Green Tea: Jennifer Mcquay Kaplan University October, 2014

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Green Tea

Jennifer McQuay
Kaplan University
October, 2014
 Today we welcome you to our
community center’s health lecture series
 You spoke, we listened! You wanted to
know more about green tea and how you
can implement it into your daily life
 We’ll go over the benefits, research,
precautions, and more!
 Then we’ll try a few varieties!
What if we told you…
 There was a great tasting drink that could
be served hot or cold that has health
 It’s very easy to find and prepare, at
home, work, or on the go
 It’s fairly inexpensive
 It can even be a form of stress relief

Would you think it’s just a gimmick?

It’s Green Tea!
The U.S. joins in!
 Green tea has been used for centuries in countries
such as China and India, however it’s just recently
gained popularity here in the United States
 “Tea is considered the most consumed beverage
in the world behind water, however 78% of the tea
consumed worldwide is black and only about 20%
is green”
 “All types of tea except herbal tea are brewed
from the dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush.
The level of oxidation of the leaves determines the
type of tea. Green tea is made from un-oxidized
leaves and is one of the less processed types of
tea (with white tea the least) and therefore
contains one of the most antioxidants and
beneficial polyphenols.”

Medical News Today, 2014

Possible Health Benefits
 Cancer (National Cancer Institute study)
 Polyphenols, such as those in green tea have been shown to
decrease tumor growth and reduce damage from UVB rays.
 Studies have shown that green tea drinkers were less likely to
develop pancreatic cancer, especially in women
 There have also been studies done on the reduced chance
of breast, bladder, ovarian, colorectal, esophageal, lung,
prostate, skin and stomach cancer.
 Heart Disease (American Medical Association study)
 Reduced mortality, including cardiovascular disease
 Type II Diabetes
 Some studies have shown lower risk, others were inconsistent
 Weight Loss
 Overweight or obese-small chance of weight loss,
inconsistent results again
 “Other studies have found that green tea is helpful in
preventing dental cavities, stress, chronic fatigue, treating skin
conditions and improving arthritis by reducing inflammation.”

Medical News Today, 2014

Medical News Today (2014)
“Recent developments on the benefits of green tea from MNT news
Green tea or coffee may reduce stroke risk. Drinking green tea or coffee
on a regular basis is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, according to
a study published in the journal Stroke: Journal of the American Heart
Green tea may help fight prostate cancer. British researchers have
scientifically proven that broccoli, turmeric, green tea and pomegranate
help fight the most common cancer in men in the United States and the
United Kingdom - prostate cancer.
Green tea may boost our working memory. New research published in the
journal Psychopharmacology suggests green tea can enhance our brain's
cognitive functions, particularly the working memory.
Green tea component upsets cancer cell metabolism. A new study
reveals how an active component of green tea disrupts the metabolism
of cancer cells in pancreatic cancer, offering an explanation for its effect
on reducing risk of cancer and slowing its progression. The researchers
believe the discovery signals a new approach to studying cancer
Reported in the journal Metabolomics, the study explores the effect of
epigallocatechin gallate or "EGCG," an active biological agent of green
tea. “
Medical News Today, 2014
 Even though there are little to no side
effects, caution should still be taken for
those with caffeine sensitivity
 Those taking anticoagulants should take
caution due to the vitamin K content
 Green tea is an active substance that
can interact with other vitamins, herbs,
supplements, and medications
 Always check with your doctor and
disclose ALL herbs and other substances
being consumed.

Medical News Today, 2014

Weight loss supplements
 You may have seen or heard about green
tea as a weight loss product. Supplement
companies love to take products that have a
small study that shows weight loss and run
with it!
 Green tea extracts are being marketed for
weight loss and are being added to
sometimes dangerous weight loss pills.
 When the extract is consumed in excess it can
potentially cause liver issues.
 Another issue with the extract is the large
amount of caffeine that it contains
 Advice: drink the tea, avoid gimmicky
supplements that claim weight loss!

NIH, 2012
Tea is everywhere!
 Grocery stores
 Restaurants
 Starbucks/café’s
 Malls (Teavana is a tea lover’s paradise!)
 Convenience stores

 You just have to look! Many places that

have coffee have a hot water station and
tea bags! -or- Bring your own tea and just
use the hot water!
Brewing Tips
 Water temperature: too hot-bitter and
aroma lost…too cool-full flavor isn’t
extracted. 140-185 degrees Fahrenheit is
 Steeping time: 1-3 minutes, balance with
water temperature. The lower the
temperature, the longer you can steep
 Add some honey for additional
sweetness, flavor, and health benefits

The Fragrant Leaf, 2012

Tea for stress relief?
 Drinking tea can be a relaxing and calming
practice to help reduce stress
 Create an environment/atmosphere of calm,
quiet with minimal distractions. Comfortable
seating, cozy blanket, calming music or a
good book
 Enjoy and saver the flavor and smell
 Even in stressful situations (commuting, work,
meetings) the smell and taste of the tea can
bring a calming presence if regularly enjoyed
in the calm environment. Picture yourself in
your “tea zone” with comfort and calmness
Get out there and try it!
 Now you know the basics!
 Get out there and try the many different
varieties and flavors all while working
towards a healthier lifestyle!
 Sit back, relax, and sip some tea!
 Enjoy!

 Visit
us next time for another series
Medical News Today. (2014). What are the health
benefits of green tea? Retrieved from
NIH. (2012). Green Tea. Retrieved from
The Fragrant Leaf. (2012). Green Tea Brewing Tips.
Retrieved from

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