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The toughest decisions

The toughest decision

So decisions are never easy however some are just too
important to be wrong. You all must be aware of 9/11 of America
well what you don’t know is the Emergency doctors accepted
that many of the patients would be alive today however they
had to make one of history’s most tough decision, to leave
patients to die because they had less chances of survival. There
is emergency protocol taught to Surgical staff and general
doctors, if several patients come in with severe damages, they
first check the pulse if it’s low, the patients is first left to
residents on duty with a general nurse if possible and then to
god. If 2 people(s) pulse
is going on a same pace there is a protocol to
observe their age with the preferred age of 15-30.
Following these protocol, 40% patients died
although they could be saved in 9/11.

Another tough decision, that is not so severe or

heart touching but hold such immense value in
every Student’s life, To select their profession,
now this may seem easy to the ones who have
had passion since childhood, but what about those who don’t know what to do in life, I
know this may seem a stupid and illogical statement however think about this living in a
world as small as a palm they’ll know continuously which profession is climbing the
ladders of fame and financial stability and which is not. So consciously or unconsciously
he’ll get affected by the information he gathers throughout the day.


Made by Mujtaba Aamir Roots 8a

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