Vamos A Comer (Level: Spanish II or III) Objectives:: #1 Communication #2 Culture #3 Connections #4 Comparisons

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Sandra Lorente

Rafaela Lorente

Vamos a Comer (Level: Spanish II or III)

Objectives: : #1 Communication; #2 Culture; #3 Connections; #4 Comparisons;

#5 Community.

1.1) Students will review some of the food vocabulary already learned.

1.2) Students will use the verb “gustar” to talk about food that they like and dislike.

2.1; 1.3) Students will read a recipe of a typical Costa Rican dish. Through the PACE
method and using this recipe, the students will learn how to use the impersonal “se”.

2.2) Students will learn some cultural aspects about Costa Rica. Most of these aspects
will be time of meals, typical foods, names of fruits and vegetables, and recipes.

3.1; 4.1) Students will compare eating habits in the United States with those in Costa

2.3; 1.3; 5.1) Students will do some research in order to find a recipe of a Hispanic
“platillo” and will present it to the class.

Materials: power point presentation, computer, a recipe of a typical Costa Rican dish


Día 1

I. Students will look to a vocabulary list of words related to food. Teacher will
write on the board the following categories: “desayuno, almuerzo, cena,
bebidas y postres”. Students get together in groups of three and brainstorm
words under each category. Teacher will give five minutes for the activity
and at the end the group that comes up with more words will win a present
(candies, extra points, stickers, etc.) The teacher will write the words that the
students name on the board.
II. Students go back to the groups and each group will receive a poster board and
color markers and will plan a daily menu for: a vegetarian, an athlete that
needs a lot of proteins but no fat, a person on a diet (to lose weight) and a
person who needs to gain weight. Students report the results to the class.
Teacher encourages them to be creative and funny. The menus will be hung
on the board or walls.
Día 2

I. Before class, teacher writes on the board “en la escuela me gusta comer…”,
“por la mañana en casa…”, “para la cena…”. Each student will write at least
three words to finish each sentence.
II. Verbo gustar (students already know the verb however, in this lesson they will
practice more).

Actividad: escoja su bebida favorita según la ocasión. Use ‘me gusta’ o ‘prefiero’.

MODELO: en la mañana
Cuando me levanto en la mañana me gusta tomar una taza de café con

agua mineral jugos naturales (de tomate, de
batidos de leche pera, de naranja, de toronja…)
café leche
limonada refrescos
chocolate té helado

té caliente

1. para el desayuno
2. para el almuerzo
3. después de hacer ejercicio
4. para dormir
5. cuando hace frío
6. cuando hace calor
7. en un restaurante

III. Students get in pairs and report three things that his partner likes to eat, three
things that he/she doesn’t like and three things that they both like. They use
questions like: ¿qué comidas te gustan?, ¿qué comidas no te gustan?

IV. Pair activity:

Con tu compañero, digan qué pedirían en los siguientes lugares:

1. un restaurante mexicano
2. un restaurante español
3. un restaurante italiano
4. un restaurante de comida rápida
5. la cafetería de la escuela

At the end of the activity, the teacher asks a few students.

Día III:

I. Warm-up: TPR.
Ustedes van a salir a cenar con algunos amigos. Pónganse su ropa más
elegante. Entren al restaurante y esperen al mesero. Siéntense a la mesa y lean el
menú. Ustedes tienen mucha hambre. Miren, ahí viene el mesero. Pidan un
refresco. Lean el menú un poco más y charlen con sus amigos. El mesero llega
con los refrescos. Beban un poco. Pidan la comida. En este momento, la maestra
puede preguntar a varios estudiantes: “¿Qué pides?” Esperen. Tomen más
refresco. Por fin llega la comida. Coman y beban. La maestra puede preguntar
ota vez a otros estudiantes: “¿Qué come Juan? ¿Qué come Ana? Pidan el postre
Coman el postre. Pidan la cuenta diciendo: “La cuenta, por favor”. Dejen la
propina en la mesa. Levántense y vayan a la caja. Paguen la cuenta y salgan del

II. El se impersonal.
This will be taught as a PACE lesson. The teacher reads and acts out the
recipe using the impersonal “se”. After that, the teacher gives a handout with the
recipe. The structure of the impersonal “se” will be underlined. Teacher asks the
students questions about the structure: What is different about these sentences?
Do we have subjects? How are the verbs conjugated? When do the verbs change
to plural? What would be the equivalent in English?

Receta de Guacamole:

3 aguacates maduros
1 tomate
½ cebolla dorada
1 diente de ajo
sal y pimienta (opcional)

Se sacan tres aguacates maduros;

se pelan;
se les saca las semillas;
se pican los aguacates y se ponen en un plato hondo;
se amasan con un tenedor;
se pica un tomate y se agrega al plato de los aguacates;
se pica media cebolla y se agrega a la mezcla;
se pone un poco de jugo de limón y ajo picado;
se sirve el guacamole con tortillas.
¡Buen provecho!
III. Students will write a recipe of a Hispanic dish (they can look in the Internet
for it) using the impersonal “se”. They will present this recipe to the class the
next day.

Possible websites:

Día IV

I. Students will present their recipes. At the same time, the class will act it out.

II. Using a Power Point presentation, teacher will discuss with students the different
places to eat in Costa Rica and typical food of the country. Before starting, the
teacher points out Costa Rica on a map. Also, the teacher asks them:
“What type of weather do you think Costa Rica has? (Answer: Tropical).
“What kinds of products are good to grow in this weather?
“So, what do you think the Costa Rican diet looks like?
“Would the diet be influenced by the economy in poor countries like Costa Rica?
“Do you think that people in Costa Rica eat American food? What type?
Teacher discusses these issues with students.

III. After the presentation: students get in pairs and discuss:

Imagínate que estás en Costa Rica. ¿Dónde te gustaría comer?

¿Qué comida típica costarricense te gustaría probar?
¿Qué comida típica costarricense no te gustaría probar? ¿Por qué?

Critical thinking: What types of Costa Rican food do you think would be popular in the
U.S.? Why?

Día V


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