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ISSN 2056-5135


Johnson Matthey’s international journal of research

exploring science and technology in industrial applications

Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2015

Published by Johnson Matthey
© Copyright 2015 Johnson Matthey

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Johnson Matthey’s international journal of research exploring science and technology in

industrial applications

Contents Volume 59, Issue 3, July 2015

174 Selected Electrical Resistivity Values for the Platinum Group of Metals Part I:
Palladium and Platinum
By John W. Arblaster
182 12th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference
A conference review by Christopher Starkie
188 Platinum Group Metal and Washcoat Chemistry Effects on Coated Gasoline
Particulate Filter Design
By Chris Morgan
193 “Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct
Digital Manufacturing”, 2nd Edition
A book review by Jonathan Edgar and Saxon Tint
199 Temperature Dependent Heat Transfer Performance of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube-
based Aqueous Nanofluids at Very Low Particle Loadings
By Meher Wan, Raja Ram Yadav, Giridhar Mishra, Devraj Singh and Bipin Joshi
207 The Effects of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Platinum Alloy Castings on Mechanical
Properties and Microstructures
By Teresa Fryé, Joseph Tunick Strauss, Jörg Fischer-Bühner and Ulrich E. Klotz
218 “Exploring Materials through Patent Information”
A book review by Julia O’Farrelly
221 “Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx After Treatment of Diesel Exhausts”
An essay book review by Martyn V. Twigg
233 Sintering and Additive Manufacturing: The New Paradigm for the Jewellery Manufacturer
By Frank Cooper
243 Introduction to the Additive Manufacturing Powder Metallurgy Supply Chain
By Jason Dawes, Robert Bowerman and Ross Trepleton
257 Atomic-Scale Modelling and its Application to Catalytic Materials Science
By Misbah Sarwar, Crispin Cooper, Ludovic Briquet, Aniekan Ukpong, Christopher Perry and
Glenn Jones
284 In the Lab: Combining Catalyst and Reagent Design for Electrophilic Alkynylation
Featuring Professor Jérôme Waser

287 Johnson Matthey Highlights Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 174–181


Selected Electrical Resistivity Values for the

Platinum Group of Metals Part I: Palladium and
Improved values obtained for liquid phases of palladium and platinum

John W. Arblaster The measured electrical resistivity (ρ) usually consists

Wombourne, West Midlands, UK of a temperature dependent intrinsic resistivity, ρi,
which is due to the pure metal and is caused by the
Email: scattering of the charge carriers (electrons or holes)
by phonons (quantised vibrations of the lattice) and by
their collisions with each other, and a residual resistivity
Electrical resistivity values for both the solid and liquid (ρ0) due to impurities which also scatter the carriers and
phases of the platinum group metals (pgms) palladium increase the resistivity. The quantity ρ0 is considered to
and platinum are evaluated. In particular improved be a summation of the effects of different impurities and
values are obtained for the liquid phases of these is also considered to be temperature independent. The
metals. Previous reviews on electrical resistivity which two contributions to the total resistivity are combined
included evaluations for the pgms included those of according to Matthiessen’s Rule: ρ = ρ0 + ρi and because
Meaden (1), Bass (2), Savitskii et al. (3) and Binkele ρ0 may vary from sample to sample then attempts are
and Brunen (4) as well as individual reviews by Matula made to evaluate values of ρi which should be universal
(5) on palladium and White (6) on platinum. for a specific metal.

1.1 Correction for Thermal Expansion Effects

1. Introduction
In order to obtain a reference value to which all other
Electrical resistivity (ρ) is defined in terms of the measurements are adjusted the electrical resistivity is
International System of Units (SI units) as: evaluated at 273.15 K (0ºC).
In the low temperature region below about 30 K the
ρ=RA/l (i)
resistivity can be represented by ρ = ρ0 + A T2 + B T5
where where the temperature dependent terms represent
R is the electrical resistance of a uniform specimen of the intrinsic resistivity, whilst up to room temperature
material in ohms (Ω) the experimental values are generally given in such
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen in square a form that interpolation can be achieved by using
metres (m2) simple polynomials rather than using the complicated
l is the length of the specimen in metres (m) Bloch-Grüneisen formula (7–9). In the definition
The units of ρ are therefore Ω m although practically of resistivity as ρ = R A / l then A and l are usually
the most useful units are μΩ cm. measured at room temperature and therefore at different

174 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

temperatures both A and l have to be corrected for have been superseded by the later high precision
thermal expansion effects. It is found below room measurements of Williams and Weaver (15) (0 K–300 K)
temperature that for the level of accuracy given for ρ, and Khellar and Vuillemin (16) (17 K–300 K), with the
thermal expansion corrections are generally negligible latter given only in the form of an equation which was
but at higher temperature the measurements have to evaluated at 17 K and then at 10 K intervals from 20 K
be corrected, especially if they are based entirely on to 270 K. The measurements of Williams and Weaver
the room temperature values for A and l which are were interpolated above 100 K so as to also obtain a
usually measured at 293.15 K, the accepted reference full evaluation at 10 K intervals from 20 K to 270 K.
temperature for length change measurements: The measurements of Schriempf and of Williams and
Weaver agree satisfactorily and were averaged to 10 K
ρ (corrected) = ρ (uncorrected) [(AT / A293.15) × (l293.15 / lT)] (ii)
with the measurements of Williams and Weaver being
extended to 16 K. The measurements of the latter
= ρ (uncorrected) [1 + (lT – l293.15) / l293.15] (iii)
and of Khellar and Vuillemin do not agree below 35 K.
where Equation (iii) can be considered to be a close However the equation of Khellar and Vuillemin showed
approximation of Equation (ii). However since 273.15 K peculiar behaviour below this temperature with derived
is the actual reference temperature then corrected values being 6% higher than those of Williams and
values of ρ(T) should be further corrected for thermal Weaver at 17 K but 31% lower at 20 K. Therefore the
expansion from 293.15 K to 273.15 K. Since this latter measurements were given preference up to 35 K.
correction is usually negligible at the level of accuracy At this temperature and above values from the two sets
given then it is not applied. of measurements were averaged. Overall agreement
In the case of rapid pulse heating to high temperatures, is to within 0.5% between 60 K and 180 K and to within
because of inertia l generally is unaltered and it is A 0.1% above 180 K. The selected values of Matula
that changes. If D is the diameter of the wire then: below 273.15 K are based on a combination of the
measurements of White and Woods and of Laubitz and
ρ (T) = ρ (measured) (DT2 / D293.152) = ρ (measured) (VT / V293.15)
Matsumura and on average the intrinsic values show a
bias of 0.02 μΩ cm above the more recently selected
where VT is the volume of the sample at temperature values. Other measurements in the low temperature
T and V293.15 is the volume at 293.15 K. These are region were discussed by Matula.
essentially DT2 and D293.152 respectively since l is In the high temperature region Matula (5) selected
assumed to be unaltered. only the measurements of Laubitz and Matsumura (14)
(90 K–1300 K). After correction for ρ0 = 0.020 μΩ cm
2. Palladium the values were calculated at 50 K intervals from 350 to
1300 K. In the present evaluation these measurements
Palladium has a face-centred cubic structure and were combined with the more recent measurements of
the melting point is a secondary fixed point on the Khellaf et al. (18) (295 K–1700 K) which were given in
International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) at the form of an equation which was also evaluated at
1828.0 ± 0.1 K (10). 50 K intervals but over the range 350 K to 1750 K. After
correction of both sets of measurements for thermal
2.1 Solid expansion using the values selected by the present
Electrical resistivity values for solid palladium at author (19) they were fitted to Equation (v) which
273.15 K are given in Table I. The selected value is an has an overall accuracy as a standard deviation of
average of the last three determinations. The ρ0 correction ± 0.13 μΩ cm. The two sets of measurements show
to the measurement of Laubitz and Matsumura (14) a maximum disagreement of 1.0% at 1300 K. The
was suggested by Matula (5) who also appears to have equation was extrapolated to the melting point and
selected this value as the reference value. selected values are given in Table II.
From 71 data sets for solid palladium Matula (5) Measurements of Milošević and Babić (20)
selected only the measurements of Schriempf (17) (250 K–1800 K) were independently corrected for
(1.6 K–10.6 K), White and Woods (13) (10 K–295 K) and thermal expansion. Their equation differs from the
Laubitz and Matsumura (14) (90 K–1300 K). However selected equation sinusoidally by trending from initially
it is considered that the values of White and Woods 0.3% high to 1.7% high at 400 K to 0.9% low at 1400 K

175 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table I Electrical Resistivity of Palladium at 273.15 K

Authors Ref. Temperature of data
μΩ cm
Powell et al. 11 9.79 At 273.15 K. Corrected for ρ0 0.144 μΩ m
Powell et al. 12 9.75 Interpolated 200 – 400 K. Corrected for ρ0 0.143 μΩ m
White and Woods 13 9.70 At 273.15 K. Average of three samples
Laubitz and Matsumura 14 9.760 Interpolated 250–300 K. Corrected for ρ0 0.020 μΩ m
Williams and Weaver 15 9.751 At 273.15 K. Corrected for ρ0 0.007 μΩ m
Khellar and Vuillemin 16 9.765 Calculated. Fit 17–300 K
Selected 9.76 ± 0.01 At 273.15 K

Table II Intrinsic Electrical Resistivity of Palladium

Temperature, ρi, Temperature, ρi, Temperature, ρi,
K μΩ cm K μΩ cm K μΩ cm
5 0.0008 140 4.36 400 14.47
10 0.0038 150 4.79 500 17.92
15 0.011 160 5.21 600 21.14
20 0.028 170 5.63 700 24.15
25 0.061 180 6.04 800 26.96
30 0.113 190 6.45 900 29.59
35 0.189 200 6.86 1000 32.03
40 0.294 210 7.26 1100 34.30
45 0.420 220 7.66 1200 36.42
50 0.566 230 8.06 1300 38.39
60 0.908 240 8.46 1400 40.23
70 1.29 250 8.85 1500 41.95
80 1.71 260 9.25 1600 43.55
90 2.14 270 9.64 1700 45.05
100 2.59 273.15 9.76 1800 46.46
110 3.04 280 10.02 1828 46.84
120 3.48 290 10.41
130 3.92 300 10.79
1828 81.4 2200 82.2 2700 83.3
1850 81.5 2300 82.4 2800 83.5
1900 81.6 2400 82.6 2900 83.7
2000 81.8 2500 82.8
2100 82.0 2600 83.1

176 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

to 0.4% high at 1800 K. Figure 1 shows the deviations Löffler (23) (295 K–1100 K) were corrected from
of the selected values of Matula (which are considered RT/R295 to RT/R273.15 and were also corrected for thermal
as incorporating the measurements of Laubitz and expansion. On this basis the differences reached
Matsumura) and the experimental values of Khellaf a maximum of 4.1% high at 450 K but then showed
et al. and Milošević and Babić from the fitted curve. some scatter varying between 1.0% low at 800 K and
Measurements of Binkele and Brunen (4) (273–1423 K) 1.6% high at 1100 K. Figure 2 shows the deviations of
which were also independently corrected for thermal these three sets of measurements from the fitted curve
expansion, showed systematic biases of 1.3% high for where the resistivity ratios of García and Löffler were
runs 1 and 2 and 1.7% high for run 3. converted to electrical resistivity values for comparison

2 2.2 Liquid
Ref. (5) Electrical resistivity values for palladium at the melting
Ref. (18)
point are given in Table III. In the liquid state neither
Ref. (20)
1 Dupree et al. (24) (1832 K–1924 K) nor Güntherodt
Deviation, %

et al. (25) (1864 K–2019 K) obtained evidence for

any variation of resistivity with temperature. Although
0 Seydel and Fischer (26) (1825 K–3000 K) did obtain
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
evidence of such a variation, the values of Pottlacher
–0.5 Temperature, K
(22) (1828 K–2900 K) were selected and fitted to
6 Ref. (21)
Fig. 1. Solid palladium – percentage deviations from Ref. (23)
selected curve 5
Ref. (22)
Deviation, %

Also in the high temperature region there are a
number of other measurements which were published 2

after the review of Matula. After correction for thermal 1

expansion (19) the electrical resistivity measurements 0
of Miiller and Cezairliyan (21) (1400 K–1800 K) trend 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900
Temperature, K
from 4.0% to 6.9% high whilst the measurement of
Pottlacher (22) at the melting point is 5.9% high. Fig. 2. Solid palladium – percentage deviations from
selected curve
Resistivity ratio measurements of García and

Table III Differences Between the Solid and Liquid Electrical Resistivity of Palladium at the Melting Point
ρS, ρL,
Authors Reference ρL /ρS Notes
μΩ cm μΩ cm
Dupree et al. 24 (48.8) 83.0 1.700 (a)
Güntherodt et al. 25 47.3 78.8 1.666
Seydel and Fischer 26 50.2 79.1 1.576
Khellaf et al. 18 (45.2) 77.3 1.710 (b)
Pottlacher 22 49.6 81.4 1.641
Present assessment – 46.84 81.4 1.738
Notes to Table III
(a) Solid value based on (ρL – ρS)/ ρS = 0.70 ± 0.05
(b) Solid value based on ρL /ρS = 1.71

177 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Equation (vi) with selected values for the electrical Rosso (27) (1000 K–2000 K), Laubitz and van der
resistivity of the liquid and are also given in Table II. Meer (28) (300 K–1500 K), and Flynn and O’Hagan (29)
(273 K–1373 K) and the resistance ratios of Roeser (30)
3. Platinum (73 K–1773 K) and Kraftmakher (31) (1000 K–2000 K)
together with resistivity measurements given by Martin
Platinum has a face-centred cubic structure and the et al. (32) (300 K–1200 K). White fitted all selected
melting point is a secondary fixed point on ITS-90 at values from 100 K to 2000 K to Equation (vii) which
2041.3 ± 0.4 K (10). was extrapolated to the melting point. Differences
between values derived from this equation and the
3.1 Solid tabulated values of White as given in Table IV do not
The resistance ratio of platinum, W T = RT/R 273.15, forms exceed 0.01 μΩ cm. An abridged version of the values
the basis of the International Temperature Scale which for the solid phase as given in Table IV was originally
White (6) extended to 1300 K and calculated values given in Platinum Metals Review by Corti (33).
of intrinsic resistivity using the fixed reference value of For comparison between these measurements
9.82 ± 0.01 μΩ cm at 273.15 K. Above 1300 K White and the selected values as given in Figure 3, the
combined the selected values to this temperature with resistivity ratios of Roeser (30) and Kraftmakher (31)
the electrical resistivity measurements of Righini and were converted to electrical resistivity values and all

Table IV Intrinsic Electrical Resistivity of Platinum

Temperature, ρi, Temperature, ρi, Temperature, ρi,
K μΩ cm K μΩ cm K μΩ cm


10 0.0026 150 4.89 500 18.45

15 0.0119 160 5.30 600 22.07
20 0.0367 170 5.70 700 25.59
25 0.0855 180 6.11 800 29.00
30 0.163 190 6.52 900 32.29
35 0.270 200 6.92 1000 35.47
40 0.403 210 7.32 1100 38.54
45 0.560 220 7.72 1200 41.50
50 0.734 230 8.12 1300 44.35
60 1.12 240 8.51 1400 47.09
70 1.53 250 8.91 1500 49.74
80 1.95 260 9.30 1600 52.34
90 2.38 270 9.70 1700 54.93
100 2.80 273.15 9.82 1800 57.51
110 3.23 280 10.09 1900 60.11
120 3.65 290 10.48 2000 62.76
130 4.06 300 10.87 2041.3 63.87
140 4.48 400 14.71


2041.3 102.8 2300 105.3 2700 109.1

2050 102.9 2400 106.2 2800 110.1
2100 103.4 2500 107.2 2900 111.1
2200 104.3 2600 108.2

178 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

1 In the case of additional electrical resistivity

Ref. (4), runs 1 and 5
Ref. (4), runs 2, 3 and 4
measurements of Birkele and Brunen (4) (273–1497 K),
0.8 combined runs 1 and 5 trend from initially 0.8% high
Ref. (28)
0.6 Ref. (29) to 0.1% high at 1200 K to 0.4% high at 1373 K whilst
combined runs 2, 3 and 4 trend to an average of 0.5%
0.4 low above 1000 K. These trends are also shown in
Figure 3.
Deviation, %

Electrical resistivity measurements of Pottlacher (22)

0 (473 K–1573 K and 1740 K–2042 K in the solid range)
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
Temperature, K are initially 1% higher then trend to an average of 3%
higher between 900 and 1573 K before trending to
–0.4 1.2% higher and then to 0.5% higher between 1740
K and the melting point. These differences are also
shown in Figure 5.

Fig. 3. Solid platinum – percentage deviations from selected 3.5


2.5 Ref. (27)

measurements except those of Flynn and O’Hagan Ref. (22), run 1
Deviation, %

(29) were corrected for thermal expansion using values Ref. (22), run 2
selected by the present author (34). In addition the
measurements of Martin et al. (32) were corrected to 1
correspond to the selected electrical resistivity value at 0.5
273.15 K. Because of their larger deviations values of 0
Righini and Rosso (27) are compared with the selected 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100
Temperature, K
values in Figure 4.
Fig. 5. Solid platinum – percentage deviations from selected

3.2 Liquid
Ref. (30)
0.4 Ref. (31) Electrical resistivity values of platinum at the
Ref. (32) melting point are given in Table V. In the liquid state
0.2 electrical resistivity measurements of Pottlacher (22)
(2042 K–2900 K) were selected as Equation (viii)
Deviation, %

since in the overlap region they are closely

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 confirmed by measurements of Gathers et al. (36)
Temperature, K (2100 K–7300 K) obtained at a pressure of 0.3 GPa
–0.2 which trend from 0.5% low at 2100 K to 1.0% high at
2900 K. Measurements of Hixson and Winkler (37)
–0.4 (2042 K–5100 K) are initially 7% low at the melting
point and trend 1% low to 1% high between 2100 K
and 2900 K but above 3000 K, in direct comparison
with the measurements of Gathers et al., the trend
is to an average of 2% low. Selected values for the
Fig. 4. Solid platinum – percentage deviations from selected
curve electrical resistivity of liquid platinum from the melting
point to 2900 K are also given in Table IV.

179 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table V Differences Between the Solid and Liquid Electrical Resistivity of Platinum at the Melting Point
ρS, ρL,
Authors Reference ρL /ρS
μΩ cm μΩ cm

Martynyuk and Tsapkov 35 62.1 92.6 1.491

Pottlacher 22 64.2 102.8 1.601

Present assessment – 63.87 102.8 1.610

High Temperature Intrinsic Resistivity of Solid Palladium (273.15 to 1828 K)

ρi (μΩ cm) = 4.58639 × 10–2 T – 1.39098 × 10–5 T 2 + 1.84118 × 10–9 T 3 – 1.76742 (v)

Intrinsic Resistivity of Liquid Palladium (1828 to 2900 K)

ρi (μΩ cm) = 2.058 × 10–3 T + 77.7 (vi)
Intrinsic Resistivity of Solid Platinum (100 to 2041.3 K)
ρi (μΩ cm) = 4.681197 × 10–2 T – 3.258075 × 10–5 T 2 + 8.554023 × 10–8 T 3
– 1.594242 × 10–10 T 4 + 1.837342 × 10–13 T 5 – 1.316886 × 10–16 T 6
+ 5.678222 × 10–20 T 7 – 1.340980 × 10–23 T 8 + 1.329896 × 10–27 T 9
– 1.621733 (vii)
Intrinsic Resistivity of Liquid Platinum (2041.3 to 2900 K)
ρi (μΩ cm) = 9.604 × 10–3 T + 83.2 (viii)

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The Author
John W. Arblaster is interested in the history of science and the evaluation of the thermodynamic and
crystallographic properties of the elements. Now retired, he previously worked as a metallurgical
chemist in a number of commercial laboratories and was involved in the analysis of a wide range
of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

181 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 182–187


12th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies

Advances in carbon capture and storage research

Reviewed by Christopher Starkie

Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Plenary Speakers
Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9NH, UK Julio Friedmann (US From Vision to
Government, USA) Inheritance – The
Email: Technical Foundation for
the Next Decade of CCS

David G. Victor Global Climate Policy and

Introduction (University of California, the Future of CCS
San Diego, USA)
The International Conference on Greenhouse Gas
Control Technology is a biennial meeting now in its Juho Lipponen Gas-Fired Power
(International Energy Generation With CCS – A
twelfth incarnation and is a highlight for carbon dioxide
Agency, France) Competitive Option
sequestration researchers around the globe. The
conference was held between 4th–9th October 2014 Michael J. Monea Boundary Dam – The
at the Austin Convention Center, Texas, USA. Over (SaskPower, Canada) Future is Here
four days the conference encompassed all aspects of
the carbon capture value chain. Approximately 30% Suk Yee Lam The UK’s CCS
(Department for Energy Programme: Policy and
of the sessions focused on CO2 capture technology
and Climate Change, UK) Delivery
and 30% on CO2 storage, with the remaining sessions
covering case studies, CO2 utilisation, commercial Gary T. Rochelle (The From Lubbock TX
issues, CO2 transport, policy and social science. University of Texas at to Thompsons, TX:
The conference was attended by 1166 delegates Austin, USA) Amine Scrubbing for
comprising of an almost even distribution of students, Commercial CO2 Capture
academics, industrial representatives, research From Power Plants
institutes and government agencies. There was
Xu Shishen (Huaneng Greengen and CO2
a high level of participation with 874 contributions Clean Energy Research Capture Projects in China
presented throughout the seven parallel sessions and Institute, China)
well-planned poster sessions. Furthermore a small
selection of exhibitors complimented the technical Emma ter Mors (Leiden The Value of Social
programme providing details of commercial ventures University, Netherlands) Science Research for
CCS Deployment
and institutional programmes.
This selective review highlights interesting advances Greg Schnacke (Denbury CO2 EOR: U.S.
presented at the conference. For a more comprehensive Resources Inc, USA) Opportunities and
overview of the area the reader is directed to a number Challenges
of encompassing reviews on the topic (1–3).

182 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Status of Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon capture and storage is at a pivotal stage. +
SaskPower’s Boundary Dam power station has started H

to operate the first large scale carbon capture unit on H H H –

a commercial power plant. The next two years will see Zn N Zn
the commissioning of two larger power generation N N
projects: Kemper County in 2016 and Petra Nova,
Texas in 2016. There are over twenty large scale –
projects in operation or under construction across II
the globe (4). These developments are built upon the
lessons of hundreds of pilot plants around the globe H 2O O
and thousands of research hours. In the past ten –
years the energy consumption of amine scrubbing has O O III O O
Zn Zn
been reduced from 300–350 kWh per tonne CO2 to N N N N
200–250 kWh per tonne CO2. Although promising, this N N
approach to capture is limited by the large energies
Fig. 1. Carbonic anhydrase cycle
required to regenerate the solvent, and by long term
solvent durability. Cost reduction is the motivation
of much of the ongoing research with advances strongly electron donating groups thereby facilitating
that increase the rate of adsorption or reduce the bicarbonate dissociation and retarding inhibition.
regeneration energy highly sought after. It was a core The work used Zn salen (N,N’-bis(salicylidene)
theme of the conference that carbon capture and ethylenediamine) hexafluorophosphate complexes
storage has the potential to mitigate emissions from as catalysts for liquid amine systems (Figure 2). The
power generation and industrial processes for which incorporation of such catalysts led to a significant
there are no substitutes. increase in the rates of CO2 hydration. The catalytic
cycle is thought to mimic that of the enzyme. If scalable
New Capture Technologies the addition of these catalysts could vastly improve
the CO2 adsorption kinetics leading to more efficient
Owing to differences in their adsorption mechanism, adsorption systems.
tertiary amines are promising candidates for CO2 Carbonic anhydrase also provided inspiration for
adsorption with the potential to offer higher amine Richard Blom et al. (SINTEF, Norway) who built upon
efficiency and lower desorption requirements compared the work by Murthy et al. presenting the Zn complex
to simple primary and secondary amines. The main [Zn{N[CH2(2-py)]3}(μ-OH)]2(NO3)2 (8). As well as
limitation of tertiary amines in liquid scrubber systems catalysing the hydration of CO2 such complexes can
is the sluggish formation of carbonic acid. Cameron directly react with CO2 to form a metastable complex.
Lippert (University of Kentucky, USA) took inspiration The complex was found to absorb CO2 in the presence
from the enzyme carbonic anhydrase which readily of water forming a trimeric Zn species bridged by a
catalyses the hydration of CO2 in the majority of plants carbonate species (Figure 3) (9). The absorption could
and animals. The mechanism of carbonic anhydrase is be completed at 40ºC with purely thermal regeneration
well understood, beginning with the deprotonation of the possible at 80ºC; a temperature at which liquid amines
ligated water coordinated to the zinc centre (Figure 1) show very little desorption. Such low desorption
(5). This is followed by the nucleophilic attack of the
enzyme on CO2. Finally ligand exchange occurs with
– –
the Zn bound HCO3– replaced by water regenerating PF6 PF6
the starting species. Previous studies have shown + N N +
that this enzyme denatures under conditions akin to N N N N
industrial capture units (6, 7). Much prior research has
focused on mimics, however these are retarded by
the coordination of anions blocking the active site. To Fig. 2. Carbonic anhydrase mimic
circumvent this issue Lippert investigated ligands with

183 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)


N Zn N
3/2 Zn Zn (NO3)2 + CO2 N Zn (NO3)3(OH) + H2O

Fig. 3. Trimeric zinc complex, adapted from (9)

temperatures are promising, offering significant to yield a coaxial flow. A poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)
reductions in regeneration requirements. Furthermore stabiliser is pumped in a counter current manner to
this complex was found to readily remove CO2 from achieve hydrodynamic focusing with the three streams
air at low temperatures opening up a series of niche passing through a single exit where they form spheres.
applications for this technology. The behaviour of the By using a silicone polymer and additives the outer PVA
complex is also being investigated under different and silicone shells can be cured under ultraviolet (UV)
solvents to avoid the additional heating requirements light to yield aqueous monoethanolamine solutions
brought about by the high heat capacity of water and to encapsulated in a porous polymer shell.
overcome issues relating to solubility. Microfluidic devices enable monodisperse spheres
There were a number of talks highlighting new CO2 to be easily produced with particle sizes controlled
capture technologies for post combustion capture. by the dimensions of the device. The team began
Joshuah Stolaroff (Lawrence Livermore National encapsulating simple amines such as aqueous
Laboratory, USA) gave a talk on microencapsulated solutions of MEA and piperazine which yielded rapid
sorbents. These double emulsion materials feature an absorption of CO2. Their recent work in this area
active liquid phase constrained within a porous polymer highlighted that the rate determining step was not mass
shell. They are produced using a microfluidic device transit through the polymer shell with encapsulated
in a linear process at a rate of 50 Hz (Figure 4). In absorbents having a rate twelve times that of their liquid
such a process mixtures of monoethanolamine (MEA) counterparts (11). They found that the working fluid was
and water are passed through the inner capillary with stable over numerous absorption-desorption cycles.
a silicone polymer pumped through the middle tube Furthermore the capsules have soft gelatinous physical
characteristics negating the issue of attrition prevalent
Outer fluid Middle fluid in solid adsorbents and catalysts. Encapsulated sodium
carbonate slurries mitigate the issue of precipitates and
Inner fluid offer significantly better rates of absorption. Currently
such double emulsions are made in a serial fashion
and Stolaroff and his team are working to improve the
Collection tube Injection tube production capacity of such systems by combining
parallel arrays of the microfluidic devices.

Amine Degradation

Liquid amine based CO2 absorption is the most

developed capture technology and the most likely
Fig. 4. Microfluidic device (Reproduced with permission
candidate for initial full scale deployment. A typical
from (10))
liquid amine absorber includes a water wash at the

184 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

end of the absorption process to remove the amine driven by changing legislation and as such systems
and other water soluble products from the exhaust to reduce these emissions further are still under
gases. With liquid amine columns appearing to be development.
the first generation of carbon capture technology The extent of solvent loss, nitrosamine formation
the issue of amine slip and degradation products and potential release is highly dependent on the flue
needs to be thoroughly investigated. There is gas and exact nature of the process used. A number
much discussion surrounding the potential release of solutions were presented at the conference.
of nitrosamines and nitroamines formed by the Nathan Fine (The University of Texas at Austin)
reaction of nitrogen oxides and amines (12–14). investigated the rates of thermal decomposition
Various nitrosamine structures are believed to of MEA and piperazine nitrosamines. For fresh
be carcinogenic and could present a significantly solutions of MEA they found minimal conversion to
increased hazard compared to the parent amine. nitrosamine. In cases where 1% of the MEA had
Nitrosamines have been detected in laboratory degraded to N-(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine a build-up of
experiments, photochemical experiments, numerous nitroso-2-hydroxyglycine was apparent. MEA is
pilot plant studies and are formed by the reaction regenerated at 120ºC to preserve the structure of the
between an amine and a suitable nitrosating agent amine and at this temperature the nitrosamines were
(15, 16). In the flue gas, nitrogen oxide can react not sufficiently thermally degraded. It was found that
with nitrogen dioxide forming dinitrogen trioxide 15% of the NO2 absorbed by piperazine was converted
(Equation (i)). Nitrogen dioxide can also dimerise to nitropiperazine. Piperazine systems could be
to form dinitrogen tetraoxide (N 2O 4) (Equation (ii)). regenerated at 150ºC leading to appreciable thermal
These species can then react with various amines decomposition of the nitropiperazine.
to yield nitrosamines (Equations (iii) and (iv)) or A forward thinking presentation by Jesse Thompson
nitroamines (Equation (v)) depending on the reacting (University of Kentucky) explored the possibility of
isomer. Furthermore nitrate can be generated in nitrosamine destruction as an end of pipe treatment.
solution by the decomposition of either N 2O3 or The benefit of nitrosamine reduction is twofold;
N 2O 4 which can directly react with amines. mitigating the release of nitrosamine and regenerating
degraded solvent. Using nitrosopyrrolidine as a probe
NO + NO2 N2O3 (i)
molecule and a circulating up-flow reactor Thompson et
NO2 + NO2 N2O4 (ii) al. demonstrated that a commercial palladium catalyst
cleanly regenerated pyrrolidine at typical desorption
HO NO + HNO (iii)
NH + N2O3 HO N 2 temperatures. Given the low fraction of nitrosamine in
HO HO the solution, selectivity between the nitrosamine and
the parent amine is crucial. Silica based Pd, Ni and Fe
NO + HNO (iv) catalysts were investigated but found to have limited
stability over successive cycling. This limited stability
was attributed to the highly alkaline environment slowly
HO NO2 + HNO (v) degrading the silica surface leading to metal leaching.
NH + O2NH2NO2 HO N 2

HO In a move to combat this, 2×2 manganese octahedral

molecular sieves (OMS-2) (Figure 5) co-impregnated
These species and their tautomers can react with with Fe, Pd and Ni were prepared.
amines to form nitrosamines or nitroamines either in In such structures the guest metal ion resides
the absorber column or desorber and recirculating in the centre of the cage with catalytic activity
wash water. There is potential for these pollutants to believed to be maintained by electron transfer from
volatilise and contaminate local air or water resources. the vacant states of the OMS-2 structure. The Pd
Studies suggest that NOx concentrations down to OMS-2 showed enhanced activity compared to Ni and
around 25 ppm lead to the formation of nitrosamines Fe–OMS-2 however nitrosamine destruction was limited
(17). For reference a typical flue gas from a coal fired to 60%. Although possessing a lower activity than Pd,
power station contains 50–100 ppm NOx. After flue iron(II) oxide (FeO) was also investigated as a catalyst
gas desulfurisation and deNOx this drops to 5 ppm. owing to its ready availability in fly ash. Fly ash containing
Traditionally the performance of deNOx systems is 5.37 wt% FeO yielded fair nitrosamine destruction

185 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

nitrosamines. The closing session presented the clear

message that as a technology carbon capture and
storage is ready, with the greatest challenge being
policy support to incentivise deployment.
4.6 Å
1 M. E. Boot-Handford, J. C. Abanades, E. J. Anthony, M.
J. Blunt, S. Brandani, N. M. Dowell, J. R. Fernández,
M.-C. Ferrari, R. Gross, J. P. Hallett, R. S. Haszeldine,
Fig. 5. Structure of OMS-2 (Reprinted with permission from P. Heptonstall, A. Lyngfelt, Z. Makuch, E. Mangano,
(18). Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society) R. T. J. Porter, M. Pourkashanian, G. T. Rochelle, N.
Shah, J. G. Yao and P. S. Fennell, Energy Environ.
Sci., 2014, 7, (1), 130
behaviour under hydrogenation conditions. Successive 2 T. C. Drage, C. E. Snape, L. A. Stevens, J. Wood, J.
cycling of the fly ash catalyst exhibited a decrease in Wang, A. I. Cooper, R. Dawson, X. Guo, C. Satterley
performance attributed to active phase leaching into and R. Irons, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, (7), 2815
the amine solution. Given the conditions, flow rates and 3 D. M. D’Alessandro, B. Smit and J. R. Long, Angew.
competitor species this is a challenging hydrogenation Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, (35), 6058
however this work shows that hydrogenation has 4 The Global Status of CCS 2014, Global CCS Institute,
potential to limit nitrosamine formation and regenerate 2014, Melbourne, Australia
the solvent. Thompson and his team demonstrated that 5 M. Bräuer, J. L. Pérez-Lustres, J. Weston and E.
supported Pd, Ni and Fe catalysts show promise for the Anders, Inorg. Chem., 2002, 41, (6), 1454
hydrogenation of nitrosamines back into their parent 6 R. Lavecchia and M. Zugaro, FEBS Lett,. 1991, 292,
amines in the solvent native to the process (Figure 6). (1–2), 162
7 G. M. Bond, J. Stringer, D. K. Brandvold, F. A. Simsek, M.
G. Medina and G. Egeland, Energy Fuels, 2001, 15, (2),
H2, catalyst
8 N. N. Murthy and K. D. Karlin, J. Chem. Soc., Chem.
Commun., 1993, (15), 1236
9 R. H. Heyn, U. E. Aronu, S. J. Vevelstad, K. A. Hoff, T.
Fig. 6. The nitrosamine reduction concept put forward Didriksen, B. Arstad and R. Blom, Energy Procedia,
by Thompson et al. 2014, 63, 1805
10 A. S. Utada, E. Lorenceau, D. R. Link, P. D. Kaplan, H. A.
Stone and D. A. Weitz, Science, 2005, 308, (5721), 537
Conclusion 11 J. J. Vericella, S. E. Baker, J. K. Stolaroff, E. B.
Duoss, J. O. Hardin IV, J. Lewicki, E. Glogowski, W.
This review presents only a fragment of the C. Floyd, C. A. Valdez, W. L. Smith, J. H. Satcher Jr,
presentations and posters disclosed. The popularity W. L. Bourcier, C. M. Spadaccini, J. A. Lewis and R. D.
of the conference, combined with the large number of Aines, Nature Commun, 2015, 6, 6124
key stakeholders present highlights the importance of 12 C. J. Nielsen, H. Herrmann and C. Weller, Chem. Soc.
carbon capture and storage. A significant number of the Rev., 2012, 41, (19), 6684
talks and posters discussed pilot plant experiences of 13 A. D. Shah, N. Dai, and W. A. Mitch, Environ. Sci.
both capture and storage technologies. Carbon capture Technol., 2013, 47, (6), 2799
and storage is at a crucial stage in development with 14 E. D. Wagner, J. Osiol, W. A. Mitch and M. J. Plewa,
first generation systems becoming a commercial reality. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48, (14), 8203
The large variety of novel concepts and technologies 15 B. R. Strazisar, R. R. Anderson and C. M. White,
indicate the potential for further advances in second and Energy Fuels, 2003, 17, (4), 1034
third generation systems. These technologies look to 16 B. Fostås, A. Gangstad, B. Nenseter, S. Pedersen, M
address the core issues of regeneration requirements, Sjøvoll and A. L. Sørensen, Energy Procedia, 2011,
material stability and the possible behaviour of 4, 1566

186 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

17 N. Dai, A. D. Shah, L. Hu, M. J. Plewa, B. McKague

and W. A. Mitch, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012, 46,
(17), 9793
18 G. D. Yadav, P. A. Chandan and D. P. Tekale, Ind. Eng.
Chem Res., 2012, 51, (4), 1549

The Reviewer

Christopher Starkie graduated with a MSci in Chemistry from the University of Nottingham, UK. He
is currently undertaking postgraduate study at the Engineering Doctorate Centre in Efficient Fossil
Energy Technologies under the supervision of Professor Ed Lester, Professor Sean Rigby and
Professor Trevor Drage. Working in collaboration with Johnson Matthey he is investigating novel
functionalised materials for CO2 separation. His research interests include adsorbents, surface
functionalisation of porous materials and novel material synthesis.

187 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 188–192


Platinum Group Metal and Washcoat Chemistry

Effects on Coated Gasoline Particulate Filter Design
Development of gasoline particulate filters to meet Euro 6c

By Chris Morgan Effect of Driving Conditions on Particle Number

Johnson Matthey Emission Control Technologies, Emissions
Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5HE, UK
Almost all GDI vehicles can meet the current 6 × 1012
Email: km–1 PN target over the NEDC. It has been reported
that a limit of 6 × 1011 km–1 can be achieved through
engine design measures such as the use of high
Gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) are being developed pressure fuel injectors, injection and combustion
to enable compliance with future particulate number timing and careful design of spray patterns and piston
(PN) limits for passenger cars equipped with gasoline heads to improve mixture formation and to avoid wall
direct injection (GDI) engines. A PN emissions wetting (1–3). However, the NEDC is characterised
limit of 6 × 1011 km –1 over the New European Drive as having moderate acceleration and deceleration
Cycle (NEDC) will apply for new GDI vehicles from rates and extended cruises at constant speed, which
September 2017. (A three year derogation allowing a are generally unrepresentative of typical real-world
higher PN limit of 6 × 1012 km –1 is currently in force.) driving. Harder acceleration rates and more transient
Real-world Driving Emissions (RDE) legislation is driving are observed to give higher PN emissions. For
being finalised by the European Commission, which is example a Euro 5 GDI vehicle equipped with a flow
expected to impose additional restrictions on particle through three-way catalyst (TWC) system emitted
number emissions in typical driving conditions. 2.8 × 1012 particles km–1 over the NEDC. PN emissions
Legislation proposed for Beijing, China, (commonly from the same vehicle increased almost fourfold to
known as Beijing 6) is also expected to set a limit on 9.6 × 1012 km–1 when a transient drive cycle with harsh
PN emissions from GDI vehicles. acceleration rates was used. Similarly, experiments
This paper, based on a presentation given to the on multiple GDI vehicles indicated 30–85% higher PN
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Light Duty emissions from testing using the more transient US
Emissions Symposium in Detroit, USA, in December Federal Test Procedure (FTP)-75 drive cycle compared
2014, discusses the results from Johnson Matthey to NEDC data. Driver to driver variability has also been
test programmes to understand the effects of different observed. Therefore, it is likely that real-world PN
driving conditions on engine out PN emissions, the emissions from GDI vehicles are significantly higher
benefits obtained from applying a platinum group than NEDC test data indicate.
metal (pgm)-containing coating onto a GPF and Furthermore, ambient temperature has a significant
the impact of such a coating on soot combustion effect on PN emissions. NEDC testing is conducted at
properties. a temperature of 23ºC, significantly above the average

188 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

temperature in the UK and many other European gasoline aftertreatment system. Many European
countries. A Euro 6 GDI vehicle equipped with a flow exhaust systems have their catalyst volume and
through TWC system was measured to emit <4 × 1011 precious metal content optimised to meet current
particles km–1 over the NEDC when tested at 23ºC NEDC emissions targets. It is well known that
(Figure 1). When the test car was cooled to 10ºC conversion of NOx requires more catalyst volume than
before the start of the test, PN emissions increased conversion of CO or hydrocarbons. NEDC-optimised
threefold to 1.1 × 1012 km–1. Cooling the car to 0ºC catalyst systems may not provide sufficient NOx
before the start of the test doubled PN emissions again conversion activity under more demanding conditions
to 2.3 × 1012 km–1. Therefore, even vehicles designed with higher space velocities. Adding effective catalyst
to give low PN emissions during the certified test at volume by applying a pgm-containing coating onto
23ºC are likely to emit significantly more in the ambient the GPF can increase the conversion of gaseous
conditions many drivers experience daily. pollutants under such conditions. For example, a
Euro 5 1.0 l GDI application was tested over the NEDC
Benefits of a Coated Gasoline Particulate Filter and World-Harmonised Light-Duty Test Cycle (WLTC)
with uncoated or coated GPFs fitted downstream of
GPFs have been shown to be very effective at the series TWC. With the uncoated filter system NOx
attenuating PN emissions (4, 5). Cordierite wall emissions over the NEDC were 56 mg km–1, increasing
flow filters are most commonly used in development to 82 mg km–1 over the more transient WLTC for which
programmes and at least one series application the TWC was undersized. With a coated GPF NEDC
employing uncoated cordierite GPFs is on sale today. emissions were ~10% lower than with the uncoated
Adding an uncoated filter downstream of the existing filter, at 50 mg km–1. Furthermore, the coated GPF
aftertreatment system allows PN control without gave good control over the WLTC with emissions of
requiring significant changes to engine calibration or 47 mg km–1. The coated GPF is particularly effective
on-board diagnostic (OBD) strategies. However, the in avoiding NOx slip during the higher speed, higher
addition of an extra unit adds canning cost and the space velocity conditions experienced in the final 600 s
space required can be problematic on smaller vehicles. of the WLTC (Figure 2).
Applying a suitable TWC coating onto the GPF allows The benefits of a coated GPF can be further enhanced
it to be substituted for flow through TWC volume in by optimising the precious metal content of the coating.
the existing aftertreatment system, resulting in a more For example, Figure 3 shows NOx emissions from
compact architecture. Johnson Matthey and other testing of a TWC plus coated GPF system on a Euro 5
coaters (6–8) have demonstrated such technologies 2.0 l GDI vehicle over the transient Artemis test cycle.
previously. Thrifting precious metal from the close-coupled TWC
However, expected RDE limits on nitrogen oxides resulted in a ca. 20% increase in NOx emissions.
(NOx) emissions will add further demands on the However, increasing the rhodium loading on the

23ºC 14ºC 10ºC 0ºC –7ºC –9ºC Scheduled speed, kph

4.0E + 12 160
3.5E + 12 140
Cumulative particulate

PN dependent on soak temperature

3.0E + 12 120
NO per km

Speed, kph

2.5E + 12 100
2.0E + 12 80
1.5E + 12 60
1.0E + 12 40
5.0E + 11 20
0.0E + 00 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time, s
Fig. 1. Impact of vehicle soak temperature on PN emissions over the NEDC

189 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Engine out NOx Post TWC NOx Tailpipe NOx Scheduled speed
2.0 300
1.8 NOx conversion by

Accumulated NOx emissions, g

the coated GPF 250

Vehicle speed, kph


1.0 150

0.0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time, s
Fig. 2. Comparison of TWC plus coated or uncoated GPF over the WLTC

TWC 100 // cGPF Rh@2 TWC 80 // cGPF Rh@2

TWC 80 // cGPF Rh@5 Scheduled speed, kph
3.5 140
Increased Rh loading on filter helps
3.0 with NOx breakthrough 120
Cumulative NOx emissions, g

Scheduled speed, kph

2.5 100

2.0 80

1.5 60

1.0 40

0.5 20

0.0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Time, s

Fig. 3. Effect of GPF Rh loading in compensating for emissions breakthroughs from pgm thrifting of the upstream TWC

downstream coated GPF from 2 g ft–3 to 5 g ft–3 more Soot Combustion

than compensated for this effect, with significantly
improved conversion at higher speeds. A concern about the use of uncoated GPFs, particularly
Therefore, as well as controlling PN emissions, when located in remote underfloor locations, is whether
coated GPFs offer advantages over uncoated GPFs they will regularly reach sufficient temperatures to
in conversion of gaseous pollutants for RDE and regenerate collected soot without the use of extreme
more transient drive cycles. Additional pgm and engine operating conditions to artificially increase the
oxygen storage capacity (OSC) on the coated filter filter temperature. It was hypothesised that the presence
help to control emissions breakthroughs during harsh of an active coating on the GPF would enhance soot
accelerations and high speed driving. combustion. To investigate this soot-loaded coated

190 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

and uncoated GPFs were fitted to a Euro 5 1.4 l Conclusions

GDI vehicle and tested over a cycle comprising the
NEDC with the final, higher speed, Extra-Urban Drive Control of PN emissions from GDI engines is of
Cycle (EUDC) repeated ten times. The final EUDC increasing importance to meet Euro 6c and proposed
deceleration from 120 kph triggers a fuel cut-off and RDE and Beijing 6 emissions standards and GPFs are
the resulting oxygen-rich environment can lead to soot effective in reducing tailpipe PN emissions. However,
combustion at suitable filter temperatures. Peak filter emissions of particulates and gaseous pollutants
inlet temperatures during the NEDC were controlled can be significantly higher in real-world conditions,
to values between 520ºC and 650ºC by varying the with more transient driving, higher maximum speeds
dynamometer gradient from 0 to 3%. Soot combustion and lower ambient temperatures all shown to have a
was monitored through measurement of pressure drop detrimental effect. Use of a pgm-containing coated
over the aftertreatment system and by weighing the GPF offers benefits over an uncoated GPF, including
filter before and after each test to measure the mass the abilities to control emissions breakthroughs from
of soot removed. upstream TWC components, to enable regeneration of
In the uncoated filter only 50% of the soot was collected soot at lower temperatures and at a faster
removed at a peak temperature of 600ºC, increasing to rate and to allow substitution for TWC volume for
90% at 650ºC (Figure 4). In contrast, soot combustion system compactness. These benefits can be enhanced
in the coated filter increased rapidly at temperatures through careful design of the washcoat chemistry and
above 550ºC, with complete removal of the soot at ca. precious metal content.
570ºC. Therefore, the presence of a pgm-containing
TWC coating reduced soot combustion temperatures
by approximately 100ºC, delivering significant benefits
for vehicle strategies to control soot build up in a GPF. The author would like to thank the Gasoline Product
Detailed analysis of the differential pressure data Development and Catalyst Test Laboratory teams at
showed that at 570ºC the backpressure reduced to the Johnson Matthey Emission Control Technologies
a stable level after the first EUDC, indicating rapid Centre in Royston for the development work and test
promotion of soot combustion. data described in this paper.
The chemistry of the TWC coating can also be
optimised to enhance soot combustion properties.
Powder reactor studies confirmed that the presence of References
pgm and ceria-containing OSC materials significantly 1 G. Fraidl, P. Hollerer, P. Kapus, M. Ogris and K.
reduce soot combustion temperatures and that the Vidmar, ‘Particulate Number for EU6+: Challenges
choice of OSC material can influence peak soot and Solutions’, IQPC Advanced Emission Control
combustion temperatures by more than 50ºC. Concepts for Gasoline Engines, Stuttgart, Germany,
21st–23rd May, 2012

Bare GPF Coated GPF 2 M. Winkler, ‘Particle Number Emissions of Direct

100 Injected Gasoline Engines’, IQPC Advanced Emission
% Soot burnt after 10 fuel cuts

90 Control Concepts for Gasoline Engines, Stuttgart,

80 Germany, 21st–23rd May, 2012
3 O. Berkemeier, K. Grieser, K. Hohenboeken, E.
Kervounis and K. M. Springer, ‘Strategies to Control
40 Particulate Emissions of Gasoline Direct Injection
30 Engines’, FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress,
20 Beijing, China, 27th–30th November, 2012
10 4 T. Shimoda, Y. Ito, C. Saito, T. Nakatani, Y. Shibagaki, K.
450 500 550 600 650 700
Yuuki, H. Sakamoto, C. Vogt, T. Matsumoto, Y. Furuta,
Filter inlet temperature, ºC W. Heuss, P. Kattouah and M. Makino, ‘Potential of a
Low Pressure Drop Filter Concept for Direct Injection
Fig. 4. Effect of a pgm-containing GPF coating on soot
Gasoline Engines to Reduce Particulate Number
combustion under vehicle deceleration fuel cut-off conditions
Emission’, SAE Technical Paper 2012-01-1241

191 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

5 K. Ogyu, ‘Requirement of Exhaust Emission Control on 7 J. M. Richter, R. Klingmann, S. Spiess and K.-F.
Direct Injection Gasoline Engines – a New Approach Wong, ‘Application of Catalyzed Gasoline Particulate
on Gasoline Particulate Filters’, IQPC Advanced Filters to GDI Vehicles’, SAE Technical Paper
Emission Control Concepts for Gasoline Engines, 2012-01-1244
Stuttgart, Germany, 21st–23rd May, 2012 8 K. Harth, K. Wassermann, M. Arnold, S. Siemund,
6 C. Morgan, ‘Three Way Filters for Particulate Number A. Siani, T. Schmitz and T. Neubauer, “Catalyzed
Control’, IQPC Advanced Emission Control Concepts Gasoline Particulate Filters: Integrated Solutions for
for Gasoline Engines, Stuttgart, Germany, 21st–23rd Stringent Emission Control”, 34th International Vienna
May, 2012 Motor Symposium, Austria, 25th–26th April, 2013

The Author
Chris Morgan is Technology Director for Johnson Matthey’s European Emission Control
Technologies business, responsible for the development and scale-up of autocatalyst coatings
for light duty gasoline and diesel applications. Chris previously managed the Gasoline Product
Development team, developing new families of three-way catalysts and leading Johnson Matthey’s
early work on coatings for gasoline particulate filters. He joined Johnson Matthey in 1997, after
completing a DPhil at the University of Oxford, UK, on high temperature ceramic superconductors.

192 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 193–198


“Additive Manufacturing Technologies:

3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital
Manufacturing”, 2nd Edition
By Ian Gibson (Deakin University, Australia), David Rosen (Georgia Institute
of Technology, USA) and Brent Stucker (University of Louisville, USA),
Springer Science+Business Media, New York, USA, 2015, 498 pages,
ISBN: 978-1-4939-2112-6, £81.00, €96.29, US$119.00

Reviewed by Jonathan Edgar* The book is structured to provide justification and

Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, information for the use and development of AM
Blount’s Court, Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9NH, UK by using standardised terminology to conform to
standards (American Society for Testing and Materials
Saxon Tint (ASTM) F42) introduced since the first edition. The
Johnson Matthey Noble Metals, basic principles and historical developments for
Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 5HE, UK AM are introduced in summary in the first three
chapters of the book and this serves as an excellent
*Email: introduction for the uninitiated. Chapters 4–11 focus
on the core technologies of AM individually and, in
most cases, in comprehensive detail which gives
those interested in the technical application and
Introduction development of the technologies a solid footing. The
remaining chapters provide guidelines and examples
“Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, for various stages of the process including machine
Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing” and/or materials selection, design considerations and
is authored by Ian Gibson, David Rosen and Brent software limitations, applications and post-processing
Stucker, who collectively possess 60 years’ experience considerations.
in the field of additive manufacturing (AM). This is
the second edition of the book which aims to include Principles and Processes
current developments and innovations in a rapidly
changing field. Its primary aim is to serve as a teaching The first three chapters provide a basic understanding
aid for developing and established curricula, therefore of why someone might want to utilise AM in the context
becoming an all-encompassing introductory text for of traditional methods as well as developments in AM
this purpose. It is also noted that researchers may find since its inception. In the initial chapters the reason
the text useful as a guide to the ‘state-of-the-art’ and to for introducing standardised terminology is justified in
identify research opportunities. contrast to the historical terms. For example, the use

193 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

of ‘rapid prototyping’ to describe the field is no longer be applied generally. Curable materials are discussed,
relevant as the technology is now used for functional including an overview of photopolymer chemistry and
components as well. their interactions with radiation. Another method, called
Brief summaries of the process are also provided in the ‘two-photon’ approach, describes how a dual light
these initial chapters in increasing detail as the reader source can increase part resolution – feature sizes of
approaches the technical chapters. This provides a 0.2 μm have been achieved. Advantages of VP include
realistic view of actions required throughout the process part accuracy, surface finish and process flexibility. The
and gives context to references made throughout the main drawback is their usage of photopolymers, which
book. In its simplest form the process can be universally generally do not have the impact strength or durability
summarised as: of good quality injection moulded thermoplastics.
• conceptualisation and computer aided design
(CAD) Powder Bed Fusion
• conversion to STereoLithography (STL)/additive
manufacturing file (AMF) PBF methods deposit layers of powder which are
• transfer to AM machine and file manipulation sequentially fused together by an energy source
• machine setup resulting in solid parts residing in a powder bed. The
• build prominent methods are selective laser sintering (SLS)
• removal and cleanup and electron beam melting (EBM), and these two are well
• post-processing compared: EBM processes benefit from the flexibility
• application. and high energy of their heat source, which can move
nearly instantaneously and with split beams; EBM builds
Additive Layer Manufacturing Technologies in typically maintain the bed at high temperature and can
Detail create parts with a cast, low porosity, low residual
stress microstructure. However their requirement for
Chapters 4–11 describe seven different printing a vacuum chamber and conductive target material
processes in differing degrees of detail. Topics such as restricts material capabilities whereas SLS machines
‘vat photopolymerisation’ (VP) and ‘powder bed fusion’ can process materials such as polymers and ceramics
(PBF) are covered in such comprehensive detail that in gaseous atmospheres. This chapter builds on the
their chapters are double the length compared with process model from the previous chapter, applying the
‘binder jetting’ (BJ), despite the latter being a very concepts to the fusion process of solids and methods
well used industrial technique. Printable materials for reducing internal stresses in solidified parts. PBF
and delivery mechanisms are also listed here and the is a well commercialised technology, but due to the
chapters include a ‘process benefits and drawbacks’ lapsing of major patents there are some open-source
section, useful for the beginner. It should be noted machines available which have led inventors to create
that some processes (extrusion, sheet lamination non-engineering applications of the technology too.
and directed-energy deposition) are omitted from this
review. Materials Jetting

Vat Photopolymerisation The first generation of materials jetting (MJ) machines

was commercialised in the 1980s. They relied on heated
VP processes make use of liquid, light-curable resins waxy thermoplastics deposited by inkjet printheads,
as their primary materials. Upon irradiation, these lending themselves to modelling and investment
materials undergo photopolymerisation, becoming casting manufacture; however the more recent focus
solid. Ultraviolet (UV) light is projected onto the build has been on deposition of acrylate photopolymers,
plate, curing a layer before recoating. Methods for wherein droplets of liquid monomer are formed and then
illuminating the photopolymers are presented, including exposed to UV light to initiate polymerisation. Machines
masked projection, layer-wise processing and vector with build spaces as big as 1000 × 800 × 800 mm are
scan point-wise processing. Expressions relating available, as well as multi-material capability which
laser power, scan speed, spot size and cure depth are can print 1000+ materials by varying the composition
derived, forming the basis of a process model which can of several photopolymers. Research groups around

194 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

the world are working on other material groups such and ranked based on the relevance of the input
as non-photopolymers, ceramic suspensions and parameters (for example geometric considerations
low melting point metals (including aluminium). The and mechanical properties). A particular example,
challenge of forming molten droplets, then controlling RM Select, is provided (installation file and manual
deposition and solidification characteristics has kept are available (1, 2)). This information is particularly
these material systems in the research arena. A section pertinent to those interested in production applications
on the fluid mechanics of droplet formation and jetting of AM.
is included in a process model for the MJ process (a
section which is also relevant to Chapter 8). Post-processing

Binder Jetting AM is often viewed as a complete process and therefore,

to the uninitiated, it can be a surprise to learn of the
BJ methods were primarily developed at Massachusetts requirement for post-processing. The book introduces
Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, during the early the various types of support structures required to
1990s and feature a powder bed similar to that of the achieve and maintain all levels of geometric complexity
PBF process (Chapter 5). However, instead of using and the subsequent post-processing methods and
an energy source to fuse the material together, an design considerations to aid their removal. Depending
inkjet head deposits a binder onto each layer to form on the application of the part, surface finishing may
part cross-sections. The binder forms agglomerates also be required. In this case it may be necessary to
with the powder particles and provides bonding design extra material in the areas to be post-processed
with the layer below. The chapter describes some to ensure the desired dimensions are maintained.
commercial materials available, and notes that many Powder bed methods possess ‘natural’ supports
of them require post-processing to increase strength, where the built object is encased in excess material.
for example by infiltration with another material. They are named as such as they are an intrinsic part of
Materials include polymers (for example, poly(methyl the process. The main disadvantage of natural supports
methacrylate) (PMMA)), ceramics, foundry sands and is that the part must be designed so that the excess
metals such as 420 stainless steel or Inconel alloy 625 material can be removed, for example for powder bed
infiltrated with bronze. This technology can be scaled methods parts that are designed to be hollow must
up quite easily, as demonstrated by machines with have an escape hole for loose powder. In this case the
an incredible 4 × 2 × 1 m build volume. Although the excess material is recycled as much as possible with
subject of ink drop formation is covered in the previous some sieving usually required.
chapter, a discussion surrounding ink interaction with ‘Synthetic’ supports are required for methods that
the powder bed is missing here. Disappointingly for a do not have ‘natural’ supports or for methods that
process described as one of the most readily scalable, have stresses as an intrinsic part of the process, for
the chapter is one of the shortest – although some example powder bed fusion parts need to be tethered
aspects, such as powder handling, are discussed in to the substrate to prevent warping from stresses
other chapters. created by the presence of significant temperature
gradients. It is noted that these stresses can be
Guidelines for Process Selection and Ancillary reduced, and therefore the requirement for synthetic
Process Tasks supports is decreased, by raising the temperature of
the build environment. For MJ and materials extrusion
The remainder of the book provides outlines and methods the support structures can be constructed
information on software applications and physical from the build material or a secondary material. In the
processes necessary for gaining maximum advantage case of secondary materials a second ‘printhead’ or
from AM. a purge cycle is required to prevent contamination. If
the ‘synthetic’ supports are constructed of the build
Process Selection material then they must be designed such that they can
be easily removed in post-processing, it is common
There are software applications where the performance for printer software to include automatic support
attributes of each AM technology option are weighted generation. Alternatively, the ‘synthetic’ supports can

195 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

be constructed of a secondary material with differential with materials properties defined for each. As yet,
solubility (with respect to the build material) and can there is not an agreed upon standard file format for
simply be dissolved away post-process. multi-material objects.
Post-processing is an integral procedure of AM and
understanding the many factors to streamline and Design Considerations
safeguard the integrity of the printed part is paramount.
Particular focus is made on the use of designed
Software Issues and Considerations cellular structures and void filling. These structures
can be symmetrical or conformal (with variable cell
The file standard for AM technologies is the STL file size to appropriately fill the void space). The primary
format. The origin of this file extension hails to the advantage of using cellular structures is the reduction
first stereolithography machines commercialised by of the required build material without compromising
3D Systems Inc, USA. This format is expressed as overall strength. Cellular structures are a particular
a list, either in binary or American Standard Code for strength of AM processes given the fact that the
Information Interchange (ASCII) (text), of the vertices entire structure can be designed, and with the help
of triangular facets used to approximate the surface of of software applications, optimised to achieve the
the digital part. This approximation is most relevant, most efficient strength-to-weight properties. The
with respect to deviation from the true geometry, when output cannot always be reproduced but a near
there are a significant number of curves in the part. The approximation can be achieved with little compromise
orientation of the facets is defined by the unit normally in performance. Examples of topology optimisation
expressed in vector coordinates. software given are Abaqus from Dassault Systèmes
Due to the nature of the process, i.e. layer-by-layer, and OptiStruct from Altair.
there is also the requirement to ‘slice’ the file prior to
initiating the printing process. The generation of the Applications
support structures may be done before or during the
slicing operation. This section offers a flavour of the multitude of possible
One problem with STL, unlike other CAD formats, is applications of AM technologies. ‘Rapid tooling’ refers
that there are no units associated with the file itself. to the use of AM to create production tools. Typically
Therefore the scale/dimensions must be checked to these are reusable moulds, impressions or patterns
ensure the correct dimensions are applied. This can be from which the tools can be created. This method may
particularly important for international communications, be applied, in particular, if the material required for part
for example USA to EU or vice versa. Furthermore, it production is not currently available in an AM technology
should be noted that not all graphics software packages or the mould can be improved upon by utilising the
can create STL files with adequate accuracy. One design freedoms of AM, for example conformal cooling
common issue when converting to STL is the creation channels for injection moulds. Medical and aerospace/
of parts with holes (i.e. incomplete surfaces), which automotive applications have received significant
are not compatible with AM machines. More modern attention from the implementation of AM technologies.
dedicated AM software packages are emerging, Medical procedures can be streamlined by developing
making this issue less prevalent. surgical guides and tools. Prostheses and implants are
Colour and materials properties are another factor to of particular interest for the application of AM as they
include into the definition of a part to print. For coloured can be customised on a case-by-case basis. Significant
parts this can be done by colouring of individual facets research efforts are currently being employed to print
with solid colour (colour STL) or an image (virtual with living cells and biomaterials for direct transplant.
reality modelling language (VRML)). The advantage Another method is to print a biocompatible scaffold for
of applying an image is that the applied colour is not post-process treatment with living cells to encourage
limited by the resolution of the facet. As the STL file natural material growth, for example Osteopore
format is surface data only there is the assumption produces ‘bioresorbable’ implants to encourage natural
that the underlying material is homogeneous. For bone growth over trephination holes from neurosurgery.
AM technologies capable of multi-material printing Aerospace applications of AM have been quite
the file typically has to be defined as distinct objects diverse with examples of engine system and

196 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

non-structural components. The primary benefit for the “Additive Manufacturing

aerospace industry is improved fuel efficiency by better Technologies: 3D Printing,
performance and lighter weight components. Rapid Prototyping, and
Direct Digital Manufacturing”

Business Opportunities and Future Directions

The book is rounded out by highlighting the fact that

AM offers genuinely new avenues for production and
product development and thus adjusted business
models and practices could be required to accommodate
the rapidly changing landscape of manufacturing.


Readers desiring a comprehensive introduction to the

many technologies of AM should be satisfied. Although
it is aimed primarily at students and educators, the
authors do very well to appeal to those in research and References
manufacturing positions too. Excellent explanations 1 D. Rosen, ‘RM Selection, Software User Manual’,
of basic concepts through to the state-of-the-art make Version 1, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
this a great starting point for in-depth research, whilst USA, 12th August, 2005
the process selection tools and business opportunities 2 The Georgia Institute of Technology: The Systems
chapters will be very useful for manufacturers looking Realization Laboratory:
to explore this technology. Members/drosen (Accessed on 28th May 2015)

The Reviewers
Jonathan Edgar received a BSc and PhD in nanotechnology from the University of Technology,
Sydney, Australia. Currently he is working for Johnson Matthey on a core science and materials
development project using additive manufacturing technologies.

Saxon Tint has an MEng in Materials Science and Engineering from Imperial College London, UK.
He joined Johnson Matthey Noble Metals in 2011 as a Materials Scientist and has worked on a
range of projects including alloy development for spark plug tips, powder metallurgy and AM.

197 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

As a
FTSE100 company
that develops advanced
materials and specialises in
precious metals, Johnson Matthey
has a strong interest in precious metal
and speciality metal powders. If you have
an interest in precious metal powders
or speciality metal powders for
additive layer manufacturing, 3D
printing or other applications
we’d be keen to hear from
you. Please contact Alexandra French,
Sales and Marketing Director, Noble Metals on:
a l e x a n d r a . f r e n c h @ m a t t h e y. c o m o r
+44 (0) 1763 253856 / +44 (0) 7968 568532

For more information about Johnson Matthey’s expertise as

well as its investment in research and development, please visit
the corporate website:

198 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 199–206


Temperature Dependent Heat Transfer Performance

of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube-based Aqueous
Nanofluids at Very Low Particle Loadings
Investigating the mechanism of thermal conductivity enhancement

By Meher Wan sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as a surfactant

Department of Metallurgical and Materials to minimise the agglomeration of the MWCNTs. An
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, effective enhancement in thermal conductivity was
Kharagpur-721302, India observed at different temperatures. The obtained
results are explained with percolation theory.
Raja Ram Yadav
Department of Physics, University of Allahabad, 1. Introduction
Allahabad-211002, India
Heat transfer management is becoming increasingly
Giridhar Mishra and Devraj Singh* critical in the infrastructure, industry, transportation,
Department of Applied Physics, Amity School of defence and aerospace sectors. Several cooling
Engineering and Technology, methods have been investigated recently to meet
An affiliated institute of Guru Gobind Singh the heat transfer requirements of 21st century high-
Indraprastha University, technology, high density heat producing industrial
Bijwasan, New Delhi-110061, India equipment. Water, ethylene glycol and mineral oil
have been used as conventional coolants for different
*Email: industries. Conventional heat transfer systems used in
a wide range of applications, including petrochemicals,
Bipin Joshi refining, power generation and microelectronic devices,
Department of Science and Technology, Technology are rather large and involve a significant amount of heat
Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016, India transfer fluids in comparison to biomedical engineering
based applications (1). Managing high density heat
generation in microelectronic industries is a good
Aqueous suspensions of multi-walled carbon example (2, 3).
nanotubes (MWCNTs + deionised water) have been Modern, small scale cooling applications require very
synthesised. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were derived effective coolants. Existing heat management systems
by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Transmission can be improved by enhancing the performance of heat
electron microscopy (TEM) measurements show the transfer fluids through the use of nanofluids, resulting in
formation of MWCNTs. Three samples of CNT-based lower heat exchange surface area, lower capital costs
aqueous nanofluids having MWCNT concentrations of and higher energy efficiencies (4). Several techniques
0.01 vol%, 0.03 vol% and 0.05 vol% were prepared with have been investigated to enhance the thermal exchange
the help of ultrasonic irradiation. A very small amount of performance of the fluids. Out of many tried methods,

199 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

one is to add a very small percentage of nanoparticles salen was found to produce CNTs via a tip-growth
having high thermal conductivity into heat transfer mechanism. Small Ni particles were observed at the
fluids to improve their overall thermal conductivity tips of the CNTs which were otherwise free of Ni. Since
(5–8). Such additives may include novel metals, metal Ni is used as a catalyst in relatively small amounts and
oxides and carbon nanostructures. Nanoparticles is embedded inside the CNT tips, its contribution to the
may possess either spherical, cylindrical, fibril or thermal conductivity enhancement can be ignored. The
sheet-like structures. Cylindrical carbon nanostructures MWCNTs have an average outside diameter of 30 nm,
(4, 9, 10) or CNTs have very high thermal conductivity and a length of several micrometers, as observed by
of the order of 3000 W m–1 K–1 (11). MWCNTs have electron microscopy (field emission scanning electron
very exotic physical properties and are relatively easy microscopy (FE-SEM) and TEM) (Figures 1(a) and
to synthesise. They have been shown to be promising 1(b)).
additives in conventional heat transfer fluids for diverse Nanofluids were prepared using a two step method.
heat transfer applications (9, 12). Several researchers First the required amounts of MWCNTs and deionised
have tested different combinations and permutations water needed for the sample preparation were
of CNTs, the effects of their aspect ratios (diameter determined. Then a very small amount of surfactant
and length) and base fluids on thermal conductivity (SDS) was dissolved in the liquid matrix, followed
in CNT-based nanofluids (13). For a more uniform by appropriate amounts of MWCNTs for synthesis of
dispersion of CNTs, the effects of different quantities different concentrations of nanofluids. SDS was used
of surfactant materials on thermal conductivity have to minimise the agglomeration of nanotubes in the
also been studied (14). However the addition of a large base fluid. The samples having MWCNTs were stirred
weight percentage of filler in a fluid affects its viscous using a magnetic stirrer and were ultrasonicated for
properties. Higher viscosity does not support better 20 minutes with 100 W intensity at 20 kHz ultrasonic
heat conduction due to the need for higher pumping frequency (Sonics VC 505). As the probe sonicates
power as well as changes in other fluidic properties. within a limited conic volume, to facilitate uniform
The present work is focused on the preparation dispersion, sonication was followed by 10 minutes
of nanofluids by dispersing MWCNTs in deionised magnetic stirring. According to the density data
water and measuring the temperature dependent provided by Jana et al. (18), 0.026 g, 0.078 g and
thermal conductivity of the nanofluids at very small 0.130 g of CNTs were dispersed in 100 ml of deionised
particle loadings. The experimental observations water to prepare nanofluids with 0.01 vol%, 0.03 vol% and
regarding thermal conductivity enhancements can 0.05 vol% CNTs. 100 ml suspensions of each
be explained with the help of appropriate theoretical composition were prepared.
models. It has now been established that when CNTs Thermal conductivity of the synthesised nanofluids
are suspended in conventional heat transfer fluids, was measured with a Hot Disk TPS 500 Thermal
anomalous enhancements in thermal conductivity are Constant Analyser which works on the temperature
observed (15, 16). The motivation behind the present coefficient of resistance principle. The transient
study is to find the mechanism of thermal conductivity plane source (TPS) method is an updated version
enhancement at very small concentrations of MWCNTs of the transient hot wire (THW) technique (19). The
in suspension and the effects of MWCNT aqueous uncertainty in the measurements in this method
nanofluids on thermal performance at a range of is ±4%. TPS overcomes many of the drawbacks of
temperatures. It is assumed that the viscous properties THW due to its sensor structure and shape. TPS
of the base fluid do not change with the inclusion of has a computer controlled temperature controller for
very low CNT loadings. accurate temperature settings and precise results
at typical temperatures. The TPS based instrument
2. Materials and Methods can be used to measure thermal constants such as
conductivity and diffusivity via a Ni sensor, using
Deionised water and MWCNTs were used to produce the temperature coefficient of resistance. Inside the
nanofluids. The MWCNTs were synthesised by CVD using instrument, the TPS element behaves both like a
nickel salen [N,N’-ethylene-bis(salicylideneiminato)]- temperature sensor and a heat source. TPS uses
nickel(II); Ni(C16H14N2O2) as a catalyst. The details the Fourier law of heat conduction as its fundamental
of the CNT growth are described elsewhere (17). Ni principle for measurements.

200 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

200 nm 0.2 µm

Fig. 1. (a) FE-SEM images of the as-grown MWCNTs; (b) TEM of the MWCNTs

3. Results and Discussion be claimed that the percolation threshold exists below
0.03 vol%, leading to the conclusion that the CNTs do
Thermal conductivity measurements were taken for all not have continuous chains from one end to the other
the nanofluid samples at temperatures from 10ºC to below a certain particle loading, as predicted by Sastry
80ºC. The experimental data for thermal conductivity et al. (20).
of the nanofluid samples are presented in Figure 2. Although a number of models based on different
For comparison, the temperature dependent thermal mechanisms are available currently in the literature,
conductivity data of the base fluid (water) are also given. no theoretical model is able to explain the anomalous
It can be seen that there is no significant increase in the thermal conductivity enhancement observed
thermal conductivity with the suspension of 0.01 vol% experimentally due to controlled and uncontrolled
MWCNTs. On the other hand, there is a significant parameters in the experimental setup (21). Some
anomalous increase in the thermal conductivity of models, for example the Sastry model, are in reasonable
water with suspension of 0.03 vol% CNTs. Thus, it can agreement with the experimental data under different
assumptions and conditions. A critical analysis of the
theoretical models has been carried out by Lamas
et al. (21) who concluded that the available models
1.5 show a negative effect of temperature on thermal
DI-water + SDS conductivity enhancement in these systems. However,
Thermal conductivity, W m–1K–1

0.01 vol%
1.3 this is contradictory to the available experimental
0.03 vol%
1.2 0.05 vol% results. The agreement of theory and experiment was
1.1 achieved by adjusting parameters such as the CNT
1.0 geometry (22) and the value of interfacial conductance
0.9 (23). These theoretical models had various degrees
0.8 of empiricism and provided a limited physical insight
0.7 into the experimental observations. In past studies,
0.6 experimental data have showed that the dispersion
0.5 technique and interaction between the CNTs and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 the base liquid also play a strong role, causing the
Temperature, ºC enhancement to vary by as much as 7%–40% for
Fig. 2. Thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing CNTs at
water-MWCNT nanofluid (24).
different temperatures For the present study, very low concentrations were
chosen for two reasons. Firstly, to maintain the fluidic

201 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

or viscous properties of the base fluid; and secondly to Li ,P L sin φi cos θ i

where RCNTi ,P = ; RFi ,P = i ,P and
investigate the existence of a percolation threshold to KCNT A CS K liq A liq
explain anomalous thermal conductivity enhancements RC =
as predicted by Sastry and his coworkers. A number of GdN2
physical mechanisms have been proposed to explain Finally effective thermal conductivity can be written as
the thermal conductivity enhancement of a nanofluid.
An early concept was interfacial layering: the formation keff = ; where Lcell is the length of the cell and
Rnet A Cell
of a solid-like, liquid molecular layer close to the CNT
interface, which has much higher thermal conductivity Acell is the effective area of the cell in which the
than the bulk liquid itself (25). Alternatively, due to the percolation exists. The thermal conductivity
high aspect ratio of CNTs, interaction between them is enhancement will not be observed below a certain
thought to be highly probable resulting in the formation particle loading, where the formation of chains of CNTs
of a network. The phenomenon is often termed does not occur. The enhancement in thermal
percolation. The formation of a highly conductive conductivity for 0.01 vol% at higher temperatures is
heat flow path in the liquid by the percolation network due to Brownian motion, which dominates the
can potentially explain the enhancement due to percolation chain mechanism at high temperatures.
concentration of CNTs in relatively low temperature The percolation mechanism can be applied for
zones where Brownian motion is not dominant. A mechanically stable suspensions only. At high
critical volume fraction of MWCNT loading, called temperatures, suspensions become less stable due to
the percolation threshold, was thought to exist above Brownian motion.
which the electrical conductivity of the MWCNT Figure 3 shows the variation of thermal conductivity
nanofluid would abruptly increase multifold. However, enhancement ratio (Keff/Kliq) with temperature at different
initial experiments did not show any such sudden rise MWCNT loadings. Thermal conductivity ratio is considered
in the effective thermal conductivity of the nanofluid. as a much more suitable parameter to understand the
Thus it was concluded that there is no percolation enhancement in thermal conductivity, irrespective of
threshold in thermal transport in those experiments thermal conductivity of the base fluid or liquid in which
(25, 26), a view that was contradicted recently MWCNTs are dispersed to form nanofluids.
(20). Sastry et al. considered percolation without The present experimental study was carried
specifically approaching it from a threshold perspective out in the temperature range 10ºC to 80ºC. The
(20). Their approach relies on the basic premise of thermal conductivity was observed to increase with
three-dimensional MWCNT chain formation in the liquid temperature, contradictory to predictions made by
(percolation) and consideration of a thermal resistance
network with higher resistance contact points of CNTs
and very low resistance CNT channels. Random CNT 1.55
Thermal conductivity enhancement, Keff/Kliq

orientation and CNT-CNT contacts are introduced 1.50 0.01 vol%

by probability density function. They considered a 1.45 0.03 vol%
cubical volume of nanofluid formed by dispersion 1.40 0.05 vol%
1.35 Theoretical curve (Prasher et al.)
of CNTs. The fundamental basis of the model is an
interaction between the CNTs touching each other
to form percolating chains in the suspension. In this
mechanism, resistive points are formed at the contact 1.15
centres of the CNTs. Thus, a series of resistive contact 1.10
points offer resistance in the thermally conductive 1.05
medium of a CNT chain. The net resistance has been 1.00
calculated by Sastry et al. (20) as given in Equation (i): 0.95
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
  RCNTi ,P + 2RC  
N   × RFi ,p  Temperature, ºC
Rnet = ∑   (i)
i =1
  RCNTi ,P + 2RC   Fig. 3. K/Kf of nanofluids containing CNTs at different
  + RFi ,p  temperatures
  M  

202 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

available theoretical models (21). The temperature K  (1 + 2α ) + 2φ (1 − α )  (v)

effect on thermal conductivity of nanofluids can be K m  (1 + 2α ) − φ (1 − α ) 
explained with the help of Brownian motion. The thermal
conductivity of the CNT-water nanofluids was therefore which is based on the traditional Maxwell-Garnett
calculated to examine the Brownian motion effect. (MG) model where f is the particle volume fraction,
Prasher et al. (27) developed a model for water based α = 2Rb K m / dN , and Rb is the interfacial resistance.
spherical nanoparticle nanofluids. Based on Prasher’s The effective K of the nanofluid can be written as
approach, the present experimental observations were Equation (vi):
modelled for CNT containing water-based nanofluids
K R × Pr  (1 + 2α ) + 2φ (1 − α )  (vi)
at high temperatures. Since the CNTs have very small = (1 + e ) 
Kf 4  (1 + 2α ) − φ (1 − α ) 
diameters when suspended in the liquid, Brownian
movement of the CNTs is quite possible. The root-
mean-square velocity (vN) of Brownian particles can be Equation (vi), together with the definition of Re given
defined (18) as (Equation (ii)): in Equation (iii) has all the necessary ingredients for
predicting K, because it includes:
3kBT 1 18kBT (ii)
=vN = (a) conduction contribution of the CNTs
mN dN πρN dN
(b) Rb between the nanotubes and the water
(c) convection contribution (effective for smaller dN).
where kB is the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature, So far no empiricism has been included in the model.
mN the particle mass, ρN the density, and dN the average Taking the clue from correlations for particle-to-fluid
diameter of the CNTs. heat transfer a general correlation for h of the form:
Now we consider the effect of the convection of the h = (Kf/a) [1+ A RemPr0.333φ] is proposed for the Brownian
liquid near the CNTs due to their Brownian movement. motion induced convection from multiple nanotubes,
The Reynolds number (Re) based on νN given by where A and m are constants. Convective heat transfer
Equation (ii) can be written as Equation (iii): relations are regime dependent, and so depending on
Re, these relations can change. Therefore it is most
1 18kBT (iii)
Re = likely A should be independent of the fluid type whereas
ν πρN dN
m depends on the fluid type. This modification leads to
Equation (vii):
where n is the kinematic viscosity of the liquid.
K  (1 + 2α ) + 2φ (1 − α ) 
The Re for 30 nm CNTs in water, Re = 0.0132, is very = (1 + ARem Pr0.333φ )   (vii)
Kf  (1 + 2α ) − φ (1 − α ) 
small and therefore for convection the flow falls in
Stokes regime. If a particle is embedded in a semi-
infinite medium of thermal conductivity K m, then the If Equation (vii) is valid, A and m should be the same for
Nusselt number (Nu) based on the radius of the CNTs different experimental data for a particular fluid.
can be shown to be 1; i.e., h = (Km/a). In Stokes regime Figure 3 shows the semi-empirical model for K of
‘h’ is given (28) as h = (Kf/a)[1+ (1/4)Re + Pr] where Pr various water based nanofluids (different f), taking Rb
is the Prandtl number, ‘a’ is the radius of the particle = 2.5 × 10–8 Km2 W–1, m = 2.4 and A = 40,000 (as
and ‘h’ is the heat transfer coefficient. Note these in similar materials) for the best fit. Here in the model
relations are derived analytically from first principles. a thermal boundary layer δT = 3 δF/Pr is arbitrarily
This means that the effective K of the fluid due to defined, where Pr is the Prandtl number and δF is
the convection caused by the movement of a single the diameter of the base fluid molecule. Here Pr =
sphere is: 10 has been taken. Nusselt number (Nu) is given as
Nu ~ Re2Pr2; α = 2Rb K m / dN = 0.967 has been
Km = Kf[1+ (1/4)Re ×Pr] (iv)
computed; Km = thermal conductivity of water. Re has
Note that this is based on a single isolated CNT. In a been computed as 0.0132.
real system there will be interaction in the convection It is important to note that in the present case
currents from different CNTs. The value of Km is an increase in the viscosity at higher temperature
substituted from Equation (iv) in Equation (v): increases Brownian motion. Figure 3 reveals

203 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

significant enhancement in the thermal conductivity of observations, it can be claimed that the percolation
water containing a suspension of 0.05 vol% of CNTs threshold is between 0.01 and 0.03 vol% CNT loadings
at different temperatures, in good agreement with in base fluid. Thermal conductivity enhancement
the theoretically modelled curve based on order of increases with temperature and concentration of
magnitude calculations. CNTs in the base fluid. The temperature dependence
The temperature variation of the enhancement of the of the thermal conductivity enhancement is explained
thermal conductivity (K/Kf) on experimental observation well with Brownian motion theory as chains of CNTs
is also in good agreement with the theoretical curve will not form at higher temperatures due to instability
within the measurement accuracy of the apparatus. imposed by the temperature increase. These MWCNT
Thus, it may be concluded that convection induced due + deionised water nanofluids are very stable with time.
to Brownian movement of the CNTs is the main cause They therefore show potential to be used as coolants in
for the observed enhancement in K of the nanofluid at different fields of industry.
higher temperatures in the present investigation. The
interfacial resistance Rb has also been incorporated Acknowledgements
as interfacial resistance greatly depends on bonding
between the solid and the liquid (27). Meher Wan is thankful to the Council of Scientific and
The shelf life of the nanofluids was also investigated. Industrial Research (CSIR) of the Government of India
In Figure 4 the temporal stability of nanofluid containing for a senior research fellowship to carry out the work.
0.03 vol% CNTs is shown at room temperature. The
nanofluid is stable for a long time. References
1 D. G. Cahill, P. V. Braun, G. Chen, D. R. Clarke,
0.80 S. Fan, K. E. Goodson, P. Keblinski, W. P. King,
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Gunawan, W. Lv, G. Rosengarten, R. Prasher and H.
0.60 Tyagi, J. Appl. Phys., 2013, 113, (1), 011301
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Fig. 4. Thermal conductivity of nanofluid containing 0.03
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S. Wongwises, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 57,
It can be concluded that the observed thermal
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conductivity enhancement in prepared nanofluids is
9 Z. Haddad, C. Abid, H. F. Oztop and A. Mataoui, Int. J.
due to the suspension of CNTs in deionised water.
Therm. Sci., 2014, 76, 168
Sudden enhancement is observed at a concentration of
10 C. D. S. Brites, P. P. Lima, N. J. O. Silva, A. Millán,
0.03 vol% CNTs in water at lower temperatures, which
V. S. Amaral, F. Palacio and L. D. Carlos, Nanoscale,
is attributed to formation of CNT chains with very high
2013, 5, (16), 7572
conductivity in the medium. The abrupt enhancement
of thermal conductivity at 0.03 vol% can be explained 11 H. Maruyama, R. Kariya and F. Arai, Appl. Phys.
with the help of percolation phenomena. From Lett., 2013, 103, (16),161905

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12 S. Halelfadl, T. Maré and P. Estellé, Exp. Therm. Fluid 21 B. Lamas, B. Abreu, A. Fonseca, N. Martins and M.
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13 S. M. S. Murshed and C. A. Nieto de Castro, Renew. 22 W. Yu and S. U. S. Choi, J. Nanopart. Res., 2004, 6,
Sustain. Energy Rev., 2014, 37, 155 (4), 355
14 P. Estellé, S. Halelfadl and T. Maré, Int. Commun. 23 L. Xue, P. Keblinski, S. R. Phillpot, S. U.-S. Choi and
Heat Mass, 2014, 57, 8 J. A. Eastman, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2004, 47,
15 Y. Ding, H. Alias, D. Wen and R. A. Williams, Int. J. (19–20), 4277
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16 S. U. S. Choi, Z. G. Zhang, W. Yu, F. E. Lockwood and Constantinou, Int. J. Thermophys., 2006, 27, (4), 999
E. A. Grulke, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2001, 79, (14), 2252 25 M. Foygel, R. D. Morris, D. Anez, S. French and V. L.
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The Authors
Dr Meher Wan obtained his DPhil from the Physics Department, University of Allahabad, India. He is
currently working as research fellow in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, India. His research interests are thermal conductivity,
phonon transport in nanostructured composite materials and non-destructive techniques for
characterisation of materials including ultrasonics. He has published several important studies on
heat transfer phenomena of nanofluids in internationally reputed journals.

Professor Dr Raja Ram Yadav is presently Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics,
University of Allahabad. His research interests are in the non-destructive ultrasonic and thermal
characterisation of nanomaterials, lyotropic liquid crystalline materials, intermetallics and
semiconductors; the development of nanomaterials for biomedical applications; and theoretical
calculations of nonlinear elastic and ultrasonic properties of crystalline materials. He was awarded
the prestigious Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Teachers’ Award for the year 2012.

Dr Giridhar Mishra is Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, Amity School of
Engineering and Technology, New Delhi, India. He obtained his DPhil in Physics from the University
of Allahabad. He has worked as a Research Fellow in a project sponsored by the Department of
Science and Technology, New Delhi, in the field of materials science. His current research interests
are focused on the study of ultrasonic and thermal properties of nanofluids, nanomaterials and
other materials. He is a life member of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT).

Dr Devraj Singh is Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Physics at Amity
School of Engineering and Technology. His research interests are in the ultrasonic non-destructive
characterisation of condensed materials. Presently, he is working on ultrasonic studies of rare
earth materials for engineering applications.

205 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Dr Bipin Joshi is a Scientist at the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India,
New Delhi. His research area is optical characterisation of nanostructured fabric semiconductors.
He is a life member of various scientific societies.

206 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 207–217


The Effects of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Platinum

Alloy Castings on Mechanical Properties and
Post processing of parts for jewellery and other applications

Teresa Fryé* Introduction

TechForm Advanced Casting Technology, 5558-D SE
International Way, Portland, Oregon 97222, USA In earlier research a better understanding of the
solidification characteristics for a number of platinum-
*Email: based alloys was established (1). The findings
demonstrated a strong tendency toward the formation
Joseph Tunick Strauss of shrinkage and gas porosity upon solidification, and
HJE Company, 820 Quaker Rd, Queensbury, HIP, a high-pressure thermal treatment developed as
New York 12804, USA a densification process, was proven to be an effective
method to minimise or eliminate this porosity.
Jörg Fischer-Bühner While the previous results made it clear that porosity
Indutherm Erwärmungsanlagen GmbH, 75045 had been significantly reduced following the HIP
Walzbachtal-Wössingen, Germany; and Legor Group process, the authors had not yet explored the full
SpA, Via del Lavoro, 1 36050 Bressanvido (VI), Italy range of HIP’s effects in terms of post-processed
microstructure and mechanical properties. The
Ulrich E. Klotz goal of this new phase of research is to further our
fem Research Institute for Precious Metals & Metals understanding by characterising the post-HIP effects on
Chemistry, Katharinenstraße 17, 73525 Schwäbisch platinum based castings with respect to grain size and
Gmünd, Germany shape, chemical distribution and mechanical strength.

Overview of Hot Isostatic Pressing

The effects of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on castings
produced in a variety of platinum alloys was investigated. Companies that build HIP equipment or perform the HIP
A number of benefits were observed, including process describe an isostatic press as something that
a reduction in porosity and improvements to the forms and densifies powdered and cast materials using
microstructure and mechanical properties. Differences liquid or gas under extremely high pressure. Unlike
in the response to HIP of individual alloys is evaluated mechanical force which compresses a workpiece from
as well as some inherent limitations of the HIP process. one or two sides, the isostatic pressure is applied

207 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

uniformly on all sides of an object, eliminating internal and is a powerful representation of the pore collapsing
porosity without changing net shape. Typical product that can occur with HIP.
improvements cited by the HIP industry are the To better demonstrate how the HIP process works,
elimination of internal voids, improvements in product Figure 2 shows the schematic for a typical HIP unit.
consistency, and improvements in the soundness and The unit contains a high temperature furnace enclosed
mechanical properties of materials. The fundamental in a pressure vessel. Parts are typically placed within
material change underlying these improvements is the the chamber in vertical layers with the use of graphite,
attainment of a higher density material in comparison steel or ceramic shelving to maximise load capacity.
with its pre-HIP condition. During operation the HIP chamber is first placed under
The isostatic nature of pressure in the HIP process as vacuum, followed by flooding with an inert gas, usually
described above is key to maintaining the dimensional argon, which is used to apply the isostatic pressure. The
integrity of a casting during HIP; the pressure being temperature and pressure is then ramped up and left
equal on all sides lends to a uniform compression of the to dwell for a specified period of time depending upon
material with product dimensions typically remaining the material’s properties. Parts become densified when
intact. Although, as seen in Figure 1, local deformations the material’s yield strength is surpassed, creating a
in the form of ‘dimpling’ can occur when the sizes of plastic flow that forces internal voids to collapse under
internal pores are extremely large and diffusion bonding differential pressure. The internal surfaces of the voids
collapses exterior surfaces inward. This difficult to feed diffusion bond together, increasing density and thereby
thick-to-thin geometry for the channel band represents improving the material properties. HIP unit sizes span
an extreme example of subsurface shrinkage porosity from small laboratory size up to large-scale industrial.
The unit shown in Figure 3 is an example of a medium
(a) scale unit.
(b) Not all metals will HIP effectively and the extent to
which an alloy will respond to HIP is a function of its
creep resistance. Creep is a solid material’s tendency
to move slowly and deform permanently under stress.
In metals, creep increases with temperature and
starts at approximately 30% to 50% of an alloy’s melt
2 cm temperature (2).The rate of creep is a function of
temperature, the material’s properties, and the amount
Fig. 1. HIP dimples in a 95Pt5Ru channel band of pressure that is applied. In order to achieve optimum
material properties, the parameters used in a HIP cycle

Inert Power
gas Cooling pump controller
Compressor Cooling
Pressure piece
Pressurised coating
Vacuum pump gas (optional)
Pressure Heater Thermocouple
Vacuum line line
Exhaust controller

Fig. 2. Schematic of a typical HIP unit

208 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

shape, chemical distribution, and mechanical strength.

The following sections report the methods used, results
and conclusions.

Test Geometry

A tapered test specimen was chosen to assess

microscopic porosity levels, density and hardness before
and after HIP. As shown in Figure 4, the test specimen
was designed to promote directional solidification with a
single heavy sprue attached to the thickest end.

Fig. 3. HIP unit, courtesy Avure Technologies, USA
1.686 4.941
must be precisely dialled in according to the needs of
the alloy. Typical parameters including both metals and
ceramics will generally fall into the ranges shown in
Table I. (b)

Table I HIP Parameter Rangesa

Parameter Typical lower Typical upper
limit limit 1.917 5.682
Temperature 500ºC 1400ºC
Pressure 7000 PSI 45,000 PSI
Fig. 4. Tapered test specimen (units in mm)
Dwell Time 2 hours 4 hours
Cooling Rate 1ºC per minute 100ºC per minute
Casting Parameters
Courtesy Avure Technologies
The casting parameters and conditions for these trials
Comparative Study of the Effects of HIP on are shown in Table II. Standard pour temperatures,
Platinum Alloy Microstructure and Mechanical flask temperatures and firing curves were used. The
Properties flasks were cast using a centrifugal casting machine
with induction heating and each tree contained two test
The goal of this research was to characterise post- geometries for each alloy. One casting was retained for
HIP effects on castings with respect to grain size and as-cast sampling and the second casting was HIPed.

Table II Casting Parameters

Alloy Pour temp., ºC Flask temp., ºC Casting condition
95Pt5Ru 1870 850 1 As-cast; 1 HIPed
90Pt10Ir 1870 850 1 As-cast; 1 HIPed
90Pt10Rh 1960 850 1 As-cast; 1 HIPed
95Pt5Co 1850 850 1 As-cast; 1 HIPed
Notes to Table II
(a) All patterns 3D printed for dimensional precision
(b) All trees were identically assembled with two samples per tree
(c) All flasks air cooled identically
(d) All alloys were HIPed in the same load

209 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Effects of HIP on Microstructure as the HIP processing (without the use of pressure)
is neither capable of fully closing the pores from the
Given the high levels of porosity seen in 95Pt5Ru as-cast condition, nor maintaining grain size (Figure 7).
and the relatively low levels seen in 95Pt5Co, these While the amount and the size of pores are clearly
two alloys were chosen for the present report on reduced, grains are growing substantially during heat
microstructural changes brought about by the HIP treatment. Thus, any beneficial effect of porosity
process. Figure 5 demonstrates significant porosity reduction is compromised by grain growth. Based on
levels in the as-cast state of 95Pt5Ru. The pores in this result, it would appear that the pressure used in
this alloy are interdendritic microshrinkage pores; such the HIP process has the added benefit of retarding
pores form during the spontaneous solidification of grain growth. Figure 8 demonstrates the comparative
the alloy that occurs so rapidly that continued feeding grain sizes of 95Pt5Ru in the as-cast, HIPed and
is not possible. The HIP process has successfully heat-treated conditions.
closed these microshrinkage pores, such that the The casting sample of 95Pt5Co shows no visible
microstructure is completely dense after HIPing. macroscopic or microscopic porosity in the as-cast
Another important finding is that grain size is not condition (Figure 9). However, compared to 95Pt5Ru
negatively affected by the HIP process (Figure 6). A the grains are extremely large. Their size and shape
simple heat treatment to the same thermal parameters indicates a relatively slow solidification process

50 m

Fig. 5. 95Pt5Ru as-cast showing numerous interdentric microshrinkage pores present in the as-cast condition and uneven grain
size distribution with coarse columnar grains at the surface

50 m
Fig. 6. 95Pt5Ru HIP which has dense and pore-free microstructure and even grain size distribution. HIP pressure appears to
retard grain growth

210 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

50 m
Fig. 7. 95Pt5Ru heat treatment using same thermal curve as HIP, showing reduction of microshrinkage porosity and heavy grain
coarsening during thermal processing

(a) (b) (c)

50 m 50 m 50 m

Fig. 8. Comparative microstructures of 95Pt5Ru: (a) as-cast; (b) heat treated; (c) HIPed

50 m

Fig. 9. 95Pt5Co as-cast showing very large columnar grains growing from the surface during solidification and no macroscopic
or microscopic porosity in as-cast condition

where a few grains were nucleated at the surface say that HIP does not provide any benefit to 95Pt5Co
of the part, which then grew into the centre. As a castings. The previous research on larger samples
consequence, there was sufficient time for feeding demonstrated a tendency of this alloy to form large
and the microstructure is free of pores. Therefore, gas pores and centreline shrinkage porosity that
during HIPing few changes of the microstructure were either eliminated or reduced in size by the HIP
occurred in the 95Pt5Co (Figure 10). This is not to process.

211 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

50 m

Fig. 10. 95Pt5Co HIP showing no significant change of microstructure during HIPing

Alloy Density Certain defect types either do not respond to HIP or

have a lower densification response. A key limitation of
Density of the test samples was measured using the process is that only porosity that is fully subsurface
the Archimedes’ Principle (3) to determine levels will collapse; if pores are open to the surface of the
of densification achieved through the HIP process. casting in any way, they will not respond to HIP.
Although the density of the as-cast samples was already This effect can be seen in the shrinkage porosity
very high, HIP increased the levels to near 100%. This (Figure 11(a)). Another limitation of HIP is seen in
result is impressive and effectively puts castings on a gas pores. Pores created by gas are less responsive
par with wrought material. As can be seen in Table III, to HIP than shrinkage pores due to the pressure they
HIP most effectively increased density in 95Pt5Ru and contain. Rather than being eliminated, the pores are
90Pt10 Rh and was slightly less effective for 90Pt10Ir, typically reduced in size by HIP as can be seen in the
which we can see already starts out with higher as-cast cross-section (Figure 11(b)).
density. This result correlates well with the generally
lower levels of visible porosity seen in 90Pt10Ir cross- Alloy Homogeneity and its Effects on
sections from the 2011 study (1). Although 95Pt5Co Segregation
was not tested for density, one would expect similar
findings as in the case of 90Pt10Ir due to the lower Another aspect of the present study was determining
levels of porosity in the as-cast state. whether there had been any change in segregation

Table III Alloy Density Results

Alloy Condition Density, g cm–3 Relative density

95Pt5Ru As-cast 20.32 98.4%

95Pt5Ru HIPed 20.62 99.9%

90Pt10Ir As-cast 21.39 99.5%

90Pt10Ir HIPed 21.48 99.9%

90Pt10Rh As-cast 19.58 98.2%

90Pt10Rh HIPed 19.89 99.7%

212 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

1000 m
200 m

Fig. 11. (a) Surface connected shrinkage porosity in 95Pt5Ru; (b) sectioned Pt90Ir10 gas pore after HIP

of the alloying elements during high temperature platinum casting alloys including two that are also
heat treatment or HIP. By contrasting EDX mapping covered in the present testing. It is notable that the
of 95Pt5Ru in the as-cast, heat treated, and HIPed values they published for the same alloys tested here
conditions, we found that Ru segregated to the primary were appreciably lower in the as-cast state. Although it is
dendrites during solidification in a similar manner for not known why this was the case, a plausible explanation
all three conditions. Thus, neither heat treatment nor might be the difficulty of obtaining high quality cast test
HIP changed the segregation of Ru. As can be seen bars with the technologies available in 1978.
in the comparative images in Figure 12, after HIP the This relative scarcity of hard data is not so surprising
dendrites have coarsened, but the microstructure is not given that sophisticated platinum casting is a relatively
negatively affected because the dendrites have arms new development. It was not until the mid-1990s that
that can coarsen without changing the overall size of induction machines capable of handling platinum’s high
the dendrite (Figure 12(c)). temperature requirements became mainstream. Prior
to that, small-scale oxyhydrogen torch melting was the
Tensile Testing only method available and inconsistent quality coupled
with low pour weight capacity prevented investment
A literature search for mechanical properties data casting from becoming a mainstream industrial process
on cast platinum alloys showed that there are few for platinum. All of that has of course changed and
publications in this area, with the exception of platinum based alloys are now routinely investment
microhardness values that are frequently cited by cast with induction melting methods on a global basis.
jewellery industry sources. A publication from 1978 by While as-cast tensile properties of platinum alloys
Ainsley and Rushforth (4) was likely one of the earliest are of keen interest in their own right, an additional
to look at tensile properties from actual castings versus motivation to perform this testing was as a means to
the more commonly cited mill product values. These compare the strength characteristics of as-cast versus
authors published values on nearly a dozen different HIPed platinum alloys. In theory, the higher density

(a) (b) (c)

90 m 90 m 90 m

Fig. 12. (a) Pt95Ru5 as-cast; (b) Pt95Ru5 heat treated; (c) Pt95Ru5 HIPed

213 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

of HIPed product would show increased values for

a number of tensile properties. Table IV outlines the
testing plan that was followed to produce the data, 4.000
followed by Figure 13 depicting the test bar geometry
used for the tensile tests. Tensile testing was carried
out in accordance with international standards (5). 19.000
The results in Table V report values for yield strength
(YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), elongation (ε)
and reduction of area (ROA). Yield strength describes
stress levels above which plastic deformation occurs 59.720
and will generally increase with decreasing grain size.
Following yielding, the material work hardens by the
generation of dislocations. As a consequence, the
required stress for further deformation increases until
the ultimate tensile strength is reached. In metals,
the UTS values will generally correlate with Vickers
hardness values.
At strains above UTS, which marks the maximum of
the stress-strain curve (Figure 14), the cross-section is
locally reduced through necking of the sample. Further Fig. 13. Test bar geometry: simple design, heavy molten
deformation is localised in the necking region and as a feed to gauge area with double end gates, directional
solidification from interior of bar towards outer heavy
consequence the required stress for further deformation
sections optimizes gauge area (units in mm)
is continually decreasing until failure occurs. The total
elongation (ε) indicates how much plastic deformation
the material can withstand. Pores in the material will While UTS or hardness are clearly important
significantly reduce the elongation because they act properties to measure, they are not necessarily the
as stress concentration sites. The effect of pores is most critical properties to predict failure in a broad
even more pronounced on the reduction of area, which number of applications. When it comes to fatigue life,
indicates how much necking occurs until the sample elongation and reduction of area are generally viewed
finally fails. as being more important. Specifically, in cases where

Table IV Casting Specifications for Tensile Bars

Alloy Pour temp., ºC Flask temp., ºC Number of test bars Casting condition

95Pt5Ru 1870 850 12 6 As-cast; 6 HIPed

90Pt10Ir 1870 850 8 4 As-cast; 4 HIPed

90Pt10Rh 1960 850 8 4 As-cast; 4 HIPed

95Pt5Co 1850 850 8 4 As-cast; 4 HIPed

Notes to Table IV
(a) Total bars: 36; minimum tests required: 18
(b) Test bar locations in ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ centrifuge orientation
(c) All waxes turned on lathe for dimensional precision
(d) All bars identically wax assembled with double end gates
(e) All bars cooled identically
(f) All bars HIPed to the same parameters

214 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table V Tensile Properties

Alloy Condition Yield strength, Ultimate Elongation, % Reduction of Change in
composition MPa tensile area,% reduction of
strength, MPa area,%

95Pt5Ru As-cast 225 412 30 55 –

95Pt5Ru HIPed 236 420 39 87 +32

90Pt10Ir As-cast 219 353 33 90 –

90Pt10Ir HIPed 226 358 36 87 –3

90Pt10Rh As-cast 140 330 37 64 –

90Pt10Rh HIPed 144 333 43 89 +25

95Pt5Co As-cast 220 452 36 76 –

95Pt5Co HIPed 189 449 38 82 +6

(a) 500
Strength, MPa


100 ROA

0 10 20  30 40
Strain, %
(b) 500

Strength, MPa




0 10 20 30 40
Strain, %

Fig. 14. UTS scatter of 95Pt5Ru: (a) as-cast; (b) HIPed

subsequent cold working of the material is involved, HIPing. These results correlate well with the porosity
an increased ability to bend before cracking is of levels of the different alloys, and are a clear indication
paramount importance. that reduction of porosity increases ductility in the
The HIP treatment affects the mechanical properties alloys.
of the four alloys in a different way. For all alloys the Another interesting observation came from an
effect on YS and UTS is rather low. For 90Pt10Ir and analysis of UTS scatter in the sample population. The
95Pt5Co there is little effect on elongation and ROA. graphs in Figure 14 demonstrate the difference in
However, for 95Pt5Ru and 90Pt10Rh a significant spread between the as-cast and HIPed groups. The
increase in elongation and ROA is found through HIPed bars exhibit a very tight distribution, whereas the

215 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

as-cast bars are more scattered. This result correlates 95Pt5Ru, all alloys report values that are so close in the
well with observations of lower porosity levels together before and after HIP conditions that any difference is
with a more homogeneous grain size and structure in seen as essentially inconsequential. Even the 95Pt5Ru
the HIPed samples. that shows a 12-point spread is not considered enough
As stated above, reduction of area values posted to be characterised as an appreciably harder material
the most impressive gains in the HIPed product. by performance. Thus we can conclude that hardness
This property is of particular interest in the jewellery is not significantly impacted by HIP on the platinum-
industry given the substantial amount of bending and based alloys we tested.
forming that is inherent in stone setting, engraving,
sizing and myriad bench operations. Reduction of area Conclusions
indicates a material’s ductility and is crucial to successful
performance in many of these operations. Figures 15(a) The most significant impact of HIP on platinum-based
and 15(b) demonstrate a profound visual difference in alloys is a reduction in porosity. Reduced levels of
ductility between the test bar fractures in the as-cast porosity have several associated benefits, including
and HIPed 95Pt5Ru. a marked increase in ductility in the majority of the
alloys tested without sacrificing strength. Of the tensile
properties tested, the most impressive response was
(a) found in the values for ROA, a key indicator of an
alloy’s ductility.
Another meaningful result demonstrated here was
HIP’s effect on grain structure and size. Although
further testing is needed to fully characterise this
aspect, our initial research confirms a more uniform
grain size and structure in the HIPed samples without
any increases in grain size, at least for the alloy
Findings also confirm that the response to HIP is
strongly impacted by the alloy’s composition. 95Pt5Ru
benefits the most due to its higher levels of porosity
present in the as-cast condition, and 95Pt5Co having
Fig. 15. (a) 95Pt5Ru as-cast 55% ROA; (b) 95Pt5Ru HIPed lower porosity benefits the least.
87% ROA Further work is recommended to more closely
assess the impact of qualitative changes in the HIPed
product on manufacturing operations. Empirical
Hardness Testing evidence strongly suggests greater ease in post-
cast operations due to the elimination of sub-surface
Table VI reports Vickers hardness values (6) for three micro-porosity and a generally more consistent
of the tested alloys. With the possible exception of metallurgical condition, including uniformity of grains.
In addition, the increased ductility of HIPed platinum
Table VI Vickers Microhardness Results alloys should, in theory, result in a lower number of
failures during metal bending and forming operations.
Vickers Hardness HV1a
Alloy As-cast HIPed Acknowledgements
90Pt10Ir 113 111 123
The authors would like to acknowledge the original
90Pt10Rh 89 89 n/a publishers, Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry
Manufacturing Technology 2014, ed. Eddie Bell
95Pt10Ru 113 125 128
(Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research, 2014) for
95Pt5Co 126 122 n/a permission to re-publish this work.
Error: ± 3 HV1

216 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

3. “Standard Test Method for Density, Oil Content, and

This research was supported in part by the German
Interconnected Porosity of Sintered Metal Structural
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Parts and Oil-Impregnated Bearings”, (Withdrawn
under the IGF program (Project No. AiF-IGF 16413N). 2009), ASTM Standard B328-96(2003)e1, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania,
References USA, 2003
1. T. Fryé and J. Fischer-Bühner, ‘Platinum Alloys in the 4. G. Ainsley, A. A. Bourne and R. W. E. Rushforth,
21st Century: A Comparative Study’, in "The Santa Platinum Metals Rev.,1978, 22, (3), 78
Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology 5. “Metallic Materials – Tensile Testing – Part 1: Method
2011", ed. E. Bell, Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of Test at Room Temperature”, DIN EN ISO 6892-1:
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 15th–18th May, 2011, 2009-12, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin,
Met-Chem Research Inc, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Germany, 2009
USA, 2011, pp. 201–230 6. “Metallic Materials – Vickers Hardness Test – Part
2. “Elements of Metallurgy and Engineering Alloys”, ed. 1: Test Method”, DIN EN ISO 6507-1:2006-03,
F. C. Campbell, ASM International, Ohio, USA, 2008, Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin, Germany,
p. 265 2006

The Authors
Ms Teresa Fryé has over 25 years’ experience working in the investment casting industry. She
started her career at Precision Castparts Corp, USA, one of the world’s largest investment casters,
serving the international customer base for high-temperature aerospace castings. In 1994 she co-
founded TechForm Advanced Casting Technology, a company that specialises in shell casting of
platinum group metals. She holds a BA in International Affairs and graduate studies in Psychology
from Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, USA.

Joe Strauss has a PhD in Materials Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. He
has over 30 years of experience in developing atomisation and powder metallurgy technologies
for non-traditional materials including precious metals for jewellery, dental, electronic and medical
applications. His work includes design and fabrication of atomisation systems, research and
development in powder metallurgy and engineering troubleshooting for manufacturing processes.

Dr-Ing Jörg Fischer-Bühner holds a PhD in Physical Metallurgy and Materials Technology from the
technical university RWTH Aachen, Germany. He is currently active in Research & Development
for Legor Group SpA (Bressanvido, Italy) as well as INDUTHERM Erwärmungsanlagen GmbH
(Walzbachtal, Germany). His work has included manufacturing support, failure analysis, training
and consultancy to manufacturing companies, and his research has focused on alloy properties
and manufacturing technologies, especially precious metal alloys for jewellery, dental and electrical
engineering applications.

Ulrich E. Klotz graduated from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, as a Diploma Engineer in
Physical Metallurgy and has a PhD in Materials Science from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. He is Head
of the Department of Physical Metallurgy at the fem.

217 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 218–220


“Exploring Materials through Patent Information”

By David Segal (Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK), Royal Society of Chemistry,
Cambridge, UK, 2015, 244 pages, ISBN:978-1-78262-112-6, £24.99, €31.24,

Reviewed by Julia O’Farrelly hard drives and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Blounts Court, scanners. The success of additive layer manufacturing
Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9NH, UK (ALM), also known as additive manufacturing (AM) or
‘three-dimensional (3D) printing’ technology, depends
Email: on the availability of plastics that can be converted into
molten droplets and of ceramic and metal powders that
can be formulated for use in a range of different ALM
The majority of books and reviews on any area of techniques.
technology development tend to focus on information Chapter 1 also provides a basic introduction to
published in the journal literature; reviews of the patents, covering ‘what is a patent?’ and patent
patent literature are more often confined to the prior structure (front page data, background to the invention,
art sections of patent documents. However, patents summary of the invention, embodiments, drawings
remain one of the best sources of detailed technical and claims). Sections are included on patent filing,
information, particularly where the invention may have patent infringement and patent searching. The book
commercial significance, and it is good to see this stresses the importance of seeking specialist advice
reviewed in a book. from qualified practitioners. As with much of the
The author, David Segal, is a graduate of Trinity book, however, too many topics are included, making
College Cambridge, UK. In his long career he has coverage superficial.
worked widely in the fields of chemicals and materials Chapters 2–13 review a wide range of emerging
and has published a number of patents and papers. technologies in the context of patent information: light
emitting diodes, quantum dots, organic light emitting
Introduction: Exploring the World of Materials diodes (OLEDs), liquid crystals and liquid crystal
through Patent Information displays, ALM or ‘3D printing’, healthcare, block
copolymers, aerogels, ionic liquids, flame retardants,
In Chapter 1 Segal provides a general introduction to the graphene, hydrogels and super-hydrophobic materials.
topic of materials for the non-specialist. He makes the I have chosen three of these chapters to review below.
point that materials underpin many of the technological
advances that we know in everyday life; for example, Additive Layer Manufacturing
the use of lanthanide elements as phosphors to
generate colour in display screens, or the application of Chapter 6 is titled ‘3D Printing’. Segal describes the
neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) magnets in computer evolution of this process starting from Swanson and

218 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Kremer’s photopolymerisation by computer controlled Organic Light Emitting Diodes

laser beams. In fused deposition modelling, 3D
parts are built up layer-by-layer from a thermoplastic Chapter 4 discusses the development of OLEDs.
material using a digital representation of the part. In It starts with a review of the early development
selective layer sintering a layer of metal, ceramic or of electroluminescence, for example the work by
polymer powder is deposited under computer control Gurnee and Fernandez which showed that a doped
and sintered by scanning a laser across the surface. In host material with a conjugated structure, such as
each case the process is repeated to ultimately form a anthracene, gave off green light when placed between
3D part. The use of the term ‘3D printing’ was coined two electrodes (4). Pioneering work by Friend et al. on
later by Sachs et al. and used, for example, in their conjugated polymers such as poly(p-phenylvinylene)
1993 patent (1). (PPV) formed the basis of polymer light emitting
The chapter goes on to give a number of examples of diodes (PLEDs) (5). Later it was discovered that
patents on applications of ALM (Figure 1). Aerospace organic phosphorescent materials, which can emit
components are discussed, as are dental prostheses light in the triplet state, are potentially more efficient
and biomedical implants. Among the aerospace than fluorescent materials which can emit only in
examples, Segal describes a high temperature AM the singlet state. The example is given of the green
process to make titanium near-net-shape metal leading phosphorescent emitter tris(2-phenylpyridine)iridium,
edge protective strips for aerofoils (2). A key feature Ir(ppy)3. Of course the phosphorescent emitter layer is
is heat transfer away from the support mandrel. In the only one of a complex series of material layers and the
dental field he describes the use of selective laser development of complex circuitry is an essential part of
powder processing to build up a jaw structure from the realisation of a working OLED device.
titanium (3). Although Segal reproduces technical
details of the laser required to melt the metal particles, Graphene
he does not discuss the significance of such a process,
which in this case is the ability to fabricate complex Chapter 12 discusses graphene, a material which has
shapes without lengthy pre- or post-processing and received much interest since its discovery in 2004.
the ability to customise parts to individual patient The development of methods for making it, including
requirements in the same production run. wet chemical processes, vapour phase processes,
Some examples are also given of components needed the use of ionic liquids and electrochemical methods,
for ALM machines such as shutter mechanisms and have been key; details of these processes are best
wiper blades. found in the patent literature. The chapter goes on to

Number filed


Fig. 1. Filing rates in additive layer manufacturing (Copyright Coller IP)

219 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

discuss potential methods for large scale production have helped to round out a promising but somewhat
of graphene, essential for successful exploitation; disappointing volume.
chemical vapour deposition is one such method.
Incorporation of graphene flakes into the polymer “Exploring Materials through
matrix of a fibre reinforced composite can increase its Patent Information”
compressive strength, potentially useful in racquets
and other sports equipment. In lithium-ion batteries,
multilayer graphene films have been evaluated for use
as an anode and graphene platelets have been used to
reinforce the matrix of a cathode material.


Overall, the book does effectively make the point that

patents contain a wealth of technical information and
should be considered alongside journals and other
sources when researching a topic. It successfully gives
a broad overview of the historical development of each
topic, with references in the form of patent numbers References
which serve as a starting point for further reading.
1 E. M. Sachs, J. S. Haggerty, M. J. Cima and P. A.
The focus is very much geared to demonstrating the
Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
technical detail that can be found, with examples
‘Three-dimensional Printing Techniques’, US Patent
of material compositions and experimental data as 5,204,055; 1993
claimed in individual patents.
2 M. W. Peretti and T. Trapp, General Electric
However, this reviewer believes that it tries to
Company, ‘Methods for Making Near Net Shape
cover too much material in too small a volume and Airfoil Leading Edge Protection’, US Patent Appl.
as a result does not really do any individual topic full 2011/0,143,042
justice. Too many patents are referenced and too much
3 J.-P. Kruth, I. Naert and B. Vandenbroucke,
non-essential experimental detail from the patents is ‘Procedure for Design and Production of Implant-
included. At the same time, the significance of each based Frameworks for Complex Dental Prostheses’,
invention is often not clear without going back to the US Patent Appl. 2008/0,206,710
original patent source and this detracts from the overall 4 E. F. Gurnee and R. T. Fernandez, The Dow Chemical
readability. Company, ‘Organic Electroluminescent Phosphors’,
Segal’s book does not touch on how patents have US Patent 3,172,862; 1965
altered the course of development of a technology by 5 R. H. Friend, J. H. Burroughes and D. D. Bradley,
impacting different companies’ freedom to exploit it; Cambridge Research and Innovation Ltd, Cambridge
nor does it make any reference to how the existence Capital Management Ltd and Lynxvale Ltd,
of patents has affected the commercial development of ‘Electroluminescent Devices’, US Patent 5,247,
a technology. In my opinion, such a discussion would 190; 1993

The Reviewer
Julia O’Farrelly is a Principal Information Analyst in the Technology Forecasting and Information
group at Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Sonning Common, UK. She is interested in
emerging technologies and their development and commercialisation and the use of patents as a
tool in understanding technology landscapes.

220 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 221–232


“Urea-SCR Technology for deNOx After Treatment

of Diesel Exhausts”
Edited by Isabella Nova and Enrico Tronconi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy),
Fundamental and Applied Catalysis, Springer Science+Business Media, New York,
USA, 2014, 716 pages, ISBN: 978-1-4899-8071-7, £171.00, €239.99, US$249.00

An essay book review by Martyn V. Twigg Under these conditions TWCs cannot be used and
TST Ltd, Caxton, Cambridge CB23 3PQ, UK alternative technologies were developed for the control
of HCs and CO by oxidation catalysts. An undesirable
*Correspondence may be sent via Johnson Matthey characteristic of older diesel engines was the black
Technology Review: soot they produced. This was considerably reduced
by fuelling and combustion engineering improvements
and was effectively eliminated by the use of diesel
The introduction and development of catalytic control particulate filters (DPFs) which were introduced a
for exhaust gas emissions from vehicles has been one decade ago. The remaining difficult challenge has
of the major technical achievements over the last four been the control of NOx emissions from both light and
decades. A huge number of cars were manufactured heavy duty diesel vehicles. Two technologies have
during this time that provided society with a high been recently introduced to do this, though only one,
degree of personal mobility and without the continuous ammonia selective catalytic reduction (SCR), appears
development of emissions control technologies the to be able to provide the necessary performance
atmospheric pollution derived from them would have for future demands under a wide range of driving
been overwhelming. Three-way catalysts (TWC) were conditions. The present book is about diesel engine
introduced on traditional gasoline powered cars in the NOx emissions control by ammonia (derived from
early 1980s to control the emissions of hydrocarbons urea) SCR, and before detailing the book’s contents
(HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides some background information is given which provides
(NOx) and have since been developed so that today a suitable context. Because of higher exhaust gas
tailpipe emissions of these pollutants can be reduced temperatures control of emissions from heavy duty
by more than 99.5% and tailpipe emission levels can be diesel vehicles is less demanding than with light duty
less than in the surrounding ambient air. During more ones, so the emphasis here is on diesel cars.
recent years, and especially in Europe, the proportion
of diesel powered cars has increased rapidly so 1. Background
now about half of new European cars have a diesel
1.1 Exhaust Gas Temperature
engine. Control of their tailpipe emissions has been
particularly challenging because of their low exhaust The control of tailpipe emissions from vehicles powered
gas temperature and the presence of excess oxygen. by traditional stoichiometric gasoline engines with

221 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

TWC is now highly advanced and can achieve almost Once diesel fuel sulfur levels were reduced from the
complete removal of the three gaseous pollutants very high levels of two decades ago in Europe control
CO, HCs and NOx under normal driving conditions. In of CO and HC emissions from all diesel engines by
practice reductions of more than 99.5% are possible, oxidation catalysts became feasible although special
and a contributing factor for such a good performance catalysts had to be developed for the low operating
is the relatively high temperature of the exhaust temperature cars.
gas. In contrast the control of diesel engine exhaust
gas emissions under lean conditions has been more
1.2 Particulate Control with Filters
problematic for two main reasons. The first problem This was followed by control of particulate matter
results from the efficiency of diesel engines that under (PM or soot) by the introduction of filter technologies
part load conditions can result in particularly low that enabled engine measures to further reduce
exhaust gas temperatures. For example, the exhaust engine-out NOx levels without being overly concerned
gas temperature of a small European car with a gasoline about increased PM that was handled by the filter
engine may typically be in the region of 350ºC to 475ºC system. Traditionally the main approach for controlling
in the urban part of the European test cycle, whereas NOx from small diesel engines has been via engine
the same car with a diesel engine may be around measures, including the use of exhaust gas recycle
150ºC as shown in Figure 1, and designing catalysts to (EGR) and improving injection fuelling to produce ever
operate efficiently at such low temperatures has been finer sprays via multiple smaller injector nozzles and via
a major challenge, particularly when fuel sulfur levels increasing fuel pressures. EGR works by decreasing
were higher than they are today! the amount of oxygen in the combustion charge that
Heavy duty diesel engines in trucks generally operate reduces the fuel burn rate and the peak temperatures
under higher engine percentage loads and over as well as somewhat increasing heat capacity of the
appropriate duty cycles they can have much higher combusting charge.
exhaust gas temperatures than their passenger car There is a trade-off between NOx and PM. Reducing
counterparts, typically up to around 400ºC. So here engine-out NOx normally results in an increase in PM.
there is considerably more scope for catalytic emissions This is because a higher combustion temperature
control. reduces PM by increased burning of residual


700 1.6 l Gasoline 1.8 l Diesel

Inlet temperature, ºC/speed, kph







0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time, s
Fig. 1. Exhaust gas temperatures during the European test cycle for the same family size car equipped with a similar
displacement gasoline and diesel engine. Throughout the test cycle the exhaust gas temperature is much lower with the diesel
engine than that with the gasoline engine

222 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

carbonaceous PM but thermodynamically high 2M(NO3)2 → 2MO + 4NO + 3O2 (iii)

temperatures favour formation of endothermic NOx
(see Figure 2). This trade-off was broken by fitment of 2NO + 2CO → N2 + 2CO2 (iv)
DPF that recently enabled achievement of car diesel
engines with engine-out NOx levels significantly below This technology works well on smaller diesel cars,
0.1 g km–1 in the combined European test cycle. although it has temperature limitations reflecting
the thermodynamic stability of the metal nitrates
1.3 NOx Control Technologies concerned.
Notwithstanding the improvements just mentioned, The second NOx control technology, and the
more recently NOx control has become increasingly subject of the present book, is ammonia SCR that
important, driven by ever more stringent NOx emissions involves reaction of NOx with ammonia to form
legislation. This legislation requires additional catalytic nitrogen and water. Ammonia SCR technology was
aftertreatment to meet the NOx standards for diesel introduced on power plant applications in Japan in
vehicles, especially cars, and two approaches have the early 1970s, and some twenty years later it was
become established. adopted for use in heavy duty diesel vehicles that
In the first of these catalytic approaches, NOx trapping, have exhaust gas temperatures appropriately high
under normal driving lean conditions NO is oxidised to use the traditional vanadium-based catalysts.
to NO2 as in Equation (i). This undergoes further Ammonia was derived from urea solution that was
oxidation as it is stored as a metal nitrate, Equation (ii), injected into the exhaust gas where it hydrolyses
followed at intervals by a reductive regeneration that forming ammonia and carbon dioxide (see
converts the stored NOx to nitrogen. In this process Equation (v)).
NOx is liberated usually as NO, Equation (iii), that is However, the temperatures on light duty diesel
reduced over a rhodium component in much the same vehicles are too low for efficient operation of the older
way as a TWC functions on a traditional gasoline car, SCR vanadium-based catalyst formulations and so
Equation (iv). after much effort base metal zeolite catalysts were
introduced that can operate effectively at remarkably
NO + ½O2 à NO2 (i)
low temperatures and already increasingly large
numbers of cars on European roads are equipped
MCO3 + NO2 à MNO3 + CO2 (ii)
with this SCR technology.

Nitric oxide concentration, ppm





1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500

Temperature, K
Fig. 2. Concentrations of NO at high temperatures in equilibrium with nitrogen (0.8 bar) and various amounts of oxygen;
the highest curve corresponds to 0.2 bar, and subsequent lower curves 0.15, 0.05 and 0.02 bar respectively. Derived from
measurements made by W. Nernst (1); modern theoretical values are somewhat higher

223 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

More than thirty years ago a very important 2. Topics Covered

discovery was made about the effect of the ratio of
NO2 to NO on the rate of the ammonia SCR reaction This book has 22 chapters by eminent contributors and
over vanadium-based catalysts. The reaction is much is appropriately edited by Professors Isabella Nova and
faster when both are present. The reactions involved Enrico Tronconi from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy,
when urea ((NH2)2CO) is the source of ammonia are: whose Laboratory of Catalysis and Catalytic Processes
urea hydrolysis to give ammonia, shown overall in (LCCP) has a worldwide reputation for research on the
Equation (v); a rapid reaction when just NO is present, control of NOx emissions especially by ammonia SCR
Equation (vi); a particularly slow reaction when NO 2 reactions. This very well produced book includes some
is present alone, Equation (vii); and an amazingly colour illustrations and it is divided into eight parts that
fast reaction when the ratio of NO2 to NO is 1:1, that are detailed in the following sections.
is known as the fast SCR reaction, Equation (viii). 2.1 Part 1. Selective Catalytic Reduction
Depending on the actual SCR catalyst used it can Technology
therefore be important that an appropriate upstream
oxidation catalyst provides the SCR catalyst with The first part of the book has two chapters with the first
entitled ‘Review of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
a suitable mixture of NO and NO2, although some
and Related Technologies for Mobile Applications’
modern copper zeolite catalysts are less sensitive to
by Timothy Johnson (Corning, USA). It provides an
the NO/NO2 ratio than other catalysts.
overview of relevant legislation and progress in engine
Urea hydrolysis (NH2)2CO + H2O à 2NH3 + CO2 (v) developments to reduce engine-out NOx levels, before
detailing mobile SCR systems using urea in solution
Standard reaction 4NH3 + 4NO + O2 à 4N2 + 6H2O (vi) as the source of ammonia. This chapter relies heavily
on illustrations reproduced from a variety of original
Slow reaction 4NH3 + 4NO2 à 4N2 + 6H2O + O2 (vii) publications that appear not to have been redrawn
so there is, unfortunately, a lack of style consistency.
Fast SCR reaction 4NH3 + 2NO + 2NO2 à 4N2 + 6H2O (viii) Notwithstanding this the chapter collects together
much valuable and practical information.
There have been extensive studies on the
The second chapter called ‘SCR Technology for
mechanism of ammonia SCR reactions, and by
Off-highway (Large Diesel Engine) Applications’
analogy with known reactions of discrete compounds
is by Daniel Chatterjee and Klaus Rusch (MTU
it may be suggested that rapid decomposition of
Friedrichshafen GmbH, Germany) and is concerned
ammonium nitrite (Equation (ix)) is important in the
with large diesel engines used in marine applications,
SCR surface catalysed process forming nitrogen. mining trucks and trains as well as in electrical power
At higher temperatures one route to undesirable generation units. These engines usually operate under
nitrous oxide (N 2O) emissions might be from high load conditions so have high temperature exhaust
decomposition of ammonium nitrate-like surface gas, enabling good SCR performance with conventional
species, Equation (x). The former reaction has been vanadium-based catalysts, but their fuel invariably
used to prepare chemically pure nitrogen (free of contains high sulfur levels and this can cause a variety
atmospheric argon) and the latter to manufacture of problems. For example, newer zeolite-based SCR
N 2O. catalysts are poisoned and do not work well, and at
these quite high operating temperatures some sulfur
NH4NO2 à N2 + 2H2O (ix)
dioxide (SO2) can be oxidised to sulfur trioxide (SO3),
NH4NO3 à N2O + 2H2O (x) Equation (xi). If any ammonia slip is present this can
form particulate ammonium sulfate and/or ammonium
However, the surface SCR reactions are complex bisulfate according to Equations (xii) and (xiii), as well
and recently nitrate species have been shown as sulfuric acid mist that can itself cause difficulties,
to have important roles in the fast SCR reaction. Equation (xiv).
Chapters in this book go a long way to help the
reader to unravel some of the mechanistic details. SO2 + ½O2 à SO3 (xi)

224 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

2NH3 + SO3 + H2O à (NH4)2SO4 (xii) absorb more ammonia than do iron ones and under
dynamic transient conditions this can provide a
NH3 + SO3 + H2O à NH4HSO4 (xiii) significant performance advantage.
Because of their superior low-temperature
SO3 + H2O à H2SO4 (xiv) performance copper zeolite catalysts have been
adopted for use in car applications and these are
This well-illustrated chapter goes on to discuss discussed in the third chapter in this section by Hai-Ying
combined SCR systems such as SCR/filter Chen (Johnson Matthey, USA). The emphasis is on
combinations, and large scale SCR units, as well the the impact of the nature and physical properties of the
automated control strategies that are usually involved. zeolite type on catalytic performance, and in particular
the size of the zeolite pores classified as small, medium
2.2 Part 2. Catalysts or large. Small pore zeolites such as chabazites and
The second part of the book has four chapters that other small pore molecular sieve materials such as
focus on SCR catalysts, and the first of these by Jonas the silicon substituted aluminium phosphate SAPO-34
Jansson (Volvo, Sweden) discusses vanadium-based have outstanding hydrothermal stability, excellent SCR
catalysts used in heavy duty mobile SCR applications activity and importantly they form very low amounts
and highlights the legislative requirements before of the undesirable byproduct N2O. The introduction
considering catalyst properties. Because the vanadium- of these copper molecular sieve SCR catalysts into
based catalyst operates in the temperature range of the series production of diesel cars in Europe was an
optimum activity (say 300ºC–500ºC) they have been outstanding technical achievement that will provide a
widely used. Typical catalyst compositions are given high degree of NOx emissions control into the future.
as 1%–3% V2O5 plus about 10% tungsten trioxide Indeed one might expect that new materials will be
(WO3) impregnated onto a high surface area titania discovered that provide the necessary acidity and
(normally anatase) that is coated onto flow-through environment around the copper atoms to provide good
substrates. Related extruded catalyst compositions SCR activity and durability. However, these features
have also been widely used. Practical aspects such as are not unique in providing excellent ammonia SCR
selecting appropriate catalyst size (dimensioning), the performance. Some simple metal oxide catalysts have
effects of space velocity and ageing effects (thermal been shown to perform well and these are the subject
and poisoning) are considered, and it is clear vanadium of the last chapter in the part on SCR catalysts.
catalysts have had and will continue to have a major The last chapter in this part on catalysts is the result
role in this area. However, with reduced sulfur fuel of a collaboration by Gongshin Qi (General Motors,
levels the newer, higher activity zeolite-based catalysts USA) and Lifeng Wang and Ralf T. Yang (University
discussed in the following chapter will probably become of Michigan, USA) that deals with low-temperature
increasingly important. SCR involving both zeolite and metal oxide ammonia
Appropriately the next chapter, by Todd J. Toop, John SCR catalysts as well as touching on developments
A. Pihl and William P. Partridge (Oak Ridge National with hydrogen SCR. They highlight the importance of
Laboratory, USA), is about iron-zeolite SCR catalysts. the method of making iron-ZSM5 catalysts. Aqueous
These were amongst the first metal zeolite catalysts impregnation with iron(III) salts does not lead to full
used in SCR applications, and because they can have metal incorporation into the pores because, it is
good high-temperature performance coupled with suggested, the heavily hydrated metal cations are
reasonable stability, they were introduced into gas too large for easy penetration, whereas impregnation
turbine applications at an early stage. In contrast copper with iron(II) species makes highly active catalysts.
zeolite catalysts usually have better low-temperature The interpretation of the origin of this effect may be
activity that falls off at higher temperatures as ammonia more complex because reduction of catalysts derived
is oxidised to NOx. Making sweeping generalisations from iron(III) salts gives improved activity. Again the
about the relative performance of SCR catalysts can be importance of small pore acidic molecular sieves is
problematic because several factors are involved such noted, as is the wide range of activities that can be
as: the type of zeolite involved, its silica to alumina obtained with different copper zeolite catalysts and
ratio, the metal loading and importantly the preparation their dual role in providing acid sites for formation of
method. However, in general copper-based catalysts ammonium cations and metal-based oxidation of NO

225 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

to NO2, leading to highly reactive ammonium nitrite- agreement that binary V—O—V moieties including
like species that decompose to nitrogen and water. a Brønsted site are the most active structures and
Manganese oxides can have excellent low-temperature a well-accepted mechanism is available for this
ammonia SCR activity, and clearly their oxidation site. Isolated VO2+ species exchanged into zeolite
capability is important. A wide variety of promoted structures are also active, apparently via a different
oxides have been investigated, but it appears their mechanism. Tungsten promoted vanadium appears
adoption has been restricted by a lack of tolerance to be effective by encouraging formation of isolated
to water and in particular sulfur poisoning. Moreover, V—O—V species. The active sites in iron and copper
increasing activity by using higher manganese loadings exchanged zeolites are then considered; here a huge
appears to result in the formation of more N2O. It is amount of research has been done over several
noted perhaps the most successful development in decades trying to identify the intimate mechanistic
this area was made by Shell who in the early 1990s details and the nature of the active SCR sites. Much
developed a relatively low-temperature ammonia SCR of the earlier work involved exchanged ZSM-5,
process using a vanadium on titania catalyst promoted and then more recently beta-zeolite and small pore
by transition metal species. molecular sieves were studied. As previously noted
Hydrogen can be a reductant in NOx SCR reactions a key feature is the low temperature performance
and over platinum group metal (pgm) catalysts. of the copper catalysts and the higher temperature
The reactions that can take place are shown in durability of the iron catalysts. The metal centres may
Equations (xv)–(xvii). be associated with NO oxidation. An added advantage
of the iron catalysts, like the earlier vanadium ones,
2NO + 4H2 + O2 à N2 + 4H2O (xv)
is tolerance towards sulfur that is in marked contrast
to the poison sensitive copper catalysts. Although
½O2 + H2 à H2O (xvi)
there has been considerable speculation about the
2NO + 3H2 + O2 à N2O + 3H2O (xvii) roles of monomeric, dimeric and oligomeric metal
active centres their general relative importance is
High conversions of NO in the presence of oxygen at unclear. Brønsted acidic zeolite sites have been
low temperatures are possible, although as might be thought to be a means of concentrating ammonium
expected, at higher temperatures the direct reaction ions close to the metal centres, but the importance of
of hydrogen with oxygen, Equation (xvi), increasingly this is questioned by more recent work on non-zeolite
takes place, and NO conversion decreases because conventional oxide catalysts some of which can have
less hydrogen is available for the SCR reaction. As a good performance.
result an operational temperature window is formed in The next chapter by Masaoki Iwasaki (Toyota, Japan),
which NO conversion is optimised. A serious detraction is about mechanistic aspects of the ammonia/NO
from these hydrogen SCR pgm catalyst systems is the reaction in excess oxygen, Equation (vi), that is the
high proportion of N2O that can be formed. A better traditional standard or rapid ammonia SCR reaction.
catalyst in this respect appears to be a palladium Results are given for reactions involving copper and iron
promoted vanadium on titania/alumina that retains exchanged ZSM-5, a tungsten-promoted vanadium on
good low-temperature SCR performance and has titania catalyst as well as the acid form of ZSM-5. The
reduced N2O formation although this is probably still expected reaction order of copper was greater than
too high for practical applications. iron and vanadium catalysts. Kinetic parameters such
as apparent activation energies and apparent reaction
2.3 Part 3. Mechanistic Aspects orders were reported for the separate oxidation of
This part of the book is concerned with the mechanistic ammonia and NO as well as the ammonia-NO-oxygen
aspects of SCR reactions and has three chapters, the reaction. Generalising for the ammonia NO SCR
first of which is by Wolfgang Grunert (Ruhr University reaction the order in NO is positive and close to one,
Bochum, Germany) on the nature of SCR active sites. the order in oxygen is fractional and that for ammonia is
The range of available characterisation techniques are negative, reflecting its strong adsorption that can result
first outlined before the surface science techniques in reaction inhibition. There is a strong correlation
that have been used are highlighted. Vanadium-based between SCR activity and NO oxidation activity. A
catalysts are considered first, and there is general considerable amount of carefully determined transient

226 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

response data is reported and several catalytic cycles and NO2 is much faster. The overall fast SCR reaction
are presented. The mechanistic conclusions are similar may be considered to go via the disproportionation
to those previously noted. of NO2 to nitrite, the nitrate oxidation of NO to nitrite
There then follows an important chapter on the role of and the formation of surface ammonium nitrite that
NO2 in ammonia SCR reactions by the editors Isabella spontaneously decomposes to water and nitrogen.
Nova and Enrico Tronconi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy). All the steps involved in the fast SCR reaction are
The most obvious role of NO2 is in combination with summarised in Table I. The required oxidant provided
NO in the fast SCR reaction. Ammonia and NO2 are by NO2 in the fast SCR reaction can also be supplied
strongly adsorbed and interact on the catalyst surface. by addition of ammonium nitrate in what is called
The reaction of NO2 with surface oxide ions affords enhanced SCR.
nitrate and nitrite ions, according to Equation (xviii),
with the latter being further oxidised by NO2 to nitrate
2.4 Part 4. Reaction Kinetics
and NO via Equation (xix) so the overall stoichiometry There are three chapters in the part of the book on
is as shown in Equation (xx). These reactions are in the reaction kinetics of ammonia SCR reactions,
equilibrium and depend on concentration, temperature and fittingly the first is by Isabella Nova and Enrico
and catalyst oxidation state. Tronconi. This is on SCR reactions over vanadium(V)
oxide (V2O5)/WO3 supported on titania catalyst, and
2NO2 + O2– ⇌ NO3– + NO2– (xviii)
they explain how measured unsteady state kinetic
parameters for all of the reactions concerned can be
NO2– + NO2 ⇌ NO + NO3– (xix)
incorporated into a computer model for the control of
3NO2 + O2– ⇌ 2NO3– + NO (xx) heavy duty diesel NOx control systems. At an intimate
mechanism level surface sites are indicated that include
The intimate mechanism of the SCR process is based a surface redox site at which oxygen is adsorbed, a
on nitrogen redox chemistry. In the standard slow SCR reaction site at which NO is adsorbed and an acidic
reaction oxygen is the oxidant taking NO to nitrite, and site to bond to ammonia. Reduced vanadium centres
in the fast SCR reaction the more powerful oxidiser NO2 are reoxidised by nitrate. It is concluded the fast SCR
is available and so the mixed reaction involving NO reaction proceeds via dimerisation of NO2 followed

Table I S
 ummary of the Individual Steps Involved in the Fast SCR Reaction over Vanadium-based and
Zeolite Metal Promoted Catalysts
Involving NO2 only

2NO2 ⇌ N2O4 NO2 dimerisation

N2O4 + O2– ⇌ NO2– + NO3– Disproportionation

NO2 + NO2– ⇌ NO + NO3– Nitrite oxidation by NO2

In the presence of NH3

2NH3 + H2O ⇌ 2NH4+ + O2– NH3 adsorption

NH4+ + NO2– ⇌ [NH4NO2] → N2 + 2H2O Nitrite reduction by NH3

NH4+ + NO3– ⇌ NH4NO3 Formation/dissociation of NH4NO3

NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O Formation of N2O

In the presence of NO

NO + NO3– ⇌ NO2 + NO2– Reduction of nitrate by NO

Fast SCR

2NH3 + NO + NO2 → 2N2 + 3H2O Overall reaction

227 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

by its disproportionation to surface nitrite and nitrate. aftertreatment components are discussed because of
Ammonium nitrite decomposes to nitrogen while nitrate the consequences it has on their rate of heating after
is reduced by NO to reform NO2. the engine starts. A number of other interesting aspects
The next chapter by Michael P. Harold (University are discussed including the complex behaviour of SCR
of Houston, USA) and Parnit Metkar (DuPont, USA) catalysts incorporated into a particulate filter. In the
provides a very good overview of the published absence of soot in the filter the pressure driven flow of
mechanistic work on ammonia SCR of NOx. They gas through the filter walls containing catalyst provides
consider not only kinetics and mechanisms but also better performance than the same amount of catalyst
the role of transport effects, especially in reactions on a flow-through substrate because of the absence
over iron exchanged zeolites and layered catalysts of diffusion resistances. However, the presence of a
comprising separate copper and iron zeolite layers. A substantial layer of soot can modify the situation: there
number of particularly important points are highlighted. is the potential reaction of NO2 with soot that reduces
Diffusion limitations can become significant for the fast the NO2/NO ratio which, with some SCR catalysts,
SCR reaction at temperatures just above 200ºC, first can reduce its performance. To compensate for this
diffusion within the catalyst pores; and increasing the effect more catalyst will be required. This might not
amount of ammonia rather than increasing the rate of the be physically possible and if it were possible more
standard SCR reaction with NO does not enhance the catalyst would increase backpressure across the filter.
reaction rate but rather slows it due to strong ammonia It is therefore important SCR catalyst incorporated into
adsorption causing site blocking. The reaction orders filters lack NO2/NO ratio sensitivity.
are one in NO, half in oxygen and –0.3 in ammonia and The other chapter in this part includes discussion
the corresponding activation energy of around 10 kcal about the understanding and measurements needed for
mol–1 could reflect a relatively low barrier for the rate SCR control systems by Ming-Feng Hsieh (Cummins,
limiting step since this was estimated under conditions USA) and Junmin Wang (Ohio State University, USA).
where diffusion effects were thought to be absent. SCR control systems have to take into account varying
Curiously on iron zeolite NO oxidation is inhibited by engine NOx emissions during real world driving and
water, but the standard SCR reaction is not. However, adopt the urea solution injections accordingly. Forward
the results of isotopic labelling experiments are control strategies have been used which make major
consistent with the decomposition of ammonium nitrite assumptions about catalyst ageing and degradation
being involved, Equation (ix), and a potentially important of ammonia capacity, but alone they are not adequate
route to ammonium nitrite is from NO reduction of the and some degree of feedback control using sensors is
nitrate. It is clear the mechanistic situation for the fast necessary. However, the present NOx sensors suffer
SCR reaction can be significantly complex, and the interference from ammonia, and this has to be taken
chapter concludes with an examination of two layer into consideration via sophisticated algorithms. In fact
copper zeolite/iron zeolite catalyst arrangement, and NOx sensors also have a sensitivity to the NO2/NO
aspects of reactor modelling. ratio resulting from the extra oxygen present in NO2.
The last chapter in this part, by Louise Olsson Ammonia sensors are being experimented with to
(Charmers University, Sweden), complements overcome some of the practical difficulties, but there
the previous one because it concerns the kinetic remain significant challenges so SCR control system
modelling of ammonia SCR reactions over copper development is an area of much activity.
zeolite catalysts. An often unappreciated fact, that is
highlighted, is under operating conditions the zeolite will
2.6 Part 6. Ammonia Supply
adsorb a large amount of water in addition to ammonia The three chapters in this part are about the production
with an enthalpy of adsorption of around 100 kJ mol–1 of a spray of urea solution in the exhaust gas flow, its
in the absence of competing adsorbates. conversion into ammonia gas, storage of ammonia in
SCR catalysts and the modelling of these processes. The
2.5 Part 5. Modelling and Control first chapter by Ryan Floyd (Tenneco, USA) and Levin
The first chapter in this part, about reactor models for Michael and Zafar Shaikh (Ford, USA) is about system
flow-through and wall-flow converters, is by Dimitrios architecture and includes the design of injectors and
Karamitros and Grigorios Koltsakis (Aristotle University mixing devices. The computer-based design of these
Thessaloniki, Greece). The arrangement of the different systems has resulted in reliable production of gaseous

228 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

ammonia with minimal deposition of troublesome CO(NH2)2 à NH3 + HNCO (xxi)

solids. The second chapter is about ammonia storage
and release by Daniel Peitz, Andreas Bernhard (Paul HNCO + H2O à NH3 + CO2 (xxii)
Scherrer Institute, Switzerland) and Oliver Kröcher
(EPFL, Switzerland) that focuses attention on the 2.7 Part 7. Integrated Systems
chemical reactions involved in converting urea to For performance, space constraints and cost
ammonia, Equations (xxi) and (xxii), before going on considerations it is desirable to integrate emissions
to discuss alternative ammonia sources. While some control functionality as much as possible, and the three
of these alternatives have some attraction, the use and chapters in this part of the book are about this topic.
distribution of urea solution is now so well established The first chapter details an experimental and modelling
it seems unlikely it will be displaced. The third and study of dual-layer ammonia slip catalysts (ASCs)
final chapter in this part is about gas flow modelling by by Isabella Nova, Massimo Colombo and Enrico
Gianluca Montenegro and Angelo Onorati (Politecnico Tronconi (Politecnico di Milano) and Volker Schmeiβer,
di Milano). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have Brigitte Bandl-Konrad and Lisa Zimmermann (Daimler,
been used for many years to optimise distributed Germany). The amount of ammonia fed to a SCR
flow through monolithic honeycomb catalysts and the catalyst must be sufficient to reduce the varying amounts
exhaust system as a whole, and these techniques have of NOx produced by the engine while maintaining the
been successfully applied to systems involving SCR quantity of ammonia stored in the catalyst to ensure
NOx reduction (Figure 3). A high degree of mixing optimum NOx reduction performance. As highlighted
ammonia with the exhaust gas is essential for high elsewhere in this review, the control systems designed
overall performance. to maintain this situation under dynamic transient

Electronic control unit (EDC 17) Tank

or dosing control unit (DCU 17)
incl. SCR functions

Supply module SM 5.1 (PC)

or SM 5.2 (LD)
Actuators Sensors (Defined welding interface to the
Heater control unit tank. Heater, lifetime filter, level
(HPU-PC) and temperature sensor on module
(only with EDC 17) for tank integration. Pump module
Engine CAN consisting of supply and emptying
pump as replacement part)
Glow control unit (GCU)
with integrated heater
control Coolant Differential Particle NOx
(only with EDC 17) pressure sensor sensor sensor

Dosing module
DM 3.4
sensor 2 temp. sensors

Exhaust Mixer SCR-on-filter


Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of a car exhaust gas emissions control system comprising an oxidation catalyst, wall-flow particulate
filter, and flow-through SCR catalyst. Key components include a urea solution tank (heated in cold weather), dosing spray
module and static mixer, temperature and NOx sensors. (Source: Robert Bosch GmbH)

229 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

conditions can be effective but occasionally in some has been a major challenge that has been overcome
circumstances excess ammonia may slip from the and such filters are now in series production on some
SCR catalyst, and oxidation catalysts have been European diesel cars.
developed to control the amount of escaping ammonia
by converting it to nitrogen. They need to have high
2.8 Part 8. Case Histories
selectivity towards the production of nitrogen, and they There are two chapters in the last part of the book about
can have SCR activity should any NOx be present. The practical applications of urea SCR systems to series
situations examined were the traditional arrangement of production vehicles. The first, entitled ‘Development
of a separate special oxidation catalyst after a SCR of the 2010 Ford Diesel Truck Catalyst System’ by
catalyst, a layer of oxidation catalyst above which was Christine Lambert and Giovanni Cavataio (Ford,
a layer of SCR catalyst as well as a physical mixture of USA), is a well written contribution with well sized clear
the two catalysts. An iron zeolite catalyst was used and illustrations. It provides a nice overview of the SCR
when this was present as an upper layer on the oxidation work done in Ford since the early 1990s. By 1995 they
catalyst there was enhanced selectivity to nitrogen and had demonstrated a SCR NOx-control system on a
a small amount of additional NOx reduction. light duty diesel vehicle, and development continued
The second chapter in this part is about combining culminating in the USA with the introduction of the 2010
NOx-trapping catalysts with downstream SCR catalysts truck system. The evolution of copper zeolite catalysts
on diesel cars and is by Fabien Can, Xavier Courtois is detailed and practical aspects such as the importance
and Daniel Duprez (University of Pointiers, France). of durability of the upstream oxidation catalyst to
When a NOx-trap is regenerated by periodic enrichment maintain high NOx conversion through the then
of the exhaust gas ammonia can be formed, and the necessary appropriate NO2 to NO ratio. Also covered
reactions involved in this process are detailed before is the influence of packaging constraints, backpressure
giving the fascinating history of the use of this ammonia problems, and the temperature requirements for the
with a SCR catalyst. The ability of the SCR catalyst to NOx conversions required. It was clear a rapid heating
store significant amounts of ammonia enables it to cold start strategy was needed to enhance the exhaust
reduce NOx that is not retained in the NOx-trap during gas temperature so the emissions control system
normal lean operation. Although optimised systems would work efficiently at a sufficiently early stage.
have been used on series production cars it seems The 2011 model year system comprised two oxidation
likely further advances will be made in the future in this catalysts, urea solution injection, two SCR catalysts,
important area because it has the practical advantage and a silicon carbide particulate filter. The optimisation
of not requiring to store and inject urea solution into the work included substituting a proportion of the platinum
exhaust system. for palladium in the oxidation catalyst as a cost save,
The final chapter in this part is by Thorsten Boger although this resulted in poor (if any with an aged
(Corning, Germany) about the integration of SCR catalyst) NO oxidation to NO2. This was acceptable
catalysts into DPFs. The DPF materials in series because a NO2 insensitive copper/zeolite catalyst had
production are cordierite, various forms of aluminium been selected. Platinum/palladium formulations also
titanate, and silicon carbide. To reduce component had the advantages of reducing potential volatilisation
count, cost and possibly improve performance there of traces of platinum via its oxide that could influence
has been a move to incorporate catalytic functionality SCR catalyst selectivity, reduced low level emissions
into particulate filters especially those in light duty of N2O and not oxidising traces of SO2 to the more
diesel vehicles. This was first done with oxidation potent catalyst poison SO3. Both the oxidation catalyst
catalyst that removes CO and HCs during normal and the SCR catalyst had to have high thermal stability
driving and periodically provides high temperature to because they experience high temperatures during
initiate filter regeneration. This is done by oxidising active filter regeneration. The palladium-containing
partial combustion products from late injection of oxidation catalyst had durability, but early copper/zeolite
fuel into the engine. Recently SCR catalyst has been SCR catalysts and even those based on beta zeolite
incorporated into filters, and a large amount of catalyst did not have sufficient thermal stability. The availability
is required so that exceptionally high porosity filters of SCR catalysts based on small pore zeolites in 2007
are needed. Having sufficient strength and filtration provided the required higher thermal stability. The
efficiency with the necessary high porosity material ammonia storage capacity of SCR catalyst with a

230 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

suitable urea solution dosing strategy can significantly huge number of publications cited in this multi-author
enhance low temperature NOx conversion, although book. A wide variety of materials are catalytically
this has to be balanced with the possibility of ammonia active in ammonia SCR reactions, and several high
slip during high temperature filter regeneration. On the performance catalysts have become established
vehicle this requirement was obtained by the control commercially. These have the attributes of high
system. Exotherm problems on the SCR catalyst activity, the necessary good selectivity with minimal
during filter regeneration caused by HC adsorption and undesirable formation of N 2O as well as very good
carbon formation were all but eliminated with the small longevity associated with high thermal durability.
pore zeolite SCR catalyst. This chapter illustrates the The book provides an important up-to-date survey
huge amount of fundamental and development work of the state of SCR science and technology that over
that goes into the introduction of a successful vehicle recent years has undergone tremendous advances.
emissions control system incorporating urea-based Exceptionally high conversions of NOx to nitrogen
SCR that, of course, continues to be improved upon. with amazingly high selectivity are now possible at
The final chapter in this part, and the last in the temperatures so low they were thought impossible
book, is by Michel Weibel, Volker Schmeiβer and a decade ago. These improvements resulted from
Frank Hofmann (Daimler, Germany) and is a short development work targeting low-temperature NOx
contribution about computer models for simulation and control of emissions from diesel engine powered
development of exhaust gas systems incorporating cars. Development work continues in this area
urea-based SCR NOx control. Factors such as and further exciting developments are likely in the
maintaining the level of ammonia stored in the catalyst not too distant future that could take the form of
are particularly important with copper-based catalysts substituting urea as a source of ammonia for some
that operate best with a significant amount of stored other reductant derived from on board sources such
ammonia. The urea solution dosing strategy has to as water or diesel fuel.
satisfy this requirement under most engine operating The lack of consistent illustration style, equation
conditions without there being excess ammonia that numbering that could have been unified during
would be wasteful and potentially be an emission copyediting are easily criticised, as could the all too
problem. Independently determined kinetics for each brief index that does not for instance have important
of the catalytic reactions and catalysts involved are terms such as chabazite and SAPO. However, these
parameterised for ease of use in computer modules, failings do not detract from this book being a mine of
and in some instances compiled in data maps. The information that will be of value to researchers working
resulting simulation models are important during in the SCR area as well as a reference for students
the development and optimisation of the individual in chemistry, catalysis and chemical engineering. The
components and in identifying practical ways of editors are to be congratulated for bringing together
obtaining optimum overall operating performance. so many eminent contributors and completing such
This is complex and made more so by a need to take a major endeavour. This book should therefore be
into account the engine operation that determines made available in academic and industrial research
engine-out NOx emissions. libraries alike.

3. Conclusions

Ammonia SCR has become the technology of choice Reference

for control of NOx emissions from all but the smallest
diesel vehicles, and its importance is reflected in the 1 W. Nernst, Z. Anorg. Chem., 1906, 49, (1), 213

231 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

The Reviewer
Following Fellowships at the Universities of Toronto and Cambridge Martyn Twigg joined a
polymer group at ICI’s Corporate Laboratory in the North West of England, and after involvement
in projects at Agricultural Division at Billingham moved there in 1977. Martyn worked on catalysts
and catalytic processes including synthesis gas production via naphtha and natural gas steam
reforming, methanol and ammonia synthesis, and proprietary catalysts and processes for herbicide
manufacture and environmental protection applications. He studied catalyst activation and built a
much used off-site catalyst reduction unit. After managing an international polymerisation project he
was head-hunted to work at Johnson Matthey as Technology Director in the autocatalyst area that
he successfully led until being appointed Chief Scientist. This provided an opportunity for research
diversity that included carbon nanotube manufacture and catalysts for medical applications. He was
associated with four Queen’s Awards, and was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Applied
Catalysis Prize. He has more than 200 papers, co-authored books on transition metal mediated
organic syntheses and catalytic carbonylation. He produced the “Catalyst Handbook”, co-edits the
Fundamental and Applied Catalysis series with Michael Spencer, and has 150 published patent
families on catalysts and catalytic processes. Martyn has on-going collaborations with universities
and holds honorary academic positions, and runs an active consultancy and catalyst development


Computer Simulation of Automotive Emission

Control Systems
It has come to our attention that there was a mistake in the published article: M. Ahmadinejad, J. E. Etheridge,
T. C. Watling, Å. Johansson and G. John, Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (2), 152
(Equation (xix)):
kMax A
1 + A x (xix)

The equation should read:

kMax A x
1+Ax (xix)

232 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 233–242


Sintering and Additive Manufacturing: The New

Paradigm for the Jewellery Manufacturer
European jewellery industry poised to develop potential of direct metal laser
melting in precious metals

By Frank Cooper Rationale

Jewellery Industry Innovation Centre, School of
Jewellery, Birmingham City University, This paper intends to explore and open up for debate by
Birmingham, UK the jewellery industry what actions and understanding
might be required in order to facilitate the transfer
Email: and acceptance of precious metal direct metal laser
melting (DMLM) technologies and processes into a
manufacturing process specifically tailored for the
The use of various sintering technologies, allied to jewellery manufacturing industries and their related
suitable powder metallurgy, has long been the subject value and supply chains. The goal of the Jewellery
of discussion within the global jewellery manufacturing Industry Innovation Centre (JIIC) and its parent
community. This exciting, once theoretical and institution, the Birmingham School of Jewellery, UK, is to
experimental technology is now undoubtedly a practical encourage its students to develop, design and produce
application suitable for the jewellery industry. All parts computer aided design (CAD) examples of jewellery
of the jewellery industry supply and value chains, and products to challenge, prove, and democratise the
especially design and manufacturing, now need to processes and materials required for the application of
become aware very quickly of just how unsettling and precious metal DMLM technology into the production
disruptive this technology introduction has the potential facilities of small and medium-sized enterprises
to become. This paper will offer various viewpoints that (SMEs) within the jewellery manufacturing sector.
consider not only the technology and its application to The paper also assesses and attempts to quantify the
jewellery manufacture but will also consider the new current perceived industry needs for an adaptable,
design potentials of the technology to the jewellery low-volume and innovative new technology that will
industry. It will also briefly consider how that design facilitate rapid responses by SMEs to the consumer’s
potential is being taught to future generations of demands for more custom-made, individually designed
jewellery designers at the Birmingham School of and personalised jewellery products. Typical jewellery
Jewellery. We shall also discuss in some detail the manufacturing processes like lost-wax investment
economics of and potential for new and different casting or stamping do not have either the necessary
business models that this technological paradigm quick response times or, more importantly, the design
might offer the jewellery industry. and production flexibility required to address these

233 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

issues. This paper is intended to help increase industry could well be increasingly driven by a growing demand
awareness, knowledge, and especially it is hoped to for custom-made, personalised, individually designed
speed up jewellery industry uptake of the new design and innovative designs of high-quality and high-value
and production capabilities offered by the DMLM jewellery as high precious metal prices have resulted
processes for working with precious metals. in many consumers now considering the design and
innovation within a jewellery item as equal to if not
The Economic Argument more important than its base intrinsic value (4).
Increased affluence in the newly emerging economies,
This section will focus primarily on the European coupled with a rising number of marriages, working
jewellery market sector and its financial models. women, increased shopping opportunities and an
The European Union (EU) has traditionally been an online interest in fashion, are thought to be the main
important supplier of high-quality jewellery to the world’s driving forces behind the latest growth in precious metal
markets, and is also considered to be the second or jewellery sales in these areas. However, consumers
third largest market for jewellery consumption, after are also more careful with their spending. There is a
the USA (China and India vie for the other places growing fatigue towards ‘fast turnover fashions’ and
depending on the statistical analysis method used). many consumers now have increasing opportunity
Sales of jewellery in most EU countries are thought to favour good and uniquely personalised ‘statement’
to have risen steadily in the decade from 2005 to the designs and regard these as more important than the
present; however, this volume market is predominantly intrinsic value of a jewellery piece.
supplied with jewellery items manufactured outside the Global economic uncertainty makes it difficult to
EU. Socio-economic factors mean that it is very difficult predict future jewellery industry trends, but the market
for the European jewellery manufacturing industry is predicted in some quarters to begin to expand. In
to be competitive on price alone. Recent global, and the near future the EU jewellery market is expected
particularly EU, economic and financial crises have to grow, especially in the Eastern EU and accession
further impacted the EU jewellery manufacturing countries due in part to their newly emerging middle
industry and recent massive price rises in all precious classes. It is the contention of the present article that
metals have somewhat weakened jewellery sales. the EU market in particular will increasingly demand
Consumers seem to have reduced their expenditure on higher quality products, coupled with original designs
jewellery and sought personalised pieces with greater and statement jewellery with added perceived value,
associated personal value (1). personalisation, or new production technologies (5–8).
High-quality jewellery manufacturing has long A key question is therefore: “Is there a viable
been an important sector within the EU economy. economic argument for considering adoption of
Detailed information on employment statistics for the DMLM technology?”. The present author believes
EU jewellery industry is difficult to source and define that the jewellery manufacturing sector in the EU
accurately but there are thought to be some 30,000 has the potential to grow significantly further if new
smaller companies, with less than 250 employees each, high-technology approaches such as DMLM are
and around 200 larger companies with an estimated adopted and exploited effectively. While all materials
total of 180,000 employees. These are companies used in the production of precious metal jewellery are
that specialise either in a style of jewellery design or intrinsically expensive, DMLM offers a technology shift
in a stage of production (2). The World Gold Council that is able to potentially reduce material usage while
has estimated that in 2014 the global demand for gold offering new market opportunities.
jewellery was US $100 billion (3).
Within the EU and other developed economies, Technology and Design
consumers have been educated by the fast-moving,
digital, online revolution to expect a continuous and DMLM was developed during the 1990s in Germany
regularly updated choice of new and innovative (9). Beginning with CAD data, several layers of metallic
products. This has impacted consumer buying patterns, powder are successively deposited one on top of the
resulting in a surfeit of choice and an ever increasing other. Each layer of powder is heated using a focused
competition for their disposable incomes. It could safely laser beam corresponding to a selected cross-section of
be predicted that the future high-value jewellery market the part to be produced. The powder bed is then dropped

234 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

incrementally and another layer of powder is applied concepts and ideas into jewellery products is achieved
and smoothed by a blade prior to application of the next through a variety of technical processes including
pass of the laser beam, simultaneously fusing each new CAD (12), prototyping and light engineering based
layer of powder to the layer below it. The method differs processes and technical feasibility is traditionally a
from the related technique of direct metal laser sintering vital consideration at each stage of the design process.
(DMLS) in that the layer of metallic powder is fully molten As previously discussed, consumer demand for
throughout. The method does not require any binders or increasingly novel products has resulted in the need
fluxing agents. Each run of the laser beam partly overlaps for extreme flexibility in the design and production of
the preceding run, and a protective gas atmosphere is jewellery, the ability to respond rapidly to ever changing
maintained above the interaction zone of the laser beam demands, and the implementation of a streamlined
and the metallic powder. Once finished the powder bed product development process by manufacturers of
is removed from the machine and excess powder is personalised and custom-made products, not just
then removed and can be fully recycled, although some jewellery. The UK jewellery industry has a significant
sieving may be required. Figure 1 shows a schematic of global reputation for producing well-designed, well-made,
the process (10). high quality jewellery products, manufactured in
A key opportunity is presented to the EU jewellery controlled and regulated environments that meet the
manufacturing sector through the harnessing of the high expectations of their end consumers. A radically
emergent and rapidly maturing DMLM technologies new manufacturing approach could be considered as
and processes, which will facilitate the manufacture of being useful to help re-energise the precious metal
uniquely designed, high-value-added, often custom- jewellery manufacturing base and to help facilitate new
made, personalised, jewellery products that will be opportunities to boost production, increase profitability
inherently resistant to being copied (11). and regain market share. DMLM, which is nowadays
The initial concept and design phases define the routinely considered to be part of the rapid or additive
innovative nature of a jewellery product during the manufacturing (AM) stable of technologies, has now
early stages of its development. The process of become an accepted production solution within a
design enables the definition and development of range of industrial manufacturing sectors including
concepts and ideas and individual personalisation or aerospace, automotive, dental and medical, where AM
customisation of an item, facilitating commercially is used to manufacture parts in a range of ceramic,
viable new product development. The transfer of these polymeric and base metallic materials.

Tilted mirror
with focus

Burning point
granules) Object

Blade for
powder Platform and
retractable table

Powder delivery system Build space

Fig. 1. Schematic of the DMLM process (10) (Reproduced with the permission of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure eV,

235 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Early research undertaken in Sweden in 2005 (13) at the Birmingham School of Jewellery. Figure 2
and much more recently in the UK (14) and Europe shows just a few examples of their work. Each of them
has demonstrated that DMLM technologies could be explores and takes advantage various aspects of the
extended to the manufacture of products in precious geometric design freedoms that the DMLM process
metals, including 18 carat golds in various colours, offers. These items were produced for the students in
silver alloys and even platinum group metals. This a number of different metals by a UK based supplier
discovery led to some early global interest in the use of of a DMLM technology and were built on a Concept
DMLM for precious metal parts manufacture. However, Laser Mlab LaserCUSING ® by ES Technology Ltd.
the principal experience of precious metal DMLM to The JIIC is also currently actively involved with a UK
date has been largely limited to the cosmetic dental government funded DMLM of precious metals research
industry, which has adopted some digital production scheme called the Precious project, whose mission
solutions in precious metals (15). Additionally, this use statement reads:
of the technology in dentistry was restricted to a small
“To demonstrate the viability of precious metal
number of specialist gold alloys used for restorative
additive manufacturing within the UK Jewellery
dental crowns in non-jewellery specific alloys. Many
industry from design and manufacturing through
potential alternative uses for precious metal DMLM
to finishing, polishing and retail” (18).
have also been identified including electronics, fuel cell,
medical, catalytic and satellite applications and in the This is a two-year project aimed at elevating the current
manufacture of low-volume, high-value components in state of the art of DMLM AM within the UK precious
the prestige automotive, biomedical and marine sectors metal jewellery industry.
(16). There has also been much discussion concerning After a piece of jewellery has been designed and
the potential for precious metal DMLM and its intrinsic before it can be manufactured using DMLM a small
design benefits within the jewellery and high-value number of core activities need to take place:
goods sectors, but the research, capital investment, • Pre-Processing (Preparing pieces for
and metallurgical knowledge base required to set up manufacture). This essentially refers to all front
a precious metals DMLM sector have until now been end software-related activities including the design
considered largely prohibitive (17). process
Currently there are a small number of different DMLM • Processing (Manufacturing jewellery items using
technologies at various stages of development and use DMLM). This refers to the actual manufacturing
in and around the European jewellery sector. In 2011 process using DMLM technologies
the JIIC introduced and continues to deliver a teaching • Post-Processing (Manual and automated
module specifically about DMLM technologies and finishing and polishing processes). This refers to
their adaptation for jewellery design and manufacture the post-DMLM manufacture processing stages up
to the cohort of the Design for Industry (DFI) students to the point where an article is ready for sale.

Fig. 2. Examples of students’ work from the Birmingham School of Jewellery DFI DMLM module. From left to right: Natalia
Antunovity, Suyang Li, Tesni Odonnell, Tomas Binkevic

236 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Each of these steps is interdependent on the others

and they must take place in a logical sequence. When
combined together effectively this can result in the
production of novel and unique quality jewellery items.
Understanding these various activity interrelationships
has a profound effect on the eventual quality of any
DMLM printed jewellery. If a jewellery designer
understands, even on a fairly superficial level, what is
involved in each of these core activities then they will
be able to better design jewellery that not only takes
advantage of the geometric freedoms that DMLM
offers but also can be suitably post-processed to an
acceptable quality of finish. Fig. 4. An example of the CAD created support structures on
an Ojo
Case Study: The Ojo Project

To illustrate this a pendant piece from the Precious technology one on top of the other. Parts being built
project, called ‘the Ojo’, will be used to show the various using DMLM require a support structure (19), this is a
stages of designing and manufacturing jewellery for the scaffold-like construction, and supports all overhanging
DMLM process. The Ojo is intended to be an iterative parts enabling undercuts, voids and holes to be
design series of 100 pendants where each pendant produced. A jewellery designer will not need to be
produced is significantly different from the pendant able to create these supports, as they are added by
before and the pendant after. This is achieved by the the DMLM machine setter and the machine’s software
use of a CAD design algorithm that continually morphs package, but they will need an appreciation of the use
the basic pendant design. This pendant was conceived and application of supports as they leave a witness
and designed by Lionel T. Dean of Future Factories who mark or scarring when they have been removed, which
is a member of the Precious consortium of companies. will require extra cleaning up and finishing (similar to
The CAD file is created, saved as a stereolithography that required when removing a casting sprue). In theory
(STL) file and is shown in Figure 3. The next step is it is possible to build any shape, however if supported
to use a suitable software to generate and place the areas are visible but inaccessible, then the result will
support structures (Figure 4) that are a necessary be perceivably poor surface quality. A small change to
part of the DMLM process which requires the jewellery a design can eliminate the need for a lot of support
design to be ‘sliced’ in the software. The parts are built structures.
up of multiples of these slices printed by the DMLM Support structures are required in most, if not all, laser-
powered, metal-based DMLM processes, and there
are a number of divergent reasons for their presence.
To build complex geometries with overhanging and
undercut surfaces, support structures are required
to assist in controlling any potential defects in or on
the part being built. These defects may be caused by
the typical thermal stresses of the DMLM process,
occasionally by overheating, or most commonly by
being dragged over and disturbed by the re-coater
blade applying the next layer of powder. Supports are
most principally required because the powder bed
surrounding the very small melt pool created by the
laser is not sufficient to support the liquid metal phase
in place. Other functions of supports are the bonding
Fig. 3. CAD images of the Ojo of the part to the build plate and providing a thermally
conductive connection between the part and the build

237 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

plate to rapidly and effectively dissipate heat from the Once the build process has been completed the
melt zone. build plate piston is slowly raised, the surplus unused
The next step is to fill the machine with powder, load powder is carefully swept away and the ‘additively
up the STL file and set it into motion. A re-coater blade, manufactured’ jewellery item is exposed (Figure 6).
or brush, pushes fine, powdered, gold build material The part is then removed from the build platform and
from a carefully measured powder supply hopper to the support structures are also removed (Figure 7).
create a uniform layer over the build platform. The laser The witness marks or scarring left by the supports also
scanning system literally draws the two-dimensional have to be removed in much the same way as a casting
(2D) cross-section of the CAD file slice on the surface sprue has to be removed and cleaned up. Because
of the build material, melting it into a solid deposit layer the support structures are much smaller than a typical
or slice (Figure 5). After the first layer is produced, the sprue, a small, fine, burr on a pendant or Dremmel drill
piston beneath the build platform is lowered fractionally will often suffice.
and another powder layer is pushed into place using Once the supports have been removed the parts
the blade. The laser beam melts the second layer are then ready for finishing and polishing (Figure 8).
and at the same time fuses or bonds it to the layer Mechanical, or mass finishing, techniques are often
below. This process is repeated layer by layer until the found to be the best for this stage because the DMLM
part is completed. It is this layer adding process that of jewellery will probably prove to be most commercially
leads to this technology being described as ‘additive effective when used to produce geometrically complex
manufacturing’ in many quarters. designs. These designs by their very nature will

Fig. 5. A laser beam scanning over the surface of the Fig. 7. Support removal from the Ojo
powder and melting the gold

Fig. 6. The Ojo emerges from the powder bed

Fig. 8. Three variants of the Ojo before finishing

238 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

present many unique and product specific challenges fixture similar to an electric drill chuck on an extended
when ready to be polished and finished. Mass finishing shaft (Figure 9). Because the rotating head is fixed
technologies are based on the correct application of but with an adjustable angle of attack when immersed
media flow pressure and speed to the jewellery item to into the bowl, it can be easily automated and has
be polished. Generally, the higher the pressure exerted shown excellent reliability and repeatability. The use
by the media on the jewellery, and the faster the media of small, light media can produce an excellent finish,
flows across the jewellery parts, the faster the desired the finishing energy coming from the relative speed of
finishing results can be achieved. But this flow has to both the jewellery part and the medium. A final polish
be either uniform or directed, depending where the by hand completes the process (Figure 10).
polishing is required.
Centrifugal disc finishing is an industrial mass finishing Comparison with Casting
process adapted for the surface treatment of jewellery.
The process is carried out in a cylindrical container The most widely used technology in jewellery
which is open at the top, while the bottom consists of a manufacturing worldwide continues to be the lost-wax
turntable-like disc separated from the container wall by investment casting process, accounting for an estimated
a microscopically small gap. During operation, the work 80% of all jewellery production. Current investment
pieces and the grinding or polishing media in which they casting processes have been highly developed over
are immersed rotate at a high speed, creating a toroidal time principally to facilitate traditional historical demands
abrasive flow; the relative difference in speed of the for high-volume, batch- and mass-produced jewellery
components and media produces the polishing effect. products. In contrast, there is an emerging need for a
The contact between the jewellery pieces and the low-volume, rapid response to consumer demands for
medium generates a very intense finishing effect which custom-made, individually designed products, in simple
is up to 20 times more efficient than can be achieved terms producing in volumes of one. DMLM could meet
with conventional systems like vibratory finishers. this need. Additionally, yet more pragmatically, it also
A process refined by Precious consortium partner offers the potential for creating items that appear solid
Finishing Techniques Ltd is the ‘stream finishing’ yet, if sectioned through, would prove to be entirely
process (sometimes referred to as immersion hollow or contain a simple honeycomb or scaffolding
polishing). This is a fairly new concept to jewellery structure added for strength, a process sometimes
polishing and features short processing times because described as ‘volume without mass’. Such forms
the medium is compressed against the wall of a large and designs are not currently achievable using the
spinning bowl (centrifugal disc finishing) and the parts traditional jewellery manufacturing processes. Caution
are held and rotated in this flow by use of a rotating must be applied, of course, in selecting appropriate

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 9. Stream finishing of an 18 carat gold Ojo: (a) the part held in a rotating fixture; (b) immersed in the polishing medium; (c)
removed from the medium

239 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(b) (d)


Fig. 10. 18 carat gold Ojo: (a) after 1 hour of stream polishing; (b) after approximately 3 hours of stream polishing; (c) after final
hand/mop polishing; (d) the finished Ojo (Ojo is Spanish for eye!)

items for this type of manufacture. For instance making savings in the intrinsic cost of expensive raw materials
a typical wedding band hollow would result in an item is undoubtedly now approaching the point at which
that feels valueless and cheap; whereas a bulky, this novel manufacturing process can become more
heavy, watch bezel could be produced using a weight commercially viable and attractive to the jewellery
reducing hollow profile and the resultant watch would manufacturer and the consumer.
still feel right, with weight being added by the watch Furthermore, it is entirely possible and correct to
movement and wrist band (Figure 11). The potential consider at this point that the widespread business
model used in jewellery manufacturing throughout
the UK, especially in relation to lost-wax investment
casting – namely the use of sub-contract bureau
service providers – is equally applicable to smaller
jewellery designers and manufacturers accessing the
DMLM technological advance.
In conventional jewellery manufacturing there is a
measurable correlation between part complexity and its
manufactured cost. Using DMLM means that not only
is complexity independent of tooling costs, but also that
virtually any geometry conceived by the designer is
theoretically possible to produce. Conventional design
methods are based on the ‘design for manufacture’
principle, in which manufacturing constraints are
(b) included at the earliest stages of the design process.
This often results in modular designs with standardised
components, meaning designers inevitably modify their
design intent to enable the item to be manufactured
using a specific manufacturing process. Using DMLM
would allow the removal of many of these constraints,
although (as in any other manufacturing process)
DMLM has its own limitations. It will be necessary to
Fig. 11. Volume without mass (right and wrong): (a) watch develop specific ‘design rules’ expertise to manage and
bezel; (b) CAD image of a hollow wedding band optimise these new and exciting possibilities. Current
research at the JIIC in conjunction with the School of

240 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

Fig. 12. (a) An 18 carat gold galleon ‘printed’ on (b) a Cooksongold Precious M 080 machine

Jewellery and its students is based around discovering modifications, as well as the availability of tool-less
these rules, which will minimise the limitations imposed fabrication, will influence what is designed, how it is
by machine modifications and CAD design adjustments, designed, and the quantity of products offered.
to attain the objective of being able to produce the Innovative design could be considered vital for
widest possible range of geometries. the survival of the high-value-added industries,
The Jewellery Industry Innovation Centre has including jewellery manufacturing, though it
recently purchased a Cooksongold Precious M 080 should be remembered that the manufacture of
direct metal ‘3D printing’ DMLM machine for teaching well-designed unique products remains an intensive,
and research purposes, and Figure 12 shows an expensive, and consumer-centred process. The
example of one of the Centre’s early explorations of commercial pressures to reduce costs to remain
the machine’s capabilities. The ship is a little over competitive, while retaining design quality, challenge
1.5 centimetres high. jewellery manufacturers to find ever more innovative
manufacturing techniques as well as consider
The Future alternative routes to their markets and consumers.
The jewellery industry and other design-led creative
Manufacturers are generally limited in their methods industries are ideally suited for developing the new
of fabrication by the cost of tooling, which must interfaces between the customer and designers,
be amortised over the number of parts produced and they will also need to consider new production
during the life cycle of a tooling product. In existing technology approaches that maintain and exploit this
conventional jewellery manufacturing there is a competitive edge. Jewellery is therefore in a unique
direct link between the complexity of the part and position to capitalise and further develop the potential
its manufactured cost; this can be significantly of DMLM, while using generic fabrication criteria
reduced with use of the DMLM processes. In gaining which are relevant to many other high-value-added
knowledge and understanding of the potential design industries where custom-made products command
and manufacturing advantages of DMLM, jewellery correspondingly higher consumer prices.
manufacturers should be provided with the economic
impetus to consider adopting DMLM processes, References
as appropriate to their company’s needs. Many 1. M. Krijger, ‘CBI Trade Statistics for Jewellery’, Global
high-value products are made in small volumes or Intelligence Alliance/Centre for the Promotion of
require individual, personalised adaptations for each Imports from developing countries (CBI), Ministry of
customer or application. The ability to provide such Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014

241 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

2. ‘Growth, Dedicated Call 10/00’, Topic IV 31, The Agreements’), December 2009 (Withdrawn December
European Virtual Institute For Jewellery Technology, 2014), Verein Deutscher Ingenieure eV, Düsseldorf,
EC Funded Project, Reference G7RT-CT-2001-05065, Germany, 2009
Milan, Italy, 2002 11. A. M. Carey, ‘The Changing Demands on the Creative
3. L. Street, K. Gopaul, M. Kumar, C. Lu and A. Hewitt, Process as a Consequence of New Technologies’, in
‘Gold Demand Trends: First Quarter 2015’, World “The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
Gold Council, London, UK, 2015 Technology 2010”, ed. E. Bell, Met-Chem Research,
4. M. Krijger, ‘CBI Trends: Jewellery’, Global Intelligence Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2010, pp. 101–118
Alliance/Centre for the Promotion of Imports from
12. S. Adler and T. Fryé, ‘The Revolution of CAD/CAM
Developing Countries (CBI), Ministry of Foreign
in the Casting of Fine Jewelry’, in “The Santa Fe
Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015
Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology
5. D. G. Penfold, ‘New Product Development in the West 2005”, ed. E. Bell Met-Chem Research, Albuquerque,
Midlands Region of the UK Jewelry Manufacturing New Mexico, USA, 2005, pp. 1–24
Industry – Evaluating the Impact of Design Support’, in
“The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing 13. N. Towe, ‘Laser Sintering Process for Making Hollow
Technology 2007”, ed. E. Bell, Met-Chem Research, Jewellery’, Jewellery Technology Forum Proceedings,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2007, pp. 445–456 June, 2006, Vicenza, Italy, Legor Group, Italy, 2006

6. ‘Jewellery & Watches’, Key Note Market Report, Key 14. M. Khan and P. Dickens, Gold Bull., 2010, 43, (2), 114
Note Ltd, Richmond on Thames, UK, 2014 15. A. L. Hancox and J. A. McDaniel, Int. J. Powder
7. D. G. Penfold, Design J., 2007, 10, (1), 3 Metall., 2009, 45, (5), 43
8. M. Karydes, ‘Bold gold jewelry is back in style’, 16. L. S. Bertol, W. K. Júnior, F. P. da Silva and C. Aumund-
Fortune, 9th May, 2015 Kopp, Mater. Design, 2010, 31, (8), 3982
9. W. Meiners, K. Wissenbach and A. Gasser, Fraunhofer 17. A. Simchi, Mater. Sci. Eng.: A, 2006, 428, (1–2), 148
Ges Forschung, Germany, ‘Shaped Body Especially
Prototype or Replacement Part Production’, German 18. Precious, Innovate UK, The Technology Strategy Board,
Patent 19,649,865; 1998 Swindon, UK:
(Accessed on 29th June 2015)
10. ‘VDI-Richtlinie:VDI3404GenerativeFertigungsverfahren
– Rapid-Technologien (Rapid Prototyping) – Grundlagen, 19. F. Cooper, ‘DMLM Supports: are they the Jewellery
Begriffe, Qualitätskenngrößen, Liefervereinbarungen’, Industry’s New Sprue, Riser and Gate Feed?’, in
(Engl. Transl. ‘VDI Guideline: VDI 3404 Additive “The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
fabrication – Rapid Technologies (Rapid Prototyping) Technology 2014”, ed. E. Bell, Met-Chem Research,
– Fundamentals, Terms, Quality Parameters, Supply Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2014, pp. 89–109

The Author
Frank Cooper is a lifelong jewellery industry professional and is now a Senior Lecturer in Jewellery
Manufacturing Technologies, and Technical Manager of the Jewellery Industry Innovation Centre,
at the Birmingham School of Jewellery, UK. He sits on the Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Council
and is a globally recognised expert in the application of various additive manufacturing, prototyping,
CAD and ‘3D printing’ technologies used in the jewellery industry. He is an active participant in a
number of jewellery industry-related research initiatives and has published and presented many
technical papers and articles in the UK and Europe, as well as at the Santa Fe Symposium in the

242 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 243–256


Introduction to the Additive Manufacturing Powder

Metallurgy Supply Chain
Exploring the production and supply of metal powders for AM processes

By Jason Dawes*, Robert Bowerman and 1. Introduction

Ross Trepleton
Component Technologies, Manufacturing Technology A component fabricated using powder bed may consist
Centre, Pilot Way, Ansty Business Park, Coventry, of many thousands of finely spread powder layers. The
CV7 9JU, UK uniformity of these layers can affect the properties of the
final component. The way in which a powder ‘spreads’
*Email: during AM depends on the properties of the powder
used. As will be discussed in this paper, even when
chemically equivalent, the properties of metal powders
The supply chain for metal powders used in additive vary widely depending on both the atomisation method
manufacturing (AM) is currently experiencing used and the manufacturing process conditions. To
exponential growth and with this growth come obtain a greater degree of control over AM processes
new powder suppliers, new powder manufacturing service providers must be able to control the quality of
methods and increased competition. The high the raw powder feedstock.
number of potential supply chain options provides The overall AM market has seen exponential growth
AM service providers with a significant challenge over the last five years and during this time the sale
when making decisions on powder procurement. of powder bed metal AM equipment, services and
This paper provides an overview of the metal powder products has also followed an exponential trend (1)
supply chain for the AM market and aims to give AM due to increased adoption from the aerospace, oil
service providers the information necessary to make and gas, marine, automobile and medical sectors. As
informed decisions when procuring metal powders. the benefits of using AM to manufacture functional
The procurement options are categorised into three metallic components start to outweigh the blockers,
main groups, namely: procuring powders from AM more component manufacturers are looking towards
equipment suppliers, procuring powders from third metal powder bed technologies to allow them to realise
party suppliers and procuring powders directly from their next generation of innovatively and functionally
powder atomisers. Each of the procurement options designed products.
has its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Research has shown that metal powder costs will be
The relative importance of these will depend on what the biggest continuous expense through the life of an
the AM equipment is being used for, for example AM machine (1). The quality and consistency of the AM
research, rapid prototyping or productionisation. components depends, in part, on the characteristics
The future of the metal AM powder market is also of the starting powder feedstock. Hence, controlling
discussed. and understanding the quality of the powder both in

243 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

its as-supplied and reused condition is essential in Current predictions forecast that this rapid growth
order to achieve the desired mechanical properties of will continue and that there will be a five-fold market
the laser melted components. Given the significance value increase by 2021 (1). This growth trend in AM
of the metal powder feedstock it is important that AM technology is also reflected in global raw materials
users make informed decisions when procuring the (powder) sales. Powder sales in the AM sector over the
raw metal powder. The current state of the AM metal past decade are shown in Figure 2. After a decline in
powder supply chain is that there are multiple possible sales in 2009, due to market reaction at the beginning
methods for the manufacture of metal powders and of the fiscal crisis, both the AM sector value and AM
many times as many potential suppliers. Furthermore material sales have seen rapid growth since 2010.
not all metal powders are equal in terms of their Specific to metal powder AM, the sale of powder for
fundamental properties even when manufactured via metal processes is also shown in Figure 2. It can be
the same technique (when procured from different seen that metal sales have followed the market trend
vendors). This presents quite a challenge to beginners since 2010, with sales more than doubling in a three
in AM technology when deciding on a powder supplier. year period. However, the value of the metal powder
However, some AM equipment suppliers, such as EOS, AM market is a relatively small proportion of the whole
sell ‘validated powder’. ‘Validated powder’ is a powder market. This highlights the opportunity for growth for
which has been identified as suitable for use in AM. powder suppliers offering products into the metals AM
Whilst validated powder can de-risk procuring powders market.
for AM it does limit users to a single source supplier Based on data from 2013 there are 855 powder
and inhibits the development of in-house expertise. manufacturers worldwide (425 located in North
Given the complexity of the AM metal powder supply America, 205 in Europe and 225 in the Asia-Pacific
chain this review article aims to resolve some of the region) capable of producing an estimated 1.12
confusion involved and address some of the frequently million metric tonnes, to a value of approximately
asked questions by users. Additionally, the article will US$6.9 billion (2). The top six powder manufacturers
highlight key issues that the market needs to address, have a combined market share of 44% and generally
and make potential users aware of some of the key serve the press and sinter market. The remaining
factors to consider when selecting the most appropriate market share is made up of small businesses, likely
powder supplier. producing powder for a specific purpose or application.
When the metal powder market is evaluated, only
2. Overview of the Powder Bed AM Market US$32.6 million was sold for AM usage (0.0047%).
This shows that despite the enormous anticipation of
Over the last 20 year period the AM market has grown the impact of AM, traditional powder processes such
rapidly from an industry worth <US$100 million in 1993
to around US$3000 million in 2013, see Figure 1.

All AM Materials
500 Metallic AM materials only

Value, US$million

Services 400
Market value, US$million

3000 Products


2500 300

2000 200







Year Fig. 2. History of materials sales for AM systems worldwide:

(–) all AM materials, (–) metallic AM materials only (metallic
Fig. 1. AM market growth 1991–2013 (1) powder sale data not available prior to 2009) (1)

244 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

as press and sinter and metal injection moulding the unused powder on the actual powder properties
(MIM) still dominate the marketplace. However, as AM and hence subsequent component properties has not
processes become more established as component been the subject of intensive scientific study. In the few
manufacturing routes, rather than rapid prototyping scientific journals published in the field of metal powder
technologies, the potential for growth in the metal AM recycling in AM, it has been observed that recycling
powder supply is considerable. powders in powder bed AM processes results in an
increase in powder particle size distribution (PSD) (2,
3. Selection of AM Powder 3). The thermal effects that result from the process,
such as chamber temperature and the radiation energy
3.1 The Importance of Powder in selective laser melting (SLM) of metal powders,
may cause physical as well as chemical changes to
The AM process uses powder as its raw material the recycled powder. Furthermore contamination,
feedstock, as such the consistency of the powders either through impurities, foreign bodies or interstitial
used to build AM components will have a critical elements may be introduced to the powder as a result
influence on the final component properties. During the of handling during pre-processing or post-processing
build sequence of an AM component, the raw powder stages.
feedstock is stored in a hopper, the design of the hopper The first step in understanding powder requirements
and the method by which powder is introduced into
for AM processes is to assess the types of metallic
the build chamber depends entirely on the equipment
powder that are available. The following sections
manufacturer. A discrete amount of powder from the
provide an overview of the methods of metal powder
hopper is spread (either using a rake or roller system)
production routes.
across the build chamber to form a thin (no more than
one to two particle diameters) continuous layer of 3.2 Routes of Powder Production
powder. After spreading it is critical that the layer is
The production of AM metal powder generally consists
homogenous over the entire area of the build chamber,
of three major stages as outlined in the flow diagram
any degree of inhomogeneity may result in porosity (in
shown in Figure 3. Briefly, the first stage involves the
the absence of powder) or incomplete through-thickness
mining and extracting of ore to form a pure or alloyed
melting (too much powder pooled up in one area). The
metal product (ingot, billet and wire) appropriate
spread layer is selectively fused using either a laser
for powder production; the second stage is powder
source or an electron beam based on an input sliced
production and the final stage is classification and
three-dimensional (3D) computer aided design (CAD)
model. Following selective sintering another layer of
The supply chain of taking ore and extracting a metal
powder is spread over the first. This iterative process
of powder spreading followed by selective melting is is well established and supplies a vast range of pure
continued until the build is complete. The total number metals and specific alloys to global markets. Once an
of powder layers spread will of course depend on the ingot of the metal or alloy has been formed a number
size of component being built but the number could be of additional processing steps may be required to
in the region of 7000 layers. Furthermore it is common make the feedstock suitable for the chosen atomisation
to build multiple components during one build event. process. For example, plasma atomisation requires the
The layer spreading, hopper dosing and bulk packing feedstock material to be either in wire form or powder
performance of the AM powder will depend entirely form, thus adding additional rolling and drawing work or
on the properties of the powder being used. Further a first step powder production route.
complicating the use of AM powder is that the volume Once the first processing form has been obtained
of the actual component built can be significantly less there are a number of methods available to produce
than the total volume of powder that has been spread. metal powders including, but not limited to: solid-state
As a consequence there is a large amount of unused reduction, electrolysis, various chemical processes,
powder left over in the build chamber, given the high atomisation and milling. Historically, for reasons that
cost of metal powders it is essential that the unused will be discussed, atomisation has been identified as
powder is effectively recovered and reused in future the best way to form metal powders for AM due to the
builds. However, the effect of continued recycling of geometrical properties of the powder it yields.

245 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Stage 1

Hydrogenation and


(billet, wire)

Stage 2

Plasma, PREP, REP Water atomisation

or EIGA atomisation
Gas or centrifugal
Atomisation atomisation Atomisation




Stage 3

Fig. 3. From ore to validated AM powder – powder production steps flow chart

None of the powder production routes actually powder exits at the bottom of the chamber, where it is
produce a 100% powder yield in the required size collected. Additional processing steps are then required
fractions. Some post processing is therefore necessary. to dry the powder. Metal powder produced in this
As a minimum, the as-produced metal powder must be way is typically highly irregular in morphology which
classified into a well-defined particle size distribution reduces both packing properties and flow properties.
suitable for the required process: typically 15–45 µm for Water atomisation is the main method of producing iron
SLM and 45–106 µm for electron beam melting (EBM). and steel powders and typically feeds into the press-
and-sintered industries rather than the specialised AM
3.2.1 Water Atomisation industry.
All atomisation processes begin with melting the
feedstock alloy. The melting process has a number of
3.2.2 Gas Atomisation
variations, but generally when atomising using water, The gas atomisation process mimics water atomisation,
the feedstock is first melted in a furnace before being with the differentiator being the use of gas instead
transferred to a tundish (a crucible that regulates the of water during processing. Air can be used as the
flow rate of the melt into the atomiser). The liquid alloy atomising media, but it’s more likely that an inert gas
enters the atomisation chamber from above; here (nitrogen or argon) will be used to reduce the risk of
it is free to fall through the chamber. Water jets are oxidation and contamination of the metal. The process
symmetrically positioned around the stream of liquid of melting the metal ingots can be the same as described
metal, atomising and solidifying the particles. The final for water atomisation, however for powders produced

246 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

for high end applications such as aerospace, the need just before entering the atomisation chamber, as shown
to control interstitial elements has led to increased in Figure 5. This application is used when processing
use of vacuum induction melting (VIM) furnaces. A reactive alloys, such as Ti-6Al-4V, minimising the risk of
VIM furnace is typically installed directly above the contamination from exposure of the molten titanium to
atomisation chamber such that the molten stream of the crucible and the atmosphere (5).
liquid metal enters the atomisation chamber directly
from the furnace rather than through a tundish, similar
to the set-up shown in Figure 4. The stream of liquid
metal is atomised by high pressure jets of gas. Due to
the lower heat capacity of the gas (compared to water)
the metal droplets have an increased solidification time
which results in comparatively more spherical powder
particles (i.e. droplet spheroidisation time is shorter
than the solidification time). Whilst it is not possible
to have complete control over the particle size of as-
atomised powder, the distribution can be influenced by
varying the ratio of the gas to melt flow rate. Research
in the field of gas atomisation has shown that even finer Fig. 5. Schematic of the EIGA process for production of AM
powders (Courtesy of LPW Technology, UK)
particle size distributions can be achieved through the
use of hot gas atomisation (4).
Although interstitial elements can be well controlled
in gas atomised powders, there are still potential
3.2.3 Plasma Atomisation
contamination risks. Contamination most pertinent to Plasma atomisation is a method of producing highly
non-static critical components, such as aero-engine spherical particles. The feedstock used in the process
parts, include refractory materials which can originate can either be in wire form such as the method used by
from the ceramic crucibles and atomising nozzles AP&C Advanced Powders and Coatings Inc, Canada,
used. One solution to this is to use electrode induction or in powder form such as the method used by Tekna
melting gas atomisation (EIGA). EIGA is a variation of Plasma Systems Inc, Canada. The spool of wire or
gas atomisation where the metal is fed into the atomiser powder feedstock is fed into the atomisation chamber,
in the form of a rod that is melted by an induction coil where it is simultaneously melted and atomised by co-
axial plasma torches and gas jets, such as that shown
in Figure 6.
Plasma rotating electrode process (PREP) is a
variation of plasma atomisation whereby a bar of
rotating feedstock is used instead of a wire feed. As the
Gas source rotating bar enters the atomisation chamber plasma
and pump
torches melt the end of the bar, ejecting material from
its surface. The melt solidifies before hitting the walls of
the chamber.

Fine powder 3.2.4 Hydride-Dehydride Process

The hydride-dehydride (HDH) method (6) of powder
Nozzle production differs from the atomisation processes
described above due to the fact that it does not involve
Collection melting of the metal feedstock. Instead, it involves
crushing, milling and screening to resize larger lumps
of metal feedstock into finer powder particles. The
Fig. 4. Schematic of the gas atomisation process for HDH process relies on the brittle nature of certain
production of AM powders (Courtesy of LPW Technology, metals, such as titanium, when exposed to hydrogen.
In the case of titanium, titanium hydrides are formed

247 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

3.2.6 Summary of Powder Production Routes

Each of these processes yields powder with varying
characteristics, a summary of which can be seen
in Table I. A series of micrographs highlighting the
Titanium various particle morphologies obtained from each
Plasma spool manufacturing route is shown in Figure 7.
3.3 Powder Key Process Variables
The quality of a component built in an SLM process
is assessed based on part density, dimensional
accuracy, surface finish, build rate and mechanical
Vacuum properties. In order to achieve predictable and
consistent component qualities it is desirable that
the characteristics of the powder bed and the
Collection parameters of the machine are maintained at a
constant level since the powder bed and machine
parameters are closely correlated. In order to
Fig. 6. Schematic of the plasma atomisation process for maintain a constant powder bed during each
production of AM powders (Courtesy of LPW Technology, SLM build process it is important to understand
and control characteristics such as powder bed
temperature and density. These characteristics are
governed by the KPVs of the starting powder. Due to
the complex nature of powders, characterising their
in a hydride unit by introducing hydrogen and heat. performance is not a trivial task. A list of variables
The brittle lumps can then be crushed and screened (and analysis techniques) that may be considered
into the required particle size distribution (PSD). The to have an impact on performance is provided in
powder is then returned to the hydride unit to remove Table II.
the excess hydrogen from the metal powder particles.
Powder particles produced using HDH are typically
3.3.1 Particle Morphology
highly irregular. HDH powders are typically used either Particle morphology will have a significant impact on
in their as-made condition or used as the powder the bulk packing and flow properties of a powder batch.
feedstock for plasma atomisation. Spherical or regular, equiaxed particles are likely to
arrange and pack more efficiently than irregular particles
3.2.5 TiROTM Process (9). Research into the effect of particle morphology on
The TiROTM process (7, 8) is a relatively new the AM process has shown that morphology can have a
method for the production of pure titanium powder significant influence on the powder bed packing density
developed by CSIRO, Australia. The TiRO TM and consequently on the final component density
process is a two stage continuous production (10–12), where the more irregular the particle
method in which titanium tetrachloride (TiCl 4) is morphology the lower the final density. As a
first thermally reduced to an MgCl 2/Ti composite consequence of this highly spherical particles tend to
under the presence of magnesium in a fluidised bed be favoured in the AM process. This limits the use of
reactor. The MgCl 2/Ti composite is then separated potentially cheaper powder production routes such as
using vacuum distillation to produce high purity Ti water atomisation and HDH. Furthermore as can be
powder. The as-processed Ti powder is unsuitable observed in Figure 7(b) gas atomised powders are
for AM processes due to the particle size range only nominally spherical. In the case of the titanium
primarily being 150–600 µm. As such it is necessary alloy Ti-6Al-4V, this has led to widespread adoption of
that the powder is modified using a high shear plasma atomised powder. Plasma atomised powder is
milling process in a controlled environment to resize typically highly spherical, but is currently produced by a
the powder to a range suitable for AM. single source – AP&C, Canada.

248 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table I Summary of Powder Characteristics by Manufacturing Process

Particle size, µm Advantages Disadvantages Common uses
Water 0–500 High throughput Post processing Non-reactive
atomisation Range of particle required to remove
sizes water
Only requires Irregular particle
feedstock in ingot morphology
form Satellites present
Wide PSD
Low yield of powder
between 20–150 μm
Gas atomisation 0–500 Wide range of alloys Satellites present Ni, Co, Fe, Ti (EIGA),
(inc. EIGA) available Wide PSD Al
Suitable for reactive Low yield of powder
alloys between 20–150 μm
Only requires
feedstock in ingot
High throughput
Range of particle
Use of EIGA allows
for reactive powders
to be processed
Spherical particles
Plasma 0–200 Extremely spherical Requires feedstock to Ti (Ti64 most
atomisation particles either be in wire form or common)
powder form
High cost
Plasma rotating 0–100 High purity powders Low productivity Ti
electrode process Highly spherical High cost Exotics
Centrifugal 0–600 Wide range of particle Difficult to make Solder pastes, Zinc of
atomisation sizes with very narrow extremely fine powder alkaline batteries, Ti
PSD unless very high speed and steel shot
can be achieved
Hydride– 45–500 Low cost option Irregular particle Ti6/4
dehydride morphology Limited to metals
process High interstitial content which form a brittle
(H, O) hydride

3.3.2 Particle Size Distribution content produce components with a higher fractional
density (13, 14). However, the use of fine materials
Characterisation of PSD in a batch of powder ensures increases the risk of health and safety issues. This is
that the optimum range of particles, by size, are used particularly true when processing reactive materials
in each process. In general, EBM uses a nominal such as titanium where finer particulates are likely to
PSD between 45–106 µm, whilst SLM uses a finer be more flammable and explosive.
PSD between 15–45 µm. PSD will have an obvious
impact on both the minimum layer thickness and
the resolution of the finest detail in the component. 3.3.3 Bulk Packing and Flow Properties
An inappropriate combination of PSD and layer
thickness can potentially lead to in situ segregation Powder flowability is one of the most important
due to the mechanical re-coater pushing coarser technological requirements for powders used in AM.
particles away from the bed (13), segregation in this The density homogeneity of the final part depends on
sense could lead to variation in build quality in the the layer-by-layer melting being performed on thin and
vertical direction. It is generally well reported that uniform layers that are accurately deposited by the
using powders with a wide PSD and a high fine feeding device. Cohesive powders which exhibit poor

249 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Example SEM micrographs of typical particle morphologies obtained using: (a) HDH process; (b) gas atomisation; (c)
plasma atomisation; and (d) plasma rotating electrode process. In all micrographs the powder shown is Ti-6Al-4V and images
were taken using a Hitachi TM3000 SEM

Table II Powder KPVs and Techniques that Could be Used for their Measurement

Particulate properties Bulk properties

Powder property Assessment technique Powder property Assessment technique

Particle shape (morphology) SEM Apparent density Hall flow

Optical microscopy Freeman FT4
Tap density Tapped density tester
Particle size and particle size Sieve Flowability Hall flow
distribution Laser diffraction Dynamic flow testing (e.g.
Optical microscopy revolution, Freeman FT4)
Shear cell
Angle of repose
Cohesiveness Freeman FT4

Particle Porosity Particle polishing and optical Surface Area BET surface area analysis
Chemical composition ICP-OES
Inert gas fusion
Combustion infrared

250 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

flow properties are likely to be more problematic in terms to recycle the large amount of unused powder. The
of obtaining homogenous density layers throughout effect of continuous powder reuse on the KPVs is
the build than powders which are comparatively more an area that has up until recently received relatively
free flowing. Powder flow is difficult to relate to any little scientific attention. A handful of researchers have
one given parameter of a powder but there are some investigated the effect of continuous reuse of powders
general rules which can typically be applied (15, 16): (2, 3) for example, however further study is required
(a) Spherical particles are generally more free flowing to fully understand the impact of recycling on process
than irregular or angular particles performance.
(b) Particle size has a significant influence on flow
– larger particles are generally more free flowing 4. Procurement Options
than smaller particles
(c) Moisture content in powders can reduce flow due Once a suitable atomisation route has been selected,
to capillary forces acting between particles the AM user then faces more decisions around
(d) Flow properties often show a dependency on the powder supply. The market opportunity for metal AM
packing density at the time of measurement – powder supply has not gone unnoticed, and three
powders with a higher packing density are less free main options for powder supply have emerged. Firstly,
flowing than powders with a lower packing density users can choose to procure powder directly from the
(e) Short range attractive forces such as van der Waals AM machine provider. Secondly, users could choose
forces and electrostatic forces can adversely affect to procure powder from third party companies, who
powder flow and may cause particle agglomeration offer AM machine ‘validated’ powders. Finally powder
(short range forces have a bigger impact on finer can be sourced direct from an atomisation company.
particles). Indeed several powder manufacturers are now offering
AM specific powders as part of their product portfolio
3.3.4 Chemical Composition (the largest of these, and the alloys they provide are
The laser sintering behaviour of a metal powder will listed in Table III). A summary of the advantages and
not only depend on the physical properties, it will of disadvantages of each procurement option is presented
course also depend on the chemical properties. in Table IV.
Powder chemical composition for AM should ideally At present the majority of powder sales are through
be optimised for the machine or application. Validating AM machine manufacturers or third party suppliers.
chemical composition helps to ensure that the The powder provided by these suppliers has been
manufactured component has homogenous material optimised for each additive process, also known as
properties. being ‘validated’.
As well as the bulk alloying chemistry, it is important to By validating a powder, the supplier is ensuring that the
understand the effect of interstitial elements, such as O powder given to the customer is of suitable quality so
and N, since component properties will depend on the that, when being processed, it will behave as intended,
amount of interstitial elements present. For example, leading to a successfully built part that will adhere to the
it is well known that the tensile strength and ductility chemical composition and the mechanical properties of
properties of Ti-6Al-4V are influenced by O content the given metal or alloy. Simply put, the machine will
whereby an increase in O results in an increase in tensile successfully build with that material, thus de-risking
strength and a subsequent decrease in elongation (17). powder supply for the end user.
Research has also shown that interstitial elements Machine suppliers can validate powder as they will
can influence the melting kinetics of the powder by develop processing parameters on their machines for
interfering with the surface tension of the melt pool each specific material. Once the machine repeatedly
resulting in Marangoni flow (18). Marangoni flow can builds reliable, mechanically suitable parts then the
have a negative influence on the porosity of the final parameters will be stored and sent out with batches
component (11, 19). of that material to users. The powder being used
will be characterised using some of the techniques
3.4 Powder Recycling discussed in Section 3.3 and all subsequent batches
It has been mentioned previously that for a powder bed will undertake the same testing to ensure that they
AM process to be economically viable it is necessary adhere to the same specification. This ensures that the

251 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table III Supplier List of Powders Specified for AMa

Supplier type Material Building process


Third party








Advanced Canada P P P P P
Powders and
Coatings –
Carpenter US P P P P P P P
H.C. Starck EU P P P P P P P P
Höganäs EU P P P P P P P P
Sweden AB
Sandvik EU P P P P P P P P
TLS Technik EU P P P P P P P
GmbH & Co.
Technology Ltd
Information obtained from the supplier websites (Accessed April 2015)

end user is receiving consistent powder across batches it contributes an almost insignificant proportion of the
that has been validated for their specific process. Third income generated by powder producers (i.e. 0.0047%
party suppliers offer a similar service, refining powder of the income generated from metal powders was due
size and morphology to ensure they work in process. to sales into the AM market). Since the AM powder
From this it can be seen that machine manufacturers market is not currently a major source of income for
and third party suppliers undertake a lot of work to powder producers it is likely that powders will not be
ensure the powder they provide is suitable for their AM produced to the strict requirements of AM. A further
process. There are a number of obvious advantages risk with this procurement method is losing the support
from procuring powder through these routes. However, of the AM machine manufacturer. This can be slightly
this increased level of material supply security does de-risked by purchasing material from one of the small
also draw some limitations. number of powder manufacturers who are starting
Alternatively, it is possible to procure powder directly validate their own powder for AM processes.
from the powder manufacturer. There are a range of The major advantage of procuring powder from this
benefits from purchasing powder directly from the route is the increased choice of materials and cheaper
manufacturer; however, there are some underlying procurement costs. To ensure that the specification of
risks that a customer must also be aware of. The most the powder is met, a customer may need to undertake
pertinent of these risks was alluded to in Section 2. The their own characterisation analysis. Further to this a
current state of the metallic AM powder market is that manufacturer may only supply the powder in a wider

252 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Table IV A
 dvantages and Disadvantages of Procuring Powder from Machine Manufacturers, Third Party
Suppliers and Direct from Powder Manufacturers

Supplier type Advantages Disadvantages

Machine manufacturers Standard machine parameters are Potentially higher cost of materials
provided and are ready to use
Powder that has been ‘tried and tested’ Material options are limited
Support from the supplier should a build Experimenting with powder of a
have issues different specification is limited
Ease of sourcing Lack of traceability of material source
and manufacturing process
Already established procurement routes
Validated third party suppliers Able to select powder from the entire Lack of traceability of material source
powder metallurgy industry and manufacturing process
A wide range of batch sizes are offered Lack of support from the machine
manufacturer should a build fail
Powder that has been ‘tried and tested’ Potentially higher cost of materials
Ease of sourcing
Direct from powder manufacturers Wide range of material choices Lack of support from the machine
manufacturer should a build fail
Potentially lower cost of powder (highly No guarantee that the material will
dependent of material/process) produce a successful build
Choice of manufacturing process, Minimum batch orders may apply,
allowing a degree of control over powder due to minimum powder yields from a
characteristics manufacturing process
Can use local manufacturers Will powders be produced to the
exacting standards required for AM?
An increased level of material traceability Lack of powder specification with each

PSD than the customer wants, therefore additional Additionally, the customer should always consider
sieving may be required. Both of these add complexity the use of the machine and powder. For instance: is
to the powder supply. the machine being used in production or research?
What is the use of the end component? A machine
5. Customer Considerations used purely for production purposes will be required
to make parts of the highest quality, therefore powder
When deciding where to purchase powder from, a from the AM machine supplier or third party supplier
customer has a number of considerations to make. is likely to be the best procurement route. The added
Most importantly: benefit of this is that the machine manufacturer will
• Can they supply me with the material I require? support the customer if there are any build issues.
• Is the price of the powder competitive? However, if complete control and traceability of the
• Can they provide the batch size I require? powder used for the build is required, then there
• Is there traceability of the material source? Do I may be a lack of transparency from the AM machine
require traceability? supplier as to the complete history of their powder.
• Do I require knowledge over the powder Research-based machines have a different range
specification? Do I require control over the powder of considerations to make. If the primary use of the
specification? machine is to prototype or develop the technology,

253 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

then the customer will likely want the additional to procure large batches of powder and pass the
control over the powder that they are using. The savings onto the end user.
customer will also likely want to attempt building (d) Will machine and powder supply lock down or open
with new materials or experiment with machine up? This will be an extremely important moment
parameters. Therefore sourcing material directly for metal AM. Other industries, namely polymer-
from the powder manufacturer may be best suited based AM, have seen companies use bar-coded
here. systems on their machines, such that a system will
There is no right answer for the procurement route not physically build unless a bar code of a material
that customer takes. However, careful consideration that they supply is scanned. If this is the case with
needs to be given to the application and desired metal AM machines then it could cause a severe
end results of the AM system. tightening on the research capabilities of these
machines. However, this is only likely to happen on
6. Future of Powder Supply Chain the highest value, production use systems. Again,
as seen with polymer-based machines, competitors
There are a number of theories of how this growing with machines of more open architecture are likely
material market will develop over the next five to ten to enter the market. It is highly likely that a lot of
years. Here, some ideas are explored. machines of this nature will emerge as patents from
(a) Increased production and industrialisation of the major machine manufacturers start to expire.
AM drive the price of powder down: all market
predictions show the continued growth of metal AM 7. Conclusions
over the coming years. Naturally, as the technology
becomes widely used, the supply chain of The three main options available for the procurement
materials will also grow. Factors such as increasing of AM powders include AM equipment providers, third
competition and larger production runs should see party suppliers and directly from powder atomisers.
the cost of powder per kilogram be driven down. As There is some degree of security in purchasing powder
the powder metallurgy supply chain infrastructure is directly from AM equipment suppliers. This is because
already well established, the increase in suppliers the powder batch they supply will be at least nominally
of specific AM powders is likely to happen rapidly. the same grade as the powder batch used to develop
This theory also applies to processes that are melt theme parameters. However, the AM equipment
currently expensive to run, for example plasma supplier has ownership over the powder source thus
atomisation. If, as the market develops, this is seen limiting the powder supply chain competiveness. This
as the best atomisation route then the amount of results in powder costs which remain the highest of all
powder produced by it will significantly increase. procurement options.
Feedstock for the process will become cheaper Procuring powder directly from the atomisers may
and it is likely that the range of materials available be a cheaper alternative. However, despite the recent
will increase. exponential growth, the AM market is currently a
(b) Game changing powder production techniques relatively small source of revenue for most powder
emerge: throughout this article only atomisation atomisers. Furthermore, because of the specific
as a way of producing powders for AM has been particle size fractions used in AM, powder atomisers
discussed. However, in the near future, there is the may not produce powder specifically for AM. Instead
likelihood that an altogether new manufacturing atomisers may obtain the required size fractions from
method will eclipse atomisation, providing suitable an atomised powder batch intended for use in other
powder for a fraction of the production cost. industries such as powder hot isostatic pressing (PHIP)
Companies such as Metalysis, UK, are developing or press and sinter. The originally intended process
new ways in which powder can be made at a for these powder batches may not require the same
significantly reduced price. high quality as powders used in AM and as such their
(c) Introduction of third party suppliers increases performance in an AM process may not be adequate or
competition: the emergence of third party suppliers as expected.
could see the price of powder driven down further. This risk of going direct to atomisers can be limited
Purely through competition, suppliers will be able by using a third party powder supplier. In this case

254 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

the third party supplier takes on the associated risks Technology Organisation, Brussels, Belgium, 2006
of procuring powder batches in much higher quantities 3. V. Seyda, N. Kaufmann and C. Emmelmann, Phys.
than would be needed by any one AM service provider. Proc., 2012, 39, 425
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the amount they need. The higher powder quantities Engineering Aspects’, in Proceedings of the World
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them with the necessary influence to demand higher PM2004, 17th–22nd October, 2004, Vienna, Austria,
quality powder batches that are atomised specifically The European Powder Metallurgy Association,
with AM as the intended end use. The level of pre- Shrewsbury, UK, 2005
sale powder qualification is also much more detailed 5. R. Gerling, H. Clemens and F. P. Schimansky, Adv.
from third party suppliers than from the atomisers Eng. Mater., 2004, 6, (1–2), 23
themselves. Even with this option the procurement 6. C. McCracken, Powder Injection Moulding Int., 2008,
costs can be higher than going directly to the atomisers 2, (2), 55
and less support will be made available from equipment 7. C. Doblin, D. Freeman and M. Richards, Key Eng.
suppliers should the procured powder be considered a Mater., 2013, 551, 37
potential factor for build failures. 8. C. Doblin, A. Chryss and A. Monch, Key Eng. Mater.,
What increases the complexity, and indeed 2013, 520, 95
uncertainty, of procuring powders for AM is the lack of 9. N. P. Karapatis, G. Egger, P.-E. Gygax and R.
AM specific powder specifications. It is commonplace Glardon, ‘Optimization of Powder Layer Density in
to make decisions to accept or reject powder batches Selective Laser Sintering’, in Proceedings of the 10th
based on specifications used for press and sinter International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium,
applications. These specifications would at best include The University of Texas at Austin, USA, 9th–11th
chemical composition, sizing by sieve analysis and August, 1999, pp. 255–264
flow assessment by Hall flow. Such specifications can 10. I. Gibson, D. W. Rosen and B. Stucker, “Additive
be inadequate to use as a benchmark for AM powder Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to
quality. As discussed throughout this article predicting Direct Digital Manufacturing”, Springer, New York,
powder performance is highly complex and can be USA, 2010
difficult to characterise using simple techniques. Future 11. H. J. Niu and I. T. H. Chang, Scripta Mater., 1999, 41,
work needs to be aimed at systematically identifying (1), 25
the properties of metal powders that have the biggest 12. D. Manfredi, F. Calignano, M. Krishnan, R. Canali, E.
influence on the powder performance in terms of P. Ambrosio and E. Atzeni, Materials, 2013, 6, (3), 856
hopper discharge and powder spreading and also how 13. A. Simchi, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2004, 35, (5), 937
the powder responds to the AM melting process. Work 14. A. B. Spierings and G. Levy, ‘Comparison of Density of
in this field will allow the development of specifications Stainless Steel 316L Parts Produced with Selective Laser
which adequately define and control the key process Melting using Different Powder Grades’, in Proceedings of
variables of powders used in AM. the 20th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication
Symposium, The University of Texas at Austin, USA,
3rd–5th August, 2009, pp. 342–353
15. P. C. Angelo and R. Subramanian, “Powder Metallurgy:
1. ‘Wohlers Report 2014: 3D Printing and Additive Science, Technology and Applications”, PHI Learning
Manufacturing State of the Industry Annual Worldwide Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India, 2008, pp. 76–80
Progress Report’, Wohlers Associates, Inc, Fort
16. R. M. German, “Powder Metallurgy Science”, Metal
Collins, Colorado, USA, 2014
Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, New Jersey,
2. P. A. Carroll, P. Brown, G. Ng, R. Scudamore, A. J. USA, 1994, pp. 9–58
Pinkerton, W. U. H. Syed, H. K. Sezer, L. Li and J.
17. J.-M. Oh, B.-G. Lee, S.-W. Cho, S.-W. Lee, G.-S. Choi
Allen, ‘The Effect of Powder Recycling in Direct Metal
and J.-W. Lim, Metal. Mater. Int., 2011, 17, (5), 733
Laser Deposition on Powder and Manufactured
Part Characteristics’, in “Proceedings of AVT-139 18. M. Rombouts, J. P. Kruth, L. Froyen and P. Mercelis,
Specialists Meeting on Cost Effective Manufacture CIRP Annals, 2006, 55, (1), 187
via Net Shape Processing”, 15th–19th May, 2006, 19. D. Boisselier and S. Sankaré, Phys. Procedia, 2012, 39,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, NATO Science and 455

255 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

The Authors
Jason Dawes is a Senior Research Engineer at the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC)
where he leads the Particulate Engineering research group. His role is in the technical
management of highly innovative research projects involving powder based manufacturing
technologies such as additive manufacturing, laser cladding and hot isostatic pressing. He was
awarded EngD from University of Birmingham, UK, in 2014 in the field of Chemical Engineering.

Robert Bowerman is a Research Engineer at MTC where he leads projects within the field of
additive manufacturing. He has experience in the following technologies: electron beam melting
(EBM), selective laser melting (SLM), stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP) and
fused deposition melting (FDM). His projects focus on innovative research and development
work primarily on the Manufacturing Capability Readiness Levels (MCRLs) 4 to 6. Work carried
out covers all areas of additive manufacturing, including development and productionisation of
technology and designing for AM. He is presently working towards Chartered Engineer status.

Ross Trepleton is the Component Technologies Group Technology Manager at the MTC. He is
responsible for the coordination and management of the MTC Research Programme, in the area
of Component Technology to meet the needs of clients and stakeholders. The aim of this area
of research is to develop new technologies that enable improved component manufacturing. He
was awarded a PhD from University of Birmingham in the field of Metallurgy and Materials.

256 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 257–283


Atomic-Scale Modelling and its Application to

Catalytic Materials Science
Developing an interdisciplinary approach to modelling

By Misbah Sarwar, Crispin Cooper and becoming increasingly commonplace. This is a field
Ludovic Briquet that entails linking fundamental chemical properties,
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Blounts Court, for instance electronic and geometric structure, to
Sonning Common, Reading, RG4 9NH, UK activity, ultimately providing the basis from which
enhanced materials can be predicted (3). A particularly
Aniekan Ukpong, Christopher Perry and Glenn attractive feature of computational approaches is the
Jones* flexibility and applicability to all divisions of Johnson
Johnson Matthey Research Centre, CSIR, Meiring Matthey’s business. For instance within New Business
Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria, 0184, South Africa Development methods to simulate optical properties
of materials (for smart glass applications) are being
*Email: applied; within platinum group metals (pgm) refining
we are exploring metal extraction and applying
engineering process modelling; and within glass and
Computational methods are a burgeoning science colour technologies we are using thermodynamic tools
within industry. In particular, recent advances have to help us understand the formation and properties
seen first-principles atomic-scale modelling leave the of glass compositions. Of particular importance to
realm of the academic theory lab and enter mainstream Johnson Matthey is catalyst technology (Chemical
industrial research. Herein we present an overview, Catalysis, Emission Control, Process Technologies and
focusing on catalytic applications in fuel cells, emission Chiral Catalysis Technologies) where we are working
control and process catalysis and looking at some towards a multiscale modelling capability that links the
real industrial examples being undertaken within the macroscopic engineering world to the atomic-scale
Johnson Matthey Technology Centre. We proceed to chemistry and physical properties of materials.
discuss some underpinning research projects and give A key philosophy within the research group and what
a perspective on where developments will come in the makes the field so important for industrially relevant
short to mid-term. applications, is the importance of linking theory with
experiment whether through measurement and
1. Introduction validation of the computational methods or by actively
seeking collaboration with experimentalists who can
The use of atomic-scale modelling, whether force-field synthesise, characterise and test interesting materials.
methods or electronic structure theory calculations This overview article will firstly discuss some of the
(for example density functional theory (DFT) (1, 2)) background to the methods employed, then move on
in chemical and material research within industry is to discuss some recent projects that have been carried

257 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

out with a particular focus on catalytic applications. state-of-the-art approaches, with the implicit limitations
The aim is to give a feel for the types of application thereof, can be applied to a specific catalytic reaction
we have been tackling, and the underpinning research or application of interest (12–15). Critical in this
we are conducting, before moving on to conclude by approach is the development of a suitable atomic-scale
highlighting areas where continued research effort will model, from which we can extract information about the
be required in the future. electronic properties or certain chemical quantities, for
Computational catalysis is a field that has been example reaction energies and activation barriers. The
flourishing over the past two decades. This is a result idea is to understand the reaction sufficiently, such that
of two primary drivers: the development of efficient we can develop predictive models that can influence the
generic codes or algorithms and the improvement in materials development process. This can be achieved at
available computer power on which to run these codes a number of levels starting from potential energies and
(Figure 1) (4, 5). Computational catalysis as a sub- electronic properties (occupancies, d-band centres and
discipline has arguably emerged from surface science highest occupied molecular orbital/lowest unoccupied
(6, 7). This is unsurprising given that most of molecular orbital (HOMO/LUMO) gaps), before moving
heterogeneous catalytic chemistry occurs at the surface on to thermodynamic models and ultimately full kinetic
of materials. However, it is also inextricably linked to models (Figure 2) (16). One key concept is the
solid-state materials chemistry, for example the bulk identification of a key property or trend that can then be
properties of complex oxides determine the surface used as a descriptor to ‘screen’ through other potential
facets that are present and the complex reaction candidates (3, 12). This approach has met with some
atmospheres present during catalysis lead to various success, and has led to a number of initiatives working
oxidation states of the material, which all play a crucial on generating databases and computational tools to
role in the activity and stability of a given catalyst (8–11). accelerate or aid the discovery of novel materials using
A key interest of computational catalysis to the ab initio approaches (17–22). Close collaboration with
industrial arena is that of material prediction. Here experimentalists then completes the material discovery

methods across the length scales
20 integral in Johnson Matthey’s development

Pretoria; Computational
18 Catalysis and Materials
log10 (computing power/FLOPPS)

Computational Chemistry
16 Group
Nobel Prize
15 Walter Kohn and John Pople
DFT and computational chemistry Multi-
scale modelling; large scale DFT
14 Perdew calculations; holistic simulation of systems
13 DFT for chemists Application of
DFT to reactions; predictive modelling
12 of catalysts and other materials
11 of DFT for chemisorption

















Fig. 1. Log plot showing the most powerful supercomputer, as measured in floating point operations per second (FLOPPS) (5)
vs. year. In grey are key developments in algorithms and then in blue, on the development of atomic-scale modelling within
Johnson Matthey, as an example of an industrial user

258 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) NiAl_1 NiAl_2 (b)

NiAl_3 NiAl_4

(c) 1.5
Ni:Sb 5

1.0 Ni:Sn 2
0.5 Ni:Ga
O binding, eV

0.0 –7
–0.5 Ni:Mo
–1.0 Ni:Ti

–1.5 –19
–1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
C binding, eV

Fig. 2. The process of developing a surface model, studying the adsorption of intermediates and transition states, culminating
in the kinetic model that is used to screen for new catalyst candidates. (Republished with permission of Maney Publishing, from
(16); permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center Inc)

process, allowing iterative refinements of models and interface of fundamental research we are working
ultimately the synthesis of candidate materials. towards the future development of Johnson Matthey
Beyond the immediate task of predicting materials technology.
for current needs, the second important focus of
computational catalysis is to look to the future: asking 2. Homogeneous Catalysis
questions such as how to go beyond the current state
of the art to describe systems more accurately or how Homogeneous catalysts operate in the same phase
to place the atomic scale picture in the context of the as the reactants, usually but not exclusively dissolved
complete catalytic solution. Often this involves trying in a solvent. A wide variety of homogeneous catalysts
out new methods and establishing collaborations with exist: these include Lewis and Brønsted acids, metal
academic researchers. ions, metal complexes, organometallic complexes
In order to illustrate some of the above we now proceed and biocatalysts. However, more recently, the term
to discuss some laboratory projects from the areas of homogeneous catalyst is often applied to organometallic
homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and or coordination complexes.
electrocatalysis that are, or have been, conducted Owing to the fact that upon completion of a reaction,
within the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre in more the catalyst must be recovered from the products (often
detail. After which we shall proceed to discuss some a costly process) and that in general heterogeneous
of the future directions of our research and show how catalysts are more stable, homogeneous catalysts
by working at the cusp of the industrial and academic enjoy only limited application in industry. There are

259 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

however, a number of important industrial reactions In collaboration with experimentalists from Johnson
catalysed by homogeneous catalysts, including Matthey Catalysis and Chiral Technologies, a
hydroformylation, methathesis, carbonylation and modelling study was undertaken to explore some
polymerisation using Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Perhaps anomalies pertaining to the direct arylation of oxazole
it is in the pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals and 4-bromotoluene. Oxazole, 1, with three reactive
industries where homogeneous catalysts enjoy their C–H sites, usually displays the reactivity order:
greatest success. Coupling reactions such as the C5>C2>C4. However, in certain instances, the reaction
Suzuki-Miyaura reaction, Sonogashira coupling, the at the C5 site appears to be disfavoured, leading to a
Heck reaction, Stille cross-coupling and the Buchwald- predominance of C2 product. Table I shows how the
Hartwig reaction have long been employed to bring product distribution is affected by altering the amount
about various organic transformations. of added phosphine ligand.
Computational studies with DFT methods on the
transmetallation step of the various cross-coupling
reactions first appeared just over a decade ago (23–28)
and provided useful insight into the energetics and 5 2
mechanism of the reaction. Within a couple of years, 4 N 3

DFT results for the full catalytic cycles were reported Oxazole, 1
(29–34). DFT theoretical studies have also recently
been used to investigate cross-coupling reactions
involving metals other than palladium; examples include:
rhodium-catalysed coupling via C–H bond activation Table I P
 roduct Distribution for the Reaction
(35, 36), nickel-catalysed cross-coupling reactions of Oxazole with 4-Bromotoluene Using
(37–42), delineating the mechanism of iron-catalysed the Pre-Catalyst Palladium Acetate
cross-coupling reaction (43–47), dialkylzinc-mediated (Pd(OAc)2)
cross-coupling (48), copper-catalysed C–N cyclisation Catalyst Ligand % % % Di % Di
Mono Mono 2,5 4,5
(49) and enantioselective nucleophilic borylation (50). 5 2

2.1 Palladium-Catalysed C–H Bond Activation Pd(OAc)2 – 66 0 28 3

of Heterocycles Pd(OAc)2 1 × PtBu3 31 4 59 1
Over the past decade, Pd-catalysed direct C–H arylation t
Pd(OAc)2 2 × P Bu3 6 35 50 0
has emerged as an important alternative to traditional
cross-coupling reactions for the synthesis of a wide
range of arylated heterocycles (51–56). Compared In the absence of added phosphine ligand,
to traditional Suzuki-type cross-coupling methods, dimethylacetamide (DMA) solvent is believed to
direct arylation has the advantage that it does not coordinate to Pd. Figure 3 shows the reaction coordinate
require the preparation of stoichiometric quantities of diagram for the C–H activation step (believed to be
organometallic reagents (typically alkyl or aryl boronic rate-limiting) of oxazole at positions C5, C4 and C2,
acids), thereby eliminating steps in the synthesis and by the well-established CMD mechanism. The results
reducing the amount of toxic metallic waste. correlate well with the experimental observation that for
The most widely accepted mechanism for these Pd(OAc)2 in the absence of added phosphine, mono‑5-
reactions is the concerted metallation-deprotonation product is formed in preference to both mono‑2- and
(CMD) pathway, involving simultaneous Pd–C bond mono-4-substituted product.
formation and aromatic C–H bond cleavage to yield Figure 4 shows the reaction coordinate for oxazole
a diaryl Pd(II) species (57–59). A second mechanism, arylation, via the CMD mechanism, in the presence
involving a cyclometallated complex, has also recently of Pt Bu3 ligand. Formation of the initial intermediate
been proposed to account for the much lower than appears to be disfavoured for this mechanism, for both
expected reactivity observed when certain tri-tert- coordination through N3, as well as through the C 4=C5
butylphosphine-containing Pd catalysts are reacted pi bond. The barrier heights for all three intermediates
with heteroarenes in isolation to the catalytic cycle are also fairly large. Our calculations thus suggest
(60, 61). that C–H activation at any of the reactive sites via the

260 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)


25.00 O

O Pd Ar
20.00 DMA

15.00 O Pd Ar
ΔG, Kcal mol–1

O Pd Ar
5.00 N O H
O 14.0 O Pd Ar O
O Pd Ar N+
0.00 DMA – H
O O Pd Ar
–5.00 N
+ N+ O
O Pd Ar H
O –
–10.00 O O
N O Pd Ar

–15.00 N
O Pd Ar
Fig. 3. Free energy diagram for direct arylation of oxazole with [(DMA)Pd(Ar)(OAc)] via the CMD mechanism

30.00 O H N

O Pd Ar
25.00 O H ON
O Pd Ar O
20.00 PtBu3
O Pd Ar
N N+
15.00 O O H H
O –
11.0 O Pd Ar O Pd Ar
O Pd Ar
ΔG, Kcal mol–1

10.00 PtBu3 PtBu3 PtBu3

N N+ O
O – H
5.00 O Pd Ar
O Pd Ar
O t PtBu3
P Bu3
0.00 O

–5.00 O Pd Ar O Pd Ar
PtBu3 O t
P Bu3
–10.00 O

Fig. 4. Free energy diagram for direct arylation of oxazole with [(PtBu3)Pd(Ar)(OAc)] via the CMD mechanism

261 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

CMD mechanism in the presence of Pt Bu3 ligand is A better understanding of the factors that control the
unfavourable. reactivity and regioselectivity of various heteroaromatic
Hartwig et al. (60, 61) have shown that direct substrates is important in designing reaction conditions
arylation of pyridine N-oxide with (Pt Bu3)Pd(Ar) that will favour activating a specific C–H bond in
(OAc) involves cooperative catalysis between two a particular substrate. Additionally, it would allow
distinct Pd centres. Figure 5 shows the modelling Catalysis and Chiral Technologies to better market
results for oxazole C–H activation via this recently their range of Pd-catalysed cross-coupling catalysts
proposed ‘cooperative’ mechanism and is in towards specific applications. Future work includes
agreement with our experimental findings. The investigating the regioselectivities of the di-substituted
initial complex that forms has oxazole coordinated products, as well as the effect that the amount of PtBu3
to Pd either through N 3 or through the C 4 =C 5 has on the product distribution.
pi bond. In this case, however, formation of the
latter is unfavourable by around 2 kcal mol –1. C 5 3. Heterogeneous Catalysis
activation still has a marginally lower barrier height,
but initial intermediate formation is unfavourable. Heterogeneous catalytic materials come in several
The energy barrier for C 2 –H activation is still quite forms. Generically one could say that these are
large (around 21 kcal mol –1), but not as large as either unsupported (for example zeolites or PdO) or
for the DMA ligand. These findings suggest that supported (for example nickel/alumina). The majority
C 5 –H activation is not significantly favoured over of our research has focused on the latter type, where
C 2 –H activation as is observed in the absence of a either pure, doped or alloy nanoparticles are deposited
phosphine ligand. on a support that may be either inert, acid/base or
This work has shown how modelling can be redox active. Historically, extended infinite surfaces
instrumental in explaining experimental observations. have been used as models corresponding to the limit

25.00 O Pd
t P
t N
20.00 O H O O
O Pd O Pd
t P t
Bu P
15.00 Bu t t
Bu Bu O
– H
10.00 O Pd
ΔG, Kcal mol–1

O t
O Bu
12.8 t
O Pd Bu
O Pd
5.00 t P t P
Bu t Bu
Bu t
N+ O
N – H
O Pd
O O Pd Bu P
O P t
O Pd t Bu
Bu t
–5.00 Bu
Bu P
–10.00 + N

O O Pd
N Bu t
–15.00 Bu

Fig. 5. Free energy diagram for direct arylation of oxazole with [(PtBu3)Pd(Ar)(OAc)] via the cooperative mechanism

262 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

of large nanoparticles (>3 nm – this number is slightly on specific reactions, which may be a combination
arbitrary due to the computational effort required to of electronic and geometric influences (Figures 6
explicitly define this value). There is a plethora of real and 7), and also the influence of the so-called ‘metal
examples where materials design has been influenced support interaction’ in which electronic, geometric
by the result of calculations on such systems (62, and ‘spill-over effects’ play a role (64). In fact, these
63) and indeed this is often the first approach taken influences can be reaction specific and sometimes
with our in-house modelling. However, the complexity even condition specific. It still remains a challenge to
of a catalyst is such that detailed questions remain, theoretically address these questions fully and this
surrounding for example the influence of particle size leads to much vital underpinning research.

(a) 0.8 (b)

CN: 6
CN: 7
0.6 CN: 8 or 9
CN: 12
Fraction of atoms

0.4 Terraces


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
d{[100]–[–100]}, nm
Fig. 6. (a) Graph showing the fraction of atoms of a given type (terrace, step or corner group by coordination number (CN)) as a
function of particle size. The plot has been generated for Pt particles using a Wulff construction from surface energies; for clarity
only CN 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 are shown. (b) From top to bottom: three representative surface models are shown: {111} for a terrace
(CN: 9), {211} for a step (CN: 8), {532} for a corner atom (CN: 6)

(a) (b)
Total DOS Total DOS Total DOS Total DOS Total DOS

0.8 10
Single atom
0.0 8
–10 –5 0 5 10 201
0.8 6 cluster
0.4 165
0.0 6 135
–10 –5 0 5 10

0.8 13 cluster 79
0.4 4 55
0.0–10 –5 0 5 10
0.8 79 cluster
0.4 2 19
0.0 13
–10 –5 0 5 10
0.8 Bulk 0 1
0.4 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4
0.0 E–Ef, eV
–10 –5 0 5 10

Fig. 7. Density of states for: (a) small gold clusters as a function of size (increasing from top to bottom); (b) Pt clusters as a
function of size (decreasing from top bottom). When viewed in conjunction with Figure 3, it can clearly be seen that overlaid on
the geometric effect of coordination is an electronic effect, partly as a result of low coordination, but also as a result of localised
electronic states intermediate between atomic and bulk-like

263 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

3.1 Methane Activation of sulfur adsorption on the steam reforming reaction

over a Ni{211} and the resulting activity trends for a
The activation of methane is central to many series of alternative alloys.
technologies, from hydrocarbon combustion and During the steam reforming reaction the dissociation
methane oxidation in catalytic emission control to the of methane on a nickel catalyst can lead to the
synthesis of hydrogen and syngas as a feedstock for formation of polymeric carbon on the catalyst surface
Fischer-Tropsch and ammonia syntheses (65). (Figure 10). The carbon filaments so formed are very
In the area of steam reforming catalysis, models problematic, ultimately leading to deactivation of the
have been developed to go beyond understanding catalyst and shutting down of the reactor. Using DFT
the intrinsic activity of steam reforming catalysts modelling, the origin of the deactivation has previously
and begin to consider the influence of poisons and been investigated along with possible mitigation
unwanted side reactions. For instance, building strategies (71–73). Two fundamental approaches
on published models (66), extensions have been have been studied in-house: the first is to examine
made to account for: (a) site blocking and (b) the the role of dopants and alloys on the initial formation
electronic deactivation caused by the presence of and nucleation of the problematic carbon, the second
sulfur (67). Using the modified model the influence to look at burn-off of any formed carbon using oxygen
of sulfur can be explicitly simulated (68), enabling based species and how this can be promoted.
strategies to be developed to mitigate its influence. The work has shown that in general if one inhibits
Figure 8 shows an example of a sulfur overlayer, the formation of carbon there is a negative effect on
along with a calculated thermodynamic isostere the activity of the catalyst; there is the unfortunate
for sulfur coverage on Ni {111}, as a function of problem that the very surface sites responsible for
temperature and partial pressure of hydrogen catalytic activity are also the primary nucleation sites
sulfide (H 2S). This figure allows direct comparison for carbon formation. This leads one to consider the
to published experimental work (69), against which promotion of burn-off as the pragmatic route to deal
calculated enthalpies (ΔH) and entropies (ΔS) with it (Figure 10). Through modification of the support
can be validated. This exercise showed excellent or surface composition of the catalyst it is hoped that
agreement (ΔH (800 K): –145 (Exp. –155.2) kJ mol –1, promotion of this mechanistic route can be achieved
ΔS (800 K) = +38 (Exp. +35.9) J K–1 mol –1), indicating and this is the subject of ongoing research.
that these more complex reactivity studies result in Ordinarily, the presence of excess carbon is unwanted.
good trends. Figure 9 (70) illustrates the influence However, there are also reactions where the presence

(a) (b)






1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
1000 k/T
Fig. 8. (a) Optimised structure of 0.25 ml S on a Ni surface; (b) isostere of S calculated from first-principles. Good agreement for
saturation coverage (just below 0.25 ml) and entropies is found with the work of McCarty and Wise (69)

264 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

0 0
1500 Rh3Ni
–1 θC –1
θS Rh

log (TOF/s–1)

Price, $ kmol–1
–2 θO –2 1000
log (θ)

–3 –3 Pt3Ru Ru3Rh
500 Ni3Rh
0 50% drop in activity
–4 –4 Pd3Ru
Ru3Ru Ru3Pd Ru3Ni
Co3Pd Ni3Ru
–9 –8 –7 –6 –5 0 Ni3Ni
–5 –5
–9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2
log (PH S/Pstan.) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
2 Activity

Fig. 9. (a) Calculated turn over frequency and coverage of surface species for methane steam reforming in the presence of S
over a Ni {211} surface. Kinetic models like this can be used as the basis for theoretical screening studies; (b) Pareto optimal,
intrinsic metal cost (2009), vs. activity for methanol steam reforming (MSR) catalyst, oxidised catalysts have been filtered out
following the method outlined in (70)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 10. Illustration of: (a) nucleation of C at step edge (or defect); (b) growth of graphitic-like carbon; (c) reaction of graphitic
carbon with surface OH (burn-off mechanism)

of carbon growth has been found to promote catalytic studies (79) and experimental evidence (80) suggest
activity (74). This has inspired a fundamental research that YSZ will favourably adsorb molecular oxygen over
project looking at how defective graphene sheets can intrinsic vacancy sites and partially reduce it creating
potentially act as catalysts for converting propane to stabilised superoxide-like species. DFT calculations
propene (75). Furthermore, carbon is also used as of molecular oxygen adsorbed over a vacancy site on
a support in applications such as fuel cells. These the YSZ [111] surface showed that the O2 species was
observations highlight that it is not straightforward partially reduced. Charge distribution analysis showing
to classify whether a given element is a poison; as it to be in an approximately –0.5 oxidation state, with
exemplified by the case of carbon in catalysis, it can be the O–O bond lengthened slightly and large regions
both a friend and a foe. of unpaired electron density on each oxygen atom,
Partial oxidation of methane over yttrium stabilised all demonstrating transfer of electron density from the
zirconia (YSZ) has been experimentally shown to be surface in to the oxygen π* anti-bonding orbital. The
catalytically active for the partial oxidation of methane adsorption was found to be energetically favourable,
(76, 77). First-principles electronic structure calculations the DFT model giving an adsorption energy of –0.47eV.
have been applied to explore the possible mechanism The oxygenated surface model described above was
of methane C–H bond activation over the oxygenated used to study the methane activation process. The pure
YSZ [111] surface (Figure 11) (78). Previous theoretical zirconia (ZrO2) and unoxygenated YSZ surfaces were

265 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Alloying Pt with another transition metal is one possible

H way of overcoming some of these issues and this is an
H H H area that has been subject to intensive research in the
H last few years (84–89).
H The ORR at the cathode consists of several reaction
~0.5– –
O O O O pathways, the detailed understanding of which is still
2– –
Zr4+ the subject of ongoing research (90). Generally, the
reaction can follow two pathways: the four electron
Delocalised route to water (Equation (i)) and the two electron route
YSZ surface YSZ surface to H2O2 (Equation (ii)):

Fig. 11. Schematic diagram of the proposed methane O2 + 4H+ + 4e–à 2H2O (i)
activation mechanism over oxygenated YSZ surface.
The excess charge balance on the product is delocalised O2 + 2H+ + 2e–à H2O2 (ii)
throughout the ZrO2 system (78)
On Pt and Pt alloy surfaces it is generally agreed that
the ORR follows the four electron pathway to water.
This reaction can be broken down into the following
found to be relatively inert towards methane. However, elementary steps (Equations (iii)–(v)):
on the oxygenated surface, methane was found to
½O2à O* (iii)
transfer a hydrogen to a surface lattice oxygen ion in
a site neighbouring an adsorbed O2 species to yield a
O* + H+ + e-à OH* (iv)
surface OH group and a triangular planar CH3 molecular
species in the gas phase. Analysis of the charge density OH* + H+ + e-àH2O + * (v)
distribution confirms that the CH3 entity is a charge
neutral methyl radical and that the H3C–H bond has (where * denotes a surface atom or empty surface site).
undergone homolytic cleavage. The overall process In order for a surface to be an effective catalyst it
is predicted to be energetically favourable (–0.23 should follow Sabatier’s principle (91, 92). This states
eV). Transition state calculations using a constrained that a good working catalyst should have the ability
algorithm in combination with the nudged elastic band to break bonds and generate intermediates. However,
method (81), revealed a relatively low activation barrier it should also have a low enough interaction energy
of approximately 0.4 eV, suggesting that the reaction with these intermediates not to stabilise them on
should occur readily. Analysis of the changing geometry the surface, so that they can react further and free
and electronic structure allowed the prediction of the up adsorption sites. It has been suggested however
simplified mechanism given in Figure 11, with the that the reason for the slow ORR may be due to
adsorbed oxygen acting as an electron acceptor. It is the O intermediate binding too strongly to the Pt
likely that similar mechanisms may operate over other surface, therefore accumulating on the surface and
related metal oxide materials. Further information and blocking active sites. The surface d-band centre and
analysis of this work is available (78). oxygen binding energies have been widely used as
descriptors for the ORR. Both these show a volcano
4. Electrocatalysis type relationship with catalytic activity (85).

Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells offer

4.1 Transition Metal Alloy Nanocatalysts
a promising clean energy source for a range of both High throughput screening of materials using
stationary and automotive applications. However, there computational approaches such as DFT has become a
are a number of issues which must be overcome in powerful and valuable tool in catalyst design. The search
order for these to be commercialised. These include for the optimal material, based on predicted activity and
the high cost of the platinum electrodes, slow kinetics stability, among a great number of alloy combinations
of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and stability is both a materials and a combinatorial problem. A high
of the electrodes under operating conditions (82, 83). throughput approach was developed and adopted for

266 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

investigating the impact of varying the ratios of metals in

the alloy surface layer to determine which compositions
are most stable and electrochemically active. In this
work, through collaboration with project partners
Accelrys and CMR Fuel Cells, a combined theoretical
and experimental approach was taken to investigate
trends in the stability of Pt-M-Pt and M-Pt-Pt core-shell
type catalysts (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Os,
Ir, Au, Ta, Hf, Cr, Nb, V, Y, Sc, Ti and Zr).
The surfaces were modelled using a 2×2 unit cell of
the face-centred cubic (fcc) crystal of Pt (lattice constant Fig. 12. Schematic depicting the under/overlayer structure of
bulk Pt system: a = 4.010 Å). The Pt-M-Pt configuration core-shell type catalysts: (a) Pt-M-Pt structure; (b) M-Pt-Pt
was modelled by substitution of the second atomic layer structure
of Pt with M atoms, whereas the M-Pt-Pt configuration
consisted of the Pt atoms in the first atomic layer being between the Pt-M-Pt and M-Pt-Pt structures with and
substituted with M atoms (Figure 12). without O/OH adsorbed. If the segregation energy is
The stability of the electrode under fuel cell operating negative the Pt skin structure is favoured, if it is positive
conditions is a significant challenge to understand, as a surface of M atoms is favoured (Equation (vi)):
the highly corrosive environment can promote surface
segregation of the alloying component, which can Eseg = E (Pt-M-Pt) – E (M-Pt-Pt) (vi)
then be leached away removing any benefit obtained
from alloying (93–95). The adsorption of O and OH and in the presence of adsorbate (O or OH) (Equation (vii)):
on the surfaces of Pt-M-Pt and M-Pt-Pt alloys was
Eseg = E (Pt-M-Pt)(O/OH) – E (M-Pt-Pt)(O/OH) (vii)
investigated, sampling all possible adsorption sites to
identify the most stable. The stability of the surface was Figure 13 shows the segregation energies for the
assessed by calculating the segregation energy, Eseg, structures with and without O and OH adsorbed.
firstly in vacuum (Equation (vi)) and then with the O The value of the segregation energy indicates how
or OH atom adsorbed (Equation (vii)). The segregation strongly a particular configuration is favoured. A more
energy is defined as the difference in total energy negative segregation energy indicates that a Pt skin is














Eseg, eV

–2.00 Clean
–3.00 Oads



Fig. 13. Calculated segregation energies for clean {111} surfaces of various Pt alloys in vacuum and with ¼ ml of O or
OH adsorbed

267 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

strongly favoured. In vacuum it can be seen that the predicted to bind O more weakly than Pt. It is these
Pt-M-Pt structure is favoured in all cases except Au alloys which bind O slightly more weakly than Pt that
and Ag (purple bars). However when O is adsorbed are predicted to have enhanced ORR activity. However
the segregation energy is weakened in comparison to alloys such as Pt-Ti-Pt and Pt-Al-Pt are predicted to
the clean surface (blue bars). For the ORR reaction, have poor ORR activity as they bind O too weakly.
the materials that retain a Pt skin are most promising. Using this approach over 2000 alloy combinations
For Pt-Ni-Pt, Pt-Pd-Pt, Pt-Be-Pt and Pt-Y-Pt surface were screened and several potential candidates
segregation of M is predicted in the presence of identified to put forward for further experimental testing.
adsorbed O. For the remaining alloys a Pt skin is This theoretical pre-screening approach allowed
predicted though this is not favoured as strongly as for the list of combinations for testing to be significantly
the clean surface. A reversal in segregation energies narrowed down, saving valuable experimental time
is observed for Pt-Ag-Pt and Pt-Au-Pt, which are more and resource.
stable with a Pt skin in the presence of O.
Adsorption of OH on the surface destabilises the 4.2 Carbide Core Nanocatalysts
system resulting in a weaker segregation energy
compared to the clean surface. This destabilisation An alternative strategy to using a transition metal
is less pronounced than previously seen for O at the alloy as a core particle is to explore the possibility of
surface, with more negative segregation energies using transition metal nanoparticles (96). The use of
obtained for OH. This indicates that the tendency to carbides as non-transition metal cores supporting
retain a Pt skin in the presence of OH is stronger than thin films of Pt has been investigated. Through the
in the presence of O. study of various carbides and their interaction with Pt
The most promising ORR catalysts are ones in which overlayers the project has been able to elucidate (a)
a Pt skin is retained, acting as a protective barrier the geometric and electronic influences on the stability
to prevent the leaching of M from the subsurface. of Pt on these carbides; and (b) how the presence
Analysis of the segregation energies in the presence of the different carbide cores influences predicted
of both O and OH indicate that in terms of stability catalytic activity (Figure 15). Working closely with the
all compositions except Pt-Be-Pt, Pt-Ag-Pt, Pt-Au-Pt, synthetic chemists at Johnson Matthey Technology
Pt-Ni-Pt and Pt-Pd-Pt are promising, as a Pt skin is Centre, Sonning Common, the research has created
retained in the presence of O and OH when adsorption inspiration and directions for research which are being
takes place. followed in-house.
Figure 14 shows the adsorption energy of ¼ ml of It is understood that synthesising a material where Pt
oxygen on the surface of each Pt-M-Pt alloy. Alloys wets a carbide surface or other non-metal cores may
to the left of Pt have a lower d-band centre and are be challenging from a thermodynamic perspective.

–3.4 –2.9 –2.4 –1.9 –1.4

–2.2 PtAl PtTi
–2.4 PtNb PtHf/PtZr
–2.6 PtV PtTa
E Oads, eV

PtCr PtCo
–3 PtCu
PtMn PtRu
–3.2 PtOs PtFe PtRh PtAg
–3.4 Pt
PtIr PtAu
–3.8 PtPd
Ed–Ef, eV
Fig. 14. Correlation of d-band centre and O adsorption energy for Pt-M-Pt alloys

268 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)

Eseg (100)
Eseg (111)
Eseg, eV atom–1

0.5 Eseg (001)

ΔEads (100)
Ir Pd Ga Sn ΔEads (111)
–0.5 Eads (001)



Fig. 15. (a) Stability of Pt forming an outer shell with several tie-layer candidates. Overlaid is the oxygen adsorption energy
relative to pure Pt; (b) schematic illustrating the carbide core material with the tie-layer/Pt overlayers

Therefore the work, in its second phase, investigated zeolites used for SCR of nitrogen oxides (NOx) species
strategies to promote the stability of Pt, for instance for emission control – in particular to help elucidate the
through the use of so-called tie-layers. Figure 15 location of ions within the pores and to understand
illustrates the stability of a test set of tie-layer/Pt how these interact with other species located within
combinations, showing the propensity for the Pt to the voids, such as water, nitrogen oxide (NO) and
remain as a skin or to be sandwiched between the tie- ammonia (NH3).
layer and carbide support. Small pore zeolites such as CHA have recently
gained a lot of interest due to their very good low-
5. Emission Control Catalysis temperature activity and enhanced stability compared
to medium and large pore zeolites such as MFI and beta
The use of catalysts in emission control is wide (97–103). An understanding of the nature and location of
and varied. Along with the supported nanoparticle transition metal ions such as Cu and Fe within the pores
catalysts discussed to this point, another significant and how these interact with key NH3-SCR adsorbates
class of catalyst is the zeolite. Zeolites are crystalline, such as NO and H2O is crucial in understanding the
microporous materials in which the atoms are mechanism of NOx reduction in these zeolites and this
arranged to form a network of molecular sized pores in turn can help in devising strategies to improve the
and channels. This unique porous structure combined performance of these catalysts. A combined simulation
with their huge internal surface area gives rise to a and experimental approach was used to investigate
vast number of applications. By tailoring the pores and Cu location in CHA using techniques such as energy
channels, molecules can be excluded on the basis minimisation based on interatomic potentials and
of size and shape and catalytic processes can be quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM)
driven to yield only preferred reaction products. Within methods to identify stable cation exchange sites
Johnson Matthey’s business areas alone, zeolites are within the pores and study the influence of adsorbate
key components of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) interactions (Figure 16). These results were compared
catalysts, as additives for fluidised catalytic cracking to high resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) and
(FCC) catalysts, and as catalysts in the petrochemicals infrared (IR) measurements of probe molecules to
refining process. elucidate the ion location and how this is modified by
Zeolites have been extensively studied over the last interaction with adsorbates.
decade using a wide range of modelling techniques. The Diffusion of reactants and products to and from the
structure of the framework, effects of doping, location active sites within the zeolite pores is a key part of the
of ions and adsorbates within the pores, diffusion of catalytic cycle and can have a significant impact on a
reactants and products within the structure and the catalyst’s performance. Therefore an understanding of
reaction pathways leading to the catalytic breakdown this process is crucial to optimising the use of zeolites
of molecules can be readily computed. Atomistic as catalysts. An ongoing project is using modelling to
modelling has been used to aid the characterisation of understand diffusion of various molecules within these

269 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

research for the methods used to enable continuous

(a) (b) improvement in modelling capability. This research is
often carried out in collaboration with academic groups.
2.869 2.177
We now proceed to discuss some of the academic
2.148 collaboration Johnson Matthey has been involved in
2.020 2.035
and how the underpinning knowledge is being used to
2.010 improve understanding of catalytic materials.

6.1 Redox Active Oxides and Metal Support

Certain oxides provide a challenge to standard
computational methods. Working with academics at
Fig. 16. Two low energy sites for Cu+ identified using: (a)
interatomic potentials; and (b) QM/MM methods Cardiff University, UK, and also via a Royal Society
Industrial Fellowship at University College London
(UCL), UK, we have been running academic projects
looking at pragmatic ways to model ceria and other
materials, including NO, NH3, H2O, propane, xylene redox active metal oxides for catalytic activities. A
and CO2. The atoms in a zeolite can be arranged in a pertinent question in this work was whether trends in
variety of ways to form rings, channels and pores with metal screening studies need to go beyond standard
different sizes and dimensionalities, leading to a large DFT methods (Figure 18). The inclusion of the so
number of possible framework structures. Molecular called Hubbard U parameter has been found not
dynamics (MD) simulations are being used to try and only to be vital for obtaining the ‘correct’ electronic
understand the influence of ring size, pore volume, structure (105), but also to have a significant influence
dimensionality and chemical composition on diffusion on obtained formation energies and, importantly for
through the framework and to predict which structures catalysis, shows that reaction energetics can be highly
and compositions would allow optimal diffusion. sensitive to the choice of U (Figure 19) (105–107).
The self-diffusion coefficients calculated using MD Once a reasonable model for the support phase of
simulations can also be measured using experimental the catalyst is obtained, the interaction between the
techniques such as pulse field gradient-nuclear nanoparticle and the support must be considered.
magnetic resonance (PFG-NMR) and quasi-elastic A crucial question here is: how big are your
neutron scattering (QENS) techniques and a project nanoparticulate catalysts? The answer clearly has a
is underway in collaboration with University of bearing on how to consider modelling the system. For
Cambridge, UK, and the UK Catalysis Hub at Harwell, instance Figure 6 shows three separate regimes for
UK, to measure diffusion of selected molecules in catalysts of different sizes: smaller than 2 nm, between
selected frameworks to compare with MD simulations. 2 nm and 3 nm and beyond 3 nm where the facets of
Some initial MD simulation results investigating xylene
diffusion in USY are presented in Figure 17 for ortho-,
meta- and para-xylene. Figure 17 shows diffusion 3.5
coefficients at temperatures between 300 K and 700 K 3
Ds, m2 s–1, ×10–9

for each isomer. The diffusion coefficients increase with 2.5

temperature and indicate that diffusion of the para 2
isomer is faster than meta or ortho isomers. Initial PFG- 1.5 meta
NMR measurements at University of Cambridge at 1 para
318 K gave a diffusion coefficient of 4.6 × 10–10 m2 s–1 0.5
which is in good agreement with MD simulated values 0
of 5.92 × 10–10 m2 s–1 at 323 K. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature, K

6. Underpinning Research Fig. 17. Diffusion coefficient (Ds) as a function of

temperature (T) for ortho, meta and para xylene in zeolite
In addition to the more applied research reported structure USY
above, a key philosophy is to look at underpinning

270 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b) (c)

5 5 50
0 0 0
2 5 5.5
4 4 40

Density of states
Density of states

Density of states
3 3 30

2 2 20

1 1 10

0 0 0
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Energy, eV Energy, eV Energy, eV
Fig. 18. Density of states calculated using standard DFT (red) and with the Hubbard U correction (blue): (a) lanthanum oxide
(La2O3), wide band gap oxides are reproduced quite well; (b) palladium (II) oxide (PdO), standard DFT predicts PdO to be
a metal, the Hubbard U correction is required to obtain the correct band gap (as seen in Figure 13, this also improves the
calculated energetics); (c) CeO2, whilst the overall band gap (2p–5d) is reproduced well with standard approaches, the width
and location of the Ce-4f is highly sensitive to the choice of Hubbard U parameter, it is this state that is responsible for the facile
redox properties of CeO2 (104)

(a) (b)
CeO2 + CO CO/CeO2 CeO2–d + CO2
2 0

Adsorption energy, eV

Energy, eV

–1 –2
0.0 eV
ΔE (Pd4O4) 2.5 eV
–2 ΔE (band gap) 4.5 eV
ΔE (vacancy) –3 5.5 eV
6.5 eV
7.5 eV
–3 8.5 eV

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 –4
U, eV
Fig. 19. (a) dependence of various properties of PdO as a function of Hubbard U parameter, compared to benchmark results.
Vacancy formation energy compared to Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) calculations of Delley (106). Band gap compared
to (107) and Pd4O4 compared to in-house coupled cluster calculations. The region where the difference in properties and
energetics approach zero identifies the required value of U; (b) CeO2 reaction profile adapted from (105), here the acute
dependence of reaction profile on the choice of U parameter is illustrated, which necessitates a deeper study of choosing U for
catalyst problems (105)

the nanoparticle are sufficiently large to begin to think (a) <2 nm: a regime that is modulated by both electronic
in bulk terms (it should be noted the 3 nm bound is a and geometric effects and significantly different
slightly arbitrary choice of bound for this regime). From reactivity from the bulk terminated surfaces would
Figure 7, bulk-like electronic structure can be observed be expected
even before the facets grow significantly large. This has (b) 2–3 nm: a regime where the intrinsic electronic
now been confirmed by massively parallel calculations nature of the metal is ‘bulk-like’, but influence of
of nanoparticles (108–110). This suggests the following transport or limited numbers of a given facet could
general regimes: be influencing the observed catalysis (for example

271 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

the availability of hydrogen in the methanation for the chemical industry and have been the focus
reaction) of numerous computational modelling investigations
(c) >3 nm: the geometry and electronic influences are (113–118). The typical size of these metal particles
sufficiently bulk-like to use extended surfaces as is of the order of the nanometre. At such scales the
‘good’ models. interaction of the particle with its chemical surrounding
In general the size of a nanoparticle has a profound is of great importance as it impacts its stability (with
influence on the observed chemistry and subsequent public health and economic impacts) and may impact
catalytic behaviour. This has been well documented for its catalytic activity as well. As a consequence, a PhD
Au, however limited attention has been given to other project in collaboration with UCL was initiated with the
metals (111, 112). In Figure 20, this point is illustrated aim of using DFT computational modelling methods to
for the activation of methane over silver. Not only does investigate how transition metals such as Pd, Pt and Ni
the small size increase the activity of the particle relative interact with an α-alumina support.
to the extended system, it produces a catalyst that is in The initial investigation studied how single metal
a different chemical state, thereby opening up chemical atoms adsorb on the (0001) and (1102) α-alumina
routes that would not otherwise have been present. surfaces. On both surfaces, the binding strength
For small clusters and nanoparticles, the combination follows the trend Pt>Ni>Pd (119). When bonding to the
of small size and the presence of surface oxide species surface, all transition metals promote a charge transfer,
opens up even more combinations of chemistry. For moving electron density from a neighbouring surface
the case of a small nanoparticle which can be modelled oxygen to a surface aluminium atom (Figure 21).
explicitly, the presence of the support introduces an In order to take into account alumina’s strong affinity
interfacial region that is critical for the chemistry and for water, a thermodynamic model of a different surface
for the case of reducible oxides it also changes the environment was developed. By including the chemical
availability of oxygen for reaction. potential of water in the gas phase it was possible
to compute the Gibbs free energy of several water
6.2 Metal Support Interactions coverages of α-alumina surfaces and to predict the state
The chemical interactions between a metal particle of the surface at a given pressure and temperature.
and its metal oxide support are of critical importance Figure 22 presents the evolution of the Gibbs free

(a) (b)
3 3

2.5 CH3* 2 CH3*
2O* 2O*
2 2H* 2H*

1 0



–1 –3
Reaction coordinate (gas → surface) Reactioncoordinate
Reaction coordinate(gas

Fig. 20. Free energy diagrams for surface species present on: (a) a Ag {111} facet and (b) 13 atom cluster: solid = 423 K,
dashed = 623 K, dot-dashed = 823 K. It can be seen for the Ag {111} surface only O is present at low temperature and at higher
temperatures the surface is clean. However for the small cluster at 423 K, O, H, NO and CH3O are present, while at 623 K
O and NO are present and at 823 K, O is still on the surface. The presence of O has significant influence on the calculated
activation barriers. Eact[Ag {211}] = 2.15 eV, Eact[Ag13] = 1.57 eV, Eact[Ag13O6] = 0.74 eV; implying that O covered Ag13 is as
active as Ni for the dissociation of methane (8)

272 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

enables a significant stabilisation of Pt and Ni atoms on

the alumina surface (120).
In order to gain some insight into the catalytic activity
of supported metal nanoparticles, the interactions
of a carbon monoxide probe with a supported Ni6
nanocluster has been studied. CO was chosen for its
relative simplicity and its wide use in catalytic processes
such as steam reforming, where supported Ni catalysts
are also of relevance. The (0001) α-alumina surface
has a strong influence on the CO interaction with
Fig. 21. Top view of an adsorbed Pd single atom on (0001) the Ni6 cluster. The favoured adsorption site on the
α-Al2O3 Figure adapted from (119) supported Ni6 cluster is on a hollow site on the side of
the particle. On that site, CO is also able to interact with
a surface aluminium atom (Figure 23) (121). The CO
energy of the clean, low (5 OH nm–2) and high hydrated bond is elongated (1.28 Å vs. 1.13 Å in the gas phase
(10 OH nm–2) states of the (0001) surface. At 3.2 kPa, and 1.20 Å on a (111) Ni hexagonal close-packed (hcp)
the (0001) surface gradually changes from a heavy site) and its stretching frequency is lowered (1397 cm–1
hydration state to a fully clean surface at around 900 vs. 1899 cm–1 on a (111) Ni hcp site). This dramatic
K. On the (1102) surface, the transition between the high activation of the CO molecule illustrates how, even
OH coverage and the clean surface is much more sudden though considered as inert, the catalyst support may
without an intermediate moderate hydration state (120). play an active role in the reaction cycle.
Surface hydration has a strong impact on the For small nanoparticles, it is important to provide an
interaction of the transition metal with its support as explicit computational model to describe mechanistic
the surface aluminium sites are now fully occupied by aspects of sub-nanometre particles supported on
OH groups and are not available to receive electron oxides. Work in collaboration with David Willock,
density moved from surface oxygen atoms. Instead, Cardiff University, has been bringing together studies
upon adsorption, all three investigated transition metal on redox active supports and small metal nanoparticles
atoms trigger the rupture of a surface OH group, in a bid to understand the metal support interaction and
followed by the migration of the hydrogen atom to the its influence on reactivity (122). For the probe reaction
metal atom. This mechanism is called ‘spill-over’ and of CO oxidation, new mechanistic pathways have
been opened up due to the metal/oxide interface that
radically changes the rate-determining step (Figure 24)
(123). The theme of metal support interaction has also
3.0 seen some experimental contribution and recent work
with Tsang’s group in Oxford has been published on the
Surface energy, J m–2





200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Temperature, K
Fig. 22. Gibbs surface free energy at 3.2 kPa water partial
pressure for the clean (blue), 5 OH nm–2 (green), and 10 OH
nm–2 (red) hydration coverage of (0001)) α-Al2O3 (Adapted Fig. 23. Side view of CO on the Ni6 (0001)) α-Al2O3 system
with permission from (120). Copyright (2003) American (Adapted with permission from (121). Copyright (2010)
Chemical Society) American Chemical Society)

273 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

(a) (b)
O..CO (ts)
50 + CO (g)
E Grey: [O] = Au-O
Black: [O] = Fe-O
–50 C, D

–100 B

CO (ads)
CO2 (ads)

Fig. 24. (a) Au_10 nanoparticle adsorbed on iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) (0001) surface, (blue: Fe, red: surface oxygen, yellow: Au,
grey: carbon, green: CO oxygen); (b) reaction profile for the adsorption and reaction of CO with different surface O in the vicinity
of the Au cluster. It can be seen there are a several distinct adsorption site Fe2O3, Au and interfacial, that lead to very different
adsorption energies, furthermore the different reacting surface oxygens also lead to different activation barriers. (Adapted from
Scott Hoh PhD thesis (123))

role of hydrogen spill-over influence on the reducibility methods are currently being explored to screen for
of ceria supported pgm catalysts (64). novel catalyst candidates.
Obtaining an explicit description of large metal Whilst models can be developed either explicitly
nanoparticles interacting with an oxide support is still or indirectly for the metal/support interaction for the
a computational challenge beyond current computing two outer-bounds of the nanoparticle regimes under
capacity. However, a simple thermodynamic screening investigation, there is still a significant computational
model has been developed with the potential to predict challenge in simulating the intermediate regime. The
the general behaviour of certain transition metal/oxide following section describes work towards developing
support combinations, in the limit of large nanoparticles. a capability that will allow the 2–3 nm regime to be
Taking inspiration from the field of electrochemistry tackled explicitly, starting with an electronic structure
where a chemical reaction is considered in terms theory of the metal nanoparticle itself.
of the half-reaction, we can consider the following
6.3 Large-scale Calculations of Metal
(a) metal supported oxides can be split into two
components (metal and oxide) One of the significant barriers to developing complex
(b) redox catalysts can be considered analogous to models of real catalysts is the limitation on system size
electrochemical half reactions that can be tackled explicitly. Significant progress can
(c) one half reaction occurs on the metal, the other on be made with a judicious choice of model and some
the oxide. prior understanding of the system in question. If one is
Taking the example of simultaneous CO oxidation simply interested in geometric structure then arguably,
and NO reduction it can be assumed that NO reduction embedded atom or other parameterised potential
occurs on the metallic component while CO oxidation approaches can be utilised (124, 125). However
occurs on the oxide component. Calculating the free in catalysis, especially when trying to understand
energy profile for a simplified reaction pathway allows chemical activity, there is often interest in linking
firstly existing databases of metal components to be the electronic structure to reactivity. This requires
used, secondly new databases to be developed for methods for conducting large scale electronic structure
the oxide component and finally metal/oxide pairings theory calculations, for instance computer codes with
to be identified using calculations that are currently favourable scaling over many computer cores (for
tractable on available resources. Figure 25 illustrates example GPAW, Order-N Electronic Total Energy
the approach being used in the example of CO and Package (ONETEP) (126, 127)) or semi-empirical
NO. Early results in this area are promising and new approaches (128).

274 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

4 Au
Ceria surface Cu
2 Pd
0 Co
ΔG (450 K), eV
–2 Mo

Metal surface


) * M * * * M *
(g M
O 5N
NO NO *+ + +
O + 0.
)+ )+ M
N N2 5N
2 5 N2 )+
(g (g + 0.
0. 0. (g
CO ) )+
CO (g )+ x*+ (g CO

CO (g O

Fig. 25. Reaction profile for the NO reduction, CO oxidation, occurring on a series of metals left hand side and Ce surface, right
hand side. The highlighted dashed line illustrates the interpolation between reactants and products. To a first approximation this
interpolation minimises the free energy pathway and shows the region where an optimal catalyst can be found

One part of this research is looking at exploiting and the propensity for the oxidation state of the
the linear scaling capabilities of ONETEP through surface to change during reaction. A significant
collaboration with Chris-Kriton Skylaris, Southampton challenge to utilising the DFTB approach is to find
University, UK. Enhanced functionality of ONETEP has truly transferable parameters to describe all of the
been exploited to help in the simulation of metals (129) necessary interaction present in the simulation
and work is now underway benchmarking speed and (130). Figure 26 illustrates geometrical structures
scaling for the adsorption of molecules such as O2, CO, obtained from ONETEP, GPAW and DFTB for
OH and atomic O. The difference in adsorption energies nanoparticles that are tractable with current
between constrained but pre-optimised nanoparticles computational resources, the future will see this
and ligands and between fully geometry-optimised capability extended.
systems of nanoparticles and ligands has been studied There are several fundamental experimental projects
by looking at various sizes of cuboctahedral Pt clusters to augment the theoretical work on nanoparticles.
(Pt13, Pt55, Pt147) and comparing to more conventional The first of these involves the Nellist group from
slab models. The results show significant deviations Oxford Materials, UK, who have derived experimental
in binding strength between the fully relaxed and methods using quantitative annular dark-field scanning
constrained systems. transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM)
Another project with the University of Limpopo, (131). Pt nanoparticle atomic coordinates have
South Africa, is developing parameters to describe been determined for particles up to Pt943 atoms. The
Pd nanoparticles and their interaction with oxide systems were geometry optimised using a damped
supports via the semi-empirical, density-functional MD and interatomic force-field approach, before being
tight binding (DFTB) approach, which potentially electronically minimised in ONETEP and studied
allows thousands of atoms to be simulated using quantum mechanically. Atomic oxygen adsorption
limited computational resources. A model system calculations were then performed on the most exposed
to understand the usefulness of this approach facet, which exhibits fcc-{111} surface symmetry and
has been methane oxidation using Pd supported the least coordinated sites were found to be the most
on titania (TiO 2). This system has a number of strongly binding, agreeing with terrace measurements
complexities, including the metal/ceramic interface from experimental literature.

275 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

methods are being developed to create well defined

(a) (b) nanoparticle samples for use in ambient pressure
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) synchrotron
beamlines (132). The ultimate aim is to bridge the
ubiquitous temperature, pressure and materials gaps
between surface science and real catalysts. The
ambient pressure XPS allows the oxidation of different
sized nanoparticles to be observed as a function of
(c) (d) reactive atmosphere, which in turn can be correlated
back to theoretical predictions. This project is ongoing
and in the future will make use of the forthcoming
versatile soft X-ray (VERSOX) beamline at Diamond
Light Source, Harwell, UK, to develop even further new
understanding of catalysis materials.

6.4 Moving Beyond the Atomic Scale

Fig. 26. Representations of geometrically relaxed
The emerging field of modelling across length scales
nanoparticles, calculated using the different approaches
discussed in the text. (a) Pt309 nanoparticle electrostatic is ideally suited to modelling catalysis since catalyst
potential and (b) Pt309 electron density, both calculated solutions rely not only on the intrinsic chemical
using ONETEP; (c) Pd321 nanoparticle calculated using properties of an active material, but also on the transport
the DFTB + approach; (d) 79 atom Pd/Pt core-shell with a properties of the material at different scales. Figure 27
monolayer of O adsorbed calculated using GPAW
(133) illustrates the case of an automotive monolith,
highlighting the levels that need to be modelled to
The second experimental project is looking at develop a holistic description of the catalytic solution.
methane oxidation, in order to provide data about A complete description of a technical solution includes
nanoparticle surface composition under a reactive gas- describing, for example, the atomic or electronic level
phase atmosphere that in turn can be used to validate of matter, the porous structure of the catalyst layer
theoretical predictions. The project is being run with (at two distinct levels: small nanopores and large
Professor Georg Held, University of Reading, UK, and macropores) and the reactor itself. Furthermore it also

Picosecond Seconds, minutes

Minutes, hours
1000 (mesopores)

Inlet ck (z), T (z) ~1 mm
700 gas
0 z l
~10 cm

500 ~100 nm
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
~10 µm

Fig. 27. Schematic illustrating some of the regimes encountered when modelling a catalyst solution, in this case a monolith
reactor for emission control. Starting at the left hand side we have the intrinsic kinetics resulting from the atomic scale
interactions, moving across to the meso and macroporous structure where diffusion of the reactant gases is necessary to find
the active catalytic sites, finally on the right hand side the macroscale model of the reactor channel in the monolith. (Adapted
from (133))

276 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

requires the study of different time scales ranging from for determining diffusivity that can be utilised in simpler
femtoseconds (the timescale on which the chemistry models of an entire catalytic reactor (144). With the
happens) to years (corresponding to the expected development of ab initio oxidation models a fully holistic
lifetime of the catalyst). A combination of physics, ab initio description of the catalytic system is becoming
chemistry and engineering are required to generate closer.
statistical methods and engineering models, which
along with chemical insight into mechanisms will 7. Research Outlook
provide a more complete picture of the catalytic system.
This project started through a Royal Society This brief review has described some of the projects
Industrial Fellowship held at UCL, Johnson Matthey run within the atomic-scale groups at Johnson Matthey.
Technology Centre and the Institute of Chemical Looking to the future, the following areas appear as
Technology, Prague. Its aim is to look at applying the natural progressions. Broadly speaking there are three
Prague group’s meso-scale methods to simulation of aspects:
transport and reaction in porous catalysts (133–142). Firstly, theoretical development and understanding.
This project has been developing over the last few Continued work on model systems aims to enhance the
years and has an experimental component, which description of nanoparticles and oxides and ultimately
is essentially for benchmarking and validating the bring them together. The description is not just about the
theoretical methods. Through the careful preparation structure of the material, it is perhaps more importantly
of active catalyst it has been possible to construct about using thermodynamic models to understand the
layered catalysts consisting of a uniform active layer state of a catalyst under reaction conditions. If one has
overlaid by an inert layer with well-defined morphology a good model of the catalyst under reaction conditions,
(thickness, porosity, particle size) that serves as a the reaction can be decomposed to its elementary
diffusion layer (Figure 28) (143, 144). steps and the key bond making and breaking that
Through this approach it has been possible, firstly, to controls the activity and reactivity of a given material
validate the computational models by simulating the can be understood.
transport and activity of the precise geometry prepared Secondly, further development of the correlation
in the lab; and secondly, to develop a novel approach between a theoretical understanding of catalyst
to determining the diffusivity of gases through porous structure, activity and stability with experimental
media. This second aspect is important because characterisation. There has undoubtedly been huge
it provides insight into the structural properties of progress in this respect over the last two decades.
the catalyst layer and how they influence its overall However, specific challenges remain. For instance
performance, as well as providing a simple relationship the combination of synthesising ideal shapes and

0.5 0.08
r CO, kmol s–1

0.4 0.06
y CO, %

0.3 0.04

0.2 0.02
0.1 0.00


20 µm

Fig. 28. (a) Scanning electron micrograph depicting the inert alumina layer, active Pt/alumina layer and substrate material; (b)
simulated concentration profile of CO in reconstructed porous media; (c) rate of CO consumption as a function of position in the
porous media. Note the activity is purely located in the active region of the catalyst. (Adapted from (144))

277 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

structured nanoparticles for catalyst testing, with for funding of Collaborative Awards in Science and
advanced characterisation techniques (for example the Engineering (CASE) and doctoral training centre
upcoming VERSOX beamline at Diamond) along with students. Misbah Sarwar acknowledges J. L. Gavartin
the detailed models from ab initio theory, provides an (Accelrys) and the Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
exciting prospect for developing a deep fundamental for support in the iCatDesign project (DTI Project No:
understanding of catalyst materials. /5/MAT/6/I/H0379C). Glenn Jones acknowledges the
Thirdly, the possibility of going beyond catalyst EU for supporting the IMPRESS project (Contract
materials problems to include thermodynamic NMP3-CT-2004-500635, co-funded by the European
modelling (using the MTData code (145)) and Commission in the sixth Framework Programme and
process modelling using tools like gPROMS (146). European Space Agency) and the Royal Society for
Furthermore, traditional materials physics problems supporting his industrial fellowship at UCL (IF090100).
can also be studied, for instance smart materials Ludovic Briquet acknowledges the EU for supporting
where the challenge lies in describing both the his Framework 6 Program Marie-Curie Early Stage
thermodynamic and electronic properties adequately Training studentship. Crispin Cooper gratefully
to make material predictions. Another burgeoning acknowledges support from the EPSRC Collaborative
area is in battery materials technology where Training Account: UCL (GR/T11364/01). Glenn Jones
simulation and modelling will play a significant role. and Crispin Cooper also acknowledge the UK’s super
computing facility for time on HECToR, which has
8. Conclusions now been superseded by ARCHER, through the UK’s
HPC Materials Chemistry Consortium (EPRSC: EP/
To conclude, if the last twenty years have seen growth
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Falsig, A. H. Larsen, H. Lu, J. J. Mortensen, M. Dułak, 128 P. Koskinen and V. Mäkinen, Comput. Mater. Sci.,
K. S. Thygesen, J. K. Nørskov and K. W. Jacobsen, 2009, 47, (1), 237
Catal. Lett., 2011, 141, (8), 1067 129 Á. Ruiz-Serrano and C.-K. Skylaris, J. Chem. Phys.,
109 L. Li, A. H. Larsen, A. H. Romero, V. A. Morozov, 2013, 139, (5), 054107

281 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

130 M. H. Chuma, H. R. Chauke, G. Jones and P. E. 137 V. Novák, F. Štěpánek, P. Kočí, M. Marek and M.
Ngoepe, ‘Parameterization and Validation of Pd and Kubíček, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2010, 65, (7), 2352
Pd Nanoclusters Using SCC-DFTB’, in “Proceedings 138 P. Kočí, F. Štěpánek, M. Kubíček and M. Marek,
of SAIP2013: the 58th Annual Conference of the
Chem. Eng. Sci., 2006, 61, (10), 3240
South African Institute of Physics”, eds. R. Botha
139 M. Marek, Z. Grof, P. Kocí, M. Kohout, J. Kosek and F.
and T. Jili, The 58th Annual Conference of the South
African Institute of Physics, University of Zululand, Štepánek, J. Chem. Eng. Jpn, 2007, 40, (11), 879
South Africa, 8th–12th July, 2013, pp. 8–12 140 F. Štěpánek, M. Marek, J. Hanika and P. M. Adler,
131 L. Jones, K. E. MacArthur, V. T. Fauske, A. T. J. van Catal. Today, 2001, 66, (2–4), 249
Helvoot and P. D. Nellist, Nano Lett., 2014, 14, (11), 141 P. Kočí, F. Štěpánek, M. Kubíček and M. Marek,
6336 Chem. Eng. Sci., 2007, 62, (18–20), 5380
132 R. Price, T. Erlap-Erden, E. Crumlin, S. Garcia, S. 142 P. Kočí, F. Štěpánek, M. Kubíček and M. Marek, Mol.
Rani, R. Smith, G. Jones, L. Deacon, C. Euarusakul Simul., 2007, 33, (4–5), 369
and G. Held, ‘The Partial Oxidation of Methane with
143 V. Novák, P. Kočí, M. Marek, F. Štěpánek, P. Blanco-
Catalytic Pd/Al2O3 Nanoparticles, Studied in-situ
García and G. Jones, Catal. Today, 2012, 188, (1), 62
by Near Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy’, submitted 144 M. Dudák, V. Novák, P. Kočí, M. Marek, P. Blanco-
133 V. Novák, P. Kočí, F. Štěpánek and M. Marek, Ind. García and G. Jones, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2014,
Eng. Chem. Res., 2011, 50, (23), 12904 150–151, 446

134 V. Novák, P. Kočí, F. Štěpánek, M. Kubíček and M. 145 R. H. Davies, A. T. Dinsdale, J. A. Gisby, J. A. J.
Marek, Comput. Chem. Eng., 2011, 35, (5), 964 Robinson and S. M. Martin, Calphad, 2002, 26, (2),
135 J. Kosek, F. Štěpánek and M. Marek, Adv. Chem. 229
Eng., 2005, 30, 137 146 gPROMS, Process Systems Enterprise Ltd, London,
136 P. Kočí, V. Novák, F. Štěpánek, M. Marek and M. UK, 1997–2014:
Kubíček, Chem. Eng. Sci., 2010, 65, (1), 412 (Accessed on 2nd April 2015)

The Authors

Misbah Sarwar is currently a Principal Scientist at Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (JMTC),
Sonning Common, UK. She has an MSci in Chemistry from University College London (UCL), UK,
and a PhD from UCL and the Royal Institution (RI). Misbah joined Johnson Matthey in 2007 to work
on the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) funded project iCatDesign. In April 2014 Misbah joined
the Emission Control Technology research group at JMTC.

Crispin Cooper is a computational chemist working in the JMTC Emission Control research group.
He has a BSc (hons) in Chemistry for Drug Discovery from the University of Bath, UK, and an
EngD in Molecular Modelling and Materials Simulation from UCL. He has recently joined Johnson
Matthey following an industrial postdoctoral project modelling complex metal oxide catalyst

Ludovic Briquet is a Senior Scientist at JMTC, Sonning Common. He gained his PhD in Chemistry
at UCL, UK, in 2010 and specialised in molecular modelling applied to various systems. His main
interests however lie in surface science and catalysis.

282 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

Aniekan Ukpong is a Senior Scientist at JMTC, Pretoria, where he has been working since 2013. He
completed his PhD in Physics at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, in 2008. His research
focuses on the fundamental study of materials from theory to applications.

Christopher Perry originally trained as a bio-inorganic chemist. He became interested in modelling

whilst lecturing at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Prior to that, he completed
two postdoctoral research projects: one in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at
Manchester University, UK, and a second in organic synthesis at the University of the Witwatersrand.
He has been working at Johnson Matthey since 2013 and is a Senior Scientist at JMTC, Pretoria.

Glenn Jones has extensive experience in the fields of surface science, catalysis and computational
materials chemistry. He gained his PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK, before moving to the
Technical University of Denmark as a post-doctoral student. He joined JMTC, Sonning Common,
UK, in 2008 and was awarded a Royal Society Industrial Fellowship in 2010 which he held jointly
between JMTC and UCL. He moved to Pretoria, South Africa, in 2013 to initiate JMTC’s new
modelling laboratory in South Africa, where he is currently Research Manager.

283 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 284–286


In the Lab

Combining Catalyst and Reagent Design for

Electrophilic Alkynylation
Johnson Matthey Technology Review features new laboratory research

Jérôme Waser is an Associate Professor in the

Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at the About the Researcher
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Switzerland. His research focuses on the development
of new reactions based on catalysis and synthons with
non-conventional reactivity.

About the Research

Alkynes are essential building blocks in synthetic and

• Name: Jérôme Waser
medicinal chemistry, materials science and chemical
biology. Due to their linear geometry and electronic • Position: Associate Professor
properties, they are important structural elements in • Department: Institute of Chemical Sciences and
supramolecular assemblies and organic materials. The Engineering
unique reactivity of the triple bond also makes them
• University: EPFL
ideal precursors of other functional groups, not only
in a classical chemistry setting, but also for biological • Street: EPFL SB ISIC LCSO, BCH 4306, Av. Forel 2
applications. The development of new methods to
• City: Lausanne
make alkynes is consequently an important field of
research in fundamental organic chemistry. • Post Code: 1015
The transfer of terminal alkynes is one of the most • Country: Switzerland
successful approaches for introducing triple bonds into
organic molecules. This field has been largely dominated • Email Address:
by the use of acetylide anions or their equivalents as
nucleophiles, due to their ease of formation. Processes Waser’s group have designed new methods for
such as the Sonogashira coupling and the addition the introduction of alkynes into organic molecules
of alkynes to carbonyls are highly reliable and are using transition-metal catalysis and electrophilic
widely used in synthetic chemistry. Nevertheless, alkynylation reagents. The direct alkynylation of
the drawback of this approach is that alkynes can electron-rich heterocycles was developed first
be introduced only to the electrophilic positions of (Scheme I). The group harnessed the unique properties
molecules. If good electrophilic alkyne synthons were of ethynylbenziodoxolone (EBX) reagents for the
available, alkyne chemistry would become even more gold-catalysed alkynylation of indoles, pyrroles,
versatile for applications in chemistry and in biology. thiophenes and furans. The cyclic hypervalent iodine

284 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

C–H Alkynylation: most electron-rich position Domino cyclisation-alkynylation: unreactive position

R R1
R2 MeO N
AuCl catalyst SiiPr3
O I SiiPr3 O I
Room temperature, F 3C AuIII or PtII catalyst
O open flasks F3 C Room temperature,
open flasks

R R R R1
R1 i
N S O Pr3Si
H SiiPr3N SiiPr3 SiiPr3 N
C2-pyrroles and C3-indoles C2-thiophenes C2-furans C3-furans C5 and C6-indoles
48–93% 48–83% 45–90% 53–97% 31–84%
21 examples 21 examples 12 examples 12 examples 24 examples

Scheme I. Gold and platinum-catalysed C–H alkynylation vs. domino cyclisation functionalisation for accessing alkynylated

reagent 1-[(triisopropylsilyl)ethynyl]-1,2-benziodoxol- To access triple bonds on other positions of aromatic

3(1H)-one (TIPS-EBX) (Figure 1) was initially rings, the group decided to use a new strategy
discovered by Zhdankin and although it displays an based on a domino cyclisation-alkynylation process
enhanced stability in the presence of transition metals, (Scheme I). This approach was first applied to the
it still acts as a strong electrophilic alkyne source. The synthesis of 3-alkynylated furans starting from allene
alkynylation of heterocycles with TIPS-EBX is a user- ketones. The key for success was electronic tuning of
friendly method, which proceeds in open flasks at the hypervalent reagent, with TIPS-F6-EBX being most
room temperature and can tolerate a broad range of successful. The synthesis of indoles alkynylated on
functional groups. the benzene ring is even more challenging, due to the
The developed C–H alkynylation is highly selective much higher reactivity of the pyrrole ring. In this case,
for the most electron-rich position of heterocycles. no successful C–H functionalisation method has yet
been reported. Using the platinum-catalysed domino
cyclisation-alkynylation of homopropargylic alkynyl
pyrrole ethers, 5- or 6-alkynylated indoles could be
synthesised in good yield and selectivity. Overall, the
domino strategy is therefore highly complementary to
C–H alkynylation.
To introduce alkynes onto C–sp3 centres, Waser’s
group focused on the metal-catalysed multi-
functionalisation of olefins. The intramolecular oxy-
and amino-alkynylation of olefins using TIPS-EBX and
a palladium(II) catalyst to give lactones and lactams
at room temperature in open flasks was developed
first (Scheme II). To access tetrahydrofurans and
pyrrolidines, the combination of a Pd(0) catalyst and
alkynyl bromides was more successful. In this case,
the reaction was run at 65ºC under inert gas. Currently,
Fig. 1. X-ray structure of TIPS-EBX
the transformation cannot be made intermolecularly.

285 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

22 examples O R O Me SiiPr3 10 examples

R3 43–87%
55–92% R3
O I SiiPr3
20 examples N R Br R R 3
O SiiPr3 10 examples
51–86% R3 69–83%
Pd0 catalyst PdII catalyst R2
R1 65ºC, N2 Room temperature,
F3C XH 2 O
28 examples 4 O R2 R3 R X 20 examples
R R1 R 3
NTs SiiPr3
51–98% R N Y 50–89%
R3 R2

Scheme II. Palladium-catalysed olefin oxy- and amino-alkynylation

Nevertheless the group recently reported a first step Y. Li and J. Waser, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54,
in this direction by the use of an in situ tethering (18), 5438
strategy for palladium-catalysed synthesis of vicinal
Y. Li, J. P. Brand and J. Waser, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,
aminoalcohols bearing an alkyne group starting directly
2013, 52, (26), 6743
from allyl amines. The use of trifluoroacetaldehyde in
its commercially available hemiacetal form as a tether J. P. Brand and J. Waser, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, (11),
played an important role in this reaction. 4165
In conclusion, the metal-catalysed electrophilic S. Nicolai, C. Piemontesi and J. Waser, Angew. Chem. Int.
alkynylation approach has allowed heterocyclic and Ed., 2011, 50, (20), 4680
aliphatic alkynes to be synthesised with high efficiency.
S. Nicolai and J. Waser, Org. Lett., 2011, 13, (23), 6324
The obtained products are expected to be highly useful
as building blocks in synthetic and medicinal chemistry, J. P. Brand and J. Waser, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010,
as well as in materials science. 49, (40), 7304

S. Nicolai, S. Erard, D. Fernández González and J. Waser,

Selected Publications Org. Lett., 2010, 12, (2), 384

U. Orcel and J. Waser, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, J. P. Brand, J. Charpentier and J. Waser, Angew. Chem.
(17), 5250 Int. Ed., 2009, 48, (49), 9346

286 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3), 287–289


Johnson Matthey Highlights

A selection of recent publications by Johnson Matthey R&D staff and

EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES The significance of palladium-catalysed ɑ-arylation

methods are discussed and a number of case studies
Increased NO2 Concentration in the Diesel Engine
have been included.
Exhaust for Improved Ag/Al2O3 Catalyst NH3-SCR
Activity The Effects of 1-pentyne Hydrogenation on the Atomic
W. Wang, J. M. Herreros, A. Tsolakis and A. P. E. York, Structures of Size-selected AuN and PdN (N = 923 and
Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 270, 582 2057) Nanoclusters
Fast-SCR was investigated for NOx reduction in internal K.-J. Hu, S. R. Plant, P. R. Ellis, C. M. Brown, P. T.
combustion engines. H2 addition was found to increase Bishop and R. E. Palmer, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
NO2 formation over a Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. This led to 2014, 16, (48), 26631
an improved NH3-SCR activity at low temperature. It The variation in atomic structures of size-selected Au
is concluded that NO2 formation before the Ag/Al2O3 and Pd nanoclusters (containing 923 and 2057 atoms)
catalyst either in the engine or a Pt/Al2O3 based DOC supported on amorphous carbon films before and after
will improve SCR performance. This NO2 promotion being exposed to the vapour-phase hydrogenation
effect was less at higher temperatures. of 1-pentyne was studied. The populations of the
nanoclusters were studied at atomic resolution before
Thermochemical Recovery Technology for Improved
and after the reaction using an aberration-corrected
Modern Engine Fuel Economy – Part 1: Analysis of a
high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning
Prototype Exhaust Gas Fuel Reformer
transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The
D. Fennell, J. Herreros, A. Tsolakis, K. Cockle, J. Pignon atomic structures of the observed nanoclusters were
and P. Millington, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, (44), 35252 determined by comparing the multi-slice HAADF-STEM
Reformed exhaust gas recirculation (REGR) provides and experimental images for a full range of cluster
H2 to the combustion process to recover heat from orientations. The results show that Au nanoclusters
exhaust and improve fuel conversion efficiency. A full consisting of 923 ± 20 and 2057 ± 45 atoms are robust
scale prototype reformer for gasoline direct injection and exhibit high structural stability. A big proportion of
engines is presented and its performance is assessed. Pd923 ± 26 nanoclusters, on the other hand, appear to be
The performance is better at higher temperatures with amorphous before the treatment and after the reaction
a decline in performance at lower exhaust temperature. were found to exhibit high symmetry structures which
The reformate quality is also dependent on process suggests the reduction of oxidised Pd nanoclusters in
temperature and reactant composition. reaction conditions.


Palladium-Catalyzed ɑ-Arylation Reactions in Total
Synthesis Stereoselective Synthesis of the Halaven C14-C26
S. T. Sivanandan, A. Shaji, I. Ibnusaud, C. C. C. Fragment from D-Quinic Acid: Crystallization-Induced
Johansson Seechurn and T. J. Colacot, Eur. J. Org. Diastereoselective Transformation of an α-Methyl Nitrile
Chem., 2015, (1), 38 F. Belanger, C. E. Chase, A. Endo, F. G. Fang, J. Li,
S. R. Mathieu, A. Z. Wilcoxen and H. Zhang, Angew.
New methods for synthesising natural products and
Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, (17), 5108
active pharmaceutical ingredients have been explored
using palladium-catalysed ɑ-arylation of carbonyl A series of substrate controlled stereoselective reactions
compounds. The advantages of this particular method with crystalline intermediates was carried out via an
are an increase in the overall yield, an improved α-methyl nitrile to produce a C14–C26 fragment of
synthesis scope and a reduction in the number of steps. halichondrin B/Halaven. The synthesis does not require

287 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

chromatography and relies entirely on crystallisation

for quality control. D-quinic acid is the starting material, [010] [110] [1010]
providing all four chiral centres, and is readily available. [001] [0110]
Raw material cost and waste are both reduced by the
present synthesis.

A Halogen- and Hydrogen-Bonding [2]Catenane for

Anion Recognition and Sensing
J. M. Mercurio, A. Caballero, J. Cookson and P. D. Beer,
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, (12), 9298
Halogen bonding has been little explored outside the
areas of solid state crystal engineering. A novel halogen
bonding rotaxane structure was prepared for use in [100] [111] [0001]
anion recognition and exhibits good anion recognition [010] [110] [1010]
and sensing properties. An ion templated Grubbs’ II-
[001] [001] [0110]
catalysed RCM clipping mechanical bond forming
Reproduced by permission of the PCCP Owner Societies
was used to synthesise the structure which contains
from J. L. R. Yates, G. H. Spikes and G. Jones, Phys.
both halogen- and hydrogen-bonding macrocyclic
Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, (6), 4250
components. 1H NMR spectroscopy and fluorescence
titration experiments were carried out and showed that
the new structure can strongly associate with acetate is needed to rationally design better catalysts by
and dihydrogen phosphate. surface tailoring. Electronic and geometric effects of
various metals on unsupported Pd nanocrystals were
investigated using the decomposition of HCOOH
to H2 and CO2 as a probe reaction. Bi was found to
Platinum-carbide Interactions: Core-shells for Catalytic occupy high index sites causing a decrease in HCOOH
Use dehydration, Te occupies terrace sites which reduces
J. L. R. Yates, G. H. Spikes and G. Jones, Phys. Chem. the dehydrogenation rate while Ag induced strong
Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, (6), 4250 electronic effects and increased the activity of the Pd
surface sites. Ag and Bi were concluded to be the
Five carbides (TiC, NbC, TaC, WC and SiC) were
most effective additives for a surface reaction, while Te
investigated using density functional theory with the aim
should be added at corner sites to promote the desired
of determining their suitability as core-shell components
reaction route.
in fuel cell applications. The fcc forms of the carbides
were compared with hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Surfactant Mediated CO2 Adsorption: The Role of the
WC and zinc blende SiC and the latter was found to Coimpregnation Species
support Pt overlayers on surfaces, therefore, showing
C. M. Starkie, A. Amieiro-Fonseca, S. P. Rigby, T. C.
potential for full Pt encapsulation. The transition metal
Drage and E. H. Lester, Energy Procedia, 2014, 63,
surface resonances (TMSRs) play a vital role during the
adsorption of Pt on fcc (111) carbide surfaces and fcc 2323
(100) was found to be adverse towards Pt adsorption. Carbon capture and storage requires novel, second
Reduced oxygen adsorption energies was displayed by generation adsorbent systems to potentially reduce
several Pt-WC surfaces during the oxygen adsorption costs associated with this technology. Solid supported
study; the authors conclude that ORR activity should be amines have been investigated. These consist of basic
promoted or maintained with respect to nanoparticulate amines either tethered or impregnated on silica or
Pt catalysts. alumina and co-impregnated with surfactant additives.
The mechanisms of adsorption of these systems were
PROCESS TECHNOLOGIES studied and they were shown to have 55% improved
Dual Doping Effects (Site Blockage and Electronic working capacity relative to single component systems.
Promotion) Imposed by Adatoms on Pd Nanocrystals Triethanolamine and sodium dodecylsulfate produced
for Catalytic Hydrogen Production the best adsorbent properties.
S. Jones, S. M. Fairclough, M. Gordon-Brown, W. The Synergistic Effect in the Fe-Co Bimetallic Catalyst
Zheng, A. Kolpin, B. Pang, W. C. H. Kuo, J. M. Smith System for the Growth of Carbon Nanotube Forests
and S. C. E. Tsang, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, (1), 46
D. Hardeman, S. Esconjauregui, R. Cartwright, S.
Additives based on polymer or metal adatoms can Bhardwaj, L. D’Arsié, D. Oakes, J. Clark, C. Cepek, C.
modify the electronic structure of metal nanoparticles Ducati and J. Robertson, J. Appl. Phys., 2015, 117, (4),
but greater understanding of atomic level effects 044308

288 © 2015 Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev., 2015, 59, (3)

The growth of multi-walled carbon nanotube forests using steel. The ODS steel was irradiated simultaneously with
an active bimetallic Fe-Co catalyst was investigated. Fe8+, He+ and H+ at room temperature to a damage
When this bimetallic catalyst system was compared of 4.4 dpa at the Joint Accelerators for Nanosciences
to pure Fe or Co a synergistic effect is observed. and NUclear Simulation (JANNUS) Saclay facility. The
The height of the forests was considerably increased authors concluded that ODS nanoparticles are very
and an improvement of the homogeneity in the
stable under these irradiation conditions.
as-grown nanotubes was found. The catalyst system
was characterised using energy dispersive spectroscopy An Experimental Investigation of Biodiesel Steam
and in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The Reforming
authors conclude that the growth rate of the nanotubes
is greatly improved in the presence of Fe and Co. S. Martin, G. Kraaij, T. Ascher, D. Wails and A. Wörner,
Intl. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40, (1), 95
TEM Characterization of Simultaneous Triple Ion
Implanted ODS Fe12Cr The optimum operating conditions of a proprietary
precious metal based catalyst for biodiesel steam
V. de Castro, M. Briceno, S. Lozano-Perez, P. Trocellier,
S. G. Roberts and R. Pareja, J. Nucl. Mater., 2014, 455, reforming was investigated with the aim of preventing
(1–3), 157 catalyst deactivation. Different operating conditions
include varying the temperature from 600ºC to 800ºC,
The performance of oxide dispersion strengthened
applying different pressure from 1 bar to 5 bar and
(ODS) ferritic/martensitic steels under irradiation is
altering the molar steam-to-carbon ratio from 3 to 5.
studied. This is essential in the design of advanced fusion
reactors. Transmission electron microscopy was used Coke formation and sintering have been determined
to characterise a simultaneous triple ion implanted ODS as the main deactivation mechanisms. The authors
Fe12Cr steel with the aim of investigating the impact of conclude that coking can be reduced by using low feed
irradiation on the grain and dislocation structures, oxide flow rates (31 g h–1 cm–2) and a relatively high catalyst
nanoparticles and other secondary phases present in inlet temperature (>750ºC).

289 © 2015 Johnson Matthey

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technology in industrial applications
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Manager Dan Carter
Editor Sara Coles
Editorial Assistant Ming Chung

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