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Q: Does Filing of a Petition stay the proceedings of the lower court?
Cite with legal basis the requisites upon which the Proceedings may be
stayed by the lower court.
A: No, the filing of a Petition for Certiorari stay the proceedings of the lower
Under the Rules of Court, the filing of a petition for certiorari does not
interrupt the course of the principal action, unless an application for a
temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary injunction is granted by
the higher court.
The requisites to stay the proceedings are:
o Petition for certiorari
o Writ of preliminary injunction/TRO

Multiple Choice
Q: The following are grounds for the dismissal of a Petition for Certiorari under
Rule 65 except:
a. Petition patently without merit
b. Prosecuted manifestly for delay
c. Questions raised are too unsubstantial to require consideration
d. Legal Standing
A: d. Legal Standing

True or False
Q: After filing the petition for certiorari, the court no longer has to hear the
case and decide on the merit motu poprio

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