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1. This paper consists of 17 questions.

2. Answer ALL questions.

1. The diagram below represents the arrangement of some elements in order of

their atomic number.

(a) Explain why this can be called a periodic table.

(b) State the advantage the modern form of periodic table has over the
arrangement above.

2. Using dots (
∙) and crosses (X) to represent electrons, draw the structure of
molecule of water (H=1, O=8)
3. Element G has a configuration of, while the atomic number of element
H is 20. The letters do not represent the actual symbols of elements.
(a) Write down the formula of the compound formed when G and H
(b) Give the formulae of the ions of G and H.

4. The rate of chemical reaction can be altered by varying several factors involved
in the reaction. Give two ways in which the rate of the reaction given below can
be increased

2H 2 O 2 (l) 2H 2 O (l) + O 2(g)

MnO 2 is used as the catalyst for the reaction.

5. (a) Determine the oxidation state of chromium in the potassium compound
K 2 Cr 2 O 7 .
(b) With the help of oxidation number, determine the reduced and oxidized
species in the reaction below.
2KMnO 4(aq) + 10KI (aq) +16 HCl (aq) 12KCl(aq) + 2MnCl 2(aq) +8H 2 O (l) +5I 2(aq)
6. Explain why graphite conducts electric current while diamond does not,
although both are forms of carbon.

7. (a) On burning 0.75g of metal M to a constant mass 0.95g of its oxide was
formed. Work out the formula of the oxide. ( O=16, M=30)
(b) Dry hydrogen gas was passes over heated Copper (II) Oxide in a combustion
tube. Sketch the set – up of the apparatus that can be used in this

8. The diagram shown below illustrates the process of softening hard water using
the permutit method

(a) State the causes of the two types of hardness.

(b)Using a suitable equation. Show how the hardness can be removed
(c) Name two gases that can cause acid rain and state their common

9. The table below shows atomic and ionic radii of elements A, B,C and D. The
letters do not represent the actual symbol of the elements.

Elements Atomic Ionic radii (nm)

A 0.114 0.195
B 0.072 0.136
C 0.133 0.216
D 0.099 0.181
(a) State and explain whether the elements above are metals or non- metals.
(b)Identify with reasons, the most reactive element.
10. An element has two isotopes, A and B, of mass number 63 and 65 respectively.
If the relative abundance of A is 68%, determine the relative atomic mass
(RAM) of the element
11. Equal volumes of carbon (II) oxide and oxygen are reacted and the volumes of
the resulting gaseous mixture cooled to initial conditions. If 25 Cm3 of Carbon
(IV) oxide was formed, determine the volume of oxygen initially present and
state how much remained unreacted.
12. Calculate the volume of solution that will result when just enough water is
added t0 2.5g of sodium hydroxide to make a solution of concentration 0.25
moles per litre (O=16, Na. 23, H=1).
13. RCOO- Na + and RCH 2 OSO- 2 Na+ are both cleansing agent
(a) Name the class of cleansing agent to which each belongs.
(b) Give one advantage of using soap less detergents as a cleansing agent.
14. A flask was connected to a gas syringe by means of stopper and a delivery tube
20cm3 of water and 0.4g of manganese dioxide were placed in the flask. 15cm3
of hydrogen peroxide was added and the flask was quickly coppered and the
volume of gas in the syringe recorded every 10 seconds.
The table below shows the results obtained.
Time (min) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Volume 0.0 180 305 400 482 534 570 586 586

(a) From the information given, plot a graph of volume cm3 against time in
minutes. Label this curve Y.
(b) When the reaction came to completion, the syringe was emptied of the gas.
To the continent in the flask, another 16 cm3 of water and 10cm3 of
hydrogen peroxide were added and the experiment repeated as before. Draw
on the same axis in 2(a), graph show you arrive at the curve you draw.
(c) In this reaction, manganese dioxide acts as a catalyst. State how you would
demonstrate this fact.
(d) In another experiment, manganese dioxide was reacted with a concentrated
solution B in presence of heat. Chlorine gas was evolved.
(i) State the role of manganese dioxide in this reaction.
(ii) Identify solution B.
(iii) Write down a balanced equation of the reaction that occurs.
15. A student was provided with 20cm 3 of 2M sodium hydroxide solution and 4M
hydrobromic acid (HBr) and was required to determine the equation of reaction
between the two. The table below shows the results he obtained.
Volume of 4M HBr in cm3 added to Temperature of mixture in 0C
20cm3 NaOH
4.0 18.0
6.0 20.5
8.0 23.0
10.0 26.0
13.0 28.0
16.0 25.5
20.0 21.0
(a) Plot a graph of temperature of mixture (y-axis) against volume of acid.
(b) Use the graph to determine the mixture when 17.5cm3 of acid had been
(c) If both solutions were at room temperature before the reaction occurred,
determine the room temperature from the graph.
(d) Give two reasons why the temperature decreased toward the end of the
(e) From the graph, determine the volume of acid that neutralizes the given
volume of base used.
(f) Explain how the results obtained can be used to write the equation for
the reaction.
16. The melting and boiling points of certain chloride are given in the table below.
Use the information to answer the questions that follow.

NaCl MgCl 2 AlCl 3 SiCl 4 PCl 3 SCl 2

Bp/0C 1470 1420 180 57 75 60
Mp/0C 800 710 190 _68 _90 _122

(a) Select two chlorides which are liquids at room temperature.

(b) Suggest two chlorides which exhibit giant ionic structure in solid state.
(c) Name the chloride with the highest temperature range over which it
remains in the liquid state.
(d) Identify a chloride with a simple molecular structure.
(e) From the information given, determine a chloride that can sublime.
(f) When SiCl 4 is added to water the reaction represented by the equation
below takes place.
SiCl 4(l) +2H 2 O (l) SiO 2(s) +4H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)

State the observation and tests you would perform to check whether a
reaction of this types has taken place.
17. The formation of ammonia can be represented by equation below.

(a) State the effect on the position of equilibrium when the following is
(i) Pressure increased
(ii) Temperature is raised
(b) State the effect rate of reaction if:-
(i) Temperature is increased
(ii) Pressure is raised.

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