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2 Lost Spring by Anees Jung

1 Explain two meanings of garbage, one for children and another for
For children, garbage is a means of wonder, surprise and entertainment,
but for adults it is a means of livelihood.
2 Why was it difficult for Saheb to understand the meaning of his
It was hard and difficult for Saheb to understand the meaning of his
name as Lord of the Universe because he did not know it and he was a
poor rag picker.
3 Explain the line’ a hole in a shoe dream comes true’.
The poor children like Saheb-e-Alam get discarded shoes of the rich
children. So their dream of a pair of shoes is fulfilled when there is a
hole in the shoe of the rich children.
4 Explain the line,’ Seemapuri is a place in the periphery of Delhi, yet
miles away from it, metaphorically’.
Seemapuri is a place in Delhi but there are no facilities of drinking
water, roads, drainage and sewage. The houses are made of mud. The
roofs are made of tarpaulin. So it is rightly said that Seemapuri is a
place in the periphery of Delhi, yet miles away from it, metaphorically.
5 Explain two different worlds of Firozabad.
There are two different worlds in Firozabad. One world is of the rich
people comprising politicians, middlemen, sahukars, bureaucrats,
policemen and keepers of law. Another world is of the bangle makers
who are in the grip of perpetual poverty.
6 Why did the poor bangle makers not organize themselves into co-
The poor bangle makers did not organize themselves into co-operatives
because of the fear of the policemen and the middlemen. The policemen
took them into the jail for doing any illegal job.
7 How is Mukesh’s attitude different from his family members?
Mukesh’s attitude is different from his family members because he is
not willing to become a bangle maker. He wants to become a motor
mechanic to improve the economic condition of his family.

8 Explain some of the hazards of the bangle makers of Firozabad.

The bangle makers are leading their life in a perpetual poverty. They are
work in a dingy cells with high temperature. They lose their eyesight
before they become adults.
9 How can we eliminate the problem of child labour from our nation?
Answer this question in the context of the lesson Lost Spring.
The lesson titled Lost Spring highlights the story of two children who
are in the grip of the problem of child labour. The first story is of a
poor rag picker Saheb-e-Alam of Seemapuri in Delhi. He wants to go to
school. But there is no school for him. He also wants to play games like
other children. But he is helpless because of poverty. The second story
is about a poor bangle maker of Firozabad. He is an ambitious child. He is
not willing to become a bangle maker. He wants to become a motor
mechanic to improve the economic condition of his family.
We can eliminate the problem of child labour through strict laws. There
must be total ban on child labour. Our government should give free
education to the poor children. We should never give employment to
children in shops, restaurants, industries etc. We should give free
education to the poor children to remove the social evil of child labour
from our nation as child labour is a hurdle in the development of the


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