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Noor Alam Abir


Ans. To the question no: 01

The QA documentation is used for coordination, control, delivery, managing
or support for the item which is required for the quality assurance purposes.
It can save time and can make our life a little bit easier. Well, the QA
documents should include, at least,
 A test plan which should tie in ideally with the project plan in terms of
dates. In Agile models, this gets moved into sprint planning.
 A repository of test cases based on functional requirements. Test
cases should have priority and unique identification.
 Best practice documents/guidelines on how to record test results in a
standard format. i.e. in a specialized tool like ALM or on a SharePoint
 Regression test packs - which contain sample test data and a list of
test cases executed on code that has not changed but must be tested
to check if other changes have impacted older, working code.
 The life cycle of a test case.
 A test data repository to store test data sets in a reusable manner.
 List the number of defects detected as per severity level
 Prepare separate reports for managers and users
 Quality assurance checklists

Ans. To the question no: 03

Writing 3 test set for the following code segment:

for (i=100;i<500;i++)  { 
Noor Alam Abir

for (a=1;a<=i;a++)  { 

if (i%a==0) 

count++;  } 

if (count==2) 


return 0; 

Here, let’s assume that i = x and a = y

And we can see that the code that has been given, is the code that
generates only Prime numbers. Prime numbers are only divisible by 1 and
that prime number. That’s why it has only 2 divisor. So,

1st test set – { (x=151, y=1); (x=151, y=151); (x=227, y=1); (x=227, y=227) }

Here, for the 1st test set there will be no error because the divisors are 1 and
that number.

2nd test set – { (x=151, y=1); (x=151, y=151); (x=227, y=4); (x=227, y=9) }

Here will be error because the divisor is 4 and 9.

Noor Alam Abir
3rd test set – { (x=151, y=6); (x=151, y=7); (x=227, y=3); (x=227, y=2) }

Here will also be error because the divisor is 6, 7, 3 and 2.

Ans. To the question no: 02

Here are some stuff I can do and follow these process to help make a
decision on what conflicting priority should be first on my priority list –

Step 1: Standrads – The IEEE, ISO and other strandards organization have
produced a board array.

Step 2: Review and Audits – Technical reviews and quality control activity.

Step 3: Testing – to find errors.

Step 4: Error/defect collection and analysis – SAQ collect analysis error and
defect data and best suited to eliminating.

Step 5: Change management – Change is one of the most distruptive aspect

of any project.

Step 6: Security management – SAQ ensure that appropriate process and

technology are used to achieve aoflow security.

Step 7: Safety – SAQ may be responsible to reduce risk.

Our main activities are – Requirement quality, Design, Quality, Code quality,
QC effectiveness, Reviews and inspections, An inspection checklist etc.

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