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Ganesh Tarlana
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Published on Jun 10, 2019

As per my experience I have prepared this document to helps our SAP people. <

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S4 HANA Business Partner Configuration@Ganesh Tarlana… 29/37
12/8/2020 S4 HANA Business Partner Configuration@Ganesh Tarlana

1. 1. 1 1. Introduction about Business Partner 2. ECC>>Customer Master (vs) S4 HANA Business Partner 3.
Prerequisites for Business partner 1. Create Number ranges for customer master 2. Create Account groups
for Customer Master 3. Create Partner determination procedure 4. Business Partner configuration 1.
Define Business partner Roles 2. Define BP Role Groupings 3. Define Application Transactions 4. Define
Number Ranges 5. Define Groupings andAssign Number Ranges 5. Business Partner Field Grouping
(Optional) 1. Configure FieldAttributes per Client 2. Configure FieldAttributes per BP Role 3. Configure
FieldAttributes per Activity 4. Configure FieldAttributes per Business Partner Type 6. Master Data
Synchronization 1. Synchronization Control 2. Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog
3. Activate Synchronization Options 7. Customer/Vendor Integration 1. Business Partner Settings a.
Settings for Customer Integration 1. Set BP Role Category for Direction BP to Customer 2. Define BP
Role for Direction Customer to BP b. FieldAssignment for Customer Integration 1. Assign Keys 1. Define
Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer 2. Define Number Assignment for Direction Customer
to BP
2. 2. 2 1. Introduction about Business Partner An organization (company, subsidiary), person or group of
people or organizations in which your company has a business interest. Use:- SAP Business Partner
Screening for SAP S/4 HANA is used to centrally manage master data for business partners, customers,
and vendors. With the current development, it is a single point of entry to create, edit, and display master
data for business partners, customers, and vendors. All the transactions in Customer/Vendor in ERP
Business Suite are redirected to Business Partner Transaction. The following transactions - XD01, XD02,
XD03 or VD0I, VD02, VD03 or XK0I, XK02, XK03 or MK01, MK02, MK03 are obsolete. 2. Key
Features for Business Partner Business partners are divided into different categories, which have different
attributes assigned to them. The system distinguishes between: Persons (for example, individuals, brokers)
Organizations (for example, banks, companies) Groups (for example, societies according to the German
Civil Code, people living in shared apartments) You use business partner roles to define the functions of
the business partner in the financial transaction. Such roles include counterparty, issuer, paying bank, or
depository bank. You define the rights and responsibilities of the business partner by assigning the role
category. A business partner can have several roles. You define the roles by assigning a role category.
3. 3. 3 3. Prerequisites Business Partner We need to do basic customization before creating Business partner
configuration. The below steps are mandatory to update the BP into Customer master while creating
Business partner. 1. Create Number ranges for customer master IMG Menu Financial Accounting (New)
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer Accounts Master Data Preparations for
Creating Customer Master Data Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts Transaction Code
S_ALR_87003434 or XDN1 Click then system will open below screen Maintain the number ranges and
select the external
4. 4. 4 If we check the external number range for a customer in XDN1then system will always consider it as
an internal number in BP Reason: - When we create BP system automatically generates BP number at the
same time system backend creates a customer master number with the help of an external check box. 2.
Create Account groups for Customer Master Access the transaction using the following navigation path:
IMG Menu Financial Accounting (New) Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Customer
Accounts Master Data Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data Define Account Groups
with Screen Layout (Customers) Transaction Code S_ALR_87003301 or OVT0 Usage:- Customer
Account group control the master data of customer It helps to determine customer number assignment
It helps to determine which field should be optional and which field should be mandatory and hide It
control transaction of a customer master Click or copy from standard and define with your own code.
5. 5. 5 Every one known about this configuration so no need to explain briefly. Assign number range to
account group which is created as per client requirement. Field status: Once you select the field status, a
new window will open. Then, select Account Management from the selected group and the click
Reconciliation account ‘Req. Entry’
6. 6. 6 3. Configuration for Partner determination What is Partner Function? Partner function is two-
character identification key that describes the people and organization with whom you do the business,
and who are therefore involved in transaction. Here is some standard Partner Function for customer- Sold-
to party Ship-to party Bill-to party Payer What is Partner Determination? The Partner and business partner
term in SAP SD refers to parties with whom you do business. Each business partner has specific role. E.g.
Sold-to party - Business Partner who order the goods / Services. The Partner Determination can be done in… 30/37
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three steps- IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Partner Determination Set Up
Partner Determination Set Up Partner Determination for CustomerMaster Transaction Code
S_AL0_96000423 Step:-1 Define Partner Function Enter T-Code VOPAN in Command Bar. Select
Customer Master Partner Object Click on Change Button, Partner Determination Procedure Screen
7. 7. 7 Click system Screen as below appear Click system screen as appear below Double click PDP and
enter our own PDP code with description as per client business terms then select second option system
screen as below appear Step: - 2 Define Partner functions Enter partner functions and select not
modifiable and Mandatory
8. 8. 8 Step: - 3 Assign PDP to Account group Select our account group and assign our PDP which is created
with initial step. Step: - 4 assign Partner functions to Account group Assign partner functions to our
respect account group then system picked up partner functions while creating BP Now we have completed
prerequisites configuration for BP
9. 9. 9 4. Business Partner Configuration Setup:- A business partner role is help to classifying the business
partners as per business terms. A business partner can take on different business partner roles, which allow
different views of the business partner data depending on the business function. The above flow chart
explains how the BP working in S4 HANA same as VENDOR also. 1. Business partner creation 2. Define
or Standard Business Partner roles creation 3. Assign Business partner role categories to BP Roles 4.
Assign BP Roles to Business Partner groupings and Business partner grouping categories
10. 10. 10 Define Business Partner Roles1. The role defines the functions a BP has and the business
transactions in which it can be involved and BP roles are to controls the BP views and determine the
field’s related to specific BP role. Step-1 Business Partner role creation IMG Menu IMG Cross-
Application Components SAP Business Partner Business Partner Basic Settings Business
Partner Roles Define BP Roles Transaction Code SPRO ERP View S4 HANA ROLES General Data
“000000” - Business Partner (General data) Company code Data “FLCU00” - Financial Role Sales Data
“FLCU01” – Customer (Sales related) NO “UKM000” – Credit Management
11. 11. 11 SAP has given standard roles in S4 HANA BP if we want to create new role as per client business
terms we need to copy the standard role and create our own role as client name. 1. BP Role:- Mention BP
code as per client terms 2. BP Title:- Maintain the title of BP role as per client terms 3. BP description :-
Maintain the BP role name as per client terms 4. Hide: - this field is controls to hide the BP role in
dropdown list while creating BP. 5. BP Role Category: - before creating BP role first we need to create BP
role category and assign our category to BP role and This assignment is controls the BP roles is always
working on respect BP category only. 6. Interface control: do not change anything here if you change
system will give dump while creating BP Define Business Partner Role Category2. IMG Menu IMG
Cross-Application Components SAP Business Partner Business Partner Basic Settings Business
Partner Roles Define BP Role category Transaction Code SPRO
12. 12. 12 SAP has given standard role category in S4 HANA BP if we want to create new role category as
per client business terms we need to copy the standard role category and create our own role category as
client name 1. BP Role category :- Mention BP code as per client terms 2. BP Title category :- Maintain
the title of BP role as per client terms 3. BP category description :- Maintain the BP role name as per
client terms 4. Differentiation type:- The differentiation type is a combination of organizational units or
other distinguishing definition proportions 5. Possible business Partner Categories : this is controls
whether this business partner is an organization or person or Group Person :- if you check this system is
always treated as a single partner Organization :- if you check this system is always treated as a legal
entity, legal form, industry, Group:- if you check this system is ways treated as group of companies
Like…. Reliance group of companies, TATA group of companies Note: - After creating role category, we
need to assign role category to our respect BP role. Otherwise system will not allow creating BP
13. 13. 13 Define Business Partner Role Groupings3. In this step we are grouping the multiple BP roles into
one BP role grouping whenever select this role group in dropdown list while creating BP system will show
all BP views related to our BP roles and no need to extend BP role wise. IMG Menu IMG Cross-
Application Components SAP Business Partner Business Partner Basic Settings Business
Partner Roles Define BP Role groupings Transaction Code SPRO Click enter role grouping name and
double click and add our BP roles which are created as client business terms. Here we are grouping the
multiple BP roles into one BP role group and system will show our BP roles in single screen while… 31/37
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creating BP. 1. BP Role:- Mention BP code as per client terms 2. BP Title:- Maintain the title of BP role as
per client terms 3. BP description :- Maintain the BP role name as per client terms 4. Hide: - this field is
controls to hide the BP role in dropdown list while creating BP. 5. BP Role Category: - This assignment is
controls the BP roles is always working on respect BP category only.
14. 14. 14 Select our BP role group and double click and add our BP roles Save it. Click enter BP role
grouping name and Save it. After assigning BP roles we need to create BP role grouping category and
assign BP role grouping category into BP role groupings. This is same as e initial configuration steps BP
role category in to BP roles.
15. 15. 15 Define Application Transactions4. According to this configuration BP role category wise or BP role
grouping category wise we can assign transaction codes as per Client business terms means user defined
BP transactions Usage:- if we assign our role grouping category to BUP1 system automatically selecting
our BP role group while executing BUP1 and No need to select manually and it will save end user time
IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application Components SAP Business Partner Business Partner Basic
Settings Business Partner Roles Define Application Transactions Transaction Code SPRO Select any
one transaction BUP1 then click details icon system screen as appear as below:
16. 16. 16 Add our role grouping category and save it then system always considered our respected role
grouping while executing transaction code BUP1. 1. Activity: - if we add any activity system will always
considered that activity while executing BP with respect to BP role category. 2. BP Role category: - if you
add our role category system will always considered respected role category while executing this
transaction then system automatically selected our BP role. 3. BP Role: - if you add our BP role system
will always considered respected role category while executing this transaction then system automatically
selected our BP role. 4. BP Role Groupings: - if you add our role groupings system will always considered
respected role category while executing this transaction then system automatically selected our BP role.
Add our BP role group category and save it and check it whether it is working fine or not. If you assign
our BP role category to BUP1 transaction code system is always working with our BP role groupings or
BP role while executing BUP1 or ZTCODE.
17. 17. 17 Define Number ranges for BP5. A Number range is a Group of numbers to which the unique-Id
created for an SAP Object belongs. In each module we have master data having SAP objects such as
Equipment, Notification, Order, Measuring Point, and Maintenance Plans etc. in PM, Material number,
Material Document, Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order in MM, Sales Order, and Sold-to-party etc. in
SD We have two types of number ranges 1. Internal Number ranges: - when we are maintaining number
ranges in XDN1 without external check box system automatically generates the BP or Customer master
number while creating BP or Customer master. 2. External Number ranges: - when we are maintaining
number ranges in XDN1 there is a external check box. if we check the external number range we have to
enter manually while creating BP master or Customer Master. IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application
Components SAP Business Partner Business Partner Basic Settings Number Ranges and
Groupings Define Number Ranges Transaction Code BUCF Enter T-Code BUCF in command bar and
press enter. Click then system screen as appear below
18. 18. 18 In BP number ranges are always internal and customer number is always external. Because of while
creating BP system background automatically creates customer number with help of external check box in
XDN1 (Customer master) and it will be update in BP related tables and Customer master tables. If we
check external number ranges in BP we need to enter manually BP number while creating BP and system
will not allow to create the customer number and The BP number updates in BUT000 and I will not
update in KNA1,KNVV,KNB1 etc.… means system is not generated the customer master number. Assign
number ranges to BP group6. Here we are assigning number ranges to respect account group same as
customer master customization. IMG Menu IMG Cross- Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
Transaction Code SPRO Click enter our account group, number ranges same as created in customer
master and no need to select anything and save it.
19. 19. 19 Business Partner Field Grouping (Optional)7. In this step we can control the fields like….optional,
suppress, and display same as customer account group field controls. In BP we can control the fields in
four levels 1. Configure Field Attributes per Client 2. Configure Field Attributes per BP Role 3. Configure
Field Attributes per Activity 4. Configure Field Attributes per Business Partner Type IMG Menu IMG
Cross- ness Partner Field Groupings Configure Field Attributes per Client or Configure Field
Attributes per BP Role or Configure Field Attributes per Activity or Configure Field Attributes per… 32/37
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Business Partner Type Transaction Code SPRO Now we configured BP role wise controlling the fields.
Click system screen appear as below
20. 20. 20 Double click the and system screen as appear below This is optional configuration if client wants to
suppress any sales related fields we need to select sales related BP role and control the fields. In ECC we
have same option for controls the customer master fields through customer account group level but in we
can controls through BP role wise etc.…..
21. 21. 21 1. Master Data Synchronization :- Master data synchronization synchronizes master data objects in
an SAP system that are similar from a business, but not from a technical, point of view, and in this way
allows you to integrate different SAP applications seamlessly in your business processes. You can use
master data synchronization, for example, to set up integration of the SAP Business Partner with the
customer master. This allows you to integrate SAP applications that make technical use of the Business
Partner in their user interface, and use the customer master as a technical basis in subsequent business
processes. 2. Synchronization objects:- IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application Components Master Data
Synchronization Control Synchronization Control Synchronization Objects Transaction Code SPRO
Note: - In this IMG activity you can display synchronization objects provided by SAP for the master data
Synchronization and Do not change anything here.
22. 22. 22 3. Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects Use this IMG activity to define for which platform
objects a post-processing order should be written in the event of a synchronization error. This definition is
not direction- specific, that means a request is always written when the platform object is used either as a
source or as a target object in the synchronization. Since we are creating BP from customer, the BP
becomes the platform object here. So add BP in this setting. IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application
Components Master Data Synchronization Synchronization Control Synchronization Control
Activate PPO Requests for Platform Objects in the Dialog Transaction Code SPRO 4. Activate
Synchronization Options Select the required source objects and target objects and mark Active. Since we
are creating BP from customer select Customer BP here IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application
Components Master Data Synchronization Synchronization Control Synchronization Control
Activate Synchronization Options Transaction Code SPRO Active.
23. 23. 23 This is main configuration for master data synchronization for BP to Customer mater. If we
uncheck the BP to customer while creating BP only and system will not allow creating customer master
data. Do not change anything here. Customer/Vendor Integration8. 1. Set BP Role Category for Direction
BP to Customer IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application Components Master Data Synchronization
Customer/Vendor Integration Business Partner Settings Settings for Customer Integration Set BP
Role Category for Direction BP to Customer Transaction Code SPRO or SM30-> V_TBD002 The
FLCU00 is the role for the FI part of the customer data The FLCU01 is the role for the SD part of the
customer data
24. 24. 24 2. Define BP Role for Direction Customer to BP IMG Menu IMG Cross-Application
Components Master Data Synchronization Customer/Vendor Integration Business Partner Settings
Settings for Customer Integration Define BP Role for Direction Customer to BP Transaction Code
SPRO or SM30-> CVIV_CUST_TO_BP2 Here the link between the BP roles and the FI customer group
is defined We need to assign customer account group to our respected BP roles and system Always
consider this account group is works only for particular account group. 3. Field Assignment for Customer
Integration Here the FI account groups are linked to the BP groups. This customizing also links the
number ranges with the option [same numbers] you make sure the BP and customers are in sync IMG
Menu IMG Cross-Application Components Master Data Synchronization Customer/Vendor
Integration Business Partner Settings Settings for Customer Integration Assign Keys Define
Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer Transaction Code SPRO or SM30->SM30 -
25. 25. 25 If we maintaining the same number ranges in customer account group and BP group then we
required check same number.

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