

through November 2014. We then evaluate the completion decisions for these wells during the

severe contango period of December 2014 through March 2015. To build the control group, we

augment this sample and consider wells spudded and potentially completed during the period of
(more typical) backwardation. Specifically, we include wells spudded in September 2013

through November 2013 and evaluate their completion decisions during December 2013 through

March 2014 to benchmark firms’ completion decisions. We maintain the same calendar months

to eliminate any explanations stemming from seasonal variation in oil production.

Our main variable of interest is the time between the spud date of a well and the

completion date. Panel A of Table I reports that this variable exhibits significant heterogeneity in

our sample. Some wells in our sample are completed as quickly as one month after the spud date.

Others sit idle for in excess of two years before production commences. The median time

between drilling and completion dates in our sample is 4 months.

To address investment-opportunity-based alternative explanations of our results we

exploit detailed information about the geographic location of the wells in our sample (land

survey section township range or latitude and longitude) provided by the respective state

regulatory bodies. This data allows us to control for well quality and investment opportunities as

shale geologic qualities are similar over the 6 mile by 6 mile areas (townships) over which we

conduct our comparisons. Finally, we supplement the well project drilling and completion data

with additional well characteristics such as well completion costs and production volumes. We

obtain this data from regulatory reports where available. For example, the North Dakota


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Industrial Commission provides the production schedules for a subset of wells, but such detailed

data is not readily available from regulatory bodies of other states in our sample.

D. Firm-level Data.

We hand-match individual project-level data on well drilling and completion to a set of

public oil and gas companies in Compustat following Gilje and Taillard (2016). Panel A of

Table I reports core financial characteristics of the oil and gas companies in our sample including

the core variable of interest in this study – market leverage. Panel B splits the sample into two

sub-samples: high- and low-leverage firms. We define all firms in the top 20% of the market
leverage distribution as of the end of September 2014 as high-leverage firms. The remainder of

the sample we classify as low-leverage firms. Panel B of Table I illustrates that high-leverage

firms are smaller and are characterized by lower Tobin’s Q, however, they are comparable to the

low-leverage firms on other observable dimensions: profitability; capex, dividends, cash holding,

tangible assets, SGA and sales growth. Notably, high- and low-leverage firms within the ABL

sub-sample are of much more comparable size, yet exhibit some differences in capex. In later

empirical tests we ensure that differences in size, capex, and/or growth opportunities across high-

and low-leverage firms are unlikely to explain our results.

[Insert Table I here]

Finally, we hand collect detailed information about public firms’ credit lines and debt

contracts from SEC filings offered by EDGAR. We focus on the size of the credit line offered by

banks to firms in our sample, pre-set renegotiation dates, covenants and collateral constraints

imposed by the debt agreement. This information is collected for the years leading up to and

including the contango episode (2013 through 2016 financial reports).

II. Empirical Analysis and Results

In this section, we evaluate whether debt affects firms’ investment decisions by analyzing

well completion behavior during contango. In Section II.D we summarize tests assessing a


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variety of concerns and alternative explanations for our results. Finally, in Section II.E, we

outline and empirically evaluate two potential channels through which firms may benefit from

accelerating investment. First, we test whether accelerating investment alleviates binding

financial covenants. Second, we evaluate whether accelerated investment may improve

collateral, thereby mitigating information asymmetry or moral hazard, and improving a firm’s

access to finance.

A. Super-contango and Well Completion Decisions

The analysis presented in this section compares the timing of well completion by high-
and low-leverage firms (first difference) during the periods of contango and backwardation

(second difference). This analysis, first, allows us to validate the core underlying premise of our

empirical design: contango creates a disincentive for (all) oil and gas firms to complete wells and

start production. Second, it allows us to evaluate whether, during the contango episode, high-

leverage firms complete wells quicker than low-leverage firms.

We focus on wells spudded in September –November 2014 and benchmark contango

completions against the completion decisions of wells spudded during September –November

2013 when markets were in backwardation. The 2013 sample serves as our baseline time period,

and allows us to difference out operator-specific differences in project completion time.

Panel A of Table II presents the results of a univariate comparison of the time to

completion decision across high-and low-leverage firms during periods of contango and

backwardation. We find that low-leverage oil producers, those in bottom four quintiles of the

leverage distribution, behave as expected. They delay well completion during super-contango by

about one month compared to well completion in 2013. The one month extension is statistically

and economically significant as it constitutes about a third of the average completion time in

2014/2015. In contrast, high-leverage (top quintile) producers do not delay production. The lack

of adjustment to completion time for high-leverage firms is consistent with the notion that debt

distorts firms’ real investments.


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[Insert Table II here]

One can argue that the differences in completion times can be driven by other unobserved

heterogeneity rather than financial leverage such as differences in investment projects or growth

opportunities. High-leverage firms may have access to or choose to complete wells that require

less capital or are more/less productive. Table I shows that high- and low-leverage firms differ in

terms of their Tobin’s Q. Existing literature documents that investment opportunities could be

linked to leverage (Lang, Ofek, and Stulz, 1996; Ahn, Denis, and Denis, 2006): firms with bad

investment opportunities could also have high leverage. If this is the case, the incentives of high-
leverage firms to delay production might be weaker than what is captured by our analysis.

Panel A of Table III confirms that high- and low-leverage firms are indeed characterized

by different investment opportunities at the project (well) level. It shows that high-leverage

firms’ wells are characterized by lower production volumes and lower completion capex. To

address this issue we exploit the fact that well quality (production capacity and costs of

completion) is driven by characteristics of shale reservoirs, which we can control for via a set of

very granular 6×6 mile (township) geographic fixed effects.

[Insert Table III here]

Panel B of Table III illustrates the efficacy of 6×6 mile geographic fixed effects. It

documents that wells located at most within 8.5 miles (62+62)1/2 of each other (within one

township) do not exhibit dramatic differences in completion costs and production volume. We

find that while the sub-samples of high-and low-leverage firms exhibit economically significant

differences in well costs and production, these differences are not statistically or economically

different in a regression setting that incorporates fine geographic fixed effects. The combination

of very granular geography and firm-level fixed effects capture the heterogeneity in investment

opportunities across high- and low-leverage firms.


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With the controls for investment opportunities, we implement a regression analysis that

examines the effect of contango on well completion times of high-versus-low-leverage firms

using the following regression equation:

𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = 𝛽𝛽1 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡 + 𝛽𝛽2 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻ℎ𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖 × 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡 +

+ 𝐹𝐹𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑖𝑖 + 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺ℎ𝑦𝑦 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑗𝑗 + 𝜖𝜖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖

where 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 is the number of months between the start of well 𝑗𝑗 spud date and

its first production date. The unit of observation is well j of firm i at time t. 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡 is an

indicator variable that equals one for wells spudded in September – November of 2014, the

period just prior to the emergence of contango in the oil market. 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡 is equal to zero for
wells spudded in September – November of 2013, our control backwardation year. 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻ℎ𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖 is

an indicator variable for whether the firm is in the top quintile of the leverage distribution.

𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑖𝑖 and 𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺ℎ𝑦𝑦 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑗𝑗 are firm and geography (township level) fixed effects. The key

coefficient of interest is the coefficient 𝛽𝛽2 on the interaction term 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑡 ×𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻ℎ𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖 which

indicates whether high-leverage firms initiate production on their wells sooner than low-leverage

firms during the super-contango period relative to the baseline period. The standard errors are

clustered at the firm level. 13

We acknowledge that a natural empirical experiment to evaluate an economic mechanism on the intersection of

leverage and credit agreements is DiDiD analysis focused on the triple interaction (𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 × 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝑄𝑄5𝑖𝑖 ×

𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖 ). Yet collateral, covenants and mandatory renegotiations are not independent as they all

mitigate lending frictions that intensify with increasing leverage. In our sample, only one high-leverage firm does

not have a credit agreement. The outlier−American Eagle (AE)−had a $173.4 million bond offering (101% of the

equity value) in August 2014, just 6 month prior to the period covered in our study. During the contango episode,

AE extended its average completion period by 4.34 months, more than any other firm in our sample, even more than

low-leverage firms without ABL. The DiDiD estimate would be entirely driven by a single high-leverage firm (AE).


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Panel A of Table IV reports the results where the dependent variable is the number of

months to completion. We find that in contango, firms in all but the top quintile of the leverage

distribution delay well completion by approximately one month. Column (1) demonstrates this

nonlinear dependence of wait times during contango on leverage. Firms in the top leverage

quintile pull forward completion relative to their less constrained peers. The difference in

completion times is even more pronounced when examining firms with high leverage and asset-

based lending (column 3). The results are statistically significant irrespective of the statistical

approach underlying the standard errors. Furthermore, the coefficient on

(𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖 × 𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑡𝑡 ) in column (4) is negative, but not statistically

significant. The latter can be attributed to a non-linear effect of leverage, consistent with other

leverage distortions (i.e., risk shifting and debt overhang).

[Insert Table IV here]

Since all but one of the 13 firms in the top leverage quintile have ABL and are exposed to

pre-scheduled renegotiations, yet only about half of the firms in other leverage quintiles have

ABL, one can argue that the effect we document might be driven by asset-based borrowing

rather than leverage. To address this issue in Panel B of both Table II and Table IV we repeat our

empirical experiment after restricting our sample to firms with ABL. 45 of 69 firms in our

sample have such debt agreements. The results show that compared to low-leverage firms with

ABL, high-leverage firms with ABL accelerate well completion by 1 month during contango.


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This evidence suggests that the documented investment distortion cannot be attributed to ABL

alone. Leverage plays an important role in acceleration of well completions. 14

B. Super-contango and Well Completion Decisions: Alternative Explanations

To assess explanations based on observed heterogeneity distinct from leverage (recall

Table I), we augment the analysis presented in Table IV and add interaction terms between the

contango dummy and other firm-level control variables measured prior to contango (as of

September 2014). Table V shows that heterogeneity in firms’ size, profitability, capex and

Tobin’s Q is unlikely to account for our results. Our core inferences do not change after we

control for respective interaction terms (Panel A). Even if we allow these firm characteristics to

affect well completion decisions in a non-linear fashion (via utilizing quintile dummies in

Panel B of Table V), we still find that high-leverage firms accelerate well completion by one

month relative to their low-leverage peers in the industry. Once again, we find that leverage has

both economically and statistically significant effects on well completion decisions in contango

irrespective of the statistical approach underlying the standard errors.

[Insert Table V here]

Overall, the lack of a completion time response for high-leverage firms is consistent with

the notion that debt distorts firms’ investment decisions in the presence of credit market frictions.

In implementing this analysis, we recognize that our results are based on a relatively small number of firms (69).

While ours is not the only study that utilizes small samples in this line of inquiry (Benmelech and Bergman (2009)

use a sample of 246 airplane certificates issued by 12 airlines), in small-sample settings standard asymptotic-based

statistical techniques may over-reject the null and bootstrapped standard errors are recommended to make proper

statistical inferences (Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan, 2004). Appendix B reports all the regression analysis

reported in this paper under the cluster-bootstrapping procedure of Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2008) that allows

adjusting standard errors for small samples in settings similar to ours: a small number of subjects (clusters), each

with a large number of projects.


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Based on the representative well-level cash flows presented in Figure 2, we estimate that by not

expanding time to completion by one month, high-leverage firms are foregoing 4.8% of project

NPV or $124,017 per project. The number is economically significant. Considering the number

of projects available for completions to each high-leverage firm during contango, acceleration of

project completion by one month has the potential to create a deadweight loss of 1.2% of equity

value for high-leverage firms.15

C. Debt Renegotiations

In this section we evaluate completion decisions of high- and low-leverage firms around

ABL renegotiations that by definition expose firms to credit frictions. Alongside further

validating our conclusions above, this analysis allows us to evaluate whether lending frictions

play an important role in firms’ decisions to accelerate oil production. Since the ABL

renegotiation dates are pre-scheduled about every 6 months, these dates can be considered

exogenous to the onset of contango and related changes in firms’ financial conditions. We

exploit the Spring 2015 debt renegotiations staggered through February, March, April, or May of

2015 and compare well completion decisions of high vs low-leverage firms (first difference)

around debt renegotiation dates (second difference).

In this setting, evaluating the time to completion is uninformative as for wells drilled in

September through November of 2014 the time to completion increases purely mechanically

from before renegotiation to after renegotiation. Consequently, we adapt our dependent variable

to capture the start of production decisions in an on/off fashion. Specifically, our dependent

variable 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 takes the value of 1 if a well j of firm i is completed

To quantify the average aggregate effect of one month completion acceleration we multiply the well-level

deadweight loss of $124,017 by the number of wells spudded by each high-leverage firm in our sample and then

divide the resulting estimate by the market value of equity of the respective high-leverage firms. 1.2% represents an

average deadweight loss normalized by equity across all high-leverage firms in our sample.


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(turned on from idle to producing) in a given month t, and it is 0 in all other months (both before

the completion month and following the completion month). The unit of observation is well j,

firm i, month t. Effectively, if one averages the dependent variable within each firm i, within

each month t, one would estimate the share of firm i ex-ante spudded wells that started producing

in a given month t. If debt renegotiations intensify the distortive effects of leverage on

investment decisions we should observe high-leverage firms complete a higher percentage of

wells prior to debt renegotiations as compared to completion decisions of low-leverage firms.

Table VI reports the univariate analysis of completion decisions around renegotiation

dates for high- and low-leverage firms. We observe evidence consistent with distortive effects of

high leverage. The estimate of 0.22 at time (t-1) for high-leverage firms suggests that one month

prior to renegotiations high-leverage firms complete 22% of wells they had spudded in the fall of

2014. This number drops to 9% in the month after renegotiations, a change that is both

economically and statistically significant. To put this into perspective, high-leverage firms

complete 145% more wells in the month prior to renegotiation than the month of or one after the

renegotiation (0.22/0.09−1). In contrast, low-leverage firms exhibit a much smaller change in

well completion percentages around the debt renegotiations dates. We observe a drop from a

12% rate of completion prior to renegotiation to a 7% rate of completion after renegotiation.

[Insert Table VI here]

We confirm this pattern using regression analysis of the completion decisions relative to

debt renegotiations in event time, where we control for geography, firm and month fixed effects:




where 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 is a dummy variable equal to 1 if well j of firm i starts

production in month t and this month is m months removed from the month of credit agreement


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renegotiation, and 0 otherwise. For example, if firm i has a credit renegotiation in March of 2015

and well j starts is completed in April 2015 then 𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 = 1 and


Firm-level fixed effects control for heterogeneity in firms’ characteristics. Since we only

consider oil and gas firms’ behavior over a six-month span, these fixed effects control for a wide

range of unobservable firm characteristics, including firms’ size, profitability, Tobin’s Q, and

capex. Geographic fixed effects control for heterogeneity in project quality and production

potential. Month fixed effects control for changes in economic conditions including changes in

oil prices and severity of contango. The control group for the baseline results reported in

specifications (1)-(3) of Table VII contains all low-leverage firms as well as high-leverage firms

that do not have pre-scheduled renegotiation during Spring of 2015. 𝛽𝛽m are the key coefficients
of interest. If debt renegotiations intensify the distortive effects of leverage on investment

decisions, we expect firms to complete more wells just prior to debt renegotiations (m=-1 or m=-

2) than after the renegotiation decisions (m=0 or m=1).

[Insert Table VII here]

The regression analysis results reported in Table VII offer conclusions similar to those

implied by the univariate analysis reported in Table VII. For example, column (2) of Table VII

suggests that between the month prior to and the month of renegotiations, high-leverage firms

exhibit an 11.3% drop in the rate of well completion (the coefficient drops from -0.022 to -0.135)

as compared to all non-ABL firms and other high-leverage firms not going through renegotiation

in a given month. This is similar in magnitude to the 0.13 change in completion rate documented

in Table VI. In contrast, the number of new wells being brought on line by the low-leverage

firms (column 3 of Table VII) does not vary across debt renegotiation dates in a statistically or

economically significant way (the coefficient changes from -0.007 in m=-1 to -0.006 in m=0).

In column (4) of Table VII we implement the analysis based solely on the sample of

high-leverage firms’ wells. In this setting high-leverage firms not going through renegotiations


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provide the counterfactual for high-leverage firms facing renegotiations (the control group

consists of other high-leverage firms that have not (yet) been treated). Column (5) reports

identical analysis for low-leverage ABL firms. The results suggest that even in the presence of

lending frictions low-leverage firms do not distort investments. Yet lending frictions play an

important role in inducing high-leverage firms to accelerate well completion. This evidence is

consistent with high leverage leading to distortion only in the presence of lending frictions (in

our setting, induced by renegotiations) (Stein, 2003). The latter is important to account for in

identifying potential economic mechanisms driving our results.

D. Robustness and Alternative Interpretations

In this section we discuss a wide array of different tests we implemented to further assess

the sensitivity of our results to different specification assumptions. Results in this section are

reported both in the Online Appendix and the main paper.

(i) We start by testing whether our results are sensitive to alternative definitions of

leverage: (i) book leverage calculated as book value of debt normalized by total book value of

debt plus book value of equity; and (ii) (reverse) interest coverage ratio calculated as ratio of

interest expense divided by EBITDA. Both are measured as of September 2014. The interest

coverage ratio is reversed to ensure comparability of the results (highest quintile being

comparable to high leverage quintile firms). Appendix Tables A.I through A.IV offer results

consistent with those reported in Tables II, IV and VII: high-leverage firms accelerate well

completion by about one month relative to low-leverage firms, the investment distortion is more

pronounced in the month prior to ABL renegotiation.

(ii) Another typical concern that arises with any study that evaluates the effect of leverage

on firm financial decisions is that leverage is not randomly distributed. One can argue that our

results are due to an omitted variable affecting both debt and completion decisions (e.g., firm

size or investment opportunities) or due to firms choosing debt based on their business strategy

(reverse causality), leading to alternative interpretations of our tests. While we do not offer a

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viable instrument for firms’ leverage, there are several pieces of evidence that support a debt-

based interpretation and undermine the argument that our results are due to omitted variable bias

or reverse causality.

First, our identification relies on the contango episode being unanticipated by firms and

the market. The 2014-2015 contango episode was exceedingly rare in that the difference between

the futures price and the spot price exceeded its average by over three standard deviations. To

test whether our results are indeed due to contango and are not a manifestation of long-term

trends where high-leverage firms accelerate well completion over time, we implement Placebo
tests. Appendix Table A.V reports the results of the analysis analogous to the one reported in

Table IV where instead of comparing firm completion behavior around the end of 2014 contango

episode, we look at placebo years. Panel A (B) compares the completion time of wells spudded

in September through November of 2013 (2012) and wells spudded in September through

November of 2012 (2011). The results show no significant discernable differences in well

completions across the time dimension (equivalent of contango dummy) or across high- and low-

leverage firms. These results provide further support for our empirical design. Furthermore, the

results make it more challenging to argue that firms could have anticipated the severe contango

of 2014 and chosen their leverage accordingly. This result does not support reverse-causality-

based explanations.

Second, the evidence of well completion activity around debt renegotiations (where we

control for firm fixed effect) also allows us to further mitigate concerns about unobserved

heterogeneity. It is difficult to argue that changes in completion behavior around debt

renegotiation dates could be attributed to economic channels that exclude debt-related forces. It

is also hard to offer an economic explanation based on, e.g., differential managerial behavior,

wholly unrelated to leverage, for the differential completion activity of high- and low-leverage

firms pre- and post-renegotiation after we control for firm-level fixed effects. Table VI shows


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that high-leverage firms complete more wells than low-leverage firms pre-renegotiation (22%

versus 12%), but have similar completion rates post-renegotiation (9% versus 7%).

(iii) One might be concerned that the results we document are due to the

contemporaneous rapid drop in oil prices rather than firm leverage or contango itself. For

example, a drop in spot oil prices might lead to significant changes in asset values that vary

across high- and low-leverage firms (see Gilje and Taillard, 2016). There are several pieces of

evidence to suggest that a direct oil price change does not fundamentally alter the interpretation

of our results. First, our main tests are based on comparisons of investment decisions within the
same month in the assets of similar quality located in the same township, but owned by firms

with different leverage. Second, the key advantage of contango is that it creates an incentive to

wait to complete projects even when the oil prices are low.

(iv) While our empirical setting offers us a unique opportunity to evaluate firm

investment decisions at the project level, our analysis is based on a small sample of firms – only

69 public oil and gas firms are accounted for in our analysis. As such one can argue that the

results we document might be driven by a few (out of 13) high-leverage firms accelerating

completion for reasons unrelated to debt.

To assess this possibility we have conducted two types of analyses. First, we evaluate

whether the results presented in Table IV are driven by a single high-leverage firm in our

sample. Table VIII provides relevant statistics on each high-leverage firm as well as the

interaction coefficients corresponding to the Table IV column (2) specification after a respective

high-leverage firm is dropped from our sample. The resulting coefficients of interest fall in the

range of [-1.18,-0.86], and remain statistically significant.

[Insert Table VIII here]

Second, we evaluate whether the exclusion of up to 3 highest-leverage firms and

subsequent redefinition of the leverage quintiles affects the Table IV results. Table IX reports

this analysis. While we observe relatively stable magnitudes of the core coefficients of interest


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within the sample of ABL firms (those exposed to credit renegotiations and related lending

frictions), we do see some erosion in magnitude and statistical significance of the coefficients

when we consider the full sample. The robustness tests for Panel A of Table IV (reported in

Panel A of Table IX) show the most significant compression in the core coefficient magnitude as

it reaches -0.6 at its lowest point versus -1.02 reported in Table IV. Similar analysis in Panel B of

Table IX, one that focuses on ABL firms, shows more stable coefficient magnitudes and

statistical significance: the coefficient vary between -0.962 and -1.007. This once again points to

the importance of renegotiations as a part of the economic mechanism underlying the

documented overinvestment. 16

[Insert Table IX here]

E. Leverage Effect on Investment Decisions: Economic Channels

The results presented in Tables II through VII are consistent with high leverage distorting

firms’ investment decisions, particularly so around renegotiations. The question remains as to the

exact economic channels underlying the effect of debt and renegotiations on sample firms’

investment decisions.

The rationale for delaying completion during contango is transparent and unambiguous,

and any finance professional should see the value left on the table as a result of accelerating

production. Barring lending frictions, firms should be able to renegotiate their credit agreements

in a way that allows them to delay productions and capture the additional value (through rent

sharing) under contango. This suggests that our results might be driven by lending frictions

stemming from asymmetric information and moral hazard (Aghion and Bolton, 1992; Stulz and

Johnson, 1985; Hart and Moore, 1995, 1998). On the moral hazard side, delaying well

completion might be perceived by lenders as managerial effort to divert funds to bad projects,

Table AVI extends these robustness tests to exclude up to 5 highest-leverage firms. Tables AVII and AVIII report

similar robustness tests for Tables VI and VII of the paper.


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siphon them off to pay shareholders/management, invest in higher risk projects, or otherwise

misappropriate funds (Berger and Udell, 1990; John, Lynch, and Puri, 2003; Jiménez, Salas, and

Saurina, 2006). On the asymmetric information side, delaying well completion might be

interpreted as an attempt to misrepresent the value of non-producing reserves to secure continued

access to (asset-based) finance.

Covenants and collateral are prominently featured in the prior literature as contract

features that mitigate such lending frictions ex ante (at the point of debt renegotiations). Both

increase firms’ access to debt finance and lower the cost of capital (Chava and Roberts, 2008;
Benmelech and Bergman, 2009). Yet both intensify frictions ex post, particularly so for high-

leverage firms. Covenant violations lead to decline in firms’ investments (Chava and Roberts,

2008; Nini et al., 2009) and curtail bank line-of-credit availability (Sufi, 2009). Decline in

collateral values lead to smaller investments (Chaney, Sraer, and Thesmar, 2012).

In this section, we evaluate whether frictions linked with two aspects of oil and gas firms’

access to debt finance contributed to our results: (i) binding covenants and related cash flow

needs; and (ii) collateral constraints.

E.1 Cash Flow and Financial Covenants

First, we assess whether the decision to complete wells early is driven by binding

covenants and related immediate cash-flow needs. To avoid post covenant-violation investment

distortions (Chava and Roberts, 2008) firms accelerate cash flows and manage earning (e.g.,

Dichev and Skinner, 2002). One can hypothesize that facing binding covenants, firms can go

beyond merely adjusting their accounting approach and distort their real decisions in an attempt

to accelerate cash flows. Revenue shortage, associated with low oil prices in late 2014, might be

felt more acutely by high-leverage firms characterized by higher interest payments and

potentially binding covenant restrictions. This pressure might induce the high-leverage firms to

accelerate production and secure access to funds necessary to avoid real or technical default.


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To evaluate this hypothesis, we analyze covenant and cash flow characteristics of firms in

our sample. We find that high-leverage firms in our sample do not face binding covenant

constraints. As of March 2015, these firms are characterized by an average interest coverage

ratio of 3.18 and an average current ratio (current assets/current liabilities) of 2.464. These

figures suggest that during our sample period high-leverage firms generate sufficient cash flows

to cover interest payments. Additionally, we collect detailed data on credit limits, and find that

high-leverage firms are characterized by spare debt capacity with them utilizing, on average,

only 37.3% of their credit lines’ credit facility. All these numbers indicate that while high-
leverage firms may not have the strongest balance sheets, they are neither vulnerable to

imminent default, nor do they face an impending liquidity crunch at the time of credit


A careful analysis of cash flows associated with a representative well further undermines

a liquidity/cash-flow based explanation of our results. Acceleration of well completion by an

average of one month indeed accelerates the cash in-flows associated with a producing well

(average EBITDA = $0.35 million in the first month of production). However, early well

completion also accelerates $3.5 million necessary capex. Net, the early well completion should

have negative effects on immediate cash availability. In the medium term, acceleration of well

completion would also have a negative effect on a firm’s cash flows as the early-completed well

would generate lower revenue stemming from lower oil prices at the peak of the well operational

capacity yet require the same completion capex. Combined, early well completion is highly

unlikely to yield a better cash position (e.g., necessary for interest payments) for high-leverage

firms. Furthermore, the pattern of project-level cash flow, almost mechanically, rules out

covenant-based explanations. Given that financial covenant metrics are typically backward-

looking (e.g., current debt to trailing 12 month EBITDA), expending capital (funded by debt on

the margin) to complete a well would adversely affect a firm’s near-term financial covenant



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Overall, the short term nature of the decision we evaluate, the cash flow profile of a

representative well, and the collected covenant data allow us to reject the binding financial

covenants as driving our results.

E.2 Collateral Channel

The second economic mechanism stems from an observation that even in the absence of

binding (backward-looking) covenants, high-leverage firms have a more vested interest in

ensuring continued access to finance for future investments. In fact, one-year-ahead investment

plans reported by firms in their 2014 10Ks constitute, on average, 106% of end of the year cash
flows and, thus, require expanded access to credit. For ABL firms that drive our core results,

well completions alongside affecting the cash flows affect the value of pledgeable assets that can

be used to secure/expand firms’ access to finance. Both asymmetric information and moral

hazard lending frictions (at the point of renegotiation) create incentives for collateral generation

by firms at the expense of lower project-level NPVs. Ultimately, equity holders forgo project-

level returns in exchange for greater credit availability. This effect is more pronounced for riskier

firms more dependent on asset-based borrowing (Berger and Udell, 1990).

To evaluate this hypothesis we exploit a specific approach banks pursue in determining

the size of credit agreements in the oil and gas industry. For ABL firms in our sample, the

expected value of collateral determines the “borrowing base” that sets the upper limit on banks’

lines of credit established to finance oil explorations and production operations. Given the

asymmetric information about the quality of oil reserves between firms and banks, lenders apply

different haircuts to expected cash-flow values of developed and undeveloped wells, as well as to

non-producing reserves located in close vicinity of producing reserves versus those located in

geographic isolation.

Figure 3 offers Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reserve classification

for oil and gas exploration and production lending as well as suggested “risk adjustment factors”

that the OCC recommends banks to apply to the NPVs of different types of reserves in


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determining the borrowing base. 17 The OCC guidance suggests that the borrowing base is

adjusted up when (i) oil prices increase, (ii) new wells are completed and moved from proved

undeveloped to proved producing reserves, (iii) higher production volume wells are completed,

or (iv) newly completed wells mitigate asymmetric information about the value of other

(typically neighboring) non-producing reserves. Apart from directly affecting the collateral value

of completed wells, production decisions have the capacity to increase collateral values assigned

to the nonproducing and undeveloped resources.

[Insert Figure 3 here]

This suggests that spudded wells exhibit significant heterogeneity in their ability to affect

the borrowing base once completed, stemming from production capacity and ability to mitigate

the asymmetric information between firms and banks regarding the value of neighboring

nonproducing reserves. For example, if a firm completes a well on a lease with existing

producing wells (multi-well lease) it receives collateral credit for the newly added production

volume, but well completion does not offer additional information about neighboring (already

producing) reserves. In contrast, if the same firm decides to complete the first well on an oil

lease (single-well lease), it not only receives collateral credit for the newly added production

volume, but it also recognizes the benefits of reduced asymmetric information about the quality

of neighboring non-producing reserves. The wells on single-well leases, ceteris paribus, have

higher collateral impact. Appendix A1 offers a numerical example that compares the collateral

effect of completing a representative well on single- and multi-well leases.

[Insert Table X here]

We explore these two margins of collateral adjustment in our empirical tests. First, we

compare production volume of wells completed right before a debt renegotiation versus those

Comptroller’s Handbook for oil and gas Exploration and Production Lending, March 2016, Office of the

Comptroller of the Currency,



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completed right after. Univariate analysis presented in Table X shows that wells completed by

high-leverage firms just prior to a credit renegotiation have higher initial production volume than

wells completed after renegotiation. Specifically, prior to debt renegotiations firms initiate

production on wells that produce 417 barrels per day, versus 292 barrels per day right after debt


[Insert Table XI here]

Second, we exploit the heterogeneous effect on collateral values of single- and multi-well

lease completions. We split our sample of wells based on these well definitions and compare
companies’ completion behavior within each well category. Table XI reports the results. We find

that high-leverage ABL firms accelerate completion on high-collateral-impact single-well leases

prior to renegotiations. This effect is economically and statistically absent among completions on

low-collateral-impact multi-well leases. Table XII further confirms these results in a regression

setting similar to that reported in Table VII. Column (1) shows that high-leverage ABL firms’

rate of high-collateral-impact well completion declines by 21% after the debt renegotiation

month (0) and indicates acceleration of completion prior to renegotiations. Column (4) indicates

a uniform low-collateral-impact well completion behavior around renegotiations date. We

observe similar evidence even if we implement the renegotiation-focused DiD analysis

separately for high- and low-leverage ABL firms (columns 2-3 and 5-6).

[Insert Table XII here]

As a final note, we address a concern that single-well lease and multi-well leases could

differ on other dimensions in addition to their impact on collateral values. For example, if single

well leases are, on average, higher-risk higher-reward type projects, then our evidence is

indicative of a risk-shifting rather than a collateral-based mechanism. Using production data on a

broad set of wells across public and private companies, we verify that single-well leases exhibit,

on average, both lower initial production and lower standard deviation of production realizations.


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This evidence is not consistent with risk-shifting and confirms arguments presented by Gilje

(2016). 18

Taken together, the evidence indicates that ability of collateral to mitigate credit frictions

offers a potential mechanism underlying our core results. It suggests that in making completion

decisions during contango, high-leverage ABL firms are driven by a desire to expand their

access to finance.

III. Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper we document a new debt-related investment distortion and link this

distortion with firms’ incentives to create collateral. Our results suggest that by increasing

collateral values, high-leverage firms (dependent on asset-based loans) mitigate financing

frictions arising at debt renegotiations. We show that during the 2014/15 contango episode, high-

leverage firms complete wells and start production earlier than low-leverage firms. This

acceleration of production adversely affects the NPV of oil projects, which, according to our

estimates, is equivalent to a deadweight loss of about 1.2% of high-leverage firms’ equity value.

This adverse investment decision is particularly pronounced prior to (pre-scheduled) debt

renegotiations. High-leverage firms complete 145% more wells in the month leading to

renegotiations than in the month of and after renegotiations (when their rate of well completion

is equal to that of low-leverage firms). High-leverage firms, being more subject to lending

frictions, resort to accumulating collateral to secure and/or expand their access to finance.

The literature has long argued that riskier firms depend more on secured financing

(Berger and Udell, 1990). Collateral plays a much more important role in high-leverage firms’

Note that the evidence regarding the lower-risk and lower-return nature of single well leases is not inconsistent

with evidence indicating higher production volume of wells opened by high-leverage firms prior to debt

renegotiations. In view of the firm-level fixed effects, both results suggest that high-leverage firms tend to open

more productive, single wells prior to renegotiation than after renegotiation.


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cost of debt financing and access to debt financing as compared to low-leverage firms

(Benmelech and Bergman, 2009). Low-leverage firms can potentially substitute away from

asset-based financing to other forms of financing. We find that high-leverage firms forego

project-level NPV to boost collateral values prior to renegotiations. In essence, our evidence

suggests that high-leverage firms pay (in a form of lower project NPV) to ensure continued

access to cheaper and more abundant credit.

Our study highlights previously undocumented hidden costs of collateral-based financing.

More than 70% of commercial and industrial loans are issued on a secured basis (Berger and
Udel, 1990). Even publicly traded firms rely on bank debt and exploit secured credit to a

significant extent (Rauh and Sufi, 2010). Secured or not, debt contracts are frequently

renegotiated even in the absence of distress or default (Denis and Wang, 2014; Roberts and Sufi,

2009). These renegotiations result in large changes in amounts, maturity, and pricing of the

contracts (Roberts and Sufi (2009)). Roberts and Sufi (2009) estimate that close to 90% of the

debt contracts are renegotiated before stated maturity. Our results, hence, provide important

implications for the wide set of firms that have asset-based debt and are subject to renegotiation

and refinancing-related lending frictions.

Finally, we would like to note that our findings also shed light on a puzzle of oil

production being inelastic in the short-run (Anderson, Kellogg, and Salant, 2016) which has

important implications for understanding the macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks (e.g.,

Kilian and Murphy, 2012). These studies attribute inelastic supply to the traditional oil

production technology characterized by high-cost production adjustments. However, even with

the onset of new production technology (fracking) and associated low cost of production

adjustment, firms’ oil production remained inelastic. Our results suggest that the contractual

nature of debt financing creates frictions preventing downward adjustment in oil production

when oil prices fall. We thus offer further support to the argument that mounting debt of the oil

and gas industry firms is becoming an important factor in the global oil price dynamic.


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Panel A: Crude Oil Futures Prices over Time

Panel B: February 2015 and September 2014 Oil Price Futures Curves
Futures curves before contango and during contango

Futures curve as of September 2014

Futures curve as of February 2015
futures price relative to current spot price





0 5 10 15 20
Maturity of futures contract (Months)

Figure 1: Crude Oil Futures Price Dynamic

Panel A plots the differences between the 6-month (2-year) futures and the spot price normalized by the spot price
between 2012 and 2016. It is based on crude oil futures prices reported by Bloomberg. The shaded area represents
the contango period that we focus on in our study. Panel B plots the crude oil futures curve normalized by the spot
price at two different points in time: September 2014, prior to the contango; and February 2015, during the contango


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Figure 2: Financial Implications of Delayed Production
Panel A presents an individual well’s cash flows under two mutually exclusive investment decisions: immediate
well completion and delaying of well completion by 1 month. See Appendix Figure A2 for the details of the
production cash flow calculations. Panel B plots the estimated gain in project-level NPV as a result of a decision to
delay production by a given number of month as a percentage of NPV of an immediately completed well. The well-
level after tax cash flows are based on the January 2015 NYMEX futures curve and on the average production
profile of 2,484 wells completed in North Dakota in 2014. The calculations assume a discount rate of 10%.


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oil and gas

Proved Unproven

Undeveloped Probable Possible

(25%-50%) (0%) (0%)

Producing Nonproducing
(90%-95%) (65%-75%)

Behind the

Figure 3: OCC oil and gas Reserves Classification

This figure presents OCC reserve classifications and suggested risk adjustment factors (in round brackets) applied in
determination of a borrowing base for oil and gas exploration and production lending. The OCC recommends that
the risk adjustment factors are to be applied to the NPV of the reserve value estimates. Alternatively, lenders can
make volumetric adjustments by applying the risk adjustment factors to oil production volumes rather than NPV.
Additionally, the OCC recommends accounting for the uncertainty of the production volumes for non-producing and
undeveloped reserves. * indicates classes that apply only to traditional production technology and is not applicable
to fracking wells. The engineering complexity of completion as well as deteriorating pressure in fracking wells
effectively eliminates ability to “shut-in” production to wait for higher prices. Source: Comptroller’s Handbook for
oil and gas Exploration and Production Lending, March 2016, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.


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Table I: Summary Statistics
This table contains summary statistics for firm-level financial variables, well completion time, and
the number of wells per firm. The sample covers 69 oil producers that spud a total of 3,557 wells
during the relevant time period. Market leverage is defined as total book debt divided by equity
market cap plus debt. Profitability is defined as the quarterly earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation, and amortization scaled by lagged assets. Assets is total assets, and Tobin's Q is the
market value of equity plus debt divided by book assets. The financials are as of the last quarter prior
to onset of contango (September 2014). Panel B compares characteristics of low-leverage (bottom
four quintiles of market leverage ratio) firms to characteristics of high-leverage (top quintile) firms in
full sample as well as for the sub-sample of ABL firms. Additional variable definitions for Panel B
are as follows: Capex is capital expenditures divided by lagged assets; Dividends are dividends paid
in the quarter divided by lagged assets; Cash is cash and short-term investments divided by assets;
Tangibility is net property, plant, and equipment divided by assets; SGA is selling, general, and
administrative expense divided by sales; and Sales Growth is year-over-year percentage increase in
sales. * indicates significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Panel A: Full Sample Summary Statistics

N Mean Std. Dev. p25 p50 p75

Months from Spud to Completion 3557 4.58 2.60 3.00 4.00 5.00
Market Leverage (%) 69 30.65 18.88 17.40 25.61 41.31
Profitability (%) 69 4.24 1.67 3.13 3.83 5.09
Total Assets ($millions) 69 30,600 70,890 2,171 5,833 17,846
Tobin's Q 69 1.17 0.44 0.84 1.08 1.43
Number of Wells Pre-Contango 69 20.32 26.96 3.00 10.00 26.00
Number of Wells Contango 69 31.23 35.35 6.00 19.00 40.00

Panel B: High Leverage and Low Leverage Firm Characteristics (Averages)

Full Sample ABL Firms
Low High Low High
(as of September, 2014) Leverage Leverage Difference Leverage Leverage Difference
Market Leverage (%) 23.5 61.7 -38.2*** 26.3 61.9 -35.60***
Total Assets ($millions) 36,780 3,978 32,802 3,954 4,279 -325***
Tobin's Q 1.24 0.86 0.38*** 1.34 0.87 0.47***
Profitability (%) 4.31 3.92 0.39 4.64 3.95 0.69
Capex (% of Total Assets) 8.58 7.74 0.84 11.85 7.38 4.47**
Dividends (% of Total Assets) 0.29 0.24 0.05 0.15 0.27 -0.12
Cash (% of Total Assets) 4.26 4.58 0.32 2.77 3.87 -1.1
Share of Tangible Assets (%) 83.03 85.57 2.54 89.02 86.07 2.95
SGA (% of Sales) 8.80 8.55 0.25 7.75 8.23 -0.48
Sales Growth (%) 43.13 46.82 -3.69 60.04 46.82 13.22

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Table II: Leverage and Production Decisions, Univariate Test
This table reports the average number of months firms wait to complete wells after they are spudded
(started) in each period by quintiles of firms' leverage. Specifically, the columns report the average
number of months wells sit idle prior to completion across different leverage thresholds. The "Super
Contango" sample contains wells spudded during September, October, and November of 2014, and
completed during the "Super Contango" period in December 2014 and early 2015. The "Pre-super
Contango" sample contains wells spudded during September, October, and November of 2013 and
completed in December 2013 and early 2014 (this period forms the pre-event control period). Panel
A includes all fims in our sample, and Panel B is restricted to ABL firms. * indicates significance at
the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Panel A: Full Sample Panel B: ABL Firms

Super Pre-super Super Pre-super
Market Leverage Contango Contango Difference Contango Contango Difference
Quintile 5 (Highest) 3.75 3.57 -0.18 3.67 3.53 -0.14
Quintile 4 5.31 3.64 -1.67*** 5.45 3.64 -1.81***
Quintile 3 5.13 4.05 -1.08*** 4.25 3.63 -0.61***
Quintile 2 4.92 4.20 -0.72*** 3.95 3.25 -0.70***
Quintile 1 (Lowest) 5.06 4.05 -1.01*** 4.89 3.06 -1.84***

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Table III: Differences in Investment Opportunities
This table provides project-level comparisons of well costs and initial production volumes across both
high-leverage and low-leverage firms. High-leverage firms are defined as those in the top 20% of the
market leverage distribution. The remainder of the firm population is defined as low-leverage firms.
Panel A reports univariate analysis of well characteristics, while Panel B reports the results of the
regression analysis controlling for geography and time fixed effects. The sample is composed of wells
for which initial production and costs are available from regulatory disclosures to the Oklahoma
Corporation Commission in 2013, 2014, and 2015. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission offers the
broadest available data set that captures both well costs and initial production. These data overlap with
the sample used in the main tests of this study, but only covers wells located in Oklahoma. The unit of
observation is well j in year t . The regression specification includes both time and township-level
geographic fixed effects (no well is farther than 8.48 miles from another well in a given township). In
Panel B, the standard errors are clustered by firm and are reported in square brackets below the
coefficient estimates. * indicates significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1%
Panel A: Well Univariate Analysis
High Low
Leverage Leverage Difference
Cost $3,885,710 $7,306,493 $3,420,783*
N 228 706
Initial Production (Barrels of Oil Per Day) 241 364 -123***
N 738 1276

Panel B: Controling for Firm and Township Fixed Effects

Initial Ln(Initial
Dependent Variable Cost Ln(Cost)
Production Production)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
High Leverage Dummy -130,709 -0.055 24.989 0.021
[273,682] [0.036] [28.912] [0.110]
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 934 934 1322 1319
R2 0.395 0.419 0.395 0.419

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Table IV: Leverage and Production Decisions
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how project
completion decisions vary across firms based on market leverage. The unit of observation is at the
well j , firm i , year t level. The dependent variable is the number of months between the date a well
is spudded (started) and the date when it is completed and production begins. The pre-contango
period (Contangot = 0) is composed of wells started in September, October, and November of 2013,
the year prior to the super-contango period. The contango period (Contangot = 1) is composed of
wells started in September, October, and November of 2014, just before the oil market entered
contango in December of 2014. Leverage quintiles are based on a firm's market leverage (total debt
divided by debt plus equity market cap) measured as of September 30, 2014. Panel A reports the
results for the full sample. Panel B reports the results for the sub-sample of ABL firms where the
township fixed effects are estimated using all available projects via SUR setting. Standard errors
clustered at the firm level are reported in parentheses. ***, **, and * represent statistical
significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Dependent Variable =
Panel A: Full Sample Panel B: ABL Firms
Months to Production
Contangot 1.090*** 1.077*** 1.262*** 1.202* 0.967*** 1.264**
(0.331) (0.210) (0.347) (0.675) (0.343) (0.508)
Contangot × Leverage Q2i -0.276 -0.588
(0.631) (0.714)

Contangot × Leverage Q3i 0.147 -0.506

(0.553) (0.992)

Contangot × Leverage Q4i 0.184 0.251

(0.428) (0.812)
Contangot × Leverage Q5i -1.014** -1.002** -1.303* -1.071**
(0.442) (0.383) (0.722) (0.423)
Contangot × Continuous Leveragei -1.088 -1.676*
(0.848) (0.955)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geo j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table V: The Role of Other Firm Characteristics
This table reports results of the difference-in-differences analysis reported in Table IV conditional on other
firm characteristics and their interaction with the contango dummy. Panel A utilizes continuous control
variables (profitability, size and Tobin's Q), while Panel B exploits dummies for the lowest quintile of
respective firm characteristics. Columns (1) through (4) report the results for the full sample. Columns (5)
through (8) report the results for the sub-sample of ABL firms where the township fixed effects are estimated
using all available projects via SUR setting. Appendix Table A.X presents specifications with all interaction
terms in the same regression. Standard errors clustered at the firm level are reported in parentheses. ***, **,
and * represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% level respectively.

Dependent Variable = Months to Production

Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel A: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Continuous Approach
Contangot 0.589 2.288* 0.786 0.803** 1.133 3.372 2.415* 0.553
(0.541) (1.192) (0.588) (0.305) (0.933) (2.113) (1.242) (0.503)
Contangot×Q5 High-levi -0.921** -1.225*** -0.907** -0.992** -1.103** -1.142*** -1.624** -0.881*
(0.399) (0.391) (0.429) (0.381) (0.431) (0.409) (0.649) (0.465)
Contangot×Profitabilityi 10.827 -3.620
(10.130) (20.067)
Contangot×Log Assetsi -0.121 -0.283
(0.121) (0.244)
Contangot×Tobin's Qi 0.234 -1.067
(0.423) (0.857)
Contangot×Capexi 3.980* 3.426
(2.291) (2.208)
Firm i FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geo j FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Quintile Dummy Approach
Contangot 1.062*** 1.069*** 1.061*** 1.317*** 0.941*** 0.997** 0.984*** 0.970***
(0.224) (0.217) (0.241) (0.208) (0.345) (0.383) (0.347) (0.342)
Contangot×Q5 High-levi -1.052** -1.005***-1.022***-1.247*** -1.204** -1.095** -0.811* -1.077**
(0.416) (0.373) (0.377) (0.379) (0.488) (0.450) (0.421) (0.423)
Contangot×Q1 Profitabilityi 0.144 0.340
(0.372) (0.512)
Contangot×Q1 Log Assetsi 0.204 -0.230
(0.658) (0.516)
Contangot×Q1 Tobin's Qi 0.068 -0.528
(0.333) (0.418)
Contangot×Q1 Capexi -0.806* -1.970***
(0.440) (0.342)
Firm i FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geo j FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table VI: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations, Univariate Tests
The table reports the results of univariate analysis that compares firms' well completion rates around
debt renegotiation dates. The sample contains wells of firms with asset-based lending and with
borrowing base collateral redeterminations scheduled during February, March, April, and May of
2015. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The variable of interest equals one if
production was initiated in a given month and zero otherwise for months before and after completion.
Therefore the statistics reported can be interpreted as the share of spudded wells that were completed
in a given month. High-leverage firms are firms in the top quintile of the market leverage distribution
as of September 2014, the last quarter prior to the beginning of the super-contango period. * indicates
significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Probability of Well Starting Production Difference

Well Startst=-1 -
Time 0 = month of debt renegotiation Well Startst=0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
High Leverage 0.25 0.18 0.22 0.09 0.09 0.04 0.04 0.13***
N 129 238 238 238 238 238 238

Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.05***
N 626 640 640 640 640 640 640

DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.08**

p-value 0.013

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Table VII: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations
The table reports the results of the difference-in-differences analysis that compares firms' well completion
rates around debt renegotiation dates. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The dependent
variable is a dummy equal one if production was initiated in a given month and zero otherwise. For firms
with borrowing base collateral redeterminations scheduled during February, March, April, and May of 2015
we create a set of firm-level dummies capturing different months relative to the firm-specific credit
agreement renegotiation date (month 0). These dummies are equal to zero for wells of firms that are not
subject to credit renegotiations (columns 1 through 3). In column 2 (3) the sample consists of high-leverage
(low-leverage) firms and all non-borrowing-base firms. In column 4 (5) the sample consists of all high-
leverage (low-leverage) firms and we draw our identification from heterogeneity in renegotiation dates. The
direct effect of the high-leverage dummy is absorbed by the firm fixed effects. Standard errors clustered at
the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels respectively.
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well High Lev + Low Lev + High Lev Low Lev
starts producing in month, 0 otherwise) All
Non-ABL Non-ABL Only Only
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Month=-2 to Renegotiation D t 0.020 -0.062 0.017 -0.064 0.017
(0.038) (0.061) (0.039) (0.065) (0.045)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.003 -0.022 -0.007 0.001 -0.008
(0.030) (0.049) (0.031) (0.065) (0.028)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.005 -0.135** -0.006 -0.117* -0.007
(0.036) (0.050) (0.037) (0.061) (0.039)
Month=1 to Renegotiation D t -0.034 -0.107** -0.034 -0.086 -0.034
(0.029) (0.046) (0.030) (0.063) (0.029)
Month=2 to Renegotiation D t -0.014 -0.111*** -0.015 -0.132** -0.015
(0.031) (0.037) (0.031) (0.065) (0.032)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt 0.074 -0.092* 0.074 -0.146* 0.074*
(0.052) (0.046) (0.052) (0.083) (0.042)
High Levi × Month=-2 to Renegotiation D t -0.078
High Levi × Month=-1 to Renegotiation D t -0.010
High Levi × Month=0 to Renegotiation D t -0.122**
High Levi × Month=1 to Renegotiation D t -0.060
High Levi × Month=2 to Renegotiation D t -0.090**
High Levi × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.162**
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 20,297 15,051 18,755 1,569 18,728
R2 0.052 0.056 0.049 0.080 0.049

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Table VIII: High-Leverage Firm Characteristics
The table summarizes characteristics of oil and gas companies in the high-leverage sub-sample. Alongside market
leverage and assets in $millions it reports (i) whether the firm has an asset base lending facility (column 3) ; (ii) the
number of wells each firm has in our sample (column 4); (iii) average completion rate of this firm before Contango
(column 6) and during Contango (column 7). Column (8) evaluates whether an individual firm drives our core result. It
reports the interaction coefficient between Contango and the high-leverage-firm indicator variable from the analysis
corresponding to specification (2) of Table IV, after the respective high-leverage firm is dropped from the treatment
group. * indicates significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Months from Spud

ABL % of Wells
to Completion
Revolving in High Table 4 (2):
Market Assets Credit # of Leverage Before
Contango Excluding
Company Name Leverage $millions Facility Wells Quintile Contango Firm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Triangle Petroleum Corp 0.518 1,550 YES 15 4.6% 4.75 6.14 -1.02**
Comstock Resources Inc 0.529 2,322 YES 11 3.3% 4.00 3.40 -0.97**
Sanchez Energy Corp 0.532 3,104 YES 21 6.4% 2.22 2.83 -1.03**
Petroquest Energy Inc 0.539 729 YES 1 0.3% 4.00 NM -1.00**
Penn Virginia Corp 0.543 2,722 YES 38 11.6% 4.38 3.40 -0.86**
Linn Energy LLC 0.552 18,927 YES 5 1.5% 2.00 3.33 -1.00**
American Eagle Energy Corp 0.583 373 NO 9 2.7% 4.33 8.67 -1.18***
Sandridge Energy Inc 0.603 6,978 YES 117 35.6% 3.05 3.27 -0.89*
Exco Resources Inc 0.629 2,402 YES 25 7.6% 4.50 5.08 -1.09***
Halcon Resources Corp 0.679 5,934 YES 29 8.8% 4.67 5.07 -0.89**
Swift Energy Co 0.719 2,675 YES 3 0.9% NM 6.33 -1.00**
Jones Energy Inc 0.766 1,721 YES 7 2.1% NM 3.43 -1.00**
Midstates Petroleum Co Inc 0.825 2,280 YES 48 14.6% 2.96 3.17 -1.02**

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Table IX: Leverage and Production Decisions: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how the time to project
completion varies across firms based on leverage. Each panel replicates the DiD regression analysis
reported in Table IV of the paper after respective number of highest market-leverage firms (top of the
leverage distribution) is droppped from the sample. In each panel the remaining firms are reassigned to new
leverage quintiles that reflect the remaning set of firms. Standard errors clustered at the firm level are
reported in parentheses. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% level
respectively. All regressions include firm-level fixed effects and 6-square-mile geography fixed effects.

Dependent variable=Month to
Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.091*** 1.079*** 1.238*** 1.205* 0.973*** 1.329**
(0.330) (0.213) (0.375) (0.675) (0.360) (0.556)
Contangot×Leverage Q5 -0.932* -0.923** -1.232 -1.007**
(0.477) (0.438) (0.748) (0.474)

Contangot×Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923

(1.056) (1.235)
Contango×Q1-Q4 Lev. Quintile Controls Yes No No Yes No No
N 3509 3509 3509 1196 1196 1196
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.087*** 1.079*** 1.238*** 1.196* 0.973*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.213) (0.375) (0.671) (0.360) (0.556)
Contangot×Leverage Q5 -0.936* -0.923** -1.240 -1.007**
(0.476) (0.438) (0.745) (0.474)
Contangot×Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.235)
Contango×Q1-Q4 Lev. Quintile Controls Yes No No Yes No No
N 3502 3502 3502 1189 1189 1189
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.086*** 1.088*** 1.238*** 1.204* 0.972*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.227) (0.375) (0.673) (0.360) (0.556)
Contangot×Leverage Q5 -0.616 -0.612 -1.246* -1.005**
(0.428) (0.406) (0.746) (0.474)
Contangot×Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.236)
Contango×Q1-Q4 Lev. Quintile Controls Yes No No Yes No No
N 3499 3499 3499 1186 1186 1186
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table X: Well Initial Production Before vs. After Debt Renegotiation
This table reports the univariate analysis of well-level initial production across high-leverage
firms before and after debt renegotiation. Data on initial production from wells was collected from
a subsample of firms that have operations in Texas (available through the Texas Railroad
Commission) and in Oklahoma (available through the Oklahoma Corporation Commission). *
indicates significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Initial Production = Barrels of Oil per Day

Before Renegotiation After Renegotiation Difference
High Leverage Firms 417.34 291.71 125.64*
N 151 41
Initial Production = Log (Barrels of Oil per Day)
Before Renegotiation After Renegotiation Difference
High Leverage Firms 5.57 5.23 0.34*
N 151 41

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Table XI: High Collateral Impact vs. Low Collateral Impact, Univariate Tests
This table reports a univariate analysis similar to that reported in Table VI. Panel A reports the
results for high-collateral-impact single-well-lease completion rates. The sample of high-
collateral-impact wells contains wells on leases that have no other completed and producing
wells as of September 2014. In contrast, Panel B reports the results for low-collateral-impact
multi-well leases. In this analysis the samples contain spudded wells located on leases with other
completed and producing wells as of September 2014. * indicates significance at the 10% level,
** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Well Starting Production Dummy Difference

Well Startst=-1 - Well
Time 0 = month of debt renegotiation Startst=0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
Panel A: Single Well Lease (High Collateral Impact)
High Leverage 0.29 0.18 0.26 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.18***
Low Leverage 0.14 0.16 0.12 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.03
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.15***
p-value 0.002

Well Starting Production Dummy Difference

Well Startst=-1 - Well
Time 0 = month of debt renegotiation Startst=0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
Panel B: Multi Well Lease (Low Collateral Impact)
High Leverage 0.17 0.18 0.15 0.10 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.05**
Low Leverage 0.17 0.19 0.12 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.09 0.06**

DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow -0.01

p-value 0.891

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Table XII: High Collateral Impact vs. Low Collateral Impact
This table reports the results of a regression form of difference-in-differences for completion activity of wells
around credit agreement renegotiations for high-collateral-impact (single lease wells) and low-collateral-impact
(multi-lease wells). The sample contains wells of firms with asset-based lending that have borrowing base
collateral redeterminations scheduled during February, March, April, and May of 2015. The unit of observation
is well j for firm i in month t . The dependent variable equals one if production was initiated in that month and
zero otherwise, including months before and after completion. A negative coefficient can be interpreted as a
relative decline in completion activity. Month = 0 is the month of the credit agreement renegotiation. All
regressions include firms that are not subject to credit renegotiations as part of the control group. This control
group is designed to control for general time trends in completion activity over this period. The direct effect of
the high leverage dummy is absorbed by the firm fixed effects. Standard errors clustered at the firm level are
reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well High Collateral Impact Low Collateral Impact
starts producing in month, 0 otherwise) High Low High Low
All All
Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt 0.023 -0.124 0.019 0.020 0.029 0.020
(0.044) (0.079) (0.045) (0.054) (0.083) (0.055)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.004 -0.046 -0.010 0.012 0.004 0.011
(0.041) (0.096) (0.041) (0.043) (0.062) (0.043)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt 0.011 -0.213*** 0.006 -0.003 -0.020 0.000
(0.054) (0.071) (0.054) (0.041) (0.061) (0.042)
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.023 -0.182*** -0.026 -0.030 -0.002 -0.026
(0.041) (0.061) (0.042) (0.033) (0.053) (0.033)
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt 0.016 -0.179*** 0.014 -0.027 -0.017 -0.027
(0.049) (0.054) (0.049) (0.029) (0.048) (0.029)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt 0.106 -0.187*** 0.106 0.059 0.048 0.059
(0.064) (0.061) (0.065) (0.055) (0.057) (0.055)
High Levi × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.144 0.013
(0.090) (0.097)
High Levi × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.035 -0.001
(0.104) (0.072)
High Levi × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.211** -0.013
(0.084) (0.068)
High Levi × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.146** 0.041
(0.067) (0.053)
High Levi × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.188*** 0.018
(0.067) (0.046)
High Levi × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.288*** -0.009
(0.083) (0.074)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 11160 8868 10194 9137 6183 8561
R2 0.046 0.052 0.040 0.071 0.075 0.071

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Online Appendix

Appendix A1

Effect of Well Completion on Collateral Values: Numerical Example

This Appendix offers a numerical example in an attempt to quantify the tradeoffs between
completing a well early and retaining liquidity for later well completion. We identify dimensions
that affect the tradeoffs and then discuss why these tradeoffs might differ across high-and low -
leverage firms.

First, completion of a new well affects the collateral value of this specific well and expands a
company’s access to credit. An average well in our sample costs about $3.5 million to complete
and generates about $8.907 million in PV of production-related incremental cash in-flows during
contango (note: the drilling and spudding capex represent sunk cost as we only consider spudded
wells). Multi well lease completion allows the lender to move a well from the Proven
Undeveloped resource category (see OCC guidance in Figure 5 of the paper) to the Proven
Developed Producing resource category. This results in an increase of the collateral value from,
on average, 37.5% of the PV to 92.5% of the PV, or $8.907 million × (92.5% - 37.5%) =
$4.899 million. Since a typical bank lends up to 50% of the collateral value, this leads to an
increase in the borrowing base of $2.449 million, which is below the completion investment of
$3.5 million.

If a well is completed on a single well lease, this well is moved from the Unproven resource
category (0% on OCC guidance) to the Proven Developed resource category. This results in an
increase in the collateral value of $8.239 million (=$8.907 million × 92.5%) and an increase in
the borrowing base of $4.119 million, which exceeds the completion cost of $3.5 million.

Second, completion of a well on a single-well lease also enhances the collateral value of other
resources on this lease. The remaining potential wells on the lease move from the Unproven
resource category to the Proven Undeveloped category (37.5% value discount). An average lease
in our sample has 5.437 wells. With the completion of one well, the remaining 4.437 wells are
now generating incremental collateral value (after factoring in the drilling and completion costs
of those wells) of $4.053 million (=4.437 × ($8.907 million - $3.500 million (completion cost) -


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$2.971 (drilling cost)) × 37.5%) and command an increase in the borrowing base of
$2.026 million (50% of collateral value). Combined, completion of a single-well lease has the
potential to increase the borrowing base by $6.146 million (= $4.119 million + $2.026 million).
As such, a decision to invest $3.5 million on a single-well lease allows a firm to access
additional finance equal to 175% (=$6.146 million / $3.5 million) of the invested capital.19

From one perspective, these numerical examples illustrate that a completion of a (single-well
lease) well is beneficial for any company as it expands access to credit irrespective of its timing.
The advantage of our setting is that contango imposes additional costs on immediate well
completion as it reduces the PV of production related incremental cash flows. During contango,
firms have to trade-off the immediate expansion of their access to credit against a 5% reduction
in NPV of their current investments (see, Figure 5). While quantifying the value of continued
access to finance in this setting is challenging, it is clear that low-leverage firms with well-
underutilized borrowing bases would benefit significantly less from expanding their debt
capacity than high-leverage firms that might be cut-off from access to credit.

Finally, the increase in the borrowing base stemming from well completion has the potential to
affect the cost of new and existing debt even before renegotiations. A typical credit agreement in
our sample is characterized by a staggered interest rate schedule closely tied to the credit line
utilization rate. Firms typically experience a 25 bps increases in the cost of debt every time the
utilization rate moves from [0;0.25[ to [0.25; 0.5[ to [0.5; 0.75[ to [0.75; 0.9[ to [0.9; 1].20
Consequently, an increase in the borrowing base might allow firms to curtail their cost of
existing debt alongside securing access to additional debt capacity. While the interest rate
increases are gradual and affect both low- and high-leverage firms similarly, the marginal benefit

Notably, spending $3.5 million to repay debt does not compare favorably to investing into well completion. First,

it generates only $3.5 million of incremental debt capacity as it does not change the value of collateral and

borrowing base. Second, it deprives the company of the profits associated with a positive NPV project (well


See, e.g., or


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of lowering the utilization rate via a $3.5 million investment is higher for high-leverage firms
that, in the absence of a borrowing base increase, might experience a 25 bps hike in the cost of
capital for significantly larger debt amounts. Such pricing of debt creates additional incentives
for high-leverage firms to accelerate production.


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Figure A1: Density of Oil Wells in Woodford Shale, Oklahoma
This figure illustrates oil and gas development operations in the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma. Each square
represents a 6 mile by 6 mile area (township), which is composed of 36 individual drilling tracts (leases). Each dot
represents the wellhead, and each individual line illustrates the direction of horizontal wellbore for each individual
well. Each township is composed of 36 separate one mile by one mile drilling tracts, each of which could have a
single well or multiple wells. The wells are color coded by operator.


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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Figure A2: Production Cash Flows from a Representative Well

This figure plots the well-level after tax cash flows implied by January 2015 NYMEX futures curve and based on
the average production profile of 2,484 wells completed in North Dakota in 2014. The average well in North Dakota
has an initial monthly production of 12,961 BBLs of oil, which declines to 4,833 BBLs per month by the well’s 12th
month of production. We use actual average production data for the first 12 month. Beyond first 12 month, we
estimate production based on an Arps decline curve methodology which is consistent with Covert and Kellogg
(2017) and the guidelines of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. We adjust the revenue for state severance tax, lease
royalties, depreciation, monthly lease operating costs, and income taxes. The assumptions are as follows: (i)
severance tax of 3% is estimated sample average; (ii) DrillingInfo data provides an estimate of median royalty rate
in the area of 18.75%; (iii) the depreciation estimates are based on $6.47 million capex requirement per well which
includes drilling and completion capex; (iv) lease operating costs are based on estimates from 10-Ks. Finally, (v)
marginal income tax rate is assumed to be 38%.


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Table A.I: Leverage and Production Decisions, Univariate Test: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the average number of months firms wait to complete wells after they are spudded (started) in each period by
quintiles of firms' leverage. Panel A reports the results using the book leverage measure, while Panel B utilizes firms' interest coverage
ratio to capture leverage. To aid comparability, firms sorted by interest coverage are sorted such that the lowest interest coverage firms
are the highest leverage. The empirical design is similar to that reported in Table II of the paper. Specifically, the columns report the
average number of months wells sit idle prior to completion across different leverage thresholds. The "Super Contango" sample
contains wells spudded during September, October, and November of 2014, and completed during the "Super Contango" period in
December 2014 and early 2015. The "Pre-super Contango" sample contains wells spudded during September, October, and November
of 2013 and completed in December 2013 and early 2014. This period forms the pre-event control period. * indicates significance at
the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Full Sample ABL Firms

Super Pre-super Super Pre-super
Difference Difference
Contango Contango Contango Contango

Panel A: Book Leverage

Leverage Quintile 5 (Highest Leverage) 3.71 3.45 -0.26 3.62 3.41 -0.21
Leverage Quintile 4 5.36 4.00 -1.36*** 5.21 3.83 -1.38***
Leverage Quintile 3 4.63 3.88 -0.75*** 3.79 3.52 -0.27*
Leverage Quintile 2 5.23 4.21 -1.02*** 4.96 3.19 -1.77***
Leverage Quintile 1 (Lowest Leverage) 5.22 4.12 -1.10*** 5.18 2.80 -2.38***

Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio

Leverage Quintile 5 (Highest Leverage) 3.67 3.41 -0.26 3.58 3.37 -0.21
Leverage Quintile 4 4.72 3.61 -1.11*** 5.1 3.77 -1.33***
Leverage Quintile 3 4.41 3.60 -0.81*** 4.16 3.62 -0.54***
Leverage Quintile 2 4.97 4.28 -0.69*** 5.14 2.93 -2.21***
Leverage Quintile 1 (Lowest Leverage) 5.67 4.30 -1.37*** 5.81 3.14 -2.67***

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Table A.II: Leverage and Production Decisions: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how the time to project completion varies across firms based on
leverage. Panel A reports the results using book leverage measure, while Panel B utilizes firms' coverage ratio to capture leverage. To aid comparability,
firms sorted by interest coverage are sorted such that the lowest interest coverage firms are the highest leverage. The empirical design is similar to that
employed in Table IV of the paper. The unit of observation is at the well j , firm i , year t level. The dependent variable is the number of months
between the date a well is spudded (started) and the date when it is completed and production begins. The pre-contango period (Contangot = 0) is
composed of wells started in September, October, and November of 2013, the year prior to the super-contango period. The contango period (Contangot =
1) is composed of wells started in September, October, and November of 2014, just before the oil market entered contango in December of 2014.
Columns (1) through (3) reports the results for the full sample. Columns (4) through (6) reports the results for the sub-sample of ABL firms. Standard
errors clustered at the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels

Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel A: Book Leverage
Contangot 1.204*** 1.039*** 0.175 2.016*** 0.840** 1.589*
(0.270) (0.214) (1.176) (0.523) (0.336) (0.836)

Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.521 -0.855

(0.554) (0.821)

Contangot × Leverage Q3 -0.299 -1.955***

(0.469) (0.596)

Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.290 -0.446

(0.469) (0.608)

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.881* -0.710* -0.712*

(0.455) (0.423) (0.403)

Contangot × Continuous Leverage 1.505 -1.589

(2.140) (1.469)
Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio
Contangot 1.180*** 1.080*** 1.011*** -0.075 0.978*** 0.632
(0.247) (0.210) (0.246) (0.460) (0.347) (0.387)

Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.430 2.136***

(0.485) (0.638)

Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.125 0.737

(0.630) (0.667)

Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.065 1.278**

(0.454) (0.619)

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.122*** -1.021*** -1.097**

(0.388) (0.378) (0.428)

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.001 0.004

(0.003) (0.023)
Firm and 6 Sq Mile Geog Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.III: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations, Univariate Tests: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the results of univariate analysis that compares firms' well completion rates around debt renegotiation dates similar to the one reported in Table VI of
the paper. The sample contains wells of firms with asset-based lending and with borrowing-base collateral redeterminations scheduled during February, March, April,
and May of 2015. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The variable of interest equals one if production was initiated in a given month and zero
otherwise for months before and after completion. Therefore the statistics reported can be interpreted as the share of spudded wells that were completed in a given
month. Panel A reports the results using the book leverage measure, while Panel B utilizes firms' interest coverage ratio to capture leverage. High leverage firms are
firms in the top quintile of the respective leverage measures as of September 2014, the last quarter prior to the beginning of the super-contango period. * indicates
significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Probability of Well Starting Production Difference

Well Startst=-1 - Well
Time 0 = month of debt renegotiation
Panel A: Book Leverage
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
High Leverage 0.27 0.21 0.25 0.09 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.16***
N 70 193 193 193 193 193 193
Low Leverage 0.16 0.17 0.11 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.04**
N 670 670 670 670 670 670 670
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.12***
p-value 0.001
Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
High Leverage 0.22 0.18 0.25 0.08 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.17***
N 97 208 208 208 208 208 208
Low Leverage 0.16 0.18 0.11 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.11 0.03**
N 643 655 655 655 655 655 655
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.14***
p-value 0.000

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.IV: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the results of an analysis similar to the one reported in Table VII of the paper. The difference-in-differences analysis evaluates firms'
well completion rates around debt renegotiation dates. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The dependent variable is a dummy equal
to one if production was initiated in a given month and zero otherwise. For firms with borrowing base collateral redeterminations scheduled during
February, March, April, and May of 2015 we create a set of firm-level dummies capturing different months relative to firm-specific credit agreement
renegotiation date (month 0). These dummies are always equal to zero for wells of control firms that are not subject to credit renegotiations. Panel A
reports the results using book leverage measure, while Panel B utilized firm coverage ratio to capture leverage. Standard errors clustered at the firm
level are reported in round brackets. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Panel A: Book Leverage Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio

Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well starts
producing in month, 0 otherwise)
High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.046 0.004 0.005 -0.055 0.015 0.016

(0.067) (0.039) (0.038) (0.067) (0.038) (0.038)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.020 -0.012 -0.011 0.019 -0.018 -0.016
(0.062) (0.030) (0.029) (0.071) (0.029) (0.028)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.165*** -0.008 -0.008 -0.142** -0.006 -0.004
(0.060) (0.036) (0.036) (0.054) (0.036) (0.036)
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.120* -0.038 -0.039 -0.112** -0.032 -0.033
(0.067) (0.029) (0.028) (0.044) (0.030) (0.030)
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.126** -0.019 -0.019 -0.100** -0.018 -0.018
(0.054) (0.030) (0.030) (0.047) (0.030) (0.030)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dummy -0.105 0.066 0.066 -0.091* 0.072 0.072
(0.065) (0.050) (0.050) (0.049) (0.051) (0.051)
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation -0.050 -0.067
(0.074) (0.073)
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation -0.001 0.041
(0.065) (0.076)
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation -0.149** -0.131**
(0.063) (0.061)
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation -0.064 -0.065
(0.065) (0.046)
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation -0.097* -0.075
(0.056) (0.051)
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation -0.167** -0.160**
(0.077) (0.066)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 14,765 19,041 20,297 14,939 18,867 20,297
R 0.056 0.050 0.052 0.057 0.050 0.052

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.V: Leverage and Production Decisions: Placebo Tests, Prior Time Periods
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how the time to project completion varies across firms based
on leverage in earlier placebo time periods. Each panel replicates the DiD regression analysis similar to Table IV except conducted on the
2012-2013 (Panel A) and 2011-12 (Panel B) time periods, when there was no super contango. Firms are sorted into leverage quintile bins
based on their leverage as of Q3 in the placebo year. The regression specifications include firm and township (geography) fixed effects.
Standard errors clustered at the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% level respectively.
Dependent Variable = Dependent Variable =
Months to Production Ln(Months to Production)
Panel A: 2012-2013 Placebo Tests
Dummy2013 0.047 -0.184 0.104 0.014 -0.028 0.026
(0.512) (0.186) (0.348) (0.101) (0.034) (0.034)
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q2 -0.055 0.007
(0.569) (0.107)
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q3 -0.430 -0.109
(0.569) (0.111)
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q4 -0.353 -0.059
(0.596) (0.118)
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q5 0.245 0.473 0.068 0.108
(0.638) (0.432) (0.146) (0.113)
Dummy2013 × Continuous Leverage -0.862 -0.158
(1.085) (0.228)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 2803 2803 2803 2803 2803 2803
R 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.57
Panel B: 2011-2012 Placebo Tests
Dummy2012 0.222 0.116 -0.274 0.013 0.015 -0.040
(0.621) (0.294) (0.485) (0.130) (0.060) 0.098
Dummy2012× Leverage Q2 0.248 0.080
(0.759) (0.158)
Dummy2012 × Leverage Q3 -0.767 -0.119
(0.745) (0.158)
Dummy2012 × Leverage Q4 0.500 0.111
(0.748) (0.147)
Dummy2012 × Leverage Q5 0.525 0.631 0.091 0.088
(0.687) (0.407) (0.146) (0.087)
Dummy2012 × Continuous Leverage 1.611 0.227
(1.126) (0.229)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
R 0.55 0.55 0.53 0.56 0.55 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.VI: Leverage and Production Decisions: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how the time to project completion varies across firms based on leverage.
Each panel replicates the DiD regression analysis reported in Table IV of the paper after respective number of highest market-leverage firms (top of the
leverage distribution) is droppped from the sample. In each panel the remaining firms are reassigned to new leverage quintiles that reflect the remaning set
of firms. The unit of observation is at the well j , firm i , year t level. The dependent variable is the number of months between the date a well is spudded
(started) and the date when it is completed and production begins. The pre-contango period (Contangot = 0) is composed of wells started in September,
October, and November of 2013, the year prior to the super-contango period. The contango period (Contangot = 1) is composed of wells started in
September, October, and November of 2014, just before the oil market entered contango in December of 2014. Leverage quintiles are based on a firm's
market leverage (total debt divided by debt plus equity market cap) measured as of September 30, 2014. Columns (1) thorugh (3) report the results for the
full sample. Columns (4) thorugh (6) report the results for the sub-sample of ABL firms where the township fixed effects are estimated using all available
projects via SUR setting. Standard errors clustered at the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the
1%, 5%, and 10% level respectively.

Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.091*** 1.079*** 1.238*** 1.205* 0.973*** 1.329**
(0.330) (0.213) (0.375) (0.675) (0.360) (0.556)

Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.224 0.388

(0.454) (0.838)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.142 -0.508
(0.553) (0.993)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.278 -0.600
(0.630) (0.712)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.932* -0.923** -1.232 -1.007**
(0.477) (0.438) (0.748) (0.474)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.235)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3509 3509 3509 1196 1196 1196
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table AVI (Cont.)
Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.087*** 1.079*** 1.238*** 1.196* 0.973*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.213) (0.375) (0.671) (0.360) (0.556)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.004 0.397
(0.417) (0.835)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.351 -0.499
(0.636) (0.991)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.280 -0.589
(0.633) (0.708)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.936* -0.923** -1.240 -1.007**
(0.476) (0.438) (0.745) (0.474)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.235)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3502 3502 3502 1189 1189 1189
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.086*** 1.088*** 1.238*** 1.204* 0.972*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.227) (0.375) (0.673) (0.360) (0.556)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.018 0.390
(0.485) (0.837)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.275 -0.529
(0.601) (0.988)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.253 -0.601
(0.695) (0.709)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.616 -0.612 -1.246* -1.005**
(0.428) (0.406) (0.746) (0.474)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.236)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3499 3499 3499 1186 1186 1186
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table AVI (Cont.)
Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.086*** 1.098*** 1.180*** 1.206* 1.007*** 1.235**

(0.331) (0.228) (0.380) (0.674) (0.370) (0.559)

Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.082 0.653

(0.487) (0.808)

Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.289 -0.485

(0.607) (0.954)

Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.275 -0.710

(0.711) (0.706)

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.566 -0.573 -1.171 -0.962**

(0.419) (0.395) (0.740) (0.471)

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.688 -1.531

(1.102) (1.297)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3470 3470 3470 1157 1157 1157
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.024*** 1.098*** 1.182*** 0.938 1.007*** 1.286**
(0.356) (0.228) (0.567) (0.784) (0.370) (0.567)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.145 0.917
(0.504) (0.894)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.351 -0.216
(0.620) (1.043)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.145 -0.105
(0.706) (0.898)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.527 -0.595 -1.009 -1.070**
(0.449) (0.418) (0.846) (0.474)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.700 -1.758
(1.183) (1.366)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3445 3445 3445 1132 1132 1132
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.VII: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations, Univariate Tests: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a univariate analysis that compares firms' well completion rates around debt renegotiation dates. Each panel
replicates the univariate analysis reported in Table VI of the paper after respective number of highest market-leverage firms (top of the
leverage distribution) is dropped from the sample. In each panel the remaining firms are reassigned to new leverage quintiles that reflect the
remaning set of firms. The sample contains wells of firms with asset-based lending that have borrowing base collateral redeterminations
scheduled during February, March, April, and May of 2015. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The variable of interest
equals one if production was initiated in a given month and zero otherwise for months before and after completion. Therefore the statistics
reported can be interpreted as the share of spudded wells that were completed in a given month. Panel A reports the results using the book
leverage measure, while Panel B utilizes firm coverage ratio to capture leverage. High-leverage firms are firms in the top quintile of the
respective leverage measures as of September 2014, the last quarter prior to the beginning of the super-contango period. * indicates
significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level.

Probability of Well Starting Production Well Startst=-1 -

Time 0 = month of debt renegotiation Well Startst=0
Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
High Leverage 0.23 0.18 0.19 0.08 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.11***
N 132 241 241 241 241 241 241
Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.11 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.04**
N 581 595 595 595 595 595 595
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.07**
p-value 0.032
Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
High Leverage 0.20 0.17 0.20 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.13***
N 140 249 249 249 249 249 249
Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.02
N 566 580 580 580 580 580 580
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.11***
p-value 0.001
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
High Leverage 0.20 0.17 0.21 0.06 0.09 0.04 0.05 0.15***
N 137 246 246 246 246 246 246
Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.02
N 566 580 580 580 580 580 580
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.12***
p-value 0.000
Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
High Leverage 0.20 0.18 0.21 0.04 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.17***
N 137 234 234 234 234 234 234
Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.02
N 566 578 578 578 578 578 578
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.15***
p-value 0.000
Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3+
High Leverage 0.20 0.18 0.23 0.05 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.19***
N 138 221 221 221 221 221 221
Low Leverage 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.02
N 565 577 577 577 577 577 577
DifferenceHigh - DifferenceLow 0.16***
p-value 0.000

Electronic copy available at:

Table A.VIII: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of the difference-in-differences ananlysis similar to the one reported in Table VII of the paper after respective number of
highest leverage firms is droppped from the sample. In each panel the firms are reassigned to new leverage quintiles that reflect the remaning set of firms.
The sample contains wells of firms with asset-based lending. The unit of observation is well j for firm i in month t . The dependent variable is a dummy
equal one if production was initiated in a given month and zero otherwise. For firms with borrowing base collateral redeterminations scheduled during
February, March, April, and May of 2015 we create a set of firm-level dummies capturing the number of months relative to the firm-specific credit
agreement renegotiation date (month 0). These dummies are always equal to zero for wells of control firms that are not subject to credit renegotiations.
Standard errors clustered at the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level
Dependent Variable = Well Start Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from
(1 if well starts producing in month, 0 the Sample the Sample
otherwise) High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All
Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.048 0.020 0.025 -0.036 0.024 0.028
(0.058) (0.041) (0.041) (0.059) (0.041) (0.041)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.038 -0.007 -0.003 -0.001 -0.018 -0.015
(0.042) (0.032) (0.031) (0.054) (0.030) (0.029)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.118*** 0.001 0.003 -0.105** 0.001 0.003
(0.043) (0.038) (0.037) (0.044) (0.038) (0.038)
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.083* -0.033 -0.033 -0.063 -0.035 -0.035
(0.043) (0.031) (0.030) (0.043) (0.031) (0.031)
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.091** -0.012 -0.011 -0.069* -0.014 -0.014
(0.035) (0.032) (0.032) (0.038) (0.032) (0.032)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.066 0.080 0.080 -0.049 0.081 0.081
(0.046) (0.056) (0.056) (0.044) (0.057) (0.057)
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.070 -0.061
(0.064) (0.066)
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.026 0.024
(0.047) (0.058)
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.115** -0.102*
(0.052) (0.053)
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.039 -0.016
(0.044) (0.044)
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.073* -0.049
(0.040) (0.043)
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.143** -0.127*
(0.068) (0.068)
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 15,222 18,395 20,108 15,286 18,275 20,052
R2 0.055 0.049 0.051 0.054 0.050 0.051

Electronic copy available at:

Table AVIII (Cont.)
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well starts producing in month, 0 otherwise)
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped
the Sample from the Sample
High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.043 0.024 0.027 -0.032 0.022 0.027

(0.058) (0.041) (0.041) (0.057) (0.041) (0.041)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.008 -0.018 -0.015 0.002 -0.020 -0.017
(0.054) (0.030) (0.029) (0.054) (0.030) (0.029)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.126*** 0.001 0.003 -0.139*** 0.001 0.004
(0.038) (0.038) (0.038) (0.035) (0.038) (0.038)
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.071 -0.035 -0.034 -0.065 -0.035 -0.033
(0.043) (0.031) (0.031) (0.044) (0.031) (0.031)
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.077** -0.014 -0.014 -0.072* -0.014 -0.013
(0.038) (0.032) (0.032) (0.038) (0.032) (0.032)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.056 0.081 0.081 -0.071* 0.082 0.081
(0.045) (0.057) (0.057) (0.041) (0.057) (0.057)
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.067 -0.056
(0.065) (0.065)
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.017 0.028
(0.058) (0.058)
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.122** -0.137***
(0.048) (0.046)
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.024 -0.021
(0.044) (0.045)
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.057 -0.052
(0.043) (0.043)
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.134* -0.150**
(0.068) (0.066)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MonthFEt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FEj Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 15,259 18,275 20,025 15,187 18,263 19,941
R 0.055 0.050 0.052 0.056 0.050 0.052

1 2 3 1 2 3

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Table AVIII (Cont.)
Dependent Variable = Well Start
(1 if well starts producing in month, 0 otherwise)
Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from
the Sample
High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.037 0.023 0.027

(0.061) (0.041) (0.041)
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.024 -0.021 -0.017
(0.051) (0.030) (0.029)
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.130*** 0.001 0.005
(0.034) (0.038) -0.038
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.071 -0.035 -0.033
(0.043) (0.031) (0.031)
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.083** -0.014 -0.013
(0.035) (0.032) (0.032)
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.070* 0.082 0.082
(0.041) (0.057) (0.057)
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.061
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.050
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.129***
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.027
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.063
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.148**
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes
MonthFEt Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FEj Yes Yes Yes
N 15,110 18,256 19,857
R2 0.057 0.050 0.053

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Table A.IX: Leverage and Production Decisions: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis that evaluates how the time to project completion varies across firms based on leverage.
Each panel replicates the DiD regression analysis reported in Table IV of the paper after respective number of highest market-leverage firms (top of the
leverage distribution) is droppped from the sample yet the definitions of the leverage quintiles remain the same . The unit of observation is at the well j
firm i , year t level. The dependent variable is the number of months between the date a well is spudded (started) and the date when it is completed and
production begins. The pre-contango period (Contangot = 0) is composed of wells started in September, October, and November of 2013, the year prior to
the super-contango period. The contango period (Contangot = 1) is composed of wells started in September, October, and November of 2014, just before
the oil market entered contango in December of 2014. Leverage quintiles are based on a firm's market leverage (total debt divided by debt plus equity
market cap) measured as of September 30, 2014. Columns (1) thorugh (3) report the results for the full sample. Columns (4) thorugh (6) report the results
for the sub-sample of ABL firms where the township fixed effects are estimated using all available projects via SUR setting. Standard errors clustered at
the firm level are reported in round parenthesis. ***, **, and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level respectively.

Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.090*** 1.077*** 1.238*** 1.201* 0.967*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.210) (0.375) (0.675) (0.343) (0.556)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
(0.631) (0.714)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
(0.553) (0.992)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
(0.428) (0.811)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031** -1.020** -1.361* -1.133**
(0.496) (0.448) (0.744) (0.458)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.235)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3509 3509 3509 1196 1196 1196
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table AIX (Cont.)
Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.090*** 1.077*** 1.238*** 1.201* 0.967*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.210) (0.375) (0.675) (0.343) (0.556)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
(0.631) (0.714)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
(0.553) (0.992)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
(0.428) (0.811)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031** -1.020** -1.361* -1.133**
(0.496) (0.448) (0.744) (0.458)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.235)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3502 3502 3502 1189 1189 1189
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.090*** 1.077*** 1.238*** 1.201* 0.967*** 1.329**
(0.331) (0.210) (0.375) (0.675) (0.343) (0.556)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
(0.631) (0.714)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
(0.553) (0.992)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
(0.428) (0.812)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031** -1.020** -1.361* -1.133**
(0.496) (0.448) (0.744) (0.458)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
(1.056) (1.236)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3499 3499 3499 1186 1186 1186
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table AIX (Cont.)
Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.089*** 1.076*** 1.180*** 1.200* 0.966*** 1.235**
(0.332) (0.210) (0.380) (0.676) (0.343) (0.559)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.278 -0.586
(0.632) (0.714)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
(0.554) (0.994)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.252
(0.428) (0.812)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.892* -0.880* -1.235 -1.007**
(0.520) (0.475) (0.743) (0.456)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.688 -1.531
(1.102) (1.297)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3470 3470 3470 1157 1157 1157
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.089*** 1.076*** 1.182*** 1.200* 0.967*** 1.286**

(0.332) (0.210) (0.390) (0.676) (0.343) (0.567)
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.278 -0.586
(0.632) (0.715)
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.503
(0.554) (0.995)
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.252
(0.429) (0.813)
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.996* -0.985* -1.386* -1.159**
(0.541) (0.502) (0.741) (0.451)
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.700 -1.758
(1.183) (1.366)
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3445 3445 3445 1132 1132 1132
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table A.X: The Role of Other Firm Characteristics
This table reports results of the difference-in-difference analysis reported in Table IV conditional on other firm characteristics and their interaction with the contango
dummy. Panel A utilizes continuous control variables (profitability, size and Tobin's Q), while Panel B exploits dummies for the lowest quintile of respective firm
characteristics. Columns (1) through (5) report the results for the full sample. Columns (6) through (10) report the results for the sub-sample of ABL firms where the
township fixed effects are estimated using all available projects via SUR setting. Standard errors clustered at the firm level are reported in parentheses. ***, **, and *
represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.
Dependent Variable = Months to Production
Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel A: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Continuous Approach
Contangot 0.589 2.288* 0.786 0.803** 0.165 1.133 3.372 2.415* 0.553 2.515
(0.541) (1.192) (0.588) (0.305) (1.717) (0.933) (2.113) (1.242) (0.503) (3.171)
Contangot × Q5 High-leverage Di -0.921** -1.225*** -0.907** -0.992** -0.909* -1.103** -1.142*** -1.624** -0.881* -1.401**
(0.399) (0.391) (0.429) (0.381) (0.467) (0.431) (0.409) (0.649) (0.465) (0.628)
Contangot × Profitabilityi 10.827 12.660 -3.620 5.649
(10.130) (13.472) (20.067) (19.934)
Contangot × Log Assetsi -0.121 0.025 -0.283 -0.090
(0.121) (0.153) (0.244) (0.341)
Contangot × Tobin's Qi 0.234 -0.145 -1.067 -1.069
(0.423) (0.547) (0.857) (0.919)
Contangot × Capexi 3.980* 3.898 3.426 3.221
(2.291) (2.854) (2.208) (3.614)
Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog FEs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Quintile Approach
Contangot 1.062*** 1.069*** 1.061*** 1.317*** 1.302*** 0.941*** 0.997** 0.984*** 0.970*** 0.979**
(0.224) (0.217) (0.241) (0.208) (0.246) (0.345) (0.383) (0.347) (0.342) (0.380)
Contangot × Q5 High-leverage Di -1.052** -1.005*** -1.022*** -1.247*** -1.267*** -1.204** -1.095** -0.811* -1.077** -1.030**
(0.416) (0.373) (0.377) (0.379) (0.416) (0.488) (0.450) (0.421) (0.423) (0.507)
Contangot × Q1 Profitability Di 0.144 -0.015 0.340 0.663
(0.372) (0.487) (0.512) (0.572)
Contangot × Q1 Log Assets Di 0.204 -0.020 -0.230 -0.296
(0.658) (0.696) (0.516) (0.469)
Contangot × Q1 Tobin's Q Di 0.068 0.081 -0.528 -0.683
(0.333) (0.337) (0.418) (0.549)
Contangot × Q1 Capex Di -0.806* -0.809* -1.970*** -1.959***
(0.440) (0.455) (0.342) (0.520)
Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog FEs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table B.I: Leverage and Production Decisions (Bootstrap Standard Errors)
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table IV using bootstrapped standard errors. The
cluster-bootstrapped standard errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based
statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.
Dependent Variable =
= Months to Production Panel A: Full Sample Panel B: ABL Firms

Contangot 1.09 1.077 1.262 1.202 0.967 1.264

[0.216] [0.109] [0.186] [0.464] [0.212] [0.293]A

Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.588

[0.287] [0.562]

Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.147 -0.506

[0.306] [0.588]

Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.184 0.251

[0.297] [0.652]

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.014 -1.002 -1.303 -1.071

[0.308] [0.313] [0.532] [0.353]A

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -1.088 -1.676

[0.552] [0.678]

Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

6 Sq. Mile Geo j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

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Table B.II: The Role of Other Firm Characteristics
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table V using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard errors are
reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Dependent Variable = Months to Production

Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel A: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Continuous Approach
Contangot 0.589 2.288 0.786 0.803 0.165 1.133 3.372 2.415 0.553 2.515
[0.200]A [1.536] [0.579]
A [0.360] [2.612]

Contangot × Q5 High-leverage Di -0.921 -1.225 -0.907 -0.992 -0.909 -1.103 -1.142 -1.624 -0.881 -1.401
[0.292] [0.339]A [0.322]A [0.279]A [0.386]B [0.353]A [0.297]A [0.437]A [0.311]A [0.484]A

Contangot × Profitabilityi 10.827 12.660 -3.620 5.649

[6.927] [9.732] [10.685] [14.01]

Contangot × Log Assetsi -0.121 0.025 -0.283 -0.090

[0.077] [0.124] [0.186] [0.248]

Contangot × Tobin's Qi 0.234 -0.145 -1.067 -1.069

[0.211] [0.311] [0.516]

Contangot × Capexi 3.980 3.898 3.426 3.221

[2.595] [3.845] [3.282] [3.803]

Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog FEs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Controlling for Firm Characteristic: Quintile Approach
Contangot 1.062 1.069 1.061 1.317 1.302 0.941 0.997 0.984 0.970 0.979
[0.120] [0.123] [0.117] [0.133] [0.148] [0.201] [0.208] [0.201] [0.165] [0.213]

Contangot × Q5 High-leverage Di -1.052 -1.005 -1.022 -1.247 -1.267 -1.204 -1.095 -0.811 -1.077 -1.030
[0.327] [0.309] [0.337] [0.337] [0.330] [0.478] [0.338] [0.351] [0.310] [0.333]

Contangot × Q1 Profitability Di 0.144 -0.015 0.340 0.663

[0.280] [0.373] [0.464] [0.465]

Contangot × Q1 Log Assets Di 0.204 -0.020 -0.230 -0.296

[0.474] [0.501] [0.366] [0.453]

Contangot × Q1 Tobin's Q Di 0.068 0.081 -0.528 -0.683

[0.224] [0.328] [0.424] [0.548]

Contangot × Q1 Capex Di -0.806 -0.809 -1.970 -1.959

[0.225] [0.253]A [0.165]A [0.547]A

Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog FEs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.III: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table VII using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped
standard errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%
levels respectively.
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well starts High Leverage Low Leverage
High Leverage Low Leverage
producing in month, 0 otherwise) All + Non-ABL + Non-ABL
Only Only
Firms Firms
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt 0.020 -0.062 0.017 -0.064 0.017
[0.019] [0.038]
C [0.020] [0.052] [0.020]
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.003 -0.022 -0.007 0.001 -0.008
[0.018] [0.041] [0.018] [0.071] [0.018]
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.005 -0.135 -0.006 -0.117 -0.007
[0.015] [0.035]A [0.014] [0.101] [0.014]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.034 -0.107 -0.034 -0.086 -0.034
[0.033] A
[0.014] B [0.118] [0.014]

Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.014 -0.111 -0.015 -0.132 -0.015

[0.014] [0.033]
A [0.014] [0.118] [0.014]
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt 0.074 -0.092 0.074 -0.146 0.074
[0.033]A [0.017]A [0.135] [0.017]

High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.078

High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.010
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.122
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.060
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.09
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.162

Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 20,297 15,051 18,755 1,569 18,728
R2 0.052 0.056 0.049 0.080 0.049

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Table B.IV: High Collateral Impact vs. Low Collateral Impact
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table XII using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard
errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels
Dependent Variable = Well Start High Collateral Impact Low Collateral Impact
(1 if well starts producing in month, High Low High Low
All All
0 otherwise) Leverage Leverage Leverage Leverage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt 0.023 -0.124 0.019 0.020 0.029 0.020
[0.027] [0.051]B [0.028] [0.027] [0.056] [0.026]
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.004 -0.046 -0.010 0.012 0.004 0.011
[0.026] [0.054] [0.027] [0.025] [0.058] [0.025]
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt 0.011 -0.213 0.006 -0.003 -0.020 0.000
[0.025] [0.05] A [0.025] [0.023] [0.051] [0.023]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.023 -0.182 -0.026 -0.030 -0.002 -0.026
[0.021] [0.048] [0.022] [0.020] [0.051] [0.020]
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt 0.016 -0.179 0.014 -0.027 -0.017 -0.027
[0.022] [0.046]A [0.022] [0.018] [0.045] [0.018]
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt 0.106 -0.187 0.106 0.059 0.048 0.059
[0.027] [0.047] [0.027] [0.023] [0.046] [0.023]A

High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.144 0.013

[0.058] [0.059]
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.035 -0.001
[0.059] [0.058]
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.211 -0.013
[0.054] [0.054]
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.146 0.041
[0.050]A [0.052]
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.188 0.018
[0.049]A [0.045]
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.288 -0.009
[0.052]A [0.049]
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 11160 8868 10194 9137 6183 8561
R 0.046 0.052 0.040 0.071 0.075 0.071

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.V: Leverage and Production Decisions: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table AII using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard
errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels
Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel A: Book Leverage
Contangot 1.204 1.039 0.175 2.016 0.84 1.589
[0.194]A [0.121]A [0.499] [0.494]A [0.183]A [0.760]B

Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.521 -0.855

[0.336] [0.839]

Contangot × Leverage Q3 -0.299 -1.955

[0.267] [0.533]

Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.290 -0.446

[0.332] [0.562]

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.881 -0.710 -0.712

[0.312] [0.260]A [0.294]B

Contangot × Continuous Leverage 1.505 -1.589

(2.140) (1.469)
[0.926] [1.284]
Firm and 6 Sq. Mile Geog Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 1244 1244 1244
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio
Contangot 1.18 1.08 1.011 -0.075 0.978 0.632
[0.103]A [0.118]A
[0.186] [0.578] [0.192] [0.262]A

Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.430 2.136

[0.288] [0.833]B

Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.125 0.737

[0.297] [0.636]

Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.065 1.278

[0.353] [0.717]B

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.122 -1.021 -1.097

[0.309]A [0.273]A [0.312]A

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.001 0.004

[0.003] [0.019]
Firm and 6 Sq Mile Geog Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557 3557
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.VI: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations: Alternative Measures of Leverage
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table A.IV using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped
standard errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels
Panel A: Book Leverage Panel B: Interest Coverage Ratio
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well starts
producing in month, 0 otherwise)
High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.046 0.004 0.005 -0.055 0.015 0.016

[0.032] [0.010] [0.009] [0.075] [0.016] [0.020]
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.020 -0.012 -0.011 0.019 -0.018 -0.016
[0.049] [0.001] [0.016] [0.001]A [0.017] [0.001]A

Month=0 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.165 -0.008 -0.008 -0.142 -0.006 -0.004

[0.027] [0.020] [0.022] [0.009]A [0.006] [0.006]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.12 -0.038 -0.039 -0.112 -0.032 -0.033
[0.008]A [0.004]

Month=2 to Renegotiation Dummy -0.126 -0.019 -0.019 -0.1 -0.018 -0.018

[0.008]A [0.004]A [0.012] [0.004] [0.010]C [0.006]A

Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dummy -0.105 0.066 0.066 -0.091 0.072 0.072

[0.007]A [0.001]A [0.020]
[0.012]A [0.034]B [0.010]A
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation -0.050 -0.067
[0.013] [0.066]
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation -0.001 0.041
[0.018] [0.012]A
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation -0.149 -0.131
[0.036]A [0.012]

High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation -0.064 -0.065

[0.022] [0.013]A
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation -0.097 -0.075
[0.007] [0.023]A
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation -0.167 -0.160
[0.013]A [0.006]A
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 14,765 19,041 20,297 14,939 18,867 20,297
R2 0.056 0.050 0.052 0.057 0.050 0.052

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.VII: Leverage and Production Decisions: Placebo Tests, Prior Time Periods
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table A.V using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-
bootstrapped standard errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at
1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.
Dependent Variable = Dependent Variable =
Months to Production Ln(Months to Production)
Panel A: 2012-2013 Placebo Tests
Dummy2013 0.047 -0.184 0.104 0.014 -0.028 0.026
[0.370] [0.090] [0.216] [0.078] [0.023] [0.046]
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q2 -0.055 0.007
[0.349] [0.085]
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q3 -0.430 -0.109
[0.385] [0.092]
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q4 -0.353 -0.059
[0.496] [0.082]
Dummy2013 × Leverage Q5 0.245 0.473 0.068 0.108
[0.437] [0.328] [0.088] [0.069]
Dummy2013 × Continuous Leverage -0.862 -0.158
[0.652] [0.157]
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 2803 2803 2803 2803 2803 2803
R 0.58 0.58 0.57 0.59 0.59 0.57
Panel B: 2011-2012 Placebo Tests
Dummy2012 0.222 0.116 -0.274 0.013 0.015 -0.040
[0.446] [0.298] [0.169] [0.043] [0.051] [0.054]
Dummy2012× Leverage Q2 0.248 0.080
[0.374] [0.070]
Dummy2012 × Leverage Q3 -0.767 -0.119
[0.799] [0.045]

Dummy2012 × Leverage Q4 0.500 0.111

[0.682] [0.056]
Dummy2012 × Leverage Q5 0.525 0.631 0.091 0.088
[0.505] [0.521] [0.066] [0.045]
Dummy2012 × Continuous Leverage 1.611 0.227
[0.527] [0.152]
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq. Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928 1928
R 0.55 0.55 0.53 0.56 0.55 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.VIII: Leverage and Production Decisions: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table A.VI using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard
errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.091 1.079 1.238 1.205 0.973 1.329
[0.216]A [0.109]A [0.186]A [0.464]A [0.198]A [0.366]A

Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.224 0.388

[0.291] [0.714]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.142 -0.508
[0.306] [0.550]

Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.278 -0.600

[0.297] [0.555]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.932 -0.923 -1.232 -1.007
[0.308]C [0.313]A [0.567]B [0.340]A
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
[0.552] [0.917]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3509 3509 3509 1196 1196 1196
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.VIII (Cont.)
Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.087 1.079 1.238 1.196 0.973 1.329
[0.223]A [0.114]A [0.195]A [0.490]B [0.212]A [0.355]A
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.004 0.397
[0.309] [0.725]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.351 -0.499
[0.318] [0.574]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.280 -0.589
[0.321] [0.580]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.936 -0.923 -1.240 -1.007
[0.387]C [0.337]C [0.578]B [0.347]A
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
[0.591] [0.877]B
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3502 3502 3502 1189 1189 1189
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample
Contangot 1.086 1.088 1.238 1.204 0.972 1.329
[0.205] [0.118] [0.209] [0.549] [0.209] [0.375]A
Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.018 0.390
[0.324] [0.712]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.275 -0.529
[0.313] [0.666]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.253 -0.601
[0.317] [0.642]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.616 -0.612 -1.246 -1.005
[0.307]B [0.272]

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923

[0.664] [0.955]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3499 3499 3499 1186 1186 1186
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.VIII (Cont.)
Dependent variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms
Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.086 1.098 1.18 1.206 1.007 1.235

[0.223]A [0.124]

Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.082 0.653

[0.311] [0.732]

Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.289 -0.485

[0.334] [0.577]

Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.275 -0.710

[0.316] [0.578]

Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.566 -0.573 -1.171 -0.962

[0.330] [0.272] [0.579] [0.382]

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.688 -1.531

[0.681] [0.980]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3470 3470 3470 1157 1157 1157
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.024 1.098 1.182 0.938 1.007 1.286
[0.217]A [0.121]

Contangot × Leverage Q2 0.145 0.917

[0.344] [0.787]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.351 -0.216
[0.333] [0.623]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 -0.145 -0.105
[0.319] [0.659]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.527 -0.595 -1.009 -1.07
[0.329]C [0.273]

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.700 -1.758

[0.644] [1.051]C
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3445 3445 3445 1132 1132 1132
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.IX: Production Decisions and Debt Renegotiations: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table A.VIII using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard
errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Dependent Variable = Well Start Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from
(1 if well starts producing in month, 0 the Sample the Sample
otherwise) High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All
Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.048 0.020 0.025 -0.036 0.024 0.028
[0.032] [0.004]
[0.004]A [0.020]C [0.006]A [0.011]B
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.038 -0.007 -0.003 -0.001 -0.018 -0.015
A [0.042] [0.014] [0.007] A [0.015]
[0.006] [0.001]
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.118 0.001 0.003 -0.105 0.001 0.003
A [0.004] [0.010] [0.016]A [0.015] [0.009]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.083 -0.033 -0.033 -0.063 -0.035 -0.035
[0.013] [0.011] [0.017] [0.021] [0.006] [0.003]A
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.091 -0.012 -0.011 -0.069 -0.014 -0.014
A [0.011] A [0.013] [0.017]
[0.005] [0.002] [0.005]A
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.066 0.080 0.080 -0.049 0.081 0.081
A B A [0.046] A
[0.010] [0.032] [0.021] [0.008] [0.001]A
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.070 -0.061
[0.054] [0.005]

High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.026 0.024

[0.040] [0.026]
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.115 -0.102
[0.051] [0.027]A
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.039 -0.016
[0.049] [0.032]
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.073 -0.049
[0.035] [0.028]C
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.143 -0.127
[0.018] [0.014]
Firm i Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Month t Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog j Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 15,222 18,395 20,108 15,286 18,275 20,052
R2 0.055 0.049 0.051 0.054 0.050 0.051

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.IX (Cont.)
Dependent Variable = Well Start (1 if well starts producing in month, 0 otherwise)
Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped
the Sample from the Sample
High Leverage Low Leverage All High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.043 0.024 0.027 -0.032 0.022 0.027

[0.057] [0.006] [0.018] [0.024] [0.025] [0.007]
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.008 -0.018 -0.015 0.002 -0.020 -0.017
[0.037] [0.007] [0.024] [0.004] [0.031] [0.023]
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.126 0.001 0.003 -0.139 0.001 0.004
[0.053] [0.004] [0.005] [0.031]A [0.017] [0.017]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.071 -0.035 -0.034 -0.065 -0.035 -0.033
[0.032] [0.006] [0.011]A [0.035]C [0.012]A [0.001]A
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.077 -0.014 -0.014 -0.072 -0.014 -0.013
[0.027] [0.008] [0.019] [0.043] [0.022] [0.006]
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.056 0.081 0.081 -0.071 0.082 0.081
[0.032] [0.023]A [0.010]A [0.019]C [0.028]A [0.020]A
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.067 -0.056
[0.003] [0.033]C
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.017 0.028
[0.068] [0.047]
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.122 -0.137
[0.019]A [0.027]A
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.024 -0.021
[0.008] [0.036]
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.057 -0.052
[0.040] [0.021]
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.134 -0.150
[0.032] [0.017]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
MonthFEt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FEj Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 15,259 18,275 20,025 15,187 18,263 19,941
R2 0.055 0.050 0.052 0.056 0.050 0.052

1 2 3 1 2 3

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.IX (Cont.)
Dependent Variable = Well Start
(1 if well starts producing in month, 0 otherwise)
Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from
the Sample
High Leverage Low Leverage All

Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.037 0.023 0.027

[0.017] [0.025] [0.053]
Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.024 -0.021 -0.017
[0.002] [0.007]A [0.038]
Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.13 0.001 0.005
[0.019]A [0.014] [0.040]
Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.071 -0.035 -0.033
[0.035] [0.005]A [0.015]B
Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.083 -0.014 -0.013
[0.045] [0.019] [0.013]
Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.070 0.082 0.082
[0.025] [0.026] [0.043]
High Leveragei × Month=-2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.061
High Leveragei × Month=-1 to Renegotiation Dt 0.050
High Leveragei × Month=0 to Renegotiation Dt -0.129
High Leveragei × Month=1 to Renegotiation Dt -0.027
High Leveragei × Month=2 to Renegotiation Dt -0.063
High Leveragei × Month≥3+ to Renegotiation Dt -0.148
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes
MonthFEt Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FEj Yes Yes Yes
N 15,110 18,256 19,857
R 0.057 0.050 0.053

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.X: Leverage and Production Decisions: The Role of Outliers
This table reports the results of a difference-in-difference analysis from Table A.IX using bootstrapped standard errors. The cluster-bootstrapped standard
errors are reported in square brackets, A, B, and C represent the cluster-bootstrapped-based statistical significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels respectively.

Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel A: Top 1 High-leverage Firm Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.09 1.077 1.238 1.201 0.967 1.329
[0.230] [0.115] [0.163] [0.483] [0.179] [0.355]
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
[0.302] [0.554]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
[0.318] [0.604]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
[0.342] [0.616]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031 -1.02 -1.361 -1.133
[0.474] [0.366] [0.610] [0.349]
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
[0.588] [0.926]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3509 3509 3509 1196 1196 1196
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.X (Cont.)
Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel B: Top 2 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.09 1.077 1.238 1.201 0.967 1.329
[0.210] [0.119] [0.205] [0.477] [0.203] [0.338]
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
[0.295] [0.558]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
[0.303] [0.581]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
[0.319] [0.650]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031 -1.02 -1.361 -1.133
[0.395]A [0.364]A [0.558]B [0.374]A
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923
[0.655] [0.848]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3502 3502 3502 1189 1189 1189
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel C: Top 3 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.09 1.077 1.238 1.201 0.967 1.329
[0.210] [0.110]A [0.176]A [0.509]B [0.211]A [0.361]A
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.276 -0.587
[0.287] [0.602]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
[0.322] [0.619]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.253
[0.306] [0.699]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -1.031 -1.02 -1.361 -1.133
[0.391]A [0.323]

Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.974 -1.923

[0.565] [0.904]C
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3499 3499 3499 1186 1186 1186
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

Table B.X (Cont.)
Dependent Variable=Month to Production Full Sample ABL Firms

Panel D: Top 4 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.089 1.076 1.18 1.2 0.966 1.235
[0.244] [0.113] [0.189] [0.494] [0.221] [0.321]
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.278 -0.586
[0.332] [0.566]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.504
[0.331] [0.558]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.252
[0.324] [0.621]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.892 -0.88 -1.235 -1.007
[0.457] [0.373]B [0.580]B [0.392]A
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.688 -1.531
[0.618] [0.853]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3470 3470 3470 1157 1157 1157
R 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Panel E: Top 5 High-leverage Firms Dropped from the Sample

Contangot 1.089 1.076 1.182 1.2 0.967 1.286

[0.214] [0.114]A [0.202]A [0.494]B [0.205]A [0.374]A
Contangot × Leverage Q2 -0.278 -0.586
[0.306] [0.573]
Contangot × Leverage Q3 0.145 -0.503
[0.304] [0.570]
Contangot × Leverage Q4 0.191 0.252
[0.321] [0.656]
Contangot × Leverage Q5 -0.996 -0.985 -1.386 -1.159
[0.442] [0.350]A [0.629]B [0.424]A
Contangot × Continuous Leverage -0.700 -1.758
[0.666] [1.071]
FirmFEi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Sq Mile Geog FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 3445 3445 3445 1132 1132 1132
R2 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54

Electronic copy available at:

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