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Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Inc.

Palompon, Leyte

School ID: 404698

“Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Cafe”

A Business Plan

presented to the faculty of Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Inc.

Palompon, Leyte

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements in Entrepreneurship

Continedas, Jenelen E.

Sinculan, Ec Shamie

Esporlas, Michael Angelo

Ruizo, Allan Maurice

Almia, Marian

Aya-ay Raymund

January 2019
Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Inc.
Palompon, Leyte

School ID: 404698

“Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Cafe”

A Business Plan

presented to the faculty of Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Inc.

Palompon, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Entrepreneurship

Continedas, Jenelen E.

Sinculan, Ec Shamie

Esporlas, Michael Angelo

Ruizo, Allan Maurice

Almia, Marian

Aya-ay Raymund

January 2019
Table of Content

A. Business Plan ------------------------------------------------------- page 4

Vision --------------------------------------------------------- page 6

Mission ------------------------------------------------------- page 6

Objectives ---------------------------------------------------- page 7

B. Marketing Plan ------------------------------------------------------ page 8

Products and Services --------------------------------------- page

Distribution --------------------------------------------------- page

Industry ------------------------------------------------------ page

Customers ---------------------------------------------------- page

Competition -------------------------------------------------- page

Position ------------------------------------------------------- page

Image and Packaging ---------------------------------------- page

Pricing -------------------------------------------------------- page

Marketing Goals ----------------------------------------------- page

Marketing Strategy -------------------------------------------- page

C. Management Description -------------------------------------------- page

D. Financial Plan --------------------------------------------------------- page

E. Attachments ---------------------------------------------------------- page


Cheezy Hotdog Crunch Business wants to create a new style and recipe out from hotdog,

bread, and cheese as the main ingredients. This business aims to encourage that hotdog and bread

with cheese can turn into a special recipe and create inexplicable taste. This business is for

everyone, not only for children's desires but also for adults. Moreover, this business aims to

make a delicious and affordable snack that can be sold and earned profit from it. Also, this

business aims to improve more field of cooking other recipes and offer it to the people at a

cheaper price and to serve at the same time a healthy snack for everyone.


It endeavors to create other taste of recipe which comes out to be cheaper but delicious.

This business wants to depict that earning profit is not about having big businesses because even

small businesses can be profitable and successful as long as there are passion and hard work. To

encourage the people upon tasting hotdog, bread and cheese with its upgrading technique of

cooking and appearance. This business also wants to create and depict that we don't have to look

for expensive ingredients to create a good recipe because using these common ingredients, a

delicious recipe can be achieved.


It aims to earn money and at the same time please the tastes and desires of people both

children and adult

To make a delicious product and a cheaper amount used to make the product.
To inspire other people to cook more than their expectations from hotdog, cheese, and

bread, also to earn money from it and make a small but profitable business.
Business Plan Summary

People are fond of making different recipes and exploring different tastes. Sometimes

they just make it for fun, pass time, bonding moments, new kitchen experience, hobbies and even

for business purposes. Usually, the mother cooks the best for their children and will find ways to

encourage their children to eat. But, children's taste is not that easy to catch. They have that

desire for food and they wanted it behind other foods that usually adults prefer. Eating hotdog is

one of their favorite and they enjoy it and are expected to be part of the children's journey.

Children and adults alike like to eat a hotdog.

This business starts along when the owner foresee that having this kind of business is

profitable and at the same time affordable for the customer. Nowadays, people not just eat 3

times a day because as reality depicted eating more than 3 times a day is happening. The snack

or also known as "merienda" became part of people's daily routine of eating. Usually, snack

offers a light meal compared to the actual meal. The light meal also includes beverages and

different snack recipes depending on the people's wants and demands.

This business is an existing small business already. We can see that this product is sold

outside or in the streets with its common term "New York". Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus

Cafe is an upgrading one, in which the style of cooking somewhat differs from usual "New

York" since there are some ingredients added to heighten its taste and make it more presentable

and pleasing to the costumers.

The idea of having this business is made by the trend of recipes that we see and know. It

is just the idea and the way of selling it to the customer until such it develops upgrade a new way

of selling outside because there is a particular place or building in which "Cheezy Hotdog
Crunch of Tartarus" is placed and built. The service towards the customer is better and the

relation towards the customer goes well. Also, Tartarus Cafe offers other recipes but the "Cheezy

Hotdog Crunch" is the best-selling among all. From a small and simple business outside which is

primarily handled by vendors, this business aims to build branches and at the same time make it

an actual big business.

Also, Tartarus Cafe gives discounts and freebies to loyal customers and new customers.

They have a policy which states that the more the costumers come, they offer discounts and

freebies. There are also times they offer a free taste to the costumers.

The legal structure of this business is a corporation. There is a share happening in the

business. There are more than 2 owners and each of them had big responsibilities to attain.

Certain positions were assigned to be able to assure that duties within the business will be

fulfilled and will be managed. Sometimes there are certain problems with regards to the money

transaction but the urgent meeting will happen as soon as possible to assure the sake of the


Those experiences in the business help entrepreneurs or the co-member of the business to

be wiser and eager enough when it comes to the success of the business. From its simple way of

managing, certain techniques were applied to make it progressive. Its goal is to improve until

such time costumers' loyalty will be caught. Concluding that when the relationship of the

customer and the business is good the progress of the business will continue to improve, from its

simple business experience until the wide idea of foreseeing a progressive business will start and

A reality that in the field of business, the stage gradually changes, and in that changes it

doesn't include bankruptcy, but instead aiming to get prosperous business and a profitable one.

Having a business encounters hardships and success. Before success, certain problems will come

but those problems don't hinder an individual or entrepreneur to hold success from those failures,

if an entrepreneur is passionate and the spirit of being a businessman runs with you, you will take

those failures as your inspiration to be better and endeavor to come up with a positive outcome.

There is no such business that will automatically proceed with bigger success, it always starts

from small success until such when hard work is done, gradually bigger success is achieved.

During the stage of pursuing to perform and make the outstanding result of the business, there

are trials that a true businessman or entrepreneur should overcome. The more success you aim,

the bigger the problem comes that is why the more positive mindset should attain. Expand

learning, discover things, follow objectives and be more than about the definition of your

success, make your dream success do come true.

B. Marketing Plan

Products and Services

The costumer's need and want is what the business aims to fulfill. The cost of "Cheesy

Hotdog Crunch" is affordable and also the taste is good. The expectations of the customer

towards a product especially about food's taste should be met well. When the customer is regular

and loyal, certain discounts are offered and freebies also were given. Tartarus Cafe selects lucky

customers every special occasion and gives free products, also a great way to be thankful and

keep customers ' loyalty as well.

Cheezy Hotdog Crunch should be served directly after deep frying to keep its taste and

appetite. When the product is exposed too much, the good taste might be lessened. It should be

served not too hot and not too cold, just an average heat. The materials will be supplied through

direct buying ingredients in the market and those ingredients aren't hard to find an effective one

to be used. This business aims to extend the services and have other places to build the branch of

"Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus". When the time came wherein the expansion of having

another branch will be built, additional recipes will be offered depending on the customer's

demand. As soon as possible when this business finds out its higher percentage of profitability

and progress, expansion of branches will now happen. Some branches of the business will offer

additional products just like beverages.


The products and services will be distributed through on hand payments. The customer

will go directly to the Cafe and buy what they want and pay for their products directly or in cash.

Orders and deliveries are also offered by giving telephone and cell phone numbers. The customer

is given options either they will come to the Tartarus Café or request deliveries. But in deliveries,

there are additional payments.


The industry of "Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Café" is growing, especially the

demands of the people grow also. As long as the service of Tartarus Café caters to the needs and

wants of the customers, it's not hard to get their loyalty. Having a positive belief that "Cheezy

Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Café" will progress with the help of passion, hard work, and

cooperation. Mind that does not just stay on the stage when the business you think is stable, be

more than that and find ways or strategies to have a development or business progress.


The services and products of the Tartarus Café business are for everyone. Usually

children, but even adults came to buy and taste Cheezy Hotdog Crunch. Tartarus Café caters to

the needs and wants of the customers depending on their demands. There are no such selective

customers especially this product is affordable and for everyone. The servings towards the

customers depend on how many customers want the product. Usually, sales are fast and

sometimes moderate depending on the season or demand of specific days. There is no

approximate number of costumers. Tartarus Café believes that the product they offer reflects

satisfaction towards the customer. By that positive expectation, a positive vibe in the business is
shown. Entrepreneurs believe that the only way of their success is the costumers, so they must

treat costumers well and by that, the information and feedbacks of the costumers will help the

business boost. The growth potential of Tartarus Café is possible. These are certain

approximation especially if the sales can be effective in that place.


Competitions are normal especially when it comes to the field of business. An

entrepreneur should have that wise way and strategies to catch the attention of the costumers and

their loyalty. Make sure that the strategy being implemented is good and helpful enough

especially to the costumers, which are the primary source of income and profit of the business.

The main competitors are those who also sold different recipes of snacks and other food courts.

The main competitors are those businessmen or entrepreneurs in Palompon, Leyte. The strength

of the competitors will depend especially if the Tartarus Café failed to cater and serve the

customers with good services. If there is strength, there is also a weakness of the competitors and

that is when the Tartarus Café business reaches higher sales and when they catch the attention

and loyalty of the customers.


The market position will be stable and profitable because the product being offered is

affordable in which wise costumers primarily seek. Usually, wise costumers depend on the

product's cost or price before buying a particular product. There is plenty of population who

surrounds the Tartarus Cafe that offers its best selling product " Cheezy Hotdog Crunch". The

competitive advantage of this business is the geographic aspect of the business. In the town of

Palompon, Leyte, there are only a few cafes who offers such kind of snack or recipe. The
advantage in a way that the business service of the Tartarus is good and pursues the satisfaction

of the costumers compared to the other competitors. Palompon, Leyte and its locality have a

bigger population and a great way to have a business and grab the opportunity.

Image and Packaging

The "Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Cafe" is served with sticks and also it can be

served through the use of disposable containers depending on the number of orders. The name of

the product and the company name with the contact number can be seen in the image packaging.

"Cheezy Hotdog Crunch" Packaging will have a clear appearance. A clear disposable

container is used so that the appearance of the product will be seen clearly and to show the

beauty of the product and the customer will see how pleasing the "Cheezy Hotdog Crunch" is.

The Tartarus Cafe is located in the locality of Palompon, Leyte. It is observed that

Palompon Town has a big population and a big opportunity to grasp a business. Palompon, Leyte

is a place wherein the economic status of the people is not that bad. The business being

constructed is for all and aims to give satisfaction at a cheaper price.

The market happening in Palompon, Leyte depicts the improving status of the economy

where people sell and buy and shows that Palompon is not experiencing worse poverty.


The pricing strategy is important when it comes to business planning. The primary

concern especially of wise buyers now days is the price of a particular product that the country

right now is experiencing such as the crisis in which a buyer should choose wisely to survive.

Tartarus Café gives affordable prices behind its good appearance and delicious taste. The
business doesn't aim that much profit, its goal is to offer satisfaction to the customer as well as

earning a profit that can sustain the needs of the business as well as the salary for the employees.

Its pricing strategy involves discounts and sales depending on the season's demand and


Marketing goals

For our business, we want a successful one in which we can have enough funds not just

in Palompon but also in other places and if much success will do, extending branches outside the

country also. Another Tartarus café wants to offer

Marketing Strategy

Every business has a promotional plan. It aims to develop and improve more the business

that entrepreneurs build. ' Cheezy Hotdog Crunch of Tartarus Cafe" has its promotional plan.

The marketing strategy is important to run the business well. Promoting the business will help

the business to be known and the strategy being implemented should be effective and helpful.
C. Management Description

A corporation is happening in the Tartarus Café business. All members are in charge of

the business with different responsibilities and duties. There is one chosen among all to control

the reports and everything, that is the president of the business. Some members will take charge

of money transactions, contacting deliveries for ingredients, selling strategy, and managing

employees and taking over all reports and maintaining business stability and improvements.

Employees must be more than three-person, particularly the one who will cook, the one

that will serve the customers and the one that will entertain customers. But if the bigger business,

several employees are needed. The number of the employee is just an approximation, but then

much better if there are many employees to perform the job because that means a business is

experiencing such profitability. Their qualification must be hardworking, honest, diligent and

have the passion to serve customers. There should be a selected member of the corporation who

will train the employees and supervise them about their particular jobs.

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