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Theft and Security Policy

Effective: June 2019

Theft and Security Incidents

Theft, as well as the attempt of theft, from other employees, retailers in which an employee is servicing,
RMS or any vendor that has hired RMS, will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate termination.

Theft may cause the Company to bring criminal charges against an employee if appropriate. RMS will
take all actions necessary to recover stolen items and financial reimbursement of the value of stolen

Acts of Theft
Acts that will be deemed as theft include, but are not limited to:
 The removal of any merchandise from a retail store without rendering payment
o This includes merchandise that an employee intends to return to a store at a later date
o The removal of merchandise used for RMS projects, such as Scan Based Trade (SBT)
merchandise. If a return is needed, the store team must send the merchandise out of
the store. An RMS employee should never leave the store with the merchandise, even if
the intent is to send it to RMS’s client
o Defective or discontinued product should be processed as listed in the project’s service
procedure. Unpaid merchandise, even defective or discontinued product, should never
leave the store with an RMS merchandising rep
 The consumption of food or beverage prior to purchasing the item
 Personal use of merchandise prior to purchasing the item
 Using sellable merchandise (such as tape, scissors, etc.) that has not been purchased, which
alters the state of the item or packaging of the item

If a Store Team Member or RMS Employee suggests you take unpaid merchandise out of the store for
any reason, even if the items are part of RMS’s servicing scope, you should refrain from doing so and
notify RMS’s HR Department at 800-777-3767.

Scan Based Trade (SBT) Product

Within Target stores, there is scan base trade (SBT) merchandise. SBT is the process where the supplier
of the merchandise maintains ownership of the product until the items are scanned at the point of sale.
Because Target does not own this merchandise, it is not on location in their backroom. At times, we
have seen confusion from store teams on what needs to occur with the product. In ALL cases, the
merchandise needs to stay in store unless it has been purchased or is being sent back to the supplier. If
the SBT product needs to be sent back to the supplier, this MUST be completed by a Target team
member. An RMS employee should never leave the store with unpaid SBT product, even if it is at the
stores request. Any RMS employee who is asked to remove product from a store should refuse and
immediately contact the RMS home office.

Also unique to SBT product is SBT vendors typically want their product thrown out at the store if it is
damaged and/or defective as opposed to sending it back to the vendor. This is different from the
process stores take when processing damaged and/or defective product that is NOT for a SBT vendor. If
you are throwing out SBT product at the store, please take a partner in Target’s backroom to let them
know why you are doing this PRIOR to you throwing product out.

Per Target’s protocol, Target conducts a thorough investigation of all security incidents, which includes
theft, that occur on their property as they would any other security investigation.

Target has state of the art monitoring systems installed in all stores, and also employs an Assets
Protection team in every store that is responsible for managing and investigating theft and security
incidents. This team routinely audits and observes 3rd party companies, like RMS, to ensure
compliance with Target policies.

RMS reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

RMS employees must agree in writing to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.

Failure to agree or comply with the above policy may result in immediate termination of employment.

I understand and agree to abide by the RMS Theft and Security Policy.

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