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Corporate Social Responsibility – Group Assignment

Submitted by:
Name PRN
Alhan Khan 19020341061
Amitesh Singh Parihar 19020341064
Jagdish Salunke 19020341099
Naveen Sandal 19020341025
Neha Garg 19020341251
Prakshi Jain 19020341194
Rohit Shelam 19020341103
Sayandip Chakraborty 19020341202
Shivangi Varshney 19020341157
Mallick Shubham Gopal 19020341081
Siwalik Mishra 19020341205
(Enable All to Revive and Nurture)


Every individual deserves the opportunity to learn and grow and Symbiosis Centre for
Management and Human Resource Development strongly believes in giving back to society.
The Institute Social Responsibility Cell, Samatva, started off as an initiative by the students
to bring about a positive change in society. They strongly believe that in this fast-paced world
which is moving forward relentlessly, it is necessary to look back on the trail of mistakes
we’re leaving behind and strive to correct them. The committee has worked on various social
issues such as education, healthcare, human trafficking, deforestation, and many more. They
have partnered with many organizations and conducted events on a massive scale.

One of the most important and integral part of Samatva’s initiatives is INSPIRIT. Under this
initiative, Samatva with the help of volunteers from the batch, teach underprivileged children
on a daily basis for 90 minutes. But it is sad that most of these students can’t afford to study
beyond a certain class just because of the financial issues in their households. That’s where
our new initiative will play a huge role.

E.A.R.N. will be an event which will contribute towards raising awareness amongst the
masses about the basic right of education for all. It will be a three-day event where students
from the batch will leverage their managerial skills, add value to organizations and in turn
help raise funds (through the stipend earned) for the education of underprivileged children
enrolled in the INSPIRIT classes . This event can be made an annual event and can be used as
a part of the 1-credit CSR course.


For the formulation of this new event, these are a few of the steps that need to be taken care
of. They are discussed in detail as follows:

1. Purpose: The purpose of this event is multi-fold. First and foremost it will help
sensitize people about the right to basic education for all and make people aware
about the current situation of education in our country. Secondly, it will be an
opportunity for students to apply all their research and marketing knowledge learned
in classrooms and hence will be a part of their experiential learning. Thirdly it will act
as a good PR for the college and will add to the Value Proposition of the college for
the future aspirants.

2. Scope: This event will be conducted in all stores, outlets, restaurants etc of major and
local brands in and around Hinjawadi area of Pune. It will include all the students
from MBA-Core, MBA-IDM and MBA-BA. It will be a part of the 1-credit CSR

3. Feasibility Tests: This will be carried out by the core members of Team Samatva
before the proposal is sent to the deciding authority. A three-day test will be carried
out in a couple of outlets and insights will be drawn from it and a proposal will be
4. Financials: An estimated financial breakdown will be made to be presented to the
deciding authority along with the proposal. A sample financial for the event can be
seen in the Budget section of this report.

5. Timescale: This event will take place for 3 days. The whole batch of approximately
350 students will be divided into groups of 3-4 and will be allotted to a store/outlet
and will be assigned a deliverable by the store/outlet. Each student is supposed to go
and work for all the 3 days for about 5 hours daily. This event can be conducted every
academic year in the month of November when the academic rigour is less.

6. Evaluation: Each group which will be working in a specific store/outlet will have to
present a detailed report explaining their findings at the end of 3-days. This report will
be evaluated for their 1-credit CSR course and it will also be shared with the


Listed below is a detailed list of steps that need to be taken care of for the smooth execution
of this new event. Most of the below mentioned steps will be taken care of by the core
members of Team Samatva.

1. Pilot Testing and Proposal Submission: This step will need a few members of Team
Samatva to go and visit a couple of outlets nearby and conduct a sample 3-day test
and take feedbacks from the outlet owner. Based on the feedbacks provided, the team
will then submit an initial proposal to Faculty In-Charge, Samatva and Director,
SCMHRD for approval. This step needs to be done in July/August.

2. Budget Submission: The budget for all the events in the institute has to be approved
from the SIU. Hence, a detailed budget covering all the possible expenses need to be
submitted to the Accounts department latest by the month of October since it takes a
minimum of 1 month for the budget to be approved.

3. Store/Outlet Headhunting: This again, is a task for the core team members of Team
Samatva. Under this step, the team will prepare a proposal and a brochure explaining
the event and about the college and the work the Committee has already done. Bulk
emails and cold calling can be used in this step as about 80-100 outlets will be needed
in total.

4. Signing MOUs with Store/Outlet: Once the store has agreed to the event and the
underlying conditions, it’s important for the team to get MOUs signed for it to be a
legally binding contract.

5. Event Launch: This will be organised by the core Team Samatva in Novemeber for
the whole batch to explain to them what the event is and what they are expected to do
during the event. This will also include the evaluation criteria being discussed in
detail for the 1-credit CSR course.

6. T-shirt Design and Distribution: T-shirts should be designed for the whole batch to
be worn for 3-days. This will help in branding of the College and will help in a good
recall value of the college.
7. Slotting: All the 350 students will be divided into groups of 3-4 and will be assigned
the store/outlet that they’ll be handling. This will also include a set of general
guidelines for them to follow throughout the event.

8. Releasing the Deliverable Charter: Here all the student groups will be given their
deliverable charter that the store/outlet want them to perform. This is also the topic on
which the final report will be prepared.

9. E.A.R.N: This will be the actual event. Students will go to different stores and do the
jobs that have been assigned to them by the specific store/outlet. At the end of the 3-
days the store will pay stipends to the students for the work that they have done.

10. Report Submission: Post the event, all the groups will submit a detailed report on the
work they undertook at the store/outlet and describe their findings. This will be
evaluated by the CSR faculty and can also be used to refine and better the project next
year. Feedback forms from the outlets will also be considered while marking the
students for the 1-credit CSR course.

11. Donating the stipend money collected: The total stipend money that will be earned
by the students in the 3 days will be donated to the needy students of INSPIRIT
classes for them to use it in their educational journey.


Proposed Budget
Name of Committee Samatva Faculty In-charge Ms. Gauri Joshi
Name of Event E.A.R.N Student In-charge Mr. Naveen Sandal
Date of Event 22,23,24 Nov

Expenses Rate Qty Total

Flex (6*4) 280 4 1,120

Flex (20*15) 4000 1 4,000

Conveyance 20,000
College Bus 10000 9 90,000

Food and 35 350 12,250

Memento for stores 100 80 8,000
T-shirts 370 350 1,29,500

Miscellaneous 10000

Grand Total 2,74,870

Expected Outcome

The expected outcome is different for different stakeholders involved in this event. A few
points have been discussed below for each of these stakeholders:

1. Students
 Experiential Learning
 They will be able to implement whatever they learn in classrooms
 It will act as an evaluation for the 1-credit CSR course
 It will be hone them into responsible citizens

2. Stores/Outlets
 Their stores will be promoted by the students of SCMHRD
 They will get insights into their store layouts, item placements, customer
retention etc.
 They can build their strategy based on the insights
 They get interns for a very nominal fee
 It’ll add to the brand value as the customer will realise that the store/outlet is
concerned about the society as well

3. INSPIRIT Children
 Underprivileged children who leave school, will stay in school
 This money can be saved and used for their higher education

 This will act as an evaluation for the 1-credit CSR course
 This will add to the brand value of the college
 It will lead to more Corporates coming in for placements/internships
 It will give exposure to the college in terms of the outreach to the future

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