Tabula Rasa - Orillaneda

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Katherine Nicole O.


GED115 SEC10

Mi Tabula Rasa de las Filipinas

Mi Tabula Rasa de las Filipinas, the tabula rasa translates to a clean slate. From

my understanding, it means that humans are filled with nothing at birth but they will be

filled with knowledge and senses through experiences or environment which shapes an

individuals beliefs and thoughts. The environment heavily affects the way a person

interact with other people and its lifestyle. The thoughts and beliefs that I have will

rewrite over time for the world is constantly evolving.

My life is like Tabula Rasa, the experiences that I have shapes my personality. I

have become a cautious person because of the exposure that I have in childhood and

with that I have to be aware on my surroundings and predict the outcomes. I also

believe that cheating is bad for I learned that in the class and thus it makes me upset

whenever other people do that. The more experiences that I have, the more my brain

will be filled with ideas.

Tabula Rasa, in a philosophical view, is like a paper that symbolizes the record of

the human’s life and with the experiences, feelings and knowledge are being written on

the paper, the paper will be filled up, from nothing to something .

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