Meseleler Menseyski (Dinamika)

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342. A bucket which weighs 280 kgf descends into a mine with uniform acceleration.

During the first 10

sec it drops 35 m. Find the tension in the cable holding the bucket.

346. A weight M=1 kgf is suspended by a thread 30 cm from a fixed point O. It represents a conical
pendulum as it traces a circular path on a horizontal plane. The thread forms an angle of 60° with the
vertical. Determine the velocity of the weight and the tension T in the thread (Fig. 255).

347. An automobile weighing Q = 1000 kgf runs over an arched bridge with the speed v = \0 m/sec. The
radius of the curvature of the bridge at its mid-point is p = 50 m. Determine the pressure which the
automobile exerts on the bridge at the instant when it passes over the centre of the bridge.

363. A heavy body slides down along the smooth surface inclined at 30° to the horizontal. Determine the
time taken by the body to pass a distance of 9.6 m if its initial velocity is 2 m/sec.

368. A heavy particle M moves up a rough surface of inclination a=30° to the horizontal. Initially the
velocity of the particle is u0=15 m/sec. The coefficient of friction is f = 0.1. Determine the distance
travelled by the particle before it comes to rest and the time taken.

373. A plane starts diving without any initial vertical speed. The air resistance is proportional to the
square of the speed. Find the dependence between the vertical speed at a given instant, the path
travelled, and the maximum speed of diving.

374. A body of weight p is projected vertically upwards with a velocity v 0. The air resistance is defined by
the formula k2pv2, where v is the velocity of the body Determine the height H travelled by the body and
the time T elapsed.

380. A small heavy ball moves along an imaginary straight tunnel dug through the centre of the earth.
The magnitude of the gravitational force inside the earth is proportional to the distance between the
particle and the centre of the earth and is directed towards the centre. The ball is dropped from rest
into the tunnel at the surface of the earth. Describe the motion of the ball. Find its velocity when passing
through the centre of the earth and the time required to reach the centre. The radius of the earth is R =
= 637X106 cm and the acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface is g = 980 cm/sec2

384. A plane A flies at an altitude of 4000 m with the horizontal speed of 500 km/h. At what distance x,
measured on the horizontal line from a given point B (see Fig. 259), should a weight be the plane
dropped to reach from this point 6? The weight is dropped without any initial velocity. The air resistance
may be neglected.
395. Deviation of cathode beams in a magnetic field. A particle of mass m, carrying a negative electric
charge e, enters into a uniform magnetic field of intensity H with a velocity v0, perpendicular to the
direction of the field intensity (Fig. 261). Find the path of the further motion of the particle, assuming
that it is under the action of a force F=-e(vXH). Hint. When solving this problem it is advisable to use the
equation of motion of a particle as the projections on the tangent and on the main normal to the path.

397. A train runs on a horizontal and rectilinear track. When the brakes are applied the resistance equals
0.1 of the train weight. At the instant when braking starts the train is running at a speed of 72 km/h.
How long and how far will the train travel after the brakes are applied?

438. A body is projected vertically upwards from the surface of the earth with an initial velocity v0.
Determine the height H which the body will reach taking into consideration that the force of gravitation
is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the centre of the earth. The radius of the
earth is R = 6370 km, u0= l km/sec. Neglect the effect of air resistance.

441. A trolley weighing P runs down an inclined track AB which then forms a circular loop of radius a
(Fig. 273). Determine the height h from which the trolley should start from rest in order to run round the
circular loop without leaving the surface of the latter. Find also the value of the pressure N of the trolley
on the loop at a point Af, where the angle MOB equals φ .
546. A homogeneous prism B rests on a homogeneous prism A which is placed on a horizontal plane, as
shown in Fig. 349. The cross-sections of the prisms are right triangles. The weight of the prism A is three
times that of the prism B. Assuming that the prisms and the plane are perfectly smooth, determine the
length I through which the prism A moves when B, which is sliding down along A, touches the plane.

547. A floating crane lifts a weight P\ = 2000 kgf, the jib being turned through an angle of 30° to the
vertical (Fig. 350). The crane weighs P2 = 20,000 kgf. The length of the jib is OA = 8 m. Determine the
displacement of the floating crane. The resistance of the water and the weight of the jib should be
554. An electric motor of weight P is mounted without being fixed to a smooth horizontal foundation
(Fig. 355). A uniform rod of length 21 and weight p is fixed at one end to the shaft of the motor at an
angle of 90°. A point load Q is attached to the other end of the rod. The shaft rotates with an angular
velocity to. Determine (1) the horizontal motions of the motor; (2) the maximum horizontal shearing
stress R acting on the bolts in case they are used to fasten the housing of the electric motor to its

570. Fig. 366 shows a pulley with a rope running over it. A man holds one side of the rope at A while a
load, equal to the weight of the man, is attached to the other end of the rope at B. What would happen
to the load if the man starts climbing up the rope with the velocity a relative to the rope? Neglect the
weight of the pulley.
572. A circular horizontal platform rotates without friction about a vertical axis OZ which passes through
its centre O, as shown in Fig. 367 A man whose weight is p walks around on the platform at a constant
distance r from the axis Oz with a uniform relative velocity a. Determine the angular velocity to of the
platform, rotating about its axis, if its weight P is assumed to be distributed uniformly over the circular
surface of radius R. Initially the velocity of the man and the platform were zero.

578. An electrical brake is used for the rapid braking of flywheels of large diameters. It consists of two
diametrically opposite poles with a constant current winding. The flywheel, while rotating, induces
electric currents, which produce a braking moment proportional to the velocity v of the rim of the
flywheel. M1 =kv, where k is a coefficient which depends on the magnetic flux and the dimensions of the
flywheel. The moment of force of friction M 2 in the bearings is assumed to be constant and it depends
on the diameter of the flywheel D and its moment of inertia relative to the axis of rotation / If the
flywheel initially rotates with angular velocity (o0, how long does it take to come to rest?

623. A planetary mechanism lying in the horizontal plane is driven by a crank OA, which connects the
axles of three identical wheels /, II and III (Fig. 392) The wheel / is rigidly fixed, and the crank of weight Q
rotates with angular velocity co. Each wheel has radius r and weight P Compute the kinetic energy of the
mechanism assuming that the wheeh are homogeneous disks and the crank is a uniform rod. What work
will be done by the couple applied to wheel III?

672. Fig. 424 represents a thin homogeneous circular disk CD of a steam turbine which rotates about the
axle AB passing through the centre O of the disk. Due to improper boring of the bushing the axle AB
makes an angle AOE=a=0.02 radian with the perpendicular to the plane of the disk. The other data are
as follows: the weight of the disk is 3.27 kgf and its radius is 20 cm, the speed of rotation is 30,000 rpm, .
40=50 cm, OB =30 cm, the axle AB is absolutely rigid, and the angle 2a is small (sin 2a=2a). Determine
the pressures on the bearings A and B.
Tapşırıq 6
Tapşırıq 9

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