RMS Technology Use Policy 9-16v2

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Technology Use

Effective: September 1, 2016

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

All employees will be required to furnish and use their own smart device as a condition of their
employment with RMS. Devices must meet the following criteria:
 Devices operating on an Android or iOS system that have the ability to download apps from the
Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
 Devices operating on an Android system must be version 4.3 or more recent.
 Devices operating on an iOS system must be version 8.0 or more recent (device model 4s or
more recent).

RMS Mobile Application (REX)

 RMS employees will report all work in real time while they are in their assigned stores via the
RMS Mobile App (Retail Excellence or REX) that will be downloaded to the employee’s personal
smart device.

GPS Location Services

 The RMS Mobile App is a native application that requires access to location services and the
camera to complete store reports on location, in as close to real time as possible.
 Use of the RMS Mobile App requires a rep to enable and utilize location services when reporting
work on the RMS Mobile App in order for the App to geocode each submitted report.
 GPS will be used to confirm reps are completing their work in their assigned location, which will
ensure customer satisfaction and guarantee accurate time-keeping records.
 Location Services, or GPS, is only utilized while the device is operating in the foreground and
while the rep is servicing. This is to verify that pictures and questions are being answered in the
location in which the service is scheduled. Once the app is minimized or sent to the background,
even if a rep is still logged in, RMS has no visibility to a user’s location. GPS data is only used
when photos are taken in real time while using REX, and not for any other purpose.
 Camera access only occurs when a rep encounters a photo question on a store report. REX does
not have access to a rep’s camera roll or photos, so only photos taken during servicing are
eligible for submission and will not be saved to the device camera roll.

 An employee who completes work in a store for RMS using the RMS Mobile App will be
reimbursed per submitted store report, at a rate determined by RMS.
 In order to receive the per store report reimbursement, the work must be completed and
reported in the assigned store, using the RMS Mobile App.
 Certain reports that do not involve in-store servicing (such as surveys) may not be eligible for a
 In order to prevent unauthorized access, devices should be password protected using the
features of the device. RMS does not have access to your password information.
 The device should lock itself with a password or PIN if it’s idle for five minutes.

 Every employee is required to use his or her device(s) in an ethical manner, and will adhere to
the company’s acceptable use policy as outlined above when being used for RMS business
 RMS has a zero-tolerance policy for distracted driving, including the use of any device for
texting, emailing, or accessing data while driving. Hands-free talking (if permitted by state law)
is permissible while driving for RMS business reasons.
 The employee is personally liable for all costs associated with his or her device(s).
 The employee assumes full liability for risks including, but not limited to, the partial or complete
loss of company and personal data due to an operating system crash, errors, bugs, viruses,
malware, and/or other software or hardware failures, or programming errors that render the
device unusable.
 RMS reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination
for noncompliance with this policy.

RMS reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

RMS employees must agree in writing to the terms and conditions set forth in this policy in order to be
able to connect their devices to the company network.

Failure to agree to or comply with the above policy may result in immediate termination of

I understand and agree to abide by the RMS Technology Use Policy.

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