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R eading !►
■30 minutes READING EXAM 20 minutes

1 Read the text in exercise 2 2 Read the newspaper article about The Big Issue magazine.
quickly, and put the Five sentences have been removed from the text. Put the
following points in order to correct sentence from A-F below in each space to form a
form a summary of the logical, coherent and correct text. There is one extra
article. sentence you are not going to need.
a Thousands live on the
b The Big Issue is a financial
success, and it generates
huge amounts of money

t the southern end o f Waterloo Bridge in London, by the banks of
to be spent on good the River Thames, stand the Royal National Theatre, the National
c Cultural landmarks stand Film Theatre and the Royal Festival Hall. 1-------- They have
become a tnecca for the homeless. The place is littered with the cardboard
next to temporary shelters
boxes and old mattresses that they use as beds. It became so popular there in
for people sleeping rough,
the 1980s that each person had their own, much-prized space that they would
d In the 1980s, many people guard carefully. -_______ This was also the name o f a theatre play directed by
arrived in the capital in the now famous Oscar-winner (for American Beauty) Sam Mendes.
search of a home and a The 1980s saw an enormous increase in people sleeping rough in
job. Britain, as many unemployed came to cities in the south, especially London.
e The Big Issue is now an where jobs were easier to find. 1-------- They ended up with no work and
international initiative, nowhere to live. Today the housing charity Shelter estimates there are around
f The life of homeless 100,000 homeless people In London alone, who are either in temporary
people on the South Bank accommodation or simply living on the streets. These people often hang
was immortalised in a around railway stations and other public places asking for money.
theatre play. The British public are asked by their government not to give money to
street beggars.4_______ Another way you can help is to buy a copy o f The Big
g People can offer support
Issue weekly magazine.
through special
Run for the homeless, The Big Issue is a success on many levels. Its first
organisations and by issue was published in 1991. it won the Magazine o f the Year award in 1993,
buying The Big Issue. and sells 270,000 copies weekly, which means a readership o f over one
1 ______ m illion.5_______ The magazine is actually sold by the homeless themselves,
2 ______ which gives them a chance to earn money and retain a sense o f dignity.
Encouraged by its success in Britain. The Big Issue has become
3 _____
international, and now seventeen titles throughout Europe are being
4 ______
5 ______
6 _____
A But it's virtually impossible to get a job in Britain without a
permanent address, and it's very difficult to get somewhere
EX A M TIP to live if you don't have a job, so most of those people got
Before you fill in the gaps, read
through the text to get a general B People sympathetic to the homeless are being told to donate
sense of what each paragraph is money to charities who specialise in caring for the poor or to
about. This will help you decide offer beggars gifts of food or clothes instead of money.
which extracts belong to which C It gave them a sense of security and became so permanent
part of the text. that the locals gave the area a nickname - Cardboard City.
D The Labour Party administration claims that many of these
people are homeless by choice, and that there are many drug
addicts among them.
E All profits are reinvested into the magazine or diverted to
The Big Issue Foundation, a charity that runs many social
support programmes for the homeless.
F In stark contrast to this centre of London's cultural activity,
are the subways close by, which offer some relief from the
cold at night.
A n sw e rs on pag e 163

24 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY Smart answer key on page 163

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