Orthodontic Cements

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A review of orthodontic cements and adhesives

Nels Ewoldsen, DDS, MSD,a and Richard S. Demke, DDSb
Lincoln, Neb, and Lockport, Ill

Dental cements and resins are used intraorally to secure fixed orthodontic devices. Although cements are still
used, the popularity of resin and resin-cement hybrid materials is increasing because of their improved
physical properties and low solubility in oral fluids. Some cements bond chemically to enamel, but bond
strengths are low because cements are brittle and fracture cohesively. Resin adhesives penetrate micropores
in etched enamel and mechanical retentions in orthodontic devices, resulting in higher bond strengths
because resins are more fracture resistant than cements. Resins, however, do not bond well in the presence
of moisture, and their attachment to surfaces is primarily mechanical. Hybridized materials combine the
advantages of cements and resins but also have certain disadvantages. Optimal material selection and
application require an understanding of the chemical differences and physical limitations of today’s orthodontic
cements, resins, and hybrid materials. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:45-8)

rthodontic devices should interfere minimally (alkaline) suspended in a salt matrix formed when the
with the patient’s comfort, appearance, oral acid component reacts with the alkaline glass. Cements
function, and hygiene. Although various dental are brittle, with relatively high compressive strength, low
cements and resin adhesives are used to attach ortho- tensile strength, and relatively low fracture resistance.2
dontic devices to teeth, the higher-strength dental Zinc-phosphate cement is the reaction product of
cements and improved resin adhesives permit the use zinc oxide and a phosphoric acid solution. When set,
of smaller, more patient-friendly orthodontic devices. zinc-phosphate cement is dimensionally stable with
New orthodontic cements, adhesive resins, and hybrid relatively good physical properties, including low solu-
cement-resin combinations offer improved physical bility in oral fluids. The cement components must be
properties and clinical benefits, but there are clear dif- mixed properly to ensure that the acid-base reaction
ferences in the clinical indications and contraindica- can proceed optimally, resulting in good physical char-
tions for each class of material. With an understanding acteristics and minimal effects on oral tissues. Mixing
of the features, benefits, and limitations, the practi- powder/liquid cement products is technique sensitive.
tioner can choose the material wisely to obtain optimal Ideally, zinc-phosphate cement should be kept cool
results. This article highlights the physical and chemi- during mixing. Further control of setting is accom-
cal characteristics of cements, resins, resin-modified plished by slow incremental incorporation of the alka-
glass ionomers, and polyacid-modified composite line component during mixing. The greatest drawback
resins, with emphasis on their clinical features, han- to zinc-phosphate cement is that it does not bond to
dling, and physical characteristics (Table I). enamel and metals and therefore cannot be used to
attach brackets to teeth. Nevertheless, it has been used
Cements as a dental cement for more than a century.3
Dental cements consist of an acid component and an Polycarboxylate cement is the reaction product of
alkaline component that, when combined, result in the zinc oxide and a polycarboxylic acid solution. The car-
hardening or setting of the mixture. Cements set by a boxyl groups spaced along the polycarboxylic acid
neutralization reaction.1 Typically, the hardened cement’s chain chelate to calcium in enamel and dentin, result-
microstructure shows partially reacted glass particles ing in a chemical bond between the cement and the
tooth. The chelation of carboxyl groups to divalent and
aAdjunct Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College trivalent cations results in a chemical bond to tooth sur-
of Dentistry, Lincoln, Neb. faces and metal surface oxides. Polycarboxylate
bDental industry consultant.

Reprint requests to: Richard Demke, 13543 South Parker Rd, Lockport, IL cement was the first chemically adhesive dental
60441; e-mail, RSDDDS@aol.com. cement. As with zinc-phosphate cement, the mixing
Submitted and accepted, May 2001. technique takes time to master because incorporating
Copyright © 2001 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
0889-5406/2001/$35.00 + 0 8/1/117207 zinc-oxide powder into the relatively viscous polycar-
doi:10.1067/mod.2001.117207 boxylic acid is difficult. The resulting neutralization
46 Ewoldsen and Demke American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 2001

Table I. Tooth preparation and conditions for optimal bonding by each class of material with their principal benefits
Cements Adhesion Acid etching required surface moisture conditions Fluoride release/recharge

Zinc phosphate* None No Dry No

Glass ionomer* Chemical No Moist Yes
Resin-modified glass ionomer* Chemical/mechanical No Moist Yes
Resins Mechanical Yes Dry No
Polyacid-modified composite resins Mechanical Yes Dry Yes, but low

*Acid-base setting reaction contributes to physical properties.

reaction between zinc oxide and polycarboxylic acid adhesion and moisture tolerance eliminate the need for
has little effect on oral tissues; thus, it is considered a acid etching and drying.
biocompatible cement. Despite polycarboxylate
cement’s chemical bonding to dental and orthodontic Resin-modified cements
substrates, its relatively high solubility and relatively The orthodontic use of GICs increased dramatically
low fracture resistance limit its clinical use.2 with the development of resin-modified GICs (RMGIC).
Glass ionomer cements (GICs) capitalize on car- The addition of 10% to 20% resin monomers to the
boxyl chelation to enamel, dentin, and most metals by GICs resulted in a cement that is initially hardened with
employing various mixtures of carboxyl-containing the use of either light or chemical activators to polymer-
acids (polyalkenoic acids) reacted with aluminosilicate ize the monomers. RMGICs are adhesive cements with
glass. Aluminosilicate glass fused in the presence of improved physical properties and more stable hydrogels
fluoride fluxes results in an alkaline composition that compared with GICs. Capsulation of RMGIC powder
releases fluoride ions when reacted with acids. Fluo- and liquid components simplified mixing procedures
ride release has been measured during the GIC setting with a triturator. Although a limited amount of resin
reaction and after setting. Additional fluoride is monomer can be added to the polyalkenoic acid solu-
released when GICs are exposed to acids. Caries inhi- tion, polymerization of the resin monomers hastens the
bition has been associated with a sustained low-level initial hardening of RMGICs without interfering signif-
fluoride release from GICs. Furthermore, GICs contain icantly with the acid-base setting reaction, the fluoride
hydrogel phases, supporting the movement of calcium, release, or the chelation of carboxyl groups to metal and
strontium, and other ions associated with the reminer- tooth surfaces.5,13 In addition to the chemical bonding of
alization of enamel and dentin. GIC hydrogel phases RMGICs, resin monomers penetrate surface irregulari-
are thought to be responsible for the uptake and re- ties to produce a micromechanical interlock (bond) after
release of added environmental fluoride from topical polymerization. In addition to the advantage of operator-
gels, rinses, and dentifrices. Compared with polycar- controlled setting, light-activated polymerization pro-
boxylate cements, GICs show higher bond strengths to ceeds significantly faster than acid-base (cement form-
enamel, dentin, and metals.4,5 ing) reactions, resulting in improved early physical
Mixing GICs, however, is technique sensitive, and properties, especially fracture resistance. Maturation
the hydrogels desiccate and crack in dry environments. hardening, sustained fluoride release/recharge, and
Low fracture resistance limits their orthodontic use pri- caries inhibition are similar compared with conventional
marily to band cementation; however, clinical use of GICs and RMGICs. Also similar are the abilities of both
GICs for bracket bonding has been reported.6,7 The GICs and RMGICs to chemically bond in the presence
development of capsulated GICs eliminated most mix- of moisture.14,15
ing variables. GIC’s inhibition of demineralization in
adjacent enamel and its improved band retention are Resins
the chief reasons that it remains useful to orthodontists Resin adhesives consist of resin monomers and
for cementing bands in caries-prone patients.8-11 GICs inert fillers.16 As with RMGICs, polymerization can be
have been used for orthodontic bracket bonding, but either light activated, chemically activated, or dual
bracket retention was poor compared with resin con- cured with both light and chemical activation.17 Light-
trols. There is agreement among orthodontists that con- activated resin adhesives are always single-component
ventional GICs lack the physical properties necessary materials stored in opaque packages. Single-component
to retain brackets throughout treatment.12 Despite the resins are convenient because no mixing is required,
low bracket-retention rates of GICs, their chemical thus eliminating technique variables. However, be-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Ewoldsen and Demke 47
Volume 120, Number 1

cause resins harden solely through a polymerization polymerize, and their early setting strengths are supe-
reaction, they neither contain nor form hydrogels, and rior to those of the RMGICs but inferior to those of the
water is not a significant component. Although some resin adhesives.22,26
resin adhesives release fluoride, the amount is quite
low and most likely has no effect on caries. Certainly, Summary
without an acid-base reaction, the release of remineral- Cements differ from resins in that cements are 2-
ization ions other than fluoride is unlikely unless the component systems that harden because of acid-base
resin contains a soluble glass filler. Soluble fillers are reactions between components. Cements contain water
subject to dissolution and ion release. However, with- and, in the case of carboxyl-containing cements, will
out hydrogel formation, there is little fluoride recharge bond to moist surfaces. The water in hardened dental
and movement of remineralization ions. cements in the form of hydrogels supports ion move-
Resin adhesives attach to dry, etched enamel by the ment within the cement and ion exchange between the
same mechanical bonding mechanism as do RMGICs. cement and its environment. Ionically active cements
Because resin monomers contain few, if any, carboxyl are associated with caries inhibition, remineralization,
groups, chelation to enamel, dentin, and metal surfaces and chemical bonding to enamel, dentin, and many
does not occur.14 Optimal adhesion with resins requires metals.
acid etching or other surface treatments and a dry oper- Orthodontic resin adhesives do not inherently con-
ating field.17,18 Resin polymerization with light activa- tain water and therefore bond best to acid-etched or
tion is operator controlled, and resin adhesives acquire roughened, dry surfaces through mechanical retention
their optimal physical properties quickly. Generally, rather than chemical bonding. Light-activated resin
resins are less brittle and more fracture-resistant than adhesives are single-component materials, are easier to
cements. manipulate than cements, and have better physical
properties. Resins harden through a polymerization
Polyacid-modified composite resins reaction and have limited ionic activity. Water-soluble
Polyacid-modified composite resins, also known as elements added to resins will diffuse into the environ-
compomers, were developed to bring the features of ment, but their effect on caries inhibition and reminer-
caries inhibition and carboxyl chelation to resins. Com- alization appears to be insignificant.
pomers are single-component systems consisting of Compomers behave much like resin adhesives; they
aluminosilicate glass in the presence of carboxyl- bond primarily through physical interaction with dry
modified resin monomers and light-activated conven- surfaces. Although compomers contain carboxyl-
tional resin monomers. Although the alkaline glass and modified resin monomers, they are packaged as single-
acidic carboxyl components are packaged in the same component materials, suggesting limited reactivity
container, allegedly no acid-base setting reaction between alkaline glass and acidic monomers. Studies
occurs because water is absent from the composition. characterizing the setting reaction of compomers con-
However, after light-activation of the compomer, it is firm that little setting occurs after light activation,
postulated that water sorbs into the compomer, allow- despite the acid-base reaction. Compomer bonding
ing a delayed acid-base reaction that may release fluo- studies have failed to confirm the chelation of carboxyl
ride and other remineralizing ions from the aluminosil- groups to enamel or dentin. The fluoride release from
icate glass.19 The relatively weak acid-base reaction compomers is lower than that from GICs but higher
does not result in increased physical properties of the than that from resins. Fluoride recharging and caries
compomer. The absence of hydrogels restricts ion inhibition of compomers have been reported.
uptake and release, although fluoride recharging of This information is intended to clarify the chemical
compomers has been reported and can be explained by and physical distinctions among various orthodontic
water sorption and diffusion dynamics.20-25 Com- bonding materials. Clinicians need to be knowledge-
pomers have been linked to caries inhibition in vitro able about the various cements and orthodontic bond-
because of fluoride release from the aluminosilicate ing adhesives so that they may select and use these
glass filler at low pH. materials appropriately.
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